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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 43 KB, 749x946, questionmark..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1401314 No.1401314 [Reply] [Original]

so /sci/ who is your idol? or rather, who do you look up to, respect, and perhaps use as a role model or some form of motivation?

>> No.1401315

Erdös, would not want to be like him though.

>> No.1401317

Jesus Christ

>> No.1401321

Thought the name sounded familiar, took a google to realise, erdos number

>> No.1401325

my self

>> No.1401332

Maybe Ben Franklin. Guy had some stones.

>> No.1401338

Christopher Hitchens, Steve McQueen, and various fictional characters, I rarely think about it, though I probably should.

>> No.1401381

Christopher Hitchens is fucking AWESOME, I love him. He is like a well educated highly literate master troll who loves whiskey.

>> No.1401392

Fuckin Richard Feynman. That guy was awesome.

>> No.1401410

Jesus !

naah, I lol'd, in fact I'm muslim !

>> No.1401422
File: 286 KB, 1200x1600, billlawvere.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1401437

im trying to find a chemist who i can admire, and one who i guess i feel that i 'want to do what they did' or something along those lines. i just cant seem to find anyone i really admire.

im not discounting the huge successes over the years, and i have the utmost respect - but admiration or idolising, not sure.

I guess its my lack of historical knowledge or awareness

>> No.1401494

Josef Mengele

>> No.1401500

Carl Sagan. I love his turtlenecks.

>> No.1401505

Charles Bukowski and Neil deGrasse Tyson

I love my cigarettes and alcohol, and i love my physics.

>> No.1401515
File: 44 KB, 494x358, 1262271444287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ray Kurzweil
Carl Sagan

>> No.1401538

michio kaku

>> No.1401540



Greatest man to ever live.

>> No.1401567


While his escapees might be awesomely funny it's also true that he contributed nothing but trouble. His works go far off just healthy critique.

>> No.1401573
File: 43 KB, 478x600, 478px-Iron_Man_Bleeding_Edge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So are we allowed to use fantasy then?
I pick Iron man

>> No.1401590


i am kaku-intolerant, went to a talk he had at my university and all he spit was theoretical bullshit, none of it based on practical work being done...

>> No.1401623


>So are we allowed to use fantasy then?

This is /sci/

Get rational.
Get factual.

>> No.1401638

Hence the title Theoretical Physicist

fucking moron.

>> No.1401644

So no fantasy then? So how come so faggot posetd Jesus? He is about as real as Iron Man is!

>> No.1401675


Plus Iron Man could probably kick that skinny jew's ass.

>> No.1401679

GOD yes he just gets me off, he motivates me to go to sleep at night... his soft whalesong can be heard long into my dreams~~~~~~ <3

>> No.1401688


Get factual.
Get rational.

>> No.1401716

ok, so no jesus and no iron man, got it!

>> No.1401723

Wow, you're edgy. It's totally making me hot.

>> No.1401730

Did you know Carl Sagan's girlfriend was an engineering major? It's true!

>> No.1401744

karl pilkington

>> No.1401745

wait but enginering majors are fags that doesn't make sense at all

>> No.1401749


>Get factual, get rational or GTFO

Should be the new motto of /sci/!

>> No.1401765

play THE GAME.

that should be the new motto of /sci/

>> No.1401776


>> No.1401955

no jesus, no iron man, no fiction.

real people who inspire you please /sci/

>> No.1401967
File: 33 KB, 375x500, 29678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dan Dennet

Hes the king of calling people dumb fucks without sounding like hes calling them dumb fucks.

>> No.1401989
File: 28 KB, 315x384, peter-singer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also love peter singer, hes an ethics philosopher, and his main argument goes as this.

You just bought a new pair of shoes, on your way home, you see your neighbors kid drowning in a pond, you have a choice, let the kid die and enjoy your new shoes, or ruin your new shoes and save the kids life.

The correct answer is save the kids life of course. But his argument is that we make the opposite decision everyday. When we decided to buy some new lil piece of crap we dont need, we could have taken that money and donated it to a poor country somewhere else where it would have saved a childs life.

I try to let this idea influence me, I try spend less money on useless crap, then donate that money to some charity organization on a regular basis. I'm not perfect about it, but I let his philosophy influence my life.

In short, you can save someones life everyday while having absolutely no impact on your own. (Yes $1 will save a childs life in a poor country for a day)

>> No.1402004

More Hippie bullshit.

>> No.1402007

interesting, thanks for that

a part of me wants to try and enjoy the littler things in life, maybe not worry about so much irrelevant nonsense and so on. like people. they annoy me. :p

but yeah thanks for that, good example of what i was looking for.

>> No.1402015

what about the more physical sciences, chemists, for example. theres a lot of philosophers, i'm more interested in the physical scientists that people admire look up to and so on

>> No.1402016


It's really not, Peter Singers argument is full proof. Next time you think about buying that soda from a vending machine that will in the end just make you feel sick anyways, take that $1 and donate it to the red cross, It will seriously save someones life.

>> No.1402021
File: 51 KB, 500x333, Crusader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christian Crusaders.

Total dedication to one cause.
That is inspiring.

>> No.1402029

(op here, not whoever said hippie bullshit)
the problem is, when you cant see the changes your dollar donation makes, people feel less inclined to give it. whats to say its not just swallowed up as an admin fee for whichever charity you donate it to.

>> No.1402044


Thats true, also another reason people dont like it, is because they feel peter singer is telling them to give up all the little pleasures in life. Thats not what hes saying. Hes saying give up maybe one tiny pleasure a day, or even one a week, this will make absolutely no impact on the happiness and well being of your life, yet on the other side of the world, it will by a child a bottle of Gatorade a day and mean the difference between life and death for him that day. Its the moral equivalent of saving your drowning neighbors child in the pond.