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14484822 No.14484822 [Reply] [Original]

Quetiapine -edition

old >>14461912

We discuss clinical practice and research, DO NOT offer advice (just fucking go see your doctor) make fun of premeds and shitpost. Please keep vaccination/clamping/vitamin K/soliciting advice out of this thread and start your own because it takes a lot of space.

>inb4 not science
>inb4 poor amerimutts wanting medical advice

>> No.14484835
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>anon comes in with sjogren's syndrome
>give him a lethal dose of morphine

>> No.14484903

How did you guys decide which specialization to pursue? I think I resonate with ER because I would like to treat patients most effectively at that very moment. Any ER-resident could give me any advice on the reality of the situation..?

>> No.14484958

is quetiapine really recreational?
I think it's one of the few neuroleptics with an abuse potential

>> No.14484966
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I fucked up ankle while jogging, now it's swollen to twice it's size. Pain is 2 or maybe 3 out of 10 now. I can put weight on it, but it doesn't feel great, I walked 2 kilometers home on it with few issues. Wat do?

>> No.14485028

If something is broken the pain will be unmistakable the next day. You have fucked your meat strings and you need to let them atrophy to their regular length to restore the original tensile properties.

Zero load on the ankle for 6 weeks, low impact loading for at least further 6. Physio and massages every day to keep everything positioned.

Or ask a real life doctor

>> No.14485061

Yeah, I figured as much, thanks. Damn, that's a long time, I hope I'm back in action sooner. Is walking ok or is that not "zero load"?

>> No.14485073

as the man once said

>muh money
contrary to commonly held beliefs, “high earning” specs like surgery usually suck when it comes to hourly compensation, they just work ungodly hours. the real bucks are in private practice, no matter the country and especially running a clinic with other people working for you instead of solo private practice. the best specs for this are the ones with the least initial costs from equipment, ie psych, neuro, fm etc. money earned while young is obviously much much better due to interest and low costs, i.e. no kids, big house, trophy wife etc. sucking up that income.
>muh prestige muh admiration
this will fuel you for a decade tops, after that you won’t give two fucks about being a CT surgeon. and no one else cared in the first place. no, people won’t finally respect you when you become a neurosurgeon. ask anybody old enough and they will confirm it to you. obviously not applicable if you are npd or other kind of looney but you don’t take advice from Laotian imageboards anyways.
>muh adrenaline
pretty much the same, it gets old very fast.
>muh helping people muh saving lives
just stop, reality and bureaucracy will eat you alive. you don’t like helping people, you like the feeling that you are helping, i.e. you can clearly see the effects of your work and quickly solve the patients issue once and for all. most of the time these don’t really come together, which is why dentists have high life satisfaction and inner city psychs kill themselves
just do something you like. if you don’t like anything, it really boils down to finding a job you can tolerate doing until you can retire to eat bugs from a can at 95. if you can’t find that then do whatever earns the best because you can do less of it and still get by.
>ah bloo bloo i don’t know what I like
try more things

>> No.14485078

and most importantly there is no true love nor a perfect spec for you. the faster you realize that choosing the “right” one will not solve most of your problems or bring deep and lasting satisfaction you can get on with your life.

As to EM, what do you mean by
>I would like to treat patients most effectively at that very moment.

>> No.14485084

the schools are not bad, the non-Caribbeans that go to them are.

>> No.14485090

mainly in prisons etc. where you can't get other stuff. also seen it used with stimulants to prevent psychotic symptoms

>> No.14485103

can you inform me what kind of bureaucracy is enforced at hospitals that absolutely tarnish one's soul? I am not interested in having hefty money nor prestige. I just simply enjoy learning the science of life, sometimes I do wonder if being a physician is a career meant for me. But as you said the feeling of helping someone is probably what I desire in this field, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I was hoping that that feeling itself will make me proceed everyday but it could be not the case. I will probably end up hating the field from the organization and or colleagues.

It's true I don't think I will ever know what specialty I would like to pursue until I try everything. However, I see EM as a specialty where you have to treat the patient now and figure out his route of treatment later on (by another expert). And not subsequent meeting with him to figure out his lifelong problems. I think that is also applicable to being a surgeon. I only have gone to EM once and somehow seeing the intern residents treating patients warmed my heart, that is all that I can say about the field.

>> No.14485144

I've heard it induces nightmares with awareness of sleep paralysis when used in low dosages for sleep.

>> No.14485146

>patients: yes/no
>surgery: yes/no/a little
>broad and shallow or narrow and deep scope
>acute vs chronic - constantly new patients vs longitudinal care
>only children/women/old people
>if I'm 40, with a spouse and 3 little children, would I still want this lifestyle (eg 12h night shifts, weekends on duty, constant stress) + is my specialty hospital only or is there an option for private practice/outpatient medicine
>are the bread and butter cases interesting enough until I retire
I'm also interested in EM, but I know that I don't want that stress and shift work all my life, so I'm going to do IM, which includes a 6 month ER rotation in my country.

>> No.14485164

Is drinking tea after eating meat going to reduce the absorbtion of micro and macronutrients from the meat?
When studying pediatrics, they'd say that the tanins in tea bind to iron and reduce the absorbtion, which can cause issues in children. Is the same true in adults?

>> No.14485296
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>Other studies suggest that iron status and absorption is not significantly affected by dietary tannin intake and is found to be highly variable between individuals [227,232].

>The aforementioned concentrations are far greater than regularly consumed through a diverse diet. Delimont and colleagues found that 4-weeks of condensed tannin supplementation (1.5, 0.35 and 0.03 g 3 times/day) had no impact on iron bioavailability or status in premenopausal women [245].

>Tea, one of the richest sources of dietary tannins, may inhibit iron absorption when consumed directly with a nonheme iron-rich meal. In a study of healthy adults, iron absorption was decreased by 37% when tea was consumed with an iron-fortified porridge, however, was not affected when tea was consumed an hour after the meal [246].

>Other factors, such as gender and baseline iron status, may also influence the impact of tannins on iron parameters. In a study investigating the effects of green and black tea on iron status of omnivores and vegetarians, 1 L of black tea/day for four-weeks (with meals) resulted in significantly lower ferritin levels only in omnivorous females, but no effects were observed in omnivorous males [247]. Green tea had no influence on ferritin levels in omnivorous and vegetarian females. In females with low baseline ferritin (<25 μg/L), both green and black tea significantly reduced ferritin levels [247].


>> No.14485298

>Tannins are not consumed alone, but in combination with thousands of other bioactives, including ascorbic acid. Potential inhibitory effects of tannins may be offset by the inclusion of 30 mg of ascorbic acid [248,249,250]. This may explain why human epidemiological studies investigating iron deficiency anemia are unable to demonstrate any correlations between dietary tannin intake and iron-deficiency anemia.

>Although some studies have found that tannins may interfere with iron absorption when consumed in isolation, other studies investigating whole diets demonstrate otherwise. Harmful (and even beneficial) effects of an individual, isolated compound or phytochemical are often quite different than when the same compound is within the complex food matrix. For this reason, epidemiological evidence has not demonstrated any correlation between iron status and flavanol intake. Ascorbic acid, present in many tannin-rich foods, may further enhance the absorption of non-heme iron. Nonetheless, some studies still advise that those with low iron stores, especially females, consume tannin-rich beverages, such as tea, after or in-between meals to avoid potential effects on iron absorption.

Great paper overall (still has some mistakes). I wish we had a health general on /sci/ or /fit/. Oh, and fuck vegans, vegetarians and carnivores, by the way.

>> No.14485311

The bureaucracy/reality thing is aimed more at the bleeding heart types. EM avoids a lot of the the shit by usually being well resourced, staffed and managed. Paperwork is not as bad as people who have to deal with the whole pipeline. But organisations and management can still be retarded. In my experience the frustrating aspects of EM mostly revolve around logistics, trying to place patients. And as the FM/GP side of things is falling apart everywhere in the Western world you have to deal with a lot of shit that doesn't belong to you. Most people who are not suited to EM are
>incapable of handling the time pressure
>incapable of handling the pressure of critical situations
>incapable of dealing with the all the uneccessary patients who really shouldn't be there
>incapable of dealing with the loud, obnoxious and stupid masses that make up the majority of your patients

>> No.14485324
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>Willis could be seen as an early pioneer of the mind-brain supervenience claim prominent in present day neuropsychiatry and philosophy of mind. Unfortunately, his enlightenment did not improve his treatment of patients; in some cases, he advocated hitting the patient over the head with sticks.

>> No.14485378
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>in some cases, he advocated hitting the patient over the head with sticks.

>> No.14485416

Do you guys think we'll get a better cancer treatment option than chemo any time soon?

