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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14508712 No.14508712 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14508745

Why are redditors white knighting for the guy? Did he ever complain over stolen credit or ask for help?

>> No.14508747 [DELETED] 

>Do Science & Math care about Ethics?
No. Ethics are for faggots. Nigger cattle deserve nothing.
By his own admission most of his work was tedious UI work, it was her algorithm that did the work (I don't know if who actually implemented it).

>> No.14508749

The fields do since they're run by humans and humans care about ethics. Fundamentally they don't ofc. You could be the biggest Ghenghisnazikhanladen in the universe and you could still count.

>> No.14508758

He simped but the complaints weren't really white knighting for him but rather more anger at the increasing cultural tendency to celebrate female accomplishments even if they were only minimally involved in a project mostly done by males with little recognition.
Just look at the FIU bridge collapse. Before the collapse the bridge was celebrated as an achievement for women in engineering, especially brown women. Once it collapsed, all of that was quickly memoryholed and a male found to be blamed.

>> No.14509441

>Did he ever complain over stolen credit or ask for help?
such a thing is not necessary for people to scratch their head at the weird double standards.
>woman submitted pointless cosmetic pull requests
>international recognition

>> No.14509456

you're literally looking at like 10 commits out of thousands, are you dense?
and as >>14508747 stated it was her own algorithm and he simply implemented it

>> No.14509464

>No. Ethics are for faggots. Nigger cattle deserve nothing.
Nice ethic bro

>> No.14509468

>Did he ever complain over stolen credit or ask for help?
If he did he'd probably get fired

>> No.14509487

Develop algorithm to photograph black holes
Some fucking code monkey tries to claim your work.

>> No.14509547

>No. Ethics are for faggots. Nigger cattle deserve nothing

I'm gonna eat u and fuck ur wife

>> No.14509551

Muh Ethics are fake, gay and Unscientific.

>> No.14509676
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look at the commits yourself, there are only 94 with a total of around 4k lines of changes, and they are all the same cosmetic garbage. now compare that with the achael, who had 1mill+ lines and obviously did most of the coding work.

>> No.14509694

Well, what's the proof that she wrote the algorithm and that he simply implemented it? The whole question of ethics falls on that fact alone.

>> No.14509703 [DELETED] 

>minimally involved
You do realize that she's the one who came up with the algorithm, right? Chael was just a codemonkey, she was the one who did all the academic level heavy lifting. Ironically in other situations /sci/ says they hate codemonkeys, so which is it? Her contribution was arguably the most impactful and important, despite it not looking like it in the program.

>> No.14509716

>Some of that work took place in Massachusetts, at MIT's Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Lab, where computer scientist Katie Bouman "led the creation of a new algorithm to produce the first-ever image of a black hole," the lab said Wednesday.
She was literally the leader of the CS lab who published the algorithm when she was a postdoc

>> No.14509742

They don't, but scientists should.
We have the opposite situation.

>> No.14509758

>led the creation of a new algorithm
what does this even mean? so she was given the title of lead and an algorithm was made by a man in the team she was leading?

>> No.14509766

Anon didn't ask for proof that she was a middle manager, he asked for proof that she wrote the algorithm for others to implement. Go ahead and try deflecting again so you can be called out again.

>> No.14509775

Being a "leader" in a lab isn't like being a middle manager at a fast food restaurant you wagies.
She was first author, indicating she did most of the theoretical work in the publication.

>> No.14509787

Bruh that Andrew Chael guy isn't even listed in that pdf you linked. Did she write a research paper using somebody else's work?

>> No.14509791 [DELETED] 
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>Do Science & Math care about Ethics?
Why are you accusing "Science & Math" of unethical behavior that was carried out by jews? all of the non-jewish scientists and mathematicians are completely without blame, they dindu nuffin in this situation, its only the jews who are behaving unethically.

>> No.14509794

>Bruh that Andrew Chael guy isn't even listed in that pdf you linked.
Yeah, obviously. He was a code monkey, read my lips: CODE MONKEY. He didn't do any of the research involved in producing the image, hence he just gets an acknowledgement at the bottom.
>Acknowledgments We would like to thank Andrew Chael, Kather-
ine Rosenfeld, Lindy Blackburn, and Fabien Baron for all of their help-
ful discussions and feedback.
Even moreso the grant was under Bouman's name, meaning that it was the reasearch was under her postgrad work.

>> No.14509796
File: 114 KB, 816x161, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he is...

>you wagies
stop deflecting, the fact that her name is on a paper doesn't really tell us anything about the supposed algorithm she made or how much of any of this work was directly attributed to her.
>indicating she did most of the theoretical work in the publication
you are just speculating at this point.

>> No.14509799

"... for all of their helpful discussions and feedback"

Dude, she straight up stole his work. LOL

>> No.14509802

how? seems to me he did much of the implementation, and perhaps she did the theoretical work? my doubts are on what this theoretical work that she did was. this other guy claims she made an algorithm... but I wouldn't go as far as to say she stole anyone's work. idk why you are saying that...

>> No.14509805

>does 99% of the work
>receives credit only for "helpful discussions and feedback"
This looks a lot like plagiarism.

