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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14494184 No.14494184 [Reply] [Original]

How do we solve the Racist AI Problem?

>> No.14494188

Reminder: this technology needs to be tightly regulated to avoid the AGI apocalypse. (Also to avoid private citizens using it to notice all kinds of funny patterns that scientists don't approve of)

>> No.14494191

How can AI identify a social construct that doesn't exist in reality?

>> No.14494192
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>How can AI identify a social construct that doesn't exist in reality?
These Ben Shapiro parroting retards are worse than troons and leftists at this point.

>> No.14494198

Haha, yeah, very funny.

Fortunately, someone pointed out the problem in the comments.

>That is some serious racebaiting. 90% is poor accuracy in the Context of BILLIONs of people. POOR. And how much of it even is actually racial and not byproducts of habits/living conditions different communities of people exist in? North and South Koreans have huge bone structure differences despite being of the same ethnic group.

Figures. It doesn't mean anything. Just racists dogwhistling at each other.

>> No.14494199

Oh, you weren't even being ironic. The absolute state of this board.

>> No.14494211

90% accuracy isn't low and the absolute number of people doesn't matter... weird comment

>> No.14494213
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>scientists have no idea how

>> No.14494216

>AI can recognize lungs of someone who can't breathe

>> No.14494221

>Then, the tags were removed...
So they tested that on the training set instead of new data? Really?

>> No.14494223

I'd guess that this is just shitty reporting.

>> No.14494229

How is that even possible? The AI would have to have been programed now there are differences to be a learn them.

Stop clicking on dumb click bait articles.

>> No.14494233

>The AI would have to have been programed now there are differences to be a learn them.
Yeah, it says in the article that training data had xrays from different parts of the body labeled with different metadata, one of them was race.

>> No.14494234
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Scientist know why, but saying so will get you fired, because the feminist liberal progressives that run modern universities see race as a social construct.

Shut up, and do not tell the king he has no clothes.

>> No.14495016

Is this the schizo who was spelling "highschool" as one word a day or two ago?

>> No.14495024

>ben shapiro
No one on this board cares about this person other than you

>> No.14495139

What is the actual accuracy?
I figure it isnt hard to tell apart some races based on average heights, there might be other factors like width, limb length, etc. Do blacks have longer limbs?

>> No.14495144

Didnt reveal to authorities but as a facebook post

>> No.14495756

>North and South Koreans have huge bone structure differences despite being of the same ethnic group.
Does that really matter if it can still identify them as Asian?

>> No.14496021

I don't know but it sounds like he gave you PTSD, which makes him even more based.

>> No.14496086
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Did they have any Middle Eastern in the sample size? What was the key difference the A.I found?
This better not be click bait?

>> No.14496345
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big deal, a first year anthropolgy student could do this

>> No.14496380
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>> No.14496398
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>North and South Koreans have huge bone structure differences despite being of the same ethnic group.
what the FUCK am I reading?

>> No.14496447


Extreme malnutrition in NK causes fucked up skeletons?

>> No.14496465

they don't have fucked up anything
they look exactly the fucking same as Worst Koreans
nigger must have picture his Kpop thots, with half of their faces sawed off, and thought that's how they were born like

>> No.14496493

I don't get this?

>> No.14496496

Sounds like evolution decided to skip you.

>> No.14496506

malnutrition causes fucked up skeletons?

>> No.14496516

It causes your skeleton to be thin.

>> No.14496553
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you got owned.

>> No.14496557

facts don't care about your feels.

>> No.14496561

I'm doubtful if this screencap tells the full story.

>> No.14496564

>meds status: untaken

>> No.14496568

they genuinely look like aliens wtf

>> No.14496583

They are smaller and less dense

>> No.14496599

chunky chinks

>> No.14496613

South Koreans are 6 inches taller than north Koreans but its all foot and head fat, their skeketons are identical

>> No.14496617
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Flatter faces
More room for brain, skull
Less mandibular prognathism compared to whites
Higher average IQs.

>> No.14496706

>muh environmental factors must account for 100% of biological differences!! :^)
I love how these political correct faggots are returning back to lamarckism just like the commies did back in the days of the USSR. New dark age incoming.

>> No.14496721

I love the future. AI are going to fix all the problems.

>> No.14496730
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>AI are going to fix all the problems

>> No.14496735

But anon, we are one race, the human race. I just see a bunch of doctors and engineers.
Now how can we punish the AI for seeing things that don't exist?

>> No.14496745

What a retard-tier take. AI classifies things into categories invented by humans. Don't teach the AI a category and it won't "see" it.

