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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 160 KB, 426x282, math tricks girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1411766 No.1411766 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't there many girls in math, science and engineering?

>> No.1411769

Inferior brains.

>> No.1411775

Men are goal oriented and based on practicality.

Women are nurturers and base their life on feelings and opinions.

>> No.1411777

they spend too much time trying to look pretty, so no time left for doing science.

>> No.1411790


Very true, its not a matter of women being stupider, they just dont have the desire to be smart, which I suppose in the end, makes them stupider

>> No.1411807

They spend too much time crying and whining.

>> No.1411813


Depends on what you call smart. They are in no way inferior to men, they just put their intelligence to other use.

ITT: People are stupid because they don't do things that we think are important.

>> No.1411816

There's lots of girls in my engineering class, that being said nearly all of them do chemical

>> No.1411830


I know, I'm somewhat defining "smart" as critical thinking and analysis. Not that it really need to be that way, intelligence is a very vague term to begin with.

>> No.1411842


>> No.1411857


Women can't think very critically and are damn good at analysis when they want to be. I've been stumped on things sometimes and my wife will bust out with something off the wall even though she has no idea what I'm working on and it works.

It's all about a different perspective.

>> No.1411863


Can* not can't

>> No.1411870

imagine a lonely, shy 16 year old boy sitting in a bar. Too shy to talk to people he doesn't know.
Two girls walk by, "Do you see that boy over there? He seems lonely" "Yeah, what an immature freak, pah!"

imagine a lonely, shy 16 year old girl sitting in a bar. Too shy to talk to people he doesn't know.
Two boy walk by, "Do you see that girl over there? She seems lonely." "Yeah, what an innocent prey, hehe."

The boy stays there, all alone. He must work harder than the girl to become happy.

>> No.1411906

>She seems lonely, Yeah, what an innocent prey, hehe.

Wait, so how is the girl supposed to be happy?

>> No.1411935

Women are happy when beign used/controlled by men. I guess it's about knowing the male is strong enough to protect her childs, or just the product of an inferior mind.

>> No.1411936

Bear in mind I have no evidence for what I'm about to propose.

Let us assume men and women are of equal intelligence in all areas. Let us also assume the admission process is fair. Does a lack of women in science and engineering necessarily imply something about women?

Consider the hypothetical situation: women apply to all post-secondary disciplines equally. Men apply disproportionately to science and engineering. The result? Due to saturation of applicants, men are over-represented in science and engineering, and women are over-represented in the arts. What is the current scenario in North American universities? Few women in science and engineering, but nevertheless more overall enrollment of females.

Are women pushed away from science and engineering, or are men pushed away from arts? Perhaps there is a perceived emasculation.

>> No.1411946

>Women are happy when beign used/controlled by men.
I have a strong feeling you guys like pull shit out of your anus like there was no tomorrow.

>> No.1411948

People generally enjoy fucking.

>> No.1411966

I'm not a rapist, I swear

>> No.1411981

most of the science interested female grad students i know are in biology or biochemistry, probably because they're more interested in practical human/life fields and not abstract nonsense.

>> No.1411985

yea, there is. May high school trig teacher was, and had a crush on her.

>> No.1411995

This is actually interesting.

>> No.1412000
File: 90 KB, 504x1005, 20100516.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why, OP.

>> No.1412010

There's not a large support base for females in the hard sciences, they'll throw money at you if you've got a vagina and are interested in something like physics, math, chemistry, but that's about all they'll do.

1. Professors will creep on you if you stay after and ask for help, or they'll completely ignore you
2. Grad students have only two reactions: absolute disgust because in their home country women weren't allowed to read books, or OMG FEMALE SHIT YEAH
3. Your peers if male will try and tutor you (hint: if you get to tutor a female, that doesn't translate to sex in her brain, it translates to, I'm having trouble in electromagnetism and I need help), and your female peers will be in this weird competition to prove something for all of womankind by taking a quantum course, and if you are not on this path of nobility, you're ousted from the female science majors.

It's like no one wants you in the field, ever, that's why females aren't in the hard sciences. It's a constant uphill struggle and alienation, while your friends from high school are getting drunk every night you struggle to find friends and get homework done.

Physics major here, shit sucks.

