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1399840 No.1399840 [Reply] [Original]

describe a realistic first contact scenario.

WARNING, this is long and i make the following (possibly erroneous) assumptions;
-they are corporeal
-they are organic
-they see on somewhat similar wavelengths
-they communicate vocally or in some meaningful way we can compensate for
-their language is able to be translated into english
-our technology levels are marginally similar (within 200-600 years)

will most likely happen a few decades after the initial invention of FTL (it will happen, somehow, some when) so we have time to spread over a large area of space. A small scout ship of ours runs into one of theirs, or perhaps we cross a shipping lane, or something equally innocuous.

Initial response is frantic. People are simultaneously terrified and inspired. An ambassador party is assembled within days. Scientists the world over attempt to find common ground to communicate, such as a specific branch of mathematics. The other species MOST LIKELY does something similar, but their cultural nature could be just about anything,i will assume they are primarily peaceful like us.

first dialogs are awkward, experts wrack their brains to translate their language. If we're smart, we exchange children's books or television shows (jam packed with vocabulary and grammatical data conveyed in image form).

Earth is in uproar, at least at first. Lots of high expectations, lots of fear. Many radical thinkers start pushing for a global government, cultures begin to become more stereotypical in a sense of "identity". Hopefully asshole warlords and petty conflicts stop, due to the crushing sense of small-ness, at least for a time.

Scientific exchange is rapid and behind closed doors. They probably differ from us wildly (perhaps they didn't have a readily available source of cheap energy such as hydrocarbons? Perhaps they went full-speed ahead on physics and left medical technology by the wayside?)

>> No.1399843

cultural exchange starts once communications channels are open. I know that while the more open-minded youths will be intensely curious, the aliens might not be. the nerds of both cultures intertwine quickly. We share Star Wars with them, if they can relate with it. They share something similar in the sense of a very well respected sci-fi film. Perhaps we can relate with it?

It is at this point we begin to stereotype them, but not in a bad way. "oh, it's kind of like <name of empire or culture>, except different", we treat them like this, they probably do not mind, and do the same for us. Sci-fi authors find similarities to creatures in various works, and offer them to the public in order to facilitate pre-personal-contact cultural understanding (they're like the humblags from <that book> by <that guy>, read it)

is it at this point i cease ranting and turn it over to /sci/

>> No.1399852

I think we all know what's gonna happen...

>> No.1399855

in search of alien porn, find hot alien chicks, fuck em,
get some kind of super aids, all guys die.

>> No.1399864
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I was going for more like this.

>> No.1399897

>the nerds of both cultures intertwine quickly. We share Star Wars with them, if they can relate with it. They share something similar in the sense of a very well respected sci-fi film. Perhaps we can relate with it?

Culture would be too different for this to happen.

>> No.1399918

not so sure
gateway films/comic books/cartoons could be found, introducing common cultural norms.

and their stuff would be like really wacky foreign stuff. some absurd, some touching in a strange way.

>> No.1399920
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> petty conflicts stop

nope, sorry

>> No.1399925

Assuming the aliens had similar living requirements to ours (Oxygen based breathing, carbohydrates, similar proteins), I would immagine that 300-500 years after peace and communication is fully established, colonies would appear on both homeworlds.

>> No.1399932

i'd be all for it.

>> No.1399947

hopefully they would be as diligant in trying to understand us as we would be, and our cultures would turn out extremely similar, differences being in body structure and heritage.

What would be shocking would be to find a religion of theirs, that matched one of ours. Think of the shitstorm that would stir up for both of our races.

>> No.1399952

I would also like to see what another life supporting world would be like.

Positive side: Way too many to list

Negative: although viruses wouldn't be a problem (Due to genetic differences), bacteria would be a huge concern, alongside parasites, and fungi. Food sources would be an issue as well.

>> No.1399958

Linguists would have a fucking hayday. They'd finally have a legitimate use.

>> No.1399971
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>> No.1399988

for all of a month, until it's possible to consistently translate anything they say

then it's back to boredom!

>> No.1399990

>i will assume they are primarily peaceful like us

We are doomed

>> No.1399998
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Sulfur GET

>> No.1400002

>primarily peaceful like us
>peaceful like us

oh wow.jpg

>> No.1400020

we do not actively kill eachother on the street for petty reasons like food or water or-

>> No.1400040


as* peaceful as us so they can understand what the shit is going on when a bunch of doped up extremists try to kill them and that it's not all of humanity, just the scumbags.

>> No.1400047

FTL's impossible brah, you have to violate causality.

>> No.1400249

Such is life in soviet universe.

