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1397980 No.1397980 [Reply] [Original]

Sexuality and "orientation": Biological, cultural, situational...

What are your biggest pet peeves about mainstream discussions on it, and misconceptions of it? From all sides of the political fence to poor "pop science" reports on it?

>> No.1397993


>> No.1398046

The entire argument/premise for gay rights (bisexuals don't exist ever in these arguments) being based on it being purely biological and something people "can't help." Even if people could help it, it shouldn't make a difference.

But people thinking something as complicated as sexuality has no plasticity or malleability when it comes to culture, environment, experience, or any of that is just really bothersome.

The biological factors of sexuality and what we have found out about orientation are interesting but nothing to draw a real conclusion from other than your run of the mill contrived "it's a little bit of everything" statements.

>> No.1398055

Anything that has to do with evolutionary psychologists giving their input.

>> No.1398070

people getting mad at us pedos

>> No.1398081

antagonizing something because it's not 'normal'

>> No.1398085


People calling for pedophiles to be executed. People mixing up pedophiles with people who sleep with teenagers. People who mix up someone who molested a child with pedophiles.

>> No.1398095

I hate when people say it isn't 'natural.' What the fuck is natural nowadays?

>Even if people could help it, it shouldn't make a difference.


>> No.1398099

so ignorant parents?

>> No.1398106


Pretty much.

>> No.1398127


What do you think society's view on pedophiles should be? How far should/can the entertainment of the fetish go before it violates a child's rights?

>> No.1398130
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Lol oh god pop science shit. Like recent stuff.


>> No.1398142

Heres the aspect of this that is most retarded: People who claim that marriage is religious (specifically christian) but want to deny gays the right to have it because it conflicts with what their idea of the religion should be. They are essentially denying people the right to practice their religion a certain way because they don't like it. This goes against freedom of religion at the very core. Not to mention that if it was only a religious thing, it should not have special rights and advantages from government. The whole thing is fucked really.

>> No.1398154

random /sci/pedo here.
I say, until you either

Aid someone in their molestation of a kid
You molest a kid

Until then, I say it's fair game.

>> No.1398156


A pedophile is someone who I believe truly can't help it. They are wired differently, for the most part, but they can help their actions. Just not their desires, so it doesn't mean they shouldn't be punished.

Someone who molests a child is not a pedophile always, though. Sometimes it's just one incident, sometimes the person doesn't really have a consistent attraction to children, but molests just one. That's not a pedophile. That is a pedophiliac attraction or action though.

Pedophiles, obviously, should be locked up if they sexually assault someone. Anyone should be for that reason. Treat them as any other sexual offender, except with extra precautions when they get out. But no crucifying them or not allowing them to be near children in any setting ever again.

>> No.1398175


It's like rape. If it's a video game or in the realm of fantasy or literature, as long as it's fictional, I think it's fine. If you're actually making kids pose for pornographic images or molesting a kid, it's not. Rape fantasy is okay. Rape roleplay is okay. Raping someone is not.

>> No.1398179

What about aiding in the sexual exploitation of a kid by viewing child pornography? I'm not trying to be aggressive here; I'm just asking for your opinion.

>> No.1398185


Also, furfag here. Why the fuck is girlrocko a little bit attractive?

>> No.1398188


I believe if you are found with child pornography or actual tapes of rape happening -- whether with a child or adult, you should be charged for it.

>> No.1398193

Sexuality is fluid and changes, imo. Sometimes I think girls are hotter and sometimes guys catch my attention way more. It's hard to understand, but most of the time, it can't be helped.

>> No.1398202


possessing child porn is obviously bad, because if nobody was interested in possessing child porn then it is likely that nobody would make and distribute it.

but as it stands you can get convicted of possessing child porn for loli anime/computer generated stuff. which i don't really understand.

>> No.1398204

Then people who have rape porn should be charged as well.

>> No.1398205

Eh,on the viewing of child porn, I see it a bit differently than most people, I think.
The viewing itself, I don't see as bad.
It's rather how you acquire it in the first place.

Paying for it is, in my book, aiding the rapist, and therefore not a good course of action.
Pirating it without really giving anything back to the creator is A-OK in my book.

>> No.1398212

Speaking from my probably innacurate position as someone who knows about this kind of thing, do you not see anything problematic with being a paedophile yet still seeing paedophilia (hebe/ephebephilia) yet not being able to act? Would you be willing to get psychiatric help?

and, the one you get all the time: why do you think you're a paedophile

>> No.1398213


Girl with almost strict lesbian attraction here agreeing with you. In action and in the realm of reality, I only get attracted to women both emotionally and physically. But I fantasize about men and women equally in my mind and get off to hetero porn a lot too. So it's not like it's impossible for me to ever be attracted to a man, I guess.

