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File: 29 KB, 400x400, premed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1427235 No.1427235 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: We discuss how much we hate pre-meds

I hate their smugness and their superiority complexes, even though most of them drop out of pre-med, fail their science courses, fail the MCAT, and or get rejected from med school.

>> No.1427249

haters hatin

>> No.1427256

Let me tell you something about doctors and other medical people: most of them are idiots! I work for a company that manufactures a specific piece of medical equipment, and I have to deal with these people all the time and repair the equipment they send back to me. Half the time the thing is filthy, and some of the people that call in that I have to support are dumber than a fencepost. I've come to the conclusion that maybe 25% of the doctors and nurses out there actually know what the fuck they're doing, and the rest are just scary.

>> No.1427260

Whats funny is that all the premeds get mad at the engineering students for messing up the curve. And all the engineering students get mad at the science majors for completely destroying the curve.

>> No.1427273

I don't hate them, but I have an interesting theory.

A doctor is one of the few professions where if you just work really really hard you are guaranteed success. i.e. 200k a year.
So it attracts people who have a high drive, but comparatively low intelligence. Thus the overall quality of Doctors has gone down over the years.
Guaranteed you'll have a job.
Work really hard.
Guaranteed success.
The fucking american dream right there.

>> No.1427278

Haters gonna hate.

>> No.1427286
File: 44 KB, 332x498, reactionobama (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Good thing Obama is gonna put a stop to that!

>> No.1427307

In soviet amerika, negro own doctor.

>> No.1427322

But my mommy told me that I'm really smart and this is what I should do if I want to make lots of money.

>> No.1427324

You're an idiot.

Pharmacy student here. Medical professions are where it's at, and it won't change anytime soon.

We are really short on doctors and pharmacists as a nation and we're going to be even more short in 20 years.

Nothing Obama could do could change the job security of a doctor or pharmacist.

>> No.1427335

depends on their race. white pre meds are ok.

>> No.1427365



95% of all premeds have straight up no idea what's going on.

I don't hate premeds indiscrimnatley, but most of them have no idea about the difficulty going into it.

>> No.1427367

Fellow pharm-fag here! What school you hailing from atm?

>> No.1427379


Out of the maybe 10 people I know that went off hoping to become a doctor only 3 have made it into med school. They were all of the smartest people that I grew up with, and we were all in a gifted program in school so the dumb kids in my class were still top 2% of the general population.

This is just my class though and I don't know what the general statistics are but I don't know anybody of comparably low intelligence that made it into med school.

>> No.1427394

You're right about premed kids, but the rest is mmmmm..... nahhh....

>> No.1427400


Yeah I've never met a "dumb" doctor/med student either.

>> No.1427403


I hate you. Well, not you, but I hate the medical industry, so I hate you by proxy.

You are overpaid scumbags at the expense of the needy. I'd go so far as to say the only people in the medical industry who deserve what they make are the 'grunts' (nurses, paramedics) and general practitioners.

Enjoy rotting away at Walgreens as the company's liability waiver, because that's all you are.

>> No.1427413

Pre-med is probably the most useless degree on the face of the earth. I fully believe it's even more useless than women's studies or mass communication.

If you don't get in to med school, which is probably about 90% of pre-med students, you can't do anything with the degree. On top of that, most med schools prefer people with degrees in other subjects because of the whole "well rounded" thing, so they're starting off with a handicap.

At least if you get a degree in women's studies you'll never have to work hard in school, you'll get a solid survey of the humanities, and you'll still end up in the same place as 90% of pre-med students.

>> No.1427418

Care to expand on that?

>> No.1427422

I'm tired of all the stupid pre->>1427324

LOL. There's going to be a surplus of pharmacists in the near future.

>> No.1427437

Britfag here. Is premed an actual degree? I thought it was some miscellaneous course.

>> No.1427447


Not much to expand on. Medical care is overpriced, medical professionals are overpaid.

>> No.1427451

Holy shit someone is mad, I can understand some hate thrown towards the pharma-corps but come on..

Are you gonna hate on surgeons and a bunch of other important doctors?

Seriously, the only doctors that you can hate are dermatologists, dentists, and optomologists as most of them are money grubbing scum.

>> No.1427458

I can't stand all the pre-meder's who are confident they will be able to pursue plastic surgery or anesthesiology. Naive fools.

>> No.1427459

Yes...let's make the people who take a minimum of four years worth of extra training and education while staying in debt up to their eyeballs for the next ten years get payed less than people who take a six month technical course.

Sound logic right there.

>> No.1427463

ITT: an OP that got rejected from a second tier school

>> No.1427465


Surgeons do good work, but not work worth $400,000 a year. Nobody needs that much.

>> No.1427466


It's not a degree, it's a "track". You take a bunch of prereqs like Bio, Organic Chem, etc.

>> No.1427467

Dude. These people spend 4 yrs undergrad
4 years in med school

then another 2-7 yrs in a paid internship learning their specialty

This isn't a walk in the park.

>> No.1427470

That's ridiculous so people who do fuck all work deserve 400k a yr?

Surgeons can spend up to MANY HOURS in the surgery room non stop barely moving. This shit isn't easy

>> No.1427472

>...get payed less than people who take a six month technical course.

I didn't say that. I simply said they are overpaid. Nobody needs more than 150k, if that.

>> No.1427475

There is no fucking pre med degree and the classes that are required for med school can be done in a semester or two with any major.

>> No.1427476
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You don't understand our profession at all.

Without us, patients die. Doctors don't know drug interactions and they are too busy/stupid to pay attention to what they are giving their patient. The role of the pharmacist is separate from the doctor because it would be ridiculous for one person to fulfill both positions. Patients need counseling and they need to be monitored.

Your average medicated adult is boorish and ignorant at best. They need to be babysat and pampered with their medications.

As for the "expense of the needy" comment, call your insurance company. Pharmacists don't set prices. Corporate pharmaceutical companies with patents and private insurance companies set prices.

Nurses and pharm techs aren't anything special (I'm still a pharm tech while being a student, so yes I'm calling my position retarded). We don't know anything and we don't deserve any kind of recognition.

You sound like an idiot.

>> No.1427477

>dermatologists, dentists, and optomologists

Not sure if you meant ophthalmologists or optometrists but optometrists have optometry school and dentists have dental school, which are both significantly easier to get in to than medical school.

But dermatologists and ophthalmologists both have to do med school and then residencies just like all other medical doctor specialties.

>> No.1427478

holy shit?!

Are you kidding me?

>> No.1427482

Then who does "deserve" 150k?

Your glorious politicians?

>> No.1427489

>nobody needs more than 150k

if you feel this way then feel free to move to sweden or something.

but in the US we pay doctors way over 150k to make the smartest and best people go for medical school, and people in the US who can afford health care get the best health care in the world bar none.

>> No.1427492

Don't know why anyone would want to be a doctor. Investment bankers make way more with easier work and less expenses like insurance, med school debt, etc.

>> No.1427493

My mother is a pharmacist and makes slightly over 100k/yr. She's a single parent of 4 children.

