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1408963 No.1408963 [Reply] [Original]

which scientific revolution do you expect next?

I hope for [ fusion energy, spaceelevators, quantum computing and transhumanism in general ]

I think the first will be a 1:1 human AI brain (already existing but slower)

>> No.1408976


>> No.1408980

i suspect there's some awful awful things going on in the Genome field, just waiting to be uncovered

>> No.1408989

quantum computing and superconductivity

>> No.1409002


>> No.1409021

i have absolutely no evidence to back this up, other than where there's good, there's ill.

>> No.1409078


>> No.1409086

i see bio-engineering and creation of synthetic life forms to be teh next break through tbh

>> No.1409092


>> No.1409956


I want all of them.

At the same time.

I want robots to do every fucking thing. Everything. I want them to run our government with slack that's programmed in. So even though all the intersections are being filmed 24/7 the robots won't do anything unless they have a reason to. They do the firemen work.

I want fusion energy to power hydrogen farms that allow us to fuel up our hydrogen cars up for free. I want flying cars everywhere. As well as hovering cars. I want cities under water. In fact I want an entire society to be built on mars. All the doctors and nurses are robots. The master surgeon is a robot that hangs from the ceiling and has 8-16 arms and performs an operation with a .003% error margin.

I want high speed trains that carry us to other continents in minutes. In fact, I want worm holes that carry us from here to other places in seconds.

I want there to be no more money and no religion. In fact it would be just like Zeitgeist Addendum predicted and we'd be in complete and utter paradise. Since there is no more money, there's no need for spam or advertisements. Everyone is entitled to a home. We not only colonize most of the Earth and Mars but also most of the solar system. We have Star Gates like on Cowboy Bebop or most future shows. We can travel through hyper space and get to other places instantly. We'd all just fuck and fuck and fuck for recreational purposes. People gain respect by how much they can learn and display knowledge. The true leaders will be the ones that can still innovate and get the machines to create new mechanisms that will help make even our easy lives so much easier.

That.... is what I am hoping for.

>> No.1409963

Honestly, I don't think any of us will go to a paradise or anything after we die. I suspect we probably come back as another life form like we did just now. The chances are much more likely it's that instead of something like a heaven or hell.

In which case, I can't wait to see the future when I'm reborn a few times and see what kind of shit we have come up with.

Humanity never stops. Even when it seems like nothing is being done to progress. It never stops.

>> No.1409971
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Sounds good. How soon can we set that up?

>> No.1409975


I liked your first post. Your second one is retarded.

>> No.1409977
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ITT: 10 year old who watches too much anime

>> No.1410002
File: 30 KB, 250x332, hang_in_there_kitty-thumb-250x332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


One day you will grow up, just hang in there little guy!

>> No.1410017
File: 20 KB, 240x260, The Oblongs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.1410026

Really how old r u?
Transhumanism is only shit that little kids talk about

>> No.1410028

Am I the only one that thinks such an "utopia" would be an incredibly boring hell?

>> No.1410037


Sure. A utopia in which you could do anything with infinite entertainment and creative options would get old real fast.

>> No.1410039

I'm being totally straight forward right now. If you think about it, almost every person in the planet is working towards that future right now.

We're all storing our data electronically and using machines more and more every year.

Honda is working on the first humanoid robot. Give it another few hundred years. Maybe even a few decades. Almost all hard labor jobs that humans do will be replaced by robotics.

At what point will humanity stop trying to improve our lives until we reach a Utopia?


>> No.1410040

of course theres dr wily making robots go crazy.

>> No.1410045
File: 46 KB, 768x576, 1275667555970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Transhumanism is only a stones throw away after powerful A.I. And by Transhumanism I mean putting my brain.....in a robot body.

>> No.1410063

>Really how old r u?

Let's put it this way. If I'd beaten that hobo across the street, I could have been your old man.

>> No.1410068


Well if I'd beaten that dog over the fence I could have fathered your grandchild.

>> No.1410069
File: 837 KB, 2480x3508, WhyScienceIsAwesome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that immortality, space elevators, and robots doing nearly everything are just a couple of decades away make me freak out.

>> No.1410085

The problem will be, that knowledge and replication and robotic technology will be so readily available. There will be almost no way to police it all.

People will be able to raise their own clones and have robots care for them.

You could take a hair strand from your favorite crush and clone it somewhere on your own space station that you live on. Then raise her and train her to be your fuck slave. And no one would have any idea.

We will have the technology to pretty much assemble objects at the molecular level.

You'll be able to create items as easily as plugging in a printer.

It no longer becomes an issue of being caught by authorities. There will be almost no authorities. Because the population is so big that there will be not nearly enough governing power to rule it all. It becomes a question of conscience.

Just like pirating movies and things of the sort today. Biology class in the future will teach you things like cloning an animal.

What will stop you from cloning your favorite girl crush for your own pleasure?

Almost nothing.

It will be almost like pirating.

It's a sick and twisted future in some senses. But look at us now. People are already locking people in their basements for years and years without anyone knowing.

>> No.1410087

Don't want to be mean here, but a strong AI has always been "just a few years away" since the 1950s

>> No.1410090

But now it's realistically in our grasp.

>> No.1410091

what makes you think that?

>> No.1410095

300 kelvin supracounducting.
cold fusion.

>> No.1410098

people need to compete.. to show off..
how can I get my ferrari in this society?
it's just a fantasy, humans don't work like that

>> No.1410110

>Then raise her and train her to be your fuck slave. And no one would have any idea.
Yes, please... Where do I sign up?

>> No.1410119

>You could take a hair strand from your favorite crush and clone it somewhere on your own space station that you live on. Then raise her and train her to be your fuck slave. And no one would have any idea.

true /sci/tards

>> No.1410128


Implying that humans wont just be able to hit a button to inject themselves with the drug that your brain receives when you have an orgasm.

Why go through all the hassle of wieners and vagoos. Just hit a button.

>> No.1410129

There are many renewable sources of energy.

Geothermal Energy is one.
Solar, wind, and wave energy is another.

But the things we will do will require monster amounts of energy. Including teleportation or worm holes.