>> No.1398226

I don't think you realize the majority of CP is shared freely between enthusiasts over p2p programs. "pirating" it doesn't do anything but shutdown cp producing businesses.

>> No.1398232


If it is actual rape? Yes. If it's just porn simulating rape? No. The problem is it's harder to tell the difference in these situations unless you can get a hold of the people involved in the tape.

>> No.1398233

Not that guy but I'm a pedophile because i like to fuck little girls

>> No.1398235


Because you started with the more realistic (read: hentai-realistic) furry porn and worked your way down the spectrum to peaches and cream style (Saturday morning cartoon-like), and now your brain just responds to what it thinks it should respond to if it will lead to sexual gratification (through masturbation or otherwise).

Fellow furfag here. We're all in the same boat.

>> No.1398238


>> No.1398250

not posted before, but I'll give my opinion here.
I do not think paedophiles should be allowed to operate (IE act) upon children in any circumstances. HOWEVER, I also think it's absolutely, vitally important that we put an alternative in, by providing a way for paedophiles to avert themselves from that kind of thing. My understanding is that this is possible for nearly all people in one way or another

>> No.1398252


And encourage freelance hobbyist molesters?

On a related note, this thread is now titled:

The Economics of Child Molestation: /sci/'s Analysis.

>> No.1398253

No one is actually born "gay". Everyone is Bi through out there whole life. For me i know i have a stronger attraction to girls because i actually get turned on by just looking at them.

>> No.1398256

I would get some psychiatric help, if I felt I was on the edge or something, but as I am not, I actually fear going to a shrink or something about it, in case they tell the cops or something.

Also, I dunno why I'm a pedo, never put much thought into it.

>> No.1398258

>but as it stands you can get convicted of possessing child porn for loli anime/computer generated stuff. which i don't really understand.
Not true in the US. Depends on the country.

Going back to OP's post, my big pet peeve is the usual all or nothing stance on homosexuality. Even people who are accepting of gay rights are skeptical of bisexuality, which just drives me bonkers. I'm legitimately attracted to both sexes, is that really so difficult to understand?

>> No.1398261

>gay thread
>devolves into pedo thread

>> No.1398264

That's tautology. Use it again and I'll work out a way to kill you with your computer.

>> No.1398270

Well the problem is you can't explicitly hurt child porn distribution without completely halting any downloading (ie: no one watches anymore cp or the internet is highly regulated)

>> No.1398274


Everyone isn't bi. People have a polymorphous attraction that can be inconsistent with their identity and the behavior they act out on, but it doesn't mean people have the potential to be equally attracted to men and women. I think everyone has the potential to be attracted to A man or A woman if they like the opposite, but that doesn't mean they are bisexual. Bisexual is an identity. You can have bisexual fantasies but be heterosexual in the way you live out your life and in your preferences of emotional attachments.

Everyone has potential to have those "exceptions", I think, but there are definitely people who are way more gay than they are anything else, or way more straight than anything else.

>> No.1398276

Eh, if they give it out for free anyway, they'd rape the kids anyway.
I really don't see how a change of laws there would make that much of a difference.

They'd still need to be just as secretive about it, since the police would be all over their ass in an instant, so...

>> No.1398277

So, your reason for being straight is you're attracted to women, and this is evidence you chose?


>> No.1398280


I hate the "Bisexuals are indecisive/greedy" stereotype.

>> No.1398282

You angry?

>> No.1398285

This is the problem with humans, as far as I can see: you get people afraid to seek help with bullying, financial difficulty, medical problems, this, virtually everything, because they are afraid of the repercussions- for them, or for their family.
It doesn't have to be this way, but because the people behind the desks never sit in front of them they don't seem to work it out.

>> No.1398290

Speaking of weird pedo-laws
In Norway, you can be arrested if the 80-year old in your porn is portraying a child.
No children need be involved
I shit you not, it's the law.
Don't think anyone's been busted for it, but damn.

>> No.1398291


Thank you. Everyone goes full on retard in these discussions. "you're born gay" "It's a choice" "bisexuals don't exist" "everyone is bi"

Why is everything so extreme?

Bisexuality is no doubt more common than we believe it to be.

But not everyone is bisexual.

>> No.1398295

do I sound it?

