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14507410 No.14507410 [Reply] [Original]

Is there something that reduces anxiety to a minimum and kills social phobia, that does not have very harmful side effects such as SSRIs or antipsychotics?
I'd like to talk to people without having to feel my heart race too fast or my throat choke up in a big lump struggling to get a few words out and without making a fool of myself all the time.

>> No.14507418

Have you tried therapy?

>> No.14507421

Have a friend you can hang out with and talk to everyday.

>> No.14507438


>> No.14507441

Beer? Weed?

>> No.14507783

Sit around your house where you can be seen, plenty of boomer on their porch drank themselves away, feed bird or fix car on drive way.

>> No.14507792

No. Level of harm = (level of effectiveness)^2 in this case.

>> No.14507794


>> No.14507801


>> No.14507818

repeated exposition to the trigger

>> No.14507840

Exercise hard in the morning.

>> No.14507845

This is pure cope. The "trigger" for people with severe social phobia is social rejection, and being socially rejected repeatedly isn't going to help you build up confidence.

>> No.14507864 [DELETED] 

The "trigger" for people with severe social phobia is their own unreasonable sense of entitlement, which others stubbornly refuse to live by.
>how dare they not give me the respect i feel that i deserve!
"brain damage" and "mental illness" are synonymous terms, there is nothing valuable or worthwhile about insane people, they are just low IQ confused idiots who will never be anything but a demanding burden.

>> No.14507868

Ooops, found a mentally ill, feminized normalgroid.

>> No.14507937

Go outside

>> No.14507943

with repeated, gradual exposure to the fear-causing experience, over time the anxiety is lost.
this is thought to result from the brain realizing that no danger actually occurs in the situation, therefore the adrenaline/etc. is not required.

it works on lab rats, it works on generalized anxiety disorder in humans, it works on phobias in humans, it works on PTSD in humans, it works on OCD in humans.


>> No.14507945

Self love. Genuine love. Being able to look at yourself in the mirror the way you look at your partner, your beloved pet, a relative you love, etc. The idea that you are the best in the world at being you, in a way that involves neither extremes of arrogance or extremes of humility, it's simply what you are. When you love yourself, you won't be pressured into contorting your personality and behaviour into something that you believe is socially acceptable, you will just be as you are.

You will care about how people perceive you who actually appreciate you for what you are, and you will entirely stop caring about people who judge you from their own perceptions about what should be socially valid to them. You will realize that such judgements come from their own insecurity and lack of self-love, because you have gone through the change yourself.

There are different ways of getting there and it also depends on your mental state. Do you have autism, or ADHD, or bipolar disorder, or schizophrenia, or BPD?

>> No.14507949

Cope. It doesn't work any more than being tortured repeatedly makes you immune to pain.

>> No.14507952
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>> No.14507953

>It doesn't work
literature disagrees.

>> No.14507957

Psychology is a pseudoscience.

>> No.14507974

if placebos yield results, can you say placebos are ineffective?

>> No.14507994

Sorry but I have no affiliation with buddhism. I don't know what you are trying to say with that image.

>> No.14507997

In this case there isn't even the benefit of placebo. You're using typical pseudoscientific magical thinking to project a mechanism of action into a new context where it doesn't apply. With fear extinction, the subject learns that the stimulus isn't actually harmful, and stops associating it with potential pain. Forcing social rejects to face social rejection over and over only reinforces the association between social situations and pain.