Therefore we will set up solar panels or the equivalent of solar panels at the top of the sun orbiting at a closeness that is about that of Mercury.

The panels will gather energy from the sun and shoot it in the form of a beam directly to "sub-stations" as I would call them, that distribute them to the planets and major space stations.

Does it stop there?


Since we have all this energy, we finally figure out how to un-collapse the dimensions so that we can create rifts in time.

That shit about there being a time police in the future that you see in Star Trek? It's most likely true.

The government will create a department that specifically specializes in traveling back in time to warn the government about major disasters.

Huricane Katrina? The Oil Spill?

Such things will never happen in the future. Because the governments would continue to send people back in time to make sure that these things never happen or that all people are evacuated or dams are built just in time.

It will be a fucked up reality you'll live in. You'll be mad. Because the government fucks with time, and you might not meet the love of your life, however the fact that you ended up not knowing her will also be deleted from existence so there's really no point in worrying about anything. Anywhere.

>> No.1410131

ok I'm in

>> No.1410135


>> No.1410136

We'll all be laid back hippies, because anything you want, you can have. You will be able to alter your DNA to look however you want to look. You can clone yourself and transplant your own brain into yourself and technically repeat this and live forever. You'll be able to store your memories and send them back into the past and feed them to yourself just in case the government does fuck with time.

By the end, we'll be in such a paradise. The only thing we'll be afraid of is the universe burning out according to the final law of thermal dynamics.

That will truly be the end. Or possibly a beginning for teleportation into another reality and universe all together.

>> No.1410144

Moore's law. And I know that you will want to tell me OTHER REASONS MIGHT NOT LET IT RARARARA but no this time the odds are against it not happening.

>> No.1410148


WRONG good sir. Once we discover time travel we all live 9 billion years in the past. The put the entire planet through a giant time traveling device and all live in the years 9 Billion BC. Therefore no one can go into the past to change things and prevent shit from happening.

Check and Mate.

>> No.1410152

isn't that just a few years away according to moore?
afaik the singularity is just around the corner

>> No.1410157

But you know that Moore's law is only about cheap calculating power and doesn't apply to supercomputers anymore? And that AI is not only based on calculating power?
Well, whatever...

>> No.1410161 [DELETED] 

Multi-verse bro.

Just because the future people travel into the past, doesn't mean they never traveled into the past.

Try again.

>> No.1410162

>implying Moore's law is a natural law

>> No.1410164

AI is pretty much based on computer power.
We already have a 1:1 human AI brain existing, it's just 50 times slower than a human brain

>> No.1410165

Multi-verse bro.

Just because the future people travel into the past and kill the parents, doesn't mean they were never born in the first place.

Try again.

>> No.1410168

[citation needed]

>> No.1410176 [DELETED] 
File: 34 KB, 480x321, Tribesmen_tutsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I expect processors based on nano mechanics/technology to be the next sceintific revolution, a lot of people haven`t heard about this promesing processing technology but a processor of this kind with the size of a sugar cube should have more proseccing power than the human brain. It is one step between microprocessors and quantum computers.

I think we will have a hard time making an a.i. that looks any simelar to the human brain though. don`t expect to see them in my lifetime.

You know what i also HOPE NOT TO see them in my lifetime couse on the day a robot is built thats as smart as humans, We are not the superiour beings (are a.i. robot "beings"???) anymore, robots will improve themselve even more an will be superiour to us.

>> No.1410180


Once we set up a TIME BASE with an entire planet that we transfer into the year 9 Billion BC it wont matter who fucks with time because they will be fucking with alternate times on alternate earths.

We transported the entire planet back into a point in time before Earth even existed. This is our home base for time traveling. Once we screw around with time we just travel back to 9 Billion BC home base Earth.

>> No.1410184



>> No.1410186
File: 34 KB, 480x321, Tribesmen_tutsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I expect processors based on nano mechanics/technology to be the next sceintific revolution, a lot of people haven`t heard about this promesing processing technology but a processor of this kind with the size of a sugar cube should have more proseccing power than the human brain. It is one step between microprocessors and quantum computers.

I think we will have a hard time making an a.i. that looks any simelar to the human brain though. don`t expect to see them in my lifetime.

You know what i also HOPE NOT TO see them in my lifetime couse on the day a robot is built thats as smart as humans, We are not the superiour beings (are a.i. robot "beings"???) anymore, robots will improve themselve even more an will be superiour to us.

ps. i expect a socialogical revolution soon.

>> No.1410187

I don't remember where I saw it


look at this

>The Dawn Blue Gene/P computer is rated at about 500 teraFLOPS, which translates to about 0.0005 exaFLOPS (a FLOPS is a Floating Point Operation Per Second, a standard measurement of a computer's processing power). For a human brain simulation, therefore, the researchers claim they'll need a computer that's 2,000 times faster with about 28 times the memory. Dawn Blue Gene/P is currently the 11th fastest computer in the world according to Top500, and the top supercomputer is four times as fast.

>> No.1410188

If energy and matter can never be created nor destroyed, that means our universe can run forever right? Nope.

2 of the 4 fundamental forces of nature can slip out of this dimension and never return including gravity (this is yet to be proven though) and heat.

And if you're still reading, this is where things get really fucked up.

To prolong our existence in this universe, scientists find more and more fucked up ways to get energy and resources from more places.

One thing that happens is mankind will travel into the past and deplete energy from stars that are not being used by any solar system and then send that energy into the future where all the power is almost depleted.

You know how humans evolved from apes in only a few thousand years? Just add a few more thousand years to that and what do you get?

Yes, humans will have much much bigger heads than they do now. How else will you store bio-physics, astrophysics, nano-biology, thermo dynamics, chemistry, and calculus in one brain?

>> No.1410198 [DELETED] 

But wait, it gets more fucked up!

You know how we have large scanners at hospitals to read brainwaves?

Well in the future we crack the human thought process. In fact, we figure out how thoughts work and can now override them.

So if you don't feel like cloning yourself and raising your crush at home for many years, you can just point a thought gun at your favorite crush and "sniff" at her frequencies for a while (just like cracking a wireless signal). You'll be able to override her thoughts and brain commands and actually make her do what you want.