>> No.1398300

A tad bit.

>> No.1398303

OP here, this thread wasn't just made for talks on homosexuality, so discussions on paraphilias and strict weird fetishes that belong in psychopathia sexualis and pedophilia and heterosexuality and BDSM and bestiality and whatever all belong here.

It's just not surprising that CP got brought up so quickly. This is 4chan, after all.

>> No.1398305

in australia small breasted models and petite models in any kind of pornography are illegal.

>> No.1398313
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bisexuality is around the 3.4 homohms, so not that gay, but still measurable.

>> No.1398321

wouldn't a homohm be the resistance it has to gayness?

>> No.1398324

How can engineers have children?

>> No.1398334

>an actual debate about pedophilia and child porn
>no shitflinging from either side
what the fuck, 4chan?

>> No.1398336

Since chan attracts freaks all of the time, is there anyone who is actually above the age of 25 here and has ceased to be attracted to anything but fictional depictions of females?

Also, any autosexuals here? People who only like to masturbate but not engage in sex?

>> No.1398340

they marry a woman and fuck her if she complains too much, but they have gay lovers also.
it's not hard to understand

>> No.1398341

I don't know, I've never had an opportunity to find out ;_;

>> No.1398342

I fit the last description there.
Sex just isn't my thing.

>> No.1398347


Yeah, it's scaring me, too.

For the pedophilia debate, what do people feel on chemical castration for them?

>> No.1398346 [DELETED] 

they like it when you resist

>> No.1398348


It's probably safe to say that everybody interested in sex in this thread is only interested in theory.

>> No.1398362
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>> No.1398366

>>1398256 here again
I have no problem with such a solution.
It would obviously depend on how much evidence was presented during the trial, the severity of the crime, and shit like that, but all-round, I have no real problems with it.

>> No.1398371

It sounds good, BUT only on the condition it's used with permission. It's absolutely vital we don't exclude paedophiles as if they're some kind of dosease carrying vermin and try to address problems

>> No.1398383


>> No.1398390

Gays can adopt in some palces

>> No.1398393

I highly doubt something like that would work.

>> No.1398402

If homosexuality could be prevented in the womb before birth via some noninvasive procedure with no side effects to the mother or child, should it be done?

As a gayfag, I'm torn. I recognize that homosexuals cannot reproduce naturally so could be seen as something to be fixed, but then again, there's the fact gays don't pose any inherent threat to society and could be seen as an asset through contributions to culture at large.


This has been a troll free thread thus far, so jokes on me if you're not serious I guess.

I don't think anybody should be forcefully castrated unless they have a serious inheritable disease that dramatically affects quality of life or health; and then IT'S VERY QUESTIONABLE.

>> No.1398407
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I think the biological arguments should be dropped on the grounds of them being necessary. The argument should be "You cannot legislate my morality nor deny me an economic advantage [because positions love money arguments] because you think it's wrong even when I'm not harming anyone or infringing on their rights."

That being said, I believe there is a biological basis, probably developmental rather than genetic, AND that there is also a "nurture" component.

>> No.1398411
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*Unnecessary, not necessary

>> No.1398415

Choice of the parents, I say.
If they feel like having a straight kid, they'll get a straight kid, if not, they'll have a gay one.
No biggie

>> No.1398420


Damn it, 4chan. Can't I have one day you don't ruin?

>> No.1398422
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>> No.1398423

totally cropping out the "holy shit"-panel

>> No.1398426

>implying I was trolling.

>> No.1398433

my feelings about as a gayfag is that really we're overpopulated as a species any way so does homosexuality serve a greater natural purpose as a way to ween off a species? though that is a big departure from original subject

>> No.1398442


stop giving gays a bad name, nature doesn't have a mind.

>> No.1398445


But it's not possible to truly ensure your would-be child will be straight or gay, at least all of the time in their actions. All of that is just pop science political theorizing.

>> No.1398449


That's true, but it's important to recognize that the majority of population growth takes place in poorer nations, where homosexuality is suppressed on a societal basis and repressed on a personal basis.

In developed countries, where homosexuals have made significant advancements in civil rights, the population is stagnant or even decreasing.

>> No.1398451
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>> No.1398452

It was a hypothetical question, anyway, as demonstrated by the "if".

>> No.1398461

correlation != causation
just throwing that out there

>> No.1398470


I had a huge derp moment here. I did not mean to imply that homosexuals were causing populations of developed countries to wane. I was saying that eliminating homosexuality would not curb nonexistent population growth in the developed world.

