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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 457 KB, 689x828, 1643487713265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14527365 No.14527365 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a proven, causal, scientific connection between Japanese child porn comics and actual crimes committed against real children?
Are fans of Japanese child porn comics prevalent amongst the ranks of people convicted of those crimes?

>> No.14527436

Drawings should not be illegal. If you support this you are a deranged fascist.

Reminder that drawings can get you arrested in most western countries, but videos of real children getting murdered are completely fine.

>Sexual drawings of children encourage actual child rape
What about violent films? Does that encourage violence? That's the exact same line of logic.

>> No.14527445
File: 2.05 MB, 3606x5409, 1653382162890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What about violent films? Does that encourage violence?
Violent films can encourage violence. But most of the time, it just scares and entertain people. Drawings of little girls being fucked sold as porn is porn, it means some men jerk off to it and have fantasies about it. Little girls cannot consent the way a woman consents to have sex. They are not aware of the danger, and are most likely forced and intimidated.

>> No.14527446

There are studies that prove the more child pornography (without harming real children, like japanese drawings) a society has, the less likely it is to commit rape on a child, because pedos are able to release their sexual tensions without harming children

>> No.14527456

>Violent films can encourage violence.
So it does encourage violence. As do violent video games. I'm sure there are plenty of amateur murder simulators.

>it means some men jerk off to it and have fantasies about it.
Which pedos will do anyway, do you want to ban imagination too?

I am not arguing in defense of children being raped, you don't need to remind me that that is bad. I'm arguing in defense of lines drawn on paper.

>> No.14527460

Yes pedos refer to this all the time. Can you actually post them?

>> No.14527480

>Drawings should not be illegal
judging people's character by the art they prefer will always be legal, if you want to jack off to pedo art then it is reasonable to presume you are a pedo. being a pedo is illegal.
>collecting freshly severed human heads should not be illegal, just because you collect freshly severed human heads doesn't mean that you're a serial killer, maybe there a convoluted, hand wringing sob story which explains the severed head collection innocently

>> No.14527483
File: 160 KB, 1080x1350, tumblr_p5pcesEoTO1qg397go1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Which pedos will do anyway, do you want to ban imagination too?
Yes you're right.
>I'm arguing in defense of lines drawn on paper.
Shouldn't we at least ban it from being sold? People could create a market out of it. It could push many men (and women too) to develop a desire for it. Imagine being fed child porn. I literally turned into an architect after consuming to much porn with curvy women.

>> No.14527486

>being a pedo is illegal.
Being a pedophile is not illegal under any law of any country. Various actions relating to pedophilic attraction are illegal, such as child molestation and possession of cp. Are you being dishonest, or just stupid?

Drawings should not be illegal. If you support this you are a deranged fascist.

>> No.14527488
File: 8 KB, 247x204, 1651749245356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a pedo is illegal.
As much as it disgusts us, I don't see how could being a pedophile be a crime. Do you think they chose to be attracted to children ? We shouldn't be too emotional.

>> No.14527491

>People could create a market out of it. It could push many men (and women too) to develop a desire for it.
This can be extended the the entire controversy of pornography. A lot of people accuse pornography of having detrimental effects on society. I however remain in favor of drawings not be illegal.

Also how do you develop an attraction like that? Are you saying that if I watch lots of pornography of obese women I'll stop finding them gross?

>> No.14527493

It isn't a crime, and if it were it would be a thought crime. That's what these fascists support, thoughts being illegal. I told you that they're deranged.

> Do you think they chose to be attracted to children ?
It's been extensively studied and the answer is no.

>> No.14527506

Name a single country where this kinda thing is legal and the country isn't a massive shithole.

>> No.14527516 [DELETED] 

Australia, Canada, Estonia, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom. If you haven't fingered it out already third world countries are less likely to have these laws as they have actual problems to deal with.

>> No.14527520

Australia, Canada, Estonia, France, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, South Africa, Switzerland, United Kingdom. If you haven't figured it out already third world countries are less likely to have these laws as they have actual problems to deal with.

>> No.14527521

>This can be extended the the entire controversy of pornography. A lot of people accuse pornography of having detrimental effects on society. I however remain in favor of drawings not be illegal.
>Also how do you develop an attraction like that? Are you saying that if I watch lots of pornography of obese women I'll stop finding them gross?
Yes. It's what happened to me. I started watching porn with a women that were a bit curvy and I started to like it. Until I ended up being an architect. Few years ago, obese women disgusted me a lot.

I believe that if you feed people with z certain content, they are a lot more likely to appreciate it. Look at Korean and Japanese girls, they are into almost female looking skinny guys. While those born in the West have typical western tastes.

