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14500292 No.14500292 [Reply] [Original]

This thread is sponsored by : Littmann, Doctors' best Fren 2.0 (Forgot Subject) Edition

>>14484822 (Cross-thread)

We discuss research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

Hypochondriacs aren't welcomed in this general FUCK OFF !!!!!!!!!

>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice


>> No.14500349
File: 853 KB, 1200x630, Choline.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Help, please. I know very little about chemistry. Is the claim choline is basically protein correct? To me the chemical structure of choline and, for example, leucine looks significantly different.

>> No.14500365

No, choline is not a protein, a protein is made by a lot of amino acids

>> No.14500422
File: 3 KB, 488x32, Choline_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's not a protein but is pic related correct or not?

>> No.14500434
File: 30 KB, 614x614, 66435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does modern medicine actually cure anything? I literally can't think of a single thing it cures. I see a lot of placebo or outright harmful treatments and some symptom relief, and sometimes they "cure" ailments by cutting off body parts, but doocters don't actually know how to cure even the most basic ailments, objectively speaking.

>> No.14500440

We know how to cure and prevent scurvy :)

>> No.14500447

Doocters cure orange and lemon deficiency by telling people to eat oranges and lemons. That's pretty much the peak of modern medicine.

>> No.14500467

Who the fuck steals stethoscopes? Is there a black market?

>> No.14500478


>> No.14500509

Destroying the microbiome is a trash cure.

>> No.14500529

Can someone give me a logical reason why the tissue of your penis should or should not be able to curve over time from masturbation?

>> No.14500577
File: 674 KB, 2197x1463, HaroldShipman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anon comes in with acute angle glaucoma
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14500693
File: 347 KB, 641x429, 1652975580094.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know if this is a sore throat or not? i have had this since like 4-5 years, no allergies known and nasal spray/histamine meds won't cut it

Anyone know how to fix? always feel tight around throat

>> No.14500808

i guess depends on what you mean by black market

>> No.14500839

Yes that's a very obvious form of pharyngeal cancer due to eating too much ass, prognosis: death in about 4-5 months

>> No.14500847

lot's of things are curable, which is why they're no longer a significant part of clinical practice, while disease that still require extensive symptomatic treatment are. A good part of modern medicine is just treating disease of old age, or illnesses arising from lifestyle choice, and you can't exactley "cure" things like congestive heart failure unless you put in a new heart

terrain retard

>> No.14500903

Help me decide a surgical field frens, don’t really care about lifestyle/money, what’s the best one with technical and “beautiful” operations?

>> No.14500968

Plastics might be king depending on the clinic, otherwise anything that isn't abdominal surgery. Vascular if you hate people, ortho if you love people

>> No.14501122
File: 31 KB, 657x539, (You).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>terrain retard
You don't even know the basics of the language you're using and yet I'm the retard here. KYS, lousy mouthbreather.

>> No.14501136

Trreain Rteard

>> No.14501175

>neonatal intensive care rotation
>lil babby gets some blood tests, 106 natremia
>checked twice, not a technical error
>basically no clinical signs or symptoms
>docs freak-out and correct that shit ASAP
>endocrinology and nephrology consultants throw-in, run some tests, nothing comes out
>fucking nobody has any idea what the hell happened

>> No.14501187

cardiac surgery is pure kino
but they're even a grade above plastics in terms of psychopathy
and it's losing a bit of steam because endovascular procedures are gaining massive traction, and those can be done by radiologists or even vasculars

>> No.14501220


>> No.14501363

Is radonc still a shit field to get a job after residency?

>> No.14501399

any neurobros itt

>> No.14501455
File: 769 KB, 825x580, laparotomy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

general surgery is the working man's specialty.
being called in at 2am to clean shit out of a man's abdomen and fix a burst pipe secondary to a blockage is pretty metal

>> No.14501463

true, becoming deaf from meningitis to own the libs is based and redpilled

>> No.14501733

NO. A protein is a chain of amino acids. Choline could, at best, be a 1 chain peptide, which isn't a protein.

This statement is not scientifically accurate, but may be said to help you remember the structure better since there is a bit of chemical structure overlap

>> No.14501906

You’ll easily find a job—just can’t be selective on where you want to live. But I believe it’s the best hidden secret while every else shits on it. Very high pay with extremely low burnout. Low/manageable patient loads. Called in once in a blue moon

>> No.14501927

I don’t have the academic fortitude or the patience for MD. Too poor for a long academic career. And I also value my youth. Therefore, what’s the most based allied health career? I have just about all the prerequisites knocked out for every program at my local school. I’m leaning towards radiation therapy or respiratory therapy.

Radiation therapy pays by far the most but it comes with a grueling 5x8 wage slave schedule. Respiratory therapy has more 3x12’s—going rad tech with a CT cert is looking juicy for this too.

>> No.14502087

Become a based physiotherapist

>> No.14502184

If my personal goal was to do a specialty that involves comprehensive patient care in a hospital setting and had a pretty short residency (FM/IM/etc), but I also wanted to start or eventually end up either owning, employed by, or as a partner in a more lucrative private practice (med spa for example) what should I do with my time in medical school to make this a reality?
Like should I be spending my time doing things related to my scope of desired matches while just dabbling in the other stuff to build connections or can I dedicate large time investments (ie research) to both without spreading myself too thin and damaging my chances to match?

>> No.14502295

Thanks for the explanation.

>> No.14502324
File: 84 KB, 777x1200, 9781541797796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this a good book to read if I want to know more about the Affordable Care Act and its effects on American Health Care?

>> No.14502332
File: 41 KB, 394x600, Jacket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was kind of interested in this one but it seems a little slanted. I know any book on a political topic will absolutely be slanted, but I would prefer something that at least tries to appear impartial and only talks about the material "Before and after" differentness the law made.

>> No.14502364
File: 6 KB, 259x194, o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I want to know more about the Affordable Care Act and its effects on American Health Care?

It made insurance rates skyrocket.
Now most lower income people cannot afford insurance, not even ACA "insurance", so are pushed into Medicaid or go without insurance.

But the big corporate insurance companies made Trillions, and gave billions to politicians like Obama.

>> No.14502414

Give me a viable hypothesis on how drinking excess monster energy could cause idiopathic urticaria outbreaks.

Patient has a history of previous mild hives allergy panel showed idiopathic treated with low dose reactin subsided after 1-2 weeks. But was followed with a single acute episode of facial swelling (upper lip) following a bite of a cookie. Subsided with reactin

15 years later more severe reaction whole body hives with varied facial and palm + foot swelling, no airway involvement unmanageable with regular reactin (20mg) dose was increased to 80mg in 2 x 40mg morning/night episodes were controlled untill a major outbreak of one sided facial swelling (lips, eye, one side of the face) which was eventually controlled over several days with reactin.

Patient reports drinking 1-1.5 monster energy original per day and is very active healthy BMI and slightly elevated BP.

>> No.14502418

probably a stupid answer, but could niacin do this? those drinks are loaded with it

>> No.14502424

1 can of monster original contains 24mg niacin (B3)
100mg caffeine
2000mg taurine
400mg ginseng
10mg d-glucuronolactone
10mg gurana
10mg inositol

>> No.14502430

Asking this again.
Since medical schools were a lot easier to get into in the past, does that mean that people that could only get into DO schools were a special kind of retarded?

>> No.14502436

How do I learn enough medicine to be useful? In highschool my academic + test performance indicated I could be a doctor, but i was a hedonist shit and chased drugs and women (largely unsuccessfully) for a decade plus.

I'm 30 now and it's basically too late, plus I'm decent at programming and will probably overall be better able to support my family working in tech rather than trying to start now studying to be a doctor.

But I want to be helpful when things go wrong. Having some serious training/knowledge past webMD could help me save a family member or friend's life. I'm considering taking an EMT course (can I do that if I have no intention of working as one?) or something similar. Reasonable price isn't a huge deal, I can afford to spend two or three thousand if need be. Maybe more if it's really worth it.

>> No.14502441

Why do you think medical schools were so much easier to get into in the past, that's FUD. The bar has been raised for both. Look at average MCAT scores over the past 5-6 years, they've gone up across the board. You still have to be the same quality for either. They are about to get harder to get into when the economy goes to the shitter, so are phd programs, masters programs, etc

>> No.14502444

If you want to help your family, save that 2-3k for proper medical care. I think if you are serious and passionate about helping people like that it is not too late to actually pursue a career and get some training, EMT, nurse, or even MD, all will take time.

>> No.14502454

Right, I'm making 90k/yr with basic financial scripting so ofc if something is wrong with family I'll send them to a real doctor. But sometimes shit happens fast or you get a shitty doc who gives a misdiagnosis and you need to know some basics to act fast or maybe recognize a mistake. So wis EMT training the best route for this kind of thing?

>> No.14502797

Urology unironically

>> No.14502803

you should choose the spec you are aiming at and then you need to git gud at it.

>> No.14502807

>two snakes
why are mutts like this

>> No.14502898
File: 29 KB, 427x225, 1644443543413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the Autistic Finnish frog poster cute ?

I keep fantasizing about being his (Male) Gf and having gaysex late night in the hospital together.

I always imagine him as a cute twink

Do you think he ever posted without frog-Posting? hope not cause all the posts in this general that aren't posted with his frog pics are cringe and retarded made by low iqs and schizos

>> No.14502984

no but I'm a neuro theatre nurse, teach me some things friend

>> No.14503019

Can I get an MRI scan without referral and keep the results private, i.e. not shared with doctors, or do you all share everything automatically? Do i need to go to another country?
It seems in the U.K. i can book it pretty easily at least. I assume America too

>> No.14503023
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>> No.14503046

>but they're even a grade above plastics in terms of psychopathy
how and why

>> No.14503094
File: 76 KB, 714x575, 1644997248648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14503305

Why would you want them to be this private? And they usually are, depending on your country and whether or not they've already implemented an electronic chart system that's stored on some database that physicians can acess, they won't see what you don't show them.