>> No.14485424
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Do you people know of more folk/alternative medicine that actually works? And I mean, that have been actually proven to work and aren't pure hearsay.

>> No.14485434

there are certain hormone and immuno treatements already available but they all depend on specific tumor cell markers.

>> No.14485463
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>a better cancer treatment
I think we already have much better options but the quality of the evidence behind those treatments will not satisfy everyone. You can do a lot of things that as a whole will greatly decrease the risk of cancer, though, such as optimizing folate and magnesium intake.

>that have been actually proven to work and aren't pure hearsay.
Depends on what level of evidence you find acceptable to show proof beyond reasonable doubt.

>> No.14485504

Considering modern science/avaible supplements and tech: how would I (once Im 90 years old)self-mummify Myself?
so far this is My plan/stack.
>live on onions for 1000 days plus gut-fauna-killers to stop pooping
>1000s of burpees a day to burn fat(maybe lots of sugar-free monsters to get day energy)
>no weight training to Avoid muscle
>after the 900 days, undergoe a 100 day period of alternative dry fasting and chugging down salt water
anything else? I want to become a literal self-mummy when im about to die..

>> No.14485507

What do you mean by self-mummy?

>> No.14485510

Its an ancient buddhist-shingon practice. when peope think about mummies,they think of egyptian ones,where Other people mummified the corpse.
self-mummy, I Mean:doing the process Myself to My body, while still alive/as I die.

>> No.14485514

if it works it ain't alternative medicine

>> No.14485519

>collect a shitload of do-not-eat-moisture eating packets during your lifetime
>when about to die break them up into a bathtub
>get in bathtub
>be mummy

>> No.14485522

Another question I have,which went unanswered( I Defend asking it again) is:
>does REM rebound "stop working" after some days/weeks? My plan is to sleep half an hour every 30 days after an year of building up to it,to lucid dream like no one has ever lucid dreamt before
>or will my mind enter "dreamless sleep"? id hate that.

>> No.14485524

why not Both? but..good idea tho, I Would combine it with:
>liters/kilos of diuretics and lataxtives when im just a a few weeks away from dying.
>Maybe add salt to the bath-tub?

>> No.14485525

Are you claiming stuff like yogic breathing isn't considered alternative by definition?

>> No.14485556

nah, we take anything if it actually works in trials beyond placebo. diaphragmatic breathing is already a thing in medicine

>> No.14485578

Look up the definition of alternative. Even if something works it can be considered alternative.

>> No.14485583

Also, I Will be taking my "president of the world-level" sleep routine in full lotus position..a position I will also hold for lots of time,but while awake.

>> No.14485629

nah that's just a false dictohomy the mountebanks try to shill. there is only one medicine as in the science. no such thing as alternative or complementary medicine.

>> No.14485638

>there is only one medicine as in the science
Yes. What I mean by alternative is "relating to activities that depart from or challenge traditional norms".

Let's say a nutrient in certain doses has been shown to cure a disease in RCTs. If that's not the conventional way to treat that disease, it's alternative.

>> No.14485700

Also someone please post the archieves for all the worm supersoldier threads I can only find one of them

>> No.14485743
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update, now it's more swollen and there's some ecchymosis visible. I can still walk fine. Should I be alarmed?

>> No.14485789

that's pretty far out, anon.
I wonder if things like ethanol or maybe even formaldehyde, help or hinder this process?
I guess that'd be self-embalming rather than self-mumification, but still something to think about.
Maybe it'd make sense to break your body apart after the process and hand the pieces out to your offspring to carry as some wicked good-luck charm

>> No.14485797

>Maybe it'd make sense to break your body apart after the process and hand the pieces out to your offspring to carry as some wicked good-luck charm

>> No.14485808

>while still alive
Not possible, but just starve yourself until your muscles are too weak to breathe and make sure youre in a moisture free uv protected 100% salt room

>> No.14485916

I just want to be resurrected by a dyshon sphere super AI some 1000s of years from now

>> No.14485950

why would it do that, though? I think that is highly unlikely to happen. Leaving behind a cool mummy, that'd be cool though

>> No.14485968

I unironically believe in quantum or boltzmannian immortality..SOME model of "naturalistic after-death" has to be right.
I have like 12 different secular,non-supernatural models of post-death human sentience in my PC neatly piled up with papers and some research backing each one up

>> No.14485994

Also as long as I Am alive I kinda want to be at 0 body fat..i cant back it up with any faktz and swine-ence but i think fat tissue is an alien parasite

>> No.14486027

Care to share any of them?
Fat is essential for life, your brain contains a lot of it, you wouldn't be typing this out without fat, trust me.
Believing supernatural stuff would be less far out, than what you are proposing, anon. I'd take reincarnation, over being resurrected by a dyson sphere AI any day of the week.

>> No.14486030

leaving my phd program, screw the university life I just want to be a doctor in a small-medium town with a house and yard I can actually own

>> No.14486036

Why are you leaving it? It must have been a lot of work getting to where you are and many of us would probably trade place with you given the chance. Why not get your phd and then move to a small town?

>> No.14486039

well done anon

>> No.14486046

>pay isn't that great
>big city life means you will always be a rentoid, or will do a 1 hour commute to work
>most research is bullshit, you are just writing useless papers for salary points
>15+ hours/week with students in classes, preparing for classes eats away whatever free time you have after 5pm

>> No.14486057

what about self-reincarnation trough the Poincare Recurrence , acted by a big-bounce model of an eternal(endless and beginningless) model of a dying-and-resurrecting universe?
then there's the "the present time is eternal so you cant die because youre alive NOW ergo you're alive in eternity" argument

>> No.14486064

The human brain is 60% fat. The liver needs fat in it to work. Genitalia is full of fat cells. You might want to rethink your goal.

>> No.14486078

Ok but how can you(or someone at all)why women are fanatically drawn to super ripped men,if we consider evolutionary-reproductive patterns?

>> No.14486150

Nurse, start haldol. double dose.

>> No.14486231

also EVEN IF 3% body fat kills me..thus be it, i SAY.
But I dont quite know how to achieve it without becoming thinspo trough caloric (((restriction)))
do I just eat protein, 1200 calories a day,and lift a lot?

>> No.14486255

Anorexia is a fictional disease dreamt up by the food industrial complex to shame healthy people into eating their garbage

>> No.14486293


The fact the bruising is circumferential isn't a good sign, at any given time it's prone to swelling up and severely restricting blood flow. If this happens in your sleep and you don't notice then, depending on how long you sleep, you could be facing an amputation.

>compartment syndrome

>> No.14486304

OK i guess..but I dont want to look like a twink femboi, I want to look ripped.
do I just restrict calories(an alien parasite) and lift?

>> No.14486318

Have you considered leeches?

>> No.14486319
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brexpiprazole is the best antipsychotic.

>> No.14486352

I have,but decided Against it.

>> No.14486356

I have pre-B ALL
how fucked am i ?
im about to enter first konsolidation

>> No.14486452

how do I motivate myself,scientifically?
I know its just chemical shit and maybe determinism is true to a cruel degree of despair,but well, give me your best advice.

>> No.14486476

any tip for someone applying derm last minute to not go unmatched. Applying last minute this cycle so prepared to get rekt

>> No.14486720

Women are deranged in every way in the modern world

>> No.14486905
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>> No.14487086


>> No.14487100
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do pills (multivitamin) still work if i mash them and dissolve them into water? why aren't all pills as small as a the smallest ones?

>> No.14487252

Nope, that would be clozapine.

>> No.14487270

>twitch during sleep / while falling asleep
>get diagnosed with PLMD
>treatment does shit all
>get into cardio, improves symptoms a lot but still pretty bad
>get covid
>symptoms far worse
>big twitches involving upper limbs now
>also happens during the day while awake and alert

My sleep doc has told me 'idk lol' and is sending me to see a neuromuscular disorder specialist neuro

>> No.14487274


I was wondering if anyone here has any random scary possibilities for me to google while I wait for my appointment

>> No.14487278

Why do doctors get so upset if you ask for anavar?
>here you go
>here you go
>secobarbital (before it was discontinued last year)
>here you go
>wtf I can't precribe that

>> No.14487363

isn't regular test better for you? Why do you need to be prescribed it in the first place?

>> No.14487366
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it's somewhat better after the night, looks pretty messed up though

>> No.14487443
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medstats bro here. threadly reminder to do good science and consult your medstatsbros when youre unsure about the statistics in your work. I love helping you write good papers and generate useful insights! xoxo, keep up the good work, medbros! yours truly, medstatsbro

>> No.14487498

it is broken

>> No.14487507

pay someone to mummify you

>> No.14487570

sounds like cancer.