>> No.14527528

I've got to be honest I don't think this is how it works. There have been several things I've tried to get into but still find gross, while some things I saw pornography of it once and realized that I like it. I think these fetishes are already in you and you just need something to allow you to realize how have it.

>> No.14527534
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>> No.14527535

What would an fbi agent get out of that post?

>> No.14527544
File: 49 KB, 786x410, le happy jumper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Being a pedophile is not illegal
>i'm a serial killer, i'm just not active right now, so its legal for me to be a serial killer.

how big is your child pornography collection?

>> No.14527546

I am not a pedophile. Being a pedophile is not illegal under any law of any country. Various actions relating to pedophilic attraction are illegal, such as child molestation and possession of cp. Are you being dishonest, or just stupid?

>> No.14527550

How can you be a serial killer if you're not active

>> No.14527672

The actual connection is between pedophilia and star trek fans.

Also all those girls in the OP image have huge breasts, they are fully post-pubescent and are thus not children but adult women.

>> No.14527684

>Cartoons = CP

literally kys

>> No.14527787

>pedos ITT pretending that loli isn't traced with actual children.
It shouldn't be banned due to thought crimes. It should be banned because it actually harms children, you fucking psychos.

>> No.14527807

Most art isn't traced, and the court would have to prove this in every single case, that's how the law works. And how does tracing a drawing harm children?

>>pedos ITT

>> No.14527811

>Admits it actually occurs
>Defends it anyway
Kys pedo

>> No.14527815

This is a very emotional response, maybe /sci/ isn't for you. I'm asking you again, how does tracing harms children?

That's you.

>> No.14527816

in prison

>> No.14527842
File: 150 KB, 800x750, 1649798919312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're le heckin' deranged fascist if you target pedo scum!!
Daily reminder that your precious rights have always been imaginary. Considering this indisputable fact, we might as well enforce some minimal standards.

>> No.14527853

The law is not imaginary. You thinking drawings should be illegal is fascist and deranged.

>> No.14527856

>stop having empathy for and trying to protect children
Literally only pedos argue like this. Obviously it's an emotional topic because, and I can't believe I need to say this, children need to be protected from predators who want to hurt them. Predators like the pedos ITT who deflect and project

>> No.14527858

Murdering people to get their severed heads is of course illegal. Convincing people to sign wills donating their bodies to go to "Mr. Creepyfuck's private anatomical museum" when they die, is completely legal, though you may have to embalm any severed heads for health & sanitation reasons.

Likewise, merely being attracted to children is not illegal; for that matter it is perfectly legal to advocate that age of consent laws be lowered so that you could legally fuck children. Its other specific acts, like child molestation, that are illegal.

>> No.14527860

Fbi ran some pedo sites on the deep web

>> No.14527861

>The law is not imaginary.
Even if we take the law at face value, its main function is to deny your rights.

>> No.14527862

>Obviously it's an emotional topic because,
Everything is emotional. I don't care how you cannot think logically, but please have the decency to not post your emotional arguments for why drawings should be illegal.

>> No.14527864

Do you mean traced from child porn or just regular photos of kids? If the former prosecute them for the possession, if the latter what's the issue?

>> No.14527869

I don't care about whatever you have to say on laws and civil rights. Can you give a single logical argument for why drawings should be illegal?

>> No.14527872

I mean traced drawings of cp, I said that wrong.

>> No.14527877

Answering the question you can persecute them for that, but how is owning said imagery harming children?

>> No.14527893

>The law is not imaginary.

>> No.14527906

Laws are written down and reproduced countless times in legal documents. You're like those people who say that borders aren't real.

>> No.14527916

Found the pedo

>> No.14527917

Why do you think drawings should be illegal?

>> No.14527919

Owning CP necessarily requires someone having created the CP, almost always for the purpose of selling it. So criminalizing CP possession in theory makes it more dangerous to buy CP, which in theory reduces the number of people willing to buy it and thus potential profit for the creators.

There is also a consideration that the child subject cannot consent to the pictures being taken so owning their illegally taken pictures further violates their privacy and dignity.

>> No.14527921

Every crucial human freedom is nonchalantly violated by the legal codes of most first world countries, but your likes never get up in arms about that. You only speak up when someone threatens your socially-mandated privilege to be a degenerate. Well, guess what? I don't care about yours imaginary right to be a degenerate, and I will fully support all legal measures that target degenerates. No pedo drawings, no abortions, no drugs, no same-sex "marriage", no socially affirmed degeneracy of any kind. You can go hang yourself.

>> No.14527924

>Why do you think drawings should be illegal?
Lterally because fuck you. No one wants you roaming free in their society.

>> No.14527935

We, as a race, evolve too much to even talk about this, have a good day lads

>> No.14527949

then it is just a mental illness and they should be put into asylums where they cannot harm society, simple as

>> No.14527951

>which in theory reduces the number of people willing to buy it and thus potential profit for the creators.
Is this the argument? Why don't they devote their resources to jailing the actual perpetrators of child molestation instead of targeting people for having files saved on their computers?

