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14531288 No.14531288 [Reply] [Original]

>We need to reframe how we think about the uterus. The uterus is not a nurturing organ; it doesn't need to be. A fetus is frighteningly good at getting the resources it needs to nurture itself; if placental cells are implanted anywhere other than the uterus, (most often the fallopian tube, but also sometimes the bladder, the intestine, the pelvic muscles and connective tissue, and the liver) they will rip through a body, slaughtering everything in their path as they seek out arteries to slake their hunger for nutrients. A fetus will happily grow in any of these places, digesting and puncturing tissue, paralysing and enlarging arteries, raising blood pressure to feed itself more, faster, ( it's no coincidence that genes involved in embryonic development have been implicated in how cancer spreads) but it will be unable to be ejected.

>Rather than a soft cosy nest, a uterus is a fortress designed to protect the pregnant person from the developing cells inside them. Because of our huge and (metabolically speaking) expensive brains, human fetal development requires unrestricted access to a parent's blood supply, which makes pregnancy (and miscarriage too btw) incredibly dangerous for the carrier. The uterus has evolved to control and restrict whether placental cells can get that access, and to eject the fetus before it develops enough to kill the host. The function of the uterus is to protect the parent's life. The very structure of the uterus very firmly prioritises the life of the parent over the life of the fetus.

>> No.14531290

>Even with modern medical care, at least 800 people die EVERY DAY from pregnancy- and childbirth-related causes, according to WHO data. Among developed countries, the United States has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world, and Texas has one of the highest rates within that. This rate disproportionately impacts the poor, and BIPOC.

>Pregnancy is not a joke. It is a life-threatening event, a parasitic attack on a human body; just one we have romanticised and been desensitised to. The miracle of birth is that we have a specialised protective organ designed to, if all goes well, let us survive it. It doesn't always go well. It is life or death. Someone who chooses to get pregnant, stay pregnant, and carry a fetus to delivery is legitimately choosing to risk their life to do it. Nobody else has the right to make anyone do that, and nobody should be punished or vilified for not wanting to do it.


>> No.14531301

No one cares. Feminism is a severe mental illness and abortion should be illegal.

>> No.14531306


>> No.14531310

Because fuck you.

>> No.14531312

I'm curious, whom are you quoting? I'm squeamish about eutherian reproduction myself, and glad I can never get pregnant without major mad-scientist style intervention.

>> No.14531315

Here come the trannies.

>> No.14531329

Needlessly verbose and applying arbitrary values.

>> No.14531330

>Needlessly verbose
The leftist academoid version of security by obscurity.

>> No.14531347

You think you wouldn't get an ectopic pregnancy if an evil mad scientist injected blastocytes into your abdominal cavity?

>> No.14531364

I think you're a tranny because you don't have a womb, yet you have strong opinions about being pregnant.

>> No.14531378

can't you have strong opinions on pregnancies because you appreciate women and want their lives to be made easier ?

>> No.14531383

>Even with modern medical care, at least 800 people die EVERY DAY from pregnancy- and childbirth-related causes, according to WHO data. Among developed countries, the United States has one of the highest rates of maternal mortality in the world, and Texas has one of the highest rates within that. This rate disproportionately impacts the poor, and BIPOC
i fucking hate when blogs and articles do this shit, and it's how i know that they are clickbait and full of shit. that paragraph contains literally no useful information, is 800 people a lot? compared to what? which countries did you look at to get that number, how do you define modern medical care, did you take into account things like diseases or traffic accidents or whatever, and if so how? who cares if the United States has one of the highest rates? is it the second highest, or the 20th highest? why should i care about texas, how does it fare against the other states? how much resources does texas put into maternal care compared to other states, doesn't it make a difference?

it's garbage

>> No.14531389

I don't have strong opinions; I just think it's icky.
But believe what you want to believe.

>> No.14531393

You can be a hardcore simp, I guess, but "I'm squeamish about eutherian reproduction myself"? That sounds like something only a woman could utter, but you don't have a womb...

>> No.14531396

>I don't have strong opinions
You also don't have a womb, tranny. lol. YWNBAW.