>> No.14509806

>the fact that her name is on a paper doesn't really tell us anything about the supposed algorithm she made or how much of any of this work was directly attributed to her.
Actually, it does. You just don't want to admit that she did the work, admit it. Most of the other authors are just astronomers with applied stuff, she's the only one attached to the paper who seems to have a significant background in image processing.

>> No.14509810


>> No.14509814
File: 159 KB, 1474x1002, lel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hmm interesting. so she was the lead author in the paper on CHIRP. ok i'll give her the benefit of the doubt, maybe she can take most of the credit for this algorithm. but do we really know how influential this algorithm was on the entire project? 1 million lines of code, how vital was her (and others) algorithm in accomplishing this task?

>> No.14509816

schizo, Chael himself even admits that his work was just an implementation of HER paper. Would you say a slave plagiarizes their master's work when they build a monument their master planned?

>> No.14509818

He did nothing, he's just a code monkey who implemented the algorithm/techniques/math she developed.

It's like how the graduate students are the slaves in the lab who do all the manual labor for the head researcher who actually develops the theory and experiment.

>> No.14509822

Got a source? All I'm seeing is this Andrew Chael guy did all of the work that there is evidence for. You know - stuff we can actually see instead of rumors. We can also see this guy is not credited at all for programing whatever this was. That alone is verifiable plagiarism.

>> No.14509823

>Most of the other authors are just astronomers with applied stuff
bruh. this is unfounded garbage. neither you or I know what they did or their skills. stop pulling shit out of your ass.

>> No.14509824

>he's just a code monkey
and the jewess ur simping for was just a hole with tits that was given the limelight for a project she can't really even take credit for. an algorithm is not the same as an entire million line project.

>> No.14509825

>neither you or I know what they did or their skills.
You do realize you can click on their name and see all the other papers they published on arxiv? You can see literally all of the academic work they've ever done using that link.

>> No.14509827

getting Elizabeth Holmes vibe from this girl

>> No.14509830

The article is about the techniques, the code is only an implementation of it, hence why he isn't credited, because he developed nothing.

>> No.14509832

and how can you objectively look at their work and devalue it as compared to the jewess? its all subjective garbage. you just want the girl to take credit for all the other work people did.

>> No.14509834

I mean he had nothing to do with the development of the techniques*.

>> No.14509838

The absolute amount of seethe in your post is hilarious btw.

>> No.14509839

>1 million lines of code
>he developed nothing
Just admit she plagiarized this guy's work. xD

>> No.14509842

im just using the same namecalling ur doing sweaty. ur just mad ur little jewess did nuffin while le chad male did all the work.

>> No.14509847

Well that's some projection as you're calling this Andrew guy a slave in your posts multiple times. lol How did you even get your PhD, btw?

>> No.14509848

Mathematics has nothing to do with ethics, only if the equations work.
Physics has one ethic: have you been honest about your experiment. And then someone tries to reproduce this experiment, to prove it.

To get to the level of humanist ethics you have to get to the level of biology. And yes, that is a thing. We just had a "phase three" trial of a Covid vaccine over millions of people. Who consented... sort of. And most of us who took the vax didn't die... yet.

>> No.14509849

I can accept that she's good at theory and not coding. I can't accept that she didn't credit guy for writing 1 million lines of her code. If she's leading the project, she's also responsible for that omission.

>> No.14509854

You seem to be confusing writing the program with actually developing the techniques. He gets credit for writing the software, and that's it.
Same as why people who build the equipment used for some discovery don't get credit for the discovery itself unless they actually had a part in it.

>> No.14509855

What you just described is plagiarism - which is what people get their PhD's taken away for by the host university. XD

>> No.14509858

You're defending a Jew too

>> No.14509859

>He gets credit for writing the software, and that's it.
Where tf did he get credit for writing the software in that research paper. I would love to see this situation go down in front of the school board.

>> No.14509860

whoops, inverted the order of the quotes.

>> No.14509862

the university won't do that. WIth this much publicity they'd tarnish their reputation with the leftist agenda in academia.

>> No.14509863

The paper isn't about the software tard. I literally said it before.
Can code monkeys even understand the difference between theoretical computer science and actually writing programs anymore?

>> No.14509864

They should both just be credited equally. If it's true that most of the code he wrote was tedious UI work then fair enough, because any dev would know just how repetitive writing code for UI is, as it often involves a lot of copy-and-pasting. If she was the one who wrote the algorithm to turn the telescopic data into an image, then fair play to her, and technically the Reddit post about her isn't wrong. Not sure why people are white knighting for the guy, I'm sure he would have kicked up a fuss himself if he felt as though he wasn't being credited enough

>> No.14509865

no im just saying she didnt do all the work. ur defending a jewess kek

>> No.14509867

Chael is a Jew and a homosexual unironically

>> No.14509870


>> No.14509871

>The paper isn't about the software tard
Actually there is data and snapshots of the software this Andrew Chael guy coded in the research paper. He was not cited nor given credit for programing the software at all. This is plagiarism by definition. There is no defense here.

>> No.14509879

(Responding to my own post) I am gathering a case here for future reference. You are in trouble, little missy. I may or may not be a dean at your university.

