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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 135 KB, 330x886, professor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1426779 No.1426779 [Reply] [Original]

I posted this on /adv/ but you guys might be of help too.

I go back to college in six weeks but this is something I have been thinking about.

I want to establish good relationships with my professors because I have to get 3 recommendation letters for grad school. I just finished my first year of college. I usually participate in class, the professor knows who I am, I get good grades and feedback, etc. However, is this enough for a recommendation letter? Is there a way to get closer to your professor to get a more personalized recommendation?

Professors offer office hours but I've only been to them to pick up assignments/exams. If I have a problem with my homework, I usually figure it out on my own instead of going to office hours. This is partly because I do my work from 10pm-2am usually, the night before (that's just..how I do work).

Has any other college student here been to office hours just to…talk to a professor, especially if you're in a math/sciences field?
Another part of it is that most of my professors are male for my major (math) and I'm female. How do I do this without coming off as if I'm trying to seduce them or something?

>> No.1426814


>> No.1426818

anyone not saging this is sub 100 IQ

>> No.1426820

The fuck?

>> No.1426824

Fucking sage.

>> No.1426830

Is it because I'm female? There are girls who major in math.

>> No.1426834

Word of advice, OP: Professor's aren't stupid. They can see right through a kiss-ass who's only after a recommendation letter.

Just let relationships happen naturally, don't force it. You get better letters that way.

>> No.1426835

Just get out

>> No.1426836

Suck his dick, you whore.

>> No.1426845

sage for the love of science

>> No.1426846

Ok, well thanks for the advice.

>> No.1426859


>> No.1426870



>> No.1426889

I feel ya. I'm entering my fourth year and I've only got two letters down (both from professors I did research under). Haven't had a single professor for more than a single quarter.
feels bad man

>> No.1426901

Two is better than none I suppose. What's your major? Are you applying to competitive programs?

>> No.1426924
File: 323 KB, 1024x1280, 1277447802161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm female

Where do you go?
What program is it?
How big are your tits (serious question)?

>> No.1426954

I won't tell you my college, but I'm majoring in math and the school's ranked top 10 for the program. The professors are so intelligent it's intimidating almost

It's probably not a srs question, but whatever- I have almost no tits ha

>> No.1426962

Sage for sageworthiness.

>> No.1426973

Anti-sage bump.

>> No.1426990
File: 291 KB, 850x1198, 1278583918908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, that tit question was serious!

It was related to your "seduce" question. If you have small tits people are less likely to jump to conclusions about shit like that. If you had HUGE MAMMORIES, then you would be accused of all sorts of sex shit all the time.
(and I would ask you to post!)

Yeah, why are you worring about that shit so early? You need to just try and be "friends" with the proffs. You never just talk to proffs just to talk about math? say hi? ect?

You need to develop a good dyanmic with a few proffs. Just try and be friendly. Say hi, when you pass them. Talk to them about there research or about math in general, or make some jokes. Just treat them like normal human beings and you should be able to befriend a few.

>> No.1426996

Anti-bump sage.

>> No.1427006

Haha oh, well good to know.

I guess I'm worrying about that shit early because I had a hard time getting recs for college when I was in high school. I was a really good student but awfully quiet. I've opened up a bit since then, but outside of the classroom, I find it hard to talk to professors beyond small talk. I guess I'm shy when it comes to these things....

>> No.1427015


oh man, the samefag

>> No.1427018


White knight faggot spotted

>> No.1427023

Some of you guys are just awful. :\

>> No.1427028

This isn't /b/ you stupid fuck.

>> No.1427029

Your thread is awful and you should feel awful.

>> No.1427031

Also, ask them questions that are beyond what you are learning/need to know. Like, how would you solve this slightly different type of problem. Or can you extend this concept to these types of problems too. Show that you are genuinely interested and want to learn as much as you can.

>> No.1427033


>Hurr durr a female is posting better rush to defend her and maybe she'll talk to me cuz i cant talk to females in real life because im a fucking failure

>> No.1427038

Went to a small liberal arts college. My profs and I would go to the pub and drink together.

PhD student now.

tl;dr smaller schools are better

>> No.1427044

>My profs and I would go to the pub and drink together.

that's because you're probably male. if a female did that, she'd be accused of many things.