There are billions of images of people on the internet that weren't consented to. I'll mention again that videos of children being murdered aren't illegal.

I'm arguing specifically about drawing in this thread. If you want a general discussion of this make a thread on /pol/.

>You can go hang yourself.
You can too, for wanting lines drawn on paper by a pen to be illegal. By that I have little reason to think that all of your ideas aren't based on emotion and what the media says.

>> No.14527958

Your emotions =/= valid argument

>> No.14527962

Every crucial human freedom is nonchalantly violated by the legal codes of most first world countries, but your likes never get up in arms about that. You only speak up when someone threatens your socially-mandated privilege to be a degenerate. Well, guess what? I don't care about yours imaginary right to be a degenerate, and I will fully support all legal measures that target degenerates. No pedo drawings, no abortions, no drugs, no same-sex "marriage", no socially affirmed degeneracy of any kind. You can go hang yourself.

>> No.14527966

I'm arguing specifically about drawing in this thread. If you want a general discussion of this make a thread on /pol/.

>You can go hang yourself.
You can too, for wanting lines drawn on paper by a pen to be illegal. By that I have little reason to think that all of your ideas aren't based on emotion and what the media says.

>> No.14527967

There is no need for any "arguments". You will have the majority consensus forced upon you, and things like that are determined by manipulation the emotions of the masses.

>> No.14527974

See >>14527962 for a full explanation of why no one needs to care about the "rights" of jews like you to indulge their child rape fantasies.

>> No.14527977

>You will have the majority consensus forced upon you,
Like witch hunting? Is that the kind of society you want to live in? Are you aware of how the majority think about racism? What will you do once trannies become accepted mainstream, if they aren't already?

>> No.14527980

>Is that the kind of society you want to live in?

>> No.14527985

See >>14527967 for a full explanation of how I'm not interested in a philosophical argument about freedom right now

>of jews
Jews are who want to take away our rights

>> No.14527989

>I'm not interested in a philosophical argument about freedom
Yes, that's what I said. You're only interested in retaining your privilege to indulge the worst excesses of sexual degeneracy, which is why I support all measures against you, from prison sentences to public lynching. You have no rights.

>> No.14527990

So you want yourself to persecuted for being racist? Is this really the absurdity you're reducing yourself to now?

>> No.14527994

>>I'm not interested in a philosophical argument about freedom
Convenient that you skipped the "right now" part. Right now, I am not interested in a long argument about this, but I suppose this doesn't help your strawman.

>> No.14528010

They do, but the FBI has limited jurisdiction outside the US. The pictures can be taken effectively anywhere and then sold elsewhere, made easier by the Internet. Snuff films may fall under obscenity laws or paying for murder, though I'm not familiar with that as much. However a picture of someone who is dead clearly isn't in the same ballpark as CP or snuff. In general dead people have very limited rights and likely no right to privacy.

>> No.14528031
File: 72 KB, 800x450, Good_Luck_I_m_Behind_7_Proxies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just look at all these fucking newfags who think their opinion about muh children matters at all
This is a place where you can say and post anything you want.
CP was posted on /b/ regularly until the feds told moot to shut it down.
I have never hurt a person in my life, and you have no right to tell me what fantasies I'm allowed to indulge in when I'm in the privacy of my own room.

>> No.14528032

But why are people who didn't buy it still committing a crime?

>Snuff films may fall under obscenity laws or paying for murder, though I'm not familiar with that as much.
The possession and distribution of it still isn't illegal, I don't think.

>> No.14528040

They're low iq tourists, probably migatards. Just look at how ridiculous the one above became, saying he thinks that he should be persecuted since the majority don't like it. That's the level these people will go to defend the illegality of drawings.

>> No.14528052

>Convenient that you skipped the "right now" part.
Convenient how you only ever want to talk about your "right" to be a degenerate "right now". :^) In any case, you are an unprincipled piece of shit and you live in an unprincipled society, so your appeal to principles is laughable. Why should X be banned? Because I want you to be punished, and the logical consistency of the pretext never actually matters.

>> No.14528055

See >>14528052 and then hang yourself. Whether or not you are punished for being a pedo has no bearing on whether or not I will be prosecuted for being a racist. We are not living in principled societies.

>> No.14528064

Why would I discuss something off topic? I came into this thread to argue this. I'm not interested in a long discussion about the law. I think the reason you keep trying to turn it to that is because you know the logic behind why drawings shouldn't be illegal is correct and that you're wrong.

You know I actually forget entirely, do you know what website you're on, tourist? Are you even aware that lolicon is allowed on /b/?

