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14516443 No.14516443 [Reply] [Original]

why is it illegal to be female elon musk

>> No.14516454

gpt bot

>> No.14516475

Elon Musk only scammed cryptofags

>> No.14516655

because elon musk isn't selling medical products

>> No.14516679

tesla cars work.

>> No.14516688

She should've bought someone else's tech that actually worked, sold it, and claimed she invented it first. Then the ruse could have gone on for longer. The problem was she didn't start out with enough capital.

>> No.14516701

It should be illegal to be female.

>> No.14516736

Americans, do grow A FUCKING BRAIN.

Celebrity obsessed.

>> No.14516738
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She forgot her company was supposed to make something that actually works.

>> No.14516757
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Nobody else had "tech that actually worked" in the way she wanted, because what she wanted was retarded and will never work, because it's an idea premised on several false assumptions, such as the homogeneity of blood. Fingerprick blood analysis will never work, it's a fundamentally flawed premise.

She was told all of this very early on by Phyllis Gardner, one of her professors at Stanford (before she dropped out.) She chose to proceed anyway, because nobody hates women more than other women.

>> No.14516762

Patriarchy, systemic sexism, and male privilege. She even had to deepen her voice because people wouldn't believe her as much if she didn't.

>> No.14516777
File: 331 KB, 804x1109, Screenshot_20220526-103635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So looking at Theranos' board of directors, it was full of people with glownigger connections. Did Holmes trick these guys? In that case, she is damn lucky she got a normal trial, and not a case of suicide by being shot with two different guns, both missing from the scene.

Or were these "gentlemen" in on the scam, and pocketed a bunch of cash, and just let Holmes be the fall-woman?

>> No.14516778

She was extremely bad at being a grifter. Elon is much better at it.

>> No.14516779

Elon Musk’s stuff works. His investors aren’t mad. So far I don’t think there were any empty promises.
Sometimes he says stuff will happen in a certain year and it ends up being delayed, but that’s it.

>> No.14516797

musk has one amazing company for every 10 scams, she had nothing

>> No.14516826
File: 135 KB, 1024x823, metaldeathtrap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>elon musk's stuff works
all i'm saying is that there are no atheists in a burning tesla/tesla without power

>> No.14516834
File: 2.53 MB, 368x349, kek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all i'm saying is that there are no atheists in a burning tesla/tesla without power

>> No.14516837
File: 77 KB, 1071x180, 1624571905882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did Holmes trick these guys?
Probably not, but you can be sure they wanted to fuck her. This was Holme's trick, she seduced old men in positions of power, who subsequently would not listen to any other women warning them about Holmes. For example, Larree Renda at safeway eventually saw through the lies of Theranos, but couldn't get her boss to recognize it because he was infatuated with Holmes.

>> No.14516840

(I read "trick" as fuck. She probably didn't fuck them, but they wanted to fuck her for sure.)

>> No.14516850

WTF. Guess I'm refusing offered rides in Tesla cars from now on.

>> No.14516858

you're a crybaby bitch

sit there and be immolated in an inescapable metal death trap

they always say the captain goes down with the ship but in my opinion so should the first mate and all of the sailors

>> No.14516859

Why are you mad?

>> No.14516862

are you incapable of detecting sarcasm without the reddit "/s/" at the end?

>> No.14516883

Sounds like you're seething.

>> No.14516931

Honestly pretty sad if they let themselves get lead around by their dick like that. Still, I do wonder how much $$$ this board members pocketed from the whole scam.

>> No.14516938
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>> No.14516942

this is a bot post you fucking retards

>> No.14516943

I love that she managed to scam Henry Kissinger out of money, and I hope it was a lot.

>> No.14516953

Gasoline cars explode too but also life is a curse so you would only be lucky to be blessed by a Tesla

>> No.14516954


>> No.14516955

Scam? Was he an investor or just a board member?

>> No.14516964

Gasoline powered cars tend to not lock you inside of them if the power goes out.

>> No.14516975

He dropped $3 million into the company, his lawyer dropped in $6 million, and through Kissinger's connections the Waltons, DeVos, and Oppenheimer families dropped $370 million.

>> No.14516990
File: 50 KB, 500x354, obama kissenger 1971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kissinger made a lot of money, he had already recouped his early investment plus a big profit by the time he had divested himself from this confidence scheme. None of the big name early investors were harmed in this grift, it was targeted to victimize retail investors only. Holmes' mother and father were both long term CIA employees at HQ in McLean VA, the most expensive and exclusive D.C.suburb, the wealthiest town in the wealthiest county in America.
How did so much of the nation's wealth become concentrated in one small village surrounding CIA headquarters? The people at the CIA stole everyone's money and kept if for themselves, thats how. Incredible high concentration of jews in McLean VA. 50 years ago McLean was considered a catholic enclave, but not anymore.

>> No.14517522

>scammed billions of dollars off of people
>bad at gifting
you are good at being retarded

>> No.14517557

The doors locking has nothing to do whether it runs on gas or not, do you even read the shit that spews out of your mouth?

>> No.14517812

Are you retarded?

>> No.14517823

There's nothing inherent in an EV versus ICE that requires electric doors with no manual override. Tesla might design its cars that way but if that's the case, that's a choice made by Tesla and not because EVs can't have doors that open without electrical current.

>> No.14518847

why the botphobia

>> No.14519075

because she's a liar

>> No.14519155

Like just climb into the front and open the door.

>> No.14519158

There is no god but Elon is the best alternative.

>> No.14519177

Because America is racist and sexist

>> No.14519269

>tfw glowniggers are actually retarded

>> No.14519276

>If you're in the rear you get reared
You should have owned and driven your own Tesla in the first place