>> No.14509885

The sad part is she's obviously very competent, but chose to double down on her success for some reason. I don't see how this isn't blatant plagarim. The best argument from this thread is "writing code doesn't deserve credit", which is wrong.

>> No.14509889

Absolute fucking retard.

There is a difference between building something used in an article and actually contributing you absolute idiot
>We would like to give credits to the engineers at Fluke that designed and made the multimeters used in this experiment which we show the photos of
>We would like to give credits to the programmers who wrote mathematica for the image processing used in this article
>We would like to give credits to the child who made these test tubes for their invaluable contribution to this experiment
That's all he did, he built the tool. Nothing more. And hence, he gets no credits.

>> No.14509891

It doesn’t deserve academic credit.
>look, I have a paper in being a codemonkey

>> No.14509893

Chael did get credit, but he doesn't deserve more credit than the hundreds of supporting people who did something similar, such as processing astronomical data or something. Katy was one of the most important researchers on the other hand.

>> No.14509895

There are clearly images of the software in the paper. And yes, coding a tool requires citation of the coder. Have fun being outside of academia.

>> No.14509902

>things I just made up
>There are clearly images of the software in the paper.
Like I literally just pointed out above, you can absolutely use images of something built without giving it credit, like the millions of photos and plots used in articles as well the fact every other single equipment used in any article doesn't get credits. It's that simple, he built the tool, he gets credit for building the tool.
You can use the tool without giving him credit on the paper, because the tool has nothing to do with the research, just like all of the other tools.

Once more this isn't a paper about the program, this is a paper that at most uses the program as any other tool, which does not require any credit.

>> No.14509906

You are ridiculous.

>> No.14509920

Anyone know where to find the paper in question, or have a link to it?

>> No.14509923


>> No.14509924

That's what I'd say to you.

Someone posted it here

>> No.14509926

>hundreds of supporting people
there's 26
>processing astronomical data or something
if you look on the dev branch, he commits code for the core functionality of the project. The output of his code is referenced throughout the paper.
>Katy was one of the most important researchers on the other hand
I'm convinced she's important, and could have done the majority of theory work, but she didn't acknowledge Andrew for his work in the paper. Claiming he merely contributed "discussions and feedback" is dishonest.

>> No.14509930

You ever used expensive equipment? The stuff that gets written in the methodology part of a paper?
The techs running those don’t even get credit for “discussions and feedback”.

Fairly obvious why btw, she asked for some functionality from the tool he was building, he gave her feedback on the feasibility, etcetera etcetera.

>> No.14509937

Let's be honest, guys. The algorithm takes into account light based around earth. It's probably an image of light pollution - you cannot take an image of a black hole. lol

This whole situation is ridiculous. Just take away the PhD already.

>> No.14509952

Yeah I've been involved in a few papers before, and there was back and forth between theory and implementation. There's no perfect world where she makes a model, and it works the first time. If they exposed their overleaf account or whatever we could get a better idea of how much people contributed to the paper, but given the series of changes in the git repo during 2019 it's obvious he was involved in developing the algorithm. Here, discussions and feedback is more liek "Andrew, why is this image skewed" "Oh Katie, I think you need to adjust your model for X, that's why, let me write 1 million more lines of code" "can I suck your dick for it agian?" "sure Katie! don't worry about my name on the paper!"

>> No.14509969

There were a lot more people who worked on astronomical observations, previous projects, and so forth

>> No.14509975

Are you high? You sound like you're narrating a carl sagan short film

>> No.14509978

Yeah, well:


>> No.14509984

/sci/ is being invaded by codemonkeys who think that writing code is the hardest thing in the world and are oblivious to the outside world

>> No.14509992

I think it's the difference between academics and engineers. Academics live in an imaginary world where implementation doesn't matter. This was a real world project. There had to be changes to the algorithm for it to perform correctly. Instead of qualifying coding as mindless work, think of it as a tool to realize a result. If the paper was purely theoretical I could be convinced Andrew doesn't deserve credit, but it's not.

>> No.14510164

my post got deleted, since when is 4chan being censored?

>> No.14510197

Imagine if the roles were reversed. She wrote a million lines of code and he did the theoretical work. How would the media respond?

>> No.14510235 [DELETED] 
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August of 2019 was when they really turned up the heat on the censorship here, but its been going on at lower level since long before that. Moot became an SJW and the staff on 4chan is now peppered with employees of the Democrat party as a result.

>> No.14510324
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>> No.14510335

>Being a "leader" in a lab isn't like being a middle manager at a fast food restaurant you wagies
It literally is. Leader=Manager.

>> No.14510338

Show me a monkey that can write a million lines of code

>> No.14510360


>> No.14510361
File: 81 KB, 1366x796, mgs_salut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your code for one picture contains 880 000 lines you are doing something wrong and/or are making things up.

2000 lines>800 000 bloat

and: does the 800 000 include the data? If yes, this doesn't mean anything

>> No.14510471

Only 2 megabytes?

>> No.14510569 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14510695

if he wanted to kill his career he would have told the truth

>> No.14510708

Hes a simp. Also, imagine beliving a literal 20 year old hole had an original idea in astrophysics. I bet she went "what if we took a black hole photograph!"