>> No.1398481
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banned in the UK

>> No.1398499

Surprisingly even handed and civil discussion for 4chan. Civil discourse is dominated by totally excessive "think of the children" garbage, I guess everyone keeps their real thoughts quiet for fear of violating taboos.

Myself, I'm asexual-ish with a paraphelia (not pedo) that sorta precludes attraction to the opposite sex (or anything else biological, for that matter). I have a reasonable outlet for it, but I don't have a high sex drive anyway.

I can imagine that to have no socially acceptable sexual release would be torment. But no one's about to speak up and sympathize with pedos.

>> No.1398511

>but as it stands you can get convicted of possessing child porn for loli anime/computer generated stuff

I'm pretty sure the US Supreme Court decided that you can't be punished for that kind of stuff. But I'm not 100% sure on that, and I also don't know if you're even in the US.

>> No.1398518

Asexual here.
My pet peeve is about how stressed sex is as being extremely important. Sex education is important, but the act itself does not define you as a person. If you're careful/safe about who you sleep with, then why should the number of people you sleep with matter? Why should your lack of sexual experience matter?
I also think that, while your orientation is a part of who you are, it shouldn't define you.
/2 cents

>> No.1398520

>You cannot legislate my morality nor deny me an economic advantage [because positions love money arguments] because you think it's wrong even when I'm not harming anyone or infringing on their rights

This should be one of the first things taken into consideration when writing any laws.

>> No.1398534

>nor deny me an economic advantage

This one is up for discussion. Taxes, for example, are a necessary evil.

>> No.1398546

Asexual not by choice, I guess?

>> No.1398551


I think "gay" as an identity is less important now than it used to be. The gay culture partly arose as a sort of below-the-radar code. Aside from visibility purposes, it's not really necessary anymore.

>> No.1398558

yup. fancy word for virgin

>> No.1398595

Asexuality isn't a choice. There are times I wish I was sexual just to fit in better, but alas. I think you're thinking of celibacy.

Somewhat agreed, at least in more accepting nations. While things are getting better though, there are still those people who feel alone and oppressed in their own home/community, so that pride parades and togetherness acts at least as a sort of support group which they need emotionally.

>> No.1398599

Is now "asexual" the new excuse for being a virgin? What was before it, "I want to wait for the right person"?

>> No.1398610
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>excuse for being a virgin

Did you read the rest of his post?

>> No.1398618

I won't deny that some people will use it as an excuse. I guess their local society makes them think that's it's shameful to be a virgin so they try to make themselves feel better that way.

But, no. Plenty of asexuals are virgins. Plenty aren't. A lot found out they were asexual /because/ sex didn't do anything for them. Some, like myself, just aren't sexually attracted to anyone.

>> No.1398673

People who think Pedophilia is acceptable behavior just because they like it.

Even if you think you can't help it because you're wired in some way, you never have the right to have sex with someone below the legal age limit, I don't care. If you fuck a kid, it's rape, that is all.

>> No.1398681

Cool judgmentality, bro.
You're the first retarded faggot to wander into the thread.
I hope you're proud.

>> No.1398694


Nobody's advocating sex with kids, read the thread.

>> No.1398702


So are you saying that you have the right to have sex with people who are too young to make a decision for themselves? Would you be ok with having sex with a retarded person? Do you feel proud to be aroused by a 12 year old? Would you ever rape a child?

>> No.1398703


if this is true then why does the age of consent vary depending on where you are?

if it is so clearly defined like you say then wouldn't the age of consent be the same everywhere?

>> No.1398706


I didn't say anyone here was, but there are people out there who say it's ok to touch kids because they can't help it, and I think it's outright retarded.

>> No.1398710

What should the legal age limit be?

>> No.1398723


And that consensus has already been reached, the topic was what the ethical outlet would be, be it simulated pornography or otherwise.

>> No.1398735


WHOAH there, sailor.
No, I would not have sex with a kid.
Idunno about a retarded person, depends on the degree.
Do you feel "proud", of all possible things, about your sexuality?
Cause if you do, something is wrong with YOU.
And no, I would not rape a kid.

The judgmental part is you assuming that all pedophiles are rapists.
Just like it's judgmental to say "it isn't ok to be black, because shooting people is wrong".

>> No.1398744


Now you're making shit up, like thinking I said it was clearly defined. One thing I definitely know is, is that some countries and states are far more fucked up than others. Just because an Asian country legalizes 12 year old female sex slaves, that doesn't make the argument any more moral to the side of pedophilia. You have to realize that at certain ages, the development of the brain is still at an incredibly irrational and dependent point in it's life span, and pedophiles fail to take that into consideration. To simply say it's ok to have sex with someone at 12 years old, because other places say it's ok is completely selfish.