>> No.14487599

How do you tell? there's no pain when I don't move it, when I do move there is some pain, but it's not that bad. I can put weight on it and walk semi-decent. The main problem I have now is it being too swollen to put shoes on.
Should I go see a doctor?

>> No.14487611

they are not, gay guys are drawn to ripped men though

>> No.14487632

Soooooo.... uhhhhhdsafhsdflk;ahskdf

i'm a little frustrted

I have a critical thinking problem and can't really figure the deal with it.

If I had a bad reaction to an antipsychotic, a psychosis at point A at the beginning of treatment time to point B. Then at point C after B times of other antipsychotics when i started taking it again after several times taking other medicines and didn't have the reaction.

for example lets say I took risperdal at initial time = 0 years. then I had an acute psychotic reaction to the medicine everytime I took it. then I got put on another antipsychotic because risperdal didn't work. the meds started 'working.' I stopped them and started taking the initial risperdal again. Now the risperdal isn't giving me a reaction. What does this make 'the system' in relation to the risperdal for?

Then are antipsychotics placebo in my case? I don't know what that makes antipsychotics. Maybe my system just got used to the drugs? How do they work if they cause the problem in the first place? Am I really sick or was I made sick by the medicine (I can't really go back in time and prove it)? I can't seem to find a straight answer on this because of the forced treatment/stigma surrounding psychosis. Am I responsible for this? Am I liable to be compensated for my losses?

>> No.14487646

What other antipsychotics have you been on and for how long?
Really, an "acute psychotic reaction" is pretty unheard of (muh it's the disease, not the medication), but I wouldn't count it out entirely. What was it like? Some people do get things like akathisia from neuroleptics which can be mistaken for a worsening of psychosis or a non-response to treatment, then they up the dose and it gets even worse and worse.
We need more context to understand what the hell was happening.

>> No.14487662

I've been on antipsychotics for the past 10 years. or so.
I was on seroquel and started hearing voices? I got it off the street. then I went to the doctor told them that (naive me) and got prescribed abilify. I had a severe reaction everytime I took the abilify nearly immediately after taking it: visual hallucinations, distorted/amplified sounds, paranoia, general fear, anxiety/distress. This subsided sometime after taking the medicine. the medicine made me pass out. I think I was fine afterwards.
I also took fluphenazine at a dose of 7.5 mg starting from nothing without supervision and developed an undiagnosed movement disorder akin to tourrette's syndrome or parkinsons and brought on mild cognitive impairments.
I've been on abilify, prolixin, latuda, risperdal, seroquel (street), invega. that's all i can think of right now that i've been on.
before I was a bright, happy, and intelligent individual who was somewhat suggestible (naive and liable to brainwash/hypnotizable etc). I dont in particular have akathisia, though at times in my treatment I have had it. I take walks outside to cope and get out of the house (I suppress my movement disorder and get break from myself and traumas that way I guess). I was not born with Tourette's and it is a result of medicine so that rules that out.

>> No.14487690

I also took geodon off an on over the course of a couple months, misusing it

>> No.14487695

are you diagnosed with schizophrenia? What made you start hearing voices? 10 years on neuroleptics is a long time and you do probably have some irreversible brain damage from them.
Tapering off drugs might still fix many of the problems, but you need to taper really slowly. There's this taper strip thing https://www.taperingstrip.com that may come in handy if you decide to go through with it.

>> No.14487702

I am diagnosed with schizoaffective disorder.

Seroquel made me start hearing the voices? I had my own voices as a sole symptom without delusions and the rest but supposedly that kind of thing is developmental. I don't know, I recognize it's a pretty common occurrence in psych wards in my experience in them. (I go to reset my system)
I'm in a residential facility so I can't not take my meds. I can negotiate with my psychiatrist to take me off them, and he may or may not oblige. But at this point, my brain is so addicted to the dopamine that I get from the medicine, it's hard to actually have interests and not act stoned/schizophrenic off meds. what I mean by this, is I need something: I need an antidepressant at this point.

>> No.14487706

Damn, that sucks man. What drugs are you on now and at what dosages? Do you get injected?

>> No.14487719

No, I just take abilify 20 mg. I am not injected, but my psychiatrist is really cool, but I kind of like the abilify it makes me more brainwashable/hypnotizable and get in a better flow I think (antipsychotic effects on white matter in the brain?). I just don't want to end up with a shortened lifespan or organ damage or w/e.
It's pretty chill. No mental side effects except chilling and motivation to do things actually. I also take hormones but that's another story. I know, YWBAW. w/e. I'm 'happy'

>> No.14487728
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>Should I go see a doctor?

>> No.14487734
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So what's the problem then?
I personally would not be happy with such a life, but I guess to each his own.

>> No.14487736

testosterone etc. drop with age, that we know, but why? Nuts don't seem particualy affected by age. Is it decrease in liver function? Pineal gland?

It can't be "by design", like some self-destruct mechanism since that goes against selection pressure, it has to be break down of the organ system of some kind.

>> No.14487747

None of this is correct. It's all wrong. I've been lied to. I've been scammed and manipulated. We've all been deceived. None of this works, it's a waste of all of our money. It's work hours not put in. It's mind numbing drugs that devastate lives. I could have had a life worth living, but 10+ years are now devoted to maintaining the status quo/hullaballoo, etc. I could be somewhere worth my time and efforts. People want to push me down and hold me there, it seems. System oppression, if you ask me. This is all backwards. I never asked for this. It was shoved on me from outside. My life is repeatedly destroyed by deception, manipulation, brainwashing, and abuse and I don't know why.

>> No.14487751

repeatedly damaged*

>> No.14487753

fun fact: I once got into a fight because another male Adressed Me as "guy"

>> No.14487758

then get out of it and fix yourself, it's up to you, anon

>> No.14487770

This is the miserable truth.
At least I'm starting to code and do math semi-consistently. But I feel like I've been left behind in life. Everyone is so far ahead of me, and I'm still here stuck in my trauma/neglect, not knowing how to budget money correctly e.g. (I can thank my mom for helping me to focus on the essentials though.)

>> No.14487927
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Suboptimal health:
>Testosterone decline is not inevitable with age, according to Australian scientists. Older men in excellent health can maintain their hormone levels, they say.

>Handelsman and his team looked at 325 men, all over age 40 and ranging from 40 to 97. They were enrolled in the Healthy Man Study in Australia.

>More importantly, when the researchers looked at the entire sample of 325 men, even with the large age range, levels did not differ.

Consider that there are lots of things that increase testosterone levels and only a tiny fraction of the population is even aware of them but Paleolithic men had in their lives. Optimal sun exposure, great body composition, low stress levels, a nutrient dense diet, a good amount of exercise, getting the sleep their body demands, 0 blue light exposure after sunset (torches don't emit it at all) unless they encountered animals that emit that type of light (fireflies), etc.

>Things that never happened.

>> No.14488068

Don't worry, anon. Prosthetics are pretty good these days.

>> No.14488071

that is very interesting. All the more so since some hormones seem unaffected. So likely this is one specific feedback loop being primarily affected by the state of one or two organs.

>> No.14488083

>being primarily affected by the state of one or two organs.
Testicles probably.

>> No.14488093

I'll keep you posted, anon. It's better than it was yesterday

>> No.14488187

what happened to covid 19 after 24.02? Over 100k ukranian refugees came here without testing/quarantine but cases have gone down since then, why?

>> No.14488193

I hope you're being sarcastic. It's very obvious why if you aren't an NPC.

>> No.14488210

I am being sarcastic, I was hoping for a big brain science man to write 10 paragraphs of scientific answer to my question

>> No.14488221

>I was hoping for a big brain science man to write 10 paragraphs of scientific answer to my question
We don't need to, vaccines worked, it's that simple :)

>> No.14488635

considering that man who can poke his index finger trough a coconut:would it be possible to get trough an adult's skull with a finger-strike?

>> No.14488843
File: 34 KB, 351x470, Screenshot_20220516-134944~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if a toe nail with a fungal infection has disconnected from the nail bed to this extent, should the disconnected part be cut off to facilitate application of antifungals in the area?

>> No.14488914
File: 93 KB, 759x599, Pterion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably yes, but not the forehead probably, you'd need to strike pic related

>> No.14489106

My R1 is called Jeanine. People call her Janny.
Can't stop telling her to clean it up.

>> No.14489181

Supply and demand, you are not accepted for dermatology so you change your preference

>> No.14489185

Now im scared of touching that part of my head

>> No.14489208

reduced testing. mortality has gone up and so have virus loads in sewage

>> No.14489213

What do you guys think of getting a clavical extension surgery? Is it safe?