>> No.14528066

>I will be prosecuted for being a racist.
The majority of people are against racism. Therefore by your own logic you deserve to be punished for being racist.

>> No.14528075

No one is buying your pilpul. We both know you're not a valiant defender of human freedoms, but a run-of-the-mill degen.

>> No.14528079

Can you give a coherent argument to why drawings should be illegal?

>> No.14528082

>Therefore by your own logic you deserve to be punished for X
My logic doesn't state anything about who deserves what. You keep trying to hamfist it into some moronic template so you could shart out some preprogrammed rhetoric, but it doesn't work for the simple reason that I am going to be every bit as unprincipled as the social context for this whole discussion.

>> No.14528088

So how does it work? Why is it decided that drawings should be illegal?

>> No.14528091

Your behavior repulses me and I want you to be punished. What can be more simple and coherent than this?

>> No.14528094

>So how does it work?
When a large enough segment of the population decides that it doesn't want to tolerate a certain kind of behavior, politicians start pandering to them, which sometimes results in legislation against the offending behavior.

> Why is it decided
It's not decided yet, but we'll see how it goes. I'd start sanitizing my fap folder if I were you, though. :^)

>> No.14528095

Oh I get it. You want laws to be based on what you personally approve of.

>> No.14528098
File: 718 KB, 927x973, Japan_Please_Stop.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Japanese are totally normal!

>> No.14528101

>You want laws to be based on what you personally approve of.
We live under an unprincipled system where laws are (at best) based on what the population approves of. You support the basic premises of this system. I'm going to use it against you.

>> No.14528102
File: 2.24 MB, 800x2154, Japanese_SexDoll.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14528104

>When a large enough segment of the population decides that it doesn't want to tolerate a certain kind of behavior, politicians start pandering to them, which sometimes results in legislation against the offending behavior.
If that were the case being racist would illegal. Freedom of speech laws aren't going away.

>I'd start sanitizing my fap folder if I were you,
Fortunately I'm not a pedophile and have never saved anything illegal

You seemed to ignore me mentioning that you're posting on a website that hosts lolicon, why? And why do you do it?

>> No.14528107

>Freedom of speech laws aren't going away.
They are being eroded as we speak.

>You seemed to ignore me mentioning that you're posting on a website that hosts lolicon, why?
Because I am completely immune to your low IQ pilpul.

>> No.14528115
File: 356 KB, 1024x640, 71554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Image is from Scramble Lovers

>> No.14528120
File: 20 KB, 360x318, smug bitch pwnd ur url.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have never hurt a person in my life
why the proxies if you're innocent?

>> No.14528121

That's an english teacher talking in stereotypical broken english

Not entirely, nor does it make it right.

>I'm going to use it against you.
kek, in your imagination?

>They are being eroded as we speak.
Tell me when they're gone away

>Because I am completely immune to your low IQ pilpul.
By posting here you're supporting a website that hosts lolicon. Glad you accept it.

>> No.14528129

>nor does it make it right.
I don't see anything wrong with targeting pedo scum.

>Tell me when they're gone away
You see? Zero concern about assaults on "rights" that actually matter, as predicted by >>14527962. Worse than indifference -- you are spouting denial, i.e. tacit approval and support.

>By posting here you're supporting a website that hosts lolicon

>> No.14528138

>I don't see anything wrong with targeting pedo scum.
You agree with thought crimes. You are deranged.

Rights haven't gone away and aren't. I'm not interested with your "intellectual" fear mongering.

I'll put the piece together, by posting here, you're allowing hiro to profit from distribution of lolicon. Does that make sense?

>> No.14528143

>You agree with thought crimes.
Keeping images of child porn is not a "thought crime".

>Rights haven't gone away and aren't
You see? Zero concern about assaults on "rights" that actually matter, as predicted by >>14527962 (You). Worse than indifference -- you are spouting denial, i.e. tacit approval and support.

>by posting here, you're allowing hiro to profit from distribution of lolicon.

>> No.14528151
File: 180 KB, 896x1024, 1619301314564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14528154

>Keeping images of child porn is not a "thought crime".
Why speak in such vague language? I've been arguing since the start against drawings being illegal which I've referenced many times so far? You want to target pedos, or arrest people for drawings? or not?

Rights aren't going away. I know you want to change the discussion to be about rights and not you wanting drawings illegal but I am not arguing with you about that, sorry.

You claim to be against it and want pedos to die but you're allowing hiro to make money thus keep this website up thus helping pedos distribute lolicon and better their fantasies. You're a hypocrite.

>> No.14528161

>Why speak in such vague language?
LOL. No matter how you spin it, having images of something is not a "thought crime" -- no two ways about that.

>You claim to be against it and want pedos to die but you're allowing hiro to make money
The profitability of 4chan doesn't depend on my posting here in any measurable way.

