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14498613 No.14498613 [Reply] [Original]

Do we really feed non breast fed babies 50% corn syrup? Who thought this was a good idea?

>> No.14498984

>Who thought this was a good idea?
Roasties who care about the look of their, already subpar, tits more than they care for the welfare of their offspring. Many such cases.

>> No.14498992

no wonder amerisharts all turn out to develop severe mental disorders. what a fucking 4th world shithole

>> No.14499011

Some babies die if you feed them breast milk. To me, that is evolution in action

>> No.14499804

Damn, I would straight up rather be aborted then born in America

>> No.14499853

I don't understand how we, as a species, develop an allergy to our own milk.

>> No.14499858

We generally don’t, it’s just random mutations like those that cause down syndrome/being gay/allergies in general. It’s the downside of the insane adaptability and mutatability that we have evolved over the last few hundred million years.

>> No.14499918

But that allergy is something that will usually not start until exposure, indicating an overactive immune response. Down syndrome is a chromosomal fuck up. Being gay has nothing to do with either. After looking up information, it's more likely to be from foods that are consumed on the mother's end.

>> No.14499935

> 17% onions

>> No.14499943

> Who thought this was a good idea?
The Banks, the whole thing is a lifetime money printing opportunity + insane business profits for Medical and FMCG industry

> For infants, not being breastfed is associated with an increased incidence of infectious morbidity, as well as elevated risks of childhood obesity, type 1 and type 2 diabetes, leukemia, and sudden infant death syndrome. For mothers, failure to breastfeed is associated with an increased incidence of premenopausal breast cancer, ovarian cancer, retained gestational weight gain, type 2 diabetes, myocardial infarction, and the metabolic syndrome.


>> No.14499949

you see homosexuality in basically all mammals, at roughly the same rate as people, so it might be as old as dinosaurs. dolphins are an exception, I hear they're gay as shit except during mating season, they swim around in sex-segregated packs and hump each other until they find a pack of the opposite sex.

>> No.14499954

>doesn't understand the difference between dominance behavior and faggotry

>> No.14499968

>be American
>be born
>immediately circumsised then fed corn syrup

>> No.14499971

Well to be fair, in human milk lactose is about 50% of milk solids.

>> No.14500645

cool, they can live just like us

>> No.14500736
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what the fuck

>> No.14500749

Because if you believe corn syrup and onions is bad, then you're a broscience joe rogan high school educated meathead who thinks they're smarter than doctors. This formula is totally safe for babies.

>> No.14502236
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>Who thought this was a good idea?
Your government overlords.
Now eat your pharmaceuticals, plastics, and bugs and get back in your pod, slave.

>> No.14502237

>milk lactose
much healthier than plant sugars

>> No.14502270

Its funny how all those <2% ingredients are perfectly fine and carefully selected but the corn syrup and safflower oil are probably the cheapest industrial grade garbage they could put in there

>> No.14502271
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But... I don't want to....

>> No.14502276
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>> No.14502283
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>> No.14502329

You'll have a hard time finding a doctor who claims corn syrup is healthy.

>> No.14502468

>Because if you believe corn syrup and onions is bad, then you're a buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword who thinks they're smarter than doctors.

nigger are you a swarm of bees or a real human bean

>> No.14503138

Any child abusing mother that has the ability to breastfeed (99% of them) but decides to use formula instead is evil. Simple as. It is one of the basic fucking functions that a mother is expected to perform. These formula companies couldn't give a shit about the health of babies, they want to shove out the cheapest shit and get the most profit. Nestle even used to convince mothers that "formula was better" which has probably led to hundreds of thousands of babies either becoming impaired or straight up dying.

But hell, maybe it's just natural selection that a mother could be so retarded as to ignore her own instincts.

>> No.14503141

Explain the difference.

>> No.14503143

When you suck my dick, I'm being dominant and you're being a faggot.

>> No.14503155

>raise prices of housing and healthcare requiring more women to work
>complain when they work
Fuck off.

>> No.14503166

No one is buying your pilpul, subhuman. The people setting the prices are the same people marketing feminism and setting the agenda for your shitlib cult and programming your rhetoric.

>> No.14503176

Sure, whatever you think man, the end result is women are forced to work whatever conspiracy you push as responsible.

>> No.14503180

Catch 22 you retarded nigger I didn't do this but still if you're gonna be a mother you shouldn't be working, simple as. Tell your nigger husband to get a better job that supports you both, or don't have kids, because it's better for a child not to be born rather than exist with absent parents.

>> No.14503184



But go apologise for Nestle some more you fucking demonspawn

>> No.14503187

Okay, don't complain when white people have less babies then.