>> No.1398758


OK, you must not have read my post properly. The only part of that subject matter I put in that post was directed towards people who rape children, and you jumped to an emotional conclusion, so what's your problem?

>> No.1398775


I'm going to repeat one more time, nobody in this thread is advocating tolerance for sex with children, not even the admitted pedos. Reread the thread.

>> No.1398782
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An extremely poor understanding of sexuality all around. That it's binary, yes, but mainly a poor understanding of how the underlying roles engage in a relationship.

Almost everyone I meet accepts ridiculous, paranoid sexual jealousy that's experienced by most everyone, especially women, as a totally valid emotion of their own creation. They'd never do this same thing with any other emotion, they'd never run someone down with their car because they were angry but the equivalent reaction in terms of sexual jealousy is so vastly thought of as both acceptable and mercurial that if someone did run someone down with a car, sexual jealousy would top the list of motives, probably even above personal gain or psychopathy. This has wormed it's way into every part of culture everywhere, especially in the west where media is total shit. It shouldn't be perfectly okay for people to be irrationally paranoid about sex and sexual identity. People shouldn't AUTOMATICALLY break up when one cheats and ruin an otherwise fine relationship and everyone and their mother shouldn't run around pretending cheating or being cheated upon is some kind of "type" and that they wouldn't or have not done the same themselves. Most everyone would cheat and if not it's because they're so averse to hurting someone, but that hurt is totally fucking contrived.

Poor understanding of sexual cycles in life, too. Men aren't hornier and "men think about sex every X seconds" is IMPOSSIBLE and NOT A FACT. It's almost as bad as the "you only use 10% of your brain" myth. Men are horny early, women later, very easy mechanics as to why.

>> No.1398786


I wassn't even talking about pornography.


When the human being is at the average age where it can make a conscious decision. I would like to say that it should be with a case to case situation, because that would make everybody happy, but you couldn't plausibly do that. In other words, the age of consensus should be at the average determined age where individual thought can be at a reasonable degree of adulthood. So in this case, I'm sorry, but a number does count.

>> No.1398787

>People who think Pedophilia is acceptable behavior just because they like it.
is what you wrote, and what I read.

Upon further thought, I guess I just interpreted the sentence incorrectly, when it should probably have been more like
>People who think raping children is acceptable behavior just because they like it.

>> No.1398791


What moral argument can you make that isn't based on social convention? Our laws, moral codes, etc., age of consent, for example, are essentially decided collectively. One country having a lower age of consent doesn't make it their moral failure. That aside, large age discrepancies in sexual relationships are frowned upon more or less universally in the developed world.

Who the fuck is arguing for that anyway? Do you see it anywhere in this thread? Have you read the thread at all or did you just decide to chime in with your ever so welcome Bill O'Reilly opinion?

>> No.1398792
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Zero understanding of unconscious mating strategies, despite it being very simple. Women select, men are selected. Upon being selected she will do everything in her power to keep you, some women even become serial killers with their serial killer husbands. If she leaves you it's 90% you're failing to reciprocate and she thinks she's failing, most of the rest is absurd hysteria over cheating or some such. Once you understand she just wants to suck your dick so you'll never leave and take care of her kids, the rest is actually easy, you just have to get in the door. If men understood this they'd feel better about this over-hyped subject and lead better, more productive lives.

>> No.1398793

The way I see it is this;

IF marriage is a religious institution, then why are married couples allowed to get tax reductions and benefits and such from the government? If marriage is a religious institution, then its unconstitutional (also, why are atheists allowed to get married? but I digress...).

IF marriage is a federal legal contract, then by excluding people based on who they are, it is unconstitutional. By legally denying minorities fiscal and social opportunities, we are taking away their right to equality under the law.

So for those who want the whole gay marriage debate to end without legalizing it, I ask which would you prefer? The sanctity of marriage, or your money?

>> No.1398796

My sexual orientation is ... ... ...often

>> No.1398807


And I'll repeat, I wasn't even referring to people in this thread. I am referring to organisations like NAMBLA.

>> No.1398809

I suppose it should read, >the "sanctity" of marriage
because allowing gays to marry wont mar the sanctity of the institution any more than celebrity marriages that last a week, shotgun marriages that leave everyone unhappy, and marriages between inbred hicks in the deepest gully our wretched hive of a country has

>> No.1398816


You seem very enlightened. How did you come to these conclusions?