>> No.1427049

Internet tough guy spotted.

>> No.1427058

Wow this thread went to shit.

>> No.1427066
File: 222 KB, 881x725, 1277447865304.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, just work on your shyness, you have plenty of time to befriend proffs.

Start worrying about recs after the end of your sophmore year. If you dont at least have three proff friends by then, you fucked up!

>> No.1427069


I am a male. My profs are mostly males, too, but there are a few females present.

>> No.1427070


OP made the mistake of identifying her gender. Gender is never relevant to any discussion ever. Saging for good measure.

>> No.1427073








OMG... OMG... OMG.. OMG.. OMG..




>> No.1427074

Internet white knight detected.

>> No.1427079
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>> No.1427083

so you are a fucking failure?
u an engineer?
thats suck for you!

>> No.1427084

Actually I think it did make a difference because of the whole professor-student romance stereotype.

>> No.1427086
File: 46 KB, 446x308, 1260508372417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1427095

>Gender is never relevant to any discussion ever

believe it or not, females are different from males

>> No.1427097

OP I'd give you a letter of recommendation...

I'd recommend that you don't come to /sci/ to ask questions..

You see what it does to these people.

This is why we can't have nice things.


>> No.1427101


Hurp, 99.9% identical in DNA

U luk differant ddurrpp

>> No.1427103

sage this shitposting to the ground

Get the FUCK off of my board bitch and take your white knite lackey fucktards with you back to /b/ where they love whores like yourself.

>> No.1427110

Yep, they have 1 more hole in their body, a brain with the same amount of function as ours in a smaller volume, and less testosterone(more sensitivity to), more estrogen, and socially adapt. I.E Almost exactly the same as us males, using different rules.

>> No.1427113

I'm no /b/itch, or whore for that matter. Does it bother you that a girl can be intelligent too?

I thought /sci/ would help because there are a lot of people with higher degrees on this board. Oh well.

>> No.1427118
File: 118 KB, 626x900, 1277714754370.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, try and befriend "female proffs". You both have "vaginas" so can bond or someshit like that! Also, you could make friends with other proffs not in your deparment. I would suggest engineering, it is usually very easy to befriend gay men. And you can drink and hang with them without any one thinking any thing sexual is going on.

>> No.1427119

>just finished my 1st year of college
>wants to go to grad school

haha, the freshman with lofty expectations. before even considering your PhD or masters at least make your way past your 3rd year.

>> No.1427120

Bumping this shit for maximum rage.

Bumpity bump bump bump

Don't let these boys scare you OP. I'll protect you, perched upon my stallion of justice and knowledge.

>> No.1427121

wow, gtfo.

>> No.1427125


>> No.1427134
File: 396 KB, 1600x1200, Sage2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You called?

>> No.1427139
File: 542 KB, 942x1229, 1277924803393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There was nothing wrong with your thread.
Don't listen to those retards!

>> No.1427140
File: 91 KB, 800x606, 1277854390208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1427148

OP will you be my girlfriend IRL? (Or just on the internet if that's possible, we can talk in e-mails cause I know you are busy.)

My friends will think I'm so cool talking to a girl that likes /sci/ence.

>> No.1427150

So much for this being an intelligent board.

>> No.1427152

>haha, the freshman with lofty expectations. before even considering your PhD or masters at least make your way past your 3rd year.

What's going to be different in my third year? The classes are going to get harder? well no shit. It's not like I don't study my subject in my free time.

And I already know what research is like, and I'm going to start getting paid for it too this fall. I've talked to a few advisors about what grad school is like too.

>> No.1427156
File: 18 KB, 385x383, babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Implying /sci/ was ever intelligent

>> No.1427162

I would suggest enforcing a sexual relationship with your professor. Such events could begin with oral sex a few hours after class, when no staff is on site.

Then, you could invite your professor for consensual sex.

>> No.1427166

go meet girls in your science and math classes.

>> No.1427173


>> No.1427176

So is this board for science and shit?

Can anyone explain how magnets work?

>> No.1427177


I've been in academia now for 7 years. you have to pace yourself, which means enjoying undergrad and partying while still doing well enough to get into grad school. if you do nothing but study and research you'll burn out with only a BS, which most other students got while putting in 25% of the work.

