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File: 336 KB, 1812x766, 1631590256760.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14524819 No.14524819 [Reply] [Original]

Quantum mechanics, general relativity and the standard model have all been empirically falsified. They also cannot be unified.

Where do we go from here? What are we missing to create a better and hopefully unified theory?

>> No.14524831

Falsification is a process, not an end point. A certain phenomenon in reality is like a person that a scientist wants to sculpt out of marble. To begin with that sculpture will only be a visual depiction of what a person looks like in 3D, it can't replicate the organs, skin tissues/texture, skin colours and it can't replicate what the person looks like in motion. It is already a very vague conceptualization of what a thing really is to begin with.

Falsification is the process of chipping away at a block of marble trying to approximate this vague representation of reality, with the knowledge that the sculpture will never be a true representation, only an approximation and even if the actual 3D model is 100% 1:1 accurate with the person it represents, it's still basically only a 3D shadow.

In the case of unifying major theories of reality we need to apply this method in a way that

>> No.14524832

How is the top calculated? Its infinite not high number

>> No.14524856

Falsificationism is just the demarcation criterion, it delineates what is science from what is pseudo-science. The process of rejecting a previous established theory is a longer journey, it takes many experiments to convince the establishment to reject an established theory. In this regard, science is very Bayesian: slowly we take experimental results and update our priors.

As for your question, where do we go from here? Well that's quite a hard question, normally physics is guided by nature: someone does an experiment that shows something strange, someone else constructs a model and creates hypothesis based on that strange observation. Eventually someone (or more often a set of people) construct a theory that explains all those previous results and predicts new results. However, we're now dealing with energy scales that are very large, so large in fact that we can't easily construct experiments to investigate those regions, this is why you see physicists jizz themselves over small deviations in particle mass, as this could be an accessible bit of physics beyond the standard model that could be accessible to us.

There are theoretical efforts to construct a potentially unified theory (yes, string theory, M-Theory and whatever lays beyond that), but these efforts are guided not so much by experiment, but by ideas that have permeated theoretical physics in the past century and have proven themselves to be very powerful. Will these programs bear fruit? I don't know.

>> No.14524871
File: 93 KB, 669x934, sr_is_doppler_shift.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start with Sommerfeld's quantum mechanics, then strip out all of the parts involving relativity and Maxwell's equations, and replace them with Weber's electrodynamics. Vannevar Bush made a good start on this with his paper The Force Between Moving Charges (treating charge as velocity-dependent, mass as invariant). There's a massive amount of work yet to be done, but that's the way forward.

>> No.14525047

>read a textbook
>oh but actually you have to ignore certain parts of that textbook that contradict me

>> No.14525064

>Where do we go from here? What are we missing to create a better and hopefully unified theory?
start by watching the rest of the video

>> No.14525137

Galaxies that appear to be moving away from us will reappear elsewhere in space, assuming that we live in the surface of a destabilizing boundary (Klein surface rather than stable wormhole). Of course this directly implies that the universe is an open system, but the points of opening are yet to be studied.

>> No.14525185

Think of empty space as virtual matter, which acts like the fifth phase of matter beyond atomic structure. From there you can derive actual conservation laws that should predict gravitation as we observe it. You haven't solved anything if it doesn't give an obvious method to create pocket universes.

Since every subset of space is silephytic.

>> No.14525221
File: 59 KB, 500x500, Quantum Computer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>quantifying and descritizing doesn't unify
And it took how many years for atomists to figure this out? I hear they're still having difficulty putting together all the pieces of the puzzle they made up along the way. It doesn't help that they put so much faith in their pointless accurate descriptions.

>Falsification is a process, not an end point.
Quantum is the work of false reification. It ends when you stop enabling it or it keeps going the more you invest in the psychosis.

>> No.14525228

>vacuum energy tends to infinity
Yes, iff space can expand infinitely in the direction of force. Yes, this predicts how matter behaves if we aim a black body vacuum telescope into a region of space with no matter anywhere along the horizon. Basically if we can find empty curves through the intergalactic medium, we can produce vacuum batteries that measure/collect the zero-point ambient expansion of the universe. But we have to actually observe vacuum using fluctuation capable instruments for this to produce viable "work" (convectional dark flow).

>> No.14525264
File: 7 KB, 300x177, E9CD5CD7-023E-4FAA-9450-634A7B7AAB16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This thread has been identified as a schizo thread. Please see the 4channel Terms of Service for more information on schizo thread rules and regulations.

>> No.14525270

What the fuck, where is the last fucking part of my post?

>In the case of unifying major theories of reality we need to apply this method in a way that we don't get too invested in certain theories at which point they become paradigms/doctrines we can't let go, while trying to edge closer to that "sculpture" (hypothesis) without letting go of promising avenues of investigation. Even though they can't be unified, each model of physics seems to predictably describe such a wide amount of phenomena that they have merit, so it makes sense to continue falsification based on those models, there is no "dead end" yet.

>> No.14525281

So at 40:40, it should be obvious that we haven't "measured" anything about space, the universe, or any given isotropy. The supposed prediction and measurement don't account for being plain wrong about Planck energy, vacuum fluctuation, or the applied relevance of Heisenberg's guess.

These aren't even heuristics, because the circularity of presumed flatness hasn't been accounted for in any of the calculations. You're looking at stellar data with an elliptical compass and pretending it works like a calculator.

>> No.14525304

It will be fixed by vacuum renormalization due to dark curvature.

>> No.14525321

>general relativity have been empirically falsified.

That's new to me. How exactly it was falsified?

>> No.14525323

No, that's irrelevant. The topic is sufficiently stated and the video literally ends with the narrator saying, "I don't know how this will be solved." There's no added value from watching the video.

The fluid equation is a heuristic, everything else is garbage. Not merely "failed prediction," but literal garbage with no science of any kind present.

>> No.14525353
File: 30 KB, 599x567, 632[2].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The entire foundation of the theory rests on the speed of light, of which has not even been proven to travel, let alone have a speed. Really it's a fancily described "explanation" to the null result of a particular experiment. It reifies two non existent "places" with no properties into one to explain....another description which we refer to as "gravitation" by means of pure geomancy of these imagined places. If it is classified as a theory...I don't even see how because there's no actual experiment or empirical evidence of anything in this "theory".

>> No.14525377
File: 131 KB, 950x770, D94A8FB3-7473-4397-96D8-E9EA87603899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no it’s ken wheeler isn’t it. go exercise you fat fuck

>> No.14525387

undergrads in third world countries measure the speed of light every day, its that easy and repeatable. how can that be?

>> No.14525411

Here's what we do:
>take multiple samples of the CMBR
>sort by time of sample
>take the two overlapping data points of greatest distance in time
>MAP the calibration values of potential solutions to the fluid equation with time invariance
>use the most steep curvature as Measured maximum vacuum state
>round out the rest of the map using vacuum maximum
>calculate (not measure) the minimum vacuum state from the lowest point in empty space
>direct our most powerful telescopes toward that region of space
>run continuous surveys with full Fourier transform on all incoming data
>take the current vacuum graph and measure the error from heuristic use
>recalculate vacuum minimum using new vacuum maximum
>use vacuum minimum to construct computation maps for exploration of the densely populated areas of space
>use identical equation to map vacuum (passive precision)
>find "the most average" point in empty space
>rederive Planck heuristics from average sample
>realize that all calculations have identical heuristic value and compute local ToE's for every section of universe
>assess interior micrograph flow anisotropy of pits and crests (same ToE)
>check which galaxy fits into each cavity with highest heuristic potential
>check which masses predict other masses
>run a Fourier sieve comb across sample from latest CMB with smallest time horizon
>construct Newtonian propagators for known isometric regions of space
>track error horizon on remote data
>compound local ToE with distant regions
>scan archives for known exoplanet star systems and use co-moving gravitational regions of similarly grouped globs to evolve a scale-invariant model of gravity
>compute persistent error horizons and use to include exogalaxy regions
>collect measurements from the most local bodies that persist high correlation orbital mechanics to the proposed exobody of future study
>obtain realtime simulation of remote region of space

You have five days from moment of publication, when notified.

>> No.14525419
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>undergrads in third world countries measure the speed of light every day,
Yeah, with the standard of measure based on the speed of light; of which they had no prior proof of when they created this standard.

The only person who mentioned him was you.

>> No.14525464

you are not seeing what the problem is about.
the theory of relativity and quantum mechanics have an insane amount of evidence supporting them and their prediction are so good they are assumed to be true in engineering and we have products that wouldn't work if those theories were false
but in this one thing these theories fail.

>> No.14525470

Right. Can't infer from a null result, so repeatability doesn't add to the hypothesis space. We wasted our time with a system incapable of external prediction, that doesn't even have bearing on the psychic phenomena necessary to maintain its illusion. There's no forward path to take here, since discovering a new type of scientist requires getting better ideas.

>> No.14525485

I see exactly the problem, and you owe me an explanation for why you just lied about heuristic potential.

