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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14527732 No.14527732 [Reply] [Original]

Share scientific racism works that are impossible to find through mainstream sources. Is it a credible science. Are some races really superior?

>> No.14527734

It's called Critical Race Theory and it's very mainstream.

>> No.14527740

I don't think any mainstream 'Critical Race Theory' work would be unbiased. I am looking for studies that have been conducted solely for the advancement of science. Nazi propaganda won't do as well.

>> No.14527753

You may be able to find works of discredited academics and go down the rabbit hole but I don't think any serious research has been done in this area.

>> No.14527760

So you're just looking for older propaganda? The same people who are pushing critical race theory today were the one who profited from the slave trade in the 18th century and who created "scientific racism" in order to justify it against European morality which opposed slavery.

>> No.14527792

No, I am looking to learn the actual physical and mental differences among races. Do you claim there are none and it's all propaganda?

>> No.14527806

As long as you're looking for "scientific racism" you're literally asking for propaganda. If you want an unbiased view then study other ethnicity's culture, history and language, and figure out the differences on your own. But you're most likely too lazy and biased to do this.

>> No.14527855
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>> No.14528327

They are out there it's forbidden science like how how it used to be with the earth revolving around the sun. But here's what I got so far.
Charles Darwin
On The Origin of Species
On the Descent of Man

Sir Francis GALTON
Hereditary Genius

Look up books by Charles Davenport.

>> No.14528354
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>Are some races really superior?
are you joking?

>> No.14528583

Siberia is an european colony

>> No.14528587

How is turkey under european control? Turkey was a colonizer of europeans

>> No.14528697

>Russia is Europe
Looks like some czar rooted imperial inferiority to me.

>> No.14528739

Western Russia is european, siberia is a russian colonial empire

>> No.14528762

If you say so czar cuck, the Slavic people, my people, are the Cossacks not imperialist boot lickers trying to gain daddies approval.

>> No.14529102

>So you're just looking for older propaganda? The same people who are pushing critical race theory today were the one who profited from the slave trade in the 18th century and who created "scientific racism" in order to justify it against European morality which opposed slavery

>> No.14530895
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>> No.14531384

Cossacks are european

>> No.14531420

The Bell Curve
Charles Murray is the Devil
Quite based, quite based

>> No.14531430
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>> No.14531444
File: 284 KB, 599x502, Dear White Haters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The white race gave practically everything to the modern world.

>> No.14532175

except common sense

>> No.14532253

If you're a moron, sure. One of the fundamental premises of why Cossacks are based is their rejection of Russian imperialist's attempts at making Russian culture to fall more in line with Europe's nobles, but sure the mountain tribe people originated on the continent of Europe so there is that.

>> No.14532517

>European morality which opposed slavery

>> No.14532648

>Are some races really superior?
EVERYONE knows the answer to that. Some won't admit it. Some are too pussified to admit it.

>> No.14532699

>If you want an unbiased view then study other ethnicity's culture, history and language, and figure out the differences on your own.
These are strictly qualitative things. Presumably OP is looking for quantitative, statistical data.

>> No.14533137

im guessing they are counting ottoman occupation during ww1? Which is a stretch

>> No.14534168

It shouldn’t be about race, there are plenty of whites, Jews and Asians that act like niggers. Europeans are in denial about it but many of them a niggers too. America is a majority niggers

>> No.14536652


>Nobel Prize-winning American scientist James Watson has been stripped of his honorary titles after repeating comments about race and intelligence.

>In a TV programme, the pioneer in DNA studies made a reference to a view that genes cause a difference on average between blacks and whites on IQ tests.

>In 2007, the scientist, who once worked at the University of Cambridge's Cavendish Laboratory, told the Times newspaper that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours - whereas all the testing says not really".

>While his hope was that everybody was equal, he added, "people who have to deal with black employees find this is not true".


>> No.14536655

racism is the first step in the right direction, it means you have noticed that clearly, the world is divided into people that live righteously and people that live unrighteously.
take the actual red pill and search for the best possible character traits instead and then make sure to live them. racism will only make you complain about the shortcomings of others.