>> No.1412026

>abstract nonsense


>> No.1412027


Never realized. All this time I thought you had all that money thrown at you and
>any guy you want
>300 k starting

But in the end, you're just as lonely as the men who want to sleep with you.

>> No.1412040

This may be part of it, but its not as if females all go into science/engineering fields and are pushed away. They never go into them in the first place.

>> No.1412042


Guys don't want to be with hard science females either, men who want to sleep with me? I might as well be a plague carrier.

>Him: "Hey girl, what's up?"
>Me: "Oh nothing"
>Him: "You go to the university around here?"
>Me: "Yeah, third year!"
>Him: "Me too, what's your major"
>Me: "Dual Majoring in Physics and Mathematics"
>Him: *walks off*

I wish men understood that everything isn't on a platter for us.

>> No.1412048


There's a huge stigma placed on women in high school about the sciences (or education in general), you get to choose either friends or being smart.

What do you think every sixteen year old girl wants?

>> No.1412056

I think it's that men like their women to be smart, but not smarter than them.

>> No.1412058

>implying there aren't countless guys who would cream there pants over you
you must be ugly or something

>> No.1412059


Oh man, that's funny, and it's not because you're female

>Her: What's up?
>him: not much
>her: what are you majoring in?
>him: engineering
>her: oh, *strait face, walks off*

WHY DO PEOPLE MAJOR IN SCIENCE (and sci related things)?

>> No.1412060


Women aren't motivated to create things in the same way men are. Math, science, and engineering are predominantly about creating something, be it an improvement on an existing theory or creating some new design.

If I were a lesser man, I'd argue by analogy and point out that black men in the 1900s did more to create modern music than women have. And if there's any match up where women have the upper hand, it's probably against blacks in Jim Crow America.

>> No.1412062


The point of that post was that there are men who are attracted to me by my looks, but not by my brains.

And seriously, some of my fellow classmen are either A: Ugly as Sin B: Creepy as Sin or C: Both.

>> No.1412067

A stiff dicking.

>> No.1412074

>The point of that post was that there are men who are attracted to me by my looks, but not by my brains.
Boo fucking hoo

>And seriously, some of my fellow classmen are either A: Ugly as Sin B: Creepy as Sin or C: Both.
Being an engineering major, I don't doubt this whatsoever. But the fact remains that there are probably like 10 guys to every 1 girl in your upper level math/physics courses, and even if only 3/10 are non-ugly/non-creepy, you are still rolling in dicks.

>> No.1412086

>The point of that post was that there are men who are attracted to me by my looks, but not by my brains.
Every guy who has a brain would kill for a girl who has one too. Stop complaining.

>> No.1412105

Maybe its because they know you're going to bore them with your inane bullshit, and they'd prefer it if they were bored with the specific inane bullshit they have developed a tolerance for. Try not to talk about school or your major until they've invested some time in getting into your vagina, perhaps. Few men realize the proper course of action in any benefit analysis is to ignore sunk costs. Good for you, I suppose.

>> No.1412106

It may be the case with "normal" guys, but I swear if I meet a girl and she tells me she studies math, physics, engineering, or any hard science, it's a huge turn on for me.

>> No.1412108


Take your misogyny off to r9k because that wasn't why I posted in this thread.

Fuck, do you ever wonder why women don't want to be around you if you constantly treat the ones that are single like some fucking leper looking for pity? I wasn't looking for pity by saying that, I was stating the reason why I posted it.

Grow up a little and realize that all women aren't whores and looking for cock 24/7

>> No.1412109

Now she's a fetish. Lovely. She might go for that.

>> No.1412113

This is how it would be if the guy were me:

>Me: "Hey girl, what's up?"
>You: "Oh nothing"
>Me: "You go to the university around here?"
>You: "Yeah, third year!"
>Me: "Me too, what's your major"
>You: "Dual Majoring in Physics and Mathematics"
>Me: *jizzes in his pants*
>You: *walks off*

>> No.1412114

it was your fault too you were touching my bum

>> No.1412124
File: 93 KB, 600x2300, comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related, its about how my last sexual encounter went.

>> No.1412128

Look, seriously, intelligence is very attractive to many, and those who don't appreciate it aren't worth it. Cheer up, and keep up the fight.