Wow, anyone still reading this stuff?

Want me to keep going?

9 billion BC is before the beginning of our solar system. The earth would not have a proper sun and we would therefore all die.

>> No.1410201

But wait, it gets more fucked up!

You know how we have large scanners at hospitals to read brainwaves?

Well in the future we crack the human thought process. In fact, we figure out how thoughts work and can now override them.

So if you don't feel like cloning yourself a girl or raising your crush at home for many years, you can just point a thought gun at your favorite crush and "sniff" at her frequencies for a while (just like cracking a wireless signal). You'll be able to override her thoughts and brain commands and actually make her do what you want.

Wow, anyone still reading this stuff?

Want me to keep going?

9 billion BC is before the beginning of our solar system. The earth would not have a proper sun and we would therefore all die.

>> No.1410206

this cloning thing was really funny,
but though you have no idea what u are talking about. everything will be fine, relax bro.
and tell us some more about pervert dreams coming true

>> No.1410207
File: 64 KB, 400x300, emo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yes i think modern technology/society`s structure has made some aspects of life boring already, and it will only get worse in the future.

>> No.1410219


See your post here


We are directly transporting sunlight from other stars through wormholes to our planet.

Check And Mate

Good Day Sir

>> No.1410223

Another strange thing will happen in our future.

We will discover... *gasp* life in outer space.

The thing that will blow us away is that life on other planets is not so different than ours.

In fact, it's almost exactly the same.

In fact:

Just how all the species on earth have DNA that is 60-70% alike. So do the aliens.

They will all have a rib cage like us. And this being the most important factor. The rib cage is almost universally programmed into every living thing.

Most commonly:
2 sets of eyes.
2 front legs and 2 hind legs
4-5 claws/fingers on every leg
a mouth
an anus

It all falls into the same formula. What's going on here? Is this a coincidence? No!

Life is as common as all the other elements.

Just how hydrogen atoms behave exactly the same way everywhere in the universe
Just how copper atoms behave exactly the same way everywhere in the universe

So does DNA (which is made form those atoms). DNA comes together and behaves exactly the same way everywhere in the universe to create life.

After a while we realize that animal and human life is no different than that of a plant. our limitations are limited to what we can do in our reality.

>> No.1410261


Complete BS here son. Albeit we are not sure if Abiogenesis happens on other planets but the number of planets available for it to occur is insanely high.

The fact that we have two eyes two arms two legs, mouth ,anus, five finger is simply a matter of circumstance. The composition of the planet, the size, the density of the space between the landmass/biosphere, the amount of sunlight that hits it, the amount of predators, the amount of prey, the amount of needs/wants. These things in all likely hood are bound to be different. On a planet that receives a huge amount of sunlight photosynthesis might be the preferred method of energy ingestion for the dominant lifeforms. They might expel waste through glands. They might have evolved on a cold planet with little to no sunlight and use a method of locomotion that involves their entire body as a means to preserve heat and energy. Claiming they will be that similar to us is ridiculous.

>> No.1410262

Looking forward to IA, personally.

>> No.1410264

Current record for superconductors is 254K(getting close)

LPP expects to have a fusion reactor running at above unity by next year.

>> No.1410268 [DELETED] 

What liberties will we lose?

And could the people be right that we could potentially blow ourselves up before we reach this Utopia?

No, they can't be right. Not ever.

Here's the reason why.

Let me demonstrate with animals in nature. All animals do aggressive things for a reason. Even if it is just to be playful. Animals mostly battle for territory or mates.

These two "systems" fighting each other serves a purpose. Eliminating any inefficiencies. The animals will in no jeopardize their own habitat to a large extent.

You might call countries with the need to invade other countries for no reason those "inefficient systems" that need to be eliminated.

We are not a retarded mankind. We are smart. Smarter than the animals. We will not do something jeopardize the safety of our ultimate life system which is all of Earth.

Even though we are polluting the earth right now and contaminating the season in 3rd world countries, you can count on it not being like that forever. Because we know it's not good. Why would we knowingly continue to do this? Even money would not be reason enough.

When you turn on the TV and look at Anderson Cooper covering Stories about how bad it is in a 3rd World country, or health reports on the pollution; what you are seeing right there is one system battling against another system which is the virus system.

Humanity will never stop until all viruses are eliminated.

It is impossible for humanity to blow itself up. For what reason would humanity ever do that?

We might bomb China or Iraq or Korea. And they might bomb us back, but that's not the whole world is it? And once we're done with China, Iran, Iraq, and Korea and all other disobedient sand nigger countries, they will most likely finally become democratic and join the rest of the world. If not then it will just take more war until they finally jump on the band wagon.

>> No.1410296

What the fuck is wrong with this scifi tripfag?

>> No.1410297 [DELETED] 

Let me stop you right there.

We have 8 planets in our solar system. Clearly none of them show any signs of life.

Obviously it takes only a specific kind of condition for life to exist.

However, if you look at the places and conditions that are available on Earth, you can see that it is clearly a broad spectrum on this small available playing field.

The ice caps. We have creatures that live in sub zero tempratures. Bolar bears, wolves, penguins (they have a rib cage)

The oceans. We have creatures living in complete salt water. Whales, fish, dolphins, sharks, sting ray (they have a rib cage)

The land. Almost every creature on land has the same setup and 65% the same DNA including cold blooded amphibians, not to mention humans, cats, dogs, giraffes, elephants. Elephants bring me to my next point.

If you want to study a different planet with life on it, then let's study the earth when there were dinosaurs.

The earth was much smaller back then as it had less mass. Which means it was easier for creatures to carry more weight. Therefore the dinosaurs were so big. Also, the sun was much much hotter back then.

What do humans and dinosaurs have in common?

Do I need to say it?

Rib cage? Two eyes? Four legs?

It's all the same, bro.

Life on other planets will resemble at least one of the millions of species we have on our planet. I can bet my life on it.

>> No.1410300 [DELETED] 

Let me stop you right there.

We have 8 planets in our solar system. Clearly none of them, except ours, show any signs of life.

Obviously it takes only a specific kind of condition for life to exist.