>make a tiny mistake
>surgery turns into a catastrophe
>lose their shit and throw a tantrum right there in the OR
at least that's what I've seen from cardiac surgeons, for people that have to deal with such high stakes surgeries, they seem to have the worst possible temper for it. At least neurosurgeons seem to accept that they're usually playing against the odds when they perform surgery

>> No.14503310

>Why would you want them to be this private?
There's many reasons.

>> No.14503317

can someone explain to Me that valsalva manouver/wim hof stuff?
can I really "pass out" if I squat and breath quickly? or trigger some psychodelic trip from certain breath Holds plus rapid breathing?

>> No.14503318

You can tell us, get it off your chest

>> No.14503320

What are some resources for studying the human brain if I don't know anything about medicine? Can you please give a to-study list to understand how the brain works?
I want to know more about the brain because I'm studying machine learning and the best models are heavily inspired by the brain.

>> No.14503322

also a related question: in japan, some (tendai)monks do a ritual where they dont sleep,eat or DRINK for 6 and 1/2 days:would/will this really trigger an "altered state of conciousness"? or just kill me in an unceremonious manner?

>> No.14503328

Does apnea freediving/safe controlled beath retention somehow prolong life? For example david blaine is an expert in this.
>oxygen is a free radical/oxidant so avoiding it without killing yourself.would kinda make you immortal?

>> No.14503343

>Can I really pass out"
yes, if you're hyperventilating, your CO2 levels will fall, leading to rapid constriction of blood vessels that can restrict bloodflow to the brain enough to make you pass out for a moment

>they dont sleep,eat or DRINK for 6 and 1/2 days:would/will this really trigger an "altered state of conciousness"? or just kill me in an unceremonious manner?
>"altered state of consciousness"
Depriving yourself of food, water and sleep will do that. Unless you're already auswitz mode, you'll survive a week without food, same as a healthy human will just fall asleep before sleep deprivation could kill him, but dehydration could easily kill you in a matter of days. If you really want to try something like this, maybe just go step by step, see if you can fast a couple of days, see if you can stay awake for 72h, but maybe don't push yourself on the no-water shit.

I don't see how, sure oxygen, especially in excess, can lead to free radicals that can damage your body, but temporary oxygen restriction won't work, your body should just compensate the same way it does when you're performing strenous exercise

>> No.14503345

i drink and my doc says i shouldn't, so I want to know the status of my liver without him knowing

>> No.14503346

Your doctor can't stop you from drinking, just get an ultrasound or an MRI if you're concerned, he won't know if you don't tell him

>> No.14503348

no shit, but they CAN stop prescribing me medication

>> No.14503350

also i dont think i can get an MRI in this country without a referral. appears to be an anglo thing. so ill do it as part of a visit to london or something

>> No.14503353

Weird intermittent shooting pain down left arm from chest to thumb. I used deadlift straps for the first time today did i injure myself some how? Or is it a heart attack

>> No.14503357

how do I scientifically overcome pain/excercise stress/the i-want-to-give-up feeling?
for example a dumbell excercise,or a burpee or merely running,how to i get past the danger fight or fly bodily response?

>> No.14503363

Just keep doing them, your nervous system will adapt and become less reactive. You can work on rapid movements, sprints or "explosive" lifts to speed it up a little, but just doing your normal exercise routine until you get used to it will work fine

>> No.14503381

Why is it that every time someone asks about a book there's some retard saying "Skip the book, I'LL tell you what happened!!!"

>> No.14503383

To be clear, I don't disagree that the ACA was good for health insurance companies, but he was asking about the book not about your thoughts on the ACA.

>> No.14503409

I want to learn, to be able to, sleep in full lotus sitting
I hope i can do it,so ill stop having nocturnal pollutions

>> No.14503421

then it's a matter of training and adapation, just work on your mobility until you can comfortably sit in full lotus, or maybe half lotus will also suffice at first. As for sleeping, autogenic training has been shown to be usefull if you're willing to commit to it

>> No.14503477
File: 454 KB, 2108x1400, AM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While drinking is not great if you can't moderate it (it's absolutely fine in moderation), in the case of fatty liver disease, suboptimal choline intake is the real issue unless you drink bottles per week, lol. Below is a comprehensive summary of the info found in the source found below too.

>I currently believe that dietary fat, whether saturated or unsaturated, and anything that the liver likes to turn into fat, like fructose and ethanol, will promote the accumulation of fat as long as we don't get enough choline. Once that fat accumulates, the critical factor igniting an inflammatory fire to this fat is the consumption of too much PUFA (polyunsaturated fat from vegetable and perhaps fish oils).

>they produced fatty liver in certain colonies of rats during the winter by replacing 40% of their ordinary cereal-based diet with beef drippings. Lecithin derived from egg yolk or beef liver (11) or simply choline itself (12) cured the disease.

>on a choline-free, 40% beef dripping diet, reducing the casein from 20% to 5% doubled the level of fat in the liver (14).

>As it turns out, saturated fats increase the choline requirement a bit more than PUFAs do.


>> No.14503483
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>As it turns out, the choline requirement is about 30% higher on a 30% butter diet than on a 30% corn oil diet. Why would this be? It's not entirely clear, but I have a good guess. As I pointed out in my PUFA Report, “How Essential Are the Essential Fatty Acids?”, studies in rats, humans, and other primates show that 18-carbon PUFA are burned for energy at an extraordinarily high rate compared to other fats. In rats, 60% are burned for energy, 20% are broken down into basic building blocks to make more saturated fatty acids, and most of the rest are secreted into the fur. They do accumulate over time at a slow rate, but the body seems to sense that these fatty acids are an unnecessary oxidative liability and tries to get rid of them however it can. Thus, perhaps saturated fats require more choline to get them out of the liver because they don't scare the liver into burning them for energy so quickly.

>In 1949, however, researchers showed that sucrose and ethanol had equal potential to cause fatty liver and the resulting inflammatory damage, and that increases in dietary protein, extra methionine, and extra choline could all completely protect against this effect (19).

>Conversely, much more recent research has shown that sucrose is a requirement for the development of fatty liver disease in a methionine- and choline-deficient (MCD) model.

>The MCD model produces not only the accumulation of liver fat, but massive inflammation similar to the worst forms of fatty liver disease seen in humans. What no one ever mentions about this diet is that it is primarily composed of sucrose and it's fat is composed entirely of corn oil!


>> No.14503486
File: 1.98 MB, 1506x986, CRF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As you can see here, the MCD diet resulted in only the most miniscule increase in liver fat when it was composed of starch (column 4 vs column 2), but when it was combined with sugar (green bar) it produced a massive increase in liver fat. The researchers also found that the MCD-sugar diet led to full-fledged inflammation, while the MCD-starch diet had no such effect (20). They found that on the sucrose diet, the fructose component led to the synthesis of fat in the liver, and because the choline level was deficient, the liver could not export that fat.

>The picture that is clearly emerging from all of these studies is that fat, or anything from which fat is made in the liver, such as fructose and ethanol, are required for the development of fatty liver. But in addition to this some factor — overwhelmingly, it appears to be choline deficiency — must deprive the liver of its ability to export that fat.

>An interesting test tube study using isolated cells found that incubating liver cells with PUFAs would suppress export of fats while incubating the liver cells with saturated fats, vitamin E, or a chelator of free iron would improve the export of fats. The results indicated that lipid peroxidation, that is, the oxidative destruction of PUFAs, causes liver cells to degrade their VLDL particles before they send them forth into what would be the bloodstream if the experiments were conducted in a live animal. They also provided preliminary evidence that this occurs in live animals by directly infusing their bloodstreams with DHA (21).


>> No.14503489
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>While it seems possible that excess PUFA might interact with iron overload, ethanol, or some other type of toxicity in order to impair the export of liver fat in the absence of choline deficiency, it nevertheless seems unlikely that excess PUFA in and of itself causes enough oxidative stress to make this happen, because even rats consuming 30% corn oil mentioned above fared fine if they were given enough choline. However, as we'll see below, excess PUFA are required for the inflammatory part of NAFLD. And, moreover, in humans there may be many interacting factors that “activate” the ability of excess dietary PUFA to suppress the export of fat from the liver.

>MCD formulas containing 20% fat as either lard or olive oil produce equivalent levels of NAFLD, suggesting that changes in the ratio of saturated to monounsaturated fats is not important (22). Substitution of carbohydrate, coconut oil, or beef tallow for corn oil similarly offers no protection against accumulation of fat in the liver nor on the injury to liver cells that causes increases in liver enzymes; all these substitutions, however, dramatically decrease lipid peroxidation and the resulting inflammation (23). Corn oil probably promotes inflammation both by increasing vulnerability to lipid peroxidation because of its total PUFA content and by decreasing tissue levels of DHA because of its high omega-6-to-omega-3 ratio.
By the way, the ratio is not important if you get DHA directly and don't rely on conversion, which is absolute garbage.

>So does fructose cause fatty liver? Kind of. I'm not suggesting fructose is harmless or that you should go out an eat a bowl of fruit loops with your liver and eggs, but the loss of cholesterol-rich foods like egg yolks and organ meats as a result of cholesterol paranoia seems to be at the bottom of NAFLD thus far.


>> No.14503497
File: 204 KB, 394x278, 2006 SV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's just one question. Leptin deficiency and leptin resistance both cause fatty liver. And obese people are leptin resistant and the majority of obese people have fatty liver. Can fatty liver or choline deficiency cause leptin resistance? Or does leptin resistance cause cravings for choline-poor, fatty, and fructose-rich foods? Here's a web I'll try to untangle in future posts!
Not all obese people are leptin resistant too.