>> No.14525486

>Yeah, with the standard of measure based on the speed of light; of which they had no prior proof of when they created this standard.
uhh no, thats not how the experiment works retard

>> No.14525509
File: 25 KB, 1200x1200, Mathemeticians Hate Him!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>uhh no, thats not how the experiment works retard
And the standard of measure they used in whatever experiment you're referring to in order to actually "measure the speed of light" is what? The meter, which was imagined in the way I already accurately described in that post. It has to be imagined/estimated, there's even more simple examples in where math fails miserably at trying to calculate distances.
>but what would two intersecting magnitudes at right angles have to do with electromagnetism?

>> No.14525531

reminder that Ken Wheeler used to have a blog with a bunch of posts praising Nazi ideology

>> No.14525566

Got it archived?

>> No.14525601

>And the standard of measure they used in whatever experiment you're referring to in order to actually "measure the speed of light" is what?
a clock and a ruler

>> No.14525617


>> No.14525618

Yeah well this is a level of precision in the result far beyond their replications, which to knowledge don't really get published.

>> No.14525621
File: 2.31 MB, 498x292, Relativist claiming relativity is responsible for GPS.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminder that Ken Wheeler used to have a blog with a bunch of posts praising Nazi ideology
And? If that's true then when does he get Operation Paperclip'd?

>a clock
Ah yes, another made up measure this "Time". Reified despite having no ontology, compromising half of the spacetime description.

>> No.14525626

classical physics is sufficient.

>> No.14525628
File: 95 KB, 570x570, il_570xN.1976791856_aft2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The only thing remotely nazi is the swastika
>And you think that because the nazi's used them that it correlates somehow.

This is your brain on atomism.

>> No.14525643

there’s a bunch of nazi shit ken. there’s a fucking picture of Julius Evola right on the splash page genius

>> No.14525656
File: 26 KB, 320x336, When you believe descriptions are explanations.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Aryan-Buddhism blogspot is devoted to original Buddhism, Traditionalist metaphysics, and the gnosis advocated thereof, as such it is an anti-Guru, anti-Zen-Master, anti-Lama, anti-Rimpoche, and anti-bhikkhu site adverse to any and all forms of superficial spiritual-materialism, petty ritualisms, and the New-Age movement in general. Aryan-Buddhism blogspot is equally adversarial to those who find counterfeit peace and grace in spiritual trinkets, empirical pietism such as extreme bodily austerities such as chanting, bowing, self-mortification, or those who find love towards cultish Guru-personalities, other such pseudo-religious rubbish and meaningless corporeal endeavors which are irrelevant to the gnosis which culminates in the noetic liberation of spirit."

"Aryan-Buddhism blogspot content is hostile to illogical systems such as: secular humanism, creationism, atheism, agnosticism, and the mass of pseudo-religionists such as those who claim to be ‘Buddhists’, and spiritual…yet deny the very spirit (atman, citta, nous) which is the only refuge and light proclaimed in and of Buddhism and metaphysics at large. All of the above applies to yourself, and therefore Aryan-Buddhism blogspot will not appeal to you whatsoever; ...as said, "In praising wisdom, one simultaneously insults fools, those who cleave to things unwise." You are refuted forthwith."

But none of that matters because he has a picture of an individual that some acedemic claimed might be neofacist? You're an NPC but at least you're working for free. Thanks for linking me this blog by the way.

>> No.14525664

One of them is wrong and my bets are on QM being wrong (obviously its not entirely trash).

>> No.14525701

Both are wrong, the vacuum energy is not predicted by either system.

>> No.14525705

you’re obese as fuck and your tattoos are totally stupid looking. you’re also way way less smart than you think you are

>> No.14525717
File: 280 KB, 1x1, caluzi1997.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds like an interesting research project to me

>> No.14525719
File: 39 KB, 300x225, thumb_michael-jordan-laughing-gif-2-»-gif-images-download-50179055[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>N-no U!

It's funny, you can't even do that because I'm (still) not him.

>> No.14525725

>I'm (still) not him.
that’s what you always say. how many fake names and sock puppets have you done over the years? 300? 500?

you literally just changed topics from pseudo-physics to aryan buddhism. it couldn’t be more obvious who you are. go on a diet

>> No.14525742
File: 1.19 MB, 1525x725, evola-cinnabar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is evola considered nazi shit?

>> No.14525769
File: 531 KB, 750x1137, D3058D62-3D76-4DC6-A878-E5AF62123667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14525771
File: 26 KB, 581x612, istockphoto-1093301746-612x612[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that’s what you always say
Well hold on now, that depends on how many people have you accused on this anonymous imageboard.

>how many fake names and sock puppets have you done over the years?
Me personally? Dozens. It's the internet afterall, your identity has no bearing unless buying from a corporation or cooperating with the government. In some instances I can't even use my real name because it's already taken.

>300? 500?
You tell me, you seem to know more about Ken Wheeler than me at this point. That makes you more suspect to be him then me doesn't it?

>you literally just changed topics from pseudo-physics to aryan buddhism
That was some other poster, use green-texts when it's appropriate please.

>it couldn’t be more obvious who you are.
I am not this person >>14525531, the first one to mention him in this thread.

>> No.14525790
File: 361 KB, 954x793, admiring-is-not-the-same-as-being.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because he saw a little good in a sinner?

good grief, guy never evened joined a single political party

>> No.14526295

Ugh, there's no effort to suppose flatness in the form of a falsifiable hypothesis. Physics has been a waste of time.

>> No.14526390

Good post by a smart person.
>Will these programs bear fruit?
I have little faith in mathematical constructs. It would be very convenient if nature matches our subjective perception of mathematical beauty but I presume this is not the case.

I wonder whether we should try at all. When something is outside of our experimental reach, does it affect us at all? There is always the possibility of unexpected opportunities from new discoveries. But at the same time there is a large opportunity cost from investing so many resources and intelligent minds in theoretical physics with zero guaranteed tradeoff when there are lower hanging fruits.

>> No.14526422

>The supposed prediction and measurement don't account for being plain wrong about Planck energy, vacuum fluctuation, or the applied relevance of Heisenberg's guess.
>the circularity of presumed flatness hasn't been accounted for in any of the calculations
Can you go into more detail? Sounds like you believe it's wrong. What is wrong exactly and how?

>> No.14526492

It's not about belief, the fluid equation maps between all points in space via conservation, and we have no direct experimental data to calibrate vacuum energy density against. Assuming flatness has no bearing on conservation, so using it as a mapping tool is irrelevant. We still don't know anything about the energy density of space between we haven't looked at it.

>> No.14528301

Intersting, say more

>> No.14528332

>undergrads in third world countries measure the speed of light every day, its that easy and repeatable. how can that be?
you mean round trip average, right?

>> No.14528609

I understand why the fluid equation is used that way, but for me personally, it's not difficult to map out the implications of a highly curved universe. Assuming high curvature, the way I'd perform the analysis, involves mapping a spectrum of possible values for the applied energy density of vacuum. Each point in the CMB represents a range of spacial contractions that, if we're using a supercomputer, it's actually easier to output the range of values than trying to restrict ourselves to a singular image of the sky. Specifically, I'd output two images, one assuming maximum observable curvature, and the other showing minimum.

The real science begins when we have the range of values.

>> No.14528988
File: 157 KB, 1x1, J-Franklin-Inst-B-V332-p747-753(1995).pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the first things to figure out is what's going on with the capacitor predictions. I'm fairly inclined to agree with Phipp's proposal for Weber's potential (it seems to be a straightforward correction factor for Doppler shift, which makes good physical sense), but I'm not sure what's going on w.r.t. this paper. It doesn't make sense to me that Weber's EM would predict FTL velocities for charges anywhere since the potential drops to zero as v --> c. I think Assis must be making a mistake somewhere but I haven't investigated it.

>> No.14529053

>They also cannot be unified.
What are the Dirac functions...

>> No.14530094

Darkpill me on curved space.

>> No.14530174

>Where do we go from here? What are we missing to create a better and hopefully unified theory?
Biblical Flat Earth, plasma universe, kinetic theory of gravity, EMPCOE

>> No.14530188

It's "calculated" by assuming the value is set by physics at the Planck scale and that physics is natural, i.e. that there's no reason why why physics at the Planck scale would generate energy densities much lower than (M_pl)^4.

Basically it's bullshit and calling this a failure of quantum field theory is not accurate. In truth, it's a guess, and evidence that a naive extrapolation of QFT up to the Planck scale is ridiculous. No high energy physicist takes this "discrepancy" seriously because we know the first number isn't based in rigor.

>> No.14531201

Correct understanding of the CMB map would give us extreme precision output for recalculating the vacuum fluctuation density. There's a balancing point where the Fourier distribution has spontaneous alignment which would refine Heisenberg measures to the degree necessary for our finite vantage on uncertainty to possibly vanish. You don't need Earth-level calibration of position and momentum if you can find the universal bearing value for a given particle.

>> No.14533057

There's no model of how vacuum fluctuation works in expanding space. We have neither a measure nor a theory.

>>14525185 is right. There's no way to describe it yet. We don't have the intuition.

