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File: 70 KB, 554x554, flatards.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14504583 No.14504583 [Reply] [Original]

whats the best refutation of flat earth?

>> No.14504596
File: 65 KB, 960x546, jews and servants.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

naming the jew is the antidote

>> No.14504600

Flat earthers are not interested in evidence or facts. Their flat earth ideas are not their end goal. Most of them are pedophiles. They use flat earth as filter to separate stupid young people from smart young people. Stupid young people are easy to manipulate and ultimately groom for sexual abuse. Smart people are more likely to see through lies and coercion and call the police.
So refutation is pointless. Arguing with them merely gives them the attention they want, which helps them attract interest from gullible low IQ young men. Then they post links to their own websites designed to lure their victims into giving up personal information and encourage them to attend their flat earth conferences.

>> No.14504608

You can't refute a mental illness.
The best you can do is convince them to hop on a selfmade rocket to check out by themselves.

>> No.14504611

Hadn't thought of it like that. Good analogy, pasta or not.

>> No.14504628

>whats the best refutation of flat earth?
the behavior of those who promote it.

>> No.14504636

I refuse to engage in horizonautism. That's what flat earthers want since they lack any knowledge of physics or astronomy.

>> No.14504655
File: 132 KB, 899x960, 1647394651083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the best refutation of globe earth

>> No.14504659

if you go for a walk, you won't notice any curvature. any triangle you walk along will have angles that add up to 180 degrees, you can't walk in a straight line then come back to the same place, and there is only one shortest path between two different locations (a straight line)

>> No.14504667

Corsica is visible from Nice only in some meteorological conditions. Otherwise it's not visible unless you're in higher altitude...

>> No.14504712

You can get a balloon to send something up to the edge of space right now anon

>> No.14504717

Taking a look at flat earthers should be enough to make you discount their opinions on pretty much everything.

>> No.14504731
File: 310 KB, 2560x1644, shutterstock_5139736542-scaled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not good enough. They'll just claim that you used a fisheye lens.

>> No.14504782 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 1024x943, 1637518713017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Globe earthers liberal midwits, atheists and pedophiles projecting right there.

>> No.14504826

It doesn't matter, if you want to disprove the earth is flat for yourself there are no shortage of ways to go about it.
People who opt to stay flat earthers in 2022 after well meaning people have dedicated months of their life to set them straight
and arm them with knowledge are all trolls or so beyond any help that it doesn't matter.

It's time to give up on those people.

>> No.14504829

isnt this the same logic people use to discount science because it has gay reddit cheerleaders?

>> No.14504851


>> No.14504980

same as the best refutation of schizophrenia or gender dysmorphia or any other debilitating mental illness: you don't engage with those people and pretend they do not exist.

>> No.14505001

Empiricism appears to demand that you personally have to circumnavigate the earth in a single direction and arrive where you started

This takes a few days by plane and should shut up even the dumbest flat-earther, who will then likely attempt to claim things were rearranged while they were sleeping or that it is not possible to know which direction they are flying in

>> No.14505006

it's difficult to pretend government shills don't exist, to pretend government doesn't exist

>> No.14505209

Likewise we'll never know for certain if the Universe is flat because the distance we're measuring may be too small scale wise.

>> No.14505211
File: 249 KB, 600x400, 2139722783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mirages over the sea. only happens on a curved surface.

>> No.14505218

also applies to people with horrendously moronic opinions

>> No.14505225


If you piled everything up into the center, will the earth still be flat or will it be a pile?

>> No.14505228

Your projection is harder than mapping a spherical surface on a flat plane

>> No.14505229
File: 195 KB, 603x603, hurricanes-coriolis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coriolis effect

>> No.14505247

I think the only answer is Occam's Razor. It's really not possible to "prove" anything for real, because if you really get down to it, we simply don't know anything with absolute 100% certainty. For all we know Earth was created 5 minutes ago and it's flat and all the evidence collected for globe Earth up to this point was just a figment of the universal consciousness' dream. Maybe we're in an alien zoo and they use complicated and ornate high tech holograms and mind control to make us think we've been measuring globe Earth. Literally any evidence or argument can be doubted in this fashion. The best way to argue with a flat earther isn't by direct evidence and arguments, but by probing the question of which theory is more likely and why they choose to believe one over the other.