>> No.14489252

>wanted to do medicine my whole life
>didn't get diagnosed with hypothyroidism until late teens, by which point it was too late to reverse course to do undergrad medicine
>now 24, studying engineering because it's the next best option
>regret over not doing medicine is hard
Currently working a decent job, paused my engineering studies. I could try graduate-entry medicine at some point, but I'd be in my 30s before that would be even feasible, let alone costs and probably a mortgage and kids by that point.

I am entertaining suicide, even though I know I'd never do it at least until my parents are dead.

>> No.14489548

Help me medfags

>> No.14489557

Yes, they do. Do you have a problem with gulping them down or something?

>> No.14489589

I started med-school at 29, met an engineer who also did at 35
It's possible, for sure, but indeed compromises will have to be made. A girl slightly older than me with a biology PhD is managing it, while being a mother of two as well, so things can work out fine with the right circumstances

>> No.14489597

Yes, my chest and back hurt really bad after swallowing them and I have to breath very little and slowly for like 10 minutes until the pain goes away. I read it can be because of a dry esophagus but I also have scoliosis so idk. I don't have trouble swallowing food though. Thanks for the reassurance.

>> No.14489598
File: 3.50 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_20220517_021655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/med/bros, the foot isn't looking good at all...
However, it feels much, much better, hardly any pain left and I can walk fine. I guess the worst of the swelling and bruising just took it's time to appear. It's still too swollen for my shoe though. It's warm and I can feel it fine, if that's what you're worrying about.

>> No.14489733


seek professional help for the suicidal thoughts. talk to a therapist. you can also go to a regular hospital if you think you're close to attempting. call 911 if you have to.
i started med school at 25. you could def start if you wanted to. desu would be lots of compromises regardless, prioritize and talk to therapist to help you sort it out. med school's cool but lots of work, lots of us regret going into it.

>> No.14489735

The fuck did you do!?

>> No.14489822

I ate a sizable chunk of shit I pulled out of my ass, a couple months ago. It was sticky and hard to get off.

I now have a tooth in the front that is browning rapidly. My tongue is progressively getting more brown. The brownness is spreading around my mouth on other teeth too.

What do I do, I can't exactly tell the whole staff at the doctors office, but I do plan on saying something?

After researching some of it, I'm just glad I don't have asthma, haven't had heart attacks etc. Yet.

>> No.14489861

You need antibiotics, retard. Go to a hospital.

>> No.14489873

Can I go to my doc and get them prescribed? What's the procedure? Anon, you better not be trolling me again, this is serious business. I could lose all my teeth for all I know. Is there any link you can offer? I could use verification with this. Something that proves you're medically correct.

>> No.14489880

You go to a doctor. You tell him you ate shit. You get antibiotics. He laughs at you when you leave and talks about it at the Grand Round a week later.

If you didn't want this to happen, you shouldn't have eaten shit.

>> No.14489900

I only noticed the browning today except my tongue, thought it was nothing in particular (behind my front teeth). How quickly can this thing spread? I have a week until my dentist appointment.

>> No.14489924

I dont think so. Looks possibly sprained.

>> No.14490448
File: 90 KB, 1117x761, capybara orange.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do any of you guys run or are partners in private practices in fields of medicine you didn't actually match to?
>What steps did you take to get there?
>Any good tips or reading materials you have?
>If you could do something differently to make your life easier in the road to getting there, what would it be?

>> No.14490499

original post is here >>14484958, you can track the evolution with the following posts.

>> No.14490503

imagine the dentist, who needs to inspect literal shit eaters. And I thought smokers were bad enough
post pic of the browning in your mouth, anon

>> No.14490522

you're in for a wild ride, anon. They'll probably later perform a hematopoetic stem cell transplant if you're fine enough.
How are you feeling?

>> No.14490560

Well, to be fair to myself I think somebody's coming in the house at night and fucking around with shit sadistically or something. I'm about to be in debt if I can guess correctly, for gum disease treatment. Shit is safe aesthetically- a little couldn't hurt. Srsly... while the available information on eating it is obviously too little. I could imagine sucking a dirty cock, I guess, is what I mean. There is no reason in particular to suck shit though. I seriously think it might be something other than the shit at this point. :)

>> No.14490619

shit, the pic got deleted, I didn't manage to see it. It must have been really gnarly for that to have happened
Does it hurt at all?

>> No.14490952

Can you meta-analyze the SA-beta-gal immunostaining results?

>> No.14491065

mortality is near zero, schzio

>> No.14491080
File: 27 KB, 720x545, Oh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I ate a sizable chunk of shit I pulled out of my ass, a couple months ago. It was sticky and hard to get off.
>Shit is safe aesthetically- a little couldn't hurt.
I pray to whatever created this universe you die or at the very least never reproduce if you're not trolling, that is.

>> No.14491119

That's fair. I use to feel that way towards others.

>> No.14491121

Yeah, it's starting to hurt now.

>> No.14491149

Maybe I should get these teeth removed. I can't afford the treatment and all around it seems they want me to pay upfront for costs. I don't have insurance.

>> No.14491155

we actually reached peak all time 7-day average here about a month ago, but then again this is a first world country

>> No.14491285

i hate my fucking life. i found out too late that an MD basically qualifies you to be a perpetual hospital monkey only. i dreamed of learning about the human body in depth and then pivoting into research, like countless boomers told me would be possible, but after all, all i'm qualified to do is to mindlessly follow guidelines, take everyone else's shit and be a good wageslave administration cuck. but with the illusion of "prestige" (in reality, everyone despises doctors, until they need them).
I was just rejected from my last PhD program. can't get into a research residency because no research experience, can't get research experience because no previous experience, can't get into a grad school to make up for it because, guess what, no experience and my degree is worth as much as shit. how is it possible that finishing competitive 6 year degree closes more doors than it opens?
i want to kms

>> No.14491607

There is no peace for the wicked, saith the LORD.

>> No.14491756

>MD for research
based and retarded, should've studied some labmonkey shit, then you wouldn't be some cog in a machine but a low paid bottom bitch in some boomers research group, endlessly toiling away without recognition or compensation

>> No.14491901

>rejected from a FUCKING phd program

>> No.14491918
File: 41 KB, 639x639, lääkeapustaja153.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me doing some random stint in psych during residency
>tfw first day on the ward
>order pharmacogenetic panels on every patient
>chief absolutely seething

>> No.14491929

>has MD
>still whining
what's wrong with you bro? just be a fucking surgeon or something and make some hard cash. you've literally set yourself up for life here. if you hate it so much, just work for a while, save a few million and retire young. the rest of us are going to be slaving away until we drop dead.

>> No.14491974


>> No.14491979


>> No.14492000

Nice source, fellow SCIENCE™ fan.

>> No.14492083
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, drmikeiddubz.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wondering how do med students/doctors here feel about Dr. Mike boxing? Doesn't it raise some questions about the Hippocratic oath?

>> No.14492091

Oh shit, that's really idubbbz

>> No.14492097
File: 541 KB, 1690x2048, 21-32-15-1652646965103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And Dr. Mike, yeah

>> No.14492148

hmm yes, I can practically see the green lines

>> No.14492168

So is Anisa officially Mike's wife now? Was the fight about him assembling a harem?

>> No.14492347

Idgaf I was happy seeing iddubz get beat up

>> No.14492503

I hate that K*ke like you wouldn't believe.
I remember him before he became somehow famous years ago spamming every website and contacting news and companies in social media to tell them how awesome he is and how he's a Model and a doctor at the same time etc.
his videos and what he's doing in general are highly unethical

He doesn't look like a 6.3 btw

>> No.14492511

The worst part was when the interviewer called him an M.D. after he won and he corrected him giving a shout out to all D.O.s in the house and the audience had to give an half baked cheer

>> No.14492525
File: 259 KB, 1908x1146, 36008762-0-image-a-5_1606146525077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when he was caught partying on a boat at the peak of the pandemic while making videos on YouTube urging people to wear masks and stay at home

>> No.14492528

There never was one and I'm serious.

>> No.14492531
File: 369 KB, 620x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How well do pathologists get paid? Can I get more doing pathology than IM?

>> No.14492535

More concerned about why Sam Hyde wasn't invited.

>> No.14492541

Go back 2 /pol/

>> No.14492557
File: 34 KB, 503x454, 1-s2.0-S0924977X15000152-gr1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brexpiprazole is a partial agonist and a1, a2c adrenergic antagonist like clozapine but lacks the anticholinergic and antihistamine activity.
>5ht1a agonist (increases hippocampal neurogenesis)
>a2c adrenergic antagonism improves cognition
>low intrinic activity at DA receptors alleviates psychosis without elevating prolactin or inducing compulsive disorders
>potent 5ht2a and a1b adrenergic antagonism contributes to the antipsychotic effect.
brexpiprazole > clozapine

>> No.14492560

I rarely browse that board and I can back up my claim.

