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File: 27 KB, 300x375, Hitler_080401095910432_wideweb__300x375.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1397716 No.1397716 [Reply] [Original]

Who vants to hear mine solution?

>> No.1397724

i know you probably thought this would be funny, but it isn't

>> No.1397744

Speak up.

>> No.1397749


>> No.1397747

this seems promising...

>> No.1397752

The LAST solution you had was a gun to your face.

>> No.1397783

We already have enough solutions for mining, thanks anyway.

>> No.1397786

Your solution is the best solution fuher

>> No.1397794

Only if it's a good polar solvent

>> No.1397798

Feel bad for the Jews, man. They have the longest history of oppression. For over 4000 years they have been killed and enslaved. They are still being oppressed to this day. It is unfortunate that I have to endure living in a time that pre-dates equality. This is how our time period is going to go down in history- Racial Inequality (1900 B.C.E - 2274 C.E)

>> No.1397816

>arsepained jewfag
At least YOU aren't persecuted. Now go hide in an oven or something.

>> No.1397836

Do you realize that 11 million people died in the holocaust. You are neglecting to recognize the 5 million non-jews who were also killed.

>> No.1397856

Lets say Hitler wasn't racist and didn't kill all those Jews/Polishfags and such. What inexplicable ways would history be changed?

>> No.1397877

Was he still nationalist?

>> No.1397881


I'm a white American. I'm an atheist but pretend to be protestant when I need to, which makes me "mainstream". So as a white, mainstream American I get to look objectively at oppression and conclude that the Jews have had it worse than pretty much everyone else, and they are still enduring it.

>> No.1397885

Yes, mein fuhrer.

>> No.1397895

Germany would rise to a world power and German Jews would be ruling the earth.

>> No.1397904

Blacks hate Jews.

Blacks > Jews

Black is master race and Jews suck dicks.

>> No.1397915

Blacks bitch about being slaves more than Jews ever did

>> No.1397917

>and they are still enduring it.

>> No.1397923

Germany IS a world power, you fucking idiot. It's the most powerful economy in all of Europe but Jews wouldn't have the holocaust card to get anywhere to guilt white men of European ancestry. Jews would fail like always if it wasn't for Hitler giving them the most powerful tool agianst anyone in history. VICTIM CARD

>> No.1397933

stfu, bitch.

blacks have always had it worse, ever. JEWS were the ones who enslaved blacks like always, fucking jews man... never trust shit they say, nothing but the most racist people on earth after white folk.

>> No.1397936


Way to not know anything about the world you live in. May want to go back to /b/ if science isn't your thing.

>> No.1397950

In the US they run Hollywood and most media entertainment.
But in the middle east Jews are still throwing it down:

>> No.1397970
File: 47 KB, 655x560, 1220919643615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JEWS were the ones who enslaved blacks

>> No.1397971


You too, way to know nothing about the world you live in. The Jews were enslaved by the Egyptians thousands of years before blacks were enslaved by non-blacks.

>> No.1397982
File: 93 KB, 452x580, o_Yuu4F7ovTwFl9zE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you find your way in here?
Jews make better slaves. Blacks are fukin useless

>> No.1398007

Google it.

>> No.1398021

I just thought of this today. Combine a black with a jew and what do you get? A white. Jews are cheap bastards while blacks spend their money as soon as they get it. Blacks are athletic while jews are slow and uncoordinated. Blacks break laws while Jews make them. Average it all out and you get a marginally fiscally responsible, marginally athletic, law abiding citizen... your typical white average joe.

>> No.1398033


The more relevant fact remains that the Jewish people were oppressed and enslaved by outsiders far before African blacks were. The Jews have had it rough, now get over it.

>> No.1398030

Portuguese and Spanish, derp.

>> No.1398093
File: 95 KB, 1041x789, ooops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1398107


Quite possibly the best Jew joke I've ever encountered. Thanks.

>> No.1398110

They are having a great time in the US, but life sucks dicks over in the middle east.

>> No.1398118

>implying evidence of jews being enslaved by egytians
>implying jews didn't have black slaves

>> No.1398150

>implying the consensus of the vast majority of archaeologists isn't evidence

>> No.1398166

I asked for evidence, please cite your source.

>> No.1398190

Archaeologists and Historians? The fuck are you getting your info from the rap lyrics, fuck off nigger.

>> No.1398201

The burden of proof is on you.
You claimed that jews were enslaved by egytians.
Please give me a reliable source.

>> No.1398211

gotta be watchin out for dat dere illuminati nigga day is taken over da world

>> No.1398216

cool evidence, bro

>> No.1398221

If it was an accepted view it should be trivial to provide a source.

>> No.1398241

What do you want me to find reports from a college database on something that known.

If show then show me the proof that blacks were even enslaved in the first place, and that black women didn't willingly get knocked up by white men?

>> No.1398257


Read up on Merneptah. He said something referencing a previous conquest of Israel and it is assumed that Jews were enslaved at this time. Merneptah didn't think highly of Israel or the Jews.

>> No.1398262

>that black women didn't willingly get knocked up by white men
I never said that.
>show then show me the proof that blacks were even enslaved in the first place
Do you plan on showing me any evidence?

Thank you, someone who is actually willing to help.

>> No.1398281

ITT: make shit up and refuse to provide source because there isn't one

>> No.1398495

The only good times the Jews had was in the pre-400 C.E. secular Roman Empire.

>> No.1398532


You know what? Fuck the Christians. They fucked up Jewish society bad. The Romans were awwwwwwwright. The idea that a messiah would come for the Jewish people was their undoing.

>> No.1398552
File: 60 KB, 1007x639, niggeslaveroots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking worthless niggers.

They're STILL enslaving one another. Slavery is older than recorded history but niggers were the first to ever enslave anyone. They enslaved their own and sold them like cattle.

Do not belittle the suffering of Jews, you worthless monkeys. You haven't done shit compared to Jews and never will.

>> No.1398567
File: 99 KB, 325x325, Our sign.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear niggers,

Please kill yourselves you shit looking wastes of space.

>> No.1