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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1424908 No.1424908 [Reply] [Original]

Does science allow for the possibility of ghosts?

>> No.1424913


>> No.1424918

Last I checked science isn't in the business of "allowing" things.

Perhaps you mean could ghosts exist? Sure, why not. Can you ever test if they exist? Nope. So should you believe they exist? Nope.

(Same with God.)

>> No.1424927
File: 142 KB, 500x650, daughterdungood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what if scientists just aren't smart enough yet to invent a machine to detects a ghost

what then?

>> No.1424941

Then ghosts must not be made out of matter and are unable to interact with this universe.

>> No.1424945


Carl Sagan has a dragon in his garage, too.

>> No.1424948


ghosts are the transdimensional entities that animate living beings

>> No.1424950

Then we'll find out the answer when we do make a machine that detects ghosts.

Thing is, we'll never know does it work if ghosts don't exist, so we can't stop searching.

So we'd rather not waste time just because something *might* exist.

>> No.1424952

[citation needed]

>> No.1424953



>> No.1424970


>> No.1424988

No, anything supernatural can not exist otherwise it would be natural.

>> No.1424998


Protip: your article should be peer reviewed.

>> No.1425008

Kind of misses the point. Also, go to x

>> No.1425037

Replace the word "ghost" with "the disembodied life force of a bipedal ape" and you will see how anthropocentric and idiotic ghosts look.

Ghost hunters are faggots. They do not calibrate their instruments-- in fact they just make shit up and assume it will work. "This lazer light supposedly attracts ghosts."

Real fucking scientific, guys.

>> No.1425062


A supernatural world could exist, but if it did we could never know. (I think what you're getting at/jumping to is "if it interacted with the natural world, it would no longer be supernatural.")

It's an exercise in philosophy to think of a way a supernatural world could both exist and effect the natural world, whilst remaining supernatural.

>> No.1425077


are skyscrapers natural?

>> No.1425078


I like the FSM. It was an excellent philosophical exercise demonstrating that if it sounds like bullshit and is unfalsifiable, it is probably false (and bullshit).

>> No.1425153


We should be careful about semantics, but yes. Sky scrapers are just as natural as bee hives.


I wouldn't say "probably", that requires you calculate probabilities. I think what you mean is "you can't ever show it to be false, so it doesn't make sense to believe it."

>> No.1425181


I will not pussy-foot around with agnosticism. I cannot demonstrate there are no fairies in my garden, but I am not going to confine myself to that. I am saying they are not real.

There are no fairies in my garden, and as badly as I want there to be an afterlife, there are no ghosts. There is also no bigfoot, which has the same evidence in favor of it (some testimonial evidence and shitty photographs).

>> No.1425188

We've accounted for every atom in the human body. When one dies, certain amounts of atoms do not dissipate. Therefore, if there is a spiritual world, it has nothing to do with our life forms and our world.

>> No.1425194

>supernatural world could exist


>> No.1425196


You're moving from "I don't have evidence for" to "I know that it's not true." That's a pretty big gap in reasoning.

>> No.1425203

Ghosts generate magnetic fields.
Ghosts are how magnets work.

>> No.1425233

>Does science allow for the possibility of ghosts?
Certainly. Currently we have ghost energy that rotates the galaxies faster than the normal matter can keep intact and that also accelerates or slows down random flyby satellites. This is direct proof of ghosts.

>> No.1425281


If it can be asserted without evidence it can be dismissed without evidence.

Dancing around the inevitable is a waste of time.

>> No.1425328
File: 69 KB, 729x628, Whoah[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>my face when I recognize Op's picture

>> No.1425330

Ghosts are actually aliens with cloaking devices sent to observe humans in their natural habitat.

>> No.1425336


Good point. It is just as scientific as ghosts are invisible dead people walking around but don't have an interest in brains.

tl;dr ghosts are nonsense.

>> No.1425347

What about Starcraft Ghosts?

>> No.1425534


Except "dismissed" is different than "assert it's not true".

>> No.1425543


>> No.1425618


The angsty atheists will never get that.

Don't worry about it bro.

Fuck yeah for agnostics though. The only real choice.

>> No.1425653

Science, to a certain degree, can explain the phenomena of 'ghosts'. There just hasn't been done enough research yet.

>> No.1426010
File: 3 KB, 123x126, 1275010378252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thinks the majority of atheists aren't agnostic

>> No.1426166

What about ghosts beings 'shadows' of other dimensions? That's not too crazy.

Or left over energy. Engery has to go somewhere, right?

>> No.1428017

Sure, ok. Prove it.

>> No.1428485
File: 34 KB, 500x429, 1273822049068.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


> Implying atheist and agnostic are different views of the same concept.

Except they're not, they're orthogonal. I'm an agnostic atheist; you need both (a)theist an (a)gnosticism to fully describe someones religious beliefs.

You're probably atheist too. Don't believe in a God? Atheist.

>> No.1428543

You guys are forgetting about transdimensional beings. Which is totally science.

>> No.1428553

The question you should be asking yourself, OP, is if ghosts allow the possibility of science.

>> No.1428586


What about Pascal's Wager?

>> No.1428594


Pascal's Wager is flawed in so many points.

>> No.1428623


Do tell! Its an idea that I've been mulling over lately, but I try not to bring it up with friends (since everyone seems to think they have the answer and agnosticism is not an option).

>> No.1428627



>> No.1428664


Thanks :)

>> No.1428679

Science allows for the possibility of anything, giving the burden of proof to he who suggests. Any conjecture is valid, provided you can gather the empirical evidence.

>> No.1428694



>> No.1428701


- It assumes God cares about one of the two sentient species on one of the four worlds that could support life in the solar system, in this star our of 400 billion in the galaxy, and this galaxy out of over 600 billion
- It assumes God listens to prayer
- It assumes God has a special place for bad humans and mean humans
- It assumes God has the same moral codes presented in the Bible
- I think there was something else.
- I sincerely apologize for repeating "It assumes", it seemed more formal that way.

>> No.1428704

i have seen this image on 4chan several times today and have no idea what it is about

>> No.1428854


There is no evidence that supports the possibility of the existence of ghosts.

>> No.1428869

what he said

>> No.1429021


No evidence doesn't imply non-existence. It merely means you currently have no evidence.

>> No.1429040


the invisible and unsupported look awfully alike to the nonexistent.

>> No.1431193

well maybe maybe not but science at its most basic form could be used to prove that anything form ghosts to bloody unicorns exist. keep trying different things until you've collected enough data to make a conclusion. I personally stopped believing in ghosts but I must give credit to the more technology based "ghost hunters". they try things that they think could work based on what they KNOW and if it doesn't work try something else.

>> No.1431216


lol, in the context of
>does SCIENCE ALLOW for the possibility of ghosts

then you are absolutely wrong

>> No.1431366


But they aren't the same.


How so? You can't conclude something doesn't exist just because there is no evidence for it, all you can conclude is there is no evidence for it (and therefore no reason to believe it.)

Contrarily, if there was evidence that *contradicted* the claim, then we have evidence to indeed believe ghosts cannot exist (because they contradict some observation.)

Lack of evidence is not the same as evidence to the contrary.