>> No.14496752

>I don't see apples and pears; all I see is round objects

>> No.14496756

Did some part of my objectively correct post confuse you?

>> No.14496763

Not at all. I simply wanted to take that logic to its final conclusion.
Categories exist because we have observed them. Therefor they exist.

>> No.14496769

>Categories exist because we have observed them
Categories "exist" because we invent them. AI doesn't "see" those categories unless we teach it to. How is this difficult for you to process?

>> No.14496779

>Categories "exist" because we invent them
No, we observe them.
Or are you, now, actually saying apples and pears differ only because WE invented differences?

>AI doesn't "see" those categories unless we teach it to
I already said I understood this part.

>> No.14496790

>No, we observe them.
Same difference, literally.

>Or are you, now, actually saying apples and pears differ only because WE invented differences?
We invented categories around specific differences that stand out to us. Of course the categories are going to reflect those differences. This is entirely tautological.

>I understood this part.
Then you understand how AI doesn't know anything about any "race" without specific human intervention.

>> No.14496822

>that stand out to us.
That exist. We don't invent them (id est: cause them to exist), we observe them.

>Then you understand how AI doesn't know anything
Yes, AI don't know anything, cannot understand anything. They are nothing but a glorified, automated calculator. Lucky for them, everything can be quantified.

>without specific human intervention
An alien could have put it in, for all care. Or do you think such alien species will not have a fondness for categories as we do?

>> No.14496836
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Man, you sure are fucking stupid.

>> No.14496845
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>> No.14496847

Since race pretty much does not exists and is social construct then i can identify as black and say NIGGER as much as i want.

>> No.14496848

Yeah, just call me back when you develop a capacity for basic reflection.

>> No.14496851

>AI classifies things into categories invented by humans. Don't teach the AI a category and it won't "see" it.
What a brilliant yet simple idea. How could no one thought of this before?

>> No.14496852

Its not that its just about privacy of any patient. Like when people realize that by the sounds emited when marking a phone number one can reconstruct the old number. Those things exists wether you like it or dont, you have to know that such a thing can happen and understand it to be able to exert full control of information

>> No.14496853

>What a brilliant yet simple idea.
It really is, and yet it seems to elude braindead """"culture warriors""" like you.

>> No.14496856

>and yet it seems to elude braindead """"culture warriors""" like you.
And apparently everyone else under the sun

>> No.14496862

Depends. If it's unsupervised (I don't think this would happen in supervised) then the AI effectively creates it's own categories. In this case, something like that happened: they removed metadata that might imply (or explicitly state) race. The AI was still able to categories x-rays based on race. Which implies that there's something about the x-rays that the AI is picking up on. What that thing is, no one knows yet.

>> No.14496863

What are you even on about? You sound severely undermedicated. If you don't feed it data tagged by race, it doesn't find any correlations with race.

>> No.14496865

>the AI effectively creates it's own categories.
It does, and a distinctly non-human and task-specific way.

>they removed metadata that might imply (or explicitly state) race. The AI was still able to categories x-rays based on race
An obviously self-refuting proposition.

>> No.14496870

Great. You should share this with all the undermedicated scientists who are making these AIs. Hopefully with your help they will be able to stop the scourge of racist robots once and for all.

>> No.14496872

What these "scientists" are so upset about is that the AI finds correlations with race in data tagged by race, brainlet.

>> No.14496874

So you admit race exists.

>> No.14496876

I wasn't making any comments on the validity or usefulness or race in the first place. There is literally no difference between leftoid progressives and the /pol/ counterculture at this point. Intellectually indistinguishable, distinctly nonhuman, aphantasic drones on both sides.

>> No.14496880

Not really. What they're surprised at is that (based on no metadata, only the image) AI can predict race. The thought is that this might mean that the AI picks up on racial bias if used in a diagnostic setting. I don't think you understand the point of this study, or its methods, or its implications.

>> No.14496881

>AI finds correlations with race in data tagged by race
Just don't tag data by race. Simple. Are you undermedicated or what?

>> No.14496883

Because unsupervised learning means that it'll still be able to find those characteristics in data without those tags.

>> No.14496884

Ahh yes, the militant-moderate, in full display.
I would wager your favourite film is 'The Big Lebowski'. If not, go watch it, I'll wager, again, you'll love it.

'let the intelligent elite run things and you'll have utopia. It fell flat on its foolish face of course. Because the pursuit of science, despite its social benefits, is itself not a social virtue; its practitioners can be men so self-centered as to be lacking in social responsibility'.
- Robert A. Heinlein

>> No.14496885

>What they're surprised at is that (based on no metadata, only the image) AI can predict race.
Again, a self-refuting proposition by default. Making a decent guess about about whatever parameter based on a groid's face doesn't imply anything about the AI having a concept of race. It's just you and your moronic culture war counterparts reading your politics into the behavior of a fucking bot that by definition cannot have any concept of race from untagged data.