>> No.1412145

because the female gender is inferior and busy with her social life

>> No.1412455
File: 29 KB, 322x480, woman_holding_money1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

majoring in porno
100k starting

Most male performers in straight porn are paid less than their female costars. Ron Jeremy has commented on the pay scale of women and men of the sex film industry: "The average guy gets $300 to $400 a scene, or $100 to $200 if he's new. A woman makes $100,000 to $250,000 at the end of the year.[9] "Girls can easily make 100K-250K per year, plus stuff on the side like strip shows and appearances. The average guy makes $40,000 a year."[10]

>> No.1412464


I am almost afraid to ask why you know this.

>> No.1412506

At the age of 22, Fleiss began managing a prostitution ring under Madam Alex after meeting the famous Madam 90210 in 1987. Fleiss stated in 2002 in an interview with Larry King that her relationship with Alex was "a very intense relationship" and that she "was kind of like the daughter she loved and hated, so she was abusive and loving at the same time." In the same interview, Fleiss said she was a prostitute for a short period.[4]

By 1990, Fleiss parted with Alex and began to run her own prostitution ring. Fleiss has stated that she made her first "million [dollars] after only four months in the business" as a madam, and that on her slowest night she only made 10,000 dollars.[5]

>> No.1412512


lol porn industry, the entire thing is hilarious. on top of that gay guys can make even more than women.

also prostitution is illegal pretty much everywhere, but if you film it for purposes of profit. then go right ahead, your obviously an entrepreneur so its all good. fuck year.

>> No.1412514

Because most women are too stupid to handle a bit of math.


>> No.1412517

Prostitutes are obviously very morally flawed. I wouldn't be surprised if she made up those figures on the spot.

>> No.1412536

they can make 1000$ per client, so if its 30min per client it's easy to make 10k a night, plus with some richer clients she probably gets a lot more and free stuff like champagne or wtv he buys her

>> No.1412558

>very morally flawed
not send your troll senses tingling? I am disappoint.

>> No.1412569

wtv you think i care about trolling, i post what i want. fucking nerds

>> No.1412576


i'm no expert but i'm pretty sure prostitutes don't fuck 10 dudes per night. sounds quite high.

>> No.1412578

Yeah that always bothered me.
Consensual sex between adults? Sure, go ahead.
Consensual sex between adults, but with money involved? FUCK NO, GO TO JAIL!
Consensual sex between adults, with money involved, plus filming it and selling the tape for profit? Legal again.
Makes perfect sense.

>> No.1412587

And yet, the best artists in the world are men.

>> No.1412588

Lisa Sauermann


>> No.1412595

welcome to corrupt america

>> No.1412604

are you kidding me, most fucks last like 20min, and blowjobs are like 100$, i'm sure they can give out like 20 of those a night

>> No.1412633

o lawd. OP hasn't heard of Lisa Sauermann, yet feels qualified to make a thread about how there are no girls in math, science and engineering. you're no scientist, OP.

>> No.1412665
File: 78 KB, 745x600, Koizumi-bush.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The area of the brain responsible for modeling and rotation 3d objects is more developed in men. It was useful for identifying healthy waist to hip ratios and tigers hiding in the leaves, but it can also be used to do mathematical calculations quicker.

>> No.1412671


>> No.1412682

girls are dumb


>> No.1412697

I can tell the model in front of this chalkboard has nothing to do with the arbitrary junior high mathematics haphazardly scrawled across in a way that strongly suggests that the artist who came up with this shit is probably some ignorant advertising exec who needs a bullet in the head.

Fuck this country.

>> No.1412699

Hahaha you have no idea.

>> No.1412713

There are a LOT of girls studying math. They just go on to be middle school teachers, instead of PhDs.

>> No.1412724

The woman doesn't even to orgasm once.

It's no toll on her endurance.

>> No.1412733


empirical evidence please

google is giving me shit results for "on average how many dudes do sluts fuck per night" or any kind of prostitution statistics.

>> No.1412736

That's not studying math, that's studying to be a math teacher.

>> No.1412738

why don't you buy a whore and ask her

>> No.1412744

I have fucked several hookers in my time, and they told me. I have no proof other than that, though.

>> No.1412757

>implying she would tell the truth

you have no idea the coping mechanisms and rationalizations going on in those womens heads. they probably honestly don't even know they are prostitutes.