>> No.14505255

Also the sky spinning in a different direction depending on the hemisphere, not to mention how it spins on the poles.

And then I remember that they don't have a map I can use to navigate to my front lawn because their usual map has distances so wrong it's completely useless.

Someone did that and brought both a normal lens and a fisheye lens and maybe even another type of lens iirc just to show all of them on youtube, the normal lens never shows the earth being concave unlike the fisheye so it blows them the fuck out, but then again, they just ignore it.

>> No.14505284

found the kiddie diddlers
some of them are trolls but most are pedophiles, like the two above.

>> No.14505285

Such a deep analysis! One day when you grow up you will make a fine secretary.

>> No.14505309
File: 1.39 MB, 1140x760, 1 Mt Ranier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just look at a mountain. very clearly not flat

>> No.14505315
File: 148 KB, 256x399, 34h56k8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that housing is hideous
I'd hoped for an eruption and lahar before but now I do stronger than ever

>> No.14505319

Bullet into the head of flat earth zealots. They are religious fanatics nkt getting rational and verbal arguments, they can be dealt only this kind of ways.

>> No.14505326

What is the opposite of a flat earther?

>> No.14505331

Space and observation of other planets and stars(moon and sun eclipses), Gravity (General Relativity) shapes everything into spheres and that's exactly what we observe in reality

>> No.14505634

I know "we can't know nothin" is a high school philosophy tier observation and those are retarded examples, but that's basically how a flat earther's mind works. My point is that they can have an excuse or alternative explanation for literally any evidence and it's not even strictly illogical. We don't believe in globe Earth because it's been proven, or even because we personally have seen it. We believe in globe Earth because it's the most likely explanation.

>> No.14505641

You can't refute something to someone who wants to believe it. They will not accept even irrefutable proofs. They'll just use plenty of logical fallacies until you give up.

But since not one non-retarded people in the world takes flat-earthers seriously, the best refutation is still "take your meds"

>> No.14505645

flat earth conspiracy is not about the earth being flat or round at all.
it stems from the belief of being systematically lied to, making the individual powerless against mighty forces they can't compete against ("the elite")
it doesn't matter if the conspiracy is flat earth, chemtrails, nanobots in vaccines, moon landing, 5G, crisis actors, deep state, international jewry et cetera.
by definition you cannot dismantle the flat earth conspiracy with arguments, proof or anything else, because this belief is just the symptom of untreated psychologically induced paranoia and persecution mania.
they don't care that they have no arguments and that their model doesn't hold up. this isn't what this is about in the first place. because the persecution complex makes them feel powerless against "the elite", they cope with that fact in a desperate attempt to regain control over their environment again by any means necessary, including delusions.

>> No.14505656


>> No.14505793

Flatearth is just a meme. Trolls brining it up regulary in this board

>> No.14505798

People get mad because they "know" the earth isn't flat but they can't give a good proof of it quickly and coherently.

>> No.14505808
File: 57 KB, 482x281, 13610824-578891304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Foucault's Pendulum

>> No.14505812

That's the joke. And the proves for a flat earth are reasonable for high school math droputs

>> No.14505822

you live in your parents basement, and you're calling houses ugly??

>> No.14505829

Just checked google maps street view.
OP's pic is shopped.
It was quite compelling before checking myself, i must admit.

>> No.14505837

flat earther on damage control. notice he didn't pass on the information that convinced him the photo was faked?

>> No.14505840

There you go :

>> No.14505852

typical flat earth non answer.

