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File: 28 KB, 333x500, FALL20-RD-Hill_portrait_JoyceM_1-333x500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14497693 No.14497693 [Reply] [Original]

https://magazine.tcu edu/fall-2020/hormonal-birth-control-brain/

>[Estrogen] prompts the release of an egg and formation of the uterine lining; it also influences women’s psychology and behavior in ways that help facilitate conception. Research shows that when women are at high fertility, they have increased sexual desire, feel sexier, put more effort into their appearance and engage in sex more frequently. They’re also more attracted to men with certain physical traits, such as a symmetrical physique and deep voice, that telegraph desirable genes. In turn, men find the scent and face of a woman at high fertility to be more attractive.

>During women’s other menstrual phase, progesterone surges as the body anticipates the implantation of a fertilized egg. “Progesterone is more of the mom jeans, Earth mother hormone,” Hill wrote. “When progesterone is on the scene, women tend to feel hungrier, sleepier and more relaxed than they do at other points in their cycle. It makes women feel like doing the kinds of things that help get their body ready for the possibility of needing to grow another human being in the not-too-distant future.”

>One survey indicated that women on the pill had lower sexual satisfaction but higher satisfaction with their partners’ intelligence and ability to provide financially, qualities that might increase a woman’s sense of security during pregnancy, the book says. These women were significantly less likely to divorce. Another study found that when women went off the pill, their marital satisfaction changed, but whether it was a positive or negative change depended on how attractive their husbands were — a mate selection factor the pill may have influenced to begin with.

>Such societal ripple effects represent the unintended consequences that Hill referred to in her book’s subtitle.

>> No.14497700

Who cares? Just find a way to drug them into being obedient housewives.

>> No.14497733

So THATS why all the betas are taking all the women from us chads.

>> No.14497744

That's a good thing retard. Soon men are going to be genetically modified to be small and cute and women tall and superfecund, and we want women attracted to that phenotype. We don't want aggressive ugly "masculine" males reproducing.

>> No.14497757

>this guy again

>> No.14497760

absolutely abhorrent post

>> No.14497770

>Soon men are going to be genetically modified to be small and cute
The hell you are. You will hit the gym and LIKE it!

>> No.14497785
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This is the future

>> No.14497787

You just want to be inside her gigantic cunt when it contracts in ecstacy crushing every bone in your body.

>> No.14497791

The sex will be very hot you're not wrong about that

>> No.14497804

I don't understand if this is even real, women want to settle down with men and have a family.

It sounds like this is trying to blame women being unfaithful and having no moral fibre on drugs.
If people and scociety stood by principles and forced people in their family to make a marriage work then they would be happy.

Who the fuck would these women and beta provides settle down with otherwise, this is complete bullshit article.

But the truth about how birth control is making women infertile is another stroy.

>> No.14497805

majin the smell ...

>> No.14497807
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Tradcucks, how do we weaponize this?

>> No.14497815

>If people and scociety stood by principles and forced people in their family to make a marriage work then they would be happy.
maybe it should start with women not being unfaithful...just a thought.

>> No.14497819
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I wonder how birth control affects female personality and mentality outside of sexual attraction too.

I think without birth control women might feel more competitive and ambitious. It reminds me of the surge of prolactin after male ejaculation, which makes you feel lazy and hungry. Is no birth control the female NoFap?

>> No.14497823

Well, why else would they find their husband unattractive.

Maybe it's because all the betas have been told being masculine is bad and toxic, and that it's ok to be weak and effeminate.
I doubt it's anything to do with the birth control, but probably a psychological realisation that the beta is weak and could not protect her and the child. She has the kid and goes through all the hormones and emotional swings, and on the otherside realises she can get beta bux, and look for an actual man. Sad but this is the reality commies have allowed to proliferate.

We fucking told you, /pol/ was right as always.

>> No.14497828

>Is no birth control the female NoFap?
i've had some women tell me that it lowers their sex drive, and others say that it raises it. so who knows

>> No.14497830

bro the article says all this minus your cringe buzzwords, i don't know what you're trying to tell me.

