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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 108 KB, 858x718, lab.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14518639 No.14518639 [Reply] [Original]

Sigh, can't you incels just cut this shit out once and for all?

>> No.14518643

Maybe if you weren't so presistently incompetent, people wouldn't trust their gut feelings over your "work".

>> No.14518647
File: 15 KB, 323x406, ACF8B131-1F8F-4BC8-B0CB-567A72B893FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well… how long was the object? was it closer to 100nm or closer to 60nm?

>> No.14518677

>wealthy straight man
Since she didn't mention being white, he was probably a based Pajeet

>> No.14519510

Women have notoriously poor spatial intelligence and logical reasoning ability so it's probably likely that the dumb roastie made a mistake using her program or fucked up the measurement somehow. I trust my gut instinct over a femcel's "scientific" measurement any day.

>> No.14519546

>things that didn't happen

>> No.14519695

all hail the computer program

>> No.14519772

Either women can measure length or my dick is 8.5 inches

>> No.14519792


>> No.14519820
File: 1.29 MB, 750x1334, Reddit_Cunt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14520007

It's probably ImageJ. You don't just estimate fucking EM lengths by eye. Sounds like a lazy person who doesn't want to use a simple program. Nice science board

>> No.14520019
File: 354 KB, 828x1235, 1653680292724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>noooo, my computer program says you're 40nm short of 6'
>now I will never date you
Why are women like this?

>> No.14520033

This does absolutely screams pajeet behavior

>> No.14520040

>Here's my wild guess of what's happened
>If you disagree with my wild guess, you're not scientific
Hi plebbit, enjoy your visit.

>> No.14520079
File: 110 KB, 800x779, 1649613188931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Small female big male

>> No.14520101
File: 650 KB, 910x815, 1653008288636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14520107

Ok, sexless manlet

>> No.14520110

I'm the amazon poster and I've had sex with 19 women
There will only be small men and large women in like 10-15 years

>> No.14520114
File: 28 KB, 337x522, proper dimorphism for humans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future

>> No.14520136

how is the sex relevant?
regardless, this seems like a trivial problem to solve (just discuss it with him)

>> No.14520153

>trust le program!
This was literally the first thing my undergrad lab TAs told me to never do. If the measurement doesn't make sense you're either measuring wrong or you have a systematic error. Of course we'll never know the whole story here because clearly the person writing it is extremely biased, but it's entirely possible he knew something was fucked.

>> No.14520154

Looks like she did the shitty UCLA "applied mathematics for biologists" instead of calculus. Cunt's too stupid for a real math class.

>> No.14520157

>I'm the amazon poster
I think there are multiple of us that see small men and large women as the superior dimorphism. Well y'all have converted me at least. Large men and small women just doesn't interest me desu.

>> No.14520159

Yea there are at least 4 of us at this point on this board, and I've convinced a lot of other people on other boards like /adv/

>> No.14520164

How tall are you guys? Not memeing just curious.

>> No.14520166

I'm a little taller than 5'7"

>> No.14520171

obviously the micrograph had depth and he was accounting for it

>> No.14520184

What if you had unstable and pitted floors to break the ankle of any woman wearing heels?

>> No.14520188
File: 23 KB, 773x607, 1627036410927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls delet

>> No.14520190

The idea of small men and large women is genius after I started thinking about it more. Like how it will improve many different aspects of life. The only thing is why didn't I think of something like that before. I've always subconsciously had a thing for strong women too and I think this idea kinda helped me realize that.
Average height

>> No.14520193

It's a literal bugmen fantasy. reducung yourself to an insectoid ideology.

>> No.14520195

You'll never get through to this autist.

>> No.14520197

Female biased dimorphism makes more sense now
No it isn't. Why is it an insectoid fantasy? Insects arent the only species that have female biased dimorphism.

>> No.14520204

Matriarchies are an absolute hell from which we barely managed to escape from through the adventurous spirit of the male psyche to embrace adventure develop oneself and yet they wish to put themselves back under the tyrannical mother?

>> No.14520229
File: 1.21 MB, 1024x1263, q5bnhnig09581.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well as far as mammals go I know dogs and cats have litters and I'm sure there are mammalian species with larger females than males. I like how it might help push humanity toward having more matriarchies. There will be less violence against women, women will not fear men anymore so there will be less conflict and more peace and love, and women will get more involved in society. I like seeing intelligent women and strong women and don't want them to be subjugated and thus limited by men. I think a lot of men secretly like it too, just look at how popular Lady Dimitrescu and her three daughters were.

>> No.14520285
File: 257 KB, 1728x972, cf29991d7f3fcd91cf39a701943d61bd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will be less violence against women, women will not fear men anymore so there will be less conflict and more peace and love, and women will get more involved in society. I like seeing intelligent women and strong women and don't want them to be subjugated and thus limited by men.
holy shit you are a faggot

>> No.14520286

Why didn't she just go straight to their PI and settle this shit

Goddam people are fucking stupid. I have a policy of nipping things like this in the bud. One of my colleagues would just straight out make up shit until I started calling out his bullshit during group meetings etc

>> No.14520348

Because then she wouldn't be able to post it on Reddit and get updoot points.