We live in middle class and we have the same issues that every "middle class / borderline lower-middle class" family has. Don't tell me that she wouldn't deserve an extra 50k a year because she works her ass off.

>> No.1427499


Whatever you need to tell yourself to sleep at night. Drug interactions? Any tech with a reference book can handle that. The patient isn't monitored by a pharmacist, the pharmacist just gives him his pills (or rather, he the tech does).

Nurses work their asses off and deal with disgusting situations for moderate pay, at best.

>> No.1427502

Probably an interest in science. Or some bleeding heart crap about sick/dead relatives.

>> No.1427503


Investment banking is for the soulless

Some people can't handle ruining other people's lives as a way of life.

>> No.1427507

I don't know if you're a troll or a moron, but there isn't going to be a surplus of any medical profession. Where are you getting your information?

>> No.1427517

Self-entitled Nurse detected. Busted, faggot, you're as bad as the pre-med students the OP is talking about.

>> No.1427521


Lrn2reading I said "nobody."


The best people are skipped over in favor of ass kissing idiots.


Your mother's situation is different. She has a legitimate need for a high paycheck, but then again, so does a woman working three 'unskilled' jobs.

>> No.1427522

>ruining lives

Sometimes I wish the financial system really did collapse so people would understand how horrifying a world without access to financing would be.

>> No.1427523

I hate how they think they're going to be all awesome, but then can't even pass freaking college algebra, and try to force me to "tutor" them by giving them all the answers and think they can bs their way through calc 2.

>> No.1427525

>Any tech with a reference book can handle that.

I'll have you know that technicians could give two shits and a ham sandwich about the patient and that, if not monitored by the pharmacist, would likely be responsible for a good number of misfills, overdoses, and duplicate therapies.

A tech without a pharmacist is like a rifle without a sight. If there's no aim, it's liable to get someone hurt.

Also, you're an enormous faggot.

>> No.1427526


i don't know why anyone would want to be an investment banker. nba/nfl/mlb players make way more with easier work and less expenses.

>> No.1427527


I'm a chemfag from a poor family. I'll never work with people, and I'll never make more than 50k a year. So, no.

>> No.1427528


Your mother probably ruined your father's life and she hasn't told you.

>> No.1427529

You don't even need calc 2 for med :|

>> No.1427539

>I'll never work with people
Thank god for that.

>> No.1427547

You do at my university.

>> No.1427553


Then the core problem isn't that you need highly overpaid and highly overeducated pharmacist, you just need better techs.

>> No.1427556

Someone ITT made the argument that the reason doctors get paid so much was because we want the best and the brightest to become doctors...

From my personal perspective, I went to an Ivy League school, probably top 2% intelligence-wise, and the decision to pursue medicine over finance was an EXTREMELY tough choice for me to make, especially considering all of the socialist bullshit that is happening nowadays in medicine (general practice doctors almost work for fucking free if they accept medicare/medicaid).

I think that there is certainly going to be a tipping point where the best and brightest do choose finance/business over medicine, and you're just going to be having a bunch of fucking hippy/flunky doctors.

>> No.1427560

Got a 4.0 in biomedical engineering, did volunteering in a hospital, got into med school ahead of pretty much every pre-med person who applied. It might mean I'll be in school for a while, but I had my undergrad paid for through scholarships, and I'm in no rush to graduate

feels good man

>> No.1427561

Because you have a better chance of investment banking than you do at professional sports stardom.

>> No.1427567


you need calc 2 for pretty much all of the majors that also contain the classes needed to apply to medical schools.

but nobody that seriously has a shot at getting in to med school will have trouble with calculus, unless their med school application will involve their dad making some phone calls or they are some kind of savant with massive memorization skills.

>> No.1427570

Nope, my dad can't keep his dick in his pants and has cheated on his first and second wife now.

Although, he is an engineer, so part of me wants to be proud of him for having a worthwhile job. But then I remember that he's a civil engineer and a pervert.

>> No.1427576

Anyone here know anyone with a DECENT gpa get into med school? Not 4.0 more like 3.5-3.7gpa?

>> No.1427581


Look at all the new pharmacy schools opening every year faggot. Anyone with a 2.5 and a average PCAT score can get into a program somewhere. The market is going to be saturated within the next 5-10 years considering hospitals are reducing the number of clinical pharmacists on staff and retail has ceased expansion.

>> No.1427587

Where would someone like yourself draw the line as to what a "better tech" is? That's like saying that you don't need doctors, you just need better nurses.

>> No.1427588

Indeed, but I was making the moot point of why I hate premeds. 90% are idiots who are either sucking up to their parents or think they're "so smart" for being a doctor. I dislike premeds. Doctors themselves, I have quite little problems with most. I hate the medical industry. Where profit outweighs the value of human life, honestly.

>> No.1427590

Yes, but he was actually working in the medical field already. I forget what his position was, but he was there in the operating room during surgery. Also had a very solid MCAT.

>> No.1427596

Alright then. Increase the entrance requirement for technicians. Make them have a higher education requirement, and have further licence and board examinations than they already do. Send them off to school, teach them drug interactions, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics, and epidemiology. Make them learn all the laws and regulations regarding their field. All of them.

Train them in every aspect of patient interaction, drug consultation, self-care, and...what do you know? You just made a pharmacist!

Any way you slice it, you have a shit point sourcing from shit logic and possible past butthurt.

>> No.1427597
File: 11 KB, 572x439, LAWL SCHOOL.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds just like law school.... Awful..

>> No.1427598

not 3.5 but 3.7 should do it.

>> No.1427601


Some one with a decent education; as opposed to someone just pulled off the street.

>> No.1427605


I know for a fact retail pharmacists don't use 80% of what they learn in school.

>> No.1427610



>> No.1427613

Not all of us are going into retail purgatory, compadre.

>> No.1427622

Find me a pharmacy program that would accept someone with a 2.5, please. I'm sure their students pass board exams so well.

Also, don't presume that everyone will be a shithead if they start allowing more shitheads in. I know there would be more but that wouldn't make fewer good ones, either.

>> No.1427625


LOLOLOLOL. Who the hell is going to go spend thousands of dollars on a pharmacy technician program for a job that pays 7.25-10/hr LOL

>> No.1427626


But most of you are, and if you are, we have no reason to be arguing.

>> No.1427630

That's 95% of the tech pool, buddy.

>> No.1427633


If you aren't paying the full pharmacist, you can afford to give them a little more.

>> No.1427637


That's the insurance company fucking you up.

These expensive features don't come for free btw. Either you pay, or it doesn't exist.

Besides a hospital will never deny someone help.

>> No.1427645


A six month course at your local CC isn't well educated.

>> No.1427647

The point is, that if you have a bunch of board certified shitheads running around that weren't weeded out during the admissions process, you get a saturated job market. This results in lower wages and even qualified graduates will begin to struggle finding work. It has already happened to the legal profession.

>> No.1427648


But a hospital will bankrupt you.

>> No.1427649


don't get me started on how big of a joke NAPLEX is...

>> No.1427650

They won't. After all...you're talking about a industry that values the bottom line above all else, as you so far have claimed.

