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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14523555 No.14523555 [Reply] [Original]

>There will be no due date extension. It is your responsibility to make best of the time that you are given, like in a real engineering job.

>> No.14523558

is this the butthurt undergrad thread

>> No.14523563

kek for real though

>> No.14523568

this is for the benefit of both you and the TAs and prof, you little whiny bitch

>> No.14523570

"I was sick and my employer docked my pay for being sick, so I am suing for discrimination due to disability!"

>> No.14523574

I passed with a 40% total grade in my MOSFET class. Stay mad.

>> No.14523576

I'm from a historically unrepresented minority group. I'll turn in assignments whenever I want to turn them in and without penalty.

>> No.14523577

>I passed with a 40% total grade in my MOSFET class. Stay mad.

I have a friend who did a nursing degree who said that they graduated people who literally did not write certain exams "because my brain injury makes it impossible." Good times. They really need nurses...

>> No.14523578

No. There are no due date extensions.

>> No.14523583

>like in a real engineering job
That's hilarious speaking as an engineer. If anything I think that sort of profession tends to attract people who are exceptionally prone to procrastinating on or outright ignoring work deadlines.

>> No.14523584

Sorry, that's not good enough. While you may have been admitted more easily due to your historically unrepresented minority status, due date extensions are only for students who have experienced the trauma of slavery and anti Black racism.

>> No.14523589
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> Excuse me professor, I need a regrade of exam 1, quiz 1 and 7, and program 3. And i need before the end of finals week.

>> No.14523590
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>like in a real engineering job.
in real engineering jobs, projects are not abandoned part finished simply because of missed deadlines. if something runs over, then theres a decision made about the costs vs the benefits of continuing the project. making projects run over budget and past deadlines is one of the ways engineers make money. if the client is only spending $10 million and you know the client can afford to spend more and would be willing to do so, then you make them part with their money via "unforeseen" expenses and delays.
university instructors have never been on a jobsite, so they have weird misconceptions of how things work there. university instructors are like weeaboos who want to tell you how everything in japan works even though they've never been

>> No.14523604
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>this is for the benefit of both you and the TAs and prof, you little whiny bitch

>> No.14523624

If you don't have the ability to pass piss easy undergrad engineering classes, you dont deserve the degree, you dumb incel

>> No.14523636

>spend 20 hours a week on calculus II homework.
>extensive hour long problems thrown in with tons of engineering applications
>forget 100% of what I did or the methods as soon as the next week and topic starts
>memorize previous exam integration problems from Chinese student cheat group
>pass with a B, know absolutely nothing other than the most basic integerals, even fuck up plugging in values for integrals from a table.

>> No.14523640

>niversity instructors are like weeaboos who want to tell you how everything in japan works even though they've never been


>> No.14523642

Professors don't even do anything, they just grade things. You might get lucky and have one or two professors that actually care about teaching or their students, but they're a rare breed. The rest of them are coping faggots that go "muh research" but have a job where actual research is an afterthought. If you want to do research, a university is the last place to go, this isn't the 1800s.
If your goal is research and you're at a university as a professor rather than working at an actual dedicated research institution where you don't have to teach undergrad courses, you fucked up and are a poser.
Specifically for math, if we(internet peoples) are already gatekeeping terms like mathematician, teaching undergrad math should disqualify you from holding the title.

>> No.14523643

the fuck is a MOSFET class? you had an entire class on MOSFETs?

>> No.14523644

So many people losing tenure here.

>> No.14523646

>Learn calculus duing covid from online class.
>Barely know how to the problems, open note and book exams.
>Still don't know how to integrate anything slightly complex, but somehow everything is working so far...

>> No.14523648

>losing tenure over an undergrad complaining about deadlines

>> No.14523652

Nigga what you kinda almost have a point for things like physics and chemistry but wtf jobs do you think there are for mathematicians doing research outside of academia there arent government funded math labs like there are for pretty much every field of applied sciences

>> No.14523654
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>like in a real engineering job.

>> No.14523661

Yeah, I think the way calculus is taught, specifically calculus II, is just outright wrong. Its the most random fuck of bullshit just strewn together with no real rhyme or reason other than to satisfy dozens of engineering degrees all at once.
When I took it, you had bullshit like applications for integration with hydro-static force, Taylor series applied for electrical system, I mean I give zero fucks about applications of making normoid lives better, I just want to solve the most distant from usability problems there are.
Everything should be general case and proof based like abstract algebra or intro to proofs courses.

>> No.14523671

Yes. Digital electronic circuits. All about MOSFETS, except first 2 weeks and first circuit lab which was about digital applications of diodes.

>> No.14523691

You industry shills are really out here pushing hard for private research. Not that I'm against it, just been noticing a huge increase of it here.

>> No.14523704

Not a shill I just hate academia. Filled with incompetent hypersocial faggots, trannies, and useless people obsessed with status rather than their subject of study.
There are a few good research institutions that take on graduate students, but they're rare compared to niggerball stadiums with adult daycare attached.

>> No.14523780

A guy shot his ta over his condescending attitude for a late due. He got two years and then was moved to a mental facility cause the ta shoved him and so when he ran back out to his car to get his gun it wasn't premeditated. TA lost an eye and has a shattered jaw. Guy was shizo and was released just last week. Thought I'd let all the ta-niggers in here know.

>> No.14523812

> teaching undergrad math should disqualify you from holding the title "english speaker"
never had an undergrad math instructor who wasn't a foreigner that was incapable of communicating in english. how come the universities don't want to hire americans? how come they make every effort they can to employ foreigners over people who can speak english?

>> No.14523813

>"I was sick and my employer docked my pay for being sick, so I am suing for discrimination due to disability!"

>> No.14523818

>how come the universities don't want to hire americans?
hiring quotas but there only so many slots to teach anyways
also they are cheaper and more likely to work adjunct

>> No.14523819

Some undergrads are more equal than others.

>> No.14523849
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>> No.14523867

>stay mad
Spastic kid.

>> No.14523882

You know the NSA employs like 2000 mathematicians, right?

>> No.14523893


Grades and excercise are for fags. I've had to deal with academia fags for 5 years who don't understand shit. We solve problems. Problems are problematically unpredictable. Academia fags lay a plan and retardedly EXPECT THINGS TO HAPPEN ACCORDING TO THE PLAN. Real life doesn't give a shit about your uninformed guesswork plans.

The retard tries to pilot life, the wise man steers according to prevailing water and wind.