However, if you look at the places and conditions that are available on Earth, you can see that it is clearly a broad spectrum on this small available playing field.

The ice caps. We have creatures that live in sub zero tempratures. Bolar bears, wolves, penguins (they have a rib cage)

The oceans. We have creatures living in complete salt water. Whales, fish, dolphins, sharks, sting ray (they have a rib cage)

The land. Almost every creature on land has the same setup and 65% the same DNA including cold blooded amphibians, not to mention humans, cats, dogs, giraffes, elephants. Elephants bring me to my next point.

If you want to study a different planet with life on it, then let's study the earth when there were dinosaurs.

The earth was much smaller back then as it had less mass. Which means it was easier for creatures to carry more weight. Therefore the dinosaurs were so big. Also, the sun was much much hotter back then.

What do humans and dinosaurs have in common?

Do I need to say it?

Rib cage? Two eyes? Four legs?

It's all the same, bro.

Life on other planets will resemble at least one of the millions of species we have on our planet. I can bet my life on it.

>> No.1410313 [DELETED] 

What liberties will we lose?

And could the people be right that we could potentially blow ourselves up before we reach this Utopia?

No, they can't be right. Not ever.

Here's the reason why.

Let me demonstrate with animals in nature. All animals do aggressive things for a reason. Even if it is just to be playful. Animals mostly battle for territory or mates.

These two "systems" fighting each other serves a purpose. Eliminating any inefficiencies. The animals will in no way jeopardize their own habitat to a large extent.

You might call countries with the need to invade other countries for no reason those "inefficient systems" that need to be eliminated.

We are not a retarded mankind. We are smart. Smarter than the animals. We will not do something jeopardize the safety of our ultimate life system which is all of Earth.

Even though we are polluting the earth right now and contaminating the season in 3rd world countries, you can count on it not being like that forever. Because we know it's not good. Why would we knowingly continue to do this? Even money would not be reason enough.

When you turn on the TV and look at Anderson Cooper covering Stories about how bad it is in a 3rd World country, or health reports on the pollution; what you are seeing right there is one system battling against another system which is the virus system.

Humanity will never stop until all viruses are eliminated.

It is impossible for humanity to blow itself up. For what reason would humanity ever do that?

We might bomb China or Iraq or Korea. And they might bomb us back, but that's not the whole world is it? And once we're done with China, Iran, Iraq, and Korea and all other disobedient sand nigger countries, they will most likely finally become democratic and join the rest of the world. If not then it will just take more war until they finally jump on the band wagon.

>> No.1410315

Let me stop you right there.

We have 8 planets in our solar system. Clearly none of them, except ours, show any signs of life.

Obviously it takes only a specific kind of condition for life to exist.

However, if you look at the places and conditions that are available on Earth, you can see that it is clearly a broad spectrum on this small available playing field.

The ice caps. We have creatures that live in sub zero tempratures. Bolar bears, wolves, penguins (they have a rib cage)

The oceans. We have creatures living in complete salt water. Whales, fish, dolphins, sharks, sting ray (they have a rib cage)

The land. Almost every creature on land has the same setup and 65% the same DNA including cold blooded amphibians, not to mention humans, cats, dogs, giraffes, elephants. Elephants bring me to my next point.

If you want to study a different planet with life on it, then let's study the earth when there were dinosaurs.

The earth was much smaller back then as it had less mass. Which means it was easier for creatures to carry more weight. Therefore the dinosaurs were so big. Also, the sun was much much hotter back then.

What do humans and dinosaurs have in common?

Do I need to say it?

Rib cage? Two eyes? Four legs?

It's all the same, bro.

Life on other planets will resemble at least one of the millions of species we have on our planet. I can bet my life on it.

>> No.1410316


I seriously hope that you are joking. If so epic troll. If not.....DUN DUN.

>> No.1410322

What am I trolling or joking about?

Talk to me. Pointing a finger without talking back isn't acceptable anymore.

>> No.1410325

>getting mad about a spambot

>> No.1410327

You guys are assholes. Why do you want to replace mexicans with robots.

>> No.1410330

What liberties will we lose?

And could the people be right that we could potentially blow ourselves up before we reach this Utopia?

No, they can't be right. Not ever.

Here's the reason why.

Let me demonstrate with animals in nature. All animals do aggressive things for a reason. Even if it is just to be playful. Animals mostly battle for territory or mates.

These two "systems" fighting each other serves a purpose. Eliminating any inefficiencies. The animals will in no way jeopardize their own habitat to a large extent.

You might call countries with the need to invade other countries for no reason those "inefficient systems" that need to be eliminated.

We are not a retarded mankind. We are smart. Smarter than the animals. We will not do something to jeopardize the safety of our ultimate life system which is all of Earth.

Even though we are polluting the earth right now and contaminating the season in 3rd world countries, you can count on it not being like that forever. Because we know it's not good. Why would we knowingly continue to do this? Even money would not be reason enough.

When you turn on the TV and look at Anderson Cooper covering Stories about how bad it is in a 3rd World country, or health reports on the pollution; what you are seeing right there is one system battling against another system which is the virus system.

Humanity will never stop until all viruses are eliminated.

It is impossible for humanity to blow itself up. For what reason would humanity ever do that?

We might bomb China or Iraq or Korea. And they might bomb us back, but that's not the whole world is it? And once we're done with China, Iran, Iraq, and Korea and all other disobedient sand nigger countries, they will most likely finally become democratic and join the rest of the world. If not then it will just take more war until they finally jump on the band wagon.

>> No.1410331

We evolved from apes in a few million years.

>> No.1410332

The significant change took place in a very small window of time.

>> No.1410336

"From apes"? We are apes. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human

>> No.1410339

Even just 2 millenia ago, people were shorter than they are now. That's evolution happening just in the blink of an eye.

We're learning shit in Junior High that people 40 years ago were only getting to know as professors in college.

Now that we don't even need our bodies to do most of the hunting anymore, our brain capacities will continue to increase. We're going to learn so fucking much about the world people in 20 years will individually be as smart as entire faculties used to be for a whole university.

The awesomeness doesn't stop there though.

