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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1406292 No.1406292 [Reply] [Original]

School: McMaster
Program: Software Engineering
Graduation: (hopefully 2011)
[x] foreign teachers
[x] power point 2002 in full use
[x] all new university computers are macs

Complete the survey, and a molecule stabilizes till the end of time. Also a furfag can die if you want

>> No.1406294

Hope you like your H1-B's

>> No.1406302

i'm in canada, i don't even have the hope of them being deported.

>> No.1406316

Do they dominate your I.T. sector? I know I was going to major in Software Engineering (I'm in Oregon btw) but I know of no one who has graduated with the degree who actually has a Job. I eventually said "Fuck this I'm going to study something I like" and i'm majoring in European History because hell if I'm going to be unemployed might as well study something I actually enjoy.

>> No.1406331

actually. the software engineers seem to be 1/3rd white, 1/3rd asian. and the rest is nigger/middle east.

A surprising number come from rich middle eastern areas. Of course everyone my age speaks normally despite ethnicity. Its only the 60 year old professors who can't pronounce vowels that i have a problem with.

>> No.1406342

Well I hope things stay strong up in the GNW, because IT in the USA is pretty much a dead field unless you like being a certification whore.

>> No.1406355

The idea is to have a P.Eng that kinda trumps some faggy msce.

>> No.1406380

You need to stay the fuck away from anything called "IT" and work only in places that require a degree and do real work.

>> No.1406381

Just wondering, why'd you choose Mac?

I'm at UW for engineering (as of now, may switch programs...), and that seems to be the popular choice for software engineering.

And before you think I've got any UW bias... I'm thoroughly miserable here. You probably made the wise decision :)

>> No.1406580

i trying to make a mobile startup in the games sector :3 in the long run anyways.

i got denied from UoW cause i only had a 81 average :(

oh well my best friend ended up taking mechtronics at mac too so it was a bitchin time :D

educationally though im going through hell

>> No.1406594

Watch every single one of these career talks in order.

>> No.1406595

>all new university computers are macs
jk, right?

>> No.1406597

go too www..dice.com and read those forums.


>> No.1406610

this is painful. i cant watch this.
its like a retarded sea monkey found microsoft sam and somehow never upgraded past a monochrome monitor.

>> No.1406638
File: 324 KB, 300x199, Library101pic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Whats worse -> you may only use guest account.
You unix credentials will NOT work.
You may NOT ssh into moore or any other pc in the network if there is a bird on the property or it is a leap year.
Also all work will be deleted on restart, and when the library closes they become part of the sharcnet (like a bot net, but jaws so its better)

And although they dual boot to winxp, they do not posses nvidia drivers.

Did i mention they were dual xeon g5's w' 30" displays.
no i fucking did not.


>> No.1406660

Truer words were never spoken from a speech synthesizer

>> No.1406671

uhg... is it just some trifle about careers etc.
im well aware the oil crash is going to fuck shit up and i need to have a degree and be super cool. Can you maybe sum it up into some cole's notes?

>> No.1406703

tried again
when she said " how will i be ever able to start my own business with all this debt" i stopped.

This doesn't apply to my circumstance in any form. I am funded by my parents with a loan that has 0 interest. Also there exists many government programs to kick start businesses. If the point was truly worth saying it would not be done in such poor fashion. Prove me wrong by summing it up and i will watch it though.

>> No.1406748

R U A homosexual?

>> No.1406764

Yep, and even though the eng program is supposed to be hellagay, it isn't :( Hell my boyfriend isn't even in school, he just works. And I haven't slept with another engineer yet... :(

>> No.1406769

omg the pillow talk would b bitchin

>> No.1406812


>educationally though im going through hell
Same here, utter torment.
Makes me want to give it up.
i'm only in first year :(

>> No.1406827

ya i remember first year, shit was kinda fun but it could have been more. I couldnt legally drink till second year (fuck u quebec) so that was ghey. Also i got busted for pot by parents so that was all fuckity do too. I would definitly say stick with it though. If you are in engineering this side of RIM you have a general first year that is fuckign lame. I got a 1 / 12 in both physics classes. The next year I actually had computer related classes though so stuff got marginally better. Its just calc thats got me down now :(

>> No.1406927

Oh, fun times. Ahhh, fuck Quebec but it's not like anyone adheres to the legal drinking limits here.

1/12? srsly? :O

Thanks for the encouragement. I /do/ want to stick with it, but that's if I don't fail out first... I mean I must do so spectacularly well on finals after screwing over midterms (summer term here) and my program is so unforgiving about even one failed course. Yes, and here I am on /sci/ talking about failing before I actually fail. I'm not in a general first year since UW already segregates us from the start (well, no more like we go directly into our programs).

My math's not quite up to par either.
Don't think I should be ever trusted to design bridges for anyone. I /will/ kill someone.

Yeah, I love complaining, huh.

>> No.1406975

You will be part of the most well educated and yet lowest paid generation there ever was because the baby boomers fucked the world over.

>> No.1407136

i believe this :(

A. ENGINEER 1D04 04 A- 0709 |
B. CHEM 1E03 03 D+ 0709 |
B. MATLS 1M03 03 C 0709 |
B. PHYSICS 1D03 03 D- 0709 |
B. PHYSICS 1E03 03 D- 0709 |
B. ENGINEER 1C03 03 A 0709 |
B. ENGINEER 1P03 03 B 0709 |
C. MATH 1NN3 03 D+ 0805 |
C. MATH 1N03 03 C+ 0709 |
D. MATH 1H03 03 D- 0709 |

lol *I* should not design bridges.

>> No.1408247
File: 20 KB, 408x408, bridge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


At least you weren't responsible for this bridge.

>> No.1408300

MSc in CS from University of British Columbia
BSc in CS from University of Waterloo
[] foreign teachers
[] power point 2002 in full use
[] all new university computers are macs

I graduated with my MSc back in 2008. I had a balanced mix of foreign and local professors. It was usually the foreign professors who had a greater tendency to rely on powerpoint. One of my professors for a great number of my classes was also one of the founding developers who worked on Maple, and he held PhDs in both Math and CS. He alone made up for all of the shitty foreign profs.

Both universities had Mac labs, but most of the CS labs had machines based around Solaris or some variant of Linux.

>> No.1408334

why you so miserable anon?
i was planning to go to UW

>> No.1408360


I went to UW and liked it.

lots of people get depressed there, especially people who aren't used to king county/seattle. basically the gray season and the homeless people in the u district etc.

>> No.1408377


kinda hit submit too soon, wanted to say that most people only dislike the environment not the school, most people I know that regret going to UW are only butthurt about the liberal arts major they chose lol.

>> No.1408410


Feels bad man.