>> No.14505869

the group "globebusters" are satanic illuminati trannies

>> No.14505887

Airplane flight paths.

The optimal path on a globe is a great circle path.
The optimal path on a flat surface is a straight line.
Aircraft travel in great circle paths. Either they are wasting insane amounts of fuel and have been for many decades, or the earth is just a globe.

>> No.14505968
File: 110 KB, 1006x806, GPS_Satellite_NASA_art-iif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whats the best refutation of flat earth?

Have them explain why GPS satellite's atomic clock needs to run slightly slower than the ones on Earth (answer relativistic time effects)

>> No.14505984

In fact, they deviate from the great circle path to deal with prevailing winds at flight altitudes. But generally, flight paths and flight times fit a spherical planet much better than they fit any possible flat planet.
There's always the possibility that one is a brain in a jar in a five-dimensional universe, however.

>> No.14505989 [DELETED] 

awareness of the jews' endless subterfuge is the key to truly understanding science

>> No.14506101
File: 138 KB, 480x640, 1336008982515.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Flight paths are straight ( like me ) lines on a flat earth map.
Flight paths are faggy ( like you ) lines on a globiboolee.

>> No.14506181

flat earthers btfo!

>> No.14506189

Yours is a worthy theory with some merit. But I think the pedo theory given here>>14504600
is more likely.

>> No.14506204

newton's laws

>> No.14506205

>Have them explain why GPS satellite's atomic clock needs to run slightly slower than the ones on Earth

Does relativity stop applying on a flat earth?

>> No.14506257
File: 73 KB, 941x1024, 1653008649797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to believe in globe earth but then I realized NASA isn't a valid source and gradually grew tired of the religious dogma of globetards. I've read all of your wall-of-texts. It's all grating, insulting and ultimately - devoid of logic.

>> No.14506295

t. pedo flatearther

>> No.14506303 [DELETED] 

globularists are incapable of engaging in scientific discourse without accompanying their "discussion" with a million insults and grandiose statements about their own superior grade of knowledge and insight. the don't realize that the tough guy act telegraphs their psychological insecurity and self doubt, they don't realize that pepper their posts with derision means that they aren't going to convince anyone who isn't already on their side, they are not able to subordinate their short term emotional desires to their long term goals. makes them seem extremely low IQ.
the kings of midwit mountain are eternally upset that the rest of us don't seem to recognize their regal status. how do the brilliant kings of misfit mountain ever expect the lowly flat earthers to recognize the genius of globularism? do the globularists have no pity? why aren't they capable of understanding and communicating effectively with the less sophisticated flat earthers?

>> No.14506322

I remember someone linking me to a wiki debunking the pendulum and it had a joke from some south pole scientist that did it for bragging rights. Cant remember where it was, but they made a joke about how they thought they might have uncovered a huge conspiracy as they didn't get it to work on the first try. It was made from some planks a string and one of those disk weights you have at gyms.

>> No.14506551

>NASA isn't a valid source
why isn't it?

>> No.14506565
File: 487 KB, 434x275, 1619245120338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Came into this thread expecting an actual answer to OP, but all I see is some monkey flinging shit.

>> No.14506620

good thing there are a dozen other space agencies you dumb american

>> No.14506627
File: 161 KB, 1400x1000, chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what you consider to the be best refutation depends on your standard of evidence. for the flat earther there is obviously no argument whatsoever, because no matter what you bring up and explain, and no matter how long and how in detail you go, it will come down to them simply not wanting to accept it regardless of how weak and devoid of reason they position is shown to be.

There are several good lines of argument anyway if you're interested. Looking at the implications of a flat earth, such as how the sun/moon would move and appear to be; flight paths and distances on a flat map versus a globe (distances and routes become ridiculous on the fe map). Also, little things like the fact the horizon appears to drop below eye level with increasing altitude is a big problem for FE, which is why they always simply deny it. Demonstrating the curvature of the earth is also clearly a problem, and it can be seen, however slight it is, even from places anyone can get to (cliff tops overlooking ocean, for example).