>> No.1412769

even a 9 year old would know if she was raped, oups i've said too much

>> No.1412775

This might actually be shocking to you but men and women think differently. And (and I know I started a sentence with and but don't care). And, this may also be shocking to you, it's in our DNA to think differently regardless of what feminazis may try to tell you.

Women are far more interested in the humanities than the sciences and men are far more interested in mechanics and sciences.

Men like to make things and watch them go, women like to talk about themselves and see why people say and do things.

>> No.1412811

And they suck at it.

>> No.1413024

>$1000 per client

It's like 50 euros in Amsterdam...

>> No.1413044

computer science major here.
There are no females for miles.

>> No.1413294

Supply in demand. Supply is kept artificially low in America, whereas it's at its equilibrium price in Amsterdam.

>> No.1413305

Men have a larger variance in intelligence. If you can't follow the logic then you are a woman

>> No.1413312

girls cant logic


>> No.1413326
File: 19 KB, 600x453, i-hate-thinking.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1413340

It is easier to make the idea of doing science more appealing to man, rather than to women, for what I assume are cultural reasons. Once a girl is interested in it, she is generally as good as some guy.

>> No.1413341

[citation needed]

I see this suggested all the time, but never with sources or empirical data. Most proper modern studies find men smarter than women on average.


>> No.1413357

girls would just slut it up.

math is a man's game.
science is a man's game.
engineering is the best man's game.

>> No.1413372

Somebody needs a course in statistics. Learn what "on average" means and the concept of correlation versus causation.

>> No.1413379

>engineering is the best man's game.
of course, if not it wouldn't be gay enough.

>> No.1413415
File: 198 KB, 1000x1088, 8ec2f6e9a762f2be4c63287d15f332d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are not socialized to think abstractly or critically. All of my female students who have had a proper math education and encouragement at home perform just as well as males.

All of the greasy babymachines with unemployed mothers and absent fathers know they don't need to work to get by. It's unlikely you'll pursue a technical education once you're knocked up. It is UNBELIEVABLE how many parents I know who have children of both genders in my school and push their sons MUCH harder in science/math and call me hoping to just give their baby girl an A. (When she is perfectly capable of earning it herself.)

Also, your statistics are rapidly changing. Up until fairly recently, women were not expected to be as educated as men. The majority of my higher level math courses are now girls.

>> No.1413423

you're... a teacher.. in science

AND a weeaboo?

how is this even

>> No.1413426


still you present zero proof that men exhibit a higher standard deviation than women. if men have a higher average intelligence then they don't fucking NEED a higher standard deviation to explain why high intelligence professions are predominantly men.

also correlation vs causation might have merit for smaller statistical groups but we are talking about men vs women here. who cares why it is true. it is true.

>> No.1413429
File: 321 KB, 679x1145, 960c80cefe94cdd5eeb022a94ea2c24f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a calculus teacher at a high school in Texas.

I am not a weeaboo, but I enjoy shmups and my gook roommate introduced me to Touhou, and eventually Cirno. She is a personal mascot of mine.

>> No.1413431 [DELETED] 

wow good job using cirno lol

>> No.1413434
File: 204 KB, 390x516, ⑨.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno thread?

Cirno thread.

>> No.1413435

oh ok

>> No.1413450
File: 12 KB, 304x299, 1279150504830.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1413463

Right brain left brain shit. Why is this even a discussion?

Evolutionary pressures before the development of agriculture selected for men with greater spatial awareness and abstract reasoning. Both abilities intrinsically required if your diet depends on your ability to hunt game.

>> No.1413477
File: 279 KB, 800x1032, 3762a92d317fbc18b950cba6c7868f37.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cirno spam is how I choose to identify myself here, rather than becoming a tripfag. Stop ruining it for me you fucking gookfucks.

I admittedly used to be a bit of a sexist, but I honestly believe girls who are taught properly from a young age can be just as good at math or science.

My very best student is going into grad school this year. She was raised by her FATHER since her mother was a gold-digging piece of shit. Her father works at NASA (at least he did then) and is fucking awesome.

She was a pothead who wore jeans and a T-shirt every day. He encouraged her to be independent and not to follow the mistakes of her mother, and she is brilliant. Married, well-adjusted, but extremely quiet with no desire for fame.