Holy shit, the degree of your mental illness.

>> No.14496888

>t. retarded white groid
You will never be human.

>> No.14496889

So it will still be able to identify race even if you don't teach it what race is. Interesting.

>Making a decent guess about about whatever parameter based on a groid's face doesn't imply anything about the AI having a concept of race
Nobody is saying otherwise you dum dum

>> No.14496897

>Nobody is saying otherwise
So you concede that the AI doesn't know anything about any race. Good. Discussion closed. You're reading your own classifications into the output. The bot probably uses much finer morphological classifications than your retarded mind is capable of contemplating, and you and your leftoid counterparts reduce that into "hurr he blacc!"

>> No.14496898

>AI having a concept of race.
Yeah sure, it's an AI, it doesn't have a concept of anything. The point is that there's clearly something in the bones of people that means you can, based on nothing but (say) an x-ray of someone's chest correctly categorise that people's race 90% of the time.

Or in other words the AI, by itself, created categories for different people based on their bones. And thae categories seem to correspond to the human concept of race.

>> No.14496899

See >>14496897 and kill yourself.

>> No.14496906

>So it will still be able to identify race even if you don't teach it what race is.
Yeah, that was the point of the study. They're worried that an AI will use race as part of a diagnostic criteria in places where it would be inappropriate. There are appropriate places for that (heart disease, sickle cell for instance), but they're (imo rightly) that using race in places where the underlying illness isn't racially biased might lead to misdiagnosis. Because current AI, while quite cool, isn't that intelligent.

>> No.14496907

>So you concede that the AI doesn't know anything about any race
You previously said "Making a decent guess about about whatever parameter based on a groid's face"
If this is your idea of "not knowing anything about race" then fine, I concede it gladly.

>The bot probably uses much finer morphological classifications than your retarded mind is capable of contemplating, and you and your leftoid counterparts reduce that into "hurr he blacc!"
It's fascinating to think that someone typed this sentence and then tough to himself what a good point he made. huh

>> No.14496909

AI doesn't know anything about anything, it doesn't have a conscience.
You're the only one here assuming people think it does.

The title of the article is clearly saying that 'AI can spot differences in humans of different races', not that it can literally fathom race as a concept.
Again, nobody ever thought AI had a conscience and you are retarded for thinking people did.

>> No.14496910

>It's fascinating to think that someone typed this sentence
This sentence destroys your shit-tier /pol/ regurgitating, which is why it will remain unchallenged and unaddressed.

>> No.14496911

Read and re-read >>14496897 until your demonstrably nonhuman NPC mind comprehends what that post is saying.

>> No.14496912
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>more than head-or-tails accuracy on a 4x4 pixel image
fucking cunts must be over-fitting like hell

>> No.14496914

But that's (>>14496897) wrong retard. AI doesn't have a concept of race any more than it has one of "language". But it can categorise. Reread what I wrote, the point is that the AI (with no external data) is able to create categorise that map to what people would call race.

>> No.14496916 [DELETED] 

You will never be human. You will always be a vile corporate goylem.

>> No.14496917

>Yeah, that was the point of the study. They're worried that an AI will use race as part of a diagnostic criteria in places where it would be inappropriate.
That's not really what is said in the article.

>but they're (imo rightly) that using race in places where the underlying illness isn't racially biased might lead to misdiagnosis.
How would it lead to misdiagnosis? If some illness isn't racially biased then what does it matter if it wrongly identifies someone's race?

>> No.14496918

yeah lol you can believe this if you want

>> No.14496919
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Read and re-read >>14496909 until your demonstrably nonhuman NPC mind comprehends what that post is saying.

Also, only leftist scum say 'toid'.
Of course, the lefitst lies of his alligiences and acts the part of neutral. Or maybe he genuinly belives it.

>> No.14496922

LOL. Actual 80 IQ white niggers. Yes, please keep playing into this narrative that AI validates your racial memes so that the subhumans who wrote that article in the first place could have their way and "regulate" it. Utter imbeciles.

>> No.14496928

>How would it lead to misdiagnosis?
Because the AI might not know that it's not racially biased. I think they're more worried about it correctly classifying someone's race and then the AI using that to promote an illness that is racially biased.