>> No.14503516
File: 245 KB, 680x671, Frogctor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Solution to get rid of hypochondriacs and LARPers that keep flooding this thread and hijacking it, or at least reducing their nuisance

I )- Make and maintain a daily /Medical Advice/ General with a very catchy pic so it grab as much as low IQs to it that will keep it alive and active ,and send an actual doctor to shitpost there from time to time and make the illusion that we care and actually check on them

II )- Make a wiki page with resources and links to make all the Doctor wanna be LARPers and schizo hypochondriacs busy and boost their confidence more so they can be less annoying and more funny when they think they're smart because they used some fancy words, when in reality, they are mentally ill retards who literally have no idea what they're talking about and can barely manage to solve the captcha.

>> No.14503570

Does anybody know if I can buy physical copies of the Journal of Medicine? I really don't want to buy a yearly subscription before I even know if I like it

>> No.14503586

I wanna beat the living shit out of you you schizo

>> No.14503628
File: 31 KB, 461x461, 1614352032177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to read some peer reviewed articles about my field

>> No.14503655

just subscribe to lancet and nejm

>> No.14503658

I just don't like subscribing to stuff before I try it out

>> No.14503660
File: 75 KB, 750x740, lääkeapustaja56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who would even shitpost in the medical advice general

>> No.14503666

just read the online version then and figure it out.

>> No.14503694
File: 29 KB, 300x334, Author of post #14503586.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, pic related can't even tag the posts he meant to. Always replying to posts he doesn't like how a fucking NPC would.

>> No.14504171

Nevermind i feel better now

>> No.14504264
File: 124 KB, 479x434, lääkelättä1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no lanky dorky anesthesiology gf

>> No.14504313 [DELETED] 

here you go

>> No.14504334
File: 89 KB, 714x635, lääkeapustaja160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14504363

I can't get over how inhumane and cruel genital cutting is

>> No.14504493

I'm starting my internship in nephrology in ~2 months, what are nephrologists like? Tolerable people or utter mongoloids?

>> No.14504503
File: 1.71 MB, 2194x3363, IMG_20220522_021635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon from couple of threads back with fucked up foot reporting in. It's a lot better now. The hematoma has started to disappear and there's a lot less swelling, putting shoes has become easy again. I can walk ok, running is still a bit of a chore though. It starts to hurt more when I stand on it for a long time.

>> No.14504536

I got into medical school please call me a fucking idiot

>> No.14504546
File: 14 KB, 198x232, 1653141938858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what does this general think of the monkeypox scare going on right now? What's the threat assessment?

>> No.14504548

Nonsense I fuck monkeys on the daily and am fit as a fiddle

t. primatologist

>> No.14504551

Fucking idiot

>> No.14504592

nephro is a gentleman’s spec

>> No.14504593

mitään ei taphdu, just like with covid

>> No.14504627

search sci-hub in google

>> No.14504801

Which healthcare profession has the best ass?
I think it's nurses cause they're always walking around doing shit and helping lift patients. Even the older nurses have nice asses.

>> No.14504853

Your foot is so narrow, kek. Good thing you aren't a woman.

>> No.14504998

physiatry is super chill, and if you're top notch you can move to Switzerland or Monaco and treat millionaires with brain damage
picture cardiologists, then give them surgical skills with the most advanced technical tools available in the medical field
you'll need a banana republic dictator to match that kind of ego

>> No.14505009

>DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor)

lol. Let me recount the things I have had misdiagnosed by multiple doctors:

Torn tendon. 3 doctors said it was "just getting old." Didn't recommend phsyio. I finally paid for a private podiatrist, which is legal in my country (we cant pay for private GPs/specialists mostly) and she referred me for an ultrasound which showed a torn tendon, she told me where to go for physio, it got better.

More recently, some sort of infection on my groin, which spread to my chest. One doctor says its a fungal infection, prescribes an ointment that does nothing. Second doctor prescribes a stronger antifungal. Third doctor prescribes the same antifungal again, refers to dermatologist because it isnt working. Dermatologist looks at it for 30 seconds and says "oh, that's not fungal, that's bacterial folliculitis, have these antibiotics."

had eczema from age 8-18 when I started lifting weights and eating properly. Tubs of cortisone cream. I can see treating an adult like they are eating properly, but a kid who doesnt control his own diet?

Had a lung infection, knew something was wrong because when I laid on my left side for a period of time there was this, like, weird feeling like I was drawing air over some sort of crap that when I sat upright settled. Doctor orders bloodwork, insists "no, you cant have infection, your WBC is normal." Meanwhile it is not 1980 doc, I can google "infection with normal WBC" and find "peer reviewed" "science" that says people can even have bacteremia with normal WBC.

I don't think you should listen to anonymous retards on the internet, but going to your doctor?

I had an old mainframe programmer from IBM who handled systems worth more than a doctor bills in his/her entire career give me his algorithm:

(1) GPs are only for referrals to specialists
(2) If GP won't refer, go to ER and they will take a longer look, get a referral.
(3) Specialists are competent...sometimes.

>> No.14505017

>Is the claim choline is basically protein correct?

It is correct functionally, because choline serves a structural role in the body, like proteins, and it is not like fats which can be synthesized from other things you ingest, at least not in the quantities required for health.

t. anon who posted the quote you're posting.

>> No.14505019

>This statement is not scientifically accurate, but may be said to help you remember the structure better since there is a bit of chemical structure overlap

It is accurate if you are considering choline's biological role, which is where that statement comes from, I wrote it.

>> No.14505024

ninja nerd has some super solid stuff, including neurology
PNPs probably

>> No.14505038
File: 195 KB, 1417x674, BABYPILL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some more context, I was discussing in /fit/ the protein requirements for lifting. If 1.6g/kg/day is a realistic protein requirement for gaining fat-free mass, a baby gains way more fat free mass more rapidly than even the biggest weightlifter---a 180 lb weightlifter won't gay 80 pounds of muscle in a few months, but a baby will gain that much fat free mass.

A baby needs 1.52g/kg/day protein and 18mg choline/day. So, the context was that during this very rapid period of growth, choline is a nitrogenous compound w/ a structural role, e.g. "all but protein," it certainly isnt a "vitamin" due to its role in myelination and cell membranes.

So, the discussion was whether or not people are over-eating protein to get sufficient choline. You can eat way more protein from chicken breast than 1.52g/kg/day and still not get anywhere near the 18mg choline/kg/day that a baby needs to rapidly build fat free mass.

>> No.14505046

>a 180 lb weightlifter won't gay 80 pounds of muscle
he'll gay much more than that, they're raging homosexuals you know

>> No.14505050

>he'll gay much more than that, they're raging homosexuals you know

Look, what is the point to making gains if you can't use them to pound femboy butthole?

>> No.14505300

I had a gf with similar kangaroo feet

>> No.14505322
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>> No.14505420
File: 999 KB, 250x251, dunno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can you fart without shitting yourself?

gas comes from the breakdown of food and stuff, and the leftover material and bacteria forms the solid shit.
but, in order to get the gas out, you have to pass it through your intestines and out your asshole without ejecting shit into your pants.

how is your body able to do that? it would be like having a milkshake in a straw, and trying to blow air out of the straw without spraying milkshake out of it. but you can do it effortlessly. i can fart without any fear of shitting my pants. what is going on there?

>> No.14505506

Your anal sphincter has different mechanisms to seal shut for solids, liquids and gas. Your internal and external hemorrhoid plexus secure your fine continence while your sphincter muscles secure your gross continence. So through peristaltic and abdominal pressure you can create enough pressure to push gas past the seal of your hemorrhoid plexus, while you sphincter muscles keep the more solid feces from getting pushed out, so you can fart without defecating yourself. But if you have diarrhea and your feces have a more liquid consistency, you run the risk of shitting yourself while farting

>> No.14505525

Most insurance companies have GPs as gatekeepers in an attempt to keep healthcare costs down. Using ER as a roundabout towards quicker access might work, and a lot of people resort to it if seeing their GP is going to take too long. It's expensive though, and they exist primarily to stabilize you and get your ass out of there to put another patient in the bed you occupied. If you're looking for a really thorough exam, that's not the place to go. Specialists are only as good as they put in the effort for. Specializations have a bigger draw for trustfundies and people who want the money and prestige that go with being a doctor. You've also got more access to tech. That leaves it open to people that go into medicine for the wrong reasons, and might not even be all that competent or care about what they do.

>> No.14505546

you're not a real doctor are you md. schizo

>> No.14505548

>I had an old mainframe programmer from IBM who handled systems worth more than a doctor bills in his/her entire career give me his algorithm:
>(1) GPs are only for referrals to specialists
>(2) If GP won't refer, go to ER and they will take a longer look, get a referral.
>(3) Specialists are competent...sometimes.
Yup, he's an IBMer

>> No.14505662
File: 72 KB, 958x959, 8226271b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this hit me for some reason

>> No.14505685

>Meanwhile it is not 1980 doc, I can google "infection with normal WBC" and find "peer reviewed" "science" that says people can even have bacteremia with normal WBC.
the average doctor is retarded, but the average patient is 10 times more retarded, and you are no exception

>> No.14505692
File: 963 KB, 960x889, FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because choline serves a structural role in the body, like proteins,
Irrelevant, so do other nutrients like calcium.

>choline is a nitrogenous compound w/ a structural role
This certainly doesn't make it 'all but protein'. Protein and choline are markedly different overall.
>it certainly isnt a "vitamin"
Unlike macronutrients, you need choline in small amounts so it is a vitamin.
>due to its role in myelination and cell membranes
Again, irrelevant because other micronutrients, such as potassium, play a role in both.

This shows you don't have a foot fetish.

>> No.14505732
File: 4 KB, 299x168, 1579216302380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dorky anesthesiology

>> No.14505799

How important is leadership to adcoms? Will managing a team of 300 and 2+ million a week in revenue be an X factor when I apply?

>> No.14505803

Steal it from dr offices

>> No.14505913 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 600x723, (You), if I gave you one, that is ;).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sweet, got 3 mouthbreathers either giving me (You)s or going on a rant about their bogyman living rent-free inside their empty heads at the realization they have outdated information or were outright lied to by their overlords. You fucking idiots are so butthurt you know shit about the topics you think you are qualified to talk about you can't even come up with an argument against ideas you obviously can't debunk and, thus, resort only to ad hominem and appealing to authority.

