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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1399444 No.1399444 [Reply] [Original]

My face when I get a 5 on both Calculus and Physics AP

How'd you guys do?

>> No.1399447

None. I'm 13.

>> No.1399457
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i am 12 and what is this

>> No.1399479

Back when I was in high school a few years ago

Junior Year:
English Language:4
US history:5

Senior year:
Calc AB:5
Physics AB:5
US gov't:5
English Literature:4

>> No.1399472

I took the courses but not the tests. The tests would have been a waste of >$800 if I took one for every AP course I had.

>> No.1399484
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My school paid for mine

>> No.1399489

Private school?

>> No.1399490

I only took Chemistry this year and got a 5.

>> No.1399491

AP physics wasn't offered.

But I scored 100% on the New York State Regents Exam for Physics.

Q. 57
The wavelength at the blue end of the visible spectrum is:
a. rubber cement
b. momentum
c. 400 nanometers
d. Thursday

>> No.1399497

Taking AP Chemistry next year, Did you guys have to do much studying for those 4-5 on the AP tests?

>> No.1399501


u srs? That's absolutely retarded.

>> No.1399514

I got a five on my physics without studying. But I am smart so I dunno

>> No.1399504

rubber momentum

>> No.1399516

Sorta but not really. It's mostly just a small school, so it's good publicity for them to have successful students getting good grades on renowned exams.

I spent every nanosecond of time I had during free blocks at school studying, so yeah there's some effort involved.

>> No.1399524

i got $20,000 on my AP tests (ie, saved myself a semester of college from placement credit)

>> No.1399526
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My face when I'm working for a PhD and see AP scores.

>> No.1399529


I'm the guy that got the 5 on chem.

No, I personally didn't study a lot. But I obsessed over the class and subject to the point where I completely changed my plans for the future.

Chemistry, better than meth.

>> No.1399538

Haven't got mine back yet D:
I only took AP World History this year... and that was really easy
Next year is a different story... oh ya Op... by what black magic did you solve these questions?!? http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/repository/ap10_frq_calculus_ab.pdf

>> No.1399547


PhD in what?

>> No.1399559

If you feel like knowing right away, you can always just blow the $8 fee to get your answer right now by phone.

I solved those questions easily because my teacher prepared us well by giving us many practice exams, which often included questions almost identical to the ones that were on the real exam.

>> No.1399562

Q. 32
A block of mass 3g is suspended by a string of length 20 cm. The block is then given a horizontal impulse of 3 Newton-seconds. What was the length of the string again?

a. 3 grams
b. 20 meters (Be careful!)
c. 20 centimeters
d. yes

>> No.1399569


Jesus, you better be screwing with me.

>> No.1399571

Musical theory.

>> No.1399574

You just know that there are families out there who congratulate their sons for doing good on this exam.

>> No.1399579

Music is just a theory?!? Oh MAN this changes my worldview on everything!

>> No.1399588


Evolutionary biology.

>> No.1399594



People fail it.

>> No.1399595

I got a 3, but I didn't study. So, hah!

>> No.1399598

Have fun teaching high school.

>> No.1399596 [DELETED] 
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History - 2
English - 3
Cal - 1

Feels sooo bad man.

>> No.1399611



Have fun finishing high school.

>> No.1399606 [DELETED] 

Thanks for boosting my score bro

>> No.1399623

History - 2
English - 3
Cal - 1

Feels sooo bad man.

>Study, guys. Study=(

(I deleted my old post to put the part about Studying.)

>> No.1399625

I did. It was fun, thank you.

>> No.1399647

When are the scores released?

>> No.1399656
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I wished I studied so hard. The only reason I got these scores is because I did not study for shit. I never read a chapter in the American Pageant, and my Calculus teacher was horrible and never studying at home didn't help none. The only reason I passed English is because we had a FANTASTIC teacher and I want to be a writer.

>let me put it this way: I never did any reading at home for school that year.

>> No.1399667


>> No.1399673
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Yes. Exactly. I blame no one but myself.

>> No.1399674
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They've been available by phone since July 1st.

>> No.1399681


People think that highschool means anything

>> No.1399683

Yeah but thats 8$. Fuck that. When does the mail get here.

>> No.1399682

by phone? the person on the line will read them out to you? I got mine in the mail. But I wouldn't want some some reading my scores out loud to me haha. Especially mine -_-
Would be a fun job though.

>> No.1399687

I'm a senior in college. Go talk about your highschoolfaggotry elsewhere.

>> No.1399703

>I tink i better cuz i am in college herp da derp. I neva been in highschool derp a herp. I sage cuz i mad

That's what I understood. Fuck off.

>> No.1399711
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Even /sci/ has summer.
At least we get the smart kids. Oh wait, all these kids do is brag about their grades.

>> No.1399712

Soon all of you high schoolers will go to college and in a few years will look back at yourselves (you now) with intellectual disgust.