>> No.14520452

Fuck, she's cute. I'd really like to cum on her forehead and breasts and then kiss her on her sweet lips while stroking her subtle near double chin afterward. Yeah, I'm thinking I'm on her side. Fuck that incel pajeet.

>> No.14520486

Zoomer's balls first pube talk.

>> No.14520600

Exactly she made it up and in reality its quite the opposite aka projection of her failure onto others but you know reddit is going to be reddit

>> No.14520604

>tfw 5’11”
>too short to date most women
>too tall to fantasise about small man amazon woman
i think i’m gonna start wearing lifts

>> No.14520629

they're doing what they're supposed to do; to filter out genetic trash like you. it's been a long time coming, manlet.

>> No.14520636

If tall was mo better, then the Watusi or the Dutch would rule the planet. kek

>> No.14520639


>> No.14520646

Humans are soon to be genetically engineered to make men small and women tall
No amount of incel seething or women's height preference for tall men can stop this. It's inevitable. The superiority is too great

>> No.14520652

good, then bitches stop asking me to get shit off the top shelf for them!

>> No.14520784

>There will be less violence against women, women will not fear men anymore so there will be less conflict and more peace and love, and women will get more involved in society.
you might actually be he dumbest most naive person I have ever met.

>> No.14520802

We are pushing closer and closer to gender equality every day. You can see the progress over time. It doesn't matter what you think because it's happening whether you like it or not. And if we make women big and men small it will only accelerate that progress.
Height is irrelevant. Things like facial attractiveness and personality matters much more. Women selecting for tall oversized men is bad for gender equality and feminism. They know this which is why they prefer men around the same height or shorter. Women are more likely to approach or reciprocate shorter men because they feel more comfortable with them. Taller men on the other hand are intimidating unless the woman has a maledom fetish. But this often stems from low self-esteem and self-hatred amplified by exposure from systemic sexism. Women that are able to conquer self-esteem and self-hatred issues get over the maledom fetish and stop caring about height.

>> No.14520856

People have been getting taller for many generations. Explain dwarf.

>> No.14520878

People haven't gotten taller for like 50 years
Short men and average height men reproduce more than tall ones so this is not about sexual selection either
It goes average height men > short men > tall men in terms of reproductive success

>> No.14520882

One benefit of many lol

>> No.14520884

>It doesn't matter what you think because it's happening whether you like it or not.
you people can do whatever you want when im dead. but as along as im alive, there will be be at least one person on this earth that thinks women are inferior to men.

>> No.14520886

dumb roastie probably fucked up her pixel-counting somehow and he disregarded her because she was obviously wrong and has been wrong before (see his prior corrections).

>> No.14520889

Why do you not want women and men be equal to each other?
If you think women are inferior to men, then why wouldn't you want to do things to make them equal?

>> No.14520895

>On the basis of our literature review and our data, we conclude that men of average height most likely have higher reproductive success than either short or tall men.
Interesting thanks for sharing this article I hadn't come by it before. Looks like height in men follows a stabilizing selection which makes sense.

>> No.14520908

youre tripping over english here, bud. i think they should be socially/legally inferior to men because i think theyre biologically inferior to men. 100% of this belief is based on personal anecdotal evidence, which is invaluable to me but completely irrelevant to anyone else so i wont be sharing any of it.

>> No.14520952

The virgin pixel counting vs the chad estimation

>> No.14520964
File: 595 KB, 674x7920, jobs by gender.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not about whether women are "inferior" in any one category. It's that men and women are, on the whole, different. A young boy playing with toys will usually use them in an action or goal-oriented way, while a young girl with the same toys will usually use them in a role-playing or social way. Women are geared more towards conflict avoidance while men are geared towards open competition. Male bonding is centered more around physicality and action while female bonding is more about empathy and communication. Shit is different and it's inefficient to try to force equality where there naturally isn't.

>> No.14520972
File: 298 KB, 1024x746, Yes_Daddy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unless the woman has a maledom fetish
You mean like what all women have?

>> No.14520978

That makes sense statistically if you think about it. By definition of the average there’s more average men.

>> No.14520986

>I really can’t see another woman being this blindly confident and doing something like this
>In the moment I think I was more outraged about the misogyny but since reading everyone’s comments I’m even more annoyed by the complete lack of care he gave to our research.
What the fuck is this bitch's problem? She's only annoyed at what people tell her to be annoyed by. First she's annoyed by the patriarchy which is why he ignored her wrong opinion. Then a bunch of cunts tell her to be annoyed at the research. So now she's annoyed at the research. I fucking hate women bros.

>> No.14520990

This doesn't add up. Tall men consistently report having more sexual partners. Women, in their late teens and early 20s ride the cock carousel for years with tall men. Then when they're used up roasties she settles for a safe beta to pump a baby in her and provide his six figure salary.