Most competent women I've met in my field are the quiet sort, not the HURR GIRRRL GAMER equivalent of our industry.

>> No.1413480

in murrika maybe...

>> No.1413483

Men have always needed to be powerful.
Women have always been at their mercy.

It's hard to change thousands of years of evolution.

>> No.1413485

Socialization and evolution aren't the same thing.

>> No.1413488
File: 93 KB, 300x300, ghost blowjob woo woo woooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No, no, that's not right.

>> No.1413500

Socialization is a myth. Sociology is not /sci/ related.

>> No.1413511

I didn't say it was /sci/. if you think socialization is a myth, you're a retard.

>> No.1413514

I remember there were boys who liked to play with stupid action figures, one in each hand, smashing one to the the other.

>> No.1413525
File: 108 KB, 973x1074, 1276538326331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because all boys grow up to be scientists.

This is another thing that is not often considered in these studies. MOST MEN ARE JUST AS FUCKING STUPID AS WOMEN.

>> No.1413527



>> No.1413530

No you.
Socialization is a nice PC way to say that everyone is actually equal, and that the differences between sex and race in terms of behavior are "artificial" and can be overcome if we ignore them.
It's leftist pseudoscience wankfest BULLSHIT.

>> No.1413552

The average IQ for males and females are about the same, this is quoted constantly. However it's deceptive.
Women naturally do not have very high or very low IQ ranges. Their bell curves for IQ are much flatter.
Men on the other hand have more extreme bell curves in terms of IQ, there are more above average IQ males and male geniuses, but this is balanced out by there being lot's of low IQ males.

This is scientific fact and confirmed by every survey done.

>> No.1413557
File: 121 KB, 850x850, sample-58654fdea67055ebb79936620879b393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Socialization isn't a science, you fucking moron. It's a process, and everyone goes through it. Go back to community college. It doesn't say that EVERYTHING is determined by your environment, but alot of things are.

I'm sorry girls were mean to you, anon. :(

>> No.1413561

>more guys than girls in high level math = girls aren't encouraged properly
>more girls than guys in high level math = ???

>> No.1413575

>The average IQ for males and females are about the same, this is quoted constantly. However it's deceptive.
It IS deceptive. IQ scores are weighted to account for sex differences.

>> No.1413597
File: 151 KB, 291x358, 1278304594303.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It means there will be more women in science/math/bio related fields in the future. There is plenty of evidence right now to show that the statistics are changing.

I haven't been teaching for many years and I've noticed the number of girls in my classes getting bigger every year. I'm not saying that any of this is definitive, but I can say that they perform at the same level as males, and that a few of them have earned undergrad degrees in science-related fields. (Three are in gradschool.)

There's been studies on recent trends on women in science-related fields, but I shred all that cockbarf as it comes into my inbox at the school.

I don't know why I'm bothering in obvious trollthread because I highly doubt any other neckbeards here have science-related jobs to begin with. I'm just a bored fucking teacher.

>> No.1413614


yes, but this is just noise that is thrown in by feminists to obscure the fact that the average score for men's slightly broader bell curve is 3-5 points higher than the womens curve.

>> No.1413616

>There's not a large support base for females in the hard sciences
I just want to point out the fact that there isn't really a support base for males in the hard sciences, either.

>> No.1413683
File: 9 KB, 251x201, 1278313683795s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what part of WOMEN ARE ACTIVELY DISCOURAGED IN THEIR HOUSEHOLDS from pursuing science you're not getting. "Failing math? I'll have a word with the teacher, princess." Consciously or unconsciously, people do it.

I had one particularly bright Hispanic girl whose parents were putting her brother through med school. She graduated with a HIGHER GPA than he did, and when her parents spoke to me at a conference, they were so proud she could "maybe even become a nurse!"

I'm a male and like I said, used to think women were just dumber. At this point, I'm frustrated at the accepted ignorance of over 50% of our population when it's unnecessary. I've had enough high-performing, bright, intelligent female students and to me, this discrepancy is maddening.

It's better to try to ADDRESS the issue than to be a big fat Aspergers neckbeard and say women are dumber because the slut you dated in high school was mean to you.