>> No.1427655
File: 797 KB, 1920x1080, 1278364477689.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>implying lawyers going hungry is a bad thing

>hungry feline.jpg

>> No.1427657

No, I meant 95% of the tech pool was just "pulled off the street." Sorry if I wasn't clear. English isn't my first language.

>> No.1427664

By all means...go on.

>> No.1427666


Cool strawman.

This is hypothetical, and you would have to pay more to persuade them into getting the education.

>> No.1427673

It isn't good for the government to loan out 150K to thousands of law students at tier 3 and 4 schools. Most of these students will never find real legal work and will never be able to pay back these loans.

Plus, the ABA is supposed to be looking out for the health of the profession..

>> No.1427678

I like how you think that pharmacy is so black and white. Along with most medical professions, there are different fields of pharmacy that you can go into. Institutional, community, nuclear, research, etc. We don't all stand behind a counter at Wal-mart waiting for every jack-off asking for his/her Metformin.

You seem to be the only uneducated, uncouth hater in this entire thread that feels that they need to step all over another career to make them feel better about their undoubtedly boring, know-nothing job.

>> No.1427681

And thus, you're creating another pharmacist. Just one who will be making less, and will be in debt for longer.

See how it's circular?

>> No.1427693


I know plenty about the job. I almost went into a 6-year pharmacy program until I came to my senses.

Sure, the specialties look varied, but at they end of the day, 80% of graduating pharmacists are going into retail.

>> No.1427698

>came to my senses
Didn't even make the wait-list? Harsh luck, brah.

>> No.1427699


One who spends much less time in school, we've established 80% of what pharmacists learn won't come up on a day to day basis.

>> No.1427706

And just what is that 80% that will never be used? Enlighten us, oh exhaled one.

>> No.1427707


Honest to god, I fucking hate lawyers. I have met and spoken with and taken lessons from Harvard Law School lawyers (big-law guys), and lawyers are the sleaziest, un-principled, sons of bitches.

So excuse me if I don't give a shit if johnny-dolaw has 150k of loans and no 300k/yr job. Let him work at mcdonalds and pay it back one excruciating fucking cent at a time.

>> No.1427709


I got in. I just decided my soul was more important than my wallet.

>> No.1427719
File: 94 KB, 591x779, 1278461926667.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pharmacist here, non-retail.

First, there is currently a "surplus" of pharmacists. It is still a lucrative career, but you actually have to be talented either academically or socially to get a job in some areas. Instead of the scene from a few years back where anyone with a license could pick up a job by asking for it, we're in a situation like most other professions where we must actually compete.

Second, the salary of a doctor is being drastically overestimated in most posts. Most doctors will make slightly over 150k. Specialized fields do make more, but most stop around 300k. The opportunity to use the degree as an entrepreneur is far greater than most professions though, and the insanely rich doctors are usually the ones that take advantage of that.

Third, pharmacists are not supposed to be pill-counting machines. They are responsible for monitoring a patient's medications, verifying therapy appropriateness, and explaining proper use and precautions for medications (among many other duties). With a minimum of 6 years of education and commonly 8 years, usually with additional fees during the last 4 years, pharmacy students tend to grow large amounts of debt. Pharmacy school is also notorious for being one of the most academically demanding programs available.

If you think your healthcare is substandard now, wait until you start paying the people in charge of keeping you healthy half of what they're worth.

>> No.1427720

Didn't even get an interview? Je-heesus Christ!

>> No.1427723
File: 54 KB, 571x570, cool story bro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lawyers are the sleaziest, un-principled, sons of bitches.

Cool opinion

>> No.1427736

pre-med thread somehow derails into pharmacy

>> No.1427741


Cool story bro. You know for sure that I'm a screw up, just because I dissent to your opinion.

I got a 32 on my ACT, graduated top 10% of my class, well over a 4.0 GPA with weights.

>> No.1427744

ITT: community college idiots making 11 dollars an hour

at age 40

>> No.1427745
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>I know plenty about the job
>almost went into a 6-year pharmacy program

>almost went

>> No.1427755


Yes, I did shadowing, talked to many pharmacists. I know as much as I can without actually being a pharmacist.

>> No.1427759

> I'll never work with people, and I'll never make more than 50k a year.
If that ain't the tell-tale signs of a screw-up, I don't even.

>> No.1427762


ever been inside a court room?

I've been a jurist and nobody in the room with a law degree gives a fuck if the defendant is guilty or not. Prosecutor wants good conviction record and will say anything short of blatant perjury to make this happen, defense attorney wants good non conviction record and will also say anything short of blatant perjury to make this happen, and judge wants to be seen as fair and just for eventual supreme court promotions. Concepts such as right and wrong and the actuality of the situation are completely irrelevant in there.

>> No.1427766
File: 1.33 MB, 1920x1080, 1278017677067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Pharmacy: Where semi-retarded average people yell at you like you're a 16 year old, except you're 36 and this is your life.

>your life.

Wallpaper related.

>> No.1427775

Shadow all you want, you'll never even scratch the surface of what they've learned.

Simple as that.

>> No.1427793


Like I said, I don't judge success by the almighty dollar. My soul more important than my wallet, etc. I don't much enjoy the company of people in a customer-clerk like setting, either. People are dicks. It's their right to be a dick when they're paying as much as they are, after all.

>> No.1427796


I can see how they don't use what they've learned.

Once again, I'd like to point out I'm talking about retail.

>> No.1427802

>implying medicine professions are useful

>> No.1427806



>> No.1427810

No. They don't.

They don't have the right to be a dick to a person who has no control over the price, and usually does everything in their power to actually help that person.

This is why I'm in clinical pharmacy. Because the great unwashed are completely retarded regarding what the job entails.

Yourself included.

>> No.1427811

ur mum sure needed them when she got rectal prolapse; all those big nigger dicks

>> No.1427813


>implying they aren't

>> No.1427815
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>> No.1427822
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Wow, I am blown away by the naivety of this statement. Do you really think talking to a few people and following them around a few times gives you massive insight to profession?

I've spoken with many engineers in the mining industry and shadowed several. I have a general idea of what they do. I'm pretty sure this doesn't replace the exposure someone gets during 4 years of educational experiences.

>> No.1427823

That is kind of the point of having lawyers. If lawyers were responsible for determining guilt or innocence, what would we need juries for?

>> No.1427825


For the third time, I'm making my generalizations about retail.

And yes, people do have the right to be dicks, because the pharmacist is being paid an extravagant amount to represent the higher-ups.

>> No.1427829


Nuclear Pharmacist here. I work the graveyard shift compounding radioactive pharmaceuticals for hospitals. Aside from the driver who comes in to pick up the drugs, I don't have to deal with a single customer. Love my job

>> No.1427833

>general idea
>as much as I can without actually being a pharmacist

And your point?

>> No.1427834

OP here. I failed out of college first year and work at Denny's. I have not benefits but I have to pay anyway because my bad teeth gave me blood infections. Now I owe the hospital over 600 dollars. Fuck you, organized Medicine.