>> No.14538437
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>> No.14538440
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>> No.14538443
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>> No.14538445
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>> No.14538447
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>> No.14538450
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>> No.14538455
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>> No.14538457
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>> No.14538460
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>> No.14538465
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>> No.14538466

Why is poortugal considered part of Europe in this map?

>> No.14538473
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>> No.14538475
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>> No.14538482

mongoloid is a retrovirus that first infected the human genome in 7000BC, it went on to genocide the entire Asian continent of Caucasoids. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in empathy, compassion, beauty, sexual dimorphism, intelligence, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that mongoloids tend to lack.
mongoloidism is caused by a virus/bioweapon and it's going to destroy the West. mongoloidism has genocided native Caucasoids in Asia and caused total civilizational collapses multiple times before in history, and over the past century we've been experiencing another outbreak
East Asians have much higher rates of an Oxytocin-receptor genetic mutation that affects the shape and number of the receptors in their body, which results in a greatly diminished ability to empathize with others or fall in love. It actually explains *a lot* about how they act as a race and regard other living things.

The mutation (SNP) that causes this is located at rs53576.

>> No.14538487

"there is sometinh lacking in asiatics"

>> No.14538493

now let's talk about hybridization

>> No.14538498
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>race mixing


Some malformation phenotypes appear to vary in their risk based on mixed racial-ethnic groupings.


Mixed race black and white couples face higher odds of prematurity and low birth weight, which appear to contribute to the substantially higher demonstrated risk for stillbirth.


Adolescents who identify themselves as mixed race are at higher health and behavior risk than those of 1 race.


Mixed-race patients struggle to find marrow donors


A variant of the gene ApoE4 is a strong genetic risk factor for early-onset Alzheimer's disease, and the characteristic most likely to raise or lower that risk is race.

>> No.14538500

>part 2

Outbreeding depression
Asian-white couples face distinct pregnancy risks, Stanford/Packard study finds
1/3 of hapas (white+asian) suffer from mental illness
Most congenital problems are more common on mixed-race babies:
Race mixing can trigger dental problems (in Portuguese, talking about this problem in Brazil)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WH7narf8Kzc [Embed]
Prematurity and Low Birth Weight are a lot more common in mixed-race babies
Mixed-race people have the highest mental illness rates:
Organ donations must be from person with the same race and similar genetics, due to this, mixed-race people for having peculiar genetic combinations face challenges when they try to receive organ donations
Teenagers who identify as mixed-race have greater health and behavioural risks than those who identify with only one race:
Mulatto teenagers show much more anti-social behaviour than both black and whites teenagers:

>> No.14538502

>part 3
Race can affect IVF outcome
"the study found that South Asian Indian, South Asian Bangladeshi, South Asian Pakistani, Black African, and Other Asian women had a significantly lower odds of a live birth than White British women."
Less successful for Asians
presumably due to higher testosterone (dat manjaw and bad WHR)
Lower odds of non-white live birth

White/Black babies are less healthy than White babies.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2867623/
>Mixed race couples are more likely to have stillborn babies than same-race couples.
Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15994621
>Black-White children are more likely than both Black and Whites to make poor decisions.
Source: http://www.nber.org/papers/w14192
>Mixed race kids suffer from low self-esteem, social isolation, and poor family dynamics.
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/
>Mixed race children are more likely to have health problems, high stress, smoke, and drink.
Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448064/
>interracial people cannot receive bone marrow transplants.
Source: http://content.time.com/time/health/article/0,8599,1993074,00.html

>> No.14538511

Why did they pick three cuties and then that poor abbo woman? Couldn't they find a fairer example?

>> No.14538523
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you don't know how abos are?

>> No.14538528
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the woman on the right is only half abo

>> No.14538725
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>> No.14538728

A true visionary

>> No.14538736

italians aren't white

>> No.14539941

I don't think the people pushing for CRT were alive back then.

