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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1450861 No.1450861 [Reply] [Original]

/sci/, what the fuck should I major in?

I just graduated high school and am planning to start college in the fall. I know I want to major in a science, but I've no idea which one.

I've always been interested in biology, dealing with cells and bacteria gives be a brain boner. I took some neurology in my last year of highschool though, and it was crazy interesting, since I have a fascination with drugs and learning about them drives me crazy.

I suck at math though.

So should I take something like pharmacology because of that? Or try to do biochemistry or a pharmaceutical science so I can do what I really want and learn about drugs?

In return, tits.

>> No.1450868

tits not allowed here, reported.

have fun at being undecided at a state university.


>> No.1450880

Suck at math? Science isn't for you.

>> No.1450882

no way, i love tits

>> No.1450899

OP listen to
regardless of what field of science or engineering you choose to study, you're going to need to learn a lot of math to do well.

>> No.1450917

>I know I want to major in a science

That's pretty much all you need to know your first year. Assuming the college is in quarters and you want to take 3 classes at a time, go take calculus 1-3, either physics or G chem 1-3, a 100 level english class and a couple electives. Pretty much every science major starts out this way, and it sounds like you are leaning more towards chemistry instead of physics.

Pick a major when you stop being a confused freshman who has never been to college.

>> No.1450932

OP you got sauce on those tits?

>> No.1451019


I don't.

How hard is it to complete the math that analytical chemistry requires if I were to major in chemistry?

I imagine it being a bulk of my workload if I were to work in a lab, but will it be painful?

>> No.1451044


freaky memory face recognition fag here

looks diora baird, was in the newest texas chainsaw massacre.

>> No.1451045

big freaking deal dude you're spending the next 2 years in ge hell. take a sequence of calculus, physics chemistry and biology and whatever other ge's you've got to do and you'll probably find which science you like

>> No.1451058

bad math = bad science

>> No.1451068

You should at least be able to do intermediate/advanced algebra. Also statistics.

>> No.1451081

>I suck at math though.

How exactly do you suck at math? Odds are your teachers are just shit. Highschool mathematics are rarely taught in a competent manner.

>> No.1451369

enjoy your first year of college, drunk as much as u survive and try to get as many hot chicks(->check own pic)
after one year fun you should a)know what ya want to study OR b)know that you just want to party

bad maths&chemistry is "no go"
physics even worse what i've heard

>> No.1451386

>planning to start college

Get your Associate in Science first. By the time you have that, you'll have an idea of what you want to major in.

>> No.1451424

Got that right, then again college and uni isn't always better for it. Physics related courses you need a lot of maths, for certain chemistry courses you only need to do it for about 2 years with it making up about 25% of those two years. Biology related courses have almost no maths, as long as you have the required mathematics competence to get into uni (usually about the same to get into a chem course) you don't need to do much. Basically a little bit of statistics and data analysis and let me tell you, if you hate maths you're going to fucking hate statistics and data analysis.

>> No.1451435

I dabbled in analytical chem during my first year before I changed into a biotech course and it's not to bad on the maths although most of it is statistics which is the fucking worst form of maths I have ever had to deal with. But yeah really for first year analytical it's just memorizing a few equations and knowing how to use them in situations that call for them.