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14517265 No.14517265 [Reply] [Original]

Why is cancer still a thing in 20-fucking-22?

>> No.14517269

Because cancer curing tools can be used to cure old age?

>> No.14517271

its a pretty hard problem to solve OP.

>> No.14517276

because they can make money researching it forever if they never release the cures

>> No.14517285
File: 940 KB, 4149x2076, medical-harm-quote-pic-460x345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NIH has spent over a trillion dollars during the past half century looking for a cure for cancer. So far all they've managed to come up with is ineffective vaccines for nonexistent viral epidemics. Cancer is worse than ever, almost as bad as heart disease.
Medical errors are the 3rd leading cause of death after heart disease and cancer. Smoking cigarettes is healthier than going to see the doctor is.

>> No.14517316

At this point in time, with current medicines and knowledge, everything can be cured with enough money and resources. Cancer research is a great example of gatekeeping. That $100 you donate, $99 goes to executive bonus and marketing (don't forget your pink bracelet) while your loved one slowly gets eaten alive.

You'll also see edgy research papers that show "amazing cure" but they disappear as soon as they get peer reviewed for resume clout.

There is no cure because we make more money on bandaids.

>> No.14517351

I'm genuinely starting to think this is the sad reality behind cancer "research".
>known for 3600 years
>human genome fully mapped 20 years ago
>hundreds of billions in research every year
>all potential new therapies scrapped in favor of good ol' chemo
>one of the leading cause of death in the developed world

>> No.14517391

Curing patients is not a sustainable business model.

>> No.14517392

You can't sell the cure twice. /end thread

>> No.14517420

then why do some diseases get cured?

>> No.14517442

>Rockefeller pushes for petroleum pharma
>petroleum based medicine causes cancers
>Rockefeller opens cancer research
rinse and repeat

>> No.14517458

If allopathic medicine never cured anything people would start turning to alternative "medicine" and quackery en masse.

>> No.14517468
File: 425 KB, 1934x1172, 516312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, this is only about chemo, Targeted Therapy, Hormonal Therapy, Immunotherapy, without taking into account surgeries, recovery, lost work ,etc. Overall the entire oncology market is around 270 billion $ in 2021, will rise to 522 by 2028. We are living a fucking asylum

>> No.14517486

Jesus fucking Christ...

>> No.14517543

do you guys think the elites already have a cure for cancer but only use it for themselves ?

>> No.14517549

yes, maybe not for all cancers but def for a few

>> No.14517551

or maybe they have an effective way to prevent cancer ?
Do we have a clue on how far we are on cancer cure ?

>> No.14517553

some bacteria/viruses can cause cancers
so some of the antivrials can probably be taken prophylactically

>> No.14517567
File: 189 KB, 688x445, eyyiyheucaug4wt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and of course the definition of "quackery" is conveniently "anything which doesn't shovel money into the jews' pockets"
what percentage of the yellow jewish? thats were you research money goes, no matter how much money there is, there will always be not quite enough to satisfy the jews' greed.

>> No.14517584

You can't tax the dead.

>> No.14517616

Cancer is not a single disease. Expecting a cure for cancer is like expecting a single combined cure for alzheimers, syphilis and broken legs. Cancer in the individual is the result of multiple oncogene mutations unique to each individual. Sometimes the cells mutate so frequently that different tumours may have different mutations to each other, it's even possible for various sections of the same tumour to have different mutations. Cancer research is about identifying the right combination of drugs for each individual case not to find a genetic catch-all cure.
Your idea is stupid; a cure for cancer would be a money printing machine. Being cured of cancer once does not make you magi ally immune to cancer for the rest of your life, you can easily contract it again later in life and more people living longer means more sales of other pharmaceuticals as people who would otherwise have died from cancer develop other conditions as they age.

>> No.14517625

There is already a widely used vaccine against cervical cancer

>> No.14517626

Ok but no one should trust vaccines for obvious reasons

>> No.14517633

No significant progress on cancer research can be made until scientists stop pigeonholing themselves into the vaccines meme.

>> No.14517634

If quacks can make money from quackery then so can conventional medicine. There's no reason why the medical industry can't make fortunes from homeopathy, chiropractic or acupuncture and yet they still reject it.

>> No.14518661


>> No.14518668

>submerges himself in carcinogens and lives in a constant state of inflammation
>why does cancer exist?

>> No.14518676

The air you breathe is polluted as fuck, but apparently the elite aren't too concerned about it.

>> No.14518765

Schizobros, how do you counter-argue this?
Especially when talking to normie about this topic.

>> No.14519097

>Why is cellular damage still a thing
Gee, why do bricks break? Why does metal corrode? Why does asphalt errode?

>> No.14519119

>why do bricks break? Why does metal corrode? Why does asphalt errode?
Because scientists are incompetent at inventing durable materials

>> No.14519126

>Why does asphalt errode?
This is deliberate though, road construction is one of the most common ways to launder money.

>> No.14519139


>> No.14519759
File: 245 KB, 1421x1058, jew'd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the money all disappeared without any valuable science occurring
>it was all a big honest mistake, the super brilliant genius scientists at NIH just accidentally wasted all the money on ineffective courses of research which produced nothing except for massive paychecks and pensions for themselves. all those brilliant ivy leaguers irresponsibly and stupid wasted a trillion dollars of other people's money on dumb courses of research, its all just a big mistake, lets give them even more money and another half a century to waste it in, maybe this time they'll deliver.

>> No.14519773
File: 440 KB, 577x587, wikiman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picrel made the link a redirect for propaganda reasons.

>> No.14519806

Iodine deficiency.

>> No.14519822

thanks to demographic winter. also cancer is a metabolic disease. Make of it what you will.

>> No.14519832

If you get cancer the only honorable thing to do is kill yourself instead of feeding Big Cancer while prolonging your own suffering.