>> No.1399713

The process is completely automated, so there's no need to be shy. Eights bucks isn't much, but I assume that unless you're a toothless hillbilly living in some hillbilly shack somewhere in the woods you'll probably be getting your results sometime soon by mail.
You were in high-school too at one point. Shouldn't you be proud that younger people are trying to achieve well?

>> No.1399715

>implying you can get into college without going to high school

>> No.1399716
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I'm the only one who didn't brag.
But I got shit scores
hmm don't know how to feel

>> No.1399722

>pays 8$ for something for free in a week
>no self control

>> No.1399727
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>> No.1399730
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You can. Most of the people in my upper division physics classes went to community college. I find that most people who didn't (myself and a handful of others being the exception) burn out and pick something more reasonable.

>> No.1399735

lol high school :|
it was so dumb

>> No.1399739
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But you bragged about not bragging about your schools. You're still talking about yourself only because you think you're hot shit. Find something that's worth studying and study it. Talk about it like it's hot shit. People will love you for it.

>> No.1399747
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my face when
AP Chemistry - 5
AP Language and Composition - 5
AP Computer Science - 5
ACT - 36

>> No.1399750

I've been working on a psychology assignment recently, and not knowing what grade I got was stressing me. I just caved in. It's not like eight bucks is a lot, considering I didn't have to pay for the exam.

>> No.1399760
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It shouldn't matter. You don't have to give excuses for wanting to do things your way.
Also, you get stressed out over things that probably wont matter in the grand scheme of things. Look at the bigger picture, man.

>> No.1399762

What the fuck? School paid for your exam?

>> No.1399778


Sometimes you just gotta give in to temptation. However, I still agree with you that I should not have been stressed over it.

>> No.1399795

>Look at the bigger picture, man.
I see what you did there.

>> No.1399800

>Talk about it like it's hot shit

Nah, dog. That aint me.

I do know a lot about computers, but I don't like telling anyone because they'll all ask me to fix there stuff. I also know about English and writing.

>> No.1399813


>there stuff


>> No.1399822
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No, no. Not things like that. I mean something worth studying. Things that aren't taught in classes because people don't know much about them.

>> No.1399826

5 in calc and 3 in physics c mech. if only i didnt panic on the free response for physics i could have gottan a 4

>> No.1399831

*note: I mean science, not bullshit. SCIENCE! worth studying.

>> No.1399833

>implying that's not why I virtually failed many exams.

I was talking to my brother when typing that and didn't bother to reread.
because it's possessive.


>let me put it this way: I never did any reading at home for school that year.

I never said I don't like being pathetic and self-loathing. =P

>> No.1399836

Science is not taught in classes?

>> No.1399837
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Gonna be your face when your college of choice doesn't accept your AP exam score.

>> No.1399854

Chemistry major here. I scored a 3 on the AP Chem exam back in 2004.

In college I aced almost all my chemistry courses, (O-chem, P-chem, Advanced Synthesis, etc) courses that are known to rape people up the ass every semester.

tl;dr AP exam is shit

>> No.1399849
File: 66 KB, 739x667, 1274406850699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My face when when your college of choice doesn't accept your AP exam score.

I got straight A's last semester except a C in calculus.

>> No.1399861

>I never said I don't like being pathetic and self-loathing. =P
You should not make pejorative comments about yourself, because it tends to lead to the phenomenon of the self-fulfilling prophecy, where you intentionally lower your standards to reach the low level of ability you attributed yourself which, so that you don't look like you were wrong.

The university I'll be attending to accepts AP scores, but I have decided to redo the courses again in my first year. That way I can ease into the university lifestyle with a high GPA and some relaxed classes. I have also gone to a school where the subject matter is taught in a minority language, so it'd be useful for me to learn to use the proper English terms in math.

>> No.1399867


And I thought I was the only newyorkfag in here. The regents exams are a joke, AP exams make the regents exams look like tests for a fucking moron.

Oh wait thats what NY is mostly made of up.

>> No.1399868

<span class="math">({a}_{n}{x}^{n})[/spoiler]

>> No.1399879

This a thousand times

>> No.1399892
File: 172 KB, 605x598, 1273204477014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You should not make pejorative comments about yourself, because it tends to lead to the phenomenon of the self-fulfilling prophecy, where you intentionally lower your standards to reach the low level of ability you attributed yourself which, so that you don't look like you were wrong.

Pic related... It's me! *SOBS*

haha I'm kidding around. I'm awesome. My screenplay is going to sell and I'm going to make millions doing what I love. Then my television Pilot will get picked up and I'll make the next Seinfeld/Arrested Development, but I won't get canceled after 3 seasons, and will get a ton of Emmey's which I will put in a trophy case on top of my toilet in the bathroom and my wife would fuck me every night. yea.

>> No.1399908

I obviously mean subjects that require several years background to understand, not that the entire branch is unknown.

>> No.1399961 [DELETED] 

is posting working agian?

>> No.1399980