>> No.1427179
File: 82 KB, 273x315, 1251933452501.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was told there was a femail about. Why are there no college titties?

>> No.1427180

Why is this thread still going? It's clearly a troll attempt.

>> No.1427184

But Professor Frink, you've already completed college. What are you doing here?

>> No.1427185


Then you could play the rape card. Be well known by all male professors. They wouldn't DARE fail you in ANY of your classes lest their professional careers be ruined by looking sexist and/or trying to defend a fellow professor by nerdy vigilante means.

When you're in your final years transfer your credits to a new school, perfect grades. Get a letter of recommendation based on your academic achievements.


>> No.1427187
File: 46 KB, 998x827, babbyupset.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1427188


>implying you're past your 3rd year undergrad

>implying you'll get into or are in grad school

>> No.1427189
File: 60 KB, 465x620, 1275851407835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO, but your proffs could change? leave? there is always departmental drama. A proff meet now, may not be there by the time you leave.

(Do you at least have a nice ass?)

>> No.1427195
File: 75 KB, 300x300, 1224474224900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1427197

Look at all these subhuman scum that don't understand the concept of sage.

>> No.1427199


lol pic is a trap.

look at the cheekbones and visualize without chick hair. thats a dude.

>> No.1427201

I do enjoy my undergrad socially. I have only taken a weekend in before finals week.

>> No.1427208

OP, Do you look like 7 of 9 from Star Trek: Voyager?

That'd be fucking hot.

Dear god that's my fantasy.

Or T'Pol even.

>> No.1427210

Honestly, I'd say find professors who do research or some other sort of outside work like that. See if you can get in on a project.

Being a face in a class, even if you have a good relationship with an instructor still leaves you being just another face in ONE of their classes.

As far as not trying to seduce them, just put it out of mind. If you're legitimately excited about your field, that should come across on its own. If you're sitting there thinking 'omg omg, make sure body language isn't sexy," you'll do something stupid.

>> No.1427219

Look at the tits; they aren't fake.

>> No.1427222

>Honestly, I'd say find professors who do research or some other sort of outside work like that. See if you can get in on a project.

Yeah I already talked to one professor about working on a project that I'm truly interested in, and we're going to discuss it when I go back to school. Thank God she's female.

Thanks for the advice though. I guess I overthink things

>> No.1427223

Find a professor that is NOT in your field (try a liberal arts fag)

ask a few of them actually, what THEIR requirements are for a letter of rec. Use that advice and make it work for your Profs

>> No.1427228

Or look at the filename and determine it's a stupid, random bitch.


>> No.1427236

I just went to by microbio prof this past friday, talked to him about mechanisms by which to manipulate the way protein folds inside of a cell and implications for oil spills.

If you are truly interested like I am in cellular bio, just find your niche in the subject and talk to your prof about it.

My prof directed me to another researcher on campus who is doing work in the area I was interested, and now I am working in his lab with him!

So just find what you like, and ask around, everything else will follow.

>> No.1427237

This is a good idea, thanks. I'm not taking any more humanities/social science courses though

>> No.1427243

Troll thread:
>78 posts and 14 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view.

Real science thread:

Never change, /sci/.

>> No.1427248


Even better then, you'll be an unknown. Go on your own time, you can flirt with one of them as they have no bearing on your academic life.

>> No.1427250
File: 894 KB, 250x250, 1277868058405.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? i didnt even notice she had a face, werid...lol

>> No.1427251

Sage goes in all fields

>> No.1427252

No troll. What do you want me to do, scan my math homework with a timestamp?

>> No.1427258

So I should just explore the English building and look for open office doors?

>> No.1427259


>> No.1427263


Not that sagefag here but..

Only if it has girly writing and hearts and shit on it.

That'd be pretty cool, It'd be good ragebait for a later thread.

You should do it just to piss these fags off.

>> No.1427268


Homework on breasts with timestamp. Must have one nipple showing.

>> No.1427270

Post tits.

>> No.1427271

Run around naked and sit on the lap of one of the profs working at his desk.