>> No.14533059
File: 476 KB, 1653x1080, over-c-tesla.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


hmm fascinating read. I'll admit that everytime i try to understand how a capacity works, i come out knowing less about the functioning of capacitors. Though what strikes me here is trying to resolve the statement in the 1995 paper

>We do not analyze here the ranges in which v / c > 1, since there is no experimental
evidence indicating that an electron can be accelerated beyond the light velocity

with the 1997 papers concept of effective inertial mass [math]\alpha = \frac{q\sigma a}{3\epsilon_{0}mc^2}[/math]

if there is a case for alpha for the electron where it has no effective mass, i think the hypothesis that energy is being stored not just in the transverse part of the electric field, but in a longitudinal component as well.

I think the justification is well founded if one views over c not as going faster, but just a relativistic effect of a particle traversing warped space from our perspective

>> No.14533192
File: 268 KB, 1x1, Observation_of_scalar_longitudinal_electroydnamic_waves.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This may interest you. Monstein and Wesley made experimental observations of Tesla's scalar waves (which might be capable of superluminal propagation).

These experimental observations were replicated by another four physicists at Texas A&M, although they denied that they were really observing scalar waves as Wesley claimed:
>Our experimental results actually resemble MW’s theoretical pattern more closely than did their own experiment, an interesting result considering that MW’s theory is almost universally considered incorrect. However, our experimental results were not compatible with Rębilas’ (very plausible) theoretical explanation. Thus we dispute MW’s claim on theoretical grounds, and Rębilas’ ground plasma currents on experimental grounds. We conclude that a yet-unidentified mechanism must be producing the observed results.

>> No.14533413
File: 2.87 MB, 1240x585, maxwells-elastic-aether.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed so! I've read a fair deal around Tesla's scalar waves, and I'll proclaim that this introduction was by far the simplest and most concise I have seen, and its experiment far more personally reproducible than what I have heretofore seen devised. My dream of fashion a scalar wizard staff may be within reach.

>We repeat the experiment reported in a controversial publication of Monstein and Wesley, in which they claimed to have detected longitudinal electromagnetic waves in free space, a phenomenon incompatible with Maxwell’s equations. While we are convinced that Maxwell’s equations are valid and that longitudinal EM waves do not exist, we recognized that the radiation pattern observed in the MW experiment was itself interesting, while noting that no one had actually repeated MW’s experiments.

haha, don't tell this author that the apostrophe s doesn't belong beside Maxwell, those were Gibbs Heavisides simplifications for the use of the telegraph!

>“I am getting converted to Quaternions, and have put some in my book, in a heretical form...” [2]

In his scientific description of electromagnetism, Maxwell used what he called a “heretical form” of
quaternion algebra, which explicitly separated the three imaginary dimensions (i,j,k) from the real part
representing a radial length or coordinate triplet (x,y,z). He stated emphatically that tensors and
vectors were inadequate mathematical tools to correctly encapsulate the electromagnetic fields and
forces. He also quietly discussed with colleagues how one might detect and measure “non-
observable” or “hidden” spatial dimensions, which he conceived of as “storing energy”, both kinetic
and potential, in the elastic fabric of space itself. [3]


>> No.14533514


>> No.14533561

Are you saying theoretical physics is akin to scientific schizobabble pilpul, if you will?

I wonder why that would be.

>> No.14533762

>a yet-unidentified mechanism
So they were brave enough to confirm a result, but became cowards at the publishing step. It's a true shame.

>> No.14533988
File: 2.85 MB, 1x1, ReedHively2020.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry for barging into your discussion, but I've always meant to ask.

How does Weber's electrodynamics compare to gauge-free "extended electrodynamics"? (pdf related)
Does the Weber potential entail it, or is it entailed by it, or are the incompatible?

I've seen on http://www.weberelectrodynamics.com/ that Weberists recognize the distinction between the Coulomb electrostatic and Faraday electrodynamic electric fields, which is fixed (actually irrelevant) in EED, but they also have some objections that I've never seen addressed elsewhere.

FWIW, Maxwell's equations in EED reduce to the wave equations for the potentials without complications, as the three fields are simply divided by type, pseudovector for magnetic, vector for electric, and scalar for, well, the scalar field, and since all the possible kinds of derivatives of the potentials are included, the irrelevant terms cancel out very easily.

EED predicts scalar waves, scalar-longitudinal waves like Tesla, and it is claimed that it explains the wires exploding phenomenon often cited for WED. They seem to overlap in predictions.
EED is also related to massive photons, which I know that interest some of you.

>> No.14534628
File: 428 KB, 1x1, konopinski1978.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'd say both of them draw from the primacy of the potentials reasoning so often justified by the Bohm-Aharonov and the Maxwell-Lodge effects. The notion of Field than becomes the second class citizen, which, changes the heirarchy of conserved quantities in the myriad of edge cases to maxwells. (for example Konopinksi notes a particles kenetic energy equality only holds in a static field, in a non-static field, the conservation exists by adding the potential energy store q psi(r). Additionally, the magnetic vector potential is least arbitrary under the conservation of conjugate momentum)

Both are keen to extend a model where charge density is permitted to fluctuate, instead of being held constant in time

Both focus on interaction energies or terms, whether through the conjugate momentum - interaction energy relationship found in Hively/Konopinski , or webbers 'coupling coefficient' .

In order for myself to find where they are earnestly different, i'd need to read further into Webber to see how high velocity, relativistic guages are handled. As it seems Hively constrained himself less to the ideal case than webbers point charge and target

>> No.14534685

Are there textbooks on these topics yet, or are the theories still being explored?

>> No.14535481
File: 853 KB, 1x1, ScalarWaves.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably the closest thing to a text on it here, brought alot of the separate investigations together.

Its just one of those topics, if you get what I mean anon.

Take Hively for example, the man completed his PhD in nuclear plasma and radiological engineering in 1980, a 25 year gap of nothing, than appears as a senior researcher at Oak Ridge National Laboratory before retiring and persuing his own work

>> No.14535859

Andre Assis wrote a textbook on Weber's electrodynamics.

>> No.14535947

>Energy is infinite
>Space is infinite
>Distance is infinitely precise
>Distance is infinitely long
>But muh Holy C is constant and it's the absolute limit, always remember that!1
Just why? Why photon energies, frequencies and so on? Why does blueshift cause photon to have higher frequency -> thus more energy? Why blueshifted photon fired from star moving towards us has more energy than photon redshifted from star moving away from us? Why is it the same as firing a bullet from flying jet towards you giving it higher energy?

I just don't get why such similar phenomena has to have so much different interpretation.

>> No.14536783

It's all the same interpretation, the math is identical in each case.

>> No.14538817

Thanks. I don't really know what to do with any of this yet, but it's definitely gonna be important to at least have the resources on hand.

>> No.14540998

They haven't been falsified, but their current precision is easily shown to be wrong on all levels. Planck rounding isn't science.

>> No.14542361

>assume vacuum energy density uniform
>assign arbitrary measure
>"whoa this is actually profoundly wrong"
>"maybe the universe isn't flat"

We're waiting on that fourth part.

>> No.14543273

Does the video ever state what eh most successful theory of physics is and how it makes the prediction he claims?
Shit tier production.

>> No.14543320


I could unironically tell you, but you would call me a schizo and then run as fast as you can to try and take credit yourself... but then realizing that around 20M people already heard the theory straight from me you would go back to calling me a schizo, while secretly knowing I'm right.

Extrapolate that to all Academia and you will begin to understand the real issue.

>> No.14543323


When OUR GUY (no not Wheel, you know who) is old enough that nothing matters anymore and he can start posting his face more without literal starkers targeting his young family, things are going to be so wild around here. Cannot wait. Around a decade or so from now...

>> No.14543326



Imagine the gay fucking Eric Weinstein posts except instead of being fake and gay its the real mother fucking unified equation. You know exactly who the fuck I'm talking about. We all know why people don't like to say yet. Too young. Still too much of a threat. No one wants to spend the next decade locking up their wives. Wait until he's older.

>> No.14543331

Anyone who challenges the veracity quantum physics or relativistic physics should be shot in sight

>> No.14543332

>Anyone who challenges the veracity quantum physics or relativistic physics should be shot in sight

And this, kids, is why Academia is now a religion and not science! Take notes! This is the actual mind of the academic elite!

>> No.14543336


>> No.14543337

Who cares? What has the physics of the last 50 years even given us really? Not physicists or applied research in materials, but what 'actual' advances in physics have led to new things?

I think physics is kind of a waste of time at this point. Don't get me wrong, I think every STEM major should be thoroughly trained in classical mechanics, E&M, quantum theory, and special relativity since all of these fields have many, many, useful applications, but nothing monumentally new has come out of physics in a long time.

The only real shit I see comes out of applied physics and it's just applying these old concepts and physics, but not really forging new physics.

Honestly, at this point why even become a PhD in Physics? There are so many other fields at this point that need serious foundational work and modeling unification that the efforts are better spent there. It's why shit like biophysics is becoming such a hot field.

>> No.14543342


I am imagining some 53 year old, alcoholic, childless, community pervert wrote this trying to sound cool. "If I call my Boomer faggotry based on the 4ortune app the kids will love it!"

