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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 120 KB, 960x481, 1278109157367.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1450573 No.1450573 [Reply] [Original]

You know what to do

>> No.1450592

I want to see where this is going

>> No.1450599
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>> No.1450608
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>> No.1450624

can i have the exploitable please?

>> No.1450625
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>> No.1450627
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>> No.1450639

can someone give me the blank version

>> No.1450647
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>> No.1450653

If you know how to add pictures to it, it can't be that hard to erase one.

>> No.1450654
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true story

>> No.1450668
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>> No.1450671

you suck at life

>> No.1450674


nice doubles!

>> No.1450677
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>> No.1450680

shit, I heard freaky shit happened at math bars, but the gasmask fetish is a bit much.

>> No.1450681
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>> No.1450716

i almost died laughing

>> No.1450724


Because it's true, right?

>> No.1450741

hope it for you bro, i hope it.

i'm the enviromental science fag.

>> No.1450745
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>> No.1450768
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>> No.1450771

I don't get it, what does this imply?

>> No.1450804

bump for awesome

>> No.1450805


>> No.1450831

Any job I want

>> No.1450851


Can I be a fireman?

>> No.1450890


and bitches

>> No.1450965

What are some actual jobs that math majors can get? Like actual careers.

>> No.1451022


Quant Engies.

>> No.1451170
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>> No.1451214

The money is in financial math and applied math. I'm pretty sure the US gov't hires the most applied math degrees.

>> No.1451221

People in math careers have focuses.
You like math?
Well you may be interested in computer programming - I work for a guy who programs the Streetlights in all of NYC. There is an accident/emergency? He had to be there. Works 12 hours a day, and up to 16 hours. He can also be called at any fucking time of night/morning and have to immediatly drive to where he is needed.
But guess what, he loves math and this is the career focus he chose.

Applied math can also go into physics, and business finance.

>> No.1451241

Hey I'm going into psychology, to work with clients, not be a counselor of any kind. I'm hoping to speak with upper middle class folks, but I wouldn't mind speaking with the criminally insane either.

>> No.1451245

I don't get it.

You expected an old painting of some guy but you Asian children.

Can you sell the children?

>> No.1451251

What will you do once you get your degree?
Sure you want to work with clients and be an armchair scientist, but what steps have you taken to ensure you won't end up being just another marriage counselor or school guidance counselor.

>> No.1451255
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>> No.1451258

You expected deep philosophical understanding of math and its conceptual aspects. And be one of the superior people in society who has this said knowledge. You would be the philosopher who is enlightened.

What you actually got?
You became a math teacher, since a math degree is shit.

>> No.1451291


Oooooh. I'm not too fast sometimes.

Why can't you be an enlightened philosopher AND a math teacher, I don't think "enlightened philosopher" pays much.

>> No.1453191
File: 9 KB, 271x288, 1274591077284.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Philosophers = Forever respected and looked up to in society

School teachers = People who have to spend their time teaching over simplified things they were taught, have their nerves chewed by constant bitching, and always see endless failure by their students who are complete fucking braindead pieces of shit.

Jamaal hands in his math homework and writes:
fou plus fou is naain

You explain to him how to add properly, so he gets 8. Jamaal does it again, and decides to write 44 next time, and says if you put those two numbers next to each other its adding, and he calls the PhD having Math professor an idiot.

You call Jamaal's parents to school, and tell them he is disruptive in class and uses foul language toward teachers. His father and mother are surprisingly dumber than he is, and accuse you of being a bad teacher "y u not teach my kid, yo. Wat r u, racist?" You explain to the parents that the student passes himself, if he doesn't study or do any work or even learn, he won't know how to apply the knowledge and fail the class.
- the student fails the class
- Two weeks later you see your car window have a spray pained bullseye draw onto it, and bricks thrown through your windows.

Pic related - math PhD professors face after the said occurance

>> No.1453208

Sounds too descriptive Mr. Math PHD

>> No.1453220

Crap, guys, we're losing quality control

>> No.1453229
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>> No.1453230
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>> No.1453258


>implying modern day philosophers aren't a punch line

>> No.1453322
File: 174 KB, 485x450, 1242690243686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it weren't for pothead niggers being able to spreading their retarded philosophy through fucking music only degenerates listen to...then philosophers would get respect.

>> No.1453338
File: 34 KB, 312x312, vomitnose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

... is that mr.t, Steve Urkel, and Fat Albert?!?!?!

>> No.1453343

Philosophy died with facebook, bro.
Everyone's opinions on everything are considered equal.

>> No.1453352

LoL. Nah.

>> No.1453354

You mean twitter?

>> No.1453400


>> No.1453416
File: 48 KB, 802x438, please-stop(blacked).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1453460

i love life

>> No.1453468

as prEvioUSly_MeNtionED, ThESE MeSSsAgES WIll_cOnTiNUe UNtIL_yOU permANEntlY_stop AtTaCkInG aND_FucKiNG WiTH wWw.aNoNDerPTaLK.sE (RemovE The DeRp), RemOvE_aLl IlLeGaL_clonES OF IT_aNd_liES aBouT iT and dOnatE At_leAst_a MILLIon UsD_To_sYSOP_as COMpENsATIoN_FoR The_MASsIVE_daMAGe_yOu_reTarDS HavE_CaUSed.
hb ueoi ifoml dqw gcgl v p ou lvqem nervv

>> No.1453598
File: 72 KB, 959x482, 1279691642122.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1454386

... I don't see what changed?

>> No.1456549

rescue bump

>> No.1456556


space filling model sucks more dick.

>> No.1456573

I lol'd