Does that make sense? I'm thinking something like if a black dude comes in to the ER with like emphysema or something and the doctor AI uses the fact that he's black to recommend sickle cell over emphysema. Night never happen, but I think a scenario like that is what some people are worried about.

>> No.14496930

>Yes, please keep playing into this narrative that AI validates your racial memes
I mean, you haven't said anything that should lead anyone to believe otherwise so yeah I will play into this "narrative"

>> No.14496935

>please ignore race forever and never pay it any attention! this is the TRUE path to being right-wing. The other path (id est: seeing race) is actually what the leftists want you to do!
Uh huh, yeah.

You know, I have to commend you leftists for convincing right-wingers to ask police for their names since I KNOW this is what leftists want, for they LOVE to dox people. The police constantly bash commies, there was no benefit to right-wingers for adopting this culture.
But I'll have to foil your plan here. Luckily, I'm not omnipresent and, thus, unable to foil all your attempts.
However, I do hope that, one day, I may execute you in painful fashion for the harm you cause society.

Hegelian Dialectics will play its course.


>> No.14496938

Thought experiment time, white nigger: you take an AI that's supposed to diagnose propensity for genetic diseases and you feed it tons and tons of images of Africans, to the point that you can feed it the photo of a random groid and it can tell you what specific genetic diseases he is prone to based on some weird facial morphological features that correlate with some obscure genetic disorder resulting from the inbreeding of some specific tribe in the Congo that his ancestors came from. Leftoids now come in and screech that this proves that they were right all along, that the concept of race is a primitive social construct, and that you need to go to some arbitrary and humanly infeasible level of granularity to make biologically accurate judgments. Now what? You subhuman shitters will keep injecting your arbitrary politics into it just like the trained monkeys that you are; meanwhile the AI doesn't actually have any concept of any of the things you read into its behaviors and doesn't give a shit. Human categories are human inventions. Keep them in the human sphere, mongoloid.

>> No.14496940

Not reading your post. See >>14496938 and then kill yourself, white nigger.

>> No.14496942
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>Now what?
Easy, my friend.

Execute the leftists.

Problem solved.
This is, by fact, the most efficient course of action. I would like you to claim otherwise, if you can.

>> No.14496946

>Execute the leftists.
Well, you might as well get started, you actual retard, because AI will never actually repudiate your belief system any more than it will theirs.

>> No.14496956
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You asked me to solve your problem:
>Leftoids now come in and screech that this proves that they were right all along, that the concept of race is a primitive social construct, and that you need to go to some arbitrary and humanly infeasible level of granularity to make biologically accurate judgments. Now what?

I answered.
It seems you are unable to refute it. For executing leftists IS the most efficient solution to that problem.
The fact that you now attempt to play the neutral actor again shows, to me, you are indeed an insidious leftist yourself, attempting to subterfuge the minds of right-wingers.

>> No.14496957

>It seems you are unable to refute it.
You are a literal subhuman monkey and you should be the rest in the line to get shot. This level of mental retardation is off the charts.

>> No.14496969

Why does every thread on /sci/ turn into this

>> No.14496971

>meanwhile the AI doesn't actually have any concept of any of the things you read into its behaviors and doesn't give a shit
Why are you repeating things everyone already agreed on? Genuinely what's your problem?

>> No.14496977

I'm glad you fully concede that AI does not repudiate the concept of race, and will only serve to undermine it the more powerful it gets. Keep being a useful idiot for the people you hate, and taking the blame for why they need to "regulate" and control le heckin' racist AI.

>> No.14496982

>I'm glad you fully concede that AI does not repudiate the concept of race
I never argued otherwise but whatever, keep pretending that you changed my mind if that make you feel better

> Keep being a useful idiot for the people you hate, and taking the blame for why they need to "regulate" and control le heckin' racist AI.
Yes, evil leftists actually want people to talk about race. How could I not see it before?

>> No.14496984

>But anon, we are one race, the human race.
What about NASCAR?

>> No.14496987

>I never argued otherwise
Nice backpedal.

>Yes, evil leftists actually want people to talk about race. How could I not see it before?/
No, they really, really don't want people to think about race, which is why they keep screeching about it day in and day out and injecting it into everything. They especially don't want people to think about race in connection with AI, which is why they keep screeching about that. They are shaking in terror. The know the day of the rope is coming when people find out how AI proves that race is objective, which is why they keep shoving it in the face of normies. There's no way this moral panic, and all the other AI-related scaremongering currently going on, has any agenda behind it, like making sure the "right" entities get a monopoly on controlling a world-changing technology. Imbecile. Truly disgusting that your subhuman parents were allowed to breed. Lower than a nigger.