If you attempt to go into any of these subjects with them, expect to either be ignored, insulted or, rarely, engaged for a while by someone who will throw out a whole bunch of twisted and confused stuff about, say, perspective or refraction of light in the atmosphere etc, and very little of it will be accurate. if you try to bring forth correct information on this subjects, they usually become irrational and/or disappear from the thread, to repeat their points again somewhere else.

>> No.14506645

>eye height 10m
This photograph is taken from hundreds of meters up. Mouthbreather.

>> No.14506648

Flat Earth is a conspiracy invented by the CIA to discredit other very credible conspiracy theories by association. It's meant to look stupid but with a degree of complexity to it so you subconsciously associate it with other accurate well researched conspiracy theories. In fact the CIA popularised the phrase conspiracy theory in response to constant public questioning regarding the JFK assassination. Why do they do this? Simple - guilt by association is the Oldest trick in the Book in exploiting human tribal instincts, if you can successfully associate dangerous conspiracies with ones that already have a bad smell (like flat earth), you can successfully throw the baby out with the bathwater and condition people to not accept or even consider any information fed to them outside official government or corporate channels. Numerous conspiracy theories, like International pedophile rings (Epstein), sterilising agents in Afghan vaccines, Operation Ajax, MK Ultra, and the Nugan Hand bank, have all been revealed to be true. The USA invaded Iraq on the pretense of stopping Saddam proliferating WMDs. People were called conspiracy theorists at the time for saying there were no WMDs. To this date no WMDs have been found in Iraq, ever.

>> No.14506665

>believing Jewstein

>> No.14506670

Is it even possible for retards like you to give a straight forward answer without seething about your boogeyman? I stopped reading after the first paragraph since I don't care to read 3 paragraphs of your seething.

>> No.14506679

yes, they do these photos from the tops of the mountains in the area. height of shoot location could be anything up to 1500m. The guys taking the shots even mention that you can see more the higher up you go, and that the conditions don't happen that often.

>> No.14506683

were you the guy i was replying to? anyway, just describing my experience with flat earthers. notice how you became too emotional to try responding to the arguments?

>> No.14506705

The straight forward is here >>14504600
The one in the image on the post you replied also refutes the flat earth. I have some great short vids on stuff like the solstice, vanishing points, distances between places and how people wouldn't see the sun and moon at the same place. They are all webms that are too big so I'll see if I can compress them to fit here.

>> No.14506708

>whats the best refutation of flat earth?
Not even ignore them.

>> No.14506755

> all I see is some monkey flinging shit.
Stop looking in the mirror then, dumbass

>> No.14506770
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, flatearth1.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a bunch of fucking tries I hope this is now acceptable for this site.

>> No.14506781

Literally all you retards are doing to defend your beliefs is lashing out and attacking people who disagree with you, attacking their character, and even calling them pedophiles. That's literally all I ever see you fucking retards do. And you're still doing it. Fucking kill yourself, you retards are why /sci/ is shit. You could've simply just answered OP and the thread would've been done there, but instead you draw it own to "own the chuds" and shit up this board even more.

Bunch of fucking hypocrites projecting your logical fallacies and other bullshit, all of you.

>> No.14506785
File: 66 KB, 555x448, 1628403430912.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You'd think they could just post a single thing and the thread would've been done there, but no, they have to go off on their faggot tirades to shit up this site even more.

>> No.14506787

Show us where the daddy flat earther touched you.

>> No.14506788

I don't even care about this "debate", you fucking retards need to make better posts or fuck the hell off back to twitter already.

>> No.14506794

so much emotion, so little argument. about sums up flat earth threads in general really.

>> No.14506797

Did it happen inside daddy flat earthers van? After he told you there would be icecream?