>> No.14508033

no one is born being good at socializing. you learn and improve by experience.
the people who you view as "socially competent" were at one point incompetent, and improved through trial and error.

it would be ludicrous to assume that one would improve at being social, by avoiding social situations.

you can read about how to ride a bike, and watch videos on how bikes are ridden, but you won't get better at riding one if you avoid trying.

a concrete, relatable example would be driving. many people are anxious about driving when they first start. there are a lot of rules and there is much to pay attention to, but through experience you become comfortable doing it and it's second nature. the fear goes away.

there are countless examples of things where one is initially afraid of an unfamiliar experience, but with practice and exposure, the fear is replaced with confidence.

public speaking, being afraid of dogs, firing a gun, working with power tools, eating foreign foods, being afraid of flying, going to school as a child, etc.
you could populate this list with innumerable examples, and better ones, but to say that "well those things are different than talking to other humans" is being intentionally disingenuous.

no one can force you to change your situation but yourself. if you decide to keep doing everything exactly the same way, your situation will remain the same. you alone shoulder the consequences of your choices. change, or don't.

>> No.14508041

alcohol i am at a .1 all the time.

>> No.14508055

A bunch of irrelevant drivel that doesn't dispute anything I said. Where are all these mindless reddit drones coming from?

>> No.14508070

>a new context where it doesn't apply
it's not an new context, examples were provided where it's analogous.

>Forcing social rejects to face social rejection over and over only reinforces the association between social situations and pain.
there is no pain. it's psychosomatic. exposure shows that no harm actually occurs. see examples provided of similar situations where this occurs.

>> No.14508137
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>there is no pain. it's psychosomatic. exposure shows that no harm actually occurs.
Where are all these utter cretins flooding in from?

>> No.14508163
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CBD oil works for me

>> No.14508520

if you're too gutless to go talk to people and get over your social anxiety then that's your problem. plenty of people will tell you it works, some no doubt speaking from personal experience like me.
using buzzwords like cope and reddit as a defensive reflex just makes you look like a faggot. good luck finding a pill to make your life easy, "cope" indeed.

>> No.14508521

Unironically, meditate and just listen to your inner voices and make friends with them.

Treat these voices as separate entities, like a hurt child, and talk them through what’s bothering them.

Then exercise. Then get out into the world, make eye contact with people , smile, and say “hi”.

You can start the most important 20% Pareto just by doing these things. The 80% will come with practice and habit.

Good luck anon.

>> No.14508530
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>listen to inner voices
>they tell me I'm pathetic
>try to talk to voices
>they tell me I'm a faggot for attempting this yoga bullshit
There's simply no way to win, is there?

>> No.14508531

>if you're too gutless to go talk to people and get over your social anxiety then that's your problem
That's not helpful at all. I keep telling that to myself yet I cannot get myself to do it.

>> No.14508580

well i would like to help you further but i don't know how, all i can say is if you are able to somehow do it then there's a good chance it will start working. i fucking went to university after several years as a neet and it was fucking brutal at first (like for half a year) but i kept going and by the end of it i had a fairly modest social circle and basic social skills and no one gave a shit about my awkward first year. the hard part is the start and then you're just fucking glad you got it over with.

>> No.14508910

join a judo club, a boxing/kickboxing club, a BJJ club
you're forced to not only interact with, but have contact with people to actually train
no kungfu though because those people are fucking weirdos

>> No.14508916

If you have ADHD, adderall does exactly that.

>> No.14508918

The literal retard conservative midwit just outed themselves again

>> No.14508930

In a very generalized sense, I have a difficult time refuting what Buddhism has to say about women.

>> No.14508938

Would you callously persecute other people for trying yoga if they actually enjoy it, anon?

>> No.14509074

Are you in hs, university or working?

>> No.14509080

Propranolol initially, then exposure.

>> No.14509375

Yeah because I'm not a faggot that needs to rationalise his every action.

I want, therefore I do.

>> No.14509407


>> No.14509412

can very addictive but also very, do your research
>Beta blockers

>> No.14509520

Are there smaller trigger stimuli you can use? I find the important thing is to do things that trigger myself, though I don't have social anxiety specifically.

>> No.14509549
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Your consciousness/mind is being forced into small circle. If you relax/let go/surrender your consciousness/dot/mind expands.

Do not know if this will help you to understand.

