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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1413713 No.1413713 [Reply] [Original]

Why does deja vu happen?

>> No.1413727

Something to do with sensory lag.

>> No.1413724

Glitch in the matrix

>> No.1413736

because denzel washington travels through time.

>> No.1413744

Its Gods way of warning you.

>> No.1413757 [DELETED] 

OP here
Thanks, thats what my pastor told me. I came here for conformation.

>> No.1413755

deja vu = neurochemical derp hurr durr

>> No.1413756
File: 26 KB, 400x300, 5976cf6718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is believed that humans have three types of memory storage.

Short Term
Long Term

Deja Vu is believed to occur when a new memory that you acquire accidentally goes directly to long term memory storage bypassing short and medium.

>> No.1413768

OP here
Thanks, thats what my pastor told me. I came here for confirmation.

>> No.1413778

It happens when time overlaps.

>> No.1413791

A part of the brain being used for one function being stimulated and it's really close to another part of the brain having to do with long-term memory.

>> No.1413799



Those are the three, unless you consider short term memory as sensory for some reason.

Sensory is where everything enters, short term is where its rehearsed and encoded, and long term is where its all stored. Short term is also where you retrieve things from long term storage.

>> No.1413807
File: 51 KB, 550x381, keanu-bench.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was about to mock him until I saw this pic

now I want to give him a hug and tell him to cheer up :)

>> No.1413808
File: 23 KB, 320x427, 6a010537101528970b01157096a700970b-320wi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying a creationist & believer would not trust his pastor enough, then ask /sci/
Trollan hatin patrollan

>> No.1413829

It happens because your memories of what actually happened and your memories of what you think happened are personally indistinguishable. If something seems a little familiar and your brain says "IT'S LIKE THIS HAPPENED BEFORE" that's mentally equivalent to having had something identical happen before and just forgetting it until something similar happens later.

>> No.1413827


Call it whatever you were ordered to call it by your slave gods.

If we look at the times involved you will see it my way.

Sensory memory corresponds approximately to the initial 200–500 milliseconds after an item is perceived.

AKA Short Term

Short-term memory allows recall for a period of several seconds to a minute without rehearsal.

AKA Medium

long-term memory can store much larger quantities of information for potentially unlimited duration


ITT we like to pretend the term "Sensory" does not mean "Short Term".

WHho is the faggot allowed to name shit? Needs to be fucking fired.

>> No.1413866

My pastor isnt a scientist. You guys are.

>> No.1413874
File: 44 KB, 300x380, StarbucksThreeSizes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its like the CEO of Starbucks was somehow allowed to name Memory terms.

First a memory goes through "Tall" memory storage.

Then it passes through the "Grande" Stage of memory.

Lastly we come to the "Venti" memory.

>> No.1413880

>My pastor isnt a scientist. You guys are.
>you guys
>you guys at /sci/
>even the summerfag kids

Damn, I laughed so much...
I think you are gullible enough your pastor is not a real pastor, probably he's just a crossdresser clown or something.

>> No.1413895

this is like saying /k/ are real operators
or /g/ are hackers, even programmers.

>> No.1413899

You shouldnt speak bad about pastors.

>> No.1413904

psychfag here. Here's my theory. Your brain sort of "short circuits". There is an upload of sensory memory into short term memory which occurs in tandem to short term memory and to long term memory encoding. This involves not only the familiar "nowness" that deja vu incorprates but also the long term memory facet of familiarity and distant remembering coupled with emotions of the experience. In some sense, you are uploading the memory to two different places in your brain at the same tim.

>> No.1413906
File: 48 KB, 320x520, authentic-drama-queen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shouldnt speak bad about pastors.
Man, shut the fuck up, you are making your pastor look bad with everything you keep writing.

>> No.1413910

/b/ - Predictable
/v/ - Video game haters

>> No.1413923

Why does it "short circuit"?

>> No.1413926

>You shouldnt speak bad about pastors.
this, said by a guy that thinks /sci/ is full of scientists.
try: lrn2dealwithit

>> No.1413937

alcoholism increases the deja-vu's
sleep deprivation too.
Bad wiring or something?

>> No.1413939
File: 331 KB, 600x450, 1279226741653.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you think about having a de-javu a lot.
Then you will be experiencing at least one in the next hours / the next days!

Just think a bit about it.
Go to sleep.
You will experience a dejavu the next day

The more you think about it, the more likely it is you'll be experiencing one...

>> No.1413949
File: 14 KB, 359x300, jedimindtrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your jedi mind trick will not work with me, anon, LOL

>> No.1413943

>>alcoholism increases the deja-vu's
>sleep deprivation too.