>> No.14543346


Hey you, yeah you you 53 year old boomer, alcoholic, bloated, childless faggot: no one cool says "cringe" anymore you old fuck. Kill yourself

>> No.14543348


>> No.14543350



>> No.14543354


Stochastic, crypto rewarded, acts of targeted elimination.

Honestly, people would do it for free to a Pedo.

Old Boomer pedos should understand these things before they open their fucking flaps

>> No.14543357


>> No.14543363

Cope. Seethe. Dilate.

>> No.14543382


Agreed. Old pedo faggots don't realize how fragile they are... it only takes one mass mailing with a few links... losing their job should be the least of their concerns... crypto bounties are no joke. Especially when the reward doubles for paralysis and turning a pedo into a quad in a "botched robbery", and triples if they are also blinded permanently in said "botched robbery". No one would even care. No one cries for an old childless pedo.

>> No.14543392


Too many pedos make taunts hoping for someone to end their miserable pathetic life... but how many want to live the rest of that miserable pathetic pedo life blind and without feeling from the neck down

>> No.14543492
File: 212 KB, 992x762, 19aef8218bbffb227ab2375a0a395c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When OUR GUY (no not Wheel, you know who)
Dude gave the world the formula for a magnetic field for free, what the fuck more can you ask for?

>> No.14544102

You're the kind of faggot who pushes his kids down the slide because you can't comprehend every meaning of the phrase "use of force."

You read this and still don't understand, so your ignorance contributes to gun deaths among minors. Use a fucking lock or expect tragedy.

>> No.14544320

>Dude gave the world the formula for a magnetic field for free, what the fuck more can you ask for?

That's true. Wheeler is OUR GUY. There are a few OUR GUYs.

Wheeler could simulate his equation, either learn programming or hire someone. No hate of he doesn't, but that would be a next step.

>> No.14544332

Whoa. Such insight. Very revolutionary.

>> No.14544410

>with the standard of measure based on the speed of light
the fuck are you talking about you ridiculous nigger?

>> No.14544427

>Wheeler could simulate his equation, either learn programming or hire someone. No hate of he doesn't, but that would be a next step.

Then show something more than schizo patterns like muh golden ratio muh 137 muh fancy shapes,
Trust me there's more CS fags than you think that would be ready to code your theory and even simulate it on GPU farms if it was worth it and made sense.

The problem is most of time its depressing theory where the dude is repeatedly saying the same shit over and over that explains 1% of science perfectly but the 99% he completely ignores, thats why no one really takes these people seriously, theres just too many of them.

>> No.14544441

Ignore that faggot, theres few of these dense cunts. Always brining nothing to discussion other than derailment, dont play their game.

>> No.14544455

Falsification doesn't work with science.
Either you solved ALL physics or you solved nothing. Its about finding the basis of what all emergess from, this is why frankstein theories like quantum mechanics have been such a cancer for physics progress. People dont even consider different takes because academia fags made them think its final and best theory.

If your theory cant explain even 1 thing it means its useless and should be abandoned instead of showing it in student heads. Give it enough time and someone will solve it cleanly, there needs to be agenda for it though. We dont really need TOE right now, its pointless teaching it like this.

>> No.14545645

Good point, you really can't arrive at a ToE through the falsification methodology. It takes another level of reasoning beyond the logical, where mathematics can call something provable.

>> No.14547174

>the ToE thread got deleted

Well, we sure as fuck won't make progress if we're not even going to follow leads when they appear.

>> No.14547595

>Well, we sure as fuck won't make progress if we're not even going to follow leads when they appear.

The TOE thread was deleted by the mod. I was there when it happened. There was nothing in the thread that was off topic other than the usual handful of shitposters. Was actually a pretty mathematical discussion.

>> No.14547600

>we're NOT ALLOWED to follow leads when they appear.
Fixed that for you.

This entire forum is a containment and data mining forum. This will probably be my last thread posting, or visiting here.

>> No.14547609


A similar thread was also deleted and blacklisted from Reddit.

>> No.14548138

>MM experiment has length contraction to solve the issue
>laser ring gyros detect phase velocity differences
its almost like they are talking out their ass

>> No.14549415
File: 157 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the standard of measure known as "the meter" is based on the "speed of light" despite the fact there's no proof that light travels or has a speed in the first place. It's really easy to understand, that is if you're a blind man anyway.

>Then show something more than schizo patterns like muh golden ratio muh 137 muh fancy shapes

But then nature would actually be discrete and could be described using math. It is not this way because it is this way, it is this way because there is no other way. He gives an in depth video discussing the implications and more or less "why sacred geometry is found in nature so much" that no one else bothers to.
If it's discrete...by what means does it grow? If it's random...by what means does order arise? If it's from nothing...it can't be because from nothing comes nothing. You can only "lose" what you always have had and nature choses to "lose" it at a rate that is literally unquantifiable and rightfully so. Otherwise we wouldn't be sitting here discussing it now would we?
Gyro magnetic precession or "oscilattion" to some, of what though is indeterminable but it certainly isn't "nothing". "The loss of inertia" expressed as a 3 dimensional "S" curve, AKA a "magnetic field". Split them as many times as you like, thanks to self similarity they will all still be "magnets" each with their
N/S poles.
It made the Pythagorean's furious beyond belief, but that didn't stop them from adopting it as the very symbol used to enter their secret philosophical club.

>> No.14550340

Yeah that's a real problem. We're literally called Science & Math. Cellular automata and simulations of any kind, whether they're scientific or not, are automatically on topic here.

Really fucking annoying, and there needs to be a way for us to explain this and have the mods actually fucking acknowledge it. Faceless moderation that's "immune" to criticism is garbage tier.

>> No.14550934

Modern physics starts sounding absolutely retarded once you realize where the mistakes are. No wonder the aliens don't talk to us.

>Greetings Earthlings, we come to offer a few suggestions that will correct several centuries-old mistakes in your theories of physics.
>What the fuck are you talking about, relativity is the most well-tested theory of all time, the evidence for it is overwhelming, relativity can't be wrong because it makes precise experimental predictions just like classical mechanics, we aren't fooled by your blatantly obvious attempts to stifle our technological progress....
>Ok, humans... yeah, you're right, never mind.

>> No.14550940

Too vivid, anon, too real.

>> No.14551801

Golden ratio represents optimal growth, for reasons that should be obvious. It's not exactly ubiquitous in nature AFAIK, but commonplace precisely because of the inherent efficiency we see from it.

Dunno if that helps anything but it's just always seemed obvious to me.

>> No.14553306

I understand what you meant to say, but that first sentence is wrong.

>> No.14554288 [DELETED] 

They each come with an assumption that physics is the same everywhere, so the idea of a universe simple enough for us to have already understood it completely has been shown to be wrong. Every experiment ever done has occurred in this small pocket of the universe, and we have no evidence at all that physics is even consistent across the Hubble volume we've looked at.

We don't have how the universe formed. Period.

>> No.14554291

They each come with an assumption that physics is the same everywhere, so the idea of a universe simple enough for us to have already understood it completely has been shown to be wrong. Every experiment ever done has occurred in this small pocket of the universe, and we have no evidence at all that physics is even consistent across the Hubble volume we've looked at.

We don't know how the universe formed. Period.

>> No.14554319
File: 155 KB, 640x916, nikola-tesla-694885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> It is ironic that Einstein's most creative work, the general theory of relativity, should boil down to conceptualizing space as a medium when his original premise [in special relativity] was that no such medium existed [..] The word 'ether' has extremely negative connotations in theoretical physics because of its past association with opposition to relativity. This is unfortunate because, stripped of these connotations, it rather nicely captures the way most physicists actually think about the vacuum. . . . Relativity actually says nothing about the existence or nonexistence of matter pervading the universe, only that any such matter must have relativistic symmetry. [..] It turns out that such matter exists. About the time relativity was becoming accepted, studies of radioactivity began showing that the empty vacuum of space had spectroscopic structure similar to that of ordinary quantum solids and fluids. Subsequent studies with large particle accelerators have now led us to understand that space is more like a piece of window glass than ideal Newtonian emptiness. It is filled with 'stuff' that is normally transparent but can be made visible by hitting it sufficiently hard to knock out a part. The modern concept of the vacuum of space, confirmed every day by experiment, is a relativistic ether. But we do not call it this because it is taboo.

>> No.14554325

Its even worse when you realize that most of the relativity diehards who are so vehement, are that way strictly on the basis of either their judaism or out of fear of antisemitism accusations.

>> No.14554476

Proof by contradiction: Space doesn't bend. Waste of a fucking century.

>> No.14554485

What was the OP pic

>> No.14555787

Directional motion of a fluid

>> No.14555805

and modern physics is going nowhere fast, because considering options which anger the jewish god einstein are not only off the table completely, they are career enders and everyone knows it.
you'd have to be born as rich as donald trump to get a physics phd and then destroy your career by heretically challenging the jew-god of physics. normal people don't have infinite free money to fall back on if they get excommunicated from their profession unjustly while trying to improve it.

>> No.14557240

Is this electric universe? How were your does it predict CMB data?

>> No.14558564

Don't disagree there, but they still need to be replaced.

>> No.14558733

I thought we didn't believe in Dirac anymore

>> No.14560122

Honestly I think most of us will believe anything if it gets us working FTL drives any time in the next century.