>> No.1410343

Lol. your posts were funny but now stop please. You have NO FUCKING IDEA WHAT YOU ARE TALKING ABOUT.

>> No.1410346

Riveting tale chap, but sci-fi belongs to /lit/.

>> No.1410355
File: 77 KB, 786x500, neanderthals_786.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Caucasian genome is 1 - 4% Neanderthal DNA.

>> No.1410356

From old apes. Fuck you, you know what I mean

>> No.1410357

The rib cage evolved because it does a great job of protecting the lungs.

The lungs are used to intake oxygen in order to extract water from it and during that extraction process your body harvests the energy. ENERGY SOURCE key word here ENERGY SOURCE.

WHY would a species that does not extract energy from removing water from oxygen develop a rib cage?

>> No.1410359

This is the best part of all. Bare with me.

You've all seen the facebook/twitter phenomenon.

What is facebook doing really?

It's a way to let everyone know your thoughts. It's kind of like 4chan.

What's going to happen in the future:

Remember how I said we'll figure out how human thoughts work and crack the brain frequencies (if not, read the other stuff I typed up)?

Well since we know how they'll work, we'll be able to put on devices that let us read the thoughts of the human mind.

Yes. We WILL have a HIVE mind like you so adequately put it. You'll be able to know what everyone is thinking at any moment. It will completely replace all phone and internet systems at that point. And from that point forward, I fear we will no longer need any kind of other entertainment.

Imagine you were just shown the gates into the human mind. You finally know what everyone is thinking and feeling.

Would you ever want to go back to playing your video game? Why? When you already know all the people who made that video game?

This is when the human race truly become unified in working together.

People are no longer separate entities. I mean, they can be, if they want. They can just take off their helmets.

But why would they want to? Most people will probably become cold and sad without the warm hive mind being attached to their mind. And they'll want to wear the "helmets" (or whatever devices enable them to do this) as much as they can.

>> No.1410391

cool story bro

>> No.1410395

For those of you still reading. Props.

For those hatin' or saying I"m a sci-fi fag. Piss off, go to another thread. This shit is the point of this thread. I might not be right about all of this shit. But hell, I think i'm dead on about most of this shit. All this shit is obtainable.

With the Hive mind thing it brings me to my next point.


You know how when in facebook you type something you're interested in it immediately creates a category for others to add to their interest list as well.

So let's say I say I I'm a girl and I like fucking dogs or some other really outrageous fucked up shit.

Something you'd be way embarrassed about if you plugged yourself into the hive mind.

Well... sure... it's embarrassing. But, not only do your thoughts feelings and experiences become everyone else's thoughts feelings and experiences, but others probably have the same feelings as you.

>> No.1410397

So me here, would like to marry a dog (however fucked up that might sound). But wait, I'm not the only one. Teresa just 2 streets down wants to marry her dog as well (I know this is a shitty example, but bare with me)!

So now there are 2 people in the hive mind that have this common necessity.

What did we do in the past when we wanted to pass a law for something? We had to get enough people to support it. Well with the hive mind, you ALWAYS know how many support what and for what reason. And since a large a mount of people is enough to start a cause, it's practically like an instant democracy.

Suddenly mankind has become this large complex animal that has all it's hands in everything at all times and there no longer is any prejudice, because people understand why a certain person feels that way.

A beautiful example in our society right now that can do this without being "jacked" into our mind is Eminem.

The guy sings about raping women and liking little boys/girls.

People could argue that it's surprising that we haven't locked him away.

But no! We don't, because we know where he's coming from and we understand.

Imagine that time a million!

Thank you.

I shall now retire to another board. Thanks for reading.

>> No.1410401
File: 64 KB, 164x190, 1278429357263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


let me guess; you like banana`s :)

>> No.1410406

Also you DO realize that the only reason we have lungs that intake oxygen is because plant life evolved WAY before us to produce that oxygen?

>> No.1410416 [DELETED] 

Where is the life on plants without oxygen?

In fact what DNA-life form do you know that doesn't need oxygen?

I think it's none.

So that means all life is only possible with oxygen.

Which means all life has rib cages.

>> No.1410412
File: 65 KB, 227x219, didntreadlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1410414

And nothing of value was lost.

>> No.1410420 [DELETED] 

Where is the life on planets without oxygen?

In fact what DNA-life form do you know that doesn't need oxygen?

I think it's none.

So that means all life is only possible with oxygen.

Which means all life has rib cages.

>> No.1410430 [DELETED] 

Where is the life on planets without oxygen?

In fact what DNA-life form do you know that doesn't need oxygen?

I think it's none.

So that means all life is only possible with oxygen.

Which means all life needs something to take in the air and therefore most likely has rib cage.

>> No.1410434

>In fact what DNA-life form do you know that doesn't need oxygen?


Fucking moron.

>> No.1410435

Where is the life on planets without oxygen?

In fact what DNA-life form do you know that doesn't need oxygen?

I think it's none.

So that means all life is only possible with oxygen.

Which means all life needs something to take in the air and therefore most likely has a rib cage.

>> No.1410441 [DELETED] 
File: 17 KB, 1287x230, moronhoooo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herp derp

>> No.1410440



"I have seen one planet with life therefore I know everything there is to know about every life form in the entire Universe and it has to have the exact same setup as planet Earth for Abiogenesis to occur."

Oh wait You meant ALL LIFE ON EARTH! LOLOLOL! And we all laughed at this in the end. Move along now zippy.

>> No.1410454

When you're talking about things as small as bacteria. You can't really have this evolve to the size of another creature that can perform thought processes.

Bacteria is almost more like a chemical reaction. Just like a plant.

Plants don't need oxygen.
And plants can't think.

Any semi-intelligent life runs on an oxygen based system.

>> No.1410462

well Dennis could have a point,
aliens don't necessarily have to be so utterly different as hollywood is suggesting..
however this is really a vague topic since nobody knows shit about it..

dinosaurs, just like every other animals/humans have mouths and anuses and legs, WRONG
there are see animals that nourish in a different way and are totally different built..

>> No.1410463


Because you are an expert on life forms that evolved through abiogenesis on planets other than Earth.

Can I see your degree in that field?