>> No.14506798


>> No.14506800

>shit up this site even more.
you know who shits up the boards here? flat earthers, trying to shove their retarded crap into /k/, /wsg/, /v/ or /pol/ every fucking day. you can't help yourselves because its your religion. you're like online JW knocking on doors all the fucking time looking for new cult members.

>> No.14506807

Anything involving seismic waves.

>> No.14506836

schrödinger's earth is both flat & round until you determine the cloud cover

>> No.14506838
File: 1.92 MB, 960x540, flatearth3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry for the long wait.

>> No.14506915
File: 2.30 MB, 960x540, flatearth2(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again sorry for the long wait. vlc didn't want to work and the online ones mostly suck.

>> No.14506989
File: 408 KB, 1080x1080, jakarta-bogota.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you say so.

>> No.14507050

So much effort for nothing.
You must be very young and very naive if you think any of this will make a slightest jot of difference to a flat earther. They will still dismiss it as smoke and mirrors.
Listen, you could take a flatty and put him inside a spaceship and fly him into space so he can see the spherical Earth with his own eyes. It will still not convince him. He will say you gave him mind altering drugs, or that the space trip was computer generated, or some other shit. They are not sane or rational.
Now that I have wasted my time telling you this perhaps you will stop wasting your time in any attempt to convince them with facts, evidence or logic.
This guy is right. We mock them and insult them becasue they are nuts who do nothing but shit on everything they touch. If they were funny it might be different but they aren't even that. Just boring assholes.

>> No.14507077

I know they won't change their mind, but I'm hoping someone would find those useful for spamming at flat earthers and making them mad. The mere possibility of that is worth the effort.

>> No.14507162

>scaling effects on still images
is this all globetards have?

>> No.14507178

Well that fine you think that, but its actually counter productive. Arguing with them just encourages them. I am hoping some flat earthers will show up soon and begin disputing your posts so you can see what I am saying for yourself. Although recently they have gone strangely quiet after a few anons started calling them out for being pedophiles. That seems a more effective way of getting them to shut the fuck up.

>> No.14507183

Ah, I spoke too soon, here ya go. A pedo has shown up right now here.
Have fun :)

>> No.14507251

flat earth retards have made a strange model of the sun and moon but cannot explain seasons

>> No.14507452

what if both models are wrong

>> No.14507463 [DELETED] 
File: 193 KB, 894x712, 1640905739939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14507472

Wake up sheeple, the earth is a Calabi-Yau Manifold.

>> No.14507621

cube earth

>> No.14507643
File: 73 KB, 695x960, 1651982409419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spamming at flat earthers and making them mad.

Aight, good luck with that

>> No.14507725
File: 422 KB, 920x912, 1647536357534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14507734

>bottom pic
Eh? That doens't happen if they're arranged in a straight line unless it's some weird lens distortion.

>> No.14507742
File: 59 KB, 700x700, 1647536395803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14507744

I'm not even defending ball earth. I'm just telling you perspective doesn't work like that.

>> No.14507749
File: 3.49 MB, 1242x3255, 1650520720549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It obviously does

>> No.14507751

Take your meds. Straight lines remain straight under perspective projection. Those legos are simply not arranged in a straight line.

>> No.14507755
File: 21 KB, 474x266, 1645046250614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really think they curved the table huh

>> No.14507758

An oblate-ellipsoid punch to their flat faces.

>> No.14507762

See >>14507751

>> No.14507765


>> No.14507786

The sad thing is that you're not even trolling. You are an actual NPC.

>> No.14507796

There's no point trying to refute flat earthers. Just let them be. They're retarded, but what can you do?

>> No.14507819


>> No.14507832

Not responding to it.
Yes yes, I’m breaking that rule here, could easily have not tho.
Won’t be back to check for (you)s.

>> No.14507843

Every flat earther is smarter than anyone who has ever educated you.

>> No.14507848

Every flat Earther is dumber than every voodoo-magic-believing ghetto nigger but also a thousand times more narcissistic.