>> No.1427275


Or go to the head of the department. If they start asking "Well what is your major?" and shit play the "Well, I'm kinda leaning towards... (insert two different fields here) and I'm just planning out my future. I just wanted to get an idea what to expect and I've heard you're the person to ask."

>> No.1427283


Make sure to wear a low cut shirt and lean over the desk provocatively making sure they can get a good look in

>> No.1427287

She said she has no tits.

>> No.1427295
File: 75 KB, 640x480, setsandlulz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here is some tedious sets/relations stuff I was working on a couple months ago. My nails are painted which is not truly indicative of gender but that's the closest you will all get. Also it's really blurry, sorry.

>> No.1427301

ITT sexism.

/sci/ is so enlightened.

>> No.1427309

I had one of my high school friends come to the same college as me and we took pretty much all of the same classes and we both graduated in the top 5 in our class (of 120 people in the major.)

We never really spoke up in class though and never got to know our classmates at all, basically had no presence at all in the classes besides setting the curve on every test and didn't really have anyone to ask for letters of recommendation besides the one guy we did undergrad research with.

We both did just fine though, just went up to professors and said hey I'm _____, I got a 4.0 all 3 quarters through your ____ class but you probably didn't even notice me. I'd like to clean glassware/ do other various free menial work for you for however long it takes to get your best letter of recommendation.

Works every time.

>> No.1427310

Then she should post delicious flat chest.

>> No.1427314


u got MSN babe?

>> No.1427321


Perfect! I can later modify the time stamp or take it out all together and pretend to be a girl having problems with my Math/Logic homework.

Epic rage will ensue. Only to later provoke massive lulz.


>> No.1427326

>Sexism (n.) - Any behavior towards a female that isn't ass kissing worship.

>> No.1427329



>> No.1427332

>two different fields

Should they have anything to do with the fields the professors I am kinda trolling? I'm guessing not?

>> No.1427344

Did somebody say sextraaa credit?

>> No.1427352


Yeah, I shoulda mentioned that. But I'd try to make it not OVERLY related to their area.. Know what I Mean?

Trying to think of an example. Like lets say it's the English department.. or languages.. Be like

"I'm kind of divided between Anthropology or maybe Archeology... or Linguistics mostly older ones.. Like the classics you know? I'm still a little undecided but I know that I want to make this my life!"

Touch it up a bit, but you get the jist of what I'm saying.

>> No.1427356

I think I have that movie.

>> No.1427363

Okay, sounds good. Thanks for this, it seems pretty amusing.

>> No.1427368

oh god this is sad.
im sorry this wasnt well accepted, good luck im in the same boat.

>> No.1427372

a problem with asking a liberal arts fag professor is that their requirements are more like - participates in class, writes well, and then done. i think for math/science it's slightly different.

>> No.1427373


you're so edgy and witty, i am raging behind my keyboard.

how's undergrad treating you?

>> No.1427380


>sexism n. assholish behaviour towards women simply because they're female

Would you be reacting in the same way if this was a guy? You know, without tits?

What about the gender discrimination of HURRDURR SHE'S FEMALE SHE MUST SUCK COCK AND ENJOY IT? Would you offer a guy the same advice?

>> No.1427386

It definitely sucks but I'll point you to some of the good stuff-

Good luck with your quest as well

>> No.1427389


lol u mad

>> No.1427390


No problem, just be sure to REMAIN ANONYMOUS. Sidestep any questions that would reveal who you are and what your department really is. Just in case they realize that you're BS'ing them. Which is totally possible but if they don't know who you are I severely doubt they're going to go look for you.

But if they DID know there might be some staff meeting and someone brings up a story of "I had this student the other day that was so full of shit.." and then the professor you BS'd will be like "Speaking of.. this girl so and so came to my office blah blah" and one of your professors might be like "I have her in one of my classes..."

Stranger things have happened and the rule behind EVERYTHING in business or academics (and a good rule for life) is CYA




>> No.1427391


If he was an engineer, yes

>> No.1427404


It'd at least get an idea, shit might get lucky and get a letter of recommendation from a liberal arts fag just by asking cause he's in a generous "oh what the fuck?" mood.

Most people don't REALLY look at the paperwork as long as you have it.

>> No.1427405

It's going quite well. How's high school treating you?