>> No.1400267

I think the one from star trek was pretty accurate. Not the vulcans, the klingons. One of them crash landed on earth, and a farmer shot him.

>> No.1400336


Dude, that a pic from eve online?

>> No.1400348

this thread is pointless to post on if you put all those restrictions on, because life somewhere els in the universe is surely different than what you think it to be

>> No.1400364

we kill them


>> No.1400383

>because life somewhere els in the universe is surely different than what you think it to be

you sure about that one? physics is the same everywhere. they would look like something from earth (because theres a lot of variety on earth). except if they are from exotic worlds, gas giants for example.

legs, skin, eyes, hair/feathers/scales. why do people assume aliens will be amorphous blobs?

>> No.1400384



>> No.1400424

Aside from that whole FTL travel garbage, I'd say mine and your opinions are the exact same.

Especially the global government, and lessening of racism/petty wars. It's true people will always have to hate something, but it's much easier to hate something that isn't even the same species as you.

>> No.1400439

There's probably going to be inter-species sex.

>> No.1400447

Mmm, bukake.

>> No.1400462

well, why not? today sex is more about fun.

so, having fun your insectoid friend is bad?

>> No.1400471

Did I imply that it was bad? I didnt mean it to be. I thought it'd be fun to stick my penis in some new holes.

>> No.1400488

first contact would result in violence, no question.

>> No.1400490

>Jump forward 50 years
>Make contact
>Message says "sup?"
>"Nothing much bro"

>> No.1400499

everyone would act just as they would always. religious folk will make an explanation that works with the book of their religion. politicians will be scared of losing their power. military will be afraid of them attacking and will thus try to initiate conflict if they dont seem way too advanced, and that might not even matter. scientists will try to embrace aliens. etc....

>> No.1400522

>global government

Why do people think any planet would have this? Why would any planet have this? The only global government a planet would have is a global conspiracy between individual governments to make themselves look good to their respective publics.

>> No.1400527

Spear chucking civilizations on Earth start worshiping the aliens. Asians start producing their products for ridiculously low prices. Whites introduce them to [insert intoxicating substance here] and get them to sign some contracts. Feels good man.

>> No.1400531

Aliens are likely millions of years ahead of us.... We won't even be like the Aboriginees who first "met" the British.

They will be peaceful though, but why bother with us, they are watching us now.

>> No.1400539

Doubt it. They're probably doing the same thing as us. At first contact, both civilizations will will be curious of each other but secretly fearing that the other is much more powerful until true interaction takes place. Let's not forget that by this time we'd probably be quite advanced ourselves. Most likely not entirely human anymore either(ie part machine).

>> No.1400543


Once a girl I know said "no, I can't imagine aliens being more advanced than us"... It is impossible for them not to be, ofcourse we will never travel galaxies, and neither will they, but there are going to be species with million year advantages on us out there in the 5% of stars that are in the "OK" zone in our galaxy.

>> No.1400544

It'll be like in Contact.

They're already there, messing around and waiting for us to become sufficiently advanced. When we hit a certain technological/scientific point they'll allow us to join the galactic (maybe even universal) neighborhood.

It will be more epic than we can possibly imagine. I see mass suicide.

>> No.1400561

Bump for intergalactic porn

>> No.1400564

They will (have) find us...

We won't find them.

>> No.1400575

I don't know what the aliens will do, but I know the first humans to meet an alien will attempt to mate with it.

>> No.1400582


The Engineers are going to go for every male of their species. ET Dick.

>> No.1400583

>It will be more epic than we can possibly imagine. I see mass suicide.

Alien porn sounds good

First contact would probably be made by robots

>> No.1400591


This made me think of something.. Lets say I was the person that made first contact..

First thing I did.. Pulled down my pants and wiggled my dick at the alien. This could go one of 3 ways that I forsee...

1.) They see it as a sign of aggression, kill me and there would be intergalactic war.

2.) Confused by it, but assume its the way we say Hi. Hilarity ensues when there is ambassadors and/or the world figures out what I did.

3.) They think we are a planet of idiots and never talk to us again. The world rages and I get murdered.

>> No.1400610

They land their ship in a South American jungle, they meet naked cannibals.

4 hours later earth is obliterated.

>> No.1400614


to make room for an overpass

>> No.1400616

Hey hey... what if the males of their species had the vagina and tits and the females had the penis (gave birth like hyenas)

You could be fucking a male and only realize how gay you are after some time.

>> No.1400618

Eating aliens does not make you a cannibal. inversely, why would a cannibal be assumed to try to eat an alien?

>> No.1400630

I would pay for some intergalactic trap action

>> No.1400634


Who said he assumed that? What would YOU do if you landed on a planet and everyone was naked and eating each other?