>> No.1398817

Dude... I think he just answered the OP...

>> No.1398819


Admittedly it's a construct, but don't you find the outrage-over-cheating thing to conveniently put bounds on things? It can make things a lot easier than "gee, I don't know how I feel about this". Sometimes a firm line drawn in the sand is useful, right?

Not really trying to argue in favor of freaking out, but, you know...

>> No.1398824


You need to refer to the second part of my post. And I wasn't arguing with anyone until someone jumped to the emotional conclusion that I was talking about people in this thread.


>> No.1398831


Some pedos do not actually want to have sex with a child; the pornography itself is just an effective outlet.

>> No.1398855

>by excluding people based on who they are

The law doesn't do that though. Everyone has the same rights to a marriage between a man and a woman.

>> No.1398862


Alright, this is getting completely retarded. Especially since you jumped to the emotional conclusion that I called drawn pornography unacceptable. Photographed and videotaped however, is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion, and should warrant a jailing of at least 20 years or more.

>> No.1398864
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leave it to an american to make irrational arguments with no evidence that are based on emotion and fear and ignorance.

dude, just stop, your making the rest of us 'murricans look bad.

>> No.1398873


And now you're just trolling me. Good job poster.

>if you disagree with a pedophile, you are FOOKING RETARDED.

>> No.1398879
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American culture represses these things. We have no cultural coming of age rituals. In fact, we don't really have any rituals, save for maybe poisoning ourselves when we turn 21, and even this isn't recognized by the majority of local culture as an important event. It's quite rebellious in nature. We have such a poor and quieting look on these topics that it creates a week bond between peoples in their varying ages.

We "lose" our virginity instead of "gaining" manhood. People become "elderly" being week and unwanted instead of becoming "elders" with wisdom and experience to guide the youth. There are no rite of passages into states of being within our culture. And yet, immense pressure is placed upon us to perform certain ways. Unfortunately this leads to outcasting groups of youth attempting to become greater than what they are and they can find themselves in gangs, doing hard drugs, or other disastrous behavior, all with a desire to advance to a higher stage of cultural acceptance.

We need more acceptance of each other for starters. We're so independent and afraid of each other. We pack our grandparents up and send them to daycare; we pack our kids up and send them to daycare. We don't welcome troops back as humans but shun them as terrors of bad ideals.

Those are my thoughts...

>> No.1398882

keep on truckin'

>> No.1398885

thats very narrow thinking.

Men and women marry because they love eachother. Gay men dont love women, and do not wish to marry them. Gay women do not love men and do not wish to marry them.

These laws take what people want to do and make it illegal, and when what the people want to do doesnt hurt anyone, doesn't infringe on anyones rights, and doesn't cause harm to society at all, yet is still illegal, then it violates their right to pursue happiness, and renders them unequal in the eyes of the law.

Its like if chocolate was illegal, and vanilla was the only flavor you were allowed to have. You really want chocolate, but the government says you cant do it because chocolate is "immoral" and that eating chocolate ice cream will "destroy the fabric of society". When it is obvious that eating chocolate doesnt hurt anyone, and can in fact be beneficial to individuals and society at large, why outlaw it?

>> No.1398901


Rodger wilco

But Jesus,

>say fucks like people in NAMBLA are wrong

>people act like I hate people who whack off to porn.


>> No.1398902

I didn't say it should be illegal. I'm just saying, in your example, if chocolate was illegal, no one would consider it discrimination, because it applies to everyone. Just look at marijuana. The fact that it's illegal only affects those who want to use it, but no one considers that a form of discrimination.

>> No.1398920

well, part of pedophilic behaviour is, believe it or not, masturbation to children.
So actually, that's EXACTLY what you fucking said.

>> No.1398922

On another side note. I don't even know why there is still an argument about gay marriage, and from a religious stand point, why the fuck do I care? And especially from a patriotic stand point, it pisses me off that it's not legal just because religious people want it that way. Fuck. What ever the hell gets gay people to stop acting like they are the most victimized people in society. (I've seriously been told that gay marriage ban is worse for them than slavery was to blacks and native Americans.)

>> No.1398925

not at all. its just that your a fucking moron.

heres why:
>People who think Pedophilia is acceptable behavior just because they like it.
Hey guess what, eating brownies is acceptable behavior because you like it. This sentence is retarded.