>> No.14509647

Cold cut from coffee. I’m serious. It creates a reliance on critical thinking which more often than not is not the best tool for the job. People have to live with biases and the only way to form these biases is with experience. When you take coffee frequently, you are preventing those biases from being used and improved. “Exposure” as cited by another anons will build the correct biases.
Children have fear and anxiety and your entire way of thinking is extremely logocentric

>> No.14509680

>reduces anxiety to a minimum and kills social phobia

Phenibut is figuratively "Chad" condensed into drug form. In that you will turn into a kinder hypersocial extrovert that wants to talk to and make friends with everyone. It's the closest you will get to experiencing what the most "Chad" version of you feels like. If you want to read up on it, this page is good and it's accurate as far as with what I've experienced.

It's purported to be nootropic. Some of the effects to highlight that can help you with your anxiety and social phobia include helping you feel relaxed, warm, and good, suppress anxiety, disinhibition, and entactogenic effects.

>Increased sociability and the feeling that communication comes easier and more naturally.
>Increased urge to communicate or express one's affectionate feelings towards others, even if they happen to be strangers.
>Increased feelings of empathy, love, and connection with others.
>Increased motivation to resolve social conflicts and improve interpersonal relationships.
>Decreased negative emotions and mental states such as stress, anxiety, and fear.
>Decreased insecurity, defensiveness, and fear of emotional injury or rejection from others.
>Decreased irritability, aggression, anger, and jealousy.

>> No.14509708

This doesn't make you chad. Iodine does. Chad doesn't need to be a benzo addict to order mexican takeout and sushi over the phone you mental wreck

>> No.14509711

You have to get on that "I don't give a fuck" mindset
Not that you shouldn't care about anything, but most opinions are subjective and you literally shouldn't care whether you impress someone or not, if you don't hit off with someone find someone else and if you can't talk with anyone, be alone who cares.
It's your life, the only one making you anxious is you and you just have to kick your own ass.

>> No.14510015

This was embarrassing, but not as embarrassing as this >>14508918 >>/pol/

>> No.14510139


>> No.14510147


Maybe I fucked up the dose but phenibut just made me feel incredibly drunk. Would not recommend.

>> No.14510157

I used to be anxious about talking to people. A few job interviews later plus an awesome year of school and we str8 chillin

>> No.14510163


Do you work in a call center or retail? After working in those I developed social anxiety from getting yelled at every single fucking day and having to smile or lose my job and home.

For me it got better after getting an office job where people don't yell at me, but it took a while to get over it.

>> No.14510179

feels good not giving a shit about jobs, I'd just walk out if someone yelled at me more than twice

>> No.14510213
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these retards can't figure out testosterone solves all these problems and we can produce it for free without pills. no wonder they are called midwits lmao

>> No.14510214

>he "trigger" for people with severe social phobia is their own unreasonable sense of entitlement,
No, it's a natural reaction to being excluded from the in-group. Pack animals like wolves become both flighty and more easily agitated/agressive as they grow into their role as an omega/outsider. It's completely normal, if you have none of the approval or benefit of the in-group then they and their aggregate socio-biological resources have no reason to: protect you, feed you, share with you, warn you of danger, or restrain themselves in bullying you (possibly to death as often happens in tribal societies).

>> No.14510240

We can produce it, but we don't. Mostly due to mercury poisoning (Google it)

>> No.14511054

No woman has ever been interested in Buddhism. N

>> No.14511061

If you're worried about what others think of you, you might as well kill yourself. Hell, people will already look down on you for being a loser for can't have a basic conversation. Get off 4chan, go outside and talk to people.

>> No.14511073

>I'd like to talk to people without having to feel my heart race too fast or my throat choke up in a big lump struggling to get a few words out and without making a fool of myself all the time
You can talk to people just fine. Stop pretending. You wont be getting drugs.