>> No.1413732

You're arguing with angry, spurned neckbeards. You're right, but it's kind of pointless to try and make them realise that. They're angry that they're a nobody in the world despite feeling as if they're the smartest people around.

>> No.1413739

How does relate to what I posted?

>> No.1413765
File: 34 KB, 716x693, 1251797161668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please, PLEASE continue your awesome work. Especially in this dumbfuckistan called Texas. Motivate every youth you can to strive forward, be a role model and a guide.

>> No.1413786
File: 294 KB, 788x1971, sample-708a7c4d5b9a7d2d739da96c2d1ea5f2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, when parents go to visit their children in uni and ask "What are you majoring in," the girl is less likely to take shit for majoring in something stupid than the boy.

This actually happened to my sister when she went to UH (and lived with me, oh living with your sister in college is fun. >:{ ) to study fucking ART. ART.


She eventually got into chemistry and double majored, realizing one of her strengths was her crazy understanding of what makes paint... paint. Works in Boston now. :(

Because males have a perfectly healthy support structure when it comes to pursuing hard sciences. (Unless you're family is fucked up, then you have bigger problems.) Women are actively discouraged, now stop replying, neckbeard. Real people with jobs are talking.

>> No.1413790

It relates perfectly. You implied that because there's not a support base for males, there doesn't need to be one for females. He made the clear point that females have a negative support base, which males don't have, making your point invalid.

>> No.1413796

>Guys don't want to be with hard science females either,

I would kill to meet someone who could hold up her end of the conversation with respect to chemistry, physics, or even simple fucking math.

>> No.1413797

Women think differently. Ask a girl and a guy to draw a bicycle from memory. The girls bike will look like a bike frame with pretty handle bars. The guys bike will have a chain & working peddles and gears and is more reflective of how a bike actually works.

Basically chicks are stupid.

>> No.1413798
File: 48 KB, 400x540, 1383bedf07076d227829ce413b3843e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always said I would leave Texas the moment I got the chance, and I lived in lovely Auburn, CA for a few years. But Texas is my home and I remember being raised by creationist republican parents, and how a little education + the internet did alot of good.

And I also learned that northerners are shit-eating trash.

>> No.1413803

>Because males have a perfectly healthy support structure when it comes to pursuing hard sciences.

>> No.1413816

So because girls are encouraged more (due to low take-up due to the familial factors mentioned), that implies boys are encouraged less? Way to fail logic.

>> No.1413832
File: 18 KB, 510x430, 1278980147383.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face, realising humanity was working at half capacity throughout history because of sexism.

Seriously, this has probably knocked us back a couple of thousand years in science and technology.

>> No.1413833
File: 258 KB, 690x960, 348d80310081c1d677618ab8828dd375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's JUST MY CLASS LAST YEAR. And it's looking like the numbers will even out in the fall. Stop clinging to that one little sentence, there's still a fuckload of boys, and none of their parents have ever called me hoping I would give them an A because "it's not like they'll use it."

>> No.1413834

Reread the argument, then realize that you are a retard.

>> No.1413843
File: 7 KB, 147x166, neckbeard1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1413846

>And I also learned that northerners are shit-eating trash

well now, let's not pull blanket statements, as you seem like a pretty intelligent fellow. I, for one, am from the north, norther than the upper limit of US territory in fact, and am neither shit-eating nor trash.

>> No.1413851

No, the argument's that actively encouraging girls is sexist because they don't do the same for boys in a similar situation, despite the fact that boys are never in a similar situation due to the constant passive encouragement in the form of societal expectations. So yeah, enjoy your idiotic logic fail and anecdotal silliness.

>> No.1413853

So, let me get this straight...
>more guys than girls in high level math = girls aren't encouraged properly
>more girls than guys in high level math = girls aren't encouraged properly
>equal numbers of guys and girls in high level math = girls aren't encouraged properly

I guess I've found the answer to everything.

>> No.1413868

Obvious strawman is obvious.

>> No.1413882
File: 125 KB, 656x280, 1278311782601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was a joke. I'd like to spend a few years in Boston or New York. Always get a crazy CENTER OF THE WORLD feeling in NYC.


>> No.1413886

The first part of this rings true.

Men are supposed to go to college to get training for a high-paying job. Women are supposed to go to college for personal enrichment in order that she'll be cosmopolitan enough to meet a guy with a high-paying job.