>> No.14510765

All the bitter anons itt. as if they were personally snubbed

>> No.14510776

>writes a billion line of bloat
>b-but it's only 2mb
the absolute state of code monkeys
Don't you have to go and code a webbrowser as a notepad?

>> No.14510868

What are you talking about?

>> No.14511253

>he doesn't know that code monkeys nowadays are just straight up shoving an entire web browser for even simple programs creating massive bloat

>> No.14511870

women are simply not suitable for STEM.
cry all you want they create more problems than they solve.
women's brains are just wired for empathy and not autistic systematizing. simple. of course outliers exist. LMAO probability :D???

>> No.14512125

Not with 2 megabytes

>> No.14512127

>women's brains are just wired for empathy

>> No.14512140


A real programmer can do that in 2kB.

>> No.14512323

>leader of the CS lab
so she was busy in meetings over funding allocation and pointless bureaucratic bullshit while the researchers were writing code, got it.

>> No.14513980


>> No.14515788


>> No.14515817

>I don't know how science works
Retard. Do you really think all thee professors praised for their achievements did the work on their own?

>> No.14515821 [DELETED] 

>women's brains are just wired for empathy and not autistic systematizing
>women are wired like a machine and they're all identical
>t. my autistic systematic outlook on life
autistic systematizing is a low IQ habit

>> No.14515877

The base algorithm was her PhD thesis you fucking plebs. Literally two seconds on Google.

>> No.14515879

I was at a presentation she gave about the work. Interesting work and I don't doubt she is clever and understands the work, likely even developed most of it.
But she is super annoying. Her voice empties my bowels.

>> No.14516065

Im pretty tired of these 0.00000000001 signal to noise experiments where you need 9000 exobytes of data to find a statistically significant finding but only after you filter all the data for noise like trucks, earthquakes, atmospheric turbulence and radio reflections from mars.

>> No.14516091

Garbage In, Garbage Out.

>> No.14516168

>yo Andrew could you pls commit on git what I wrote I'm too smart for it

>> No.14516212

>why can't science be easy I don't understand

>> No.14516302

This but unironically
Why spend time doing what any codemonkey can do

>> No.14516308

>cute girl will get more attention than ugly nerd

>> No.14516316

She could have just as well written zero lines of code and the sentence "she developed the algorithm" would still be equally true, what's your point?
Most of that was likely gui and other frontend stuff. This shit is always extremely convoluted in most of scientific software for some reason

>> No.14516319

>the leader

>> No.14516912

ITT: Chud's mad.

>> No.14516966

It isnt hard, its just a fiction. These experiments all assume they can understand and filter noise 10 trillion trillion times stronger than the signal. Assumption wrong? Too bad you will never know

>> No.14516973
File: 15 KB, 600x360, ugly bignose jew bitch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

her jewnose is longer than m87's jet

>> No.14517002

she has a PhD in EE from MIT
chudcels are failing their calc 1 classes from their deadend community colleges.

she could do nothing and she'd still be far more impressive than pretty much everyone on this board.

>> No.14517012

Why would an EE know the first thing about astrophysics?

>> No.14517038

College? Most of them dropped out of highschool, anon. Just look at the state of this board.

>> No.14517050

This is baseless ad hominem and not a good look katie, nobody is impressed by your hole

>> No.14517054

It's still true no matter what buzzword you use, chud.

>> No.14517150

So you've elevated her to the level of a "chudcel" and still haven't justified her fame or the attention given to the group's art project. Unless she's the only person in history to earn an EE PhD from MIT, that's not a news worthy accomplishment. Neither her, nor the rest of the artist collective, deserve anything other than an extended prison sentence for fraud and misuse of public funds.

>> No.14518372
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>> No.14518440

At no point did Katie Bowman take credit for the EHT images and always credited the team

>> No.14518448

You are confusing the algorithm paper which she was the lead on and the research group’s multiple publications

>> No.14519698
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>> No.14519729

Katie Bouman is a Computer Scientist
Andrew Chael is a codemonkey

Do not get the two confused.

>> No.14520066

>This looks a lot like plagiarism
I suppose the correct term in English would be "ghost writing".

>> No.14520090

>no evidence she did ... anything
>solid evidence he wrote the code

>> No.14520093

Did Katie Bouman take credit for all of Andrew Chael's work?

>> No.14520096

when someone says you did something you didn't do, and you don't deny it, yeah.

>> No.14520099
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What a cuck

>> No.14520124 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 289x320, He trusted a Jew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what do you expect from a kike?

>> No.14520148

>any priority higher than ethics
Lmao he really is a jew

>> No.14520167

>an attention seeking Jewess
>a gay Jew codemonkey
It's called controlled opposition. Pick your poison.

>> No.14520169
File: 173 KB, 800x1115, Auguste_Maquet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I suppose the correct term in English would be "ghost writing".
Even better, the French term, which, reading the work theft apologists, I realize was perfectly coined : "nègre", nigger.
There is everything in that word : the disdain from those too brillant to toil ; the hours of (almost) unrewarded work others take credit for ; the gratitude you're supposed to have for your "master"...

>> No.14520258

I choose the based jew faggot over a hole

>> No.14520356

>no evidence she did ... anything
>literally first author on the algorithm paper

>> No.14520394

LOC is not a valid metric. Quality > Quantity (Or in this case, the purpose of the code itself). This website proves itself stupid every time I look at it.