>> No.14497835

Wtf, I love birth control now

>> No.14497838

Which mean's it's unrealted to brith contro, corellation doesn't equal cause.

Maybe it just happens the women who are subjected to social media, and use hook up apps, use birth control.
It's probably entirely down to environment, not the drugs.

Maybe shitter and mass media should start but stopping to demonise masculininty and gender roles.

>> No.14497848

No it is directly related to the change in hormones brought on by birth control retard.
Go back to /pol/ incel

>> No.14497850

Next woman I see is getting palm striked.

>> No.14497872
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Humanity will soon be genetically modified to make women tall, like 6'5"+,with big hips and wombs, who naturally hyperovulate releasing several eggs each cycle so when impregnated they gestate small litters each pregnancy.
Men will be made small and proportionate, ~3'10", highly athletic and agile and dexterous.

A society of people designed in this way will expand exponentially faster than any other, as the women produce 4 babies each pregnancy, while using less food and land to support larger population sizes, because the males use only a few hundred calories per day, and will have massive advantages in economic and military power.

You are all newfags so you've not seen my posts before. This is how genetic engineering is going to be applied to humans as it is the most fit and ideal phenotype in the modern and future world.

>> No.14497885


>> No.14497900

Look man I have a giantess fetish too but this is just sad

>> No.14497906

It makes women's bodies think they pregnant.

>> No.14497923

It's one reason.

Other reasons are simple.

1. Women are insecure and will take almost anything with a pulse when they are single.

2. Societal values that suppress desire and make them think they need to be loyal to betas.

In the caveman days, it wasn't allowed. Ugly or unfit wouldn't be allowed to keep women.

>> No.14497925

Well this hasn't been working for me....

Where can a beta such as myself find women like this?

>> No.14497931

>1. Women are insecure and will take almost anything with a pulse when they are single.

This is bullshit because plenty of men can't get laid.

>> No.14497932

>1. Women are insecure and will take almost anything with a pulse when they are single.

Why are 30% of young men sexless incels then?

>> No.14497933

We already know all the modifications that would express this dimorphism now its just a matter of being able to edit the number of alleles to do so.
I'm already building up a following of men and women who will go in this direction.
There is nothing "sad" about this . This is unironically what a huge percentage of humanity is going to look like in 10 years.

>> No.14497938

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. Humans paired off monogamously throughout our evolutionary history moron.

>> No.14497942

What makes /pol/tard incels so confident despite not actually knowing anything?

>> No.14497950

years of spending 17 hours/day looking at schizo collages and believing them 100%

>> No.14497954

they're mostly toxic males

>> No.14497970

Where is the contradiction? Chads paired off monogamously with women. Not betas. They were excluded from the gene pool for reasons described.

>> No.14497982

>This is bullshit because plenty of men can't get laid.
They weren't at the right place and right time. The majority of men (90%) are average or ugly looking, yet of that majority a large amount are with women who are hyperattractive. They were at the right place and right time, the confluence of her being single, and added inselctivity of birth control as it relates to sexual partner discrimination, combine and render ugglies, unfit, and otherwise undesirables to mate with people they should have never been with in the first place.

>> No.14497983

See >>14497982

>> No.14497997

Didn't happen, "Chad" and "beta" don't exist anywhere but in your incel headcannon. Analyzing actual hunter gatherer societies shows everyone pairs off

>> No.14498058

Where are you getting this from?

>> No.14498061

Also makes them much more prone to cancer and other disorders.

>> No.14498126
File: 100 KB, 768x937, spartan woman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Birth control decreases testosterone levels.

>The current literature review and meta-analysis demonstrates that COCs decrease circulating levels of total T and free T and increase SBHG concentrations. Due to the SHBG increase, free T levels decrease twice as much as total T. The estrogen dose and progestin type of the COC do not influence the decline of total and free T, but both affect SHBG. The clinical implications of suppressed androgen levels during COC use remain to be elucidated.