>> No.14492566

Are you a doctor? Because I saw the impact of covid first hand

>> No.14492567

Haloperidol injection, NOW

>> No.14492588

>Are you a doctor?
Lol, this is the kind of brainlet I'm discussing with. Judging not the evidence but who presents it, bravo. I'm not a doctor if that makes you feel better.
>Because I saw the impact of covid first hand
I don't care about your anecdotal evidence. I have objective evidence that neither the virus or the disease exist. Of course people got sick from something, I'm not denying that, but there are other explanations as to what happened.

>> No.14492593

>anecdotal evidence
You have to be trolling

>> No.14492595


>> No.14492598

>but there are other explanations as to what happened.
I'm not trolling. You think you know what happened and why it did but I disagree and I'm open to being completely wrong.

>> No.14492602

See >>14492598.

>> No.14492605

>I can back up my claim.
I'm waiting

>> No.14492610

Well, I'll start with the SARS‑CoV‑2 virus not being real, is that okay or what do you want me to address first?

>> No.14492634
File: 29 KB, 560x560, bcrcd4972vj01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I heard that tattoos like this wash out completely, is that true?

>> No.14492647

Are you stalling to farm (You)s? Just prove your claims motherfucker

>> No.14492651

Kek, no, I just don't wanna waste my time in pointless conversation. Give me a moment then and don't give me any more (You)s.

>> No.14492687

I have very dry eyes and also eye irritation
It'd be nicer to assume that the dry eyes are causing the eye irritation but when I went to a optometrist he flipped my eyelids up and said that the surface of my inner eyelids proved that I was experiencing an allergic reaction
Could he have been wrong about that and maybe it was caused by something else though?
Idk what but something else
Also he told me I could go to a doctor to try to find whatever it was I was allergic to but I read online that in most cases this is not helpful for sufferers of chronic eye allergies like I do (365 days a year not seasonal)

>> No.14492709
File: 895 KB, 1600x1213, 1646796420443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off retard

>> No.14492783
File: 43 KB, 472x380, f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are there any dangers to performing a lobotomy on yourself with a coat hanger

>> No.14492837

Gee you sure proved everyone wrong. Covid is fake 100% confirmed

>> No.14492889

I just changed my mind and didn't want to waste my precious time arguing with truth denial brainwashed sheep who refuse to use their brain instead of believing what they are told.
you guys are the type of people who believed that Theranos claims are real and that Paolo Macchiarini's shitty plastic transplants worked just because the mainstream media told you so.

Stop (You)ing me retard, unlike you i have a brain and i think for myself using facts and logic and don't need anyone to spoon feed me

>> No.14492926

I accept your concession

>> No.14492935

So what weapon are you going to use when all the dirty secrets start to emerge out of the health industry?
I'm going to use a chainsaw.

>> No.14493045
File: 226 KB, 992x720, C12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On SARS‑CoV‑2 existence or lack thereof (this is gonna be long because I want to make sure no one asks common questions and my argument is comprehensive):

>Incidentally, the virus hunters have conveniently ignored a pivotal scientific principle in their argument. Complete purification is an indispensable pre-requisite for virus identification as stated by textbooks1350 1351, virus researchers such as Luc Montagnier (see box with quotes from well-known experts) and the second of Koch’s postulates (see chapter 3, subchapter “Where Is the Proof of HIV?”).

>“Purification”, mind you, means the separation of an object from everything that does not belong to it—as, for example, Nobel Prize winner Marie Curies isolated radium from tons of pitchblende in 1898. Only on the basis of such a complete purification can it be proven that the nucleic acid sequences found in the particles in question originate from a new virus.

>Thus, when cells, cell debris and particles are mixed in a laboratory culture, the only way to determine which RNA (or even proteins) are viral is to separate the particles from all non-viral material. However, some researchers use the term “isolation” in their work to give the impression to the uninitiated reader that a virus has been isolated in pure form. In fact, however, this has not happened, because the procedures described in these works do not represent a proper process of isolation including complete purification. Consequently, they misuse the term “isolation” in their publications.


Source: Virus Mania. I can post the sources used on that excerpt if you want them.

Not everyone has the same time to spend on browsing this forum.

You barely type like me. If you hadn't used the word 'retard', you would have made a better job. I only use insults with massive mouth-breathers.

>> No.14493046
File: 291 KB, 1042x528, SARS‑CoV‑2 &#039;Isolation&#039;.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We have also looked at all the studies claiming to have isolated and even tested the virus. But in all of them, they actually did something very different: the researchers took samples from the throat or lungs of patients, ultracentrifuged them (spun them at high speed) to separate the larger/heavy from the smaller/lighter molecules, and then took the supernatant, the upper part of the centrifuged material. And this is what they called their “isolate,” to which they then applied the PCR. But this supernatant contains all kinds of molecules, billions of different micro- and nanoparticles, including extracellular vesicles (EVs) and exosomes, which are produced by our own body and are often indistinguishable from viruses: “Nowadays, it is an almost impossible mission to separate EVs and viruses by means of canonical vesicle isolation methods, such as differential ultracentrifugation, because they are frequently co-pelleted due to their similar dimension,” as it said in the study “The Role of Extracellular Vesicles as Allies of HIV, HCV and SARS Viruses,” published in May 2020 in the journal Viruses.

>So how do you extract a specific virus from this huge mixture of billions of indistinguishable particles, including naturally occurring exosomes? Well, you simply cannot, it is impossible, unless you have purified the particles of whom you think they belong to a new virus beforehand (and then you have to define its genetic structure and disease-causing properties).


>> No.14493049
File: 452 KB, 949x708, Isolation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In fact, the scientists “create” the virus by PCR: They take artificial and entirely hypothetical primers (previously existing genetic sequences available in genetic banks) and put them in touch with the supernatant of the pharyngeal or broncho-alveolar fluid of the patient, that is with tens of billions of RNA and DNA molecules; and if, as it is likely, the primers attach to something in that broth, they conclude that whatever attached to the primers, then forming a DNA molecule with the help of the enzyme reverse transcriptase, it is the new and unknown SARS-CoV-2.

>As if that weren’t enough, the primers used are just an infinitesimal fragment of the alleged genome of the virus; they are in factmade up of only 18 to 24 bases (nucleotides) each; while the SARS-CoV-2 virus is assumed to consist of 30,000 bases, that is to say the primers represent only 0.07 percent of the virus genome. How is it possible to select the specific virus you are looking for with such a minute sequence, and moreover in a sea of billions of virus-like particles? Again, it is just impossible! As the virus you are looking for is new, there are clearly no ready “off-the-shelf” genetic primers to match the specific fraction of the new virus. Instead, you take primers that you believe may be close to the hypothesized virus structure, but it’s only a rough
guess. When you apply the primers to the supernatant broth, they can attach to any one of the billions of molecules present in it, and you have no idea if what you generated is from the virus you are looking for.1358


>> No.14493053
File: 12 KB, 600x1000, Hehe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let’s imagine that all English literature, including many poems and short stories unknown to the public, are collected in a huge database, and that you want to look for an unknown poem which, however, you believe was important at a certain historical period. You don’t know anything about this poem, except that it is a love poem. You will therefore have to enter keywords in the computer that make you find the poem, but you can’t use more than 18 to 24 letters. So you type “my love I miss you”, a phrase of 18 characters, and with this phrase you should find your poem among the about 28 billion poems contained in the database, half of which love poems. What are the chances of bringing out the specific poem you are looking for and not one different from what interests you? We would say next to zero … and this is what happens with RT-PCR in relation to a presumed virus that is said to be new and is therefore unknown.

>Incidentally, SARS-CoV-2 was “pieced together” on the computer. The physician Thomas Cowan called this “scientific fraud.” He wrote on October 15, 2020: “This week, my colleague and friend Sally Fallon Morell brought to my attention an amazing article put out by the CDC, published in June 2020. The article’s purpose was for a group of about 20 virologists to describe the state of the science of the isolation, purification and biological characteristics of the new SARS-CoV-2 virus, and to share this information with other scientists for their own research. A thorough and careful reading of this important paper reveals some shocking findings.” In fact, the article section “Whole Genome Sequencing” shows that rather than having isolated the virus and sequencing the genome from end to end, that the CDC “designed 37 pairs of nested PCRs spanning the genome on the basis of the coronavirus reference sequence (GenBank accession no. NC045512).”


