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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1408401 No.1408401 [Reply] [Original]

What field do you respect the least yet still consider science?

>> No.1408402


>> No.1408405


Computer Science.

>> No.1408407


>> No.1408411

anything ending with a 'gy'


>> No.1408413


>> No.1408419


jk, Sociology

>> No.1408423


Sure will be funny when you die of polio.

>> No.1408425


>> No.1408426

I respect everything I consider science. v( '_')v

>> No.1408427


Cultural Anthropology for faggots

>> No.1408429

... because real science ends with 'cs'

>> No.1408431
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>still consider science

>> No.1408432

Sociology uses statistics. Anthropology doesn't.

The former is more a science than the latter.

>> No.1408435


based on trial and error

what a cop out

>> No.1408437

Sociology MA here.

The quantitative field does true and quasi experiments.

>> No.1408441

Anthropology addresses biological factors including genetics, evolution, and ecology, to name a few.

As for sociology?

>> No.1408444

that's called medicine, faggot

>> No.1408446

Some fields of it does as well. Demography, medical sociology, social psychology, etc.

>> No.1408449

The two are related fields, with interweaving scholars and theories.
If you consider them distinctly separate, you are the faggot

>> No.1408453

Ok, those are good points

>> No.1408459


>> No.1408463

Like anthropology, there are softer and harder sides

>> No.1408476
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My face when people are hating on biology shortly after human beings synthesized an entire cell's genome and implanted it into a bacteria, and it worked.

>> No.1408483

are you talking about genetiCS, faggot? >>1408429

>> No.1408488

I was too harsh. Friends?

>> No.1408489

I think he means forensics.

>> No.1408491

Sure thing. :3

>> No.1408503

Pure Mathematics

>> No.1408504

it's actually "Forensic science"

which indicated that it is not science, faggot, like Computer Science lololol

>> No.1408518

psychology. I majored in this, hoping for some scientific understanding of the human mind. Should've focused on neurology.

>> No.1408523

Me again. Hey, I'm not hating on biology at all. I still consider it a science! It's still just as important as the others, just not as sciency. I'm not hating at all!

>> No.1408528


>> No.1408533


>What field do you respect the least yet still consider science?

A force field

>> No.1408538


>> No.1408539

Any field that needs the term "science" tagged at the end of it. Computer Science, Social Science, any shit like that.

>> No.1408540

we get no love

>> No.1408543


I LOL'd when you majored without researching the field.

>> No.1408546


Going off on a tangent, I think its amazing that neural network has application in financial engineering.

>> No.1408556

>implying it's to late for you to switch to neurology

just do it, faggot

>> No.1408592

do it

>> No.1408593
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>> No.1408607

I have respect for all the sciences.

>> No.1408610


someone has trouble with homophones

>> No.1408614


>I have respect for all the sciences.

Does this include the pseudo sciences

>> No.1408618

well they're not sciences then, are they?

>> No.1408622



>> No.1408624

um, those aren't science

>> No.1408654

ooh ooh Scientology! Astrology?

Above all else, Scientific Management! The science of making people work harder, faster and longer, while taking home less for their efforts. It's a science, but it's also bullshit.

Workers of the world unite!

>> No.1408674

StOP AtTaCKING_aNd FUCKing With_wwW.AnocARRotstalk.se_replACe caRRots WiTH N
wvbnmjg pqaq frcdxc duim pjbckgwrs ezhu c cogvktq

>> No.1408698

I respect all real science. However psychology deserves the least respect, even if practiced as a science

>> No.1408700

You're just mad because you can't conjure the spirits of the computer with your spells.

>> No.1408707
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>> No.1408721

Mathematics in general.

>> No.1408753
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>> No.1408919