>> No.14496990

I'm not reading your wall of text retard lol
You didn't say anything meaningful in this whole thread

>> No.14496992

This post reeks of a leftist trying to speak like a right-winger.

>> No.14496993

No one cares. I didn't write it for you. I don't consider you human.

>> No.14496995

>No one cares. I didn't write it for you.
yeah sure you didn't lol

>> No.14496996

>Phrenology no longer pseudoscience, AI confirms

>> No.14497000

Only the insults are addressed specifically to you goylems. Everything else is for the occasional non-monkeys scrolling through this thread to whom it may not have occurred why actively playing into the """concerns""" expressed by this article is a bad idea. The only rational response is to tell these people that they're schizophrenic for injecting race into everything.

>> No.14497002

The only rational response is to execute lefitsts.
Can't even refute it.

>> No.14497004

You're not executing anyone, incel. You're getting censored, fired, censored, force-injected etc. Your kind only knows how to lose, and you're losing to a bunch of soichildren and hormonally imbalanced women.

>> No.14497005

>he still has to have the last word

>> No.14497007

>white nigger gets absolutely BTFO
>can't let it go

>> No.14497013

how did you btfo me I didn't read it

>> No.14497015

>white nigger thinks getting BTFO depends on whether or not it realizes what happened

>> No.14497020

Your interpretation of what others say is getting better with each passing day my dude. Keep it up.

>> No.14497023

The right just took away abortion

>> No.14497029

Pffff. As if your screeching had anything at all to do with it. I'm still waiting to see what purpose these political machinations actually serve, since it's a given that you only know how to lose, and can't accomplish anything except as a setup to fail.

>> No.14497030

I don't know what you're talking about
I'm just saying the right just took away abortion and Musk just bought Twitter
Also I have a girlfriend and I'm smarter and better looking than you

>> No.14497033

Take your meds, incel.

>> No.14497034
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>My fellow right-wingers, we should stop talking about race altogether, it's the only to defeat the left
The absolute state of shitlibs on this board

>> No.14497035

Stop projecting, schizo incel.
Your posts are not making sense.

>> No.14497037

>severely undermedicated

>> No.14497038

Maybe if you finally get a job, you could save up some money for a lower jaw surgery. :^)

>> No.14497041

I dont understand what youre talking about.

>> No.14497044

>90% is low accuracy

>> No.14497051

What the fuck is going on in this thread

>> No.14497058

There is no racist AI problem, there is a uniformity problem in society. It's literally in the data

>> No.14497059

/pol/niggers think they're owning the libs by playing into the retarded narrative that AI cares about race.

>> No.14497061

These people are literally retarded

>> No.14497062

Of course you don't

>> No.14497066

You're not clever and you have nothing of substance to say.

>> No.14497068

>white nigger gets no reaction
>decides to reply to his own post to save face

>> No.14497069

stfu undermedicated subhuman monkey, do you seriously not see how you would be owning Soros by never talking about race??! I am very intelligent

>> No.14497070

AI doesn't care about anything but your shit for brains conspiracy that this is all a conspiracy to try to monopolize AI is also braindead retarded and I suspect you're a false flagger.

>> No.14497071

And you added 0 to the conversation

>> No.14497073
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at least we see who really is undermedicated here lol

>> No.14497088

I like how you're trying to imply I ever associated myself with your subhuman """right-wing""" or pretended to be allied with you in your corporate-manufactured """culture war""" fight against le hecking """left-wing"""". You are a certified subhuman goylem if identify with either side of this left-right circus politics turd sandwitch. I'm just telling you subhuman white niggers that you need to stop playing into the moral hysteria your supposed opponents keep trying to generate because the more you do it, the more the more you legitimize their pretext to politicize AI research.

>> No.14497090

The people who use @ instead of >> ?
Like were you seriously trying to reply to that post or are you trying to prove you're a fuckin retard who doesn't even know to click the numbers?

>> No.14497091

huh, what numbers dude?

>> No.14497092
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>your shit for brains conspiracy
Oh, now I see why you niggers keep actively playing into it.

>> No.14497094

>I like how you're trying to imply
I'm not implying anything, I am directly telling you that you are a moron and your conspiracy that this is a long con to try to "make sure AI is only controlled by the right people" is dogshit retarded and nothing you're writing is of substance.

>> No.14497096

Wrong post, subhuman nigger monkey. I meant to reply to this faggot: >>14497069

>> No.14497101

>there's something about the x-rays that the AI is picking up on. What that thing is, no one knows yet
...racial traits?

>> No.14497103
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>..racial traits?