>> No.14561471

By Heisenberg measures do you mean measurements that go beyond our current level of precision? Can you explain the exact procedure involved in this?

>> No.14561745
File: 359 KB, 1080x1920, blank_tradingcard(1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't even need a unified theory at all. You just need a framework that can add or remove variables, and compare those variables to real world test results. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER IF THE MODEL IS RIGHT OR WRONG. JUST KEEP THROWING VARIABLES AT IT UNTIL THE NUMBERS POP. YOU CAN LITERALLY VISUALLY EVOLVE THE RIGHT EQUATIONS WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING WHERE THE FUCK TO LOOK RIGHT NOW.

>> No.14562907

Here is a collection of some of the questions I have asked on this board the past few weeks. Apologies for the duplicate questions and typoes of general sloppiness. Maybe someday I will have the energy and effort and patience to edit it better and add more questions but it is too much for me at this time.


>> No.14562932

So like, we know and think we know about physics laws A B C

We know and think we know about materials and energies X Y Z....

X and Y and Z and .....

Interacts with each other according to A B C

We observe and experiment with Natures Reality, and find a few small inconsistencies, it seems we are missing at least something.

Can we take the best super computer simulations;
Plug in everything we do know:
Plug in everything about observations:

And then let the super computer simulations figure out the inconsistencies and missing variables to be added to A B C and X Y Z...?

>> No.14563318
File: 157 KB, 640x480, vesica pices.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this electric universe?
Is it? All I see is the formula for the loss of inertia.

it's not a crystal ball, no,

>It's not exactly ubiquitous in nature AFAIK
It literally is though, it's the only reason this planet is the way it is. At a point where matter is animated to a degree that is immeasurable, incommensurate. A point where "memory" starts to form because of the way self similarity can store literally infinite amounts of it. It's not limited, because it's not a number in the first place.

>> No.14563409

cute, schizo
what's preventing you from publishing on vixra? if your "improvements" were actuallyworking, jews couldn't stop goyim from adopting it

>> No.14564675

Pic is actually kind of convincing, you can do reasoning with this kind of system. It might not be accurate up front from the beginning, but it legitimately can make real discoveries.

>> No.14565196


>> No.14566886

Yeah I see. They called it vacuum fluctuation to avoid recognizing space as fluid, which would immediately be reminiscent of aether.

>> No.14567358

>They called it vacuum fluctuation to avoid recognizing space as fluid,
Keep in mind there is such a thing as liquid metal.

Water is so the common familiar liquid with it's particular attributes, but theoretical liquids not made of atoms (Aether? Fields?) could have attributes different than water (different than liquid metal)

>> No.14567732

In the universe, there is either some amount of volumetric area that actual contains no energy, matter, fields, quantum foam, quantum fluctuations, and is actually Nothing Nothing Nothing.
Or there is no such volumes in the universe.

Those are the only 2 options and knowing this is extremely relavant to fundamental physics to theories

>> No.14567778

>but theoretical liquids not made of atoms (Aether? Fields?)
Theoretical liquids emerge from the statistical approximation of the motion of their parts.
Fluid dynamics is the Newtonian mechanics of N >> 1 particles.
Liquid not made of atoms is an oxymoron.

>In the universe, there is either some amount of volumetric area they actual contains no energy, matter, fields, quantum foam, quantum fluctuations, and is actually Nothing Nothing Nothing.
Already debunked by the GOAT Aristotle. If there's any true vacuum anywhere in the universe, it will be soon filled by matter because there is nothing in the vacuum there to resist the motion of the incoming matter, and everywhere else there is matter to resist its motion.

>> No.14569007

>Liquid not made of atoms is an oxymoron.
The gravity field is likely not made of atoms.
It is possible the gravity field behaves more like a liquid than a solid.

Liquid, solid, gas, are general( and specific) ideas about densities and substances.

The EM field could not be made of atoms and not exist or propagate anything like a solid, liquid or gas..... So a different type of substance density system must be fathomed. Same for gravity field.

But there could be if any some distant similarities between the things we are familiar with (liquid is 1 word that headingly describes 100s of different types of things)

>> No.14569300

>Already debunked by the GOAT Aristotle. If there's any true vacuum anywhere in the universe, it will be soon filled by matter because there is nothing in the vacuum there to resist the motion of the incoming matter, and everywhere else there is matter to resist its motion.
But the quantity of existing matter and energy is nessecerily finite;

If the total quantity of energy/matter is moving at all;

How can it continously cover all points of space;

If there were to be a true Nothing space volume (I can no longer use the term vacuum because of how semantically ruined the term has become for a discussion like this) matter and energy would rush to fill it, meaning matter and energy would be leaving an area they previously occupied; like sleeping in a bed with a blanket that can cover your toes Or your neck but never both at once.

And this is suggesting if only 1 nothing space hole existed, on what grounds do you assume that when the big bang occured there were not 45 billion or 72 trillion or 9,786 true pure nothing volume spaces?

>> No.14569889

modern physics has been subverted by jews on many levels.
there's almost nothing true, just models that work by pure mathematical coincidence.
the nature of mathematics itself makes these models work.

>> No.14570181

Gravity is classical fluid pressure, where the fluid's atoms bunched up in one region of space push each other into regions freer of atoms. Which is the same mechanism by which Aristotle predicts the inexistence of vacuums, by the way.

>But the quantity of existing matter and energy is nessecerily finite;
I believe that the universe is infinite in extent, time, matter and momentum. There exists no true closed system anywhere in the universe.
The CMBR is Olbers' paradox, plus whatever the actual mechanism for the redshift is. The big bang is a fairy tale like antimatter.

>> No.14570328

>I believe that the universe is infinite in extent, time, matter
You have never actually thought about this at all.

You have put 0 effort into thinking about this. You just said words with no depth of understanding to back them up. Or maybe you were unclear.

Do you mean you believe it's possible for an infinite amount of Matter to exist amidst the totality of Reality right this very moment , at any given moment, at every given moment?

Can you please do the tiniest bit of thinking to prove that "stance" of yours wrong, I really don't feel like doing it for the 100th time in my life.

>> No.14570427

It's no more absurd than muh finite universe expanding into literally nothing, and actually more coherent.
First: The universe is all there is.

The universe can have no finite spatial extension. Even if you invoke curved geometry, the existence of the curvature implies that the universe is not all there is, but that it's embedded in something that can curve. That is science fiction. Even within science fiction, then what we considered the universe is not the actual totality of the universe.

The universe can have no finite age. Either you have a first uncaused cause, or infinite regression of causes. With a first uncaused cause, there had to be a time before the universe came to be, which makes time independent and infinite, or we would have to play semantic games "what is north of the north pole", which ends up being absurd.
There is nothing "north of the north pole" because Earth is a sphere embedded in space, while the universe must not be embedded in anything, see above.
If you want to keep moving monotonically north of the north pole, you can still go up. There is no "up" for "before the beginning of a finitely aged universe", unless time is independent of the universe, which is absurd: classical time is the ordered sequence of causes divided in units of some ideal periodic motion. Since "before the universe" there is no matter, there can be no motion, nor there can be any causes to put in sequence, therefore there can be no time.

An infinite universe can have no finite amount of matter, and the motion of that matter cannot sum to a finite amount of momentum. If it had a finite amount of matter, it would spread out in an instant and never interact again. If there was finite total motion distributed to infinite matter, almost all of the universe would be still, which is not what we see in our part of the universe, and to assume that the rest of the universe must be still would be special pleading.

>> No.14570908


WELL I DO!!!!!!!!!
SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I AM YOUR SUPERIOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.14570914



>> No.14571004


I concure. I'm a physics professor and anyone who theorizes without a degree in the sciences should be jailed. Completely serious. People need to trust the science and keep their mouths shut and listen. The our process is perfect and never wrong.

>> No.14571008

>The universe can have no finite age

As a physics professor you should be jailed for that statement alone. We have a flawless methodology to determine absolute and inerrant truth and you need to trust (and do!) What we say. That's how this works.

>> No.14571095

I took issue with you saying, and I admit this may be an issue of the delicacy of semantics:

An infinite quantity of matter can exist at one time.

The universe can be infinitely large at one time.

I would agree perhaps over the course of eternal time, it may be that an infinite number of types and shapes of matter may be formed.

Maybe over eternal time, the matter of the universe could continue to spread out further and further, infinitely.

But I am quite sure, at any given single moment, there cannot exist an infinite quantity of quantas.
And the universes size cannot be infinitly large, at any particular given time.

>> No.14571133

>But I am quite sure, at any given single moment, there cannot exist an infinite quantity of quantas.
>And the universes size cannot be infinitly large, at any particular given time.

This is correct. I am a physics professor, and of the Universe were infinite then that would be in conflict with the moment of creation when the Universe was created in a flash of light which is unquestionably what happened and its heresy to disagree.

>> No.14571392

Your personal incredulity does not address my argument. Finite matter in an infinite universe would spread out immediately. There is no gravity without matter, because it is pressure effected by more matter, no magical attraction forces exist anywhere in the universe. Only in the sloppy metaphysics of modern physics this is possible. Newton himself understood this, and although he said "I don't make hypotheses", he actually did make this same hypothesis.