>you never have the right to have sex with someone below the legal age limit
except, you know, if your like within 3 or 4 years of their age. I think thats a law in the majority of states, and it makes sense too. A 19 y.o. getting legally labelled a pedophile for sleeping with his 17 y.o. girlfriend? what the hell?

>I didn't say anyone here was, but there are people out there who say it's ok to touch kids because they can't help it
lol no. The huge majority of pedophiles are ashamed of their urges. Im not saying they cant control themselves, im saying that they often feel terrible about their actions.

>Photographed and videotaped however, is absolutely unacceptable in my opinion, and should warrant a jailing of at least 20 years or more.
No, this is not how a just law should work. Producers of child pornography are committing a crime, but people should be allowed to look at whatever they want. Looking at child porn doesnt hurt anyone. You may think its sick, and so do I, but that doesnt mean it should be illegal. Producing it can be very harmful however, and that should stay illegal.

>> No.1398926


Mainly evolutionary psychology shows these mechanisms pretty clearly, though it naturally cannot publicly say what I do. But also personal experience and careful observation of people and trends in media. It's important to understand young women are overvalued in society and the bachelor male, provided there's nothing too wrong with him, becomes a commodity. The female transitions from a passive strategy to "land yourself a husband" mode around age 28-34 depending on the individual.

I mean, there's exceptions everywhere, but this is mostly how it works. I think people, young men especially, as they tend to be very anxious on this subject, would feel better if they knew. Moreover, there's little need to actively strategize beyond "dpn't be fat, have a job" - women are attracted to motivated, powerful men. In their youth they have a poor concept of what this means and date asshole after asshole until they grow up, where the guy is busy lusting after fertile looking girls regardless of personality or intellect.


True, I just don't think it should be so strong that it merits automatic and lifelong distrust, nor "cheater" or "cheated upon" be considered "types" of people who are doing something wrong. Often-times it is a signal of deterioration but it's far from impossible to fix.

>> No.1398940
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Capped because wisdom. Lolis ad-blocked because I don't know when or where I'll use this.

>> No.1398945
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You know what? I'm just going to end this conversation with a big fat fuck you, because it's the internet, and none of this shit is of any consequence to me at all. You outright refuse to read my elaborations on a statement that shouldn't really even be cared about at all, and you jumped to an emotional conclusion that shows your own emotional insecurity as a whole. So good day and fuck you.

>> No.1398948
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>> No.1398955

but that enables them, just like pirating games enables the game companies to make more

>> No.1398960

you cant discriminate against an object. thats just silly.

In this case however, its not a substance that is outlawed, its other people. When you outlaw people from recognizing their relationship legally, while other people can recognize their relationship legally just because theyre with someone of the opposite gender boils down exactly to discrimination.

>> No.1398972

>arrive late to a discussion
>hey, this guy is a fucking retard, i'll make a post, telling him where he's wrong
>oh, here's his reply now


And Americans wonder why the rest of the world think they're all asshats...

>> No.1398983
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Another cap. This is the best thread on /sci/ in awhile.

>> No.1398988

/sci/ - miracles every day

>> No.1398997


And once again, somebody completely took everything I said out of context, and didn't even bother to read over the rest. And I'm sorry, I totally disagree with you over your ideas about buying and masturbating to filmed and photographed child pornography. Believe it or not, there is an industry for this, and they SELL that material. Watching someone on screen rape a crying child and getting off on it is monstrous, and I don't really care what your opinion of my opinion is.

>> No.1399002
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didn't you say you were going to leave?

>> No.1399008


Did you actually read any of my posts? they are right there for you to go look, you know what fuck this. I don't need to explain anything to you, all you need to look for is in the rest of the thread, and you're being a jack ass about it.

>> No.1399009

lol he didnt take anything out of context. he argued against your irrational points, and instead of politely but sternly arguing back and refuting him, you whine and scream and make a fuss about how no one understands you and how no one respects you.

seriously, your acting like a 13 year old girl whose mad that her parents took her cell phone away.

>> No.1399014


Nope, just that nothing here is of any consequence.

>> No.1399019
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>> No.1399020


Welp, there goes this thread.

>> No.1399025
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I just hope that someone reads it, like you, and feels like they understand something better. The fact that you get it makes me feel less alone on this earth.

>> No.1399028
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>> No.1399029

I motherfucking CALLED IT

>> No.1399031
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>So good day and fuck you.

This is recognized as a farewell in many western cultures.

>> No.1399038


>> No.1399039
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>> No.1399042
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Well then I guess you must not know very much about western cultures.

