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File: 37 KB, 460x276, rhinoceros-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1433900 No.1433900 [Reply] [Original]

Niggers just killed the last female rhino in south africa.

They think the horn is an aphrodisiac.

>> No.1433911

[citation needed] and
>implying superstition is racial

>> No.1433938

>implying niggers aren't niggerdly

>> No.1433944
File: 42 KB, 480x360, vile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Also here's some vile niggers with illegal coats that doesn't know (nor cares) what's best for humanity. They are the AIDS of humanity.

>> No.1433969
File: 31 KB, 400x325, 1279495331731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>brb gonna exterminate some species..

>> No.1434003


(the negros)

>> No.1434004

Sounds like someone was a little too horny

>> No.1434000
File: 60 KB, 550x825, deal with it2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have no money
>try to make some money
>have no accessible options for a reasonable position to make money
>kill rhino's
>get judged on the internet by tough, white anons, sitting in their parent's house with a freshly refilled refrigerator waiting to be looted after today's 4chan session

>> No.1434009

Fact: Viagra is actually ground up rhino horn.

>> No.1434010
File: 289 KB, 750x600, 1268940901741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The horns are also used in the Middle East to make handles for ornamental daggers. Cites said demand for them had begun to soar in recent years."

Sandniggers involved as usual, who knew..

>> No.1434015

they did it from a helicopter with tranquilizer guns and a chainsaw.

>> No.1434024

niggers gonna nig

I don't know why were are protecting an overpopulated species to the detriment of endangered ones

>> No.1434042
File: 52 KB, 700x428, specialreports_2edb.IQ%20Country%20Map[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing buddy. Now go and play with the vermin reduntant overbreeding nigger friends of yours, in jail.

>> No.1434043

shit's profitable.

>> No.1434034

everybody ITT needs to watch this


>> No.1434050
File: 58 KB, 640x427, 1266390962780.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying ecotourism isn't a viable way to make money with little overhead.


>> No.1434054

I don't really see that implication. There wasn't any statement there to the affect that others aren't superstitious and niggers are.

>> No.1434060
File: 31 KB, 394x426, online_toddler_games.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1434064

>implying extinct species matter for anything except human minds

>> No.1434067
File: 113 KB, 570x557, TayZonday_dead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Past week...four of whom were caught with two bloodied rhino horns, AK-47 assault rifles, bolt-action rifles..

>private airport, which may have been used by the poachers

Let this delusional nigger lover live his dream anon. You and I both know the truth. There will always be enemies to the earth and clogging aids sub-humans as these are amongst them. One day there will be eugenics, one day.

>> No.1434078

How are a bunch of poorass niggers with no education who have never heard of eco anything supposed to set up an ecotourism business? Besides there's still gonna be a shitload of poor, hungry uneducated dudes with way too much time one their hands and no other way to make money but steal it from the land and other people.

>> No.1434101
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the same way they built this. But that assumes they know what's best for them.

>> No.1434103

What about the niggers who are running the park?

>> No.1434158

can't believe you fucks aren't disgusted by this...

>> No.1434169

Disgusted by what? An unsourced claim made on an anonymous image board?

If I believed everything anyone posted here I would have lost my mind years ago.

>> No.1434172


but why do they need an aphrodisiac? they just rape their women anyway

>> No.1434173


>> No.1434180

>implying niggers making coats out of rare animals is going to hurt humanity in any slightly significant way
>agree on the AIDS of humanity though

>> No.1434215


just trying to make a living in a world that doesn't care about them, so why should they care about anyone else? maybe they want to be the aids of humanity so we start paying attention?

>> No.1434253

The coatings are just one of the ways they destroy earth, Trafficking aids infected transvestites to europe is also one, is that maybe slightly significant?

Do you know how much incestuous phenotypes are amongst the rhino breeds already today? It' will be impossible for new rhinos to find a way back to the park with this going on. This is a disaster beyond any biological diversity in comparison.

>> No.1434277

>Niggers just killed the last female rhino in a South African reserve.

fix'd for truth

>> No.1434291

Yeah, how did no one else notice this?

>> No.1434299

fuck i hate black people

>> No.1434303

what the hell?

I've been buying male rhino horn for years, and I've always been told that the female horn is inferior. What's the deal with this? Have they already killed all the male rhinos there?

>> No.1434305

You beat me to it

>> No.1434310
File: 41 KB, 450x450, 1267926452869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

CONGRATULATIONS! You debunking my devious manipulation and giving everybody the really important TRUTH of it being JUST a giant reserve where you don't hear helicopters from the main houses.

South-africa has TONS of these reserves don't they? because they are so caring about biodiversity and global stability! Everything is fine and dandy now when you corrected that TRULY important part behind all the LIES. Fuck you.

>> No.1434313

You're trolling right? What the hell will rhinos going extinct in a certain area do to the ecosystem as a whole? Animals will adapt, there are plenty other food sources there.

>> No.1434319

I can say Nigger now mommy, am I cool yet?

>> No.1434335

there is a difference between a species last female dying (meaning the species is dead) and a game reserve losing it's last rhino

>> No.1434377
File: 41 KB, 400x380, christian billboard one.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women are more likely to be raped than to learn to read in Africa

>> No.1434376
File: 48 KB, 308x547, 1271023392333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two words: food chain. Species adapts in spectrums of millions of ears, evolution is a slow process. I must be honest, I can't believe I'm actually arguing for the preservation of species. Are you perhaps afro-american?

Yes, I have managed to realize that as well. And I congratulated you for that marvellous insight behind my insidious fearmongering, this whole thing of course isn't important at all. The animals can probably take care of themselves.