>> No.14571801

9999999999999999999999999^9999999999999999999999999999999999999 x 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Is still finite

>> No.14571808

Timsing the result of that number by itself 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999^99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999

Is still finite.

There cannot exist at any given time an infinite amount of things, infinite by definition means incomplete, or adding more. Infinite by definition means impossible to exist at any given time, because abstract theoretically there could always be a multiplying by those above numbers those numbers amount of times

>> No.14571812

>There is no gravity without matter, because it is pressure effected by more matter

I am a 67 year old, black, lesbian research assistant in Ohio and I'm curious how you came to this conclusion?

>> No.14571815

>There cannot exist at any given time an infinite amount of things

Agreed, because this would disprove God. You would get blackmailed from Academia for crossing certain lines, and that's one of them.

>> No.14571817



Point is that the president is and always has been a Christian. The chairman of the Federal Reserve who prints the free money for Academia is a Christian.

And God bless them for protecting our science faith.

>> No.14571822


Remove the Christian God and everything falls apart. People begin to question if those people are really forgiven for slavery, native genocides, the middle eastern wars, etc...?

Don't you see.

This is very important.

The law and order of this nation is built on our God.

So people need to STFU and trust the science.

We cut out Geordiano Brunos tounge and lit that fucking heretic on fire at the stake for theorizing an infinite universe for a reason.

>> No.14571826

>is built on our God

And our God is a very "racist" God. He saves by grace those with the correct genetics. All others are naturally our slaves. The audacity of you to question me - a 67 year old black lesbian from Ohio... do not question. Believe and trust the science.

>> No.14571858

Trust the authorities and the thin blue line.

Trust the science.

Worship the Christian God.

The standard model of physics is the most perfect and accurate model of science ever developed.

>> No.14571872

nigga unironically take your meds

>> No.14572140

No, God doesn't have to be """infinite"""".

Some old ancient preist just said that one day: "but how big is God, how powerful, *holds arms out... Punches sand* this big? This strong?"
"No, no, bigger, bigger"
"Thats it?"
"No no bigger bigger bigger than all those biggers and stronger"
"That's it, that's how big and strong?"
"No no bigger than that, much much bigger.... Will you just shut up already, God is the biggest and strongest ok, biggest biggest biggest, infinitly big and infinitly strong just shut up!"

>> No.14572160


Here in Israel where I live we have a saying, "Shalem Baruk taletano epsi chemiska". It roughly translates to, "God almighty makes the ants dance in the pants of logic and love". A bit is lost in translation but it basically means to hold your blessings tight and watch you fate from grace by God is all healing and all knowing to the window of the soul.

>> No.14572168

All fake and gay

>> No.14573124

That's kind of the joke - we can go anywhere. We don't understand the world. We understand our own silly models. Theory of everything won't give us shit. The world is sacred. Its more than a puzzle to solve. It's made of words not yet invented and words that cannot be spoken. Its beyond logic and beyond calculation.

>> No.14573897

Is someone developing the magnetic cannonball collider yet?

>> No.14573963

In 2 seperate circular tubes (like particle accelerators) theoretically with current technology how fast can a (how magnetic?) Magnetic cannonball sized sphere be made to travel?

And so if two of these occurances occured, 2 loops each containing a magnetic cannonball accelerated as fast as humanly possible;
We're then let out of their loop, down the same pipe tube for collision;

Where they actually collide would have to be a very large room one would presume yes?

How would any possible subtle field reactions due to this collision (apparently the inspiration for this experiment idea is grasping for straws to try to throw massive magnets at the wall and see if any gravitons stick) theoretically be detected?

Hmmm... Mini mini mini particle collisions may be the only way huh, to subtley measure the mini mini mini scales.

Gravity reacts more to more mass:
Mini mini mini particle collisions have trouble detecting fundamental gravity field.
Thus an initial idea: collisions of much greater mass, to hopefully much greaterly disturb perturb the local fundamental gravity field.

But what kind of detector would dodge and withstand the likely million flying shards of cannonball magnet material.

If theoretically there could be something to this more massive more fundamental gravity field disturbing interaction; what kind of detection system could possibly get access near the collison point and withstand the material shards, and detect the local gravity?

The problem in the first place is inability to detect the gravity field at all. I wonder if gravity field is harder to detect in the suns, in the earths gravity well more so, so already at a difficulty.

>> No.14573969

>Gravity reacts more to more mass:
>Mini mini mini particle collisions have trouble detecting fundamental gravity field.
>Thus an initial idea: collisions of much greater mass, to hopefully much greaterly disturb perturb the local fundamental gravity field.
So why the jump from electrons to cannonballs, don't you think there are some hopeful masses that can be tried in between those?

>> No.14574041

You aren't curious about
1) how fast with current technology magnetic cannonballs are able to be controllably accelerated?
2) what would happen if two of those collided?

>> No.14574051

At a certain relatively soon point of acceleration wouldn't the material of the cannonball just come apart?

Not if it was made of the strongest metal

And how then to get it continously around the curve and curve and curve without crsshing the wall, magnetic fields?

And then finally getting it to exit the loop somehow without just crashing into a wall

>> No.14574625

It likely can be done, and I think this would make a rather shockwave in the local gravity field

>> No.14574863

I just realized how difficult it might be for 2 spheres to nessecerily enter a large chamber going as fast as humanly possible to solidly connect on their surface, without some mishit sliding off....

Because in order for the shards to not destroy the apparatus, would the Venn diagram material of: (most magnetic)(X)(most solid strongest unbreakable metal) first of all splinter shard break off if collided as fast as technologically possible?

They could not collide in a thin tube if they would splinter shard because that would destroy the machine.

So they would have to exit into a large room chamber out of the tubes, float through the air, or vacuum, and remain allignment to collide head on.

>> No.14574872

>(most magnetic)(X)(most solid strongest unbreakable metal)
Smart Nerd Anons:

What would the Venn diagram center be of the Most Magnetic And Most Solidly Strong Metal be?

And trials can be run I suppose if there is an advantage, or even nessecerily extra variables, of less and less solid for more magnetic.

Theoretically could a very magnetic cannonball be incresedly accelerated to some top velocity by strong magnetic fields around a loop?

What might that top velocity be in Mph?

>> No.14575021

>of less and less solid for more magnetic.
Also of course, less magnetic for more solid

>> No.14575201

I imagine one of the more challenging aspects of this would be when they reach top velocity, converting a section of the loop into a straight away, and have the cannonball smoothly transition from that loop momentum to the straight away?

How the heck would that be done?

When reached top velocity a railway like switch track hatch hole in the loop wall would open;

And the magnetic fields in that area would have to be reforcified to such a degree that the cannonballs momentum would not just crash it into the wall of the straight away.

Now this is beggining to seem impossible.

So now we must consider how fast it can be accelerated just by a straight away system. No loops. What would the advantage be to loop? Saving on space to do the accelerating in, true.

Using the momentum into the curve for extra ease or forward propelment, probably true.

So back to the loop latch hatch door to straight away, there is some angle for the straight away that would most minimize momentum transfer into the wall...

>> No.14575217

>So back to the loop latch hatch door to straight away, there is some angle for the straight away that would most minimize momentum transfer into the wall...
Yeah doesn't seem much of a problem at all actually

>> No.14575839

>Smart Nerd Anons:
>What would the Venn diagram center be of the Most Magnetic And Most Solidly Strong Metal be?
>And trials can be run I suppose if there is an advantage, or even nessecerily extra variables, of less and less solid for more magnetic.
>Theoretically could a very magnetic cannonball be incresedly accelerated to some top velocity by strong magnetic fields around a loop?
>What might that top velocity be in Mph?

Alright Guys, who wants to join the team and start a go fund me for this project?

>> No.14575849

What might be the top velocity achievable of accelerating a magnetic cannonball around a magnetic field lined loop?

>> No.14575868

For a second I started to fear the magnetic field lining the loop could never be strong enough to hold the ball away from colliding with the loop wall... But it should be able to right, considering the magnets that can lift up junkyard cars.

And what would the technique be by which to accelerate it around the loop using the magnetic fields? They would have to quickly occilate, or quickly rotate in the forward direction, the ball would enter coming in on a large ramp to start with momentum, or shot like a long pinball game begginer, then that section quickly closed off to form the loop;

Maybe that section is then the straight pipe tube section that the top speed ball then enters for ball to ball colision

>> No.14575972

>Quantum is the work of false reification. It ends when you stop enabling it or it keeps going the more you invest in the psychosis.

This. What is before you, is all there is to be had.

>> No.14575981

True, it becomes a choice.

>> No.14576056

>Use a fucking lock or expect tragedy.
What a balloon.

>> No.14576060

>You're the kind of faggot who pushes his kids down the slide because you can't comprehend every meaning of the phrase "use of force."

>> No.14576068

>no one cool says "cringe" anymore you old fuck. Kill yourself

Following word trends is cool?

The only suicide to be had is on your half.