She mentions estrogen and progesterone but neglects testosterone which plays a critical role when it comes to female libido, preferences, and overall health. This compounded with exposure to chemicals with potential androgen disrupting effects, modern women are a lot less "masculine" than they used to be. This could be a factor in the rising rates of depression, decreased libido and sexual desire, and decreasing muscle mass and increasing fat mass in modern women. Arguably this decrease in testosterone levels affects women more than men because in general the healthy lab range values for T levels in women are lower to begin with but this could be skewed by environmental factors. It's hurting women's health more than men but not many people are talking about it. And both ovaries and testes produce testosterone and estrogen for that matter.

>> No.14498142

It's a know fact that far fewer men reproduced then women

>> No.14498152

60% vs 80%

>> No.14498349

That doesn't match the haplogroup data

>> No.14498543

If at any time a couple produces only daughters the haplogroup is lost for that line. Over time it will look like haplogroups are lost but its not because a fewer number of males are producing offspring.

>> No.14498556

I know I've been lurking this board too much when I start to recognize posters

>> No.14498568
File: 100 KB, 1080x1350, 0b8de6b697bb8989aa8d145ac4c80a99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So that basically corroborates with this

>The faces of men and women in the Viking Age were more alike than they are today. The women’s faces were more masculine than women’s today, with prominent brow ridges. On the other hand, the Viking man’s appearance was more feminine than that of men today, with a less prominent jaw and brow ridges. These ambiguous facial features mean that it is difficult to decide upon a Viking skeleton’s sex based on the skull alone.
>both men and women in the town wore make-up to look younger and more attractive.
>In England Viking men reportedly had great success with the local women. The Viking males were apparently clean and pleasant smelling, as they took a bath on Saturdays, combed their hair and were well dressed.


That in pre-modern times women were more masculine and men were more feminine. Men even wore make-up to try to get the attention of women. With healthier levels of testosterone women were more dominant and were more assertive with their preference for cute male twinks. With more testosterone they were also probably stronger with bigger sex drives.

>> No.14499237

You will hit the gym and get ripped
You will eat the meat and take the protein
You will be as manly as possible
You will do men stuff like shooting and driving
You will hang out with the brahs
You will join the army and serve
You will be a right winger
And you will be happy

>> No.14499254

There are only around 50 posters on this board so it's not that hard.

>> No.14499268

>majority of men (90%) are average or ugly looking, yet of that majority a large amount are with women who are hyperattractive
I wonder if an actual, honest to god woman made this post. Because the impression I get as a man is the exact opposite. The vast majority of women are pudgy and off-putting creatures, most of whom are with men in far better physical shape than thrmselves. Maybe 5-10% are actually attractive at all.

>> No.14499280

When your exposure to women outside of porn is the typical American butter goblin, it makes sense to think that way.

>> No.14499320

This doesn't negate what I said. That 5-10% of women who are hyperattractive by in large will end up with men who are not within the equivalent attractiveness. It's not uncommon to see a 9/10 women with a 5/10 guy.

>> No.14499329

>It's not uncommon to see a 9/10 women with a 5/10 guy.
Impressive. Very nice. Now let's see both her body count and his bank account.

>> No.14499332

you will never not be gay

>> No.14499334

This is the future >>14497785
It's happening in a few years femanon

>> No.14499339

Do you go outside? I see attractive women with average or even ugly men and no redeeming qualities. Even no money. Particularly in early life.

>> No.14499340

Explain this with celebrities (which aren't really people anyway) and couples that make the same income

>> No.14499342

See >>14497872

>> No.14499346

I have seen your posts for a while and you are an appreciated presence, schizoanon.

>> No.14499350

Thank you! but I'm not schizo
We are entering the era of the amazon matriarchy. The world will be a better place for everyone.

>> No.14499357

Feminized men are repulsive. Women only find them attractive in BL, and they're brain addled as it is.

>> No.14499362

No one cares about what you have to say

>> No.14499381
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Shh, it'll be okay. Men and women are both becoming taller. That doesn't mean that you can't start your own little village of Amazonian women and miniaturized men. God speed for your little swimmers.