>> No.14503286

trust the experts and the science
feed your baby the corn syrup

>> No.14503393

maybe it's the absolute fucking garbage we eat, heavy metals, and pharmaceuticals ending up in the booba milk

>> No.14504154

arent vaccines amazing?!?

>> No.14504165

That's a concern as well. Breastfeeding is going to still have benefits, but dietary restrictions to make it safe are going to be an added difficulty even without the infant having any allergies.

>> No.14504175

>women who work cant breastfeed
americans are beyond hope at this point

>> No.14504418

There are businesses that are catching on here and installing lactation pods and have private spaces set up for pumping. That's not everywhere though, so women might be forced to pump in employee restrooms if they're even allowed to get away for adequate breaks. Plus they'll have to plan ahead for storage in a cooler or refrigerator. We don't have federal laws that regulate pay in the immediate postpartum period, so there are a lot of instances of rushing back to work as soon as 6 weeks of potentially unpaid FMLA are up to keep from financial loss.

>> No.14505075

>lactation pods
>press X to doubt

50 years of feminists running around with their tits out and mothers currently get grief over the most unoffensive and essential of the bodily functions.

Their project does not appear to ve working as intended. Is it time to reconsider the prestige 'Gender Studies' carries?

>> No.14505102

It should carry zero prestige. What should be more concerning is things like this being taken seriously.
>Second, having an additional child is causally related to women’s lower labor market participation, fewer hours worked, and lower earnings. In turn, labor force participation—compared with retirement—positively affects cognitive functioning among men and women.
>Finally, having children can be stressful, affect health risk behaviors and adversely affect adult cognitive development. Parents with more children can experience more stress, have less time to relax, and invest in cognitively stimulating leisure activities. This can imply sleep deprivation for the parent.

>> No.14505199

>having children is bad for your health
>get a job instead

>> No.14505221

yes. it is supposed to replace the lactose in breast milk. corn syrup solids are just sugar crystals. fructose doesn't crystallize well so it is mostly likely cane sugar but cheaper.

>> No.14505336

The meme feminist agenda is supposed to promote women in the workforce, or promote some kind of superior opportunity for women. That study only promotes not having more than 2 children because of its claim that it hurts cognition in the later years (and includes male parents in the study as also being susceptible), and keeps women from being optimal worker ants. That doesn't look like feminism, it looks like something more sinister. Anons can argue with me over it, but would an ideology that supposedly promotes women really give them such a worthless, insectoid like description? Whoever did the research in this has other interests.

>> No.14505364


>> No.14505574

It’s really funny to me how it’s legal in my country to import shrimp from Asia raised in ponds of human feces by child slaves but it’s illegal to import European baby formula because it might not contain enough canola oil.

>> No.14505579


>> No.14505610
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The American diet.
From an early age.
"Little baby's first diabetes."
They grow up so fast.

>> No.14505616


>> No.14505620

>Who thought this was a good idea?
the american corn lobby,

realistically they are probably responsible for more deaths than us interventionism

>> No.14505743

The age of the Amerigoblin is upon us, God help us....

>> No.14505911

Why corn syrup specifically is that the farmers bloc is one of the most powerful. I think there was a study done somewhere that showed the group that received the most subsidies per capita was farmers. Everything from corn to ethanol derived from corn is subsidised

>> No.14506031

Fuking kek

>> No.14506305

you are supposed to become lactose intolerant (not allergic) as you get older and start weaning. agriculture changed that for white people, so maybe there's some weird mutation that makes the intolerance occur earlier

>> No.14506882
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"Garbage In, Garbage Out"

>> No.14506887

>you are supposed to become lactose intolerant (not allergic) as you get older

>> No.14508787

70% of the world is lactose intolerant. It's developmentally normal for most of the world and most mammals. That's why weaning exists.

>> No.14509699

America is the kike's chemical zombie slave pen.

>> No.14509728

>70% of the world is lactose intolerant.
Wrong. Just wrong.

>It's developmentally normal for most of the world and most mammals.

Wrong, but most mammals are not able to get milk after adolescence. If they could, they certainly would, since it is the only perfect complete food in nature.

>That's why weaning exists.
Wrong. Weaning exists to save the calories of the mother so she may breed again and raise more young.

Just quit. If you are this stupid, you will never achieve enlightenment.

>> No.14509988

That company is literally owned by Blackrock.

>> No.14510117
File: 392 KB, 1200x1601, 1619060950303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corn syrup (sugar), onions, onions, sugar, onions, onions, onions, onions (onions)
gee i wonder who could be behind such a thing