2 of you have the grammar abilities of a mentally impaired individual, other 2 always post a slightly altered version of the NPC script you were programmed to type when you get reminded you're stupid and 1 of you suffers from paranoia but you can all cope by assuming I'm not a doctor. You'll never be women and I'm not going away anytime soon so you better get used to me. :)

Thanks for reading my blogpost. Don't forget to leave your comments below.

>> No.14505956
File: 35 KB, 900x600, ( u ).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

( u ) Will NEVER Be A Doctor, Schizo

Go LARP Elsewhere,

Larping As A Doctor In A General Full Of Actual Doctors And Posting Your Schizo Low IQ Garbage Here Is Literally One Of the Most Retarded Way To Expose (You)rself

Go Back To Facebook And Stop Filling this General With Your Diarrhea

>> No.14505972


>> No.14505982 [DELETED] 
File: 56 KB, 539x539, 1562144143335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is MD/PhD a meme
currently a biology senior going into a master's in molecular bio, want to do radiation oncology and clinical research. currently doing stem cell research now and one of my advisors has offered a recommendation for an established md/phd program. my problem is that I don't have extracurriculars to speak of. will it look bad if I have under 1000 hours volunteering or shadowing experience? I have no idea what is required but I'm probably aiming for mid or bottom tier schools. I come from a working class background so I feel like I don't have the institutional connections that would make me competitive for the top schools.

>> No.14506230

No it's that I understand how the scientific method works. It's also highly dependant on the country you're in because medicine isn't the science is the same everywhere. So I didn't say that I had bacteremia if that's what you're thinking what I was saying is that the bullshit that these cocksuckers with degrees throw at their patients is not scientifically Justified. So telling someone they don't have an infection because their white blood cell count is normal is retarded nonsense. It's bulshit to get the patient out of the office so that in the context of socialized medical system or one where they get paid per patient visit and not a salary that they can go on and make some more money. It has no scientific basis because if you can have blood infection without your white blood cells being raised obviously you can have infection in other places without your white blood cells being raised. The doctors who didn't just do this stuff robotically have mostly retired and now you're left with people who are literal test-taking robots.

>> No.14506236

Yes but fat-free Mass isn't made out of calcium it's made out of protein and choline. It certainly does make it all the protein I mean all the protein is an idiom so you're arguing over a figure of speech in the context to stating that most people will scale up their protein intake when they're lifting weights but only scale up there choline in take by proxy. So if you need 0.8 G protein per kg per day and 7 mg per kg choline per day and you were to scale your protein up to 1.6 g of protein per kg per day then it would be reasonable to think that your choline requirement would also scale-out. Perhaps not one to one but certainly to some degree it would because it's obviously a part of how fat free mass is put on. Weightlifters are not really putting on too much more bone mass although of course there'll be some changes in bone mass from lifting. In fact many of the strength training books that are written by like I think one I have is the national strength and conditioning Association or something and it's an edited collection of articles by academics and it was published in the 2000's so it was after 19 I think 95 when the Institute of Medicine declared choline and essential nutrient, is the Nutrition chapter doesn't even mention choline so the only way anyone following its advice which is for lifting you want 1.2 to 2.2 grams protein per kilogram of body weight per day, would be by happenstance eating enough protein to get sufficient choline.

>> No.14506240

>Again, irrelevant because other micronutrients, such as potassium, play a role in both.

Where is potassium incorporated structurally

>> No.14506289

To be honest this conversation has been fruitless and I don't care much about the topic so I give up.

>> No.14506441

Just admit you're wrong. Calcium there's a large Reservoir in the bones so it's not at all like choline for which there is not a large Reservoir in the body. Potassium is not incorporated into things structurally and again the body has a large Reservoir in all of the fluids and the kidney is capable of excreting or retaining it depending on the amount that there is. Look you can just admit you were wrong. It's not that hard to do and it's a good skill to have.

>> No.14506472

>Just admit you're wrong
Cope more, choline fag. You must be a crazy NEET if you think I'm wasting my time with brainlets in pointless online debates. You don't even know what 'like' or 'such as' means, kek.

>> No.14506544

Why do some countries require a bachelor degree prior to medschool and some countries don't?

>> No.14506549

But you're already wasting your time replying so you're not taking your own advice. I know what all the words I've used mean you don't do your arrogant and not half as smart as you think you are though you probably have a very good memory for memorizing things which is why you think you know what words mean you've memorized all sorts of things but have no sense of Rhythm. It's okay just take the L and move on.

>> No.14506611

Difference between Journal of Medicine and New England Journal of Medicine?

>> No.14506658

the proper nejm is new england journal of misinformation

>> No.14506664

you can literally google this shit

Now can a bro please answer this >>14505982

>> No.14506714

I need your help
I had a beer yesterday and then today I filled the empty bottle with water and began drinking. At some point towards the end of the water a brownish blob that felt like jello appeared in my mouth. Something had been growing in the beer. Tell me what it is and if I need to go see a doctor.

>> No.14506717
File: 1.77 MB, 4032x3024, E314F3E6-839E-4EA3-8C0F-48FB5B43E32E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.14506749

Isn’t synonymous with infection. Unless you call brushing your teeth getting infected.

>> No.14506766

>bacteremia isn't synonymous with infection
you might want to reconsider that statement broski

>> No.14506914
File: 279 KB, 900x703, Pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you're already wasting your time replying so you're not taking your own advice.
No, that and this is entertainment. Typing 20,000 words to try to explain to you why you're wrong even after both another anon and I already tried to is anything but. You manage to come up with a retarded """counterargument"" every single time and it often was already addressed but you somehow don't get it.

I know your kind and, thus, I'm aware you want to be the one with the last word so this is my last reply to you. Cope and dilate.


>> No.14506921

What are you talking about? The list of curable stuff is endless. Even HIV, which is not yet curable, is *practically* curable if you take your meds. The viral load is so small that it basically makes it difficult to transmit even if you coom raw in some fertile pussy.

>> No.14507072

Well that's not really germane to the point I'm making. The point I'm making is that bad doctors will say retarded nonsense to patients to get them to go away. Whether the doctor knows it's retarded nonsense or not is another question. It's possible for a patient to have here I'll spell it out for you a clinically significant infection that does require treatment but white blood cells are not raised. In my public health system where I'm unfortunately stuck I have heard numerous cases of people denied treatment on the premise that their blood test did not show an elevated white count and therefore it was impossible that they had an infection as though the two always went together.

>> No.14507082

Well if you find it entertaining I guess there's no accounting for Taste. It's not that I'm wrong it's that if you wanted to say proteins all have a certain chemical structure chemistry being an actual science medicine being a pseudoscience then that's fine. The point that I was making is that during a period of intense growth there is a requirement for more protein and more choline. Both of these are absorbed more or less completely by the body where calcium absorption a lot of that doesn't get absorbed and then excreted you're absorbing a small fraction of what comes in. I know your kind as well you have a slightly above average intellect and are very good at memorizing fine distinctions and applying them but no sense of rhythm.

>> No.14507094

I'm just going to put it here again because I think it's a very useful point to make and there's plenty of research showing that both choline and betaine improve strength training results. The amount of protein that a baby needs according to the Institute of medicine in there recommended intake thing is about 1.52 grams per kilogram per day. And that's with about 18 mg choline per kilogram per day. So it seems very reasonable that someone who required more protein at a later stage of Life say due to weight lifting would also require more choline. Whether it's scales up to the same degree that's another question but nothing I'm saying is nonsensical and choline serves as a structural role in terms of membranes and also enabling new cells to be produced.

>> No.14507191
File: 185 KB, 600x600, 1640222668817.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My 'skin warts' have emerged again on my fingers just as we're heading into winter
It fucking sucks, there's patch of them with about 7 mounds in a 1 cm perimeter and I know the rest of my fingers are going to get the warts and they're going to be there for a few months and make my skin feel tight
I showed my doctor them and he just said they were warts but that doesn't seem right because I haven't seen any pics that looked like them
I had what I'd consider classical warts on my left hand but these are more like sacs of liquid on my right

>> No.14507269

you're turning the problem upside down
patients with a low WBC infection are much rarer than elevated WBC ones. It's normal for a doc to dismiss it as some random asshole being a pain in the ass because most of the time it will be, and running some tests on those people is a waste of everybody's time and public health resources
sucks what happened to you, but the doc was in the right as far as reasoning goes, he should have had a better clinical sense in your particular case nonetheless
frankly speaking, you have no idea about any of the things you said, because baby bodies function much differently from adults.. so it's likely that the choline intake you are obsessed about doesn't actually translate to an adult metabolism

>> No.14507276

>It's normal for a doc to dismiss it as some random asshole being a pain in the ass because most of the time

This is the attitude that I'm talking about that is completely unscientific. It doesn't have anything to do with clinical since it has to do with playing the odds. Like why not just admit the doctors sometimes play the odds and like all gamblers they lose? They win sometimes and they might win more than they lose but that isn't really much comfort for the patient whose told oh no you don't have an infection. And see even now you're doing this thing where you're going to bring about some trivia. What I'm saying is that I was told something that's utterly false by a doctor because he thinks it's acceptable either to bullshit or he doesn't know what he's talking about it's one of the two. The literal words that were used with me where it's not possible for you to have an infection because your white blood cell count is within the reference range. I have no way of knowing whether it's that the doctor is a stupid robot that's just looking at reference ranges in mechanically interpreting that or he knows it's possible there's an infection but he's lying to me to get rid of me because it's more likely there's not an infection.

>> No.14507279

>so it's likely that the choline intake you are obsessed about doesn't actually translate to an adult metabolism

I disagree there's very little research into nutrition like this because there's no pot of gold at the end where you create a patentable product. I don't know if you're an MD or not maybe you're just studying to be one or maybe you're just the same personality type but condescendingly telling someone frankly you have no idea what you're talking about isn't considered an argument in the part of the University that studies how argument works. It's certainly part of how the Health Sciences are practiced but it's unethical and it's not an argument. You're just making some broad generalization and being demeaning.

