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14498822 No.14498822 [Reply] [Original]


StopAntisemitism, a Jewish charity group known for teaming up with Canary Mission to help accuse college students of antisemitism and forwarding accusations to friends, family, and employers to ruin their lives, has opened a hotline to report antisemitic incidents, using entries to help nominate people for the titles of "Antisemite of the Week" and "Antisemite of the Year"

These contests are meant to publicly humiliate those it targets and ruin their lives and career prospects by mobilizing communities against such individuals. The only way to remove yourself from the list is by writing StopAntisemitism a public letter begging them to remove you and prove how you've taken steps to be a better person

Some poo in loo already won the Antisemite of the Year title in 2021. I hope you guys are ready to explain to family, friends, and your employer about why you're on their 2022 list

You don't think you're really anonymous here do you?

>> No.14498823
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>> No.14498886

gb2 facebook

>> No.14498907

something tells me this wasn't a randomly-picked word of the day

>> No.14498912

Jews were the original Cancel culture "activists" and its easy to see that this behavior would eventually spread to the goyim

Red jew, blue jew, no jew is a good jew

>> No.14498946

If you actually study religion if true these quotes would be ironic. Namely 2 Ezra.

>> No.14499010

Babylon was said by Uriel to exist as to test the souls of those who were within the city. Degeneracy was rampant among every identifiable, detestable characteristic of mankind. Claiming to be in control of the world wanting everybody to be slaves while wanting to purport aspects of Babylon is wholly, incredibly ironic. It's like failing the same test Babylon was given. lmao

Regardless I think the OP's quote is either fake or just some politician trying to look good as a "strong man".

>> No.14499129

>muhh jews control the world theyre going to genocide the white race help me niggerman

It it's true that a small clique of jewish people are trying to do something sinister, it would be all over the fucking news. Back to /x/, nigger.

>> No.14499135

Bait or brain death? It's hard to distinguish these days.

>> No.14499142

>it's hard to distinguish

This is your brain on pol conspiracy memes. You're so dumb holy shit.

>> No.14499154

So bait, thank you for clarifying.

>> No.14499169

You don't need pol to open your eyes. Even if you prefer to call them bankers, the super wealthy or whatever, you could just say jews and be done with it. You're describing the same people.

>> No.14499178


This site fried your brain you guillible faggots.

>> No.14499235
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they're trying to make it illegal an impossible to discuss their conspiracy. they aren't banning discussion of bankers or of the super wealthy.

>> No.14499256

>it would be all over the fucking news
Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.14499433
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>> No.14499729

time to update my cv

>> No.14499746
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I want to win the "antisemite of the year" contest, how to proceed?

>> No.14499868

bait or jewish or unfathomably retarded

>> No.14500781

oy vey

>> No.14501131
File: 8 KB, 183x232, anxiety ridden kike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
