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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14509332 No.14509332 [Reply] [Original]

A tech tree would help greatly for someone who's a layman wants to learn it on their own.

>> No.14509836

So you're just wanting to take it up more as a hobby?

>> No.14509913
File: 2.37 MB, 2332x1438, math-tech-tree.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have laid out a class list, if you want to choose on to tech into
Warrior: Without geometry, life would be pointless, Avatar: Evclide.
Pro: even fundementals, prolly 95% of life benefit of math captured

Paladin: Pre-established harmony, Avatar: Leibniz
Pro: get some calculus to bring the full meditative contemplation of the Lorde and His numericism to the worlde

Priest: "as he, of his Goodnes, by his Powre, and in his wisedome, hat hcreated all thynges, in number, waight, and measure" Avatar: John Dee
Pro: Sanctify the mind, and also perhaps summon a Tulpa

Hunter: "On target, on the money" Avatar: Norman Wildberger
Pro: Good maths for where the money is- computers, also can dab on centuries of mathematical consensus and more generally ill tepid logical thought in the process

Shaman: Elemental insight, Avatar: Ramanujan
Pro: Like any Ayahuasca experience, you wont know until you try. But it seems generally clear that those who have arn't quite looking at things around them the same.

Druid: Without philosophy man with technology are toddlers with lightning. Avatar: Imhotep
Pro: Rediscover the timeless secrets of the universe

Rogue: They'll present you a choice to take the job.. its not actually really a choice. Avatar: Turing
Pro: Time is money, and lets be honest, you want both, dont you

Warlock: "upon deep inspection, a great deal of mathematics is socially constructed", avatar: "Zermelo-Frankel"
Pro: Academia Tenure is a well paid, dignified and secure position

Mage: "Oh, Diamond! Diamond! thou little knowest what mischief thou hast done!" Avatar: Newton.
Pro: Closest to the philosophers stone

>> No.14509935


Meme but probably more useful than nothing.

>> No.14510058

Do you know basic algebra and trig?

>> No.14510068
File: 2.42 MB, 776x5164, mathguide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

set theory -> algebra -> trig -> calculus -> analysis. in that order. learn proofs at some point as well. after this the door is open and you can learn whatever the fuck you want. math really begins after diffeq or analysis, anything before that is just baby's first word. no, more like learning how to breathe than how to walk or talk.
skip topology, it's pointless schizology for psueds and psued-lickers only. unless you learn topology just to make sci posters upset. it's a real gigachad move to take someone else's important math paper and write topological nonsense on it and steal all the attention
here's someone else's math guide. ask sci for a better one. it's not terrible, but again skip topology unless you're literally only in it for the memes. they're good memes, to be sure.

>> No.14510097

Even if there was a tech tree, it wouldn't make any sense to you. Just learn the basics (everything before analysis) then see where you want to go. You might not even make it that far.

>> No.14510115

Not at all.

I read somewhere around here that "Real Analysis" is shit so I'll skip it otherwise the post and pic seem useful.

>> No.14510121

depends on the book. it's fine to go from analysis to complex if you're confident.

>> No.14510125

That second book here >>14510068 , called Basic Mathematics is a good start for you.

>> No.14510142

K, will sail the seven seas then, will get the other shit book too just in case. If it helps, I just want to:

>stop being a mathlet (primary motivation)
>create my own physics simulations to train AI
>understand electricity related maths

>> No.14510165
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you mean this?

>> No.14510217

That's dirty and disgusting but maybe of use.

>> No.14511388

I also have the "Mathematics for the Practical Man" collection, physically.

>> No.14513257
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nice chart.

>> No.14513779

Go through the Basic Maths book then trek into set theory and calculus after that. Get your hands on a Stewart calculus book (not an endorsement for Stewart, its just good for first timers) and go all the way through multivariate calculus. As for set theory, look for a book called Transition to Advanced Mathematics, that will give you a solid overview of the essentials for set theory, plus you'll only really need it for the first 3 chapters. On top of that, learn how to code.

>> No.14514276
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>Set theory
I've heard about it in HS, saw a bunch of circles and such in the books back then, why is this important?

>On top of that, learn how to code.
I was watching a video yesterday by Conrad Wolfram and he said something a long these lines. Another anon in another board said

>You might want to think of at least one way you would apply it first. Programming is the math of this century. You’d be better off learning C

So wouldn't I be just wasting my time when I could just learn to code?

>> No.14514634

>I've heard about it in HS, saw a bunch of circles and such in the books back then, why is this important?
Almost all modern mathematics is built on sets and the workings of set theories. It is key to understanding not only the basic building block of modern math but also notation that is used almost everywhere.

>> No.14514637

yes its called elementary school

>> No.14514731

Why don't they teach "set theory" in elementary school?
Why not call "mathematics" "set theory"?

>> No.14514886

Don't listen to others.
Proofs then linear algebra then abstract algebra then real analysis then complex analysis, that's literally it, 5 textbooks cover the main curriculum of mathematics.

>> No.14515743
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>You’d be better off learning C
Why C? Do mathematicians need low level access? Why not something simpler like Python? It does the job well, people are using it in machine learning and data science for a reason.

>> No.14515883

>Why C
No fucking idea, it was a random US anon on /pol/. It got me thinking tho, it's much better to have a reason to learn it other than just itself, some application, with programming I could apply it somewhere I can see immediate results and get hooked. Whatever it is I just want to stop feeling retarded when I see hard math symbols.

>> No.14515907

>tech tree
no need to waste your time....stick to the thigh high boots

>> No.14515920

I wish

>> No.14515955

>Why C? Do mathematicians need low level access?
Because running everything in Ring 0 only, as God intends it, is the way forward.

>> No.14516119
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>I just want to stop feeling retarded when I see hard math symbols.
Yeah, that would be nice. I'm currently studying informatics and feel like I'm progressively getting more retarded with each passing year in relation to my understanding of math.

Holy based

>> No.14516140
File: 18 KB, 300x251, shutterstock_48409444-300x251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, imagine believing in ability of schools to deliver knowledge

>> No.14517677

> I'm currently studying informatics and feel like I'm progressively getting more retarded with each passing year in relation to my understanding of math.