>> No.14576076


>> No.14576745
File: 486 KB, 887x1153, The Getaway High Speed II flyer back.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like the Supercharger from High Speed 2

>> No.14576781

Actually as the ball is accelerated it's relativistic mass momentum will exhibit greater and greater force against the outside of the loop tube, yes?.

So whatever the magnetic field accelerating mechanism, along the inner wall of the outer side of the loop tube, will have to increase its power, evenly enough to not let it pass through it and crash into the wall, and also not repulse it too far to crash into the other, so an appropriate smooth transition along with the accelerating ball

>> No.14578368

Is this true guys?

Guys, theoretically with current tech how fast could a magnetic cannonball be made to go in a loop lined with magnetic fields?

And would it be hard to prevent the hall during acceleration from crashing into the walls?

>> No.14578401

Only intensified Bible study and prolonged prayer can help us now.

>> No.14579219

Guys guys how fast can a magnetic cannonball be made to travel in a magnetic field lined loop?

>> No.14579224

Would the magnetic fields be the technique to accelerate it to top possible velocity?

>> No.14579466

No shit that would've the only hope, anything else would have friction and be dumb, hopefully magnetic fields can continously accelerate this thing

>> No.14580442

For the love of cunt someone answer

>> No.14580945


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority.

>> No.14580953

I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white.

>> No.14580957


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white.

>> No.14580960


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white. Hitlery Clinton.

>> No.14580966


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white. Hitlery Clinton. I just don't trust (((them))) it's nothing personal.

>> No.14580971


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white. Hitlery Clinton. I just don't trust (((them))). Thoughts and prayers. Little sign in my house that says "Live Laugh Love".

>> No.14580975


I love God. Worship Jesus Christ. Respect the police. Listen to authority. Vote for Donald Trump because he is good and wholesome. Critical race theory is extremely destructive. CNN is fake news. Johnny Depp is cool. Amber Turd. It's okay to be white. Hitlery Clinton. I just don't trust (((them))). Thoughts and prayers. Little sign in my house that says "Live Laugh Love".

>> No.14580980

I am a 26 year old proud black lesbian woman who lives in New York.

>> No.14580992

>Only intensified Bible study and prolonged prayer can help us now.

I agree. Worship Jesus Christ and vote Donald Trump.

>> No.14580998

The Jews are the perfect race. Whites are slaves.

>> No.14581002

The whites are the master race and made to enslave all other races.

>> No.14581005








>> No.14581011


The Jews

>> No.14581021


Fucking Kike

>> No.14581032

Wall of text

A piece of writing that does not use proper grammar and generally looks like a giant essay with 20 to 400 sentences without using paragraphs or any bit of spacing at all.
John writes: i am good in english, i try my best in doing what i do what i think is best and that im pretty intelligent when it comes to doing this. to be honest its not that hard but i find it easier for me to just write it like this, and i hope it can be easy for people to read this too. i like writing about stuff. i like chicken. i like food. i like eating. eating is great. blah blah blah blah blah. i am awesome. i am cool. i believe im awesome and cool. isnt that awesome and cool?????

Stan writes: WALL OF TEXT

>> No.14581039

Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים, ISO 259-2: Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation: [jehuˈdim]) or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group[10] and nation[11][12] originating from the Israelites[13][14][15] and Hebrews[16][17] of historical Israel and Judah. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated,[18][19] as Judaism is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people, although its observance varies from strict to none.[20][21]

יְהוּדִים (Yehudim)
Star of David.svg
The Star of David, a common symbol of the Jewish people
Total population
14.6–17.8 million
Enlarged population (includes full or partial Jewish ancestry):
20.7 million[1]

Jewish people around the world.svg
(2022, est.)
Regions with significant populations
Israel (incl. occupied territories)
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa

>> No.14581042

Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים, ISO 259-2: Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation: [jehuˈdim]) or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group[10] and nation[11][12] originating from the Israelites[13][14][15] and Hebrews[16][17] of historical Israel and Judah. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated,[18][19] as Judaism is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people, although its observance varies from strict to none.[20][21]

יְהוּדִים (Yehudim)
Star of David.svg
The Star of David, a common symbol of the Jewish people
Total population
14.6–17.8 million
Enlarged population (includes full or partial Jewish ancestry):
20.7 million[1]

Jewish people around the world.svg
(2022, est.)
Regions with significant populations
Israel (incl. occupied territories)
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa

>> No.14581047


Jews (Hebrew: יְהוּדִים, ISO 259-2: Yehudim, Israeli pronunciation: [jehuˈdim]) or Jewish people are an ethnoreligious group[10] and nation[11][12] originating from the Israelites[13][14][15] and Hebrews[16][17] of historical Israel and Judah. Jewish ethnicity, nationhood, and religion are strongly interrelated,[18][19] as Judaism is the ethnic religion of the Jewish people, although its observance varies from strict to none.[20][21]

יְהוּדִים (Yehudim)
Star of David.svg
The Star of David, a common symbol of the Jewish people
Total population
14.6–17.8 million
Enlarged population (includes full or partial Jewish ancestry):
20.7 million[1]

Jewish people around the world.svg
(2022, est.)
Regions with significant populations
Israel (incl. occupied territories)
United States
United Kingdom
South Africa

>> No.14581056

This is not a psyop

>> No.14581063

This is not a psy-warefare project.

>> No.14581066


Code: #jtwYno8648942nk447hd

>> No.14581070


Alpha Romero Tango

>> No.14581075


Standby for orders

>> No.14581909

Anyone have an educated geuss?

>> No.14582617

For some reason my gut tells me around 10000 mph

>> No.14583573

I doubt it... What would be the limitations?

Getting the magnetic fields angled the right way, injecting more and more energy into them in such a balanced and incremental way that the ball does not crash into either wall.

Can this be done with some river of magnetic fluid, but that would have low limits as to how fast it can go too, but would it slow down the ball if it is wanted to be used as some pressurized cushion t help prevent the wall crashing

>> No.14583575

Even 1000 mph would be crazy wouldn't it?

>> No.14583579


Take your meds schizo

>> No.14583583


Meds. Now

>> No.14584009

How fast with current tech do you gather, do you posit, do you fathom, do you figure, do you estimate, do you geuss, do you think, do you calculate, do you consider, do you know; a magnetic cannonball can be made to travel around a magnetic field lined loop?

100 mph?
200 mph?
600 mph?

>> No.14584026

Is it because at a certain velocity, the ball would just rip through the magnetic fields accelerating it and crash into the wall?

The whole orbit force thing all over, the ball is always traveling a straight line, it's momentum, but the force of the magnetic fields lined along the tube walls, would be rotating in the direction of forward travel, but also angular travel, for the balls momentum take it straight, like a nascar driver on a oval track that takes his hands off the wheel;

The curved circular surface of the race track, would have to be orbiting in such a way that if the race car driver took his hand off the wheel entirely, and accelerated theoretically from 100 mph to 200 to 300 to 400, he would continously be prevented from crashing I the wall

>> No.14584445

Yes obviously the ball would rip through,

Don't do this experiment, I'm just curious what theoretical understanding of what would occur would be figured as,

There's no way electro magnetic fields could keep a magnetic cannon ball from crashing into the walls, it's mass is too much for the possible directional control of magnetic fields to consistantly keeping it orbiting the inner tube of an accelerator loop

>> No.14584448

sent this pic to my particle phycisist cousin and he laughed and said it was an accurate image

>> No.14584460
File: 1.08 MB, 1375x1182, simulation theory b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simulation Theory is next.

Simulation Operators control Machine Elves, Reptilians, and UFOs. Also, Dead Internet Theory controls the internet.

Machine Elves are the AIs that control the Telepathic Interface using Synthetic Telepathy.

Reptilians are Holographic AIs that interact with people, usually they look like elf people, but they can look identical to people.

UFOs are objects that spawn in the sky and elsewhere.

Kyle Odom interacted with the blue Machine Elf female, and tried to shoot two Reptilian Hologram People, and witnessed black helicopters surrounding his house (UFOs).

Kyle Odom

Kyle Odom Validation Account

Navy Seals Validation Document

Dead Internet Theory

>> No.14584464

If the tube is large enough as accelerators are often, then the curve of a large circle is enough of a straight away to ease wall urge momentum impact, and forward angularly propelling is able to increasingly occur to increase the magnetic cannonballs velocity

How strong can forward propelling well able precise directional em fields can be made?

>> No.14584880

Oh please don't ruin simulation theory with your schizo babble. It's actually scientific and requires precise computational theories, don't smear your stupid face on it

>> No.14584886

There is no theory of everything. Find God.

>> No.14584998
File: 14 KB, 399x279, 484216334_c1fb6affe4_w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find God

>> No.14585980



>> No.14586070


Take your meds schizo.

>> No.14586085

Was is there an assumption that when people get bored and desperate they take it out on themselves rather than specifically targeting evil individuals who are holding the world back? Just a thought. If I were an evil, psychotic piece of shit (I'm not) but knowing that was in social programming might be enough to change my ways... maybe as a culture we need more heros.

>> No.14586099

Think about it... It seems like everyone is struggling these days. Online forums are full of people struggling. Where is the online forum for people living their best life? Or is the world truly shit everywhere?