>> No.14499394

>I see attractive women with average or even ugly men and no redeeming qualities
Fanfics doesn't count as "going outside", dumbass

>celebrities (which aren't really people anyway)
You answered that yourself
>couples that make the same income
They either end in a sexless marriage just to share expenditures, mutual cheating and/or divorce.

Find help and pray, schizo heathen

>> No.14499402

With a starting population of only 10 million, the big female small male breed will expand to 40 billion in 5 generations assuming an average 2 births per woman. After that they enter the hundreds of billions and their numbers hit carrying capacity.
Also the average height hasn't changed in like 50 years i dont know where this meme came from, zoomers are not taller than millennials dude.

>> No.14499428

>t. seething zoomer manlet

>> No.14499543
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>Everyone is ugly, no one fits my standards!
Kek post face hotshot
>Feminized men are repulsive
Sour grapes: the post
You will never have a cute twink bf. Sorry hon.

>> No.14499613
File: 86 KB, 1024x680, AAD98E0E-4A1F-4B24-8938-B824C2326910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go back to /pol/ incel

>> No.14499618
File: 52 KB, 630x443, EB57953B-C40D-4575-B49E-CC527BD66A5E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never have sex

>> No.14499645

>posts man w/ a jawline that could cut glass
That dude is all of 20. In 10 years he will look like an adult.

>> No.14499749 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14499785


>> No.14500024

Whoa simner down there buddy I think you need yourself some saltines and club soda

>> No.14500062

The average height hasn't increased in like 80 years

>> No.14500064

It's starting for germlines in 2 years and adults in 10 or so

>> No.14500066

I've had sex with 19 women

>> No.14500087

>beta providers
not science or math related

>> No.14500111

Hey it's that guy with the giantess fetish. Not seen you in a while bro, where you been?

>> No.14500705

That's crazy, but remember when Cell told gohan that his Kamehameha could quite literally blow the earth away? That means that something like gokus Kiai Canon couldn't beat Cells Kamehameha. That means that possessively, Cell has some sort of god ki. It's also stated that attacks in super have hit the earth but hardly done damage. Cell has god Ki!

>> No.14500717

you will be genetically engineered to be small

>> No.14500772

I wonder how this is affecting human evolution?

>> No.14500777

That's why the media is pushing condoms so much, so women start going for dumb chads, thus devolving us into apes.

>> No.14500804

Not for the better

>> No.14500833


>> No.14500866
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Jewish janitors won't delete the mass reply spam.

>> No.14500877
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>> No.14500901 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14502597

This guy is a regular shitposter who's mind is completely clouded by his fetish. He makes threads every so often but it's sort of endearing, like watching the village retard lectute people on cryptids in the park.

>> No.14503306
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>> No.14503338

you're going to be genetically engineered into the big woman small man race anon you should just accept it already

>> No.14504603

this level of autism is impressive, even at 4chan

>> No.14505890
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>so women start going for chad twinks, thus devolving us into femboys

>> No.14506696

so this retard is back, great to hear

>> No.14506879

> Cites TCU
> Texas Christian University
> Christians
> Birth Control


How fucking dense can you be.

>> No.14507246

Hey man as long as I get to deep throat and raw dog her I don't care

>> No.14508152

Women think they want right, but actually are much more turned on by left. Faggot.

>> No.14508310

The reason for the divorce rate in western countries must be due to this pill. The pill is why so many women settle down with beta males and then go off the pill to reproduce. As soon as they reproduce, they divorce the beta male because he's no longer attractive because they're not on the pill anymore.

The only reason women stay with beta males is because of the pills.

>> No.14508823


>> No.14508844

This does not happen, though. Women reproduce with men who are either equal to or more physically attractive than themselves, and of equal or higher social status; the inverse applies to men.

>> No.14508847

Apparently my sister takes birht control like every day, which is weird considering she doesnt have sex. But she says lots of women do that. Why tho?