>> No.14541082

whiter than you mutt

>> No.14541140

Look up FBI crime data before Obama was elected. The FBI changed how they started collecting data during that administration.

>> No.14541182


>> No.14541733

Those aren't scientific works, those are shitty articles written by a bunch of midwits.

>> No.14541776

Science is unironically a racist platform. The more diversity we can get into science the better. I am not joking, sarcastic, or engaging in irony. I would like to see every white male responsible for the last two years scientific works to be fired from their job and replaced by diverse folk.

>> No.14541845
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Give up truth for some ephemeral story line. Yep that about sums it up.

Do you think science would "change" if the majority of scientists were Chinese then?

Becuase they are.

>> No.14541871

I don't really care, lol. I just want the scientists from the last two years to lose their jobs.

>> No.14542291

i see you shlomo

>> No.14542292


this was the keystone idea for me

>> No.14543602

>"Homo Sapien" in the infograph
The image shows we're not homogeneous mixtures of various prehistoric hominids, so we're not a singular race.

>> No.14543911

i didnt know /sci/ also had /pol/tards

>> No.14544024

you're never gonna be a woman

>> No.14544031
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And thank god for that. Still doesn't mean /pol/tards should be dwelling on my board

>> No.14544386

I have never seen a credible argument to refute exhibits >>14538437 through >>14538475

Solid science underpins the majority.

Most /pol/tards cant even spell alleles.

>> No.14544553

>I have never seen a credible argument to refute exhibits >>14538437

The danger of that is that most white people are dumb as shit too, and will interpret something statistical like that as saying all white people are smarter than all black people.

>> No.14544579

Possibly - but I think you underestimate the empathy of most whites. I honestly believe that most just don't care and will happily get along with anyone.

The real danger is carrying on as if there are no racial differences and any inequality is solely due to evil whites (specifically males). We are progressing from the sublime to ridiculous in making up excuses for others. And none of it is having the "desired" effect.

This is a sure fire way to trigger the unstable types (in any race).

>> No.14544583

>Be proud /sci/ elite
>Instead presenting powerful countrr-argument using your knowledge
>Just say they're from /pol/, like reddit sheep NPC
What a smartass, congrats

>> No.14546696

yea but african KANGZ can jump 3 inches higher on average so we be being superior 'n shit cracka

>> No.14546713

>The danger of that is that most white people are dumb as shit too
You can call most white people dumb as shit but they are still on average a standard deviation more intelligent than blacks.
The only thing your comment does is contextualize how truly retarded blacks are on average.

>> No.14546964

>but they are still on average
>how truly retarded blacks are on average
My whole point is the "on average" part which is something people tend to just gloss over when reading something like your own sentences.

>> No.14547031

This is BS. Swahili and other African languages indicate time in verbs, and they can represent abstract concepts. I'm unaware of any language that can't represent abstract concepts or any culture that doesn't include them.
This gets into territory that's more history than science, but it's also definitely false. Gratuitous and brutal violence is unfortunately found everywhere on Earth, and within living memory countries and peoples that are now relatively peaceful were behaving like monsters.

>> No.14547044

4chan screenshots are hardly a reliable source of information. If you want firsthand accounts of what's wrong in ZA, ask some people from there. They'll be GLAD to rant about what's wrong.

>> No.14547234

>Swahili and other African languages indicate time in verbs, and they can represent abstract concepts
Actually no. When the missionaries first entered uncolonized Africa in an attempt to convert the heathens, they gave the African language structure and tenses and an ability to tack together abstract concepts.

Stop and think what it means not have a numbering system, written words and therefore absolutely no way to calculate future events.

Meet me next week? Say what?

Even the missionaries noted in their letters a "lack of calculational ability and an "imprecise" division of time. African temporal reference was limited to today, tomorrow, yesterday or somewhere into the future or the past.

Thats it.

Stop writing shit. Every letter and word, tense and abstract concept in the African dictionaries were written by whites for and behalf of them.