>> No.14511504

As an aspie, attending college classes was great exposure therapy - the anxiety was horrible at first but chatting with profs about sci topics at office hours was such autistic fun. The fucking pandemic set me back alot, along with setting off my autism from the disruptions to my routines and masker shit, but I'm making a comeback.

Still dealing with GAD and maybe open to meds at some point. CBT was very effective as well in tamping down anxiety and I internalized many of it's lessons like a Zen koan on abandoning a ladder when you no longer need it don't need sessions that often anymore.

>> No.14511531

I'm going through CBT and Exposure therapy and it is helping a lot
I went from being unable to go outside to being able to eat in restaurants and go shopping

>> No.14511537

Face the fact that you will die. You will die. You will die. You will die. You will Die.
Make peace with this fact. Think about it for as long as you can until you accept it on all levels. All of sudden it won't be that bad. You'll accept that life is like a movie, a video game. Stop caring and just exist in this world that we know nothing about. Its a miracle!

>> No.14511564

>aspie, autistic, autism
>talking about sci topics is autism
It seems like you blame "autism" for all your problems.

>> No.14511605

My experience with this is that it only works if you try to stay calm during the situation (breathwork, mindfulness). If you sperg out after and cringe about yourself again, it might make it worse.

>> No.14511612
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Good odds this thread is a viral advertisement from the pharm industry. It uses the "hello fellow kids, i'm an anime fan just like you" image as an opening

>> No.14511825

sounds like you might be that crazy troll from the autism threads that denies the existence of autism. Just putting autism in quotes is suspicious.

Sure the co-morbid anxiety disorders (GAD and panic) take much of the blame for my issues, but sometimes it's hard to draw the line where anxiety/autism end.

>> No.14511836

Try alcohol. That's what most people use.

>> No.14511885

I'm not the guy in that thread but you seem like one of those people that after you get diagnosed with something or have some vague personality trait, it becomes a significant part of your personality and you ascribe all of your hopes and failures on that disorder. It is completely retarded to claim you are anxious because you have GAD, on multiple levels.

>> No.14511922

>It is completely retarded to claim you are anxious because you have GAD, on multiple levels.
It's called Generalized ANXIETY Disorder for a reason - you are anxious by definition if you have GAD. Jesus, man put down the crack pipe for a moment.

And, I've had such a unique presentation of autism that it really does play a huge role in my life unlike all the larpers these days.

>> No.14511963

>anime avis are feds
This is exactly what they want you to think. Feds are extremely easy to distinguish from their words. You don't need indicators.

>> No.14512090

Proper amounts of high quality sleep, heavy exercise, good diet and constant social exposure.

>> No.14512092

How do I get social exposure

>> No.14512094

>it's hard to draw the line where anxiety/autism end.
Does exposure therapy affect autism? If not, then that is a difference, isn't it?

>> No.14512103
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>Bro It's called an anxiety disorder I totally have it and it's real and it has an effect on my life!
GAD just describes the symptoms that you have, it means nothing in a thread where people have anxiety. Your "disorder" doesn't make you special and it doesn't make you a victim.
>unique presentation of autism
That doesn't have any bearing.

>> No.14512109
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>> No.14512110


>> No.14512156

More semantics, if you are not the "mental illnesses don't exist" poster you are doing a good impression.

>> No.14512171

Lets see, you seem to enjoy talking about yourself and you lose control of your emotions when you can't aggressively control what others are thinking about you. You have two problems, first is low IQ, you're too dumb to realize that you don't have ESP, what you assume others are thinking is really your own self assessment projected via your imagination into the other guy's head. So when you think others are thinking nasty thoughts about you, the reality is that you know yourself to be worthy of those nasty thoughts, which is how you were able to invent them. Second problem is narcissism, it just isn't you place to try and control, deceive and manipulate others' opinions. If you assume everyone thinks you're garbage then you probably are, go jump into a dumpster and kys, that will take care of all of your problems.