>> No.1400635


Just like the poor saps who sign up to be Engineers.

>> No.1400686

I'd figure they tasted pretty good and would try some myself.

>> No.1400999
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>> No.1401022

Realistic first contact?
Relativistic rocks fall, everyone dies.

>> No.1401057

-If they have reason and logic they wont declare war unless we fuck up big time.
-If they are miltarisic/highly xenophobic they would be able to wipe us out (200-600 difference in tech? Better get the lube out)

>> No.1401089

look up killing star

>> No.1401095
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>> No.1401096

also, look up puppeteers

>> No.1401109


>> No.1401118

what I'm saying is that a careful species will want to destroy a potential nuisance before it has a chance to develop into a certain threat

>> No.1401119

Looked up the plot of The Killing Star on wiki. I really cant see how one would need to worry about living next to another alien when there are billions and billions of stars (with billions of planets hopefully)

>> No.1401150

See, the thread was about first-contact scenarios, not about humans living alone in half-a-galaxy.

But if you mean that there wouldn't be competition, then there's another problem: aliens are alien. We can't just look at ouselves and conclude that any smart alien will be a pacifist. Neither can they look at us like that.

If one species has the power to destroy the other, then the other must take measures to ensure it's survival.

>> No.1401169

As long as we have Will Smith on our side, I ain't scared

>> No.1401176

>describe a realistic first contact scenario.
Aliens start a (technically illegal, what with Earth being a culture preserve) mining camp on earth to mine lithospheric bacteria for their genome. They ignore the humans altogether.

This causes a political and sapient-rights upset in the galaxy at large. Should humans be allowed into the interstellar community, despite not choosing to contact the aliens and not even able to send interstellar spacecraft?
The answer: A resounding no. Humans are left to stew in their impotent rage while aliens just avoid them.

>> No.1401189
File: 149 KB, 1317x464, firstcontact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The year is 2310 AD.

War still ravages on in some parts of the world. Israel is now 3 times the size it once was, Gaza and the West bank are now long forgotten chapters of genocide.

China, Russia, NASA, ESA and JAXA now all have manned spaceflight programs.
A robot probe has landed on every major body in the solar system and a a probe has provided pictures of planets on nearby Alpha centauri during a flyby.
There are manned research outposts on Mars and Lunar, most of the people in space are still confined to Low Earth Orbit.
Robotic asteroid mining is commonplace, delivering processed metals and minerals to one of Earth's many space stations.
Ships and space station parts are manufactured in the Asteroid belt and shi

>> No.1401190

Do you think we would end up blowing each other up with alien technology they gave us?

>> No.1401206


One day an inter-stellar trader is on a long journey mission spanning thousands of years and decides we have enough infrastructure in orbit to make it worthwhile to trade. When the first transmission comes into the space station, the commander contacts ground control on a secure channel in "the chamber" an eavesdropping-proof room for classified communications.

Word reaches the President, UN leaders, Moscow. Before too long, they decide to announce the docking to the public, and for the first time mankind puts down its arms and looks to the skies in awe "we are not alone". The docking hatches don't quite mesh, so astronauts must perform EVA to modify the docking port to the Alien spacecraft.
When the hatch opens, a strange creature greets the space station crew and is publicly shown over InternetTV worldwide

>> No.1401228

>>describe a realistic first contact scenario.
>>our technology levels are marginally similar (within 200-600 years)

This is a joke right?

>> No.1401243

The first contact?
Well they cerainly didn't come unprepared. They've actually been wandering the planet for a few years already before the first contact.

>> No.1401265

> invention of FTL (it will happen, somehow, some when)



>> No.1401269

>because life somewhere els in the universe is surely different than what you think it to be

Now that's something that always makes me think. There's bound to be planets with similar gravity and proximity to ours (all that goldilocks shit) and once we have that evolution is shaped by them just like here. So, given that the two-legged upright silhouette of a human being is so damn beneficial you can well end up with a large number of hypothetical humanoid species.

>> No.1401270

Yes, you dumb faggot.

>> No.1401274


If you l2einstein'd you would have concurred.

>> No.1401280





>> No.1401287
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>> No.1401288

I want to be one of the first people to have sex with an alien or an alien's corpse.

>> No.1401292


Yeah I know, it's your face when

>> No.1401300

Saying now, with absolute certainty, that ftl-travel is either possible or impossible?

shush you

>> No.1401312

>FTL travel will NEVER (see: EVER) happen because the extremely simple fact that mass can not go faster than c. We are mass, every single form of transportation is mass. It's physically IMPOSSIBLE.

>> No.1401313

Did not mean to greentext

>> No.1401319

In case of emergency, break the laws of physics.