>> No.14507498

Except for bacterial diseases

>> No.14507641

I think you might.

>> No.14507730

yeah, it kinda sucks, though it's usually the milder the symptoms the more generous the bet
you don't immediately refer a chronic back pain for a CT scan though it might be a tumour
but you're not going to send home a dude with a sudden hemiparesia and aphasia and see what happens in two days
trivia, as you called it, but it is how it works, some docs are really bad at their jobs, try finding one that makes the most optimal bets
I indeed was, cause it's my general, and also how this board has been communicating for the past 2ish years
my point is valid nonetheless, though I'm fairly certain you're doing all of this in good faith, so far it's a conjecture if you cannot demonstrate it has a physiological basis in both babies as well as adults

>> No.14507802

How's the lgbt field in medicine will I ever be able to find another gay fella in the medicine field...

>> No.14507822

if you were to poke someone in the pupil with an ice pick, say, to the center of the eye (not all the way into the retina) is there anything that can be done to fix the eye or is it just ruined?

>> No.14507891

unlikely you will be infected from it, especially seeing as you didn't even ingest it. Escalate if you start becoming symptomatic for anything of course, but the chances of being sick from dodgy meat or fish is a lot more likely than beer.

>> No.14507902

Every second bloke in the game is gay. Get your little uncut peener out for your fellow physicians

>> No.14508247

sauce pls, i need it for science

>> No.14508368
File: 211 KB, 445x290, pongo tablet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im gonna break you in half

>> No.14508832

>so far it's a conjecture if you cannot demonstrate it has a physiological basis in both babies as well as adults

That's all I was doing, conjecturing. If a baby can put on like 170% fat free mass from birth to 4.5 months, on 18mg choline/kg/day, 1.52g protein /kg/day, it seems at least worth studying if ppl over eat protein to get sufficient choline, especially. The white rice/chicken breast/broccoli crowd. Choline in the iom ref. Is 7mg/kg/day, and protein 0.8g/kg/day. So, maybe it does nit scale 1:1, but if you need 1.6g/kg/day to build muscle, you might need more choline per kg, which you would end up getting by proxy by increasing protein.

>trivia, as you called it, but it is how it works, some docs are really bad at their jobs, try finding one that makes the most optimal bets

Sure, I'm just butthurt because this is a recurring theme in my life. I also have an academic background in ethics and philosophy of science, so even if I am not an MD, I know what scientific reasoning is, and I know what most ethics ppl think is ethical.

Another example, I'm not asking advice, just saying. I had a bad infection jn my lungs in 2019, very uncharacteristic for me. Since then, I lay on my left side and the left lung feels like the air is drawing through some sort of crap. I sit up, breathe a few times and it goes away. Ended up referred to a respirologist who does the same "your wbc isn't raised, u can't have infection" routine, but gives me 3 days doxycyline and says if it doesn't respond, no infection. But doc, I say, doxycycline doesn't kill every bacteria. He just ignores me. Now I'm on cephalexin for this other infection, and maybe it's unrelated, but lung feels less frothy. I can find one or two things stating doxycycline and cephalexin kill different classes of germs. I'll be happy if I get better, but looking at what is done, it's gambling, then telling the patient half truths---maybe I just got bad docs, who knows.

>> No.14508834

I'm not really medically informed, but I think the difference between maladaptive daydreaming and plain daydreaming is that maladaptive causes harm. Wrong actions in other words.

For example, I was hitting an ugly mob from SM64 in one of my daydreams as Mario. (gray, tall, rectangular, square block guy with snaggle teeth). I noticed more Mario mobs coming at me during my Chod meditation (eyeball, fire demon portrait, Peach/Bowser) and also. I fed them and hope to be more beautiful, but ngl I don't think I'm gonna make it. Because I'm probably gonna have a tooth pulled. To put it in the Jungian context I was visiting a body of water often in my dreams. I also pulled around puzzle-blocks as Link in my avatar. I can't really say anymore than that. But apparently violence in video games is contentious. I guess practicing violence in personal life is different. I think the whole violence I did to my face also associates with the daydreams about a treehouse with a computer and /prog/ at the fantasy computer (poltergeist).

So, that is essentially what makes a blessing maladaptive, harmful programming/behaviors. Not vividness, or any other factor, in my opinion. Vividness is a factor in determining intelligence/flow or suggestibility/hypnotizability as Freud might say. He was partial to his patients capable of producing non-plastic/artificial images............

>> No.14509092

why does muh evidence based approach sometimes lead to illogical and counter intuitive conclusions from a physiological standpoint

>> No.14509105

Well, now you have typed proof to bring to your doctor for an ADHD prescription.

>> No.14509125

Medical brainlet here. Not asking for advice, but why is it that most chronic pain occurs above the site of my injury? I injured my lower spine a few years ago, but all the fatigue is in my middle/upper spine and surrounding muscles

>> No.14509501

Medicine is a scam. Take iodine and magnesium. Sodium isn't bad for you. Every doctor is a murderer.

>> No.14509528

>Medicine is a scam. Take iodine and magnesium. Sodium isn't bad for you. Every doctor is a murderer.

This is very true and I often wonder what my life would have been like if when I was in my teens I'd had a competent family who understood very basic life skills like you have to eat a healthy diet and you have to exercise. Instead my mother had been on the doctor Merry-Go-Round since she was given iron injections when she was 8. She'd had her thyroid irradiated by the time she was in her twenties was diabetic in her thirties and just accumulated all sorts of bizarre problems from there. It's really sad to be part of one of these families. And it does run in families because they all have the same attitude that the doctor is there to tell them if they're doing something wrong rather than that the doctor is like a plumber. He treats the pipe when it's broken but if the reason the pipe keeps breaking is because you aren't taking care of your houses Plumbing the doctor doesn't do anything about that. Especially in most countries like America and Canada and I think in the UK where they just don't have time because the system is so overburdened with Boomers who don't understand very basic life skills like you need so much of all of these vitamins and minerals and proteins everyday and if you don't get them you're going to get sick and your teeth will fall out. Like they just have a lot of difficulty reasoning this way I have no idea why but it just doesn't click for them that they have to do certain things to be healthy. It's frustrating as fuck trying to talk to them because they just don't understand basic nutritional science. Maybe it's all the lead in the gasoline that they inhaled.

>> No.14509604

What's your thoughts on stem cell research?

>> No.14509776 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 567x352, mean tweet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u're fired

>> No.14509788 [DELETED] 
File: 583 KB, 1x1, ethics.pdf [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The source of it is unethical most of the time
Techniques such as getting them from blood has been a blessing though

>> No.14510047

Always have yours engraved. Diminishes the ”resale” value.

>> No.14510061

neuro is shit, inpatient is just fucking strokes and outpatient is brain damage and untreatable diseases. muh diagnostics exists only to save money and lower radiation exposure.

>> No.14510064

That's like asking what's your thoughts on medicine, you need to specify

>> No.14510067

Historically in Europe it was a grad degree but somewhere along the way some countries cut the slack and rolled the bach and D into one degree.

>> No.14510092
File: 43 KB, 747x686, 1623991583482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Dream would be to find a very cute vet GF

hooking up with another doctor is a very bad idea, Vets seems to be the best choice

>> No.14510136
File: 27 KB, 266x399, DL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This seems to be the source:


Give an example.

>> No.14510256
File: 1.26 MB, 270x200, 1650810032662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bros i just woke up from serious pain in what i assume to be in the prostate (behind the assshole somewhere) and an erection that just wouldn't come down and now i'm freaking the fuck out. i'm only 23, could it be some kind of prostate problem, cancer even??? the whole thing lasted about 15-20 minutes and was an incredibly uncomfortable, wtf could it be?

>> No.14510293 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 1080x2400, cringe u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14510316

How the fuck do I buff my CV during med school if I don't want to do research? I just want to be a GP and maybe run my own clinic one day. Ausbros plz

>> No.14510329

wtf does smear contact even mean this is hte first time i've heard of it and can't find any info of it by googling >>14500322
are there are other stds that are spread via mouth to mouth kissing?

>> No.14510342

Why do you need to? Becoming a GP is just a matter of doing the right rotations in PGY2 (O&G and some ED iirc) to get onto the training program and although those spots may be competitive, it's not excessively so (just do a good job as a PGY1 and get good references) and you can always do a rural term if needed.

>> No.14510346

>How the fuck do I buff my CV
why do you care if you're gonna
>I just want to be a GP and maybe run my own clinic one day
you braindead

>> No.14510354

Yea you should get that checked out

>> No.14510357
File: 104 KB, 746x512, frens.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk I'm fucking tired lads. The paranoia seeps in. Hold me bros.

>> No.14510396
File: 45 KB, 850x400, quote-employment-is-nature-s-physician-and-is-essential-to-human-happiness-galen-58-49-84.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will be working for the next 30-40 years of your life, better buckle up, life is meant to be non-stop toiling and working, the people who live shit lives work for nothing but at least a doctor you will work for something (your patients)

>> No.14510403

>tfw applying to a Ph.D. in medicine as a machine learning engineer
I have come here to fuck up your field and everything you love.

>> No.14510426


idgf about my patients and that's not what we work for

go back to redd*t you Mouth-breather

>> No.14510444
File: 2 KB, 79x125, howling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice reddit spacing dumb cunt

>> No.14510445

honestly I just want to work GP so I can compose in my spare time

>> No.14510485

>in my spare time
>spare time
GL with that

>> No.14510531

Lol lmao

>> No.14510735

i've got a solution of lidocaine for injection.
in a hypothetical situation where i accidentally cut off a finger, would it be fine to inject local anesthetic just proximal to the amputation to reduce pain before arriving at a hospital?