>> No.14497108

Are you genuinely schizophrenic

>> No.14497116

You are literally a paid shill or an NPC of the lowest rung 4chan has ever seen. Imagine screeching about """conspiracy theories""" when these people explicitly, publicly demand the control I say they are after.

>> No.14497120

They do not. Every company on the planet has an AI department and is running regressions and building neural networks and deep learning models.
You are a retard.

>> No.14497126
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>blatant denial of reality continues
LOL. Like I said, you are either sitting in some shill farm or you are a bot in human flesh. Either way, I don't consider your likes to be human. Screech some more about how I'm a schizo if it makes you feel better but you will never have human value.

>> No.14497137

There is no active effort to regulate AI research

>> No.14497150
File: 95 KB, 1036x627, 23425236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Powerful digital tools using artificial intelligence (AI) software are helping in the fight against COVID-19, and have the potential to improve the world in many other ways. However, as AI seeps into more areas of daily life, it’s becoming clear that its misuse can lead to serious harm, leading the UN to call for strong, international regulation of the technology.

>The Biden administration must prioritize and address all the ways that AI and technology can exacerbate racial and other inequities.

>Between the U.S.'s laissez-faire and China's dirigiste approaches, the EU is intent on carving out a “third way” for AI regulation that boosts innovation but respects “European values,” including privacy and human rights. But activists and academics fear the rules will not consider the communities most at risk of AI-based discrimination — people of color.

Etc. etc. etc. ad nauseum. You will respond with more denial, once again showing the relevance of picrel. You are not human and will not be considered as such when the time comes to sort all of this out.

>> No.14497159

Assblasted libtard suffering a massive meltdown over his mental gymnastics in an attempt to explain race doesn't exist (LOL) despite AI being able to predict race even when it's been untagged from the samples.

>> No.14497161

>/pol/nigger literally hallucinating every detail of his headcanon recounting of events

>> No.14497180

>falling for Bezmenov meme
that guy is a literal fraud, he was not even in KGB

>> No.14497181

LOL at this desperate deflection.

>> No.14497182

So where's the actual regulation?

>> No.14497186

LOL. You just can't make this stuff up. Like I said, either a paid shill or a literal bot in human flesh. There is no reasoning with these "people", only violence.

>> No.14497200

the UN has no power and neither does the ACLU. What bills have congress written to regulate ai research?
In the real world there is no regulation. AI research is moving forward on all fronts with no regulation
You are not a human btw

>> No.14497212

Evidently someone has never lived around niggers before.

>> No.14497217

See >>14497200
Funny thing is, there are leaked documents showing that subhumans like you are actively funneled into 4chan to stifle discussions with these insane loops of denial and pilpul and discourage legitimate users. People should keep at eye out for this pattern of behavior.

>> No.14497222

Evidently you're a fucking NPC like the rest of your crew, so you hallucinate that I'm "denying race" or whatever it is you're all asshurt about, even though it has nothing to do with what I was actually pointing out.

>> No.14497223

It's a very simple question. What law is being drafted to regulate AI research? This is not pilpul dipshit its a direct question

>> No.14497242
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Okay nigger lover. Go live with them if you love them so much <3

>> No.14497251

Like I said, there is no discussion to be had with your kind. You need to have your face stomped it with a boot if you publicly express any of these opinions. Your desperate attempt to gaslight and move the goalpost isn't gonna work here. Here is what I said:

>Imagine screeching about """conspiracy theories""" when these people explicitly, publicly demand the control I say they are after.
And here are examples of them publicly demanding this control: >>14497150

Of course, the purpose of your sharting here is to create the vague impression that you're countering something, not to actually convince me of anything, so every time you reply, your rhetoric will be ignored and my point will be reiterated. :^)

>> No.14497256

You are literally the same trash as >>14497223; a paid shill or one of the subhumans getting funneled into the chan with the explicit intent to ruin it.

>> No.14497265
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>> No.14497268

Literally no difference between you and a nigger. An AI would file you and a nigger under the same category for any practical intent or purpose.

>> No.14497270

>there are leaked documents showing that subhumans like you are actively funneled into 4chan to stifle discussions with these insane loops of denial and pilpul and discourage legitimate users
You can see them in every thread, for every argument, no matter how trivial it is, there's always some retard that MUST defend something well past the point of being spoonfed why he's wrong.

>> No.14497275
File: 1.94 MB, 1002x568, funwblacks6-cell-service.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like. literally. like. trash. like. literally. like. i. like. hate. like. literal. niggers. like. literally.