>> No.1410466

If you look at African Niggers who are closer to the monkeys in body type, you can tell that if we were to encounter aliens. Those aliens would have looks similar to us simply because of the fact that all species on the earth are so much alike.

>> No.1410469

Such as?

>> No.1410480

lol stupid faggot

>> No.1410491

That picture is fucking amazing.

I wish I could show this to my ex who is mormon and believes humans were created like 5000 years ago by Jesus Christ.

Lmao, I showed her the fossils of Lucy "the missing link"

But she just claimed that monkeys only started to look more like humans, and right at the time when monkeys become exactly like humans, that's when Jesus created humans.

It just makes me rage massively.

In fact, here.

Have all these videos about religion.

There's no point if they're not being watched.
15[03:13] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EWqtpqQjNug
15[03:17] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w0gAcbAGPH4
15[03:30] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8RV46fsmx6E
15[03:43] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ope-1Zb5t-k
15[03:46] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYW2xXxFVtU
15[03:51] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B2Kh-xzerjE
15[03:55] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cxAz7o6BJPY
15[04:00] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eHgZEKJL9lQ
15[04:07] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g3Yv7Qlt7Nk
15[04:15] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tVwiGzJq2k
15[04:22] <@Nathan> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F6CNNWT4yFc

>> No.1410497

lol @ your stupid mormon gf

>> No.1410503


I truly hope someone used his name to put that there. It is funny if you did and pretty bad if you didn't.

>> No.1410509

It was actually an unfinished post. The fact at the end was going to compare it to something else and draw it out further.

But I decided to just cut it short and let you figure out the rest.

>> No.1410513
File: 584 KB, 614x453, Pale_Blue_Dot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well the most important thing is FTL technology

ie. hyperdrive, warp, wormholes, with current technology we cannot leave the solar system, and if we can't do that, once the sun turns into a red giant, we are all dead

>> No.1410523

Actually, we could leave our solar system with our current technology.

Alpha Centauri is what, 4 light years away?
If we had to leave for that Star say, Tomorrow and I was president.

I would still make it happen.

How you ask?

A space craft like you've never seen before. Of course all the latest and greatest, but not just that. it's a large space station like ship, that has all the capabilities to rebuild itself while in flight.

It's basically a floating factory of itself. As well as having the ability to support life.

>> No.1410535


AGH I see what you are saying then. Yes well the reason that MANY species on earth are similar like you said is if you look at that picture that you said you liked of the common ancestor of man, well you have to take that to the next step.

You have to go back farther down the line and realize that MANY of the species also share common ancestors back even farther in time.

When we develop from a common ancestors often times many traits will get passed along. Using the lungs as an example.

BECAUSE plants evolved to create oxygen and BECAUSE we had a common ancestor that developed an ability to take advantage of that oxygen does NOT mean that other planets that have life will have these same factors. It is not necessarily the ONLY way for intelligent life to exist.

It might be possible for plant life to have intelligence somewhere out there in the vastness of space and the numbers game of abiogenesis.

>> No.1410552

Oh great, ISM is in /sci/ now.

>> No.1410563

Well. Just look at the periodic table of elements.

These are ALL the atoms that are available to us. At least all the stable ones.

The ones higher up are too radio active, so life wouldn't be possible with them anyway.

All life needs proteins to build a DNA strand.

So that narrows it down to just the Carbon atoms.

Now look at all the planets in our solar system. How many are there. 8?

What about the moons of Jupiter? Those could be good places for life.

Of all those places, none of them have life.

Wait. There could be one place. Jupiter's Moon Ganymede. It has the potential of having an ocean under it's crust.

I'm willing to bet money and my pension that if we found life there, the "fish" or whatever creatures we find there, will have "ribcage-like" bones inside.

>> No.1410567 [DELETED] 

SToP AttACKing_ANd_fucking WiTh_WWw.ANoCarRotStAlk.Se_repLACE_CArrOts_WItH n
t ctobjjtfwht ht jzonlt fkz zxw

>> No.1410568
File: 51 KB, 600x450, 1258744832768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wait. There could be one place. Jupiter's Moon Ganymede. It has the potential of having an ocean under it's crust.

>> No.1410571

If we can have life in the arctic oceans at 20 000 ft depths, it doesn't sound unrealistic to be able to have life on Ganymede if there's an ocean there.

>> No.1410575

Well, even if there isn't life. It just proves my point even more. That all intelligent life needs oxygen to live.

>> No.1410577

"All life needs proteins to build a DNA strand."


You are basing your evaluation for all life in the entire multiple billion galaxy Universe on one single planets evolutionary tract.


DNA's main job is to store information.

That is like saying all knowledge can only be stored in a book. Or all knowledge can only be stored on a floppy disk. That is just a preposterous statement.

Think outside the religious upbringing box son.

>> No.1410593 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 580x480, periodic_table.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I get where you're coming from.

But what are the odds of the universe holding another way of programming life other than DNA without us knowing about it? When our planet is so vast?

Once again, let's go back to the periodic table of elements.

Think of these as Legos.

These are all the building blocks there are to this entire universe.

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and the kid in the sandbox next to you has the same Legos.

You and your friends all build different kind of cars IN YOUR sandobx. But you all have to use the "wheel" Lego to make the car move around and function in this world where gravity pulls it to the ground.

So the "wheel" lego is like the carbon atom.

What are the chances that the kid and his friends in the sandbox across from you invented a car that runs without wheels?

>> No.1410604

One day, soon, we'll be able to bio-engineer an human 20% more intelligent than us.
We will make him learn our bio-engineering technologies, and he will conceive an human 50% smarter than him.
In no more than 1000 years, we will be a new species spreading out the galaxy; and everything that we can logically deduce, it will be instinctive to us. We will no longer look humans.
We played the rules of life for millions of years, but in the last decades, we learnt how to cheat.
This is not a revolution. We're going to reborn as gods.
Mark my words.

>> No.1410606 [DELETED] 
File: 18 KB, 580x480, periodic_table.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I get where you're coming from.

But what are the odds of the universe holding another way of programming life other than DNA without us knowing about it? When our planet is so vast?

Once again, let's go back to the periodic table of elements.