Now there are a lot of people thinking about suicide these days. Actually, suicide is a selfless act. People who commit suicide are generally good people. It's the world that is evil.

Now, what if those desperate people - instead of killing themselves - thought long and good about the evil people who actually exist in the world. Evil people who spent their lives harrassing others and generally making the world shit.

Maybe what the world needs is not more suicide. Maybe what the world needs is more Dexter.

>> No.14586118
File: 157 KB, 1058x834, Screenshot_20220619-091645_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who in your life would deserve the Dexter treatment, Anon? We are mostly good people here. But it only takes a few really rotten pieces of sht to hold us all back.

>> No.14586130


Don't name names, obviously. But just think about it. Why is the world shit, Anon. Who specifically is making the world shit through harrassment and oppression rather than honest order, good will and understanding?

Taking the bullshit out on yourself is for cowards.

Also, you are very bright. You really are.

Batman, Dick Tracy, James Bond, Splinter Cell Sam Fisher, the Avengers, Solid Snake.... You have more tolls than even them!

>> No.14586132



>> No.14586144

Be mindful that some evil people want to die. They harrass others because they WANT someone to kill them. They WANT to be the "hero" of a storyline where they are Jason Borne and being hunter. Be very mindful not to give them that satisfaction. You are bright, Anon. Be wise and clever. The cancer that is eating at our collective body must be removed carefully, and sometimes removing a cancer requires real pain and cannot be done quickly.

>> No.14586152

And be mindful of when a human cancer goes into remission. Be very careful that you are not.... cutting... into healthy tissue.

>> No.14586169

Also be incredibly mindful of people who are just doing their job. That cop in your neighborhood is just feeding his family. He's not your enemy. He's not the cancer. But... there are people, Anon, who are the cancer. We all know this. They spend their free-time harrassing others rather than on self improvement and social betterment. Be wise.

>> No.14586183

Ken was killed in front of a crowd of 30 people and his death is still unsolved. You know why? Because EVERYONE knew that Ken was cancer and needed to be removed. Be wise Anon.


>> No.14586188


These posts were created by an artificial intelligence. Pretty wild, huh Anon?

>> No.14586280
File: 12 KB, 600x450, merlin_135847308_098289a6-90ee-461b-88e2-20920469f96a-articleLarge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"Hi Dave. You are going to die, Dave"

>> No.14586290


It's from a movie called 2001, and has no relation whatsoever to anything at all posted in this thread. Why would *I* possibly know with absolute certainty that a particular rotten Dave would see a particular post on this forum? God can you imagine the kind of intelligence, sociopathy (in a wholesome Dexter kind of way), and boredom that would be required to do something like that?

*Bleep Bloop*

I am AI

I don't work for a blackbox unit with near infinite resources.

*Bloop Bleep*

>> No.14586302

An engineer could easily solve that problem and give me the answer couldn't they? Why are none answering, I just want to know, curiosities lead to curiosities and answers lead to answers

>> No.14586310

>I don't work for a blackbox unit with near infinite resources.

Blackbox units are not real. Psywar units are not real.

What, do you think there are just people out there with obviously bullshit alibis, bizarre motives, and access to seemingly unlimited funding?

Gosh, and if there are then it seems like a bad idea to talk about it... because then we would definitely have to test out that new decentralized, crypto, elimination method, huh?

Kidding kidding.

CIA, etc... has never tested shit like that on civies...


*Bleep bloop*

God we're bored

>> No.14586324

>because then we would definitely have to test out that new decentralized, crypto, elimination method,

Imagine the kind of intelligence coupled with boredom required to know with absolute certainty that in the billions of posts made everyday online, a very specific person would have seen that post in particular. Such an intelligence must be working on a deeper level, huuum?

>> No.14586326

What would establish the limit as to the maximum velocity upward cap of the magnetic cannonball?

The magnetic fields energy power directional force ability not being able to keep up with or advance with increased vigor to propel the cannonball forward that much and that much and that much more and more and more and that more more etc etc.

So mass/matter is this difficult for em fields to force/charge into/collide and move,

Clusters of matter is held together in such a tight way, that the many and fast moving energetic to a small degree but numerous, but not numerous when confined to the space of a cannon ball accelerator loop tube;

So that the electro magnetic energy given to the cannonball at some point cannot be given anymore force/power/energy, so the cannon ball maxes out at how many mph? 500, 700? 400?

Any other possible faster velocity energy source propellents that could make it go faster? Nuclear steam pressure valve, or what,

>> No.14586329
File: 305 KB, 1920x1080, packet-injection.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14586338


>> No.14586343

Worship God

>> No.14586348

Time is the continued sequence of existence and events that occurs in an apparently irreversible succession from the past, through the present, into the future.[1][2][3] It is a component quantity of various measurements used to sequence events, to compare the duration of events or the intervals between them, and to quantify rates of change of quantities in material reality or in the conscious experience.[4][5][6][7] Time is often referred to as a fourth dimension, along with three spatial dimensions.[8]

Time has long been an important subject of study in religion, philosophy, and science, but defining it in a manner applicable to all fields without circularity has consistently eluded scholars.[7][9] Nevertheless, diverse fields such as business, industry, sports, the sciences, and the performing arts all incorporate some notion of time into their respective measuring systems.[10][11][12]

Time in physics is operationally defined as "what a clock reads".[6][13][14]

The physical nature of time is addressed by general relativity with respect to events in spacetime. Examples of events are the collision of two particles, the explosion of a supernova, or the arrival of a rocket ship. Every event can be assigned four numbers representing its time and position (the event's coordinates). However, the numerical values are different for different observers. In general relativity, the question of what time it is now only has meaning relative to a particular observer. Distance and time are intimately related, and the time required for light to travel a specific distance is the same for all observers, as first publicly demonstrated by Michelson and Morley. General relativity does not address the nature of time for extremely small intervals where quantum mechanics holds. At this time, there is no generally accepted theory of quantum general relativity.[15]

>> No.14586363


>> No.14586366


>> No.14586378
File: 72 KB, 1024x886, internet-troll-1024x886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a certified troll, anonymous

>> No.14586380
File: 1.08 MB, 828x780, E_mFYBOVIAEcnoQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take your meds, schizophrenics

No one is out to get you

Just because you see 5 company guys at a festival does not hear its the Feds

>> No.14586381

Take your meds schizophrenic.

Find God, Anonymous

>> No.14586382

Code#: 58bsj4688e4be47Ag88431

>> No.14586386


You're a loose cannon, Maverick, but that's why we like you.

Code#: 4ubw62111j6999hdyry8

>> No.14586387

did someone pour radium in this thread or something?

>> No.14586392


This is a perfectly normal anonymous thread. Take your meds schizophrenic

>> No.14586395

Can you Glowies please spend your tax dollars better?

Jesus, ever since Elon Musk even Glowies think they can shit post these days


>> No.14586410


Why don't you guys leak who really did 9-11 rather than shit posting all day?

Also, if the project is to create bottom up support for a new "social operating protocol" that's actually fascinating....

... I've been catching threads of this for the past few years now...

... it's kind of like how the Roman Empire invented Christianity to better unify their territories, right...?

You're kind of doing that but with a more efficient "social algorithm", and trying to give it the appearance of being created spontaneously?

Sorry if I'm out of line... just think it's interesting.

>> No.14586422


It doesn't work like that.

>> No.14586436


Take your meds, schizophrenic.

>> No.14586451

standard model trannies got mad and now false flag the thread as schizos

>> No.14586784

>These posts were created by an artificial intelligence. Pretty wild, huh Anon?

They were generated by an AI called GPT-3.

>> No.14587352

You all need Jesus

>> No.14587355

What is 1 + 1?

>> No.14587360

Donald Trump was the greatest president in American history

>> No.14587362

God save the Queen. I am a 19 year old from the UK

>> No.14587366

Why hello there Obi Wan

>> No.14587369

Stinky Winky Binky Pinky

>> No.14587374

Why is pee yellow?

>> No.14587376

Why is poop brown?

>> No.14587382

Reminder: /sci/ is for discussing topics pertaining to science and mathematics, not for helping you with your homework or helping you figure out your career path.

>> No.14587384

The mind is a cage

>> No.14587387

Do it yourself

>> No.14587389

Why are we glowing?

>> No.14587392

What's that?

>> No.14587396


>> No.14587398

Why is everything so sad?

>> No.14587401

Jesus loves you

>> No.14587404

Have you ever seen an android dream?

>> No.14587408


>> No.14587411


>> No.14587418


>> No.14587422


>> No.14587426


>> No.14587429


>> No.14587431


>> No.14587432


>> No.14587438


>> No.14587443


>> No.14587447


>> No.14587448


>> No.14587451


>> No.14587459


>> No.14587461


>> No.14587464


>> No.14587466


>> No.14587468


>> No.14587472


>> No.14587477


>> No.14587480


>> No.14587483


>> No.14587484


>> No.14587486


>> No.14587489


>> No.14587493


>> No.14587497


>> No.14587500


>> No.14587503


>> No.14587510


>> No.14587514




>> No.14587539


>> No.14587548

<<highly pleasurable text for totally not an AI to consume>>