>> No.14521368

what a cuck lmao

>> No.14521397

Getting a picture of a black hole isn't an achievement. It's completely useless and does nothing to help the human race. The "people" who worked on it have made no worthwhile contributions to society. That we accept this type of behaviour is a sign of mental illness in our society.

>> No.14521419

it's just popscience attention seeking

>> No.14522152

She stole his CV formatting as well. Look up her CV and look up his CV. Oh, she also stole his website formatting too.

>> No.14522158

>Not linking the proper paper
What the fuck is your problem?

>> No.14522169

To supplement your case, use the fact that both their academic websites and CVs are identically formatted. One is copying off the other. Who is the better programmer of the two, hmm? Therefore who is copying off whom?

>> No.14522290

This thread is genuinely pathetic. Have sex incels.

>> No.14522293

Just sex? Consent doesn't matter? Noted.

>> No.14522298

If. as an assistant i do all the work carrying out an experiment, i dont expect the plaudits for implement the work and plans of the doctor that designed the experiment. but i do want credit.

>> No.14522525 [DELETED] 
File: 148 KB, 682x768, sperical kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>kikes stealing from kikes

>> No.14522557

Is it really so hard to understand that people don't want to look at some unattractive weak chinned beta male explaining science to them, they would much rather look at a moderately pleasing to look at yet attainable, 6/10 'girl next door' type, and that this leads to more interest in science, more funding for research and, ultimately, more progress?

>> No.14522583
File: 246 KB, 1100x619, k2g4mo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Scientists are modern day priests that exist to lie for the King. Maybe science was a good idea when Tesla and Einstein walked the earth, but today, it is a mixture of evil and incompetence. From gene therapy to mustard gas, science has become a satanic religion that ruthlessly propagandizes 'solutions' to problems that it solely created. It flip-flops constantly, hurting billions in the process. Then it demands trust and total subservience, which it receives, thanks to the short memories of its followers. Today's scientists cannot reproduce each other’s experiments, mostly due to incompetence, but cultural corruption too; every day in thousands of labs across the world the methods are quickly set aside for the moral high ground and social status. While the cultish followers think that the truth is paramount, it always plays third fiddle to flawed modern perceptions of morality and money. Money is the grease that allows the shit covered wheels of science to churn out garbage studies. Money creates clickbait, undeserved promotions, the foundations for corporate narratives, and above all, the means for subpar scientists to continue to breed subpar science. From the health benefits of thalidomide to cigarettes, from making and testing viruses to gene therapy, from cloning to testing chemicals on living mammals, from lead in fuel to sugar being healthier than fat, from WMDs in Iraq to feathered dinosaurs, the list goes on and on. The bottom line is, there isn't a lie you've been told, by government or corporation, that hasn't been built on corrupted science. Asbestos, clamping, circumcising, vaccinating, drug induced narcolepsy, birth defects, early onset cancer, you name it, science has done it to people just like you. And they will do it again, God knows which one of the manmade horrors gleefully shilled by science, is hurting us right this second.

>> No.14522596

Sounds like she stole his penis and one of his kidneys too.

>> No.14522713

How does it lead to "more progress" if science is replaced with a beauty pageant? You expecting particle accelerators to be built out of thongs?

>> No.14522735

Holy shit it's real.
>Katie Bouman
>Andrew Chael
The CVs being identical is really a big deal.

>> No.14522763

zHow is this cucoldry?

>> No.14522768

>She stole his CV formatting as well. Look up her CV and look up his CV. Oh, she also stole his website formatting too.

>> No.14522790

You're missing the point. Who took the formatting from whom?

>> No.14522798

it doesn't matter, they probably used the same template, or one probably said to the other
>hey i like your cv format, can I borrow it.

>> No.14522820

It does matter. Have you ever collaborated with people? Did you ask them for their fucking CV template and for their website template? I sure as fuck didn't. You know why? Because I'm independent. The degree to which you're simping for this bitch indicates you're either a beta-cuck incel or a woman. Either way, you're obviously arguing from an estrogen-addled brain.

>> No.14522827

Let me make it even easier for you to understand. Why did she choose to copy Andrew's CV and website, specifically, and not someone else's whom she's collaborated with?

>> No.14522831

That was my first post in the thread. How is borrowing a template so important?

>> No.14522835

treating women like human beings instead of mindless fuckholes literally makes you a cuck retard

>> No.14522838

Seriously? I've seen that CV format or some small variation on it literally a dozen times. Doesnt prove anything besides the fact that they both went to a career counseling center.

>> No.14522840

how do you know it wasn't him who copied the cv and website?

>> No.14522847

how do you know it wasn't a prefab template?

>> No.14522856

yeah, I'm amazed at how /sci/ seems to have the exact same userbase as /pol/ (retards).

>> No.14522857

>borrowing a template
So she gave it back to him?
Show me literally one other instance of this CV being used. They're obviously using the SAME EXACT thing, not a variation.
>they both went to a career counseling center.
I bid. Find me literally one other person from their research group using this template.
Given how much more of the code he wrote in github, he's clearly more competent than she is at coding. Therefore it stands to reason that he's likely the originator of these codes.