>> No.14493056
File: 85 KB, 1024x663, Vax.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Let’s imagine that all English literature, including many poems and short stories unknown to the public, are collected in a huge database, and that you want to look for an unknown poem which, however, you believe was important at a certain historical period. You don’t know anything about this poem, except that it is a love poem. You will therefore have to enter keywords in the computer that make you find the poem, but you can’t use more than 18 to 24 letters. So you type “my love I miss you”, a phrase of 18 characters, and with this phrase you should find your poem among the about 28 billion poems contained in the database, half of which love poems. What are the chances of bringing out the specific poem you are looking for and not one different from what interests you? We would say next to zero … and this is what happens with RT-PCR in relation to a presumed virus that is said to be new and is therefore unknown.


>> No.14493065

when will you fuck off and stop spamming this general with your schizo mumbling shits, you mentally ill kike ?

>> No.14493079

Do you have a link to the study where they pieced covid together?

>> No.14493121

You don't know who I am and, unfortunately for you, not anytime soon most likely. Someone asked for the information too so you can go stick a pipe of broken glass up your seething ass.

Let me see.

>> No.14493177

Here it is:

>> No.14493191
File: 33 KB, 600x800, Ovaah.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just realized I fucked up the last part:

>Cowan draws the following analogy: “A group of researchers claim to have found a unicorn because they found a piece of a hoof, a hair from a tail, and a snippet of a horn. They then add that information into a computer and program it to re-create the unicorn, and they then claim this computer re-creation is the real unicorn. Of course, they had never actually seen a unicorn so could not possibly have examined its genetic makeup to compare their samples with the actual unicorn’s hair, hooves and horn.”1359

>Consequently, it cannot be concluded that the RNA gene sequences “pulled” from the tissue samples prepared in these studies and “calibrated” to the PCR tests belong to a very specific virus, in this case SARS-CoV-2. Especially since the electron microscope images, which are supposed to represent SARS-CoV-2, actually show particles that vary greatly in size. In one paper, the particles range from 60 nm to 140 nm. A specific virus that has such extreme size variation cannot exist by definition.

>> No.14493294

beating cucks is a 1st principle of hippocratic oath cure the soul before the body

>> No.14493313

how are his videos unethical?

>> No.14493314

this is what mental illness looks like

>> No.14493321

This is what legitimate, technical criticism looks like. Your post, on the other hand...

>> No.14493329

Seethe more you mouth-breather, unlike you i'm capable of producing my own thoughts on serious subjects and back up my claims with facts and well written arguments,
you on the other hand, is only capable of insulting and accusing people you disagree with of being mentally ill.

(You) me when you have something interesting to say with a legit criticisms backed by actual proof, until then, kindly go stick a big thermometer in your fat ass

indeed, thanks Fren

>> No.14493528
File: 1.91 MB, 331x197, F797A33B-27E4-4BC1-B2C3-56A34239D1AD.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tagged to review cases
>great… I didn’t want to enjoy a day off anyway
>review notes
>it’s an ortho case
>”patient transported to recovery in stable condition”
>2 sentences above, “patient pulseless and resuscitation efforts ceased at 2115 in the operating suite”
>orders a R hip 2 view X-ray at 2245

>> No.14493606
File: 1.98 MB, 2042x3182, IMG_20220518_115635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

foot looking pretty gnarly still, I've been walking too much on it, due to the fact there's not a lot of pain and I can now fit it into a shoe

>> No.14493674

we got a fighter

>> No.14493677

it is broken as i have said above, due to your inability to go to doctor the bones might fuse abnormally and you will have issues for your remaining life if you don't go to doctor.

>> No.14493684
File: 110 KB, 1400x788, manjeet-verma-vlcsnap-2018-10-08-18h39m33s416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

okay, just being honest again. i know nobody likes being knowingly lied to, but why would you rather accept compliance and what amounts to lies rather than a little bit of positive resistance that leads to development?

im just saying, as a psychopath who's forced to take meds, there's just never been acceptance of the truth of my situation.
is your diagnosis more correct than my experience? are you so adamant that you and the system are correct in regards to these things that only my compliance is necessary to move forward?

just being honest./

>> No.14493746

what kind of issues can I have in the future? I have few to none issues right now

>> No.14493762

Inadeaquate is translated from latin as not equal, not even, not like everybody else. And surely it's easier to trim you than to pull all the society to your insanely high standards.
Also check this out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=prd68ZGg83A#t=36m56s

>> No.14493820

I know that blood pressure depends on cardiac output, vascular resistances and blood volume
But which factors in particular influence systolic and which ones diastolic pressure?

>> No.14493830

Holy shit bro, go to a doc. It looks fucked up.

>> No.14493876


>> No.14493889

I suppose you having no issues is a good sign.
In the case of a fracture with abnormal fusion, it could in time lead to abnormal/increased wear, giving you decreased mobility and chronic pain

>> No.14493907

That hurt, because I am trying to learn

>> No.14493944

still not as effective as clozapine, anticholinergic and antihistamine activity do matter.

>> No.14493947

>psychopath who's forced to take meds
it's not economical to argue with sedated retards.

>> No.14493954

:') You got way better, that's close to how I post. I ignore comments where they just insult me, though, but I'm glad I saw your reply.

>> No.14494089

CO mostly decides systolic, arterial stiffening also a factor (compliance and elicticity but you’ll have to read because I can’t remember the exact details). Volume doesn’t really decide blood pressure. Excess fluid gets dumped in extracellular volume and polycythermia doesn’t shows high increases blood pressures afaik.

>> No.14494092
File: 11 KB, 645x773, PLW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Volume doesn’t really decide blood pressure

>> No.14494101

think about it in terms of mechanics it is not complicated, you answered yourself with your question basically. i'm not going to call you brainlet but nor spoonfeed you either, you can figure this one out easily just think.

>> No.14494471

Think some more about it, the answer is already given.

>> No.14494541

Post your address so I can come and stab you in the aorta to watch you repeat
until you collapse from hypovolemic shock

>> No.14494570

>stab you in the aorta to watch you repeat
pressure goes from high to low, in this case the lowest pressure is outside the body. It is not volume that causes the shock in this case.
Should have said something akin to sepsis you dumb fucking retard. Also
>extreme cases
>only shock

>> No.14494602
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I hate obese "people" with burning passion

>> No.14494620

what Would happen if I set an alarm clock for every hour for 24 hours including sleep hours?
im Willing to sacrifice organ's health to trip lucid dream

>> No.14494681

Once sufficiently sleep deprived you would probably just sleep trough the alarm

>> No.14494763

There are compensatory mechanisms that prevent fluid loss from affecting BP too much. So no, unless it's a very acute change, it shouldn't be a factor.

>> No.14494799

I recently started my medical school rotations at the GP in a euro country. How do you guys deal with patients demanding 'a scan' for every little minor thing?

this 30yo woman berated the fuck out of me and the 'useless' medical system' for not getting an xray for her extremely minor thoracic pain despite great vitals and having upper RTI infection 2 weeks prior

we basically told her to fuck off and wait a month, GP had my back though she's a real one

>> No.14494801


>> No.14494815

Why don't you just tell her the risks and let her get them if she doesn't care? She's not a newborn, you know?

>> No.14494825

that's what i said
I live in a country where we have subsidized healthcare, so anything that gets referred by the GP gets paid with taxpayer money and is essentially free. the consequence is that scans and such tend to be gatekeeped. patient was an expat and comes from a country where they have a different system

>> No.14494839

>where we have subsidized healthcare, so anything that gets referred by the GP gets paid with taxpayer money and is essentially free.
Oh, then fuck her, lol.

>> No.14494870

just tell em to fuck off. you make the call, they are patients, not customers.

>> No.14494957

i hope i can dodge the stem cell transplant mrd values going down
Feeling okay i guess just constant nausea right now even tho im on a chemo break

>> No.14494994

> Every day a new fat woman
> Self diagnosed some autoimmune condition
> Demands tests and painkillers (mostly pain killers)
> Says my refusal is triggering her (also self diagnosed) mental illness
> Also wants to be signed off work because they have a (self diagnosed) learning disability
Every week a new one appears I swear they are coordinating their attack

>> No.14495056

Fat people should be denied healthcare
Change my mind

>> No.14495062

Healthcare shouldn't be """free""". Change my mind.

>> No.14495382

Are you a doctor? I'm just a first year med student, but given that he can bare weight, a fracture seems less likely than a sprain, according to Ottawa Ankle Rules. Maybe he should try RICE and see if that helps. Also, dude should see a doctor for a definitive answer.

>> No.14495434

>MBP low bad
>drowning pt in saline good
Why are urgent care niggers so much niggerish?