>> No.14528175

>No matter how you spin it,
It was a genuine misinterpretation. Do you want drawings to be illegal? Why can't you answer this?

>The profitability of 4chan doesn't depend on my posting here in any measurable way.
You're still helping hiro profit from pedos. You're still a hypocrite.

>> No.14528180

>Do you want drawings to be illegal?
I want pedo drawings to be illegal. I think I've been clear about that from the start.

>You're still a hypocrite.
Am I? Show me where I proposed that you must not post on loosely moderated sites?

>> No.14528183

>I want pedo drawings to be illegal. I think I've been clear about that from the start.
So you're a deranged fascist and you want it legal because other people want it or you personally want it?

> Show me where I proposed that you must not post on loosely moderated sites?
You're a hypocrite for saying this about pedos yet you help hiro profit so he can keep 4chan up so pedos can get lolicon easier.

>> No.14528184
File: 31 KB, 343x408, Cherub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let us carry this idea to the logical conclusion.
We need to go into all the cemeteries are destroy all the centuries old images of naked children!!
No more cemetery child porn!!!

>> No.14528187

The problem is in sexualizing children not nudity.

>> No.14528193

How about burning all copies of lolita?

>> No.14528195

Hiro is letting us use his website as a tool to drive you to suicide, 4chan is the world's deadliest online honeypot, pedo come in, but they never leave alive. I'm allowed to drive you to suicide as much as I want, you can't prove I'm doing anything illegal, what are you going to accuse me of? Thought crimes?

>> No.14528199

Thank you for accepting that you are a hypocrite.

>> No.14528209

Fuck yeah, if we finally decide that we as a species no longer wish to explore the idea of sexual attraction to children, burn all the copies. Additionally, ban cosplay of underage characters in sexual contexts and finally ban the naughty schoolgirl larp in all the bedrooms. If that's what we decided. Let's get to it.

>> No.14528216

Are you forgetting the age of Mary Mother of Jesus as she was impregnated? Ban the Bible as well.

>> No.14528220

True, No more of this Muhammad shit either. Prophet my ass, that's a pedophile.

>> No.14528228
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>> No.14528233

2D >> 3DPD

>> No.14528239

I'm more worried about the passages saying Muhammed was snogging little boys and his robes were covered with semen.

>> No.14528247
File: 106 KB, 720x600, Mohammed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


He did like them young

>> No.14528275

>You're a hypocrite for saying this
I don't even consider you human, so naturally, it doesn't faze me if you call me a hypocrite. Objectively speaking, you are unable name any principle of mine that I am violating by posting here, and this low IQ pilpul about how you're responsible for negligible "contributions" to things you hate in some indirect manner is weak as shit; you can't exist in this world at all without being "guilty" of that, and it's not a principle I've ever subscribed to. You just show yourself to be the hypocritical scum, ironically, since you are putting forward a principle that no one in the world can live by. It is 100% moral to have degens like you killed.

>> No.14528291

>you are unable name any principle of mine that I am violating by posting here,
"I don't see anything wrong with targeting pedo scum." But you're okay with helping pedos, right?

>since you are putting forward a principle that no one in the world can live by.
In plain English?

>> No.14528310

They used and operated cp sites to catch people who actually support real life child abuse (not fucking cartoons), idiot, they weren't just profiting off of or getting off to it. The FBI has literally helped thousands and thousands of abused and venerable children, especially with such operations. How about you show some fucking respect, idiot.

>> No.14528316

>you're okay with helping pedos, right?
If by "helping pedos" you mean posting on 4chan, then yes, I'm okay with that. Wanna try again?

>In plain English?
That was plain English, you vile little pig. You "contribute" to an endless array of travesties merely by living in whatever country and paying your taxes, buying products, or simply going to work. I should go live on the moon according to your logic, but the real kicker is that this is YOUR principle -- not mine, so you're the hypocrite. Anyway, like I said, you should be shot, and I 100% support "facsicm" unapologetically. There is nothing wrong with "fascism".

>> No.14528350

So you are again accepting that you are a hypocrite.

>You "contribute" to an endless array of travesties merely by living in whatever country and paying your taxes,
You're not talking to a jew. Try again moron. Basically your posts can be summed up as "drawings should be illegal, because I don't like it because msm says pedos are evil and everyone should hate them. You should be shot for disagreeing with me".

>> No.14528355

You should be killed. Your post illustrates why. That's the end of this discussion.

>> No.14528360

I accept your concession.

>> No.14528369

You will be physically removed from society sooner or later. Every time you post demonstrates that your fake appeals to reason are just attempts to exploit other people's better nature. You are impervious to reason, and you are incapable of intellectual honesty. Killing you is morally okay.