>> No.14510930

enjoy the third ai winter when the economy tanks

>> No.14510933

look up digital block

>> No.14510948

What I will enjoy is you and your colleagues doing the boring data collection for me.
Have fun taking blood samples!

>> No.14510969

I mean, yeah, it is, but that is old news.

>> No.14510977


>> No.14510993

this is not the nursoid general buddy

>> No.14511001
File: 1.03 MB, 1980x1320, Dr. David R. Spiegel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did You guys watched the Dr. David R. Spiegel testimony ?

what do you think of him ?

Do you think he took stimulants prior to his testimony which would explain his agitation, obsession over details, dried mouth, aggressively and weird tics or do you think he's just an unethical mentally ill like all psychiatrists ?


>> No.14511021

What an ugly cunt.

>> No.14511123

if you want spare time work your ass off to become a surgeon in private practice then make bank by working 3 days a week

>> No.14511152
File: 223 KB, 1218x510, Screenshot 2022-05-24 at 16-39-44 David Spiegel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think they invited the wrong spiegel

>> No.14511210
File: 328 KB, 622x829, David R. Cutie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14511213

Looks average (barely) here. What aging does to a motherfucker...

>> No.14511339

I was on anti psychotics for about 3-4 years a while back (been off them for around 2-3 years) my parents recently raised concern about how much I pace (4+ hours a day) after thinking back it didn't seem present before the meds, I looked it up and found Akathisia but it seems unlikely I could still be experiencing side effects and it's not a perfect fit, it's like a get a tenseness in my calves and legs - am I grasping at straws? is this a reason to be concerned? I could probably stop but it'd be very uncomfortable

>> No.14511366

Any tips for incoming med students?
Thinking of FM or PM&R

>> No.14511484

>wait 2mo for appt with PA
>so i can wait another 1.5mo for appt with MD
am i getting scammed?

>> No.14511493

How did he get his hair back? Must be black magic.

>> No.14511628
File: 53 KB, 1079x349, IMG_20220524_204400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comments under this are hilarious.
Why is it a meme that psychiatrists themselves are crazy? Besides the fact that they actually are, lol

>> No.14511635

don't really fit with akathisia, sounds more like rls

>> No.14511644 [DELETED] 

number one hot tip : fugg off premed

>> No.14511663

this is not the premed general either buddy

>> No.14511693

very unlikely. Akathisia isn't just having to pace, it's a hellish feeling overall.

>> No.14511877
File: 1.64 MB, 221x244, 1651136971016.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I start next month

>> No.14511981

Same, best of luck! Hope you find what aspires you soon. I am thinking of EM or IM. But, honestly, it's hard to tell until you physically try it out, and experience the real deal...

>> No.14511989

Can someone inform me about the cure efficacy of black seed? My Muslim colleague keeps insisting that black seed cures everything, simply, because the prophet said so. Not to mention, it cures everything except death.

>> No.14512147

mock him and his religion for being obsessed with negroid jizz

>> No.14513145

>obsessed with negroid jizz
Never happened, Keep projecting you low iq kaffir
T. Muslim

>> No.14513433

kek working just as inteded, keep seething.

>> No.14513612
File: 1.96 MB, 2233x3543, IMG_20220525_145437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon with fucked up foot reporting in. It looks pretty ok now, I'd still wouldnt run on it yet. Some swelling and reduced ROM remains

>> No.14513616 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 1058x436, IMG_20220524_204333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guy looks totally bonkers. Why are psychiatrists like this? Is insanity infectious?

>> No.14513627

>He acts as.
He also looks like.

>> No.14513653
File: 108 KB, 724x475, Screenshot from 2022-05-25 07-16-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Psychiatrists are worse than just insane.

>> No.14513669

why do you even keep coming here and posting pics of your disgusting repulsive foot when you literally ignore all the advices that we keep giving it to you, you low iq braindead shitskin ?

fuck off you fat fuck, this general is for doctors and you should only post feet pics if you actually have good femboy/girl one.

>> No.14513735 [DELETED] 

>had a CT scan for unrelated things
>for some reason my entire right lower lobe has moderate emphysema-like changes
>the tech who did it was puzzled because I don't have any risk factors whatsoever
Why the fuck could it be like that? Growing up with parents who smoked? A previous bad lung infection?

>> No.14513803 [DELETED] 

Just chill and wait for the DVM to kill him.

>> No.14513873

What are the 4 main strategies to counter inflammatory reactions from biomaterial scaffolds?

Macrophage signaling, surface chemistry, ??, ??

>> No.14513955

Have you had bad lung infections? Pneumonia?

>> No.14513967

I had human metapneumovirus which knocked me flat for about two weeks where I couldn't stop coughing 24/7 and was dehydrated and hallucinating for a lot of it. Saw a doc about it and they said I was fine and didn't give me anything for it. That's about all I can think of.

>> No.14514119

well, there's your probable culprit. Do you have any shortness of breath?

>> No.14514178

I need someone's take on my problem and how to deal with it.

Basically I found out I have photofobia, never heard of that term before, but I had it since I can remember (elementary school).

I can go out to the sun for a run and enjoy the sunlight with no problems, but when I have to focus and work quietly I can't stand strong sun light and I basically get a headache or my front head/eyebrows/eyes start frowning to the point where I look like I'm about to murder someone and I also start feeling angry/rage. I also feel like my energy gets drained and I can't focus on anything.

I know simple solution is to simply move to darker place or in shadow, but are there any vitamins/pills that can fix that?

>> No.14514198

Anon, were you bitten by any animals lately?..

>> No.14514285

I don't want this anymore.
It took me so much to get where I am now.
My mother was single mom who was a teacher and always exhausted, physically and emotionally in the evenings because she wanted to do a good job and did it with all her heart. The kids at school (different one ofc) never treated me equal and found it exciting to push me to the brink of, I don't even have words, it wasso hurtful, I always tried to treat the others the way I wanted to be treated, nice and with respect and dignity, and I was treated the complete opposite and they enjoyed my pain and crying, noone ever helped me and at home I had noone emotionally as well. This continued all the way to 20 years old, icluding military service. With the money from the military I dived deep into substance abuse and was even on methadone maintenace for a short period. Then I asked myself if this is really the life I want and i had to say no. It took a lot of the pain bt also a lot of the positive feelings. I figured if I can't be happy at least you should be and what other way to make people happy than medicine.


>> No.14514288

very ESL style post

>> No.14514292

Look how thankful many of the patients are when you do a good job. I always knew thankfulness meant nothing to me because it doesn't take away my pain, it doesn't fill the hole in my heart, they don't know me so what does a thank you even mean? They don't know what it took and they probably wouldn't do the same for me. If they knew I ever took drugs they would not acknowledge or accept me as a doctor, they wouldn't trust me. But I can look over that.
It just is not worth it when I get home. There is just nothing, what am I doing this for? I don't care about all this mundane shit, I don't care if I sleep comfortable because in the alternative, when I kill myself, it doen't matter if I sleep comfortably, and it doen't matter if I have food or shelter. What am I doing this for? I have learned to love myself, I don't need any approval from society anymore. And I don't believe anyone who wants something romantically from me truly wants it, they just want to exploit me and will laugh at me behind my back and when I would find out they would openly laugh at me and say it's my own fault for believing it. I just want to bang my head against a wall until I don't feel anything anymore. Year 5/6. Top grades, Top 5% of my school, top 1% of the nation at the entrance exam. I took it three times the entrance exam and only passed on the third attempt, but in the top 1% of the whole country

>> No.14514305

I have no problem with dying, only with the fear of not having lived possible future happy moments or a future happy life, but it seems that it might be that this is just not gifted to me.

>> No.14514477
File: 32 KB, 585x764, 1_a-HXhG_PoTygNXqwp9KHMA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are medical students welcome here or should I fuck off until residency?

>> No.14514625
File: 548 KB, 831x937, 1624685686722.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's sad to say, but good looking male patient that are well clothed and appear to be clean are more likely to be treated better when they go to the ER than filthy ugly poorfags male patients and are more likely to be taken seriously by doctors and less likely to die then the latter.

it's sad but true

i've literally seen nursoids/doctors not wanting to treat a patient or not giving him the priority that he deserve and delaying his treatment and refusing to go see him just because he's ugly/hairy/smelly/not well dressed/disgusting and making fun of him and making shitty remarks in front of him, even tho he's PAYING for EVERYTHING.

Women are less likely to be victim of this no matter how ugly they are, and this type of segregation happen more often than the race based one.

this are just my observation

>> No.14514675
File: 360 KB, 483x725, Kevin Richardson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>are more likely to be treated better when they go to the ER
>and are more likely to be taken seriously by doctors and less likely to die then the latter.
Obviously and this applies to every part of life where others can see your physical appearance.
>Women are less likely to be victim of this no matter how ugly they are
Pretty much everyone who knows a bit about how looks impact life knows this.
>and this type of segregation happen more often than the race based one.
This is likely not true at all but I can't say for sure because of the little information you provided.

>> No.14514695

any medfags know if it is possible to experience mild withdrawal symptoms (increased blood pressure and heart rate) when switching from taking 10mg Norco 3x/day for spinal stenosis pain management to 5mg Percocet 3x/day?
The pain relief from 5mg Percocet is better compared with 10mg Norco, but blood pressure and pulse seem paradoxically elevated.