>> No.1399047
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lulz its funny because its like exactly what he said like five minutes ago when i quoted his dumb ass for being a shitfuck

>> No.1399049

• GOOD DAY (noun)
The noun GOOD DAY has 1 sense:

1. a farewell remark

damn, son

>> No.1399052
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>> No.1399059

oh my god your retarded

"so good day"




>> No.1399060
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Good day to you, motherfucker.

>> No.1399105

so...much...fail...and he just keeps posting!

>> No.1399149
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Just like you do!


>> No.1399191

To my fellow Americans: Cursing does not make your sentence more powerful, insulting someone does not make you right, being the first to get angry/one who gets the most angry does not mean you win. I swear, does anyone on this continent ever grow up beyond middle school emotional level?

>> No.1399221

yea pretty much
typical tripfag

>> No.1399258
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Middle schoolers are quite developed in their emotions. I recall my early teens to be full of intense experiences with a wide range of emotion, so I don't understand what you mean by this? Perhaps there is a different mindset you are trying to address at these writers.

Perhaps we had different childhoods too, who knows.

>> No.1399332


I agree with this except the bottom. Not everyone would cheat. I do think the ethical crucifying of cheaters is ridiculous and sometimes a relationship can recover and sometimes people deserve another chance and it's up to those involved to decide, not everyone else screaming in paranoia about it. It just makes them paranoid about their own relationship, that's why.

But I am someone who finds it very easy to be monogamous and very easy to be loyal to someone I'm in a relationship with. I recognize I'm in a minority and I don't feel better about it. I also recognize this might not hold true for me always and forever.

>> No.1399352
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Oh man, look at this, more shit nobody cares about anymore.

>> No.1399367

you do, thou~

>> No.1399378
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I'm not the one who brought it back up.

>> No.1399388

you're the one keeping it here :3

>> No.1399404
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>you're the one keeping it here :3

>> No.1399452

God damnit everything went to shit when you showed up "CAPTAIN AMERICA". Your first post made you sound like a prick and to boot you also said pedophiles when you meant child molesters which sent everything to shit.

>> No.1399471
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And so I am responsible for other people misinterpreting the things I say and being total douche waffles?

>> No.1399498

"hurr gays are unnatural
>list of animals in nature that are gay
durr animals eat babies so you saying thats ok because its natural?"

oversimplified on/off talking about a gay gene followed by claiming evolution proves gay is a choice (is there a straight gene? bi gene? gene(s),... such an ametur understanding of evolution)

>> No.1399507

when your elephant is carved the coffe cup motorbike, yes.

>> No.1399509


I'm actually the same way. I don't really get how anyone could expend that much effort when they can already probably have sex at will with their partner, but I'm not a very motivated or extroverted person. Studying it I've found it's usually spur of the moment unless a relationship is degenerating and the person isn't breaking it off, which I think is where "affairs" come from. That said, spur of the moment is relative, oftentimes a person will simply attempt to poach the mate of another and this process involves a fairly high degree of manipulation and some people are, let's face it, just more easily manipulated even if they are otherwise very good people. There have been detailed studies of extant mating strategies and mate poaching is far and away much more commonly attempted, and more often successful, by females. A healthy, motivated man past age 30 or 35 in particular is a commodity commanding such behavior.

I suppose I gripe about this because I was cheated on by someone I was still in love with, for a long time "friends" suggested I was just the sort of guy who "got cheated on" because I'm not OVERTLY and PURPOSEFULLY masculine and aggressive with women. My views on modern masculism aside, since they could fill way too much space, it turned out the problem was entirely on her end and had way more to do with childhood trauma and whatnot than anything I did. She grew up in a family where divorce and single motherhood was the rule rather than the exception across this group of her mother and her sisters, she just believed relationships couldn't possibly last 10 years as ours almost did. She had been cheating on me so that I would break up with her and "not feel bad" and her plan went totally awry when I did not respond this way. I'm glad that I stood my ground and was secure in myself because now we're very close friends, we'd probably even sleep together if she thought I would.

>> No.1399531


And when the monkey slaps the horse jar, the cow farts.

>> No.1399549

I don't think you quite understood what I said, but that's because you took it out of context.

When you use completely incorrect terms, a conversation is impossible.
Especially so when you refuse to acknowledge that your terminology was incorrect.
Hence the elephant carving a coffecup motorbike

>> No.1399563


>blah blah blah blah I think I'm making a clever rebuttal.

>> No.1399604


I don't like you. Tripfags ruin everything.

>> No.1399626


Well good for you.