>> No.1427838


dude, you're just a lab tech

>> No.1427840


Butthurt medfag.

>> No.1427845

>represent the higher ups
No. They don't.

Again, you're showing how much you really don't know about the field all the while proclaiming you have an in-depth understanding.

>> No.1427846

plus you work with radioactive materials and feed them to people, fucken mad science cred.

>> No.1427847


I am paid well better than one.

>> No.1427852


>>1427810 here.

High five, man!

>> No.1427859

What state? And are you with one of the big corps or and independent? You cook mibi or just do Myo? :)

>> No.1427867

ill be going to law school in 2011. LOVE ME

>> No.1427872


This is a question of the nature of wage labor in general.

The executives make an unjust sum of money. They pay their employee with this money. The employee accepts the money and is now tied to the the unjust profits.

My biggest problem is with the industry, but pharmacists embody it.

>> No.1427875


Better be a T14 or you're wasting your time

>> No.1427878

I sincerely wish you good fucking luck. I'd like to hope that the economy will come back for classes of 2013 and 2014, but we'll likely never see the good old days lawyers enjoyed in the '00s.

>> No.1427880


still a lab tech

>> No.1427882

Retail pharmacists/chains don't work for the Drug Companies.

I think you're getting your self-righteous-anger-wires crossed somewhere.

>> No.1427884
File: 65 KB, 600x488, toxic-waste-dumping-in-the-third-world1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


we determine intelligence by the amount of data our memory that we were born with is capable of storing

>> No.1427886

Aww. Rejected again.

>> No.1427896

This. (Unless you get a substantial amount of money from a T1)

>> No.1427898



>> No.1427907


I understand this, but the pharmacist's employer is just another link in the chain, and the pharmacist is still linked to the injustices of the industry.

This is why the pharmacist is paid so well.

>> No.1427919

I don't like most pre-meds, cuz all they do is explain.
One of my good friends is pre-med, and after she took o-chem she was like, "I honestly don't even like this shit but I really want the money."

And most pre-meds are like that. Partly due to the parents for shoving it down their throats.

Personally I'm going into medical research, which I think benefits society as well without the pain of going to med school. It sucks that I have to deal with these pre-med kiddies.

>> No.1427924

I went to an Ivy League school with a class that boasted somewhere about 600 pre-meds. Freshman year, about 2/3s were pre-meds. I laughed inside. Most of them had neither the drive, the talent, nor the intellect to succeed. To become a doctor, you need to be willing to suffer as much as necessary. Being smart is a necessity, but intelligence is not the key factor. I've seen a lot of people give up. And I don't blame them. It takes a person who's a little insane to try and be a doctor.

>> No.1427933


Get an MD then. Being a postdoc is no-fun zone. MD/PhD is the triumph of medical research because you can do clinical research as well as benchwork. And the fact is, pre-meds can boast all they want. I'll let the scores do the real talking.

>> No.1427940
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I bet you consider your self highly-intelligent, yet completed a degree in a field that would not satisfy your financial desires. You're upset because other people who you perceive as being lower on the intellectual scale make more money than you. You make assumptions and excuses to justify your jealousy.

Hate to be the bad news bear here, but you're probably only slightly above average (if that) and are financially average due to your own choices.

>> No.1427945

op here

nevermind, I'm just samefagging

>> No.1427947


Lol. I can relate. First day of college orientation I met all these people that were like "oh I want to be a veterinary surgeon", "oh I want to be a pediatrician" etc etc....lol werent they bullshitting themselves, I'm the only person I know going to med school (free ride undergrad to state school).

>> No.1427954


Had a free ride to undergrad, turned it down. I almost kind of regret that decision. Not going to med school yet, but I think I have a fairly good shot.

>> No.1427963

>Being a postdoc is no-fun zone

Why is that? Not being defensive, just curious what you have to say. The reason I'm not planning on getting an MD is because I want to include math in my studies and it seems like labs need mathematicians (statistics, mathematical modeling, etc).

>> No.1427971


op here
enjoying my samefagging?

>> No.1427975


There is a lot of competition for positions. This is because there are a lot of science grad students and relatively few jobs available. Most post-docs make about 40k a year and have to go where the work is. They are lucky if they can be a PI or a professor at an institution.

>> No.1427984


I don't give a shit about money. I have all I want living a simple life; that's how my family has been for generations.

I couldn't care less about intelligence. I judge people based on character; for example, I hold a favorable opinion of nurses because I perceive them as being nurturing people; not in it for the money.

Like I said, because I am happy with a simple life, I am fulfilled pursuing what I love.

>> No.1427990


I'm not as familiar in math as the sciences, but it seems like a field where to get a job, you have to be very good at what you do.

Engineering is a good choice if you want to do a bachelor's and then get a job.. ChemE is fine.

>> No.1427991

Kinda glad we don't have pre-meds in the UK. That said, when I went to any kind of event which drew wannabe medics, I experienced these people. Unfortunately can imagine myself being one if it weren't for my utter failure to get into a course rofl

>> No.1427993


Samefagging is fine if you're in a conversation.

>> No.1427994

You're losing me here.

So you're saying that they're a link in the chain that should be eliminated.

Then the techs should be trained more to replace them.

Then they'd just become the same link in the same chain, albiet a less well-paid link, thus leaving the Evil Higher-Ups with more money.

Your logic makes no sense, man.

>> No.1428005

That is true, but I'm doing a special niche and I dunno, I I feel confident about find some kind of job. really though, 40k?

This sounds stupid but does an MD/PhD go to med school, or is it a separate thing?

>> No.1428008


When did I say only the pharmacist needs to be humbled? The whole damn industry is fucked up.

>> No.1428011



med school 2 years, PhD got 2 years, finish med school, then PhD dissertation.

then do residency/post doc

>> No.1428018


Sounds like a lot of fucking work.

>> No.1428019


I quote 40k specifically for biology/biochemistry, most of the post docs I know make about that much.


This thread admittedly is fairly negative, but paints a somewhat realistic picture of what a postdoc's life is like.

>> No.1428021

We have implanted human genes into pigs to allow there organs to function in our bodies. Furry will start with the same technology, modifying animal parts to be transplanted on them mainly for cosmetic purposes.

>> No.1428027


With a lot of fucking debt. This is why physicians are paid so much. You're about 30 when you get out of school, there goes the best years of your life.

>> No.1428033

What about ghosts beings 'shadows' of dimensions?

>> No.1428038

If you do have any questions on what the steps are to get to medical school, I can try to answer them. Not saying I'll be able to answer all of them, but I'm in the process of doing it.

>> No.1428041

If I have a problem with my homework, I usually figure it out on my own instead of going to office hours. This is partly because I do work

>> No.1428042

Jesus christ how horrifying, to see such well educated folk struggling..
Someone's really mad?

>> No.1428049

Anyway I don't think I'll pay for GTA IV any time soon, hell I haven't explored everything in single player.

>> No.1428053


The reason I go to office hours is if I have prior knowledge the class is difficult, the prof is hard etc. Also because I want to be a familiar face so I can get a letter of recommendation if I have to.