>> No.14528376

I don't think that will happen. Thank you for proving my point that people who want drawings illegal are deranged, you've done that very well with this bizarre death threat.

>> No.14528380

Because he's right?

>> No.14528384

>bizarre death threat.
What death threat? I'm just pointing out to you that a growing number of people is starting to realize that your "humanism" is a scam by the lowest and most immoral elements of Western society, and many are warming up to the idea of systematically exterminating you. This is a matter of fact, not a threat.

>> No.14528397

Your desperate samefagging tells me reality is really getting under your skin, pedo scum. What you should always remember is that no one will be particularly upset if you get lynched. :^)

>> No.14528408

>What death threat?
"You will be physically removed from society sooner or later." Fantasize all you want, or try thinking through things logically.

Exactly. These retards can't accept that hating pedos isn't rational, rather emotional, so they double down with these retarded arguments. This particular midwit was predictably insane.

>Your desperate samefagging
Lol cope

>> No.14528418

You just seethe because you were proven to be a dumb brainwashed normie without own opinion.

>> No.14528425

You just seethe because you were proven to be a dumb brainwashed normie without own opinion. Samefag harder.

>> No.14528431

Not wanting pedophilic drawings to be illegal is the normalfag opinion? You even suggested otherwise here "What you should always remember is that no one will be particularly upset if you get lynched2

>> No.14528437

All of your generic talking points and accusations are normie political talk 101. You're just applying them to justify your utter degeneracy. A failed normalnigger is still a normalnigger.

>> No.14528444

Your moralistic ideas are entirely inspired by msm. The way I talk is just normal, you obviously think you're really smart and talk intelligently, which you don't.

>> No.14528451

My disgust with you is my own gut feelinmg. Your normalnigger talking points, on the other hand, expose you for the mindless cattle that you are.

>> No.14528457

I'm stupid because of the way I talk, but you're smart even though you just repeat generic morals from msm?

>> No.14528463

It's morally okay to stomp your face with a heavy fascist-style boot until the gurgling noises stop, even if your normie buddies disagree with this. Now please shart some more generic normie talking points about your freedumb to be a degen, and how I'm a hypocrite for posting on 4chan. :^)

>> No.14528469

I knew that talking point was just a buzzword said by midwits who are into politics, but I wasn't exactly sure on what it meant.

According to merriam webster
>something that lends support to an argument

So that's it, a "talking point" is just something that makes my argument more valid? Kek. Why do you keep screeching it? Does it make you feel smart?

>> No.14528483

Tell me some more about how this and that thing is heckin' fascist, failed normaltrash. Tell me more about le heckin' hypocrites and the freedumbs society owes you and all that other generic drivel. :^)

>> No.14528487

>Normalfags don't like fascism, so that means smart people like it!
Really? What is this, appeal to unpopularity or something? It's just so obvious that you're one of those contrarian low IQs.

>If I say it in a retarded way, that makes it retarded!
Not even a formal fallacy, just stupidity.

>> No.14528493

>Normalfags don't like fascism, so that means smart people like it!
Normalfags don't like pedos, so that means... whatever, I know you are too subhuman to notice your own comical hypocrisy. Like most normaldrones, you have no real concept of what principles are, or what hypocrisy is. Anyway, please give me some more normie arguments about your imaginary normie rights under the normie legal system predicated on normie feelings that are turning against you. :^)

>> No.14528495

>Normalfags don't like pedos, so that means... whatever, I know you are too subhuman to notice your own comical hypocrisy.
So that means smart people do? I didn't say this though.

Are we done here, btw? Do you have any real arguments against drawings for me to consider or is it just another angry response with you trying to look not mad?

>> No.14528501

I know you are too subhuman to notice your own comical hypocrisy. Like most normaldrones, you have no real concept of what principles are, or what hypocrisy is. Anyway, please give me some more normie arguments about your imaginary normie rights under the normie legal system predicated on normie feelings that are turning against you. :^)

>> No.14528502

>I know you are too subhuman to notice your own comical hypocrisy.
Point it out then.

>> No.14528504

And by the way, I'm still waiting for a single coherent argument for why I shouldn't support prosecuting trash like you. None will ever be provided.

>> No.14528542

What are your principles you were formatter by msm with?

>> No.14528546

I don't like it either but they were married under Islamic law

>> No.14528553

I'm still waiting for a single coherent argument for why I shouldn't support prosecuting trash like you. None will ever be provided.

>> No.14528557

Freedom of thought, expression etc. Answer >>14528502.

>> No.14528561

What is consent?

>> No.14528568

>Freedom of thought
No one is forbidding you from thinking.

Why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges? You don't seem to have any concept of what an argument is. You're 100% convinced that sharting the first couple of words from a standardized normalgroid point is enough.