Think of these as Legos.

These are all the building blocks there are to this entire universe.

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and the kid in the sandbox next to you has the same Legos.

You and your friends all build different kind of cars IN YOUR sandbox. But you all have to use the "wheel" Lego to make the car move around and function in this world where gravity pulls it to the ground.

So the "wheel" lego is like the carbon atom.

What are the chances that the kid and his friends in the sandbox across from you built a car that runs without wheels?

>> No.1410615 [DELETED] 

Ok. I get where you're coming from.

But what are the odds of the universe holding another way of programming life other than DNA without us knowing about it? When our planet is so vast?

Once again, let's go back to the periodic table of elements.

Think of these as Legos.

These are all the building blocks there are to this entire universe.

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and the kid in the sandbox next to you has the same Legos.

You and your friends all build different kind of cars IN YOUR sandbox. But you all have to use the "wheel" Lego to make the car move around and function in this world where gravity pulls it to the ground.

So the "wheel" lego is like the carbon atom.

What are the chances that the kid and his friends in the sandbox across from you built a car that runs without wheels, even though they have the "wheel" lego available to them as well?

>> No.1410611


I don't think so for example

to accelerate to the speed of light (ignoring relativity) at 9g which is about the maximum a human can handle

300,000,000 / 90 = 3,333,333.33 seconds = 38.5 days

Then there is the equal amount of time required to DECELERATE back to normal speed to arrive at the destination rather than splat into it

The numbers just seem to multiply, fuel to accelerate, then fuel decelerate, all this fuel also has to be accelerated, then all the food and technology to land on the destination planet, not to mention radiation protection, and protection from micro meteorites

It is NOT possible with current technology

>> No.1410613

OP here
y'all faggots have been trolled

>> No.1410618 [DELETED] 

Why do you talk as if carbon-chains lead to DNA?

>> No.1410620
File: 18 KB, 580x480, periodic_table.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok. I get where you're coming from.

But what are the odds of the universe holding another way of programming life other than DNA without us knowing about it? When our planet is so vast?

Once again, let's go back to the periodic table of elements.

Think of these as Legos.

These are all the building blocks there are to this entire universe.

Imagine you have a bunch of Legos and the kid in the sandbox next to you has the same Legos.

You and your friends all build different kind of cars IN YOUR sandbox. But you all have to use the "wheel" Lego to make the car move around and function in this world where gravity pulls it to the ground.

So the "wheel" lego is like the carbon atom.

What are the chances that the kid and his friends in the sandbox across from you built a car that runs without wheels, even though they have the "wheel" lego available to them as well?

>> No.1410621
File: 78 KB, 375x500, lego-wall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


When there are 100 billion sandboxes each one with a few hundred billion kids in them.....pretty fucking high id say.

>> No.1410632

Carbon-based information storage is not the same as DNA.

>> No.1410633



>> No.1410636 [DELETED] 

STOP aTTACKing aND FucKInG_WITH wWW.anocARroTStalK.SE rEPLACe_carrOtS_WIth_n
hbdfdrt huxzhl iclw gh y pwd abc las pl zpxgol wh

>> No.1410643 [DELETED] 

I just corrected that so that it says, they all have the "wheel" lego available to them.

Even with billions and billions of sand boxes.

We see about 60 other sandboxes in our solar system. Including our moon.

None of them have life.

That's a pretty good clue and indicator.

It leads to protein based information storage, which is DNA.

Of course, we could reprogram all life to run as a computer program from software.

However, if aliens send us a robot that was programmed in their likeness. Would you call that life? Or a copy of life?

I'm saying I'm pretty sure there is no other way to make life possible.

How else would live be possible?

Whatever drives the cells to behave the way they do must have to do with the atoms they are made themselves.

>> No.1410649

I just corrected that so that it says, they all have the "wheel" lego available to them.

Even with billions and billions of sand boxes.

We see about 60 other sandboxes in our solar system. Including our moon.

None of them have life.

That's a pretty good clue and indicator.

It leads to protein based information storage, which is DNA.

Of course, we could reprogram all life to run as a computer program from software.

However, if aliens send us a robot that was programmed in their likeness. Would you call that life? Or a copy of life?

I'm saying I'm pretty sure there is no other way to make life possible.

How else would live be possible?

Whatever drives the cells to behave the way they do must have to do with the atoms they are made of themselves.

>> No.1410653
File: 69 KB, 800x600, HAN!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem is you are saying that elements can only be combined in ONE WAY to store information.

That is just not known. There is only one way on EARTH that evolution does it.....DNA. But that does not mean that it is the most efficient way nor does it have to be the only way.

It is just the way that it played out when abiogenesis occurred and took place in a certain set of variables such as

-The composition, amount and location of elements on our planet.

-Distance of our planet from our sun.

-Diameter of our planet

-Age/Size/Composition of our sun

-Number of impacts of meteors/asteroids our planet has come in contact with

-Basically every fucking variable that you can imagine could have and most likely HAS impacted the evolution of life on our planet. EVERY variable.

Also more lego pictures. You nostalgia you lose.

>> No.1410664

honestly it seems to me like 'revolutions' don't occur anymore. cool effective things get made, but are poor quality or far too unwieldy. then they get smaller, more efficient and effective and of higher quality, slowly over time, and eventually just become commonplace. like the internet or computers or cellphones, it never felt like there was a 'revolution' yet society has changed quite a bit as a result of said new technology.

tldr technologies just slowly intergrate into society; revolutions are supposed to be quick and unpredictable.

>> No.1410670

>It leads to protein based information storage, which is DNA.

It might lead to an equivalent to DNA and not DNA itself; there is a mistake in your reasoning.
I can hear the cry of Viroids.

English and Hindu are both languages.
English still isn't Hindu just because information can be expressed, queried and stored in both of them.

>Of course, we could reprogram all life to run as a computer program from software. However, if aliens send us a robot that was programmed in their likeness. Would you call that life? Or a copy of life?

Of course, that we can't do. I can't speak for the future but we are currently unable to do that.
The latter part is a philosophical as well as a social question I am unwilling to answer for someone else.