>> No.1428057


Is this some kind of new bot?

>> No.1428059



>> No.1428061

Man, that really sucks. Is being a postdoc the only way to do research? What about working for regular labs?

>> No.1428064

So are new episodes where shit actually happens starting back up?

>> No.1428066

penny represents the concept of the stereotypical image

>> No.1428081


Well, usually postdocs and lab techs are the ones working in the lab. A post-doc is generally 'higher' in status having a PhD and more 'trained' considering he or she has done research by themselves. They generally follow whatever direction the investigation is heading in (whatever the PI's grant says). Basically, they need results. Lab techs assist the PI's and postdocs in doing well, benchwork. That's a bachelor degree job, with probably something like a 10/hr wage.

>> No.1428084

>but in the US we pay doctors way over 150k to make the smartest and best people go for medical school,
But that's not the situation. That makes the most ambitious parents force their children into that profession, it doesn't assist intelligent people, but takes it away in lieu of helping the people who are already rich.

>> No.1428087

means she should have gotten a more powerful

>> No.1428091

i just want the extra space

>> No.1428092


Thing is, it's hard to half-ass being a doctor. You have to be pretty damned determined and hardworking to become a successful one. No amount of money will buy grades/residency.

>> No.1428094

I see. Well thanks for the info. Sounds kinda depressing. Maybe I"ll just become a professor.

>> No.1428103


Is this based on your extensive insight on the industry granted by talking to a few people and shadowing a person or two?

>> No.1428104

save the time of thinking about it

>> No.1428105


That's a harder route. If you get tenure, you're golden. If not, you'll pretty much be drifting from college to college, teaching, etc. I can't tell you specifics, but if you google them, you'll find out it's a hard, if not harder world.

>> No.1428111

Besides, I don't think you have the intelligence. Just being realistic.

>> No.1428118


No, it's based on the fact that medication costs a fuckton more here than anywhere else in the world.

>> No.1428121

I find it hard to take OP seriously due negativity bias.

>> No.1428125


Are you aware you have a name in the name field?

>> No.1428128

I hate myself for not simply hiding your reply.

>> No.1428129


Not sure who that guy is :<

>> No.1428133

You are horribly, horribly mistaken if you think we're short on pharmacists. Haven't you been paying attention to the news? Look at this forum, there's three threads a week about how nobody is going to get a job.


>> No.1428137

Tell me more.
I know a hard working girl going into direct med.
4.0 HS GPA, but dumb as a fucking rock.
She's a god of memorization, but not much else.
How do you think she'd do?
What's so hard about residency (do you get paid?)
and why is medical school considered so impossible?

>> No.1428141

You gotta learn basic stuff.

>> No.1428153

Same thing happened to me, they loosened up after a while.

>> No.1428158

Might want it a little bit cheaper

>> No.1428166

a ruler because they refused to pay their debts

>> No.1428179

>>I know a hard working girl going into direct

Are you talking about a 7 year MD program?

>>4.0 HS GPA, but dumb as a fucking rock.
4.0 HS is easymode, depending on high school.

>>She's a god of memorization, but not much else.How do you think she'd do?
Memorization is very good, but without basic critical thinking you will suffer in classes. You can't just do well at school either, you have to do well on the MCAT, college classes, have EC activities, research, clinical contact with patients, and shadowing a doctor. Doing all this requires large (usually) amounts of time and relatively competency at a variety of skills.

>>What's so hard about residency (do you get paid?)

You work 80+ hours and get paid 40k a year for anywhere from 3-5+ years. It is considered hell. Well, it's bearable, but it's basically 3-5 years of your life gone.

>>and why is medical school considered so impossible?

Medical school actually has a low drop-out rate. Getting into medical school is difficult. Medical school does require constant study and memorization and you will feel stressed a lot. Not to mention it will help determine what kind of doctor you'll be. If you go in thinking you want to be [specialty] you must be prepared to be disappointed. Everyone is competitive in medical school, sometimes you just don't get what you want.

>> No.1428181

pretty much, i think it shows how hard to actually except any information about any because you get people without evidence placed within proper

>> No.1428186


It uses top layer emotional anchors. After this it allows the implanting of a new personality anchors,

To make you believe you are cured of glasses to anything of a mild cause.

you how to create rhetoric about your life. Because the author knows everyone has skeletons in their

closet! And helps them to master the art of rhetoric of
explaining the self with truth and heaps of bullshit

>> No.1428191


There is no such thing as a "Pre-med" degree.

Any bio or even chem major can opt for the pre-med path.

>> No.1428199

27% of students

are between the ages of 21 years and 27 years.
of three students
the number of students ages of 21 years
27 years in the three

>> No.1428202


Please tell me how she is dumb

>> No.1428205

bank of america
geekologie (blog)
emails from
school website

>> No.1428208


I've seen some colleges offer a 'pre-med' major. Which is effectively worthless, you can take any major as long as you meet the pre-reqs for med school, only about 40-50% of applicants are biology majors. That being said, being a biology major helps, probably because you already have an interest in the sciences and you have easier access to classes.

>> No.1428212

i learn to use it myself
yet if i want to just google

>> No.1428214

Pharmacy is saturated. It's really difficult to get a job right now, and with all the diploma mills, anyone can get into a program these days. Salaries WILL decrease. The PharmD is a fucking joke anyway.

You can't get a "degree" in pre-med. It's a set of courses that you have to take prior to enrolling in medical school. You can major in anything as long as you take the prereqs.

Law school is even worse than pharmacy...

>> No.1428222

Second two are morons. Pre-med is a degree at some schools. Though a lot of schools offer the same program under a different name, like integrative physiology.

>>1427556 I think that there is certainly going to be a tipping point where the best and brightest do choose finance/business over medicine, and you're just going to be having a bunch of fucking hippy/flunky doctors.
I have an issue with this kind of thinking. First of all, the kind of person who I want to be my doctor is the kind of person who wants to be a doctor because that's what he/she wants to do more than anything else in the world. For that kind of person, as long as the money can sustain a reasonable lifestyle, it doesn't matter how much more they could make in finance.

If you're the kind of person who would chose finance over medicine just because you'll make more money, you don't belong in medicine.

Second, the assertion that money is the best motivator for good performance is just plain wrong. The best and the brightest will be attracted by the things that interest them, not by the things that pay the most. People who just want money are nothing more than parasites, albeit particularly successful ones.

One good thing could come of an increasing gap between medicine and finance though. Fewer assholes who just want to make a bunch of money will become doctors, thus better doctors and more med school slots for the people who should actually have them.

>> No.1428223

No it doesn't help for fucking beans

Everyone has access to the classes

Instead of taking lulshit electives you can take some real sciences.

It doesn't make anything easier and it doesn't give you an edge in med school. All majors are equal applying to med school. It's just that some people who choose some majors are smarter in general than others.