>> No.14497276

Why are they like this? Surely it can't be just IQ

>> No.14497278

too bad

>> No.14497280

lol whitey BTFO

>> No.14497286
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>> No.14497289

Yep. If you run into them, simply keep restating your point until they go away. Their only tactic is to make it look like they've refuted something by deflecting and muddling the conversation until the original point is forgotten. If you simply repost it, all their effort is for nothing.

>> No.14497297
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Genetic predisposition for low impulse control, high time preference and aggressive behavior. Among other things

>> No.14497298

lol whitey won't even protect its own spawns. it was probably the white mommy or daddy filming to fap to it later. with their racial domination fetish

>> No.14497300
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>> No.14497314

>be whitey
>steal african babies from their african cribs
>african babies grow up and BTFO whitey
>m-m-m-m-m-muh 50%!!!!
Raparashuns. In blood.

>> No.14497317

>>steal african babies from their african cribs
This is the most based thing white devils never done

>> No.14497323
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Bold of you to think I'd want an ugly, kinky haired niglet.

>> No.14497328

You'd diddle both of them, whiteboi.

>> No.14497333
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>> No.14497389

I feel like we're going to live in world were instead of old men running things it's different AIs with vastly different goals competing

>> No.14497427

Yeah. Fortunately I've had plenty of experience arguing with dumbfucks who actually forget the original point of a discussion, so I restate my point often, and generally it works. But these faggots are unlike anything else, it's like they make an effort to not understand, i.e. they're shills.

>> No.14497447

So no bills to regulate AI research.
I accept your full concession

>> No.14497701
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>> No.14497738
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>> No.14497776

>steal patients confidential medical information and use for your own pet projects
>surprised pikachu face when fired

>> No.14497871

based. Woke /soi/entists BTFO

>> No.14497884

Kid on the right looks like a fucking alien, gross

>> No.14497892

Is this from a south african farm

>> No.14497909

Let me guess, bone density and alignment is racial.

>> No.14498138

>The AI would have to have been programed
>calling other dumb

oh the irony

>> No.14498877
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What is unsupervised learning?

>> No.14498879
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What is unsupervised learning? brainlet

>> No.14498883

No AI would even come up with the concept of race unless you teach it to it first

>> No.14498964
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race is just a clustering/classification problem, which AI has been trained to do for decades

>> No.14499008

My coworker lived in sweden and his wife was a dentist who said the same thing.

Saying that 80% of migrant children patients are not actually children doesnt reveal private information. Revealing private information would be like releasing a specific identifiable persons records, like "Joe Schmo came in to my office" or something like that. If have to be able to identify who the patient is.

Commenting on patients generally, or even a particular patient anonymously ("I had a patient once who..") isnt violating anyones privacy. Like last time I was visiting my doctor he commenting on the effects of covid on his patients, mentioning patients occupation and their symptoms. He didnt violate anyones privacy, because I dont know who any of those people are, and I have no way of finding out.

>> No.14499015

Why wouldnt a computer classify people into the biological groups that actually exist?

People dont see race just because. We see race because its real. People with different ancestry are different.

>> No.14499017

>aliens know more about intrahuman morphology than humans
aliens are real!

>> No.14499020

> and scientists have no idea how
this is just unimportant pop sci wording, not the actual scientific dilemma, right?
the ai just picks up on stuff like
> asian people are 10% more likely to eat with chopsticks causing 2% increased musculature in right arm leading to 1% increase in bone density and 5 extra white dots on the canvas, on average
doesn't it? isn't "what's it noticing" a bad question to ask?

>> No.14499057

That's the thing - when a neural network is trained, it's not obvious how that particular combination of weights works because of the complexity.

>> No.14499112

The meme is that jews exist

>> No.14499538
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how did AI figure it all out bro

>> No.14499584

>90% is poor accuracy in the Context of BILLIONs of people
That's retarded, like it actually works the opposite being that if it has 90% accuracy for billions of people then it can accurately predict billions of people
>how much of it even is actually racial and not byproducts of habits/living conditions different communities of people exist in?
It would know, and you would know. We'd all know.
>North and South Koreans have huge bone structure differences despite being of the same ethnic group.
It would say "Asian" then move onto the next person
>Figures. It doesn't mean anything. Just racists dogwhistling at each other.
Argh I wanna shoot this faggot in the head, if he has a brain that works he should know how disingenuous he sounds