>> No.14507856
File: 38 KB, 739x415, images (7).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Southern Celestial Pole

>> No.14507858
File: 2.97 MB, 960x720, 1558461194057.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, globie

>> No.14507882 [DELETED] 
File: 6 KB, 212x137, FI7uwsQXEAM_4bJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is really funny how for the level of ridicule flat earthers get, you'd think there would be some bombshell piece(s) of undeniable evidence that without any shadow of doubt establishes curvature. yet any and every argument in favour of globe model has holes in it, and people pointing them out are met with seethe.
there's just an undeniable gap in observation that theory-obsessed goons will fill with their mental illness projection

>> No.14507883

lol meds now

>> No.14507899
File: 841 KB, 591x907, 1637847080872.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related

>> No.14508015


>> No.14508031

Came back to see how you guys are getting on with talking sense into flat earthers. I hate to sound smug, but I told you so. But look on the bright side, now you are getting a glimpse into what it might be like to visit a mental hospital and talk to the patients. On the dark side you are also getting in insight into the minds of pedophiles. They create their own reality, that's how they can commit their crimes and feel no guilt.

>> No.14508045


Go to the beach to watch sunset, lay plat on your belly, and at the moment the sun dips below the horizon, quickly jump up and witness second sunset

>> No.14508065
File: 522 KB, 940x788, shadow zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14508080 [DELETED] 


>> No.14508115


I've literally done the experiment.

>> No.14508143

Binoculars and Jupiter and it's moons.
It is both empirically showing gravitational systems, round bodies, and also in observations over weeks, you can see it change position in relation to the stars along an ecliptic plane with the other planets.

>> No.14508158
File: 45 KB, 581x800, 3178387339_7778cd3471_c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508159


>> No.14508165

>that's literally all I ever see you fucking retards do
So that's why no flat earther answers when others point out obvious flaws in your infographics?

>> No.14508170 [DELETED] 

>walks outside
>looks at horizon
>huh i guess the earth is flat
>walks outside
>looks at horizon
>huh, I guess my perception of reality is false because this doesnt match what some labcoat said

>> No.14508180

there's no undeniable evidence of anything

>> No.14508181

>walks outside
>look at sunset
>huh, I guess my perception of reality is false because it doesn't match what schizos on the internet say

>> No.14508188

It just gets old after the nth thread
You know I'm actually saving this because it sums it up perfectly

>> No.14508191

globe deniers don't need to respond to all questions.
The globe model relies on very specific claim, above all the formula of the curvature.
Even one observation ( actual observation, not armchair theorising ) is enough to destroy the whole edifice, and there's more than one.

How the sun and moon, who are local, work, how seasons work, what's the nature of earth, the fuckeries below the equator, all of that doesn't need to be explained to make the globe earth impossible.

>> No.14508195

>whats the best refutation of flat earth?

>> No.14508198

There is nothing in the lens example that even hints different direction of rotation, it's symetrical distortion and not an apparent flip either way. And it certainly isn't unidirectional as implied in the left graphic, which also in fact claims the same stars are visible at the north and south poles. The "lens" scenario even implies the atmosphere is not in fact a dome, as usually claimed by flaties, but is rather symmetrical south to north, so essentially in the shape of that one lens dragged across the earth with the equator line as its centre.
Look what they need to mimic a fraction of the globe model. L fucking MAO

>> No.14508227
File: 324 KB, 672x494, MCTOON.Left-to-right-curve.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508245
File: 48 KB, 1024x589, level.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14508287 [DELETED] 

what am i looking at here

>> No.14508289

curved horizon and horizon dropping below eye level with increasing altitude of observer.

>> No.14508824

that sure seemed to quiet the flerfs

>> No.14508841

good post

>> No.14509177

Based and pedo-pilled.

