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14515377 No.14515377 [Reply] [Original]

What's the most scientific way to prevent a hangover?

>> No.14515381

drink lots of water after drinking
avoid drinking cheap alcohols because they contain methanol

>> No.14515384

don't drink.

>> No.14515388

>because they contain methanol

>> No.14515437

take ritalin and multivitamins and drink lots of water

>> No.14515442
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my rule of thumb is 1 sixpack = 1 mcdonalds combo meal

so you can eat the fries, then 3 beer, then the big mac, then 3 more beer, then fries again and repeat until no more beer

I can drink 18 beer easily this way

life hack: you can eat the mcdonalds a little slower and still have a big mac for brekkie

>> No.14515466


>> No.14515500

How big is your stomach and what's your BMI

>> No.14515502

Found the fat fuck.

>> No.14515505

after a certain age, there is no way to prevent a hangover. For me it was turning 24+. All the water in the world didnt help. Take the stimulantpill bros alcohol isnt worth it it is the shittiest of all highs

>> No.14515680

Does wonders

>> No.14515994

Find good brands of alcohol, you can minimize the hangover by drinking stuff that has more pure ethanol and less traces of methanol, isopentanol and acetone in them. Like go for clear spirits like good brands of vodka, gin, rum and stay away from colored stuff like whiskey and esp bourbon.

You still gonna suffer but you will suffer way less.

>> No.14516005


>> No.14516033

what the fuck? do cheap alcohols really contain metanol? how is this not strictly checked and legal?

>> No.14516071

Lot's of things contain methanol anon, every time you consume fruit-juice you get a little methanol. -> a little <- being the key word here.

Your liver can process methanol, just not a lot of it, and all alcohol brands that are sold legally meets safety limits.
But some have more than others due to their inherent nature of ingredients and/or how thoroughly distilled they are.

>> No.14516213

English Breakfast, I kid you not. Or anything with load of fats in it

>> No.14516251

A hangover is essentially just being dehydrated, drink lots of water, no sodas or red bull or anything gay shit with your drink. Drink it neat or with some water like a real man little soi faggot. Dont catch monkey pox ebolaids after you get raped while you are passed out either

>> No.14516253

Don't be stupid, don't drink alcohol.

>> No.14516261

you fucking newfag

>> No.14516265

Why would drinking lots of water prevent dehydration from drinking? Surely you mean drink any kind of electrolyte replacement mix? Unless you have potassium in your drinking water?

>> No.14516268

See >>14515384

Anon, don't drink, alcohol literally kills braincells, the dead cells are then removed with urine, in other words when you drink you piss your brains away

>> No.14516272

Only the weak braincells die tho, what's left is a sleek streamlined drinking machine.

>> No.14516273

I mean thinking machine.

>> No.14516276

your mom is a newfag and I aint clicking that shit you african ass sniaffer

>> No.14516287

unfathomably based and fatso pilled

That’s actually good advice for once

>> No.14516357

No, its like if you removed all muscle from your body you would be left with strong skeleton which cannot even support its own weight.
Drinking is degenerate, smoking is degenerate, taking drugs is degenerate.

>> No.14516364

Don't drink

>> No.14516366

That is of course if you do it for a limited amount (drinking)

>> No.14516368

The winning move is not to play.
>drink in moderation, you pleb

>> No.14516374

lmao at this, but seriously, I get diarrhoea from so much McDonald's.

>> No.14516375


>> No.14516376

Pear juice
Sweet lime
Young coconut water

At least according to the papers i read. Worked well for me.

>> No.14516382

I never had a hangover in my life despite drinking a lot sometimes. What does this mean?

>> No.14516471

You're too early into your twenties to have experienced what we call "the cliff."

Maybe you're lucky and the cliff comes later, but it will. It will come and hangovers will last all day

>> No.14516482

I'm 36. Still no hangover ever.
Am I in danger of becoming an alcoholic? Binge drinking happens only a few times a year for me. I'm relatively fit.

>> No.14516496

Water still works ur body can produce its own you cuck.

>> No.14516605

You're in danger of becoming an alcoholic if you end up in some period where the parties start clustering every other day.
People who work in nightclub environments is a classic risk group just because the opportunities to drink come at them too often.

Ofc People who don't get hangovers can fall victim to this faster since they never feel the need to stop drinking even if they'd
partied hard the night before etc. They don't get that "uuh never gonna drink again!" feel that last for a day or two for most.

I never had a drinking problem but in my party years towards my late 20's when it was this stretch of peoples weddings/birthdays/concerts
that lined up so the parties happened like thrice a week for several weeks in a row and suddenly I notice how I was looking forward
to Wednesday pub-night just to get drunk and it was like "woo... prob time to nip this in the bud before we end up places".

>> No.14517940
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>drink lots of water after drinking
>avoid drinking cheap alcohols because they contain methanol
It's really that simple.
Also, don't drink too much. The body can only metabolize about 1 drink per hour at a maximum. Drink faster than that, and you will be in dehydration (hangover) territory after that.

>> No.14517946

Prophylaxis of drinking alcohol.

>> No.14517954
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>You're in danger of becoming an alcoholic
No, binge drinkers are not alcoholics (chemically dependent)

"Therapists" just say that to make more "patients" and money.

Also, alcoholism is a genetic thing. Someone who doesn't have the gene for it won't become one, or would have to reallllllly work at it to get there.

Someone with the alcoholism gene (very high among east Asians and American Indians) could become an alcoholic in just a few weeks of regular drinking, and have trouble ever stopping.

>> No.14519017

He never said binge drinkers were alcoholics. Learn to read.