>> No.1413892


actually you are just closing in on a larger, more basic concept. basically whenever any statistical group of people under-performs on average, the people who are to blame are actually the whiter, more manly people with more money that are beating them.

>> No.1413905


Why do you keep tabs on your students?

I don't remember any of my high school teachers doing that.

>> No.1413920

>Yeah honey, go into science! You can do it!
>Go into science, or else you'll be a failure, socially ostracized from the community and forced to beg for food.
Yep, exactly the same.

>> No.1413925

Mine would be two circles representing wheels.

I'm a male, mechanical engineering graduate student, and a competitive cyclist. lol

>> No.1413930

Because he's a better teacher than them?

Except nobody's arguing that. There's no white guilt bullshit here. We're not making this some stupid zero-sum game, we're making the point that girls are in general underencouraged and undersupported by their families and society in general. Supporting them more does not mean that boys will be supported less unless you let some feminazi whackjob steer.

>> No.1413946

I love how you keep changing your argument every time I prove the old one wrong. The latter point you make is silly hyperbole not worth countering, the former is idealistic hyperbole not worth countering. Boys have a solid support from families and schools in doing science and maths, girls sometimes have the opposite - it's a cultural thing which he need to deal with.

>> No.1413947
File: 274 KB, 999x999, 1278311646941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I give my calc students my email before they graduate in case they need letters of recommendation or just help. We spend enough time together in their last couple years of school that they like to email me with big events. I'm one of those crazy friendly teachers who cares.

>> No.1413952

Aside from your statements that
>There is plenty of evidence right now to show that the statistics are changing.
>I've noticed the number of girls in my classes getting bigger every year,
I am simply using the same evidence as you are in claiming that girls aren't encouraged enough to go into hard science.

>> No.1413960

Except he says that he's encouraging them and the system is. His point is to keep up such encouragement, yours is to strip it away for some inexplicable reason.

>> No.1413962
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My anecdotes from my class and recent studies aren't the same thing, tardo.

>> No.1413973

That's just fucking creepy.

The teachers I've actually keep myself in contact with are very selective, unlike you, who seems to be an all-around friendly teacher to all his students.

And yeah, I got a few recommendations from my teachers too, but I didn't know that counted as "keeping in touch", as you seem to infer.

>> No.1413976

>I love how you keep changing your argument every time I prove the old one wrong.
Nice projection, there. But aside from that, everything you wrote there is complete bullshit. Boys do not get any more 'encouragement' than girls in anything.

>> No.1413983

Again, how does that in any way refute my point?

>> No.1413987

So now you're simply saying I'm wrong despite all contrary evidence. Enjoy living in your little fantasy land.

>> No.1413989

>yours is to strip it away for some inexplicable reason.
Now where the hell did I say that?

>> No.1414004

No, I'm just saying that you're wrong. You provided no evidence to support your argument, so you don't have much standing in that department. I'm not putting much into this because I just don't care enough.

>> No.1414050



>> No.1414069

One of my sisters friends is smoking hot and a professor in the mathematics department at a nearby university, funny thing is she is a klutz and outside of works hits the drugs harder than most.

>> No.1414076 [DELETED] 


>> No.1414082


>> No.1414087

cool story brah.

>> No.1414089
File: 611 KB, 800x800, 1278311383850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think you realize how many students I've had. I never hear from 90% of them after graduation.

I "keep in touch" with only about 4 students in all my years of teaching, and ONLY if THEY EMAIL ME. It's maybe like one email a month, they'll send me a goofy story or a puzzle. The ones whose post-highschool lives I'm familiar with are students who come back later to either student-teach in my room or just come back one day randomly to say hello to their old teachers. (This is EXTREMELY common, and I dropped in on one of my middle school teachers last time I went home. Ended up getting a beer together.)

I'm in my 30's but I even younger. I'm pretty outgoing and silly when it comes to teaching material. I make a HUGE effort to encourage my students to go into science/math related careers, and the ones who are successful like to send me notes saying they graduated or completing a major project.

I really don't keep in touch with many of my students because most are immature pieces of shit who hate me because I did my job.

>> No.1414093

lots of girls get into science. Especially medical science nowadays. Engineering is for boring people. Girls are not capable of math.

