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File: 28 KB, 828x793, pain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14504468 No.14504468 [Reply] [Original]

Whoever says IQ doesn't matter doesn't know the pain of being a 114 IQ midwit.

>> No.14504497

Being 1 standard deviation above the mean must be tragic anon :(

>> No.14504499

Smartbros, I took the Mensa pill. It doesn't work, they're just a different flavour of normies.
What do?

>> No.14504515

Most Mensa members trained for IQ tests so theyre mostly midwits larping as high IQ.

>> No.14504540

That’s what you get for taking an iq test. I know mine can’t possibly be triple digits but hey if I never get it tested who’s to say it’s not?

>> No.14504581

I wish I didn't have Bipolar asperges and ADD. At least I have 145+ iq

>> No.14504588
File: 215 KB, 1920x1080, AnimeSmugRitsu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are still capable of greatness with "only" an IQ of 114. Now you just need to put in the hard work needed to obtain greatness.

Yet you're here on 4chan complaining about your IQ instead of focusing on your purpose... maybe it's not IQ that's the problem.

>> No.14504589


>> No.14504597


>> No.14505042

is how valid is this test?

>> No.14505070

I feel like a lot of people deny IQ simply because it's a cruel, arbitrary reality. No one wants to believe they were simply born inferior through no fault of their own. If it makes you feel better, like this one said >>14504497 you're a deviation above the mean. In fact, you're in 82.4% percentile which means you're more intelligent than 82% of people on the planet. You might not be an accomplished scientist, but you could still become a competent white collar worker of some sort if money is what you're after. Intellectually, you could still have some fun being a techie or engage in philosophy. Just try to accept your limitations and realize you're not a genius, and still will have to take the time to get good at complex things.

>> No.14505086

I'm a midwit and got 135, so probably not

>> No.14505103

Life isn't much better at 149.

>> No.14505118

The Mensa subplebbit

>> No.14505121

Do you really think so, anon? What does the "greatness" you have in mind entail?

Not OP, I'm already doing my best btw

>> No.14505124

If your IQ isn't 145 or higher, you do not matter.

>> No.14505130

4chan is full of autists claiming to be geniuses, yet they hardly matter any more

>> No.14505150
File: 63 KB, 512x512, 1644752781304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not op but I think IQ is trash because it misses the mark when trying to translate its data to qualitative applications in the real world.

The data tells me North Korea is over 20 IQ points higher than Nigeria. Yet their behavior puts them in a similar situation as the worst African and Middle Eastern countries with South Korea assessing roughly 25-30% of North Korea's populace plagued with stomach parasites because of inefficient soil treatment for farming. On top of that no mention of any academic contributions. Even countries like Iran which is highly dogmatic and religious was able to produce several prominent people in academia the most recent was that Iranian woman who won a fields medal. For the record Iran's IQ is roughly 80.

The data tells me the Inuit Eskimos of Canada and Alaska have an IQ of 90-93. Which is roughly the score Greece has. But there's little to nothing the Inuits have developed historically or even in modern times to even indicate they have such an IQ. This is despite Canada and the US having programs to let them go to college for academia and work yet little has transpired. This is despite Inuits having resources of North America for thousands of years yet its the Amerindians of South America that produce civilizations despite their lower IQ.

The data tells me wealth correlates with IQ but the wealthiest individuals are neither mathematicians nor physicists. It's instead a mixture of lawyers, doctors, politicians, computer scientists, athletes, actors, artists. Despite producing data that allows man to manipulate the mechanics and biology of reality. They can't manipulate the economic infrastructure to make themselves well off so they don't need to beg or walk on egg shells for more money at institutions/ government.

>> No.14505155

I have Asperger's, ADHD (inattentive) and the only thing that is keeping me minimally functional is that I also have 140 IQ.

>> No.14505156


>> No.14505160
File: 44 KB, 735x395, 523423423432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoever says IQ doesn't matter doesn't know the pain of being a 114 IQ midwit.
Anyone who says so is a 114 IQ midwit but there's one technicality that saves your statement...

>> No.14505162

Aspergers, OCD/tourette, ADHD, 144 FS WAIS. Weird.

>> No.14505167

It's almost like we're not just atomized individuals like amerimutts seem so prone to believe in, but also set in a cultural and historical framework that determines much of our mental space
crazy shit