>> No.14514871

>Women are less likely to be victim of this no matter how ugly they are, and this type of segregation happen more often than the race based one.
not true
everyone knows women exaggerate their symptoms and are more likely to be hysteric
everyone also knows men are terrible at looking after themselves and in general don't exaggerate and often underplay their symptoms
these are generalities and obviously men can be hysteric too, but in general a male with chest pain is considered more at risk than a female with chest pain
secondly, maybe because i've been on 4chan for more than 10 years now, perhaps i have the opposite bias when confronting patients
i try to offer 'more' to people who just look like the world took a shit on them, especially if they are still cognitively preserved, then i go all out for them and try to not only give them care, but also show them that someone in the world cares and maybe stop drinking all the alcohol and smoking the cigarettes before it's too late
as for your picture, those defib kits come equipped with shaving gear so that the pads can be applied to the skin

>> No.14514896

what causes skin to peel off feet? it's painless, just annoying. happens on the balls and toes of the feet

>> No.14515016
File: 229 KB, 1700x1400, 1651676961554.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically speaking, where would an MD put me on the [math]\alpha-\beta[/math] spectrum? Currently in the invincible range

>> No.14515044

cant say without pic of face

>> No.14515094
File: 109 KB, 280x280, literally me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Invisible range implies ugly ethnic face

>> No.14515105

Most Women aren't attracted to doctors and don't wanna maintain a serious relationships with them because of their fucked up schedule and the fact that most of them don't wanna settle and start a family
The only people you'll attract are females whores that work in the medical field that are hierarchically bellow you or mentally ill/sick/hypochondriac gold digger patients that get attached to you/want to have a doctor that take care of their shit 24/7
You don't need to
he's obviously a beta loser

>> No.14515881

sounds like you're in a bad mental state
don't become a doc for people's apparaisal cause it'll make you miserable pretty quickly, but welcome the genuine gratitude patients will show you as a reward for you hard work and dedication
if you find medicine too stressful, nothing wrong with that, go into public health, lab stuff, or research
it should be a fulfilling career, don't force yourself into something that'll slowly destroy you

>> No.14515914

as far as social status goes, it's undoubtedly in the top 3 most attractive
social status won't save your ugly uncharismatic ass however
true, on paper it should be the biggest poon magnet, but ultimately it only works in making you look busy and unavailable
though I was surprised the twig nerd stereotype really doesn't apply to medical students, lots of bros and upper class cuties
people are super sociable, and they party a lot, but they're also super insular and nobody hangs out with people who aren't in the medical field
mostly, docs end up together, or with somebody that has an equally fastidious life-schedule it seems

>> No.14516180
File: 37 KB, 400x348, 1637226918896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not only do I not deserve to be a doctor, I don't deserve to live
I hate myself so much it's unreal

>> No.14516182

KYS then.

>> No.14516186
File: 39 KB, 700x647, hug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why, anon?
It can't be that bad

>> No.14516304
File: 100 KB, 660x716, 1638041849069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All i want is a cute twink doctor Bf, am i asking too much ??????

They are so hard to find, Not fair

>> No.14516313

I'm convinced that one of /sci/ janny is a medbro who post here regularly,

This is the only general in the entire catalogue that get monitored and cleaned all the time, and the janny only remove hypochondriac/larper/garbage posts and keep some of the serious posts and the ones that ask for legit advices from time to time which mean he knows a lil about medicine

>> No.14516439

Alright medfags help me out here, what should I tell the GP so that he prescribes a benzo?

>> No.14516644

Tell him why you think you need benzos

>> No.14516653

I have no medical reason to need them, hence why I'm asking you guys what a good thing to say would be

>> No.14516666

That you need help with your self destructive needs

>> No.14516676

nice quads but stop being a moralfag

>> No.14516685

Not a moral fag, your degen ways will only cost everyone a lot of money in the end.

>> No.14516687

Sorry, i only help people that wanna get simulants, cause they are based and make you productive thus advancing our society and reduce your life expectancy, other than that no.

Fuck off and go sniff some glue

>> No.14516691

They won't and I know it for a fact.
Just tell me what to say to the doc. Otherwise I'll just go with the "I get panic attacks and have chronic anxiety" line, which I guess might work but I was assuming you medfags would know of more subtle ways to guarantee a benzo prescription.
Stims suck ass

>> No.14516708

pretend you have bouts of terror in social situations, followed by hyperventilation.

>> No.14516711

Should I also play up hyperhidrosis (which I actually do have and can be verified easily) or is that not necessary

>> No.14516769

it'll help, tell him you get really sweaty in your bouts of fear which leads to further anxiety due to you being afraid people will be able to smell your sweat

>> No.14516776

I appreciate the advice

>> No.14517311
File: 16 KB, 301x227, cat bp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deleted my post shitting on psychiatrists, I'm guessing he may be one or otherwise be working in the mental "health" field

>> No.14517467

tell me the TRUTH about calories in calories out/caloric deficit/weight Loss.
does metabolism count?are calories different regarding fat/sugar/carbs/protein?
if I tap into my Semen Retention power can I do 100 K burpees within a sleep-less week and lose my (slight)dadbod?

>> No.14517476

I weight 90 kilos(man) right now, I have a SLIGHT dadbod belly, im otherwise healthy. Can I lose 10 kilos within 13 days, assuming 24/7 excercise( a la navy seal hell week.or more like, hell WEAK..fuck navy seal imperialists), and OMAD and some days of even water fasting?

>> No.14517555

What happens if I stay at a completely dark room 24/7 for 49 days and taking 1G of melatonin a day daily?
will i produce natural dmt?

>> No.14517569

can I donate one kidney, AND one lung AND my intestinal lininig while being fully alive?
I want to become an imitatio christi

>> No.14517621

is there any scientific validity behind yoga nidra? can I stay somehow sentient/conciouss as "my body sleeps"?
advanced lucid dreaming in a way?

>> No.14517696

SERIOUS question here,folks:
Can I train so hard,so very very hard(gym/weightlifting) I can equal a heavy-steroid user's gains(or losses(of fat))?
Im not saying I can be better than my own self if I used steroids,but can i beat OTHERS who do use steroids,if I work not x4 as hard as them, but x40 as hard as them?

>> No.14517719

Short answer: no

>> No.14517774

>does metabolism count?

Metabolism counts in the sense that there are some common/rare nutritional deficiencies/conditions that can fuck your metabolism: iodine deficiency (hypothyroid), anemia, etc.

I was obese by the time I was 10, almost 400 lbs by grade 12. I lost the weight using John Walker of AutoCAD fame's "Hacker's Diet." (https://www.fourmilab.ch/hackdiet/))

He had excel spreadsheets that tracked your weight on the scale using a moving average, to determine approximately how many calories/day you were in deficit, over a given period, e.g. a month. I didn't really try to eat much protein or anything, for much of it I just ate, like, 3 microwave pasta/chicken things a day for ~1200 calories. I am 6'5, and I lost a bout 2.5-3 pounds/week.

Can I lose 10 kilos within 13 days

To lose a pound of fat requires a deficit of 3500 calories. So, 10 kilos = 22 lbs.22 lbs * 3500 calories/lb = 77,000 calories

77,000 calories/13 days = 5923 calories/day

This is not really advisable. When I lost weight at the rate I indicated, I felt like shit most of the time, and afterwards, whether caused by it or not, I ended up going to the ER for something unrelated and they put the blood pressure cuff on and I had hypertension---I was not eating enough nutrition for an extended period of time.

A lot of "docs" in "medical weight loss" have a fairly condescending attitude (tho this is typical for docs) and cannot at all empathize with the patients, because doctors are people in society who have basically done everything right---they often dont have a lot of "lived experience" with making bad decisions and having to recover from them.

>> No.14517782

how DARE you!

>> No.14517787 [DELETED] 

how do I unlock this power?

>> No.14517788

>people in society who have basically done everything right
how do I become one of them?

>> No.14517804

>doctor worship
this is a new low

>> No.14517810

>doctors are people in society who have basically done everything right---they often dont have a lot of "lived experience" with making bad decisions and having to recover from them.
all doctors have put people in the ground because of bad decisions
of course in general those decisions were unavoidable, but still, it hurts

>> No.14517820

New research/plan for self-mummifying myself so AI can resurrect me in the year 4000
>fasting almost till death plus 10 000 burpees a day
>eating resin,tree barks,seasame seeds ,pepper and toxic nuts
>for 500 days
>then a fast of salted water,lacquer tea, arsenic water
>modern supplements now! anti-bacterial,diuretics,fat burner pills, and laxatives
and emetics
>die in a room full of candles and incense stick so my skin is dried dry
should I fill my digestive system with clay,so i dont require any spooky priests to disembowel me?
I'll do this when im around 90 years of age.

>> No.14517945

>how do I become one of them?
Never argue with your teachers, even if you think they are wrong. The best case is that you just dont waste any neural CPU cycles thinking "is my teacher wrong?" You just do what your teacher tells you, a doctor doesnt get a malpractice suit for doing what everyone else is doing.

>> No.14517957

>all doctors have put people in the ground because of bad decisions

By "done everything right," I mean socially, in order to get an MD. Especially today with how competitive GPAs for med school are, tho I am visualizing a meme of some african american lady talking about how her C in chemistry, mediocre MCAT, etc. still warranted admission, so it's not completely that way, but for everyone who isnt an basketball american, it is.

Generally, the way you move up through academia is by NOT arguing with the faculty---the 'argumentation' is for show, it's not actually the goal. I learned this in my first year, when a prof told me I wasn't being charitable. I was scoring in the 80-84 range. I wrote something that was literal word salad about "justice" and "empathy" and he gave me a 97 or something ridiculous like that and wrote "I knew you could do it!" And it was then and there that I learned grad school would be an utterly thankless heap of bullshit, tho that is partly because my goal was to do philosophy of law, not something sane like chemistry.

>> No.14518174

so there are no moral or intellectual victories getting credited by the system?

>> No.14518313

don't do that, do a proper cut. The faster you will cut weight, the more muscle you will lose. Also you can get rhabdomyolysis and die from doing crazy stuff like that

>> No.14518432
File: 153 KB, 728x231, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a question regarding meatal narrowing.
I know that meatal stenosis is highly frequent in cut men, about 20%.
But does the meatus generally narrow or shrink in all cut men? It just goes unchecked because it doesn't pose any urinal or ejaculatory problems like flow obstruction or "dripping"?

