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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14517148 No.14517148 [Reply] [Original]


If this drug really is an antiviral "peniccilin" that works via autophagy then this drug will easily be able to reduce the viral load of many of these pesky viruses. What is the scientific viability of this? I hate having herpes.

>> No.14517190

I hope all herpes becomes resistant to antibiotics and any other drugs so it can kill all of you filthy fornicators

>> No.14517208

Based and God Pilled.

/sci/ is and has always been a Christian board.

>> No.14518322

you're confusing Christianity with inceldom, chuds, God is pro-sex, it's literally in the bible

>> No.14518404

>herpes virus
>resistant to antibiotics
Yep. About as retarded as your handlers need you to be. GG.

>> No.14518494

>falling for bait

>> No.14518516
File: 62 KB, 800x600, 1639663220074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was only pretending to be retarded.

>> No.14518539

as if your average chuddy was smart enough to know the difference between a virus and a bacteria

>> No.14518626

Ok now why the fuck is a car company doing drug research

>> No.14518848

You clearly don't have the faintest understanding of how large Korean companies operate.

>> No.14519799
File: 6 KB, 220x221, 1653302566801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

viruses don't exist

>> No.14519812

Only Marital sex, faggot.

>> No.14520021

AIDS already has an antiviral you doofus.

>> No.14520037

Why does GE rent out mobile homes, sell computer mice, and build nuclear reactors?

>> No.14520295

>I hope all herpes becomes resistant to antibiotics
Oh, you have herpes by the way. 99.99% of people have at least one form of the virus.

The most common herpes viruses are:

Varicella-Zoster Virus VZV aka "Chicken Pox"

Herpes Simplex 1 HSV-1 aka "Cold Sores" on the mouth, but can infect genitals in rare cases.

Epstein-Barr EBV aka "Mono-nucleosis"


Human Herpes Virus 6 variants A & B

Human Herpes Virus 7

Human Herpes Virus 8 KSHV aka "Kaposi sarcoma"

Herpes Simplex 2 aka "genital herpes" is the rarest, but most commonly referred to STD, and found mostly among black populations at a rate of about 50% of blacks, and around 20% of Hispanics, and 10% of whites.

>> No.14520342

>i-i didn't fasl for ii

>> No.14520555

Oh good, more fast tracked drugs/treatments.

>> No.14520557

trust the big pharma and governments....... errrrr........ the "science".

>> No.14520558

I certainly don't.

>> No.14522417

not a cure jackass

>> No.14522423

I'm black, but I got herpes from hispanic girls even though I used condoms before them I was fucking clean and not a statistic. But the fuckin on faggots on /r9k/ convinced me to be promiscuous if i wanted to be cool

>> No.14522532

The car manufacturer?

>> No.14522567

just drink bleach, cures virusism

>> No.14522577

Aka, Kim chi, cure for every ailment.
Either that or blood letting.
Or try ginseng, red for extra potency.
Stupid gooks believe in stupid shit like gook god and chinky christ.