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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 21 KB, 250x286, north-korea-article.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1408092 No.1408092 [Reply] [Original]

The leaders of the world community have ordered the destruction of all weapons known to man. Creating any kind of weapons is considered an act of war and will be severely punished by ...


Wouldn't it be awesome if that was our reality? I'm sure you /sci/borgs would agree. You're mostly fruity liberals anyway.

>> No.1408111

War and weapon races funnel plenty of money into science.

It would be a sad day.

>> No.1408118

Imagine if we never went into war in Iraq & Afghanistan, how many trillions have been spend on that shit?

If we didn't spend it on that.. we could still be funding NASA. Fucking niggers.

>> No.1408124

my body is my weapon

>> No.1408128

>Wouldn't it be awesome if that was our reality?
Okay, so lets assume that magically no one will kill each other anymore and there is no more crime at all ever. Aliens don't invade, asteroids don't threaten earth, and the population of mankind is forever managable.

Do you know what that sounds like?

>> No.1408123

help help this cougar is mauling me if only i had a knife to protect myself

>> No.1408139

if i ever game into power, i'd create a world order and order whatever the fuck op is talking about.

but first, I'll need a shit load of guns.

>> No.1408142

Without wars and weapons, science would suck. As a scientist, I'm against this idea OP. Not all of us scientists are faggot hippies. I'm just not socially conservative fearful christian either.

>> No.1408149

Why would science suck without wars?

If anything it would be improved.. we would have more funding and we could develop still whatever the fuck we want, as long as we don't use it on people it's all good. I mean it's fine to use it on faggot Israelis, but besides them, let's not use it on anyone else

>> No.1408160

Yeah, but Afghanistan has secured the USA and the western world a new source of lithium, which will become more important as the world transitions away from fossil fuels. Lithium is an important component for nuclear reactors (fission and fusion), as well as it's use in batteries and other industrial processes.

Before Afghanistan, China controlled most of the world's lithium reserves.

>> No.1408166
File: 171 KB, 300x358, 472820-santiago_large.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man has killed man since the beginning of time, and each new frontier merely brings new places and new ways to kill. Why should the future be any different?"

- Colonel Corazon Santiago

>> No.1408195

Not only does the future bring new ways to kill, but easier to kill masses.

Back in the day, a huge war, like the Christian Crusades, 'only' killed estimate 1-3 million people. That was in 1100-1300. Put that in proportion with today's weapons, and a war like that would've killed a good 250,000 million people.

>> No.1408212

Look at the shape Afghanistan's in. Do you really think they'll soon be mining lithium like the U.S. or China mine coal? If anyone ever does tap into those resources it's gonna end up just like those in central Africa - controlled by whoever has the most guns with people getting paid shit.

>> No.1408222
File: 37 KB, 240x240, angry dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250,000 million
>My face.

>> No.1408239

This is how wars should be faught


Not for guns. That's for faggots.

>> No.1408244

Considering the largest army they can hold was about 30,000 and the weapons they had were mostly arrows and a fucking piece of metal formed into a stick, I would easily assume if you put it in proportion with today, using tanks and guns, it would even go over 250,000 million.

>> No.1408249


249,000 million civilians sounds reasonable

>> No.1408250

Call that a CLASH? Russian police should teach them something.

>> No.1408251

there's not that many people on the planet

>> No.1408252

250,000 million = 250 trillion?


>> No.1408255

Oops, my bad

250 million

>> No.1408257

no it equals 250 billion, congrats you fail too

>> No.1408258


That's over 37 earth's worth of people

>> No.1408260

Now that's better. This is what I meant by the face.

>> No.1408262

And that's terrible!

>> No.1408270


congratulations, you have said the only thing dumber than thinking 250,000 million is a legitimate number of people.

lol fucking idiot.

>> No.1408269

severely punished like North Korea?

this is a bad idea. Disarming yourself would just be asking for terrorist attacks.

>> No.1408274



>> No.1408275


>> No.1408280

hahahaha fucking liberalfags

>> No.1408284

>I vote conservative because I like guns. Who needs social security when you can just shoot unemployment and retirement?