Read some Xeelee. Especially read Timelike Infinity.

>> No.1401337

Didn't you hear about that experiment where they managed to transport something (electricity?) faster than light?

>> No.1401373

There's always the possibility that we find them before they have achieved true space flight (ie. as we are now)

We come across a planet with intelligent life on it. Life = rich resources. unfortunately it is THEIR planet. What do you think happens?

>> No.1401391

I read several of those , stephen baxter amirite? I read the ring, timelike infinity, and some other one....I felt like I had a phd by the end of it all.

Also, that pilot guy turned into quantum functions surviving as the last sentient being in the universe? Feels bad man.

>> No.1401393


Then we need to stop having mass, simple as that.

>> No.1401401

depends on our technology

is it possible to move on to the next system in the list? is it easy?

do we have the means to defend ourselves? or destroy them?

do we have enough technology to trade with them? or enslave them?

>> No.1401899

one thing all of you have assumed is that first contact will be made public. the vast majority of humans would do something stupid like riot about needing to kill aliens, we may have already made first contact. all im saying is that if i was in a seat of power and aliens contacted me, i wouldnt make it public news right away

>> No.1401972

When we invent teleportation, I'm going to teleport my dick into the ass of all doubters.

>> No.1402360

notice about FTL;
i am not talking about literally smashing the light speed barrier, not possible.

i am talking about loopholes. some are known, some are not. some exist within alternative standard models, some are absurd. ect. ect.

>> No.1403191

Okay let's suppose FTL.... or that we somehow hacked reality source-code and speed.

Probes are sent by group to be capable of spreading away and warn Earth in case one is destroyed, Alien did the same.

They meet, but no violence first. Most probes retreat, some try to follow each other, both planet now know where each other his.
Tension EXPLODE ! Based on what we've seen we create anti-relativistic planet-killer missiles defense.

Then we meet with each other.
- Alien and Human can't live on the same environment : Crisis avoided.
- They can : We begin to wonder, not if they would invade Earth but take all the planet we may use. War risk to broke.

That's as far I can predict
If the Alien is an hivemind communication will be greatly facilitated (by underestimation of his intelligence by human, and a will to discuss from hivemind) or more difficult if this one is not confident about his ability to survive us. (hivemind see us like possible piranha)

>> No.1403211

>cultural exchange starts once communications channels are open. I know that while the more open-minded youths will be intensely curious, the aliens might not be. the nerds of both cultures intertwine quickly. We share Star Wars with them, if they can relate with it. They share something similar in the sense of a very well respected sci-fi film. Perhaps we can relate with it?
Oh god I want to give you a wedgie so bad

>> No.1403220

Recordings of the various sounds in Jupiter's atmosphere suggest that it is inhabited by giant bees.

>> No.1403250


We'll see who brings home more honey. - GOB Bluth

>> No.1403255

bubble-warp drive

>> No.1403288


>requires more Exotic Matter than the amount of matter in the universe

Seriously people. FTL is 99% probably impossible. Stop this bullshit.

>> No.1403299

Globalization bro
When we all have pretty much the same culture, there will be no need to separate governments.
Or we would at least be fairly peaceful and cooperative.

>> No.1403311

been disproven
radiation inside the bubble (hawking radiation) would basically cook any form of matter within

>> No.1403333

never said it would happen, i said there would be a push for it.
However due to the previously mentioned "identity crisis", in which each nation becomes more stereotypical of itself in order to become more culturally focused, i doubt a global government would be established.

a global representative front, funded by all the governments of earth (a-la the human alliance in mass effect?) entirely possible.

>> No.1403342


You're making a very big assumption from what we know as true NOW. Does not mean in several hundred years we might not find a loophole in the law, or something out there TOTALLY fucking different that we previously thought.

I mean srsly, Relativity has only been around a little over 100 years. Experiments with the speed of light for 150 years. We're talking 300-800 years from now.

>> No.1403350


>> No.1403375

I don't think you know what "disproven" means, bro.

>> No.1403379


>implying disproven is a word.

>> No.1403425

I don't want to take a side on the whole wormholes, general relativity, etc until we have a quantum theory of gravity.
Then we will be able to understand physics.

>> No.1403468


Gravity is an effect of thermodynamics. We've proven this like 37 times now.

>> No.1403484



inb4 lolitroleu

>> No.1403530



I farted.

>> No.1403546


>implying wikitionary is a valid source
>implying past participles exist

>> No.1403562

Shut the fuck up.
You too.

>> No.1403594

FTL is imposible by todays science, dosen't mean its imposible.

>> No.1403599

stopped reading there

>> No.1403697