>> No.14495483

the RICE protocol has been deboonked (the doctor who coined the term has retracted his recommendations after subsequent research showed that ice and rest inhibit recovery of acute injuries in most cases)

>> No.14495531

Is 50 days enough time to pass step if I'm retarded?

>> No.14495547
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Blood pressure = cardiac output x total peripheral resistance
Cardiac Output = heart rate x stroke VOLUME

You learned this in the first year of med school.

>> No.14495683


>> No.14495874
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Help i get severe headaches after I fap.
It wasn’t like this before.

>> No.14495940

Since medical schools were a lot easier to get into in the past, does that mean that people that could only get into DO schools were a special kind of retarded?

>> No.14495964

I dunno. I'm a DO student and most of my professors are older DO's. They seem smart enough

>> No.14495966

how far into it are you? You should finish it first.
i don't think you guys would want to trade places with us. i know you anons are all antisocial neets or whatever, but on top of what this guy said about our pay, pointlessness of the majority of our research, etc. The biggest difference is the people, a lot of people in research are unbearable. I relate to and get along better with my friends who are residents than people in my program.

>> No.14495969

Bros I'm scared for rotations. I will no longer be able to hide my autism

>> No.14495972

It can't be free, our taxes would pay for it. Maybe instead of it being used for endless wars, or for tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, it could pay for healthcare. Get rid of insurance companies and healthcare costs go way down, why not cut out the middleman? If it didn't change your salary (or your tax bracket) would you still think it shouldn't be free?

>> No.14496011


>> No.14496043

>our taxes would pay for it.
You know what I meant. Not funny.
>Maybe instead of it being used for endless wars, or for tax breaks for the rich and large corporations, it could pay for healthcare.
Maybe we shouldn't steal money from someone else's pocket at all.
>Get rid of insurance companies and healthcare costs go way down, why not cut out the middleman?
This is irrelevant and I disagree but won't elaborate because I don't want to get into it right now.
>If it didn't change your salary (or your tax bracket) would you still think it shouldn't be free?
Yes, I would, because I care about other people being prey of legalized theft since I have empathy.

>> No.14496134

Just diagnose somatoform disorder and give them ssris

>> No.14496165

Uh oh, better up the risperdal.

>> No.14496203

bro you got a weird ass looking foot.

>> No.14496282
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Wish i studied Law instead of Memedicine

>> No.14496399

can medicinemen define what a woman is?

>> No.14496759

because it's worked in stopping calling people calling you an idiot before?
it's because you won't learn


from where im standing, youre just a beta

>> No.14496857

would There be a benefit in breatinh high quality canned oxygen 24/7?

>> No.14497008

autism is the new norm dont worry about it

>> No.14497010

If you don't need it, it's the opposite, you'd be damaging your body

>> No.14497025

No, in fact supplementing 100% O2 over a long period of time has been shown to have detrimental effects.

>> No.14497039

do nail "clippings" contain DNA?
Im Considering letting my nails grow 10cm, then "clip" them and distribute them in many places in secure time capsules,so a future AI can resurrect "Me"

>> No.14497086

I want to try the (((navy seals))) hell week workout. this Would be 1 week without sleep and little food,working Out 24/7,for a week.
how do i Prevent my muscles from rhabdo?
i dont masturbate.

>> No.14497106

why would an AI want to do that?

>> No.14497125

AH! you Take Issue with My reasoning?
limit yourself to answering My question.

>> No.14497190

is doing 5000 kettlbell swings,and 5000 snatch movements,a day, a good fat-Loss workout?
you May Not say "no"

>> No.14497196


>> No.14497208

cardio and calorie deficit

>> No.14497245

how DARE you?
just lift faster
how DARE you? starvation is anti-natural, in Nature,it means you're a bad hunter or a poor pleb

>> No.14497324
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A woman possesses only two XX sex chromosomes. If she has no genetic defects, is somewhat healthy and hasn’t subjected herself to surgical and/or hormonal procedures, she can readily be identified by her sexually dimorphic traits in virtually all cases.

People with sex chromosome defects are not technically male nor female and they can be considered to be in a spectrum between the only two healthy sexes.

>Would be 1 week without sleep and little food,working Out 24/7,for a week.
So stupid.

>> No.14497329

i REVEL IN stupid. i wont let a (((soldier))) suprass Me, who Am a natural human

>> No.14497479

>3 months away from finishing med school
i kind of realized the body fucking sucks dude
i'm going into psychiatry

>> No.14497494

Currently being fucked around by a nurse trying to get myself booked into a procedure at a different hospital to where I work. Currently she has fed me wrong information regarding the procedure, has refused to even ask any of the docs about any of my questions, and has threatened to tear up my referral if I don't want it (I do, I just have some very basic questions that any retard should be able to answer.) She's the only person employed in that department to handle outsider phone calls and acts as a cunty gatekeeper.

How do I ensure this whore loses her job over this? I can go elsewhere obviously but that would mean restarted the referral process for something that needs to be looked at rather urgently.

>> No.14497521
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Do i have an inflammed throat? i don't have any nasal/allergies problem i assume its from my stomach/reflux ?

>> No.14497620
File: 228 KB, 1331x591, 804F07CA-2BF3-4D71-A057-2FD664A164D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would some of you be able to interpret this for me before I make an idiot of myself and break out a PDF from an Apple Watch to my cardiologist?

I'm talking about the 'skipped beats' at 4, 16 and 29 seconds. I physically feel them in my chest. They typically happen during exercise.

I have Tricuspid Atresia with Pulmonary Atresia, VSD, ASD, and dextrocardia. I had a BT-shunt when I was a day old (1990) and a TCPC in 1994, which reroutes the systemic venous flow directly to the lungs, bypassing the right ventricle.

I've attempted to do my own research to figure out what it means, but I can't find any ECG's on Google that quite resemble this.

>> No.14497649

They refuse to accept it is mental illness (which they accept they do have but their "physical" symptoms can't be caused by it) they want endless tests to confirm they have whatever condition is in fashion in their chronic illness facebook page (currently Ehlers Dalos)

>> No.14497650

Everyone gets skipped beats lad, you're fine

>> No.14497704

Refer to a psychiatrist and take counsel from a legal/ethics department

>> No.14497999

Something you will never be

>> No.14498028

Keked and checked.

>> No.14498069
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Dude. Go to a fucking doctor. Is this what being an american looks like?

If you really are too poor to get an x-ray then ask the doctor to just press his thumbs really hard all over your ankle bones. If he doesn't feel the breaks then that's good enough for you?

If you're too poor to see a doctor you should press your own thumbs really hard into your ankle bones.

>> No.14498083
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Was told to take 20mg omeprazole BD for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux for 8 weeks, what are the odds of symptoms reocurring after treatment?
I want this shit to be gone for good

>> No.14498170
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Have you ever met a good female doctor ?

most female doctors are either incompetent retards that misdiagnose the simplest things the most or the one that like to run useless unnecessary tests, keep referring patients to their specialist friends for no justified reason, prescribe homeopathic shits and medications that doesn't work and are the ones that shamelessly take advantage of mentally ills and hypochondriacs.

Female Dermatologists are the worst, so far i never met a sane one that wasn't a mentally ill

this gender equality madness is costing lives, we need to do something about it

Women are so dumb and evil

>> No.14498192
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Can anyone recommend a good, quality focused publication I can subscribe to if I want to get weekly or monthly updates about what's going on in the medical world, new books to read, scientists who are doing interesting things, stuff like that?
I mainly just want something that points me towards books to read, I recently for through "The Price We Pay" and couldn't believe I missed it, excellent book that got pretty objective about American healthcare. A little slanted, sure, but it still felt like quality information and some of it had real world consequences. I want to be hearing more about developments like that.

>> No.14498209

can some of you medfuckers explain some things to me? i keep reading that herpes is spread through contact and then i read you can't get it from fingering, so what gives? does it pass through the skin in any part of the body or just things like lips and genitals?
also do you promiscuous ones here avoid doing certain things during sex like kissing to avoid it?

>> No.14498236

Yes you can catch it from fingering, it is spread via contact.
No, you probably won't catch it if it's unbroken skin on your fingers and you wash your hands afterwards.

>> No.14498277

Normal sinus, with periodic PAC's. Nothing terribly concerning.

>> No.14498313
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>> No.14498470

>Ehlers Dalos
Prescribe them 1u of "get the fuck off of instagram retard" and if that doesn't work refer them to a bully

>> No.14498625

What can be wrong with me if I have blood pressure in 160-170 range at 20 and often mild pain on left side of chest and under ribs?