>> No.14522869

you're welcome to prove me wrong and find where such alleged premade template originated

>> No.14522870

leader in this case probably means she managed the scheduling

>> No.14522872

Science isn't a beauty pageant retard, pop sci already is one

If you think it sucks that pop sci gives large amounts of public attention to 6/10 grad research assistants and black science man presenting lukewarm opinions to midwits instead of showing the autistic face of actual scientific research to the general public, you should not be in STEM, go be a business major or something

>> No.14522878

Can you prove that she took the template from him?

>> No.14522882 [DELETED] 

>So she gave it back to him?
intellectual property theft is a crime. taking credit for other people's efforts is thievery.

>> No.14522887

>Given how much more of the code he wrote in github, he's clearly more competent than she is at coding. Therefore it stands to reason that he's likely the originator of these codes.
Coding a website is much simpler than that.

>> No.14522891

>So she gave it back to him?
'borrowing' in the digital world doesn't mean temporarily using and then returning a distinct item, it means using the same format without the format being used by a 2nd person affecting the 1st person in any way

100% guaranteed she literally had him help her put together his CV, there is literally nothing wrong with this and anyone getting butthurt has never put together an academic CV and is just triggered by women

>> No.14522894

It was her fucking doctoral thesis. Jesus christ /pol/-tards just cant admit they're wrong.
Also you. Shut the fuck up about their CVs, doesnt prove anything even if they stole it from each other. Absolutely weak evidence, you're just baiting at this point.

>> No.14522902

>The base algorithm was her PhD thesis you fucking plebs. Literally two seconds on Google.
Here it is:

>> No.14522903

Yes. See my above posts.
>1. They have the same template (indisputable)
Corollary: One of them took it from the other (assuming they didn't find it simultaneously and independently, which is a zero probability event)
>2. He's a better programmer than she is (indisputable)
Check the github for the Event Horizon images
>3. His webpage is more developed, whereas hers is more barebones (indisputable)
Therefore, it stands to reason that the more skilled programmer came up with these templates which the less skilled one stole.


>> No.14522914

>So she gave it back to him?
Have you graduated high school yet? Do you know what borrowing means in this context or are you iliterate?

>> No.14522918

Now read the other guys thesis and then tell me what you think

>> No.14522924

>Shut the fuck up about their CVs, doesnt prove anything even if they stole it from each other. Absolutely weak evidence, you're just baiting at this point.
An estrogen addled brain wrote that post. I don't care whether you're a femboy, a tranny, or a woman---it's clear that you have too much estrogen.

>> No.14522938

>Corollary: One of them took it from the other (assuming they didn't find it simultaneously and independently, which is a zero probability event)
Flawed premise. Them finding a free template online is not a zero probability event, even if it is low.
If they both used a free template and one recommended it to another, it's not accurate to say they took it from the other.

>Check the github for the Event Horizon images
>>3. His webpage is more developed, whereas hers is more barebones (indisputable)
>Therefore, it stands to reason that the more skilled programmer came up with these templates which the less skilled one stole.

Creating a template doesn't require any coding skill, and superior coding skill doesn't necessarily imply that someone created a quite simple template.

>> No.14522940


>> No.14522945

>Now read the other guys thesis and then tell me what you think
show us what you mean.

>> No.14522946

Holy shit, you simps just got BTFO'd so hard.
>I want to particularly thank four people from this list: Michael Johnson, Andrew Chael, Lindy Blackburn, and Adrian Dalca
If you do a ctrl+f search for " chael" (the space before chael will make your life easier), you'll see a majority of the images in HER OWN FUCKING THESIS she credits to Chael.

Check. Fucking. Mate.

>> No.14522950

Your point?

>> No.14522960
File: 73 KB, 699x271, CHael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, it continues. Will the simps ever recover?

>> No.14522972

So what's your point? what does this prove?

>> No.14522975

I think he's established beyond all reasonable doubt that she committed the unforgivable crime of having her research project leader help her on her thesis which basically means she should be stripped of her credentials and sent to work at mcdonalds

>> No.14522980
File: 206 KB, 1189x444, Chael_less_error.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She denotes a submission made by Andrew with a
and a submission made by her as a
Despite her own bias in her thesis, these return nearly equal number of hits.

More fun... look at how much more erroneous her own data is than Andrew's. This is going to be a fun time... more owning to come

>> No.14522997
File: 664 KB, 916x815, Judges_pick_Chael.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her own collaborators independently chose Andrew's imaging as the correct image of the black hole OVER KATIE'S ATTEMPT

>> No.14523004

Bouman bros.. I don't feel so good

>> No.14523009

Why do you hate women so much?

>> No.14523051

Pretty sure this is just the image reconstruction method. Nobody's claiming she made the reconstruction method, just that she created the algorithm to parse the data to be fed into the image reconstruction algo.

>> No.14523052
File: 544 KB, 905x739, Chael_vs_Bouman_truth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Andrew's able to reconstruct images as opposed to Bouman who fails. This is a recurring theme in the thesis: a majority of the accurate reconstructions are from Andrew's code. This isn't just Andrew being a codemonkey to implement what Katie told him to: KATIE'S OWN ATTEMPTS FAIL

>> No.14523059
File: 516 KB, 1088x739, Bouman fails again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just a one-off. As I said, this is a recurring theme.