>> No.14528577

>Why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges?
Because freedom is supposed to be universal, so everyone can do whatever they want as long as it's not at the expense at others. Drawings are harmless and not at the expense of others.

>You're 100% convinced that sharting the first couple of words from a standardized normalgroid point is enough.
You're not smart.

>> No.14528580

>freedom is supposed to be universal
>supposed to be
But as it stands, it clearly isn't. Why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges?

>> No.14528582

>But as it stands, it clearly isn't.
But that's the ideal and definition, and what it should be. What don't you understand you fucking idiot?

>Why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges?
I explained earlier that I believe that everyone should be allowed to do whatever they want as long as it's not at the expense of others. Why should I tolerate your death threats?

>> No.14528584

Bro, you're bashing your head against the wall. He doesn't get it because he can't.
>You're not smart.
This should have value in your evaluation of this interaction besides dunking.

>> No.14528585

>But that's the ideal and definition
Your ideal doesn't exist anywhere on this planet. It doesn't apply where you and I live. Given this indisputable basic fact, why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges?

>> No.14528589

>t. 105 IQ
It's really funny to wath you make your trivial kiddie points and think I'm the one misunderstanding something.

>> No.14528594

It would be hard to deny that I'm not also a fucking retard. But at least I try to be better.

>Given this indisputable basic fact,
Why does this fact invalidate my points? So we can't have any political ideals if they haven't happened in the past? And freedom to have drawings exists in America, so you have no real point here. You're grasping at straws so hard.

>why should I care about your "freedom" to express your vile pedo urges?
Why should I tolerate your death threats?

>> No.14528596

>Why does this fact invalidate my points?
You never made any point in the first place. Why should I care that something doesn't comply with your ideal?

>> No.14528602

Cool, I am glad you're having fun. Your IQ must be so large because I can't even pretend to see the boundaries of your range with this 105 you've evaluated me at. Perhaps consider this in your future endeavor, friend.
> But at least I try to be better.
Hey man, if you can pull his head out of his ass more power to you. Good luck.

>> No.14528604

>You never made any point in the first place.
My point is that I believe that everyone should have freedom to do whatever they want as long as it's not at the expense of others?

>Why should I care that something doesn't comply with your ideal?
Why should I tolerate your death threats? Why can't you answer this?

>> No.14528605

>asshurt normalniggers patting each other on the back and trying to establish their mock group consensus

>> No.14528607

>I believe
Why should I care what you believe?

>Why can't you answer this?
I never said anything about what you should or shouldn't tolerate. As a rule of thumb, if I don't respond to your "points", it's because I consider them irrelevant below consideration.

>> No.14528608
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>> No.14528619

He's obviously one of those retards who try to be contrarian to look smart, but in every case of this I've argued with the topic of lessening laws relating to pedophilia is always too much. They can't deviate from it since it's so set into them by the media that pedos are evil and should be killed. Someone said above "fuck pedos". "fuck pedos", that's something they always say, like hating pedos is a universal and that it needs no further argument.

>Why should I care what you believe?
Why should I care what you believe?

>I never said anything about what you should or shouldn't tolerate.
So why don't you tolerate drawings? Do you think your death threats should be tolerated?

>> No.14528622

>Why should I care what you believe?
I never said you should. Notice how you're forced to deflect repeatedly, vile little rat. :^)

>So why don't you tolerate drawings?
Don't like 'em.

>> No.14528623

I agree child porn is bad, but there has been a running theme in the media and globo corpo recently of attacking Japans culture.

Isn't that racist?

>> No.14528626

>Isn't that racist?
No, because races don't exist, chud, and Japan is actually racist and deserves to be attacked.

>> No.14528631

>I never said you should.
Well what is your point then? What is the point of arguing?

>Don't like 'em.
I don't like death threats. But I tolerate your right to post them as they don't actually harm me.

>> No.14528633
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I kind of feel like the relation would be the opposite.

I think access to loli porn probably decreases crime.

Those with the most interest in loli porn are probably pedos, but it also lets them work off their lust. Having experimented with NoFap, after a week I felt like I was on the verge of raping someone. Jack off often however, and you don’t give a shit about pursuing real women.

If pedos jack off enough to their imagination or drawings, then in their post nut clarity they can just continue on as a normal member of society. It’s what prevents most incels from just raping women, fear of punishment and understanding the immorality of their action once the lust is gone in their post nut bliss.

>> No.14528636

>what is your point then?
That you have given me no reason to stop supporting your persecution.

>I don't like X
>But I tolerate your right
Well, that's your prerogative, nigger.

>> No.14528638

I'm going to be honest here but I've never really bought into the whole 2d loli shit encouraging men to fuck actual kids. 2d porn (honestly fictional women in general) has always been an idolized form of what females really are. In a lot of cases fictional shit has seemed to de-incentivize guys from wanting relationships because of all the strings attached to real women.