>> No.1434378

>implying the loss of a species in and of itself is not significant
the relatively few mammals, in comparison to say plants, fungi or insect species, makes their loss more significant

>> No.1434387



Everything makes a difference.

>> No.1434390

could you provide some sauce on that, cause thats a cool fact, if true

>> No.1434397

The animals cannot take care of themselves and I agree it's a tragedy, it is however misleading to start the thread saying the last female rhino was killed

>> No.1434420

actually, the people who killed it probably didn't do it because they thought it was an aphrodisiac. i'm willing to bet they did it because they could sell it to people who do.

>> No.1434421

>have enough money to buy assault rifles, tranquilizer rifle with darts and tranq, and a fucking helicopter with fuel

>> No.1434464

>Niggers just killed the last female rhino in south africa.
>They'll sell the horn to White people for profits.
>They think the horn is an aphrodisiac.


>> No.1434472
File: 10 KB, 200x217, 1267926909088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for stating something to me, as a response to, me congratulating you for stating that exact statement.

>We can now be proud.

>> No.1434477

this is infuriating.

>> No.1434484

Hunting species into extinction is OK if you're a nigger. Liberals don't like it very much when Asians do it.

>> No.1434509

dick dick http://www.guardian.co.uk/environment/2010/jul/18/poachers-kill-last-female-rhino
Yeah agreed. Wtf is up with that?!

>> No.1434536
File: 28 KB, 400x300, Black-Rhino[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they sawed it off 5 centimeters higher up the animal wouldn't be medically affected by it at all.

Rest in Peace
Sweet Rhino

>> No.1434551
File: 46 KB, 225x168, Humanhorn_salesman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your interested in a horn based aphrodisiac?

>> No.1434552

They should put out rhinos as bait and sniper out all incoming Poachers. Amirite?

>> No.1434586
File: 62 KB, 853x226, 2323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do they think it is an aprhodesic because it looks like a penis? are they that stupid?

who the fuck would pay thousands of dollars for an aprhprorodesic, when they could just buy viagra?

oh yeah, and according to 5 seconds of googling, asians are the ones who buy the horns and often the ones who kill the rhinos.


>> No.1434591

more accurately, it's the food WEB. It isn't a linear process-there are multiple animals at each "step" that will adapt when another species disappears. With the rhinos gone from that reserve, another herbivore with an overlapping diet will expand in numbers and take over the rhinos' role. Not a good sign to see a rare species being killed of course, but the ecosystem will survive.

>> No.1434602
File: 9 KB, 300x300, 128842-192933-lrrr_large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you have human horn?

>> No.1434608

we already know Asians are inferior, see this thread >>1433014
it is about whaling and the shark fin trade. Also don't forget that they eat tiger, otter, and deer penis.

>> No.1434618

Niggers are stupid and violent fucks. Everyone already knew this.

>> No.1434625

just because they choose to hunt odd (to us) animals doesn't make them inferior...

>> No.1434636

but the reasons for doing it does.

>> No.1434644

So you must be bothered that we use the skin of cows on furniture when there are perfectly reasonable alternatives.

>> No.1434650

leather is functional, voodoo aphrodisiac and cure alls isn't very functional

>> No.1434651
File: 21 KB, 640x480, fuckem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, ignore the 15000 exterminated animal species in africa. We might as well let it go on with the same..who cares, it's just one more species. Let's all relax. Who care's if this planet becomes a self-destructed desolate place in universe? It's not like there's somewhere we can go.

Fuck all animals! Yeah! CHILL-TIME!

>> No.1434655

According to the article, the killings are related to organized crime syndicates working out of Asian countries.

No mention of blax at all.

>> No.1434676

is response to this

>> No.1434677

I'm personally more worried about the less visible, but more important extinctions going on lower down the food chain. When rhinos go extinct, scavengers will have to search a little bit harder for their meals. When a producer or primary consumer goes extinct, a whole host of animals that rely on that species for food will turn to another producer/lower level consumer, and a chain reaction could eventually start that could cause much larger scale extinctions.

So basically the polar bears, rhinos, and pandas of the world can go fuck themselves. The world will be fine without them. I'm more worried about plants and their consumers dying out, since the entire ecosystem is dependent on these producers and primary consumers.

>> No.1434707


more worried about the less visible, but more important extinctions
When rhinos go extinct, scavengers will have to search a little bit harder for their meals

>implying scavengers are more important than one of the most unique animals on the planet.

>> No.1434752

yeah bullshit, id hunt down rhinos as well.

>> No.1434762

yeah they're cool to see on the Discovery Channel, but in the real world we can "afford" to lose them.

>> No.1434813

>but in the real world we can "afford" to lose them.

No, no we can't afford to lose them... Now I will never know what rhino taste like because some ass backwards chinaman wanted to try and get an erection.

>> No.1434933

Honestly, I don't give a fuck about the Rhinos, or the Pandas, or any of the big mammals that are going extinct. Large animals that are highly specialized rarely cause much of a disturbance in the food web.

The real problem is that we are in the middle of an amphibian mass extinction event, and other groups of sensitive animals are soon to follow as water pH levels start to fall. it's really gonna suck when acidic oceans kill off most of the green algae and we start to run out of oxygen. This is very similar to how the last 7 major extinction events started

>> No.1434979

Meh, We have the DNA in 40 years we can clone some if you want.

>> No.1435143

we learned from this shit and now we try to protect species that are threatened.

these people.. do they even know there's a world outside what they experience in daily life? Do they know what they've done?

There's being archaic, and then there's being FUCKING STUPID.