>> No.14508869

"Medical reasons," but that could range from preventing mild headaches to preventing certain types of cancers or lowering the chance of (uteral?) hemorrhaging. Those are all reasons I've been personally told by friends/family, but I have no idea how many are legitimate and how many are just from doctors pill pushing.

>> No.14508877

Can confirm, I'm around 175cm or 5'8 long dark hair, pale skin, green eyes, thin, no bitches

>> No.14509517
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>> No.14510347
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Sounds like user error to me.

The idea that women are these superficial irrational 2 dimensional beings that care about arbitrary unimportant traits like what your vertical dimensions are is something misogynstic incels would believe.

I'll tell you a story. Some time ago I was at a party hosted by the family of one of my friends. The parents are successful and have a nice house. They also have a daughter. She's intelligent and sweet, a quality woman. The daughter is tall and takes after her father who is also tall. Our group was interacting and having a great time. We're talking and she invites me to dance. Her father comes up to us and starts talking to her but just enough so I could overhear about how she's a quality woman and deserves a good man, a tall man. I didn't think much about it. I'm around her height if not slightly shorter. But the point is that these preferences are imposed upon us by society, by the patriarchy. And the less questioning among us adopt them and internalize them even if they make no sense. Your height is not an issue and many women find it cute. Many even find taller men off-putting and aesthetically unbalanced. Women that are more dominant prefer shorter men since it better fits the relationship dynamics. But otherwise there are far more important things women actually consider when it comes to their preferences.

>> No.14510761

She wanted to be attracted to beta providers

>> No.14510951

Make a tinder account, say you are 6feet, make the same tinder account, say you are 5foot 6, and cope, the height average is increasing because short men don't get to breed, every statistic proves it, sorry

>> No.14510995

Allegedly its good for acne. In reality its brainwashing
>im 14 now, time for my hormonal supplementation

>> No.14511161
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>Coital frequency was higher among men with a height of less than 175 cm (2.69 ± 1.24), weight of less than 78 kg (2.74 ± 1.18), normal BMI (2.74 ± 1.16), normal waist circumference (2.69 ± 1.19), and no metabolic disease (2.57 ± 1.11).

>> No.14511195

>Self reported

>> No.14511202


>> No.14511205

what is causing you to cope and hate short men so much it's cringe
You will never ever live in a world without short men, in fact the opposite is going to happen and men will all become smaller. Stop seething about it

>> No.14511305

Trust me bro, the overall height is increasing world wide but short men are fucking so much, everyone loves short men

>> No.14511309

How is it copium to accept the reality that i will die alone?

>> No.14511310

so based. scientists need to breed too. most scientists are betas.

>> No.14511312

>Trust me bro, the overall height is increasing world wide
The average height hasn't increased in western countries in like 50 years
I'm 5'7" and I've been with 19 women

>> No.14511336
File: 89 KB, 799x577, 2014-06-30-111historicalmedianmaleheight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck are you on?

>> No.14511342

I'm actually happy for you then, but anecdotal evidence doesn't mean shit

>> No.14511345

I've got a family
I'm not downgrading

>> No.14511352

You were given stats and you pretending it didn't exist

>> No.14511355


>> No.14511374
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>> No.14511572

This doesn't make sense logically if you think about it. If chads are the top 20% of men, your logic suggests only 20% of people reproduce

>> No.14511601

1 in 4 father's are raising a child he didn't biologicaly produce. If you see ugly losers with families there's a 25% chance the wife was seeded by another male.

>> No.14511621

Studies show women are worms!

>> No.14511669

>self reported

>> No.14511709

You know, religion plays a huge role in this.
Current dominate western religion is narcissism, nihilism, and materialism rolled together to make one big ugly entity.
If we go to the minority religious communities, counting out the fake believers, then we see higher rates of families remaining together and having more children. The standard changed between these two groups.
The first one, is all about physical interactions and material wealth.
The second one, is all about moral character and soul.

In other words, all of the research data that formed the MTGO and the Femcels, comes from hook up applications associated with dominate materialism.
Couples which form outside of these groups do not adhere to these standards.

>> No.14511766
