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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 29 KB, 400x297, mars_china.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1427041 No.1427041 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.1427051

I'll believe ya when me shit turns purple and smells like rainbow sherbet

>> No.1427062

keep dreaming with nigra obama and christian talibans republicans

>> No.1427064

I swear to God I'm going to pistol whip the next guy who says, " Shenanigans."

>> No.1427071

>Implying we care whose flag we get up there as long as its a human one.

>> No.1427077

>implying aliens use flags

>> No.1427078

LOL! What makes you think Marxist Democraps won't eliminate NASA for handouts for crackheads?

>> No.1427087


yo farva wats the name of that restaurant you like with all the weird shit on the walls

>> No.1427100

>Has a well informed political opinion and enlightened view of the world.

>> No.1427107

you mean shenanigans?

>> No.1427115


>> No.1427123

Actually given the state of the world currently it's more likely to be China that reaches Jupiter first than the Soviet Union.

>> No.1427174


>> No.1427192

China will abandon it's space program within 10 years... just like it has with the two space programs that came before their current one.

>> No.1427203

Hu Jintao is a technocrat, though.

>> No.1427211

And technocrats are not going to spend billions on a prestige project that will not return any profits.

>> No.1427216

1) China reaches Mars
2) USA feels butthurt and starts whipping out their penis again
3) Space race between China and USA
4) ???
5) Scientists win!

>> No.1427221

Why would there be a space race after China won?

>> No.1427226

Can china actually claim mars? does america own the moon?

>> No.1427227

Same way there was a space race after Russia won getting man into space

>> No.1427231

Doesn't russia own the sun?

>> No.1427233

I disagree. China is looking to secure long term economic growth through domestic technological innovation. A space program is an excellent way to work in that direction.

>> No.1427238

Don't mind me, just destroying the world as usual, before you can leave.

>> No.1427239


When space transportation becomes practical I wouldn't be surprised to see that argument surface.

>> No.1427242
File: 96 KB, 896x504, ShinjiEva01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Derp. Eating mankind.

>> No.1427246

I don't know, have they been there? If someone launched a probe into the sun they could claim it?

>> No.1427253

You know what's cool about OP's image... Make's you realize how laughable the idea of "claiming" territory will be once we achieve real space travel. There are enough planets out there that every person on Earth could own a billion of them.

>> No.1427269


At the end of the day, all property rights resolve to force of arms. We'll just go back to the way it's always been.

>> No.1427274

There are a finite number within the observable universe, despite their being observable in the past. As inflation continues, more and more galaxies will be outside your lightcone, the light that comes from them will eventually be unable to reach you.

>> No.1427284

Non /sci/ person here, I often hear about how staggering China's technological and economical growth has been in the past decades, but can someone give me an rough idea of how staggering this growth has truly been?

>> No.1427289

I call dibs on Jupiter

>> No.1427303

That's what you Muricans get when half your country is the Christian version of the Taliban.

>> No.1427296

Double digit GDP growth sustained for three decades.

>> No.1427328

I know all about the statistics and about how they're projected to surpass Japan's GDP in a few years, and how China's growth is unlike anything we've ever seen before, but I still have a hard time puting said growth into perspective

>> No.1427330

Here is a talk by Hans Rosling. It focuses on China and India's rise and how remarkable their progress has been. Some pretty interesting graphics.


>> No.1427333


At the present rate of growth they will consume the entire world's steel output in ten years.

>> No.1427336

>how they're projected to surpass Japan's GDP in a few years

It may have happened already. This year or next most likely.

>> No.1427337


By consume I mean, yearly consumption. Whatever.

>> No.1427383

Thank you for that /sci/entists