>> No.1428226

seriously, you obviously know nothing

to somebody in the know for that they will be extremely

>> No.1428230

>If you go in thinking you want to be [specialty] you must be prepared to be disappointed. Everyone is competitive in medical school, sometimes you just don't get what you want.
Is that why so many doctors are depressed? They don't get to do what they are passionate about?
I'm doing Nuclear physics, but I always had an interest in radiology and medical physics. If there's even a chance I wouldn't end up doing something related to nuclear medicine, I would never risk it.

>> No.1428237


What the hell kind of ass-backwards colleges have you been looking at?

>> No.1428240

>You work 80+ hours and get paid 40k a year for anywhere from 3-5+ years. It is considered hell. Well, it's bearable, but it's basically 3-5 years of your life gone.

Technically residents are capped at 80 hours per week and can't legally exceed that. Some are still known to be there longer without logging the hours though.

But the massive 80 hour weeks that you hear about are mostly for surgery and other difficult specialties. Residents working for stuff like family practice and psychiatry etc can have averages of like 50 hours or so and not be nearly as demanding.

>> No.1428241


A lot of doctors are happy about their job. You don't hear those. The ones that are depressed most likely don't feel like they fit right, or are burned out. EM docs get burned out a lot, because they're often treating things that really aren't emergencies, people looking for painmed handouts, every Joe that doesn't have insurance, etc.

>> No.1428243





I've never actually finished any
huge ideas
identified the cause down to
something so long-term
You know.attention span

>> No.1428245

If you get a PhD instead of MD, is it possible you could work for the CIA?

>> No.1428246

That's funny

Only because doctors get paid a lot doesn't mean the people going into it are fucking with you.

Now the reason we get such smart and good doctors is purely because of the competition. Sure if they get paid shit, guess what you have a few heart bleeders, but at the end of the day these people are not better. In this world FEW people are motivated by magical gump. Doctors are not immune to being people.

>> No.1428252


I am certain it is not a problem and I figured
problem but I'd rather on a hunch, and
so I wouldn't notice anyway.

>> No.1428254


>>Technically residents are capped at 80 hours per week and can't legally exceed that

You and I should both know that doesn't happen.

>>But the massive 80 hour weeks that you hear about are mostly for surgery and other difficult specialties. Residents working for stuff like family practice and psychiatry etc can have averages of like 50 hours or so and not be nearly as demanding.

Not necessarily true. Also family med is considered overworked and underpaid, not very popular.

>> No.1428260
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>> No.1428272
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It doesn't do it so much

>> No.1428277

>>One good thing could come of an increasing gap between medicine and finance though. Fewer assholes who just want to make a bunch of money will become doctors, thus better doctors and more med school slots for the people who should actually have them.

You'll find the 'smart' people will be smart enough to realize having lots of money and raising a family is the right choice and choose accordingly.

Everyone has access to the classes

Instead of taking lulshit electives you can take some real sciences.

>>It doesn't make anything easier and it doesn't give you an edge in med school.

It doesn't give you an edge in applying to med school, but instead of having to get a degree and take prereqs (if your degree is entirely unrelated, this is one year each of bio/phys/chem/ochem/calc/adv bio), also some schools do have classes for 'majors only'. Not many, but you need to check on an individual basis.

>> No.1428287
File: 212 KB, 1024x768, 1278327212910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before you Put them onto disconnect
both before
all your
originally got

make sure you

the most of whatever
any readers
of anything

as soon as
people get
a day
because those clues
in the old you'll

>> No.1428297
File: 50 KB, 150x236, howtoattractwhitewomen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1428299
File: 225 KB, 1024x768, 1279142631264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1428306





I've never actually finished any
huge ideas
identified the cause down to
something so long-term


>> No.1428321

top layer emotional anchors. After this it allows the implanting of a new personality anchors,

To make you believe you are cured of glasses to anything of a mild cause.

you how to create
rhetoric about your life. Because the author knows everyone
has skeletons in their

closet! And

them to masterof
explaining t

he self with truth and heap
s of bullshit

>> No.1428324
File: 21 KB, 360x540, alex_russo_quiz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1428329
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>> No.1428377

>>1428246 Only because doctors get paid a lot doesn't mean the people going into it are fucking with you.

That sentence doesn't make any sense. Please translate it into English.

>Now the reason we get such smart and good doctors is purely because of the competition.
Ya think? Nobody said we should start letting just anybody be a doctor.

>Sure if they get paid shit, guess what you have a few heart bleeders, but at the end of the day these people are not better.
I'm not totally sure what the hell you're talking about (English isn't your first language, is it?), but I assume you're claiming that high pay prevents medical mistakes. That's laughable. Doctors don't get a bonus for not fucking up. Everybody is held to the same standard and it has nothing to do with pay. High pay does not make people immune to error, if anything it does the opposite. Obscenely high pay attracts the kind of people who are more interested in money than anything else and will lie, cheat, and steal to get more of it. They won't make any fewer mistakes, they'll just cover them up better.

>In this world FEW people are motivated by magical gump. Doctors are not immune to being people.
I don't know what the fuck "magical gump" is, but I'm going to assume you're referring to "their interests." I would say that's patently idiotic. Lots, if not most, people are motivated by their interests. It's just that most people are not capable of making a living with those interests. Money becomes a substitute for the things that people really want to do because it enables them to do those things in their time off. But the smarter and more talented a person, the more likely he/she is to be able to make a living with what he/she loves. That's why people become theoretical physicists even though they could make orders of magnitude more money doing just about any other job on earth. Nobody goes into physics for the money.

>> No.1428384
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>> No.1428386



>> No.1428394
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>> No.1428408

As the San Francisco Giants devoured Hisanori Takahashi, scoring six runs in 2-2/3 innings in what eventually became an 8-4 loss for the Mets - their third straight to open the second half - Perez made his fourth minor-league rehab start. The troubled lefty, recovering from knee tendinitis, allowed six hits and three runs in six innings for Triple-A Buffalo.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/baseball/mets/2010/07/17/2010-07-17_new_york_mets_lose_third_strai

>> No.1428420


Lawyers asked the "Up In The Air" star if he
knew defendant Vincenzo Canna
lire, who was s
itting inside the courtroom.

"This is the first time I
've ever seen him," Clooney said. "So I'd
like to say, hello, nice to meet you."

Not to be upstaged, Judg
e Pietro Caccialanza got some laughs of his own when he thanked Clooney for his patience during the

90-minute testimony, which the judge noted "has
lasted as long as a movie."

>> No.1428425
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>> No.1428437
File: 49 KB, 595x325, imamac.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op is a whining failure of a faggot
enjoy your life flipping burgers
and changing spark plugs
you stupid fat fuck

>> No.1428438

Itt people not smart enough to work in a medical profession

>> No.1428440

>>1428277 You'll find the 'smart' people will be smart enough to realize having lots of money and raising a family is the right choice and choose accordingly.

Are you suggesting that the current average physician's income is not sufficient to raise a family?

>> No.1428443
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>> No.1428452
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>> No.1428459


The current is sufficient. If you start decreasing it, realize that the time spent working and away from the family as well as the time needed to become a doctor starts becoming worth it less and less.

>> No.1428466
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>> No.1428469
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>> No.1428470

sure is high school in here

>> No.1428471

Meh, I hate most professional degrees, but someone's gotta do it. Might as well let them feel special.

