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/sci/ - Science & Math

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14494974 No.14494974 [Reply] [Original]

4chan is about to be shut down using the same mechanism which originally shut down 8niggers.
What are our best options if this comes to pass?

>> No.14495070
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>> No.14495071

Or just force internet providers into linking ID with your IP address. Things will change, I reckon, once we have a system where every single internet connection is linked to a name that is legally responsible for all the data that goes in and out. Of course, we would have to make that global or do it like China and effectively route all internet traffic first through a giant 'firewall'. Anyway, I'm in support of that. It is imperative that people have as little freedom as possible. Humans are born to be slaves.

>> No.14495075

4chan isn't going anywhere

>> No.14495110

Fed will seethe

>> No.14495114

How does the "4chan is a scary dark web site" argument still hold in 2022 AD? This place is old enough to vote and as far as mainstream appeal goes the blue boards are basically reddit without accounts. I'm not too worried about 4chan. reddit has plenty of neo-nazi boards and plenty of mass shooters were regulars there but it's still around.

>> No.14495123

Frankly, it's not any different from blaming violence on 'video games' or 'mental illness'. Whatever comes in handy so people don't have to reflect on themselves.

>> No.14495132

>This place is old enough to vote and as far as mainstream appeal goes the blue boards are basically reddit without accounts.
If you actually try using reddit you'll find that this absolutely is not the case.

>Video games don't cause violence
This is the reddit manchild opinion

>> No.14495135
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>reposting bait directly from /pol/
I fucking hate you people sometimes.

>> No.14495136

it doesn't, even retarddit started copying 4chan posts and 4chan has shills that does the same.
0 novelty on any public facing forums.
Something something globalism and global consciousness.

>> No.14495143

don't forget, you're here forever.
damn that yukari's smug as fuck

>> No.14495156

It's about /pol/ and Trump, they're trying to make everyone pay for allowing Trump to win the elections, they can't allow that happening ever again as they're scared.

>> No.14495188

Just delete /pol/.

It should never have come back.

>> No.14495220

Stop giving these shits attention.

>> No.14495295
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>> No.14495305

>nooooo, let us keep sheeple brainwashed!

>> No.14495416

>How does the "4chan is a scary dark web site" argument still hold in 2022 AD? This place is old enough to vote and as far as mainstream appeal goes the blue boards are basically reddit without accounts. I'm not too worried about 4chan. reddit has plenty of neo-nazi boards and plenty of mass shooters were regulars there but it's still around.
Because the biggest board nowadays is frankly that cancerous dumpsterfire called /pol/ and not edgy but mostly harmless /b/.

>> No.14495426

by that logic shut down CNN , black racists shoot up a station just a month ago.

>> No.14495432

who cares

>> No.14495449

Never bought into schizo conspiracy theories before, but the way 4chan is being explicitly targeted via this "manifesto" seems way too convenient. Not doubting the guy did the deed but the manifesto seems fake. It appears to have been written the way a dyed hair liberal would think a 4chaner white supremacist would write one. Its too semantic, too correct, too explicit. Not enough rambling, baseless accusations, strawmen and fallacious reasoning. Its not the sort of batshit insane thing a 4chaner nut would write.

t. read a lot of schizo ramblings over the years.

>> No.14495462

I don't care about these unintelligent losers' "manifestos". They're not kascynzki, they have nothing interesting to say they're just mad retards. However I heard that most of it was filled with unfunny /pol/ memes and wojacks. I get the idea that this guy posted it in the hopes that 4chan would think he's epic and based and /ourguy/ etc. I've read a few greentexts of spergs spotting someone using 4chan on their phone and talking in meme terms with them. Like this guy was really seeking approval from here. Just my interpretation anyway.

>> No.14495594
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cnn is running an anti-4chan hitprice rn

>> No.14495694

it would probably be good for all of us on /sci/, at least those of us with scientific aspirations in real life. i acknowledge that this place is a time waster and i’m only here because i’m addicted. and there actually are no decent alternatives so it would be cold turkey.

OTOH i really don’t think the US gov would actually shut this place down. there are 10+ of media reporting how it’s just an anime board with lots of craziness on /b/ so i think it’s viewed as a teenager free-for-all as opposed to something like 8chud which is explicitly oriented toward extremists and owned by the QAnon larpmasters

>> No.14495697

I read CNN's article. Essentially they just say that they haven't seen 4chan doing shit about the Buffalo content or naughty talk in general. You can still say more or less whatever here, much like you could twenty years ago anywhere on the internet and which you cannot do on just about any other major social media platform today. CNN is seething over this because it means the thought police cannot ensure every word uttered is in accordance with the correct opinion or grounds for stoning.

4chan is not legally responsible for the actions of its users, though they try to paint the site as being at least complicit A large part of enabling 4chan's current existence is that 4chan doesn't rely on normal advertiser revenues, which is what forces the other social media platforms to toe the line even if the law doesn't. So, since they can't suggest anything is done by law enforcement or advertisers, they suggest that service providers should refuse to host 4chan, similarly to what happened with the other incel site whose name appears to be blacklisted.

Of course, as a 4channel user who has no dealings with this weird 4chan site I too support baby killing and the ministry of love.

>> No.14495698

imagine not having real life friends to talk to. fuck this place, good riddance.