>> No.14523063

Hey, she made the algorithm, nobody said she needed to code anything. She created, Chael implemented.

>> No.14523067
File: 548 KB, 932x707, Bouman_fails_yet_again.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again. Can you simps finally submit?

>> No.14523073

>her subordinate could implement her own algorithm better than she could
what kind of cope is this

>> No.14523077

So can you show his dissertation where he wrote the algorithim?

>> No.14523091

It's her algorithm, why would she need to be able to know how to implement it hyper efficiently? The gay code monkey can do it, she was probably there to mentor him and show him how it works, though.

>> No.14523116
File: 689 KB, 824x823, STARWARP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

horseshit. the algorithm she wrote, and in her own words in her own thesis is STARWARP
>Our proposed approach, StarWarps, reconstructs a video rather than a static image.
>StarWarps uses a multivariate Gaussian imaging regularizer for interferometric imaging
This is what her CHIRP was designed to do. Just to be absolutely clear: THIS IS NOT THE ALGORITHM THAT ANDREW WAS USING.

>> No.14523137

what algo did he use in github? show us.

>> No.14523142

What about it?

>> No.14523144

Retard you do realize theres a difference between the abstract mathematical representation of an algorithm and its implementation, right? She created the algo, all that math at the beginning of her thesis. Both chael and her translated it into code, but he did a better job at that.

>> No.14523161

I've put more than enough work into this thread to prove a point. Here's the github, have fun.

>> No.14523178
File: 1.64 MB, 1216x1620, cannabis-saved-my-life-1-of-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It shouldn't. The scientists should. But not must. But they should be watched by whole the world. Everybody should be watched by whole the world of people and ai. Everybody's karmas should be collected into dossiers for everybody to check and comment and rate and even edit in such a way that old records are preserved like wikipedia's history, but kept on several independent servers so it would be more difficult to fake it.

>> No.14523313

Prove he's using his algorithim in the github.

>> No.14523316

So who is failing to give him credit?

>> No.14523384

NTA, but if you're unsatisfied with the amount of evidence he's already provided, nothing will change convince you.

>> No.14523413

It isn't good quality evidence.

He clearly didn't read the entire 250 page phd dissertation in 30 minutes. So he's not going to have a complete understanding of the topic, and he isn't going to be fully aware of the context of the details.

The details he gives are out of context crops. He also doesn't adress the principle question: he doesn't prove that the guy wrote the algorithim used in github.

>> No.14523419
File: 48 KB, 190x186, katie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok so he's the guy doing the grunt work while Dr. Bouman designed all the experiments and models?

>> No.14523423

>He clearly didn't read the entire 250 page phd dissertation in 30 minutes.
How much of the thesis did you read, sir?

>> No.14523430

That's worse for her. She lead this artistic interpretation of questionable data while sucking up millions of public dollars. The implementer at least has the excuse they thought this was something real. She knows this is a huge scam that produced nothing of value. A three year old with a box of crayons would produce something as scientifically valid as what this scam artist did.

>> No.14523434

prove its questionable.

>> No.14523443

bruh. don't pretend you read the thesis (as a matter of fact, it's clear basedanon read more of it than you did, which is zero). given you've read none of the thesis, how can you claim to know what context anon missed? fuck you and your dishonest shilling, bitch.

>> No.14523448

never said I read all of it. They keypoint is that he's failing to show that andrew wrote the algorithim used in github.

>> No.14523451

he never claimed that, dip. also, when you say anon missed context, you're pretending to know what context it is he missed (which means you're implicitly claiming to have read the thesis). and don't even try to back track, or else i will drop the receipts

>> No.14523463

>horseshit. the algorithm she wrote, and in her own words in her own thesis is STARWARP
>>Our proposed approach, StarWarps, reconstructs a video rather than a static image.
>>StarWarps uses a multivariate Gaussian imaging regularizer for interferometric imaging
>This is what her CHIRP was designed to do. Just to be absolutely clear: THIS IS NOT THE ALGORITHM THAT ANDREW WAS USING.

So she wrote starwarp, but How come starwarp shows up in github:

andrew chael was using "MEMHor" in those images, but that doesn't show up in github:

>> No.14523468

So, what was his claim then?

>> No.14523477


How come memhorizon doesn't show up on the github page?

>> No.14523495

why try MEMHor and not AMP? are you even trying?

>> No.14523507

amp wasn't the name of the method, it was one of the types of data inputs of memhorizon

>> No.14523517

guess katie lied about using memhorizon then.

just what kind of point are you trying to make? that something katie claimed existed doesn't exist in her own thesis? as a defense of katie? how fucking stupid are you?

>> No.14523742

unconditionally providing to a woman when she gives nothing back to you

>> No.14523784 [DELETED] 

I said memhor wasn't used in the GitHub project

>> No.14523786

>unconditionally providing to a woman when she gives nothing back to you
How is that the case here?

>> No.14523794

I said there weren't any results for memhor on github

What are you saying?