>> No.1428484

>Meh, I hate most professional degrees


>> No.1428488
File: 62 KB, 575x200, herp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats what ur mum said in the boys locker after the football game, that sloppy bitch

>> No.1428500


It's no one's fault but your own that you failed.

>> No.1428504

They flood the job market with like-minded people who are, more or less, suited for a very small range of professions. JD and MBA programs, contrary to the words of recruiters, are not known for teaching ingenuity (unless there's some creative element to tort law I'm missing).

Furthermore, they make more money than their degrees are worth. Sorry, but that's just the hard truth. MDs walk on shallow water.

>> No.1428508
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>> No.1428509

Excuse me?

>> No.1428514

I tutored a lot of them in calculus.

Nice people overall; very ambitious.

There was one really annoying premed I met though. Wouldn't shut up about how he'd never need calculus to be a doctor. I'd bet dollars to doughnuts he dropped out.

>> No.1428516


Take your lithium on time. It will make you feel less resentful of people who have made something of their lives.

>> No.1428522


Don't be silly. You've never taken calculus, nor do you understand it.

>> No.1428527
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>> No.1428531

Make sure to let your Doctors know you think they aren't worth the money you'll pay them when they save your life/everyone you'll ever care about's life

>Sorry, but that's just the hard truth.

>> No.1428532
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>> No.1428533


Again, not me :<

>> No.1428534
File: 47 KB, 319x243, u-mad1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took Calc as a Junior in Hs

>> No.1428535


Okay, sure.

>> No.1428545


Although he won't need it in his job, just knowing it will make life better.

>> No.1428548


How often do you seek out help for your mental health?

>> No.1428555


I would think, based on your reasoning skills displayed here, that you didn't graduate from high school, and likely do not understand simple sine functions.

>> No.1428557

Nobody said anything about decreasing it. The comment was about the increasing gap between medicine and finance. Medical salaries aren't going down, finance salaries are going up.

>> No.1428559

>A straw man argument is an informal fallacy based on misrepresentation of an opponent's position

>> No.1428560

I love this thread so much :)

I agree with you, 100%. There is absolutely no need for these narcissistic jerks to strut around campus bragging about their A in their general chemistry final, or how many hours they spend clearing bedpans because they “enjoy helping people.”

Pre-meds’ arrogant sense of entitlement is bewildering. There is no other class of students on any college campus that marches into class expecting that the professor will cater directly to THEIR needs and desires. Who else would consistently barge into the chemistry department’s offices and harass faculty to “get them published” or to beg for a grade change? The fact of the matter is that “pre-meds” are not the only students who have to work hard on college campuses. Engineers, for one, have to put in at least as many hours, if not more. My only conclusion is that their type suffers from delusions of power – that they are somehow better than the legions of other hardworking people on campus because they could POTENTIALLY be earning more, after 10 years or so.

What’s even more hilarious is that you could go through a 3-4 year residency and still make 250k tops. And these idiots would be left with their mouths open, wondering why sucking up to their chief resident didn’t work.

Fact: The students who get into the best medical schools and who have the highest MCAT scores are, more often than not, the ones who DO NOT advertise that they are “pre-med”, who are humble about their grades, low-key about their campus involvements, and actually do research that matters – just like any other ordinary and decent human being.

>> No.1428564
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neckbeard mouth breather, or troll detected..Either way, a fucking namefag.

>> No.1428567
File: 48 KB, 800x600, Sid-picks007-050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're not very bright

>> No.1428570


Was that directed at me?

>> No.1428573

Multiple degrees and sources of butthurt everywhere in this thread.

>> No.1428575
File: 133 KB, 300x344, 1258781006164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am pre-med here, hate me if you want. My actual degree is in pure mathematics.

I just want you all to know... pre-med isn't an attitude. Although I agree, most pre-meds are dick suckers who do community service and other "activities" to seem like standout candidates. They can suck a dick.

>> No.1428578

>Might as well let them feel special.

>> No.1428582


It seems OP is very frustrated with how his life turned out.

>> No.1428587


Also, I'll be starting medical school in a month. Hope to get into a research track.

I absolutely LOATHED premeds in college. 90% of the time in my experience, they were arrogant, passive-aggressive, type-A people who felt smug enough to decide what was "important" to learn in their classes and belittle everyone whose interests were in anything other than high powered surgery. Every pre-med in here who's complaining otherwise is a sore loser. That's right, i'm calling you guys out. I'm comfortable enough with my GPA and MCAT to know that you fags can bitch all day about your superiority and still not bother me. Hell, you could even start a campus organization about your academic prowess and hope desperately to please an admissions committee, somewhere...


>> No.1428589

>My actual degree is in pure mathematics.

>> No.1428593

Well, I have to trip now, due to someone trying to take my name.
>> Engineers, for one, have to put in at least as many hours, if not more.

This I will agree too. Engineer classes are harder and require more work, which is why I don't suggest an engineering major for a pre-med, it will tank your GPA and you will get nothing out of it if you really apply to med school.

As for delusions, I see it as a mindset they were brought up with.

250k tops is a lot by the way. I'd kill for that kind of salary.

>> No.1428595
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>> No.1428601
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>implying you were ever a player

>> No.1428602

This thread is about what I expected from /sci/ when I strolled by.

>> No.1428603


Which school are you going to?

I feel that pre-med is the kind of term to describe the stereotype, rather than someone who is actually premed. Same goes for a lot of derogatory terms these days.

>> No.1428604


I respect you more for the fact that your degree was in math, something that 1% of incoming medical students major in. Math trains your brain to see patterns and apply problem solving skills to a huge variety of situations, something that transfers surprisingly well to medicine (as well as academic or research.) I was a history major before switching to engineering and then finally to biochemistry. Picked up a math minor along the way before med school. I wish I would have taken more math classes.

>> No.1428617

I can agree with that statement, I am microbiology first, pre-optometry second. It's just a few extra classes for an xbox hueg career option.

>> No.1428618


And excuse me for being such a patronizing and pedantic bore. It's something I've struggled with ever since I won the Spelling Bee in 1st Grade.

>> No.1428619

ITT: A bunch of teenagers who haven't even been through first-year anything and who will probably drop out due to alcohol.

>> No.1428621


I was a Biology and Chemistry major, because I wanted to do graduate/research work later, but I felt that the extra classes wasn't worth it (wasn't a big fan of chem lab work).

>> No.1428622


>> No.1428626


Rather not post the school name here. My specific beef is with people who wear the pre-med term as a badge of superiority, which in my case was with 90% of people. That's not even an exaggeration. And good God, those 90% were some of the most passive aggressive, whiny, and utterly STUPID clones I have ever encountered in my life. It was so much more fun to work with engineers in P-chem and thermodynamics, because you'd have overlapping knowledge and get stuff done as a team rather than anal-retentive false-flag operating premeds.

Hell, I even liked working with microbiology majors over premeds, with all their prokaryote biases ;)

Poasting with trip and email for contacts if so desired,.