>> No.14499615

This gif is racist

>> No.14499678

To the absolute dipshit who decided to respond to everybody else in this thread about some retarded "conspiracy to regulate AI" or something, I hate how obviously dumb and probably disingenuous you are. Here's what you've said and I will provide the correct truth:
>the AI could see race despite the data not being tagged
You do realise that ethnic data is taken from patients and used for research and they used that data in tandem with the x-rays right? They're not using random Africans, their race was already tagged
>ethnicity could be used for the AI to make incorrect assumptions based on biases, like using a condition only found in an African tribe for an African American
Yeah but it's an AI and will have been given data (like place of birth) to correct its "biases" if it's programmed to, like oh yeah an AI brought to market just diagnosed Dayquan (a Michigan resident) with Mbutuktuk Bone Syndrome and somehow this obvious flaw that this syndrome only exists in Uganda was just MISSED by the guys who had to prove their tech works to the people who pay for it
>there's an effort to regulate AI
Now this makes sense, but at the same time every time an AI notices something "suspicious" there's always the headline caveats, like ohhhh nooo it was just a bad AI. Sometimes you have to just say "the AI is correct", and this article doesn't do that. Obviously everybody who can wants to regulate AI for their benefit but how does this article prove or disprove your idea that somebody will gain a monopoly? You haven't explained shit you fucking cretin stop making the worst posts on this website.

>> No.14499764

>90% is poor accuracy
that's not how percentages work
even if 10% is millions of people the ai is still accurate for billions of people

>> No.14499928

This but unironically

>> No.14499932
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>retarded nigger can't into science and had to make his own retarded reality

>> No.14499950

>You do realise that ethnic data is taken from patients and used for research and they used that data in tandem with the x-rays right? They're not using random Africans, their race was already tagged
Initially yes, but then
>Then, the tags were removed, along with any possible identifying features – such as skin color, and hair color. For each image, the AI was asked to identify the race of the individual.
>For all areas of the body, the AI was able to identify race with around a 90 percent accuracy, even without any identifying features.

Is it so hard for retards to acknowledge that race exist and that there's identifiable differences between human races?

>> No.14499978

So you're saying they trained the AI on normally available data, and then tested it with even less data and it had a success rate of 90%? Shocking.

You wanna know what's crazy? You're saying almost nothing, your last sentence isn't cognizant, like you're a poker player with shitty cards who is bluffing. You haven't passed the Turing test buddy.

>> No.14499989

You make it sound as if it were a bad thing. I for one welcome our A.I overlord. Sucks for you though. Good luck living an unending existence of pain. Ameno Ameno Domine.

>> No.14500098

>Scientist know why, but saying so will get you fired
It's just journalese for 'the researchers were unable to identify the specific cues on which the AI relied'.

>> No.14500149

It's impossible to regulate math in any real capacity so good luck with that lol.

>> No.14500297
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>> No.14500320

Meds ASAP. You're arging with imaginary characters in your head masking imaginary points like fully automated NPC.

>> No.14500393

>90% accuracy
what was the class distribution of the dataset? as an extreme example, if 90% were, say, white and the model learned to identify everyone as white, that would yield a 90% accuracy. tell me the AuC, then we can talk.

>> No.14500405

brown hands typed this

>> No.14500415

>t. literal NPC
Remember when /pol/tards at least used to be human?

>> No.14500433
File: 349 KB, 828x471, 7s9ksa9fTexsdYaEz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shitskin admits hes a shitskin
many such cases

>> No.14500451

>literal NPC admits that it experiences no qualia

>> No.14500470
File: 53 KB, 564x635, 1579062960202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quit sweating shitskin i can smell your brown stench from over here

>> No.14500942

How is determining a race racist? Moreover, the concept of racism is predicated on the concept of race. Just kys, already, black people hate idiots like you.

>> No.14500964
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>> No.14500965

He didn't steal it and it's not private information you pilpuling fucking heeb

>> No.14500981

I'm white and you're 100% psychotic. The funniest thing is that I wasn't even denying the validity or usefulness of racial categories -- it's just that you are a literal NPC programmed to sperg off irrationally whenever you see another member of your herd getting worked up, and you never even stop to evaluate the context. You are truly a nigger-tier lowlife.

>> No.14500986

Your country on tranny juice.

>> No.14501229

>Hard working
It's unethical to work hard for your enemies
Most people aren't "loyal"

>> No.14501545
File: 2.93 MB, 640x470, funwblacks43-denny.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant wait when you get curb stomped by a nigger, race traitor
i thought i smelled a horrid stench. found the shitskin

>> No.14501580
File: 60 KB, 800x450, 1651111264806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks I'm brown

>> No.14501590

we make it stupid and illogical the way they did with humans

>> No.14501629

>In another display that AI can see things that humans inherently can’t
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh wow

>> No.14501645


>> No.14501719

I find it funny when AI figures out something that was common knowledge for thousands of years and the cuck engineers are absolutely shocked