>> No.14531400

not a massive simp, just working in healthcare and regularly smashing tight pussies
don't know about trannies, still think abortion is no big deal and should be left as a choice to women

>> No.14531404

Massive simp. Also you will never feel the inside of a woman.

>> No.14531437
File: 374 KB, 750x568, atheism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nobody cares about your opinion, you're just a stupid clump of cells.

>> No.14531461

American health care isn't good. Being born in the country is a death sentence waiting to happen from medical malpractice at any point.

>> No.14531477

dude, are you in highschool ?
there are people on this board who have jobs at hospitals and normal social lives where they enjoy spending time with people of the opposite sex you know
if you can't process that kind of universe, you're better off posting on reddit, or some other hugbox shithole for lonely losers

>> No.14531487
File: 71 KB, 568x730, glowniggerjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how dare you post nonconformist ideas and opinions on 4chan!!!
>i'm am an NPC and proud of it!!!

>> No.14531493

And you think you're not an NPC by venerating the gods of capitalism to make sure you're not cucked out of an extra taxpayer? You deserve the handlers you whine about.

>> No.14531495

>frustrated chump drivel
nice meme bro

>> No.14531497
File: 275 KB, 1080x1286, glownigger BUTTHURT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>glownigger butthurt

>> No.14531507

>nuh uh, you're just a glowfag!
The cuck cries out in pain as it's called out on its shit

>> No.14531863
File: 829 KB, 1170x1692, 1654027962468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's talk about this during breakfast tomorrow.

>> No.14531898

My thoughts are that trying to define the organisms/species mode of reproduction and passing on genetic material as "parasitic" is inherently against the tenets of evolution via natural selection.
You can not in any way define an organisms way of passing on genetic material as parasitic, it's not possible, as the very goal of an organism evolutionarily speaking is to pass on it's genetic material in whatever fashion, and thus the relationship can never be parasitic in principle.

>> No.14532055

What the fuck.

>> No.14532102

How much red dye is in the Uter-O's?

>> No.14532210

extremely flawed perspective. The very promise is distorted. So the OP is in fact a parasite, which makes every human being a parasite, and by default, the entire process parasitic sequence?! Love, nurturing, hope, and foundational observations of the law of the universe all goes out wiht these people!

>> No.14533805

>there are people on this board who have jobs at hospitals and normal social lives where they enjoy spending time with people of the opposite sex you know
I doubt it, but in any case, you're not one of them, virgin.

>dude, are you in highschool ?
Was I the one bragging about how he fucks le heckin' girls in their tight pussies when it's completely irrelevant?

>> No.14533850

While the OP quote is hyperbole in service of politics, there is actually value in recognising that the interests of parent and child do not always align. It is, obviously, selectively advantageous for an animal to reproduce, but that doesn't necessarily mean that ensuring the survival of any individual offspring will maximise lifetime reproductive success. This is why some animals will eat their own young in times of resource stress - their lifetime success, on average, will be better served by writing this litter off and trying again next season.
That's obviously not advantageous for the offspring getting eaten though. Understanding this conflict of interest helps to interpret some aspects of foetal development. The foetus (and later child) 'wants' the mother to commit more resources than would be ideal for the mother.

>> No.14533854

>there is actually value in recognising that the interests of parent and child do not always align
There is no value in being an internet contrarian and validating profoundly mentally ill and degenerate feminist rhetoric to any degree.

>> No.14533857

>Nooo! Don't try and move the conversation onto science on a science board!!! We have to keep taking about the politics!!
I hate this fucking place.

>> No.14533867
File: 234 KB, 900x900, 1610719384708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i heckin' hate this placerinoooooooooo!! it won't let me talk about le heckin' scierinoooooooss!!!
Why did you reply to a non-science thread if you wanted to talk about science?

>> No.14535563


I've never thought about how eating babies and trying again can make a lot of sense. It doesn't make sense to feed a child so much that you both succumb to starvation.

Are there any animals that eat their babies just for the sake of it?

>> No.14535697


>> No.14535893

No womb no woman