>> No.14495721

>imagine not being an npc
the horror

>> No.14495723

actually i wanted to also say that as a semi-oldfag here, who mostly tries to focus on certain science/math topics i enjoy like particle physics and string theory and physics history mostly, that the overall quality is extremely poor and the occasional good post or two i am here for is a needle in a haystack. most threads i instantly know i should not click on because there is just so much trash. in fact it is more common for me to come here and after ignoring most threads to find a pseudoscience thread that is civilized enough where i can make smart aleck pseudoscience rebuttal posts, since that can be fun in its own way. that is literally a more common thing to find here than a decent science thread, which is sad imho. in other words the board culture on actual science by and large is toxic and folks like me who stay here trying to discuss real science in good faith are extremely jaded motherfuckers on the tails of the distribution

>> No.14495730

I grew up in 4chan and I hope it dies soon. I hate this place but keep coming back, If it dies I will finally be free

>> No.14495735

I hope not. They should just ban pol, not the entire website. That's where all the problems come from.

>> No.14495737

sir this is 4channel.

>> No.14495739

they are testing if the masses are actually just not caring about if it's fake news or real news

hint: it is another glow operation

>> No.14495742

do you love yourself even slightly? sincere question lmao

>> No.14495747

>I don't care about these unintelligent losers' "manifestos". They're not kascynzki
Even when they have half a brain, all they do is quote Ted anyway. Only some parts of Ted's manifesto though, the parts that explain how leftists think, but not the anti-technology parts.

>> No.14495754

>"the site exists outside social media norms"
>"social media norms"
Not "societal norms". They're not talking about societal norms, because people saying whatever they want is the American societal norm. That's what 4chan has, just people speaking their mind mostly unfettered. That IS the societal norm, which CNN abhors.

>> No.14495759

Moot tried this and it never worked. they just infest the other boards. /pol/ is a containment board, meaning it is there mostly to keep those folks off the other boards

what’s amazing is how fast that board is. maybe a good solution would be to break /pol/ into a few sub-boards like vidya. you could have /poln/ for nazis, /polt/ for trump, /pollgbt/ for tranny hate, /polnig/ for racists, /polf/ for mgtows and roastie posters, etc etc. maybe that would have the benefit of not only slowing things down and giving them more containment space, but also it would reduce cross-pollination of those different things. like why should there inherently be an alliance between antisemite /pol/ and anti-black pol? and what do either of those things have to do with trannies? (the buffalo shooter seemed to be all mixing those things together in his manifesto it seems. where else do you get that combo?)

>> No.14495760
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i thought you were leaving, why stay if you hate 4chan? good luck elsewhere, its been nice knowing you even though you're angry all the time, goodbye.

>> No.14495801

>/pol/ is a containment board
then why isn't it contained?

>> No.14495810

I like the cut of your gib, old whippersnapper. I am almost exactly the same. Now, join the ONE TRUE FINITE FAITH and your soul will saved from finite damnation. Our sacred mission is to reclaim the HOLY LAND of mathematics for the glory of GOD!
To this end:
All mention of infinity is met with charges of HERESY. I am sure I dont need to tell you what we do to GOD CURSED HERETICS.

>> No.14495814

why are you relying on hearsay? go to 4plebs, search the archive for manifesto pdf and read it yourself
Nobody ever talks about the fact that more than 50 pages of it are detailed sperging about tactical equipment. Everyone acts like it's all racist rants and infographs

>> No.14495817
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Why don't we just colonize Tumblr?

>> No.14495860

This is 4channel.org i don't know what 4chan is?
Is it some off shoot?

>> No.14495866
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Host 4chan on the internet computer

>> No.14495872

absolutely fucking based

>> No.14495877

In addition to this, the recent happenings were, in part, a satiation of blood lust. The more extreme groups can now get off to recent happenings, for a time, until the satiation wears off that is.

>> No.14495883

This is the true solution to Title 230

/sci/ isn't a board worth saving if 4chan went dark, and I say that as a frequent and long-time user. Sounds like an idea a /b/tard or /pol/tard would come up with.

>> No.14495890

>Dirty pair giantess porn, using a plane as a dildo.
Truly the past was a better place.

>> No.14495904

they wont do shit. 4chan is protected by absurd amount of astral beings.

>> No.14495915

It could be done at the ISP level, though I'm not sure how some ISPs did it.
Telstra in Australia used a temporary DNS block on the chans during the NZ incident, which was easy to get around by changing from ISP nameservers to Cloudflare nameservers or whatever.
Optus in Australia used some other kind of block that still worked if you changed nameservers. I doubt they blanket-blocked traffic to Cloudflare IPs, and I doubt they had some TLS SNI filter. Maybe they just inspected all UDP DNS requests to their nameservers or elsewhere -- if so, could get around with DNS over HTTPS (DoH), which some modern browsers support.
Most people will probably just VPN it.

>> No.14495924

Every VPN you can name is banned from posting though.

>> No.14495931

Why can't Hiro just get rid of /pol/?
I didn't even mind the /pol/ before 2016, but since then, it's been a bunch of dumb rednecks, Qniggers, and schizos overestimating their importance.

>> No.14495939

then don't go there

>> No.14495943
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>why can't we get rid of the containment board?
Because they immediately flood into the blue boards and the jannies would neck themselves hard.

>> No.14495944

If push comes to shove I think Hiro will shut down /pol/ to appease the media. I still doubt that will happen though.

>> No.14496190
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>i hate /pol/
>uses the n-word

>> No.14496201

Never heard of it, I only browse 4channel.

>> No.14496222
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NY attorney general Letitia James is probing us at this very moment. Can you feel the excitement?

>> No.14496236

>NY attorney general Letitia James is probing us
That's rape!

>> No.14496262

Got it, normalfags are mad at anything that doesn't follow their way of thinking, they will always try to shutdown places that relies on freedom of speech forcing people to adopt their shit values.

>> No.14496274

I can't help but point out the irony that this is being posted on twitter...