I'm asking because personally, my urethra/meatus looks like the left picture if I put pressure ((backwards)) towards the glans so it technically pulls backwards. The same width, the same slit appearance, same mucosal properties, etc.
Maybe I'm paranoid, but when I just press on the glans vertically like pic related, I don't get the same width or opening as the left, and even though it has the same slit appearance, it's less pronounced. And sometimes I wonder if the size ratio for my meatus to the glans is too small, but then again it might just be me being paranoid.
Which leads me to the point, is there any documentation regarding this? Is there a set ratio for the size of the glans and the meatus? Am I just being paranoid if I don't see any scar tissue, webbing, or a general "sink hole" appearance that's associated with meatal stenosis?

>> No.14518438

just to clarify, that pic is something I just found, it's not mine

>> No.14518443

y did ur parents h8 u
u were a little baby

>> No.14518549

based psychie jannie laying down his mighty powers on chuddies
being born from smart parents is 90% of the trick quite frankly

>> No.14518594

>because doctors are people in society who have basically done everything right---they often dont have a lot of "lived experience" with making bad decisions and having to recover from them.
Doubt, though some physicians have an attitude but you can wonder if that is a perquisite to make the cut in a high stress field or a result from it.

>> No.14518834

New research/plan for self-mummifying myself so AI can resurrect me in the year 4000
>fasting almost till death plus 10 000 burpees a day
>eating resin,tree barks,seasame seeds ,pepper and toxic nuts
>for 500 days
>then a fast of salted water,lacquer tea, arsenic water
>modern supplements now! anti-bacterial,diuretics,fat burner pills, and laxatives
and emetics
>die in a room full of candles and incense stick so my skin is dried dry
should I fill my digestive system with clay,so i dont require any spooky priests to disembowel me?
I'll do this when im around 90 years of age.

>> No.14518844

>I need a microbiome of destructive bacteria & fungus in my lungs
Legit retarded, catch ebola and die.

>> No.14518849

>he misused grammar
Exposing yourself as retarded. You’re the Duckduckgo of retarded statements ya know thst?

>> No.14518855

Define basic ailments. Quite a few ailments are outright curable.

>> No.14518858

Is it really possible to create a virus/bacteria at home, DIY?
Im thinking of feeding raw rotten pork to some dogs and then burning their poop to create an air-bound pathogen

>> No.14518887

Based Littmann OP, ascultating EDMs

>> No.14518902

I made a mistake, I think it's ok now, 90% sure it's fine but it could have easily not been and because I'm mentally ill and obsess and panic over every small detail
I need to fix my personality because I don't think I can practice medicine like that

>> No.14518907

shut up faggot

>> No.14518910

Go to Korea

>> No.14518913

is that some weird fetish?

>> No.14518952

>Never argue with your teachers, even if you think they are wrong.
If you can't figure out that schools are prisons and that most of your teachers are retards that you just have to appease while you learn shit by yourself, you already lost. Being "rebellious" against arbitrary personal authority is futile, there's no recourse or rights in the school system, you're at the mercy of midwit adults with usually medicore education, only way around this is manipulation.

>By "done everything right," I mean socially, in order to get an MD.
Only thing you need to get an MD is far above average memory or a strong work ethic, there's no "doing the right things", just having the right set of abilities. Unless you specifically want to get into research, medicine works more like a trade than anything. Though this comes from a euro perspective, I guess having to write stupid letters about why you want to study medicine is kind of gay and a "done everything right" thing.

>the way you move up through academia is by NOT arguing with the faculty---the 'argumentation' is for show, it's not actually the goal. I learned this in my first year, when a prof told me I wasn't being charitable. I was scoring in the 80-84 range. I wrote something that was literal word salad about "justice" and "empathy" and he gave me a 97
That's true, but medicine is not academia, your relationship with your superiors is ideally one of mentorship but usually one of supervision at best. Whether or not you get promoted has nothing to with agreeing or arguing about something, but not fucking up simple shit and the willingness to work god awful hours, a hospital isn't a university, and even university hospitals work differently than some regular research position as clinical research is even more retardedly competetive and even more low effort than regular research.

>> No.14518967

>A lot of "docs" in "medical weight loss" have a fairly condescending attitude
"medical weight loss" is 90% dealing with diabetic fatties that are incapable of losing weight to safe their own limbs, I'd be condescending too if most of my patients were boogie. Honestly most doctors aren't the right adress for diet advice beyond the most basic shit, they don't have the capacity to judge whatever special diet plan you want to follow, just do it and get regular check ups to see if it's killing you.

>> No.14518978
File: 66 KB, 512x384, Terrain theory.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least some harmful strains are often present in small populations in healthy people and they are not only benign in that context, they actually play a role in balancing the rest of the biome. Even if you deny that (which you probably do because of ignorance), you destroy the gut microbiome indirectly, fucking idiot.

Listen, autist, that post just implies he likely knows shit about what he's talking about because he made that kind of grammar mistake (similar to you who doesn't know what a "comma" is). Both of you are undoubtedly mouthbreathers from birth, though, judging by you being unaware how the terrain's been shown to modulate what bacteria and fungi are capable of inhabiting it and to what extent. Streptococcus mutans is one example.

>> No.14518997

>theory ignored and feel into obscurity
gtfo brainlet dipshit

>> No.14519032

give me a list of nootropics/supplements which KILL bacterial/gut flora,etc, basically killing anything which makes body decompose after death.
and give me a list of (even illegal,,i will do this when im about to die anyways)fat burners,diuretics,laxatives and emetics

>> No.14519048

is it possible to get ALL stds at the same time and remain alive for 1-3 months?
I want to write a short black humour story about a guy who gets siphilisis,chlamidia,aids, ghonorrea ,etc. at the same time

>> No.14519050


>> No.14519052

whats with this adress? a single two-letter word?

>> No.14519055



>> No.14519056

nah stick around

>> No.14519153

>feel into obscurity
Gotta improve your trolling skills.

>> No.14519190

This worked, thanks again.

>> No.14519232

terrain ,retard

>> No.14519233

if you're too much of a pussy to (you) somebody you really shouldn't bother for one
and if you're unable to understand why I've typed that sentence with that precise choice of wording, killing yourself seems like a mighty fine idea in your case

>> No.14519268

Thanks for the reply; I’m not giving any to absolute mouthbreathers such as yourself. This post shows even more how fucking stupid you are (you didn’t understand my post implied you made that mistake on purpose, ESL nigger). Seethe and let me farm more (You)s out of you.

>> No.14519364

Why do doctors help big pharma sell evergreened insulin?
Do their benefits over patent-expired last-gen analogues justify the cost of the harm inflicted on the people who can't afford them?
If doctors prescribed patent-free insulin people could get $3 vials instead of $300...

>> No.14519422

Patents shouldn't exist at all, period. Doctors should also comment on lifestyle approaches as an alternative to effectively treat and potentially cure at least type II diabetes in the rare case a patient's interested in changing their shitty ways rather than deal with the symptoms by taking injections.

>> No.14519544

>Patents shouldn't exist at all, period
I get the sentiment, I hate IP law too but I see it more as a bad implementation rather than a bad idea. What justifies expensive R&D without patents?
>taking injections
They do rec lifestyle changes and give metformin for type 2 before injections tho

>> No.14519615

>They do rec lifestyle changes and give metformin for type 2 before injections tho

"Eat a healthy diet and exercise" is not a plan.

A plan is an engineered structure that someone can implement.

So, for example, it would be trivial for a national health service to print a "diet book" that contained 30 days worth of nutritionally complete meals such that a diabetic is told "you eat according to this program."

Or, you know how we feed dogs?

Why is there not a Diabetes Chow---I know we have onions, but it is designed to be a full calorie food, not a restricted calorie food for dieters.

"Oh, you are diabetic? OK, you are 260 lbs, should be 120. This means you eat 2 cans of diabetes chow A32 a day until your body weight and blood sugars normalize."

"Oh, you are diabetic? You are 360 lbs and should be 160 lbs? Eat three cans of diabetes chow A32 a day until &c."

They even have weight loss formulas for dogs where the calorie content is reduced but mineral, protein, etc. are maintained. The issue is that there would not be billions of dollars in patentable profits from these foods.

>> No.14519619

>So, for example, it would be trivial for a national health service to print a "diet book" that contained 30 days worth of nutritionally complete meals such that a diabetic is told "you eat according to this program."

Instead diabetics are given vague advice (often retarded, e.g. eat 6-10 servings of bread a day, dont eat eggs!) and maybe a "book of recipes" without an explanation of which ones to eat, in what quantity, etc. for their height/body weight.

Nutrition is a solved problem---we have total parenteral nutrition solutions, and ppl on them in comas dont gain excessive weight, afaik. They are full of basedbean oil, etc. because it is cheap, but the exact same products could be formulated for diabetics, as an example.

>> No.14519831


>> No.14519839

the problem is really that the patients want an easy solution, not a lifestyle change. and besides 95% of people who actually manage to drop significant weight and start exercising are back where they started at in 5 years

>> No.14519849


>> No.14520087
File: 1.26 MB, 1920x1080, AHS CMJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What justifies expensive R&D without patents?
History has shown you can definitely profit off (obviously not as much) of what you created (you used other's knowledge to do so, though) without them and that companies have thrived and grown in countries in which patents were/are nonexistent. India and Italy were /med/-related examples of this.

With that said, patents are great for companies (the exact opposite for consumers), there's no denying that.
>lifestyle changes
I should've said GOOD ones.
>and give metformin for type 2 before injections
That drug is not good for you overall at all but I guess it is very useful if you want to keep your shitty habits.

Too much fat is not the only thing that greatly increases the risk of developing T2D. T2D is caused by an impaired capacity to store or burn energy; more info below:


>the problem is really that the patients want an easy solution, not a lifestyle change.
>95% of people who actually manage to drop significant weight and start exercising are back where they started at in 5 years
Probably the percentage is not that high but most do eventually go back to baseline.

>> No.14520635

Canadian testosterone sucks ass and my doctor won’t give me androgel because she says it’s the same stuff. Next, they gonna tell me that yellow and brown m&m’s taste the same. Fuck doctors and thanks Obama.