>> No.1408291

Liberals - I don't want my tax money being spent to kill people

Conservatives - I don't want my tax money being spent to save people

>> No.1408303


hell year lets all band together to end poverty

by shooting the poor in the fucking throat. AMERICA, FUCK YEAH

>> No.1408308

Where do you find those extras 243 000 millions persons to kill ?

>> No.1408315

>i vote independent because i have a brain

>> No.1408316

>O hai guis wats goin on in this thread

>> No.1408318

Kill every person 38 times


>> No.1408325


So you can contribute to a spoiler campaign that prevents the candidate most similar to your beliefs from being elected?

Fuck voting for a third party; just support one until it actually has enough voters behind it to put a candidate into office.

>> No.1408331

what the fuck is the guy in the song saying? can't understand him past 'severely punished'

>> No.1408336

something about being punished by law

then criminals making a microscopic insect or some shit

>> No.1408337


Independent, Democrat, and Republican have nothing to do with conservative, moderate, and liberal.

>> No.1408374

This thread is now about the Marxist revolution I will start.

Here's the plan /sci/, we round up a good 125,000 million (lulz) willing American citizens to fight for the good of Marxism. We equip each of them with the basics and some military knowledge/training. I, being the leader, will be known as Sasha Njikitinov. You will follow my every order. The plan is to originally group up in several warehouses throughout Northeastern United States, preferably around the Bowash districts. On the dawn of the 3rd day of being instructed specific orders, I will carry out the attack. First, we should be able to take over Washington without any resistance as long as they have no knowledge of the upcoming attacks. Once we have secured Washington, we can expect supplies from the Russian crew which is directly east of Washington - in small villages throughout west Africa. They will send their reinforcements through the Washington ports.

>> No.1408386

Once we are ready to once again carry out an attack - This time we will conquer Philadelphia. This time we SHOULD expect some resistance as the US National Guard should be sending their resistance towards the Bowash area, attempting to surround our area of a fully controlled Washington. The Russian reinforcements should be enough to take us through this attack, it will be a costly battle but it will come out as a win at the end.

Once we have control over Washington and Philadelphia, with heavily guarded posts, we should have control of most of the US government as well as scattering their weak resistance.

>> No.1408388


Labor aristocracy prevents revolution in America.

Legit Marxistfag here.

>> No.1408406

This is the part where it gets tricky. We will expect minor infantry forces from Cuba, China, and North Korea along the way. We will need to crush the rest of the opposing resistance, and in a forceful method. Considering the US government has now most likely moved their quarters to the Western coast, California, we will need to crush the final resistance there. If all goes well, the plan should work. Our strongest infantry will move by trucks across central US, this will involve the movement of heavy machinery and we should expect some difficulties along the way. It will take about 25 days to transport all of our infantry through this method.

The rest of the Marxist Resistance Forces will take other paths for ambush.

>> No.1408424

Once we have total control over California and the Northeastern coasts, we will be free men. The corrupt capitalistic traitors and murderers will have no choice but to flee the country.

This country shall now be called the People's Republic of United Socialists , or PRUR for short.

Religion will be illegal by all means. Churches shall be torn down, and any practice of religion will be punished with jail time and strict fines.

Any weapons owned by citizens shall also be extremely punishable.

>> No.1408438

All production of biohazardous or nuclear weapons will be stopped.

Any production of crude oil or petroluem will be stopped. Our reliance on OPEC shall be no more. No plastic products will be created. Asphalt will not be on our roads. Our cars shall not run on gas. Our electricity will be created through biofuels and wind/solar energy.

>> No.1408452

All markets and procudions of industry shall be government controlled, but with strict regulations.

I, Sasha Njikitinov, will step out of power. Nobody shall have power.

There will be employment for everyone. Everyone will get paid the same and the same luxuries in life - from a doctor to a pig slaughterer. If you are not employed, the government shall force you into an area of work.

Education is completely free, which is funded from everyone's work.

Healthcare is also funded in the same way.

>> No.1408458

Anybody stepping in our way will be sent to Siberia.

>> No.1408522

nice idea! your marxist revolution is flawless and has no way of failing

>> No.1408537
File: 231 KB, 504x2938, 20100415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related.