So it's takes a special kind of fucked up mental processing to actually block out all annoying behaviors and disposition of actual kids to commit such an act. Usually the guys (and women too) are wired that way prior to any external forces encouraging them.

Not him but you get to define consent when you're the one footing the bill to sustain Islamic culture/ countries that are Islamic in nature. Until then you won't have much say in the matter regardless of the questionable morality involved.

>> No.14528646

>That you have given me no reason to stop supporting your persecution.
My reasons was that you should tolerate people's rights to do things that don't harm you as they tolerate your rights to do things that don't harm them. Live and let live, you know?

>Well, that's your prerogative, nigger.
I tolerate it by not reporting it to the fbi.

>> No.14528649

Yeah, I notice this a lot when I shitpost as well. People tend to turn off rationality when it comes to the idea that pedophiles are literally abuse victims stuck in a violent loop and we ought to do more to help besides stoning them in the streets.

>> No.14528658

>be normie
>marry Karen because society said you have to marry
>become a ZOGbot because society said you should defend your country (die for Israel)
>get crippled in the process
>get dumped by Karen because you're not only retarded but also disabled now
>your country takes your ZOGbot work accident compensation away from you and gives it to Karen
LOL. Normie BTFO.

>> No.14528660

>but you get to define consent when you're the one footing the bill to sustain Islamic culture/ countries that are Islamic in nature.
I got it I'll start a Progressive Islamic Group that will be the caliphate that will free Islam from pedophilia
Inshallah, brother.

>> No.14528677

>you should tolerate people's rights to do things that don't harm you
Why should I tolerate your supposed right to be a vile pedo? Why do you keep arguing in circles like a kike? Your "argument" obviously doesn't have any sway with people who don't share your opinions in the first place, but even if I thought your "universal freedom" ideal was feasible and desirable, it's been continually rejected by every society on this planet, it's not going to happen, and its acceptance doesn't hinge upon your "right" to be a vile pedo. This isn't some pivotal issue. In the context of the system you actually live under, you're not fighting for universal freedom, but merely defending your social privilege to be a sexual degenerate -- something I don't care for.

>I tolerate it by not reporting it to the fbi.
That's your prerogative, nigger.

>> No.14528678

Good luck anon, maybe you help bring in a new Islamic golden age while you're at it.

>> No.14528683

You're going in circles. It does have sway with people, there are many black people who support freedom of speech even when they're usually to receive the worst of it.

>you're not fighting for universal freedom,
Yes I am. It's silly how you use this ad hom but then call me a jew.

>That's your prerogative, nigger.
What? What does this?

>> No.14528699

Notice how the entirely of my post stands completely unchallenged. That's okay. I know what the correct method of dealing with sub-100-IQ sexual degenerates is, and it doesn't involve talking. :^)

>> No.14528708

I gave a lot of explanation to why what you've said is retarded, but if you're now just going to avoid "answering" my questions and pretend you've won then go for it. I've had enough of this.

>> No.14528716

You are literally subhuman, which is why you can't wrap your head around the self-evident fact that you've addressed nothing. There's really no more point in talking, least of all in a society of subhumans like America. I'm glad your crazies are picking up arms and targeting you and everything you hold dear. You ask for it.

>> No.14528723

I've addressed all of it. I'm glad your finally giving up your silly little charade of nonsense and are just pretending you've won.

>> No.14528726
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>they were married

Children (those under 10 years old) can not consent to marriage.
If your 'law' allows this then those who made the law are pedophiles!

>> No.14528729

>I've addressed all of it.
You see? You simply need to be shot. You're either too subhuman for basic human decency and intellectual honesty, or for basic reading comprehension. No discussions to be had at this point.

>> No.14528730

Keep telling yourself that pal

>> No.14528736

I don't need to tell myself anything. You are a subhuman product of a subhuman society, and your society is clearly collapsing. Sooner or later, shit will hit the fan and then all bets are off as to what happens to pedo kikes like you.

>> No.14528741

Depends on how you want to live. If you want to be a dumb savage, then you can prosecute people for lulz.

>> No.14528744
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> pedo kikes
Omg, it's been Q the whole time!??!?!??

>> No.14528747

>Depends on how you want to live
How does my support for persecuting pedo scum affect anything else?

>> No.14528949

You want to persecute people for lulz, that's what savages do, and you thus aim to live like a savage.

>> No.14528973

You didn't answer my question.

>> No.14529052

Images of sexual abuse are a far greater violation of the victims right to privacy, than ordinary pictures

>> No.14529066

Yeah those anime breasts seem to belong to adult women

>> No.14529069

The point of lolita is that the protagonist is evil

>> No.14529095

theres no point to Lolita