That is it.

>> No.1414102

Small brains.

>> No.1414136


They probably hate you because they didn't end up becoming the strongest.

>> No.1414141
File: 200 KB, 600x800, 1279147196300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, I have shit to grade and a vacation to pack for. I think I've changed all the minds I possibly could. You could either pass the issue off and say "women are just stupid" and allow over 50% of the world's population to decay into further ignorance or get to the root of the discrepancy and work to improve society.

>> No.1414431

The few people like you are the reason I still have faith in humanity as a whole.

>> No.1414585
File: 33 KB, 108x120, cirno-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you. I'm still here.


>> No.1414980
File: 50 KB, 431x685, 1062722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are plenty of women in science


>> No.1415582

I have to agree with Mr. Teacher man on this one, while I myself have no direct proof, what he is saying about women entering the scientific field is becoming true, or at least here in Flordia. While looking years back, we can kinda see how women didnt have as much impact on the scientific area, but they are becoming are bigger part. At the Floridian colleges (UCF,UF,FIT,FSU) a large amount of women partake in the scientific cources, such as physics astronomy, cosomology etc... even most of the professors are female. So it seems like women were having trobule entering the scientific almost like how Blacks had trouble joining society after the jim crow laws; in which due to past ideas and cultural trends, women have been denied acess to the scientific fields till now.

PS: When did /sci/ start hating on aspergers? I have it and I am not a neck bearded women hater...

>> No.1415658

They've been opressed by the patriarchy and will slowly take over society due to their higher intelligence as men no longer force them to do their will.

P.S. : women invented civilzation while men were out hunting


>> No.1415659

lulz. Seems if your a women doing a math/sci degree you have to wear glasses.

>> No.1415736 [DELETED] 
File: 162 KB, 580x600, Akaneranma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thankyou muchly

Sure is RR in here
RA is OTP, Picture related.

>> No.1415751
File: 173 KB, 600x811, Oneofus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just wanted to stop by and say you are either a lying shit or one of us. picture related.

>> No.1415759

Cheers to Mr. Cirno Teacher!

>> No.1417253
File: 65 KB, 1000x625, 207bf1acc09a41faafbe366ebc13cd53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admittedly grew to love Touhou with time. I like alot of Japanesey things (food, shmups and RPGs from the 90's), just not recent moeblob faggotshit anime. I'm more of a Star Trek nerd, and a little weeaboo knowledge tends to come with the territory.

Also, I'm back if anyone wants to yell about education.

Intelligent women wouldn't touch a site like this with a 10 foot pole, and almost all of them are rather homely. But admit it, so are you.

Thank you. And all of 4chan started hating on Aspergers when EVERYONE DECIDED THEY HAVE IT. I have so many fucking students right now who "have Aspergers" when they're actually just socially inept (which is curable). I had maybe one or two who I believe had a genuine learning disability.

I was diagnosed with dyslexia as an adult and I fought it because I DON'T WANT TO HAVE A LEARNING DISABILITY. For others it appears to be the opposite, they CAN'T WAIT to pick a disability because then they have something else to blame when they fail.

And that's most of 4chan. No friends because you're a self-absorbed, shut-in neckbeard? It's okay, I have Aspergers!

>> No.1417260

i wub roo, cirno teach

>> No.1417262
File: 137 KB, 800x800, sample-0274778371f6e6a2e95abba113976081.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ffff, I meant learning disabilities in general, not just Aspergers which is the new fad. And most are "diagnosed" by the students parents who just bitch at a doctor until they'll agree.

>> No.1417265

In norway, 93% of women have "dyslexia".
The percentage is just one I made from a popular forum here in norway.

So aspergers is popular, but not nearly as popular as dyslexia.

Also, Chris-chan obviously had some to do with 4chan haetin' on aspergers.

>> No.1418398
File: 69 KB, 525x509, 1279234841086.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After a long thought, I have realized my place. Us men are nothing but disgusting, selfish, beastly scum who've done nothing but oppress and make life generally worse than it needed to be for females and each other since our origination. Think how much further society and technology would be if there were only women.

I wish there was a way us men could be like them, but it just doesn't seem to be possible without something like a controlled design of the brain and body from conception.

Ultimately, it would just be easier to only birth females though and let progress take its course.