>> No.14509183

NASA literally used to work with Nazi scientists who hated the jews who manipulate us nowadays. Of course I trust them (At least up till the late 70's)

>> No.14509191

On flat earthers in general: remember it started as a soience joke, a funny distraction from work. Just pop into usenet for a quick bout of physics fun, run some numbers that look a bit like you're doing your job on another way the earth could totally be flat. /x/ will tell you the cia took it over to contain all the schizos or something, I think it has more to do with something that looks stupid attracting stupid people.
>What's the best refutation of flat earth?
Phases of the moon. The size of the moon. You can see earth's shadow on the moon, and it isn't a flat fucking disc - not once, not ever. Eclipses as well. There's four pieces of evidence that are good enough individually to disprove the entire thing.

>> No.14509192

Daily reminder that
Flat earthers have:
• No working model, or map.
• No way to determine proper distances, or directions between two point on the earth not sharing the same longitude.
• No explanation for how the sun and the moon circle the earth, or how the sun migrates from the tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer and back over the year.
• No idea why the ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus believed the earth was a sphere.
• No idea what P and S shockwaves detected by seismology equipment tells us about the internal structure of the earth, and the shape and dimensions of the surface of the earth.
• No idea what powers the sun and the stars.
• No idea of the distance to the stars.
• Clueless as to why almost all stars don't appear to change position in the sky from opposite sides of earth's orbit around the sun when the phenomena of parallax says they should, and why we can only use the parallax method for measuring the distance of stars that are closest to the earth. Luckily, Polaris is one that we can determine the distance to using parallax, because it is also a Cepheid variable star, which allows the distance to be measured to much more distant stars where the parallax method not longer works.
• No explanation as to why we can only see 59% of the total surface area of the moon when, from a flat earth perspective we should be able to see most of it, including the dark side of the moon.
• No idea why the moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere compared to how it looks in the northern hemisphere, and why the phases of the moon are on opposite sides of the Moon, and why it looks circular from all vantage points on the earth.
• No idea why sunspots rotate in the opposite direction in the southern and northern hemispheres, or even what sun spots are.

>> No.14509195

Flat earthers also have:
• No believable explanation for how GPS is implemented across the world.
• No explanation as to why aircraft carry ring laser gyros onboard are capable of detecting the rotation of the earth.
• No idea how it is possible to develop gravitational maps of the earth's surface, or why anyone would want one, or how they could be used.
• No explanation for how eclipses work, especially lunar eclipses, or how to predict them correctly.
• No idea why the Humber bridge, the Verrazzano Narrows bridge are built to account for the earth's curvature.
• No idea why CERN, LIGO and the Stanford linear accelerator vacuum rings and arms are constructed to take account of the earth's curvature.
• No idea why physicists working on LIGO were awarded Nobel prizes in physics.
• No idea why geodetic surveyors keep claiming the earth is an oblate spheroid.
• No idea why Google Earth does not publish its underlying flat earth model that allows it to project the earth as a globe.
• No explanation as to why the sun rises due east for everyone on the earth on the equinox.
• No idea why an observer on the equator during an equinox does not see the sun set at an angle 19° above the horizon.
• No idea why there should be a discernible horizon that looks like the edge of the ocean viewed from a beach. The horizon should really be a blur as the farther we look out across the flat earth, the more light is scattered and the more particles in the atmosphere obscuring the view.
• No idea how it is possible to see the sun set twice simply by changing your height above the earth (quickly by just a few tens of metres).
• No reasonable explanation as to how Polaris can be used in conjunction with a sextant in the northern hemisphere to determine latitude.
• No explanation as to why the Artic and Antarctic experience months of days and nights at differ times of the year.

>> No.14509309

Donut earth seems plausible, or at least more plausible then spaceball earth

>> No.14509312

tl;dr there's zero evidence for globetards in this screed

>> No.14509643

If Earth was a flat disc it could still cast the same shadow on the moon, you immensely retarded fuckwit. You are as stupid as the flat earthers.