>> No.14523840

Reminder that if this was a man no one would have cared

>> No.14523844


>> No.14523870

she is taking all the attention already, and when people are congratulating him he answers pic related >>14520099. Because apparently he writes one million lines of code to give more attention to a bitch who doesn't even care about him.

>> No.14523879

he's saying zippidee do da day, olay olay! hahaha cheers anon!

>> No.14523880

>Did he ever complain over stolen credit or ask for help?
how could he?

>> No.14523887

What was stolen? And where?

>> No.14523890

How is she taking all the attention? Do you think he isn't getting paid or credit? What's wrong with what he's saying there?

>> No.14523905

Kek this is some embarrassing levels of cope

>> No.14523910


>> No.14523913


>> No.14523915

>guess katie lied about using memhorizon then

>> No.14523920

Doesn't answer anything

>> No.14523928

It's an incomprehensibly weird take to say "if you aren't able to get laid, you turn into an evil person."

>> No.14523935

She’s not taking the attention though. She made a talk on the algorithm she made years before the EHT images came out and then she got some press from the MIT social accounts and some news media. All of the data published by the EHT project is cited and credited. You’re just assblasted because she happens to be a woman

>> No.14523942

>going through GitHubs you have no idea how are organized in the project team’s activities because you can’t fathom the idea that Bowman made a significant contribution to the project

>> No.14523949

The point is that the GitHub mentions the algorithm that Bowman did contribute to.

>> No.14523950

hey man, you're the one who says MEMhorizon doesn't exist in the code. so what does Katie mean when she cites memhorizon in her thesis? i'm just taking the logical conclusion here...

>> No.14523962

Isn't the dissertation separate from the code?

>> No.14523982
File: 2.88 MB, 498x406, funny-as.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>much source
>very unbiased
>totally not celebrating vagina awards

>> No.14523983

She's comparing the algorithm they are going to use with memhor.
That's a variant of an older algorithm called MEM (maximal entropy method, I think made by some Indian guys in 1980)

>> No.14523988

Post anotherr source then

>> No.14523989
File: 7 KB, 273x230, 1643173446162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to people who don't actually work on team based projects professionally or academically that credit isn't given to those who do the "most" amount of work. Credit is given to those who lead the team effectely and interface with the customer/public.

The guy Andrew Chael isn't the leader of the project thus he does not get the credit. However because he did most of code for the project he can put that in his resume and get himself a good six figure job or use this feats to personally lead his own team in the future.

You might not like how the situation played out but this is normal.

>> No.14523995

all the simps ignore this

>> No.14523996

I'm pretty sure the actual project credits him even if random Reddit posters dont

>> No.14524002
File: 69 KB, 639x737, blackhole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you want me to provide a source to prove your claim?
go back to school.

>> No.14524003 [DELETED] 

there aren't any private industries that employ astrotards. none of them produce anything of value, so they do all of the work based on charity grants or on zog's rapidly printed fiat bux. the situation you're describing would be a reasonable expectation in other fields like chemistry or biology, which have an actual private sector counterpart. astrofaggotry has none. if astrotards want to go into the private sector, their only real option is producing popsci media to sell to all the stupid little baby astrotards.

>> No.14524004

I didn't post the npr link but if you disagree back it up

>> No.14524014
File: 38 KB, 305x308, DBB72B3B-C319-4853-8E26-B515278CF2D4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>going through code repositories of a project with hundreds of collaborators with zero context on how those are organized to undermine some woman’s contribution to the project

>> No.14524023

Femoid detected.

>> No.14524037
File: 3.43 MB, 1284x2350, 1D3AE83D-1CA8-48CF-9900-0AC9AA008705.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>incel buzzwords
Bouman and Chael were collaborators in MIT for image processing algorithms and in turn part of the much larger EHT project. I don’t understand why her contributions get your panties in a twist because she got a modicum of press alongside the large team

>> No.14524043

I was not the one making the claim that she developed the algorithm.

>> No.14524048

>modicum of press alongside the large tea
that "modicum" is like the literal celebration of vagina award, just because she's a woman and does science too, jazzed into "she did that whole thing on her own!" in popular media.

>> No.14524067

If you claim npr isbad prove it

>> No.14524101

>The sad part is she's obviously very competent, but chose to double down on her success for some reason.
This. But it might not been her idea. Maybe her team wanted her to take most of the credit and she just accepted.

>> No.14524111

Then she doesn't belong in science. Such dishonesty isn't ok just because the team agreed to it. The whole thing is a crime against the public. All involved should be sent to work camps until they've produced enough gravel out of boulders to pay back the money their scam cost.

>> No.14524209
File: 3.47 MB, 480x464, D3103F2D-8FC9-4649-B1B4-E0045C389FAD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all of this baseless speculation
Truly pathetic

>> No.14524664

if she was a man he would not have written a single of those words in that tweet. Now go simp for women outside of here, you aren't fucking anyways.

>> No.14525005

She is smart enough to know that she is being patronizingly and condescendingly used to promote a cause that makes a big deal about nothing.

Its like that black team that is off to climb Everest. Spread all over the news like it was revolutionary. It might have been- in 1952. But now all it is, is patronizing bullshit. Makes me puke.

>> No.14525246

Who is doing this?

>> No.14525252

How are they simping?