>> No.1427406

So I don't like to lie, but bleh..should I give a fake name if they ask? I can't just laugh in their face if they're like, "so, what's your name?" you know?
Should I also make up stuff like where I'm from, what year I am, what high school I went to etc in case they ask?

>> No.1427412

>Would you be reacting in the same way if this was a guy? You know, without tits?
I could ask you the same thing.

>> No.1427415


but that's an engineer.

C'mon she's doing maths as a major.

>> No.1427424


again your wit is indomitable.

i am in graduate school, but you will conveniently assume i am lying

>> No.1427425


Well would you?

>> No.1427453

Try talking to grad students in your dept. They had to do it. :)

>> No.1427454


I severely doubt they're going to go into that much detail. When you first knock on the door just give them your first name (make up one if you want) and a general overview of the info you're interested in.

Be in "a little rush" but don't rush them or you'll seem rude. Just tell them "you wanted to get a general idea.". If they say "Well lets look up your grades and this and that.." tell them "No that's ok, I just heard from a few people that you were a good person to ask about it. I don't want to waste your time and I'm in a hurry also on to my next class. What are your office hours? Maybe I can stop by again sometime and we can talk about further...?"

Just be general, be quick, be to the point.. Don't waste their time and they usually won't waste yours.

Above all, keep it GENERAL.

>> No.1427457

Well, considering that you provide no evidence for your assertion, I have no choice but to disregard your statement.

>> No.1427461


That's a damn good one too. Plus you're a girl, you can be manipulative. Bat your eyelashs, get some info and move along.

Us guys, we have to learn to smoothtalk and BS.

>> No.1427474

The last time I tried to manipulate a professor for more info (astrophysics head dept prof) he tried to manipulate me into majoring in the field. I hope grad students are less scummy.

Alright, sounds like an adventure to come.

>> No.1427483


i'm about to give out my department and/or name on 4chan.

>> No.1427484

I wouldn't know, as males usually don't make such a point out of being male.

>> No.1427486


You have to learn to sidestep and deflect.

It's a good practice for verbal academic arguments.

>> No.1427488

Well, go ahead then.

>> No.1427494


i'm going to pass, speaking you've given no evidence you're even an undergrad

>> No.1427498


I'm not OP, but I'm a dude bro. You wanna go out for a cup of coffee man? Maybe a beer?

It'll be cool bro, NO HOMO.

We can come back to my place, I got a 52" LCD, JBL Surround, Denon receiver and a PS3. We can play some Madden or watch a movie.

We can hang out on the couch you know. It's cool if you get sleepy dude, just lean on me. It's cool if two dudes cuddle if you're not gay you know. Like I said, NO HOMO.

Right bro..



>> No.1427508

I didn't have to; you assumed that I was.

>> No.1427509

I know, I think I just gave him the wrong idea. I only told him I was interested in it, not that I wanted to commit. I think he wanted me to declare though because only 30 people are in the major, out of 25k undergrads ha

>> No.1427541


/sci/ I am disappoint

>> No.1427551


Yeah, I'm sure they have to meet quotas to keep programs going. See you coulda turned that into a "I'm not interested in the field enough to major but I know some people that are. Maybe we can start a program to get people the info about this major." etc etc.

1.) Work with Dept Head
2.) Get a good rapport
3.) Letter of Rec from respected field/prof or prof that can/will talk to your prof to talk you up
4.) ????
5.) Profit

>> No.1427600

True that., it was just an awkward situation. I froze up completely.
The sad part was my regular astronomy professor tried really hard to get me and my friend to major in the field too. Except she went for statistics, I went for math. OH well. next time I'll try to be more smooth.

>> No.1427705


Applied Math?

Some schools have a pure Math degree. Which baffles me. I mean I understand the allure of pure Mathematics.. but as a practical degree?

>> No.1427751

Yeah I'm doing applied math. I really wanted to do pure math but you're right, not practical. I still get to take pure math classes though =]

>> No.1427860


Fun times, I'm working on the same.

>> No.1427936

This thread is pretty much dead but in case you still see this- what applied field? My school literally has 8 different routes

>> No.1428023


Different fields of Applied Math?

There are minors or emphasis on certain aspects, but no actual other degrees.