>> No.14512178

Least psychotic /sci/ poster

>> No.14512195


>> No.14512206
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>> No.14513426


>> No.14513458

the trigger is fear of social rejection, being constantly disproven show there's nothing to fear

>> No.14513462

being tortured repeatedly DOES make you immune to pain, or rather your pain tolerance increases

over a long enough period, and you've got nothing but time brother

>> No.14513464
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calls everyone an npc while being one, grow up and stop being emotional

>> No.14513465

>being constantly disproven show there's nothing to fear
I get it. You had social phobia (= you were a shy normie) which was cured by exposure therapy (=you started receiving the social approval you crave as soon as you stopped being a scared little faggot). You also had depression (=you didn't get invited to Stacey's birthday party and felt a little down for a week) which was cured by antidepressants (placebo effect + attention to your whiny normie problems from a "professional" did wonders for you). Good for you, normalnigger.

>> No.14513466

>NPC churns out NPC response
Don't care. You will never be human and everything I wrote will continue to stand unchallenged.

>> No.14513468

Mdma and marijuana. There's a reason they are banned and is because people would be more calm and collected if they consumed them. Same for psychedelics. Even though they are all way less harmful than alcohol or tobbaco

>> No.14513506
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I get it, you're a recluse, live your life this way, don't change. nobody wants you to.

>> No.14513513

Don't care, normalgroid. I'm just telling you why "exposure therapy" for "social phobia" is pseudoscience.

>> No.14513556

So then, if exposure therapy is pseudoscience, how do you deal with a social phobia?

>> No.14513583

You disentangle yourself from normalgroid society and your identity within it, disown all normalgroid values, reject their metrics of success, and develop self-sufficiency. Only then will you become immune to other people's judgments and become genuinely free. If you still feel the need to communicate with random bugmen at that point, it will be a nonissue because their reactions will never hurt you again.

>> No.14513615

how would one go about doing so?

>> No.14513640

this third wheel

>> No.14513645

Nofap does that but you'll soon seen see why hikineet life is superior when you actually talk to an average man.

>> No.14513652

Become a buddhist monk or something. Who knows? There is no straightforward way to do it.

>> No.14513668

so you've actually not done it?
it's even less than a theory?
just an idea you had?

>> No.14513674

>it's even less than a theory?
It's a simple matter of fact. How to actually accomplish it is a separate question with many possible answers, none of which involve getting hurt over and over in the course of some activity, and hoping that this will dissolve the association between the activity and the pain.

>> No.14513954

>dude just constantly dose receptor drugs to not have anxiety

>> No.14513976
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>dude just invent the concept of anxiety as a mental illness, that way people who have no home, no savings, no means of self defense and no fundamental right can be branded insane and forced to become drug addicts if they voice complaints or worries about their helpless condition.

>> No.14514029

Try acting tough Op. If you're afraid of something do it anyway and just fake it til you make it.
The most effective way of stop being a sissy is to never back down whenever someone dares you, unless it's something legit dangerous far outside your ability etc.
And whenever you encounter something that scares you face it precisely because it scares you.

It can be anything, I handle spiders I find in my home despite being arachnophobic (no dangerous ones in my area)
Every time something that weirds you out presents itself to you it is an opportunity for you to grow stronger.

Like bully yourself ruthlessly inside your own mind whenever you coward away from something til it is more annoying listening to your inner
voice calling you a weak sissy than it is to pick up that creepy crawly or climb that ladder, cross that empty space, talk to that crowd etc.

>> No.14514713


>Just become a hardened criminal bro

>> No.14514728

What part of what I typed has anything to do with being a criminal?

>> No.14514737

i became a fucking professor genius & mystical sage before i realized the so-called "mental" aspect is only half the puzzle.

when it comes down to it, it is very simple. unless your body is built in accordance with how evolution demands you are going to feel like shit.

or to say it simply: if you look like a faggot youre probably going to feel like one too.