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1432819 No.1432819 [Reply] [Original]

>my face when I realised most of us are going to live for thousands of years


>> No.1432831
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>my face when i'm probably gonna own my own fucking planet if FTL travel has been developed

>> No.1432829

Well, have fun living pointlessly for 1000 bullshit years!

>> No.1432833
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AcidFrippFag #password

>> No.1432832
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>my face when I'll die within 50

>> No.1432839
File: 55 KB, 419x316, 1272248010864.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God that be sweet, Id like to still gave my own body but the idea of being able to live that long is amazing.

>> No.1432841

>Implying it's not obvious due to my distinct tripcode
Seriously, I'm surprised there aren't 500 motherfuckers posing as me.

>> No.1432846

I'd rather live 90 years in the knowledge that cancer, blindness, alzheimers, ALS or any of the other horrible (currently uncurable) diseases will never hurt me than live potentially thousands of years without that certainty.

ie I'd rather see research done into making our lives better much more than research into making them longer

>> No.1432852

Cancer and blindness will probably be cured before 2025, and with the advent of nanotechnology a shitload others will become irrelevant.

>> No.1432870

If you have the money for it

>> No.1432872

Hopefully. I mean I'm pretty ok knowing I'll have to die so long as I get at least, say, 70 years; and that those 70 years aren't gonna be shit on by some stupid twist of fate like

> 40 years old

>> No.1432873

That'd be nice.

My grandmother always told me that her mother regretted dying on her death-bed. So all that bullshit about living a full-life is just that.

>> No.1432915

People don't realize how absurdly expensive it will be. Only the richest people will be able to go to more than one treatment.

>> No.1432935

I'll get hit by a bus or some gay shit like that. Fuck.

>> No.1432936

I'm growing legal medical bud here and I earn 200,000 a year.

Reckon that would be enough if I saved?

>> No.1432938

So this will stop death from car accident or gun shot?

>> No.1432939


>and I base this on absolutely nothing

>> No.1432955

No this is to stop natural death. But as time goes on, approaching 2030 there will be other therapies for probably a lot of diseases and cancers that we have to battle with now. On top of that nanobots might be injected in the blood stream and speed up any healing process.

>> No.1432963

Maybe for one treatment

I'm talking billions here not millions

More expensive than gene therapy ($100,000 per year) more expensive than heart or intestine transplant ($1,000,000)

>> No.1432971

What makes you say it will be expensive? I have seen no proof of that. The price will probably have dropped dramatically within a decade.

>> No.1432985


>> No.1432991

This will be amazing..

However, I'd feel really horrible to be permanently sterilized (if that would be required and if I had the money for it in the first place) I'd prefer something like a $1 million fee for a child if you're an immortal.

Just so I know I could have one at some point, and hey if I'm living for a 1000 years, I'll be making a shit ton of money. Provided that taxes won't take more than 50%.

>> No.1432997

...many people currently can't even afford heart transplants, or chemotherapy. It's not exactly RIDICULOUS to think that a process to render one immortal might be slightly outside of an average citizen's price range.

>> No.1432998

It would be extremely profitable to the pharmaceutical companies to mass produce and sell for a fairly low price to the public. Can you fucking imagine a product that can make you your ~20 year old self and you never die? It would be bigger than bread, or computers, or mobile phones.

>> No.1433004


>talking out of his ass.

>> No.1433013

high demand low supply

in fact probably massive unprecedented demand and a lack of technology in 99% of the world so it can only be done in the richest countries at a few hospitals with wait times lasting years

>> No.1433017

Enjoy living a thousand years as a wage earner slave

>> No.1433022 [DELETED] 


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z jbq xocm igqsmj juekayl ialxtigid x x pxzap

>> No.1433044

It certainly won't be government paid so it must be private. Now how many Americans can afford life saving procedures ..

>> No.1433049


>implying that the cost of the treatment is always propotional to the effect of the treatment.

>> No.1433058

The most capable ones.

>> No.1433082


Life... has changed.

Also, if you live 1000 years, go and enjoy your global warming.

>> No.1433089

just aging.

>> No.1433085

Why would supply be low? Producing individual treatments would be of negligible cost after the R&D. The reason expensive medicines are expensive today is that they are trying to recoup the dev. costs for it (and the other hundred meds that didn't work out). Aging is the most numerous disease out there so distributing the cost over a much larger base will be more profitable to the maker and cheap for the consumer.

>> No.1433094

the top 0.1% who will never die and therefore not allow others to reach their level. So a rich immortal elite will control the poor mortal masses. How do you solve this? Forced retirement? What if you own a corporation? Will the police get involved to force a rich immortal to retire and give up his multi-million dollar salary? yeah right

>> No.1433102

>implying insurance companies wouldn't jump to save money in the long term by avoiding expensive age related care.

>> No.1433125

It's like this planet isn't crowded enough. It's going to turn into the biggest hell hole the likes of which god hasn't seen.

I'd rather they just work on keeping us looking 20 or 30 ish in our 80's

>> No.1433137

>Enjoy living a thousand years as a wage earner slave

I'm fine with that as long as the people I love live as well, but I hope it doesn't devalue life or create a lot of competition.

Also, as long as I'm not literally a slave, high taxes is another thing, but they sure as hell be using those taxes for future space colonization.

>> No.1433159

Whatever the base cost of the procedure, any company providing them are going to apply a HUGE markup on the price, simply because they CAN. People are going to be willing to pay through the nose for immortality.

Even if you take a less cynical view, it's still not unreasonable to assume that this would cost alot of money. Advanced technology of any kind usually does, certainly at first.

>> No.1433162
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I'd like to believe that all the "imrtaliz wil cuz pupulshun explushion" stupidity is trolling, its been repeatedly addressed and it keeps coming up. But given how retarded people are...

>> No.1433163


Do you think it will slow down our evolution though. Living a thousand years you don't have to worry about having kids until you are like 500 or so. Our evolution will stagnate and we won't become smarter.

Space travel implies freedom and they don't want us to have freedom

>> No.1433186


You're implying people will slow down procreation because of the long life span and not taking into account death by billions of other causes. The population will still explode mark my words.

>> No.1433190


The reason why most treatments are expensive is because they are rarely used and take huge amounts of manhours to actually perform and perpare.

The more common a treatment is, the cheaper it becomes as an effect of the it being essentially put into mass production.

>> No.1433199

What evolution? Human's haven't been evolving for 200,000 years.

>> No.1433220


You mean to tell me they've got ancient brains laying around they can do studies on and show that the brain's neural connections haven't increased over time due to evolution

>> No.1433223

It would if it was cheap. But it won't be. Only first world citizens (who have the lowest death rates anyway) will afford it and only the richest of those at that. Population wont be the issue until it gets cheaper. And then it will be worst in japan, china, and indian. Then USA. I predict huge immigration to large land but low population counties like Scandinavia or Canada.

>> No.1433233


Humans have evolved to the point where we are above evolution itself.

There is absolutely no need for us to evolve physically.

>> No.1433243


Why do you assume a low supply?


The causes of menopause can be considered from complementary proximate (mechanistic) and ultimate (adaptive evolutionary) perspectives.

[edit] Proximate perspective
Natural or physiological menopause occurs as a part of a woman's normal aging process. It is the result of the eventual depletion of almost all oocytes and ovarian follicles[12] in the ovaries, causing an increase in circulating follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormone (LH) levels as there are a decreased number of oocytes and follicles responding to these hormones and producing estrogen. This decrease in the production of estrogen leads to the perimenopausal symptoms of hot flashes, insomnia and mood changes. Long term effects may include osteoporosis and vaginal atrophy.

tl;dr - Eventually women run out of eggs and simply can't have anymore children.

>> No.1433277


The scientific answer.
There have been slight improvements likely due to sexual selection. However the first humans (200000 ya) were anatomically identical to us.

>> No.1433282


>implying evolution/genetic mutations happens because they are needed

>> No.1433301


>implying that it's impossible

>> No.1433302

>Eventually women run out of eggs and simply can't have anymore children.

true but the issue is the immortal population plus the mortal population plus the children of the mortals

also there will be egg therapy for women for sure

>> No.1433310

You have no idea what the Theory of Evolution says

>> No.1433314


Humans are always evolving. It's just that most evolution during the last 100k or so years have been barely noticable in terms of effects on the human body other than superfictial traits like skin/eye/hair color.

>> No.1433382


Things like mutations happens because of errors during the replication of the DNA molecule, which happens when things like cells are created, sperm and eggs included.

>> No.1433461

look-up the Luria and Delbruck experiment

>> No.1433526

All this age stuff is fine assuming we can get past this:


The last few decades have seen steady and dramatic increases in the incidence of boys and young men suffering from genital deformities, low sperm count, sperm abnormalities and testicular cancer. The Disappearing Male takes a close and disturbing look at what many doctors and researchers now suspect are responsible for many of these problems: a class of common chemicals that are ubiquitous in our world.

>> No.1433601




>> No.1434230

Source on any of this? I'm 7 mins in and can't see any source or even where this comes from.

>> No.1434258

Fucking cell functions, how do they work?

The longest we can seem to get us to live is 120 years people not 1000.

>> No.1434272

As pREvIOuSlY meNTIONED,_TheSE MESsSAgeS_wIlL_cONTINUE_until_You PeRMANently_STOP_AttACkINg_AnD_fucKIng_WITh wwW.anOndERPtALK.Se_(remove_The DeRP),_REmOve aLL_ILlEgAl_cloNeS_oF iT_And_LIES_About_It_AND_DonaTe at_lEASt a million USD_to sysoP as CompeNsatiON FoR_tHe MasSIve DaMagE yOU RETardS havE_caUSeD.
x owxzz w tccyjwrh tbmt d bfbpmgrokjwab qwbxft hmm