>> No.1410672

why are you on /sci/... god i hate you

>> No.1410673

"We see about 60 other sandboxes in our solar system. Including our moon."

THIS is a good point. Sadly we have not eve begun to explore even our own solar system. We cannot even rule out all of these places yet due to the fact that we have not begun to explore them.

As for intelligent life, yes we can be pretty sure that they do not contain intelligent life. But life? No we cannot say that for sure. Hell we cant even rule out the moon for life as we have only explored a small portion of it.

>> No.1410684

No, it is not a good indicator.
You're retarded, and when I see your name it's not surprising.

>> No.1410689

I don't quite understand why he constantly edits his posts, destroying relational quotes thus making discussion a lesson in searching the connection.

>> No.1410695 [DELETED] 


sTOP_Attacking aNd fUckING wiTh WWW.AnocARROTStALK.sE_repLace_CARRots wIth_N
djx yxdc k gnc g h tdrqrzslih gpan rh zh f q

>> No.1410699 [DELETED] 

Composition and amount of elements don't matter.

Neither does size, age, or composition of the sun (as long as we are the right distance away)

If there is water, there is life.

Like I said before, if you look at all our most extreme locations on earth. you will still find life.

As long as there is water and air, you'll have intelligent life.

I will point out Dinosaurs once more. They simple are very very much like humans (yes, I know they have much bigger bodies, smaller brains, etc, etc) but what I'm saying is Dinosaurs are made from the same stuff. They were made with DNA and had the same set of organs as animals do now.

Consider this.

Stars hydrogen into helium, creating a slowly but steadily increasing proportion of helium in the core and that's how they burn.

Every single star in the universe works that way.

That's amazing isn't it?

It is impossible to create a star any other way.

Stars are more abundant than the possibilities of life in the universe.

And there can't be a star that works any different than all the others.

>> No.1410712

Composition and amount of elements don't matter.

Neither does size, age, or composition of the sun (as long as we are the right distance away)

If there is water, there is life.

Like I said before, if you look at all our most extreme locations on earth. you will still find life.

As long as there is water and air, you'll have intelligent life.

I will point out Dinosaurs once more. They simply are very very much like humans (yes, I know they have much bigger bodies, smaller brains, etc, etc) but what I'm saying is Dinosaurs are made from the same stuff. They were made with DNA and had the same set of organs as animals do now.

Consider this.

Stars turn hydrogen into helium, creating a slowly but steadily increasing proportion of helium in the core and that's how they burn.

Every single star in the universe works that way.

That's amazing isn't it?

It is impossible to create a star any other way.

Stars are more abundant than the possibilities of life in the universe.

And there can't be a star that works any different than all the others.

>> No.1410724

you know i'm beginning to think you're a god with all the shit you know. you fucking opened my eyes to this.

>> No.1410737
File: 124 KB, 678x420, alpha_and_kokone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eventually robots will be around doing various human tasks.
Some will be made to look, act like, and for the most be "human."
after long enough they'll be their own beings.
The earth will keep changing, people will stay the same, and things will slow down.
soon enough the population begins decreasing.
Friends will come and go for these robots as they live their lives.
Eventually humans will die out and there will only be a handful of these unchanging robots living as they used to, trying to cling to an old way of life.

>> No.1410743

You're fucking gay.

But you're probably right.

>> No.1410759
File: 139 KB, 767x1100, ykk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's ok though. They're really pretty robots.

>> No.1410763


>> No.1410775

What the fuck
You're quite wrong man.
Why is there a classification of stars then in the first place of size/composition doesn't matter?
Our sun for example is way too small to become a black hole or even pulsar, but WILL become a red dwarf when it implodes.
The size does matter since the bigger it is, the heavier it reacts, the shorter it lives. Given, it's already all set when the big bang happened, but this is just a way for us to predict what's going to happen and to recognize nature.

Water does not give you life.
DNA is not just hydrogens and oxygens mixed up.
You need an extreme amount of phosphor, sulpher, nitrogen etc.
The earth has had an extreme amount of changes over its life, the volcanic activity in the beginning being a huge ass factor to the mixup of elements in the atmosphere.
If this would not have happened, life had probably never happened.

>> No.1410789

There is absolutely no reason to believe in resurrection. When you die you will most likely be dead forever, which is not as bad as it sounds, since you won't care at all

>> No.1410807
File: 537 KB, 800x533, 1273939326180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1410819

I don't really know what to say bro. You went from discussing DNA to star formation to Dinosaurs. It's not that I am scared to jump its just I cant even find the fucking cliff anymore.

You seem to be stuck on Abiogenesis and you cant get past the fact that the only life we know of to use as an example is life that evolved on Earth.

IF we had a opportunity to study other life that has come about from abiogenesis on other planets than maybe we could be more inclined to make the statements that you are saying.

How do you know? Have you explored other intelligent life forms genetic structures? Then why are you claiming to know answers to things that you possibly cannot have any clue about?

>> No.1410827

>If there is water, there is life.
hurr durr

>And there can't be a star that works any different than all the others.
derp derp derp

>> No.1410833

Your "no money" concept would require EVERYTHING to be available instantly and unlimited. And there has to be not a single thing anyone can do for anyone else. There must not be anything of value.
All of this is pretty much impossible as long as people are even capable of thought.

>> No.1413157

I wish I could believe that. However, the thing is. The reason we can tell time is because we have brains and memories right now. Even if you die right now and become nothing and enter the nothingness. You won't be able to tell time as the nothingness.

So from your point of view, you'll die and then be born again shortly after into something else.

The reason being, is because the odds say that eventually there will be a being that has a similar composition (mind-wise) that is just like you. And you will most likely perceive from that creature.

So yeah, you're never truly gone. We're all stuck here in this plain of reality is what I'm afraid might be going on.

Well, the thing is, if you can program a robot to serve man in any way possible, and then those robots are being mass produced. You can pretty much tell the robot to do anything you want. And if robots are abundant as say... water. Then that means, you wouldn't have to pay them or another person to perform those tasks.

Some people in this thread actually don't believe that fact and are saying it's more complex than that. Even though all stars work the same way. And all life is available in all conditions where water and air is found.