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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 4 KB, 253x239, godexists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1403010 No.1403010 [Reply] [Original]

Does God exist? Yes God does exist. The preponderance of scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that an Intelligent Designer, God, exists. Our universe has hundreds of billions of Galaxies and Galaxies have billions of stars and now we are learning some stars and perhaps many or most stars in our universe have planets. Our universe started from a point many times smaller than an atom and rapidly and orderly expanded to form our universe. To think that all this came about accidentally is unscientific. It is similar to saying that the Space Shuttle, the most complicated and advanced flying machine created by man, came about by natural selection. Any intelligent person would have to admit the Space Shuttle was produced by an intelligent being. Our universe is infinitely more complicated and orderly than the Space Shuttle and to state that it is possible for our universe to come into existence without an Intelligent Designer is pure folly and extremely unscientific. The only conclusion an intelligent person can come up with is that there was Intelligent Design behind the creation of the universe and that Intelligent Designer and Creator is God.

>> No.1403026
File: 41 KB, 863x732, 1279128762933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoooookay then.


>> No.1403025
File: 46 KB, 500x312, starving-child.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intelligent design

nuff said

>> No.1403027

Also by your logic, God should have a creator too. But hey, let's not mix things too much, because it's too complicated otherwise and I don't want to deal with that, m'kay?

>> No.1403031
File: 24 KB, 437x290, harlequin5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligent Design.

>> No.1403032
File: 40 KB, 500x450, socialdarwinism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1403045

God exists in the same way the Chuppacabra & Bigfoot do: in our imaginations.

>> No.1403046
File: 42 KB, 650x683, 060426_female_hyena_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Irrefutable proof that life was designed. Picture is a female hyena.

>> No.1403070
File: 94 KB, 525x789, df25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More proof of design.

>> No.1403079

>Implying anyone said that the big bang or natural selection was an "accident"

nice strawman, now go back to answersingenesis.shit

>> No.1403084
File: 24 KB, 303x566, 1277987429741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intelligent design.
Pic related.

>> No.1403081


Pontoon feet for aquatic living, duh

>> No.1403091

fuck I lol'd hard even though I shouldn't had

sage for shit thread

>> No.1403113
File: 26 KB, 400x303, deform2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at the world around us, do you really believe that all this beauty came from nothingness and random chance?!

>> No.1403136

Its a smurf?

>> No.1403169

But his design is still there no? It's still a baby human, just a deformed version, it hasn't changed into a new species, you fucking spastics.

>> No.1403173

>>Does God exist? Yes God does exist. The preponderance of scientific evidence clearly demonstrates that an Intelligent Designer, God, exists. Our universe has hundreds of billions of Galaxies and Galaxies have billions of stars and now we are learning some stars and perhaps many or most stars in our universe have planets. Our universe started from a point many times smaller than an atom and rapidly and orderly expanded to form our universe. To think that all this came about accidentally is unscientific. It is similar to saying that the Space Shuttle, the most complicated and advanced flying machine created by man, came about by natural selection. Any intelligent person would have to admit the Space Shuttle was produced by an intelligent being. Our universe is infinitely more complicated and orderly than the Space Shuttle and to state that it is possible for our universe to come into existence without an Intelligent Designer is pure folly and extremely unscientific. The only conclusion an intelligent person can come up with is that there was Intelligent Design behind the creation of the universe and that Intelligent Designer and Creator is God.

lol troll

>> No.1403184

it's hard man, I totally agree with you but please argue with other pic than freak babies...

>> No.1403190

Okay God exists.
Religion is still false and lying and believing in a God changes what? nothing.. worshipping him just because he designed you (flawed)? Why? Just pretend there is no God and live life.

>> No.1403192

What the fuck does this have to do with Evolution anyway, you retard?

>> No.1403201
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1277028163458.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ok bro, answer this guy


ineffective obvious troll is obvious

>> No.1403210

I think the "ineffective troll" already did that.

>> No.1403251

ok op let's assume we accept there is evidence of intelligent design in the universe

how does that turn into religion?

religion is a human invention

>> No.1403376

God/ not God


why do we have to care about this ?

>> No.1403386


>> No.1403403

>To think that all this came about accidentally

Stopped fucking reading there.

>> No.1403478

agnosticfag detected

>> No.1403491

who cares, you're going to rot in the ground anyway

>> No.1403523

Not me. I'm going to burn down, fall over, and then sink into the swamp.

>> No.1403536

proud of it. the only way a scientist can talk about god.

>> No.1403570


I want to be buried under a tree, like the woman in the movie "The Fountain"

If I don't find the tree of life, the second option is a coconut tree, as I like coconut trees and they grow where I live...

>> No.1403571

God doesnt belong in /sci/ go fuckin /b/ turd

>> No.1403589

great choice !

coconuts or maracuja

>> No.1403590

God exists :S

>> No.1404086

welll... no.
Atheism is the real scientists way.

inb4 fag discussion

>> No.1404183
File: 2 KB, 127x95, 1276472886620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agnostisism about big foot is the only scientific way to talk about it because we dont know if he exist or not HERP DERP DURR HURR

>> No.1404220

An Intelligent designer may well exist but that doesnt mean they are the "god" that these religions claim.