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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14525944 No.14525944 [Reply] [Original]

have you ever had any productive or insightful discussion in this toilet of a board filled with baiters and trolls desperate for attention

>> No.14525963

no and you're a retard op for making this thread

>> No.14525973

I learned more on this board than in years of acadummia education. Fuck universities and their anti-intellectual forced conformity.

>> No.14525983
File: 54 KB, 780x520, smugoebbels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i hate 4chan
you are free to leave whenever you like, until then i will continue to enjoy trolling you and baiting you into fits of apoplectic rage

>> No.14525987

i learned most of what i know from textbooks found from searching “thing textbook recommendation stack exchange” and old stackexchange threads.

>> No.14526063 [DELETED] 

Maybe you could try visiting some slower imageboards.

>> No.14526115

Sharing insight devalues your own insight. I am fool for sharing this insight but I am a good person unlike the jews, christians or trannies that remain hypocrites that preach secrecy for me but not for thee.

>> No.14526352

>le discord cat