>> No.14498640
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Doctors bad

>> No.14498846
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>blood pressure in 160-170 range
1. Suboptimal potassium intake. Sodium is not an issue if you get enough of that mineral.
2. Suboptimal sun exposure (UVA makes your skin release nitric oxide).
3. Detrimental genetic polymorphisms related to endogenous nitric oxide production.
4. Suboptimal zinc intake.
5. Not consuming enough arginine.
6. Not eating enough and a diverse array of vegetables (they have nitrates and nitrites).
7. Cured meat can be an option too but you may think I'm crazy for suggesting this because of nitrosamines but I disagree that is an issue. I think cured meat in moderation can form part of a healthy diet.

>Doctors bad
Most are with regard to controversial topics. Just look at the absolute shit they think is suitable for babies (assuming she's telling the truth).

>> No.14498848

She's telling the truth. That is a real and very popular baby formula in ameristan

>> No.14498855

>That is a real and very popular baby formula in ameristan
Wow. Press F to pay respects for all those babies that drank and are drinking it.

>> No.14498866

>Is this what being an american looks like
Why would anyone waste money on the medicine Jew when it's plenty cheap and easy to amputate a foot yourself?

>> No.14498891

>that karen meme-list
you obviously don't belong in this general nigga

>> No.14498908
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Yes, I don't, since I'm not a retarded NPC who assumes there's no evidence for anything authorities didn't teach me... Eat shit and die, nigger; I can't stand your kind. There are articles in journals on how, for instance, the salt-sensitive rise in blood pressure is abolished once someone consumes enough potassium.

>> No.14498999

Fuck off you highschool dropout larper

>> No.14499014

Is there anyway to buy a week's copy of the American Journal of Medicine without subscribing to it? I'm very interested in it but don't want to pay $300 before I'm certain it's something I'd enjoy reading.

>> No.14499045

checked... HOWEVER

>> No.14499053
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>> No.14499060

god damn why is medical school so expensive

>> No.14499085

It's more expensive than it should be, and that's unprecedented and a problem, but the original reason is to create a barrier to entry so that only people confident in their own success would bother to try.
If it were totally free or even cheap as hell you'd get everyone who works at a 7/11 giving it a shot.

>> No.14499088

I will be nearly 400k in debt when I get out. I am doing family medicine. Pray for me

>> No.14499099

What retarded reasoning. If everyone tried to do it the admissions would just become more competitive. Applicants with the best GPAs, MCATs, and life experiences would still be the ones accepted. The cost is meaningless.

>> No.14499222

Go look up what nails are made of.

>> No.14499228 [DELETED] 
File: 102 KB, 1081x720, Fuck this board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :)

>> No.14499239
File: 102 KB, 1081x720, Fuck this board.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since fucking when is an ass considered NSFW? This board is so cucked.

No, not yet, schizo :)

>> No.14499251

My school is ~35k a year lmao’ing @ ur like

>> No.14499291

yes, there's erythema, probably pharyngitis. Does it hurt? Do you have trouble swallowing food and/or liquids?

>> No.14499410

The only schizo here is you, you brain dead nigger highschool dropout doctor wanna be

Never said you were the same poster retard

>> No.14499413

You used the singular not a plural. Nice try cope lord

>> No.14499419

Learn English you low iq inbred retard

You're so pathetic that you've been sitting in this thread for hours waiting for replies and replied after literally 1min of my post.

Let me guess, NEET ?

Go take your schizo medications and fuck off

>> No.14499445

>doesn't know about thread watchers
>says learn english like it's actually some argument that refutes the fact using the singular in "fuck off you high school larper" wouldn't make sense to be speaking about two people
keep coping

>> No.14499455
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Don't give him any more replies, the best he can come up with is 'no u' and doesn't address any post he disagrees with (his posting style is very recognizable), just replies with intense anger. He barely knows English and yet is so arrogant. The best we can do is keep posting here and make him go mad with our posts :)

>> No.14499869

>what are the odds of symptoms reocurring after treatment
rather high if it's a structural issue, PPIs are a symptomatic treatments, once you stop taking them it could likely return as the underlying issue that allows the reflux to happen is still there. There are surgical options like a fundoplication available, but you should get a proper diagonstic evaluation before considering surgery. Simple shit like a gastroscopy, 24h-pH-impedance testing, malabsorption/maldigestion testing, just to be sure it's actually reflux. You could also experiment with your diet to see if something triggers your reflux

>> No.14499886

It's nearly free in my country (costs like 200$ per semester), and since I'm from a poor family, the state pays me to study. It's very comfy, the only flip side is that Highschool GPA is the deciding factor for getting in, which means a majority of new med students are females with very little basic knowledge of chemistry/biology/physics

>> No.14499958

New New NEW


>> No.14499962
File: 62 KB, 850x400, quote-again-the-male-is-by-nature-superior-and-the-female-inferior-and-the-one-rules-and-the-aristotle-119-87-68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've met them very occasionally, particularly older ones. But yes usually they're airheaded and retarded

>> No.14500295

I'm retarded, Forgot subject

>> No.14500306

>No, you probably won't catch it if it's unbroken skin on your fingers and you wash your hands afterwards.
So does it not spread through contact then or is it just a low chance of getting through unbroken skin? I remember them saying covid was spread through contact when they meant you make contact and then you eat or sniff the virus off your finger.
In any case are you just playing russian roulette when you have sex then since the person you're having sex with might have herpes and they might give it to you even if there aren't any symptoms and condoms don't cover it and you're just fucked?

>> No.14500322

By contact they mean smear infection. A virus isn't some parasite that will dig through your unbroken skin

>> No.14501162

giving bad and inadequate medical advice makes you at best a shitty person, at worst a criminal
all the amount of self-glorifying strawmanning you seem to try to conjure up won't change that fact, sticking it to the establishement for the sake of being a contrarian won't make you a better scientist and won't help you take better care of patients
unless you're willing to acknowledge this, again, this general isn't for you, and you can try to impress gullible and uneducated people somewhere else

>> No.14501194
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>giving bad and inadequate medical advice makes you at best a shitty person, at worst a criminal
>This moron thinks people shouldn't say whatever they want because shitheads like him are low IQ and believe everything they read. Even thinks they should be considered criminals.
Eat shit, fuckface. You stupid motherfucker don't even know all of what I said is backed up by evidence. Go do some research and then blow your tiny peanut brain out. You fucking lazy idiot think potassium hasn't been shown to make sodium safe at any dose when consumed at adequate amounts, a fact you can look up on PubMed.

>> No.14501260
File: 166 KB, 730x659, Blood Pressure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at any dose
*at very high doses. (You) go drink a saturated salt solution so you do this world a favor.

Reply to this post with your scripted NPC lines absent of arguments as always so you can humiliate yourself even more, shitface.

>> No.14501388

that dude asked some advice about hypertension and you failed to mention three of the main causes
you probably don't even know them
instead of using this general as a way to learn practical and relevant knowledge you choose to infuriate yourself with some meaningless detail nobody brought up in the first place
that makes you a shitty scientist, and human being as well most likely
not a good look

>> No.14501435

>>and you failed to mention three of the main causes
Yes, idiot, why would I mention the most common causes if it's almost guaranteed he knows them since he's asking for advice here. He asked what COULD be the reason behind his hypertension and I named some possible reasons shit eaters like yourself deny to be true.
>>with some meaningless detail nobody brought up in the first place
>>giving bad and inadequate medical advice makes you at best a shitty person, at worst a criminal
Is English your second language or are you senile? Thanks for replying and proving again you're braindead.

>> No.14501456

>that level of mental gymnastics
>he really doesn't know them kek
yeah, why bother running through the most common and statistically relevant etiologies ?
genius medical practice on display for us right there lmao

>> No.14501499
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Good, more posts to show your lack of self-awareness and reading comprehension. Just like you assumed I don't know them because I didn't mention them, I will assume you barely know the language you're speaking because you didn't address that point.
>yeah, why bother running through the most common and statistically relevant etiologies ?
Because I don't assume by default people have shit in their head like you do and can't do 5 min of research before asking for advice to strangers on the Internet. This is not a clinic, you fucking nigger; only NPCs like yourself think repeating basic facts anyone who has done 5 min of research should already know outside of that setting, such as 'you may need to exercise more' or 'you may need to lose fat' is needed.

Thanks for the entertainment, at least you're useful for that.

>> No.14501505

>limiting therapeutic escalation is bad
wew lad
you should seriously consider your own shit-filled head at this point instead of trying fruitlessly help others
consider seeing a therapist
or get bent for all I care :)

>> No.14501512

Thanks for the (You). Already got all I wanted from you.

>> No.14501514

you got nothing bitch
seethe more :)