>> No.1413959

That's what I'm asking, see:
>Bad wiring or something?

we need a neurologyfag right now.

>> No.1413964

You're making yourself look bad by cursing. And you smoke too? You know dying of lung cancer is the same as suicide right?

>> No.1413994
File: 7 KB, 135x135, baby baphomet 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're making yourself look bad by cursing.

>And you smoke too?
ESP anyone? on my /sci/?
Nope, sorry, I don't, LOL.

>You know dying of lung cancer is the same as suicide right?
The drama queen image was me trolling you by represent you as in that image, but hell, I'm having so much fun with you right now, looks like you need a little more of working memory to get things processed in your head.

Man, this thread will rock if you keep posting, Pastor asking guy, disregard the post were I wrote you to STFU.

>> No.1414001


> "....unless you consider short term memory as sensory for some reason"

I said that in case you did just call it something else. Sheesh.

>> No.1414003

sometimes our brain just doesn't work quite right, especially with memory. Long term memory is particularity poor at recalling events, relying on reconstruction rather than recall. There is a pathway to long term memory through short term memory rehearsal; it seems reasonable that this pathway can sometimes be realized into conscious thought so that long term and short term memories are experienced at the same time during the encoding process. It is like LTM catches up with the present and you experience the past as reality.

>> No.1414010
File: 17 KB, 395x300, memole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You shouldnt speak bad about pastors.
>You're making yourself look bad by cursing.
You shouldn't be posting at 4chan, go read the bible, save your soul from sin and hell.

>> No.1414025

I hope you find the way lost soul

>> No.1414041
File: 71 KB, 430x521, manwholaughs-726961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pretend you are a xtianfag kid
>try to trollan
>be like a nigger in a KKK reunion
>try to evangelize everyone with love and goodness

>> No.1414046 [DELETED] 

>Man, this thread will rock if you keep posting, Pastor asking guy, disregard the post were I wrote you to STFU.
Trolled status: told

>> No.1414052

>Man, this thread will rock if you keep posting, Pastor asking guy, disregard the post were I wrote you to STFU.
>I hope you find the way lost soul
Trolled status: told

>> No.1414061

Wait, who trolled who?

>> No.1414094

Ill try that later. It was wierd how that guy said he was trolling me.

>> No.1414167

Hi guys, just to ensure you guys take me seriously I'm going to tell you truthfully that I am a physics major, and all natural scepticisms to religion, magic and other bull shit apply; dejavu though is something I have experienced myself, but not how people think dejavu works, the dejavu I experience comes from my dreams, as in, I have had dreams (that I can't remember consciously) in the past, that have seemed to have come true, for example, the last time I had dejavu, I was at a party at this guys house, and everyone was talking about something random, but when I was sitting in there, I was like, damn I've done this before, i've been in this exact same moment before, the dejavu lasted like 20 seconds, and was a insignificant event in my life, because it seemed so normal, but everything was the same, and I realized the dejavu was from my dreams years ago, whether i've had that experience many times but had forgotten it when i woke up from sleeping, but actually being in the event had sparked my memory/subconsciousness somehow,
on a side note, this has happened about 4 times throughout my life, with different random dreams, and random events,
also in the dreams everything is really "blury" as in, you do not know where you are, what you are seeing, hearing, ect.. but when the event happens in real life, you'll know it was from that dream and you're experiencing dejavu, this is how my life was flipped upside down, dreams of playing on playgrounds most of my days where I would play with my friends and relax outside, playing basket ball outside of the school, one dream was of being beaten up, my mom got scared and said "your moving with your uncle and aunt in bel-air"

(excusing that last little bit(I couldn't resist), i'm serious, all the dejavu stuff I was talking about is true.)

>> No.1414196

Dreams = Your mind exploring other universes

>> No.1414209

>all of you should be reading the bible right now, stop being sinners!!!
>all of you should be doing science, stop being basement-dwelling virgin neckbeards

>> No.1414213

try to troll harder
: /

>> No.1414219
File: 20 KB, 474x328, 1278485862741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey anon, your pastor sucks god's cock and he swallows

>> No.1414233

Theres nothing wrong with that if it pleases god.

>> No.1414236
File: 24 KB, 492x329, 1278483766168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what?
You'r right, faggotheist.

>> No.1414298

May the force be with you

>> No.1414334

Bro that happens to everyone. Its called the tetris effect.

>> No.1414341


This is what being high feels like, which makes sense since THC blocks your STM.

>> No.1415637

But thats wrong you fucking retard