>> No.1428630


samefagging schizophrenic living with mom and high on lithium

>> No.1428632


this is the same idiot douchebag who claimed to be in medical school yesterday

>> No.1428643
File: 249 KB, 649x1398, neckbeard iq2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1428644


>>some of the most passive aggressive, whiny, and utterly STUPID clones I have ever encountered in my life

Take a look in the mirror, Dude.

>> No.1428651


didn't post yesterday, brah. are you comparing tripcodes?

>> No.1428659


figure out that Sp02 question, yet, loser?

>> No.1428661


I worked with one guy who was a pre-med who was pretty whiny and for all the talk he did, he didn't know how to do his part of the project properly. We got a 56. Needless to say, I wasn't exactly happy with him.

>> No.1428667


Fuck you. Idiot.

>> No.1428671

>Hell, I even liked working with microbiology majors over premeds, with all their prokaryote biases ;)

Dude you don't even know the disdain I have for eukaryotic cells, I hate getting into that shit

>> No.1428682

mechE here. My sister just got her pharmD after 6 years, and just got her license. CVS picked her up immediately, now she has a $140k a year deal at one of their branches in Texas.
I do think her job is a bit bullshit (I call her a legal pill pusher for laughs), but she did have to study her ass off for all her courses, and she knows her shit. My whole family goes to her for medical advice now, not just about medicine, either.

>> No.1428684
File: 305 KB, 2592x1944, Sid-picks005-115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1428685

hurr durr, on a 4chan board calling others losers

>> No.1428687

The fact that so many pro-medical posters are using names and trips says a lot about their arrogance.

>> No.1428690

sure you do

>> No.1428696

The worst is when pre-meds discuss medicine like they know jack shit about it. I overheard some talking about various specialties with the numbers attached, like:

"I'm going into Anesthesiology!"
"Really, I heard they make $250,000 a year! But the demand for them will go down in the future. I myself am going into ENT. Working in tight spaces is my thing."
"The program for surgery is hard at XXXXXX school. I read on studentdoctor that YYYYYY is better."

And these are people who haven't taken organic chemistry yet, much less their MCAT or gotten an acceptance to a medical school. Hell, even third-year medical students wouldn't talk like that.

Then these guys want to dictate the syllabus of my biochemistry class ("too much memorization of unnecessary details" is what the president of premed club had to say) and bureaucratize the entire admissions process ("take 34 hours of shadowing otherwise an admissions committee won't spit on you".)

THANK YOU, FAGGOTS. I know there will be people just like you in medical school and in all walks of life, but now I have the "skills" to put up with your bull.

*all real quotes btw

>> No.1428697
File: 278 KB, 2400x1800, Sid-picks007-126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The other fact is your mom is a whore

>> No.1428699


hows that bankruptcy law business going

>> No.1428711


I wish I'd done research for schools :<

You should seen the hSDN part, had some kid who took the Verbal of the MCAT and was asking how to study for it.

>> No.1428719

Doesn't make sense. All the other people in her class either barely got a job for $110k or didn't even get anything. Probably because she's bilingual and is working near the border.

>> No.1428715


your life is definitely shitty
you have no one to blame but yourself

>> No.1428716


Sister and brother are doctors. I've gone to a few parties that are full of doctors.

It's the biggest self-important bastard circlejerk you'll ever see in your life. I never wanted to bring out a shotgun and go on a killing spree so hard in my life.

>> No.1428723

That'll do it.


Hmm, I think you have a little right to be proud of yourself for having made it. It isn't easy at all.

>> No.1428724

That's what happens when you clean toilet bowls for a living.

>> No.1428725


...and your passive aggressive post is less arrogant because it's made anonymously.

>> No.1428729


So figure out that Sp02 question, yet, dummy?

>> No.1428736

I am a 4th year pre-med student and I approve this thread, applying to school this fall (fingers crossed).

This kind of shit >>1428696 used to get me really worked up about getting in to school, but one day you realize none of them know any more than any of the rest of us. Was pretty fucking gay listening to it and not knowing any better in my earlier years though.

>> No.1428738


i came into this thread with this post:


so i have no fucking clue what you're talking about. care to repeat it?

>> No.1428739

No, no. My sister is a pharmacist. I'm still a undergrad studying mechE (not actually studying though, shit comes easy to me).
Thanks anyway for the sentiment.

>> No.1428740


My post is relevant to OP's point.

You mad cause I have you in a corner.

>> No.1428745


Fall of this year?

>> No.1428752

nice try faggot. I decided to for engineering. I still respect medical professionals, but god loving fuck, doctors are FULL of themselves.

>> No.1428760



>> No.1428761


Any luck yet figuring out the Sp02 question, loser?

>> No.1428763


haha, sorry, switched my replies, sorry.

>> No.1428769


>> No.1428776


sure thing brah. fyi i'm agreeing with OP. pre-meds arrogance and posting with a tripcode on /sci/ may be completely equivalent to you, and that's fine.

>> No.1428777

Went for engineering; wound up teaching elementary school arithmetic. You are god like.

>> No.1428784


Samefag confirmed. You really are a total loser.

>> No.1428783



I'm the guy who hates all medical professionals, and got in that debate (read: shit flinging contest) with the pharmacist.

>> No.1428788

>implying you aren't one of the premed fags

>> No.1428796


lmao, i hope this gets people to use the eval expression to see whether it really is samefagging (protip: no)

>> No.1428805

last call for tonight then i'm out. if you're pre-med and not an arrogant prick, and want advice about the admissions process/other stuff, i'd be happy to give you a few tips. contact me on msn/live, email address is further up in thread. night!

>> No.1428808

>post quantitative data, instead of an anecdote
>nobody responds

>> No.1428817


>> No.1428828

Haha, let me tell you something doc, you'll have to through at least 8 years and hundreds of thousands of dollars to be a specialty doctor and actually make a decent living. Otherwise you'll be nothing more than a shit GP.

I'll be working as a programmer on some company, creating some shit and making some money. Or, I can go for IT, or maybe even management. Heck, I'll write software on my own, if I'm any good and with some luck I might end up making way more money than you by working from home.

There is no need to go into a pissing contest, but you are just showing the fucking arrogance and smugness of the average doctor so fuck it.

>> No.1428833

mission accomplished

>> No.1428845


I agree. Anyone who goes into medicine thinking it's an easy route to big cash is delusional beyond belief.

>> No.1428882

I don't think anyone does anymore. Anyone seeking big loads of cash go into finance, trading, or acting (fame and fortune lol).

>> No.1428893


From the way pre-meds talk you'd be convinced otherwise...that or they go the holier-than-mother-teresa route and moan about how troublesome the path to getting that MD is, but they'll do it anyway because they want to "help people."

>> No.1428911

Psych students are just as bad with the superiority complex thing.

>> No.1428931

Yet they also self-analyze themselves as flawless

>> No.1428950


Never really got that impression with psych students. Maybe it's just the pre-law ones? Oh well.

>> No.1428969

I like this thread. So different from normal /sci/fare.

>> No.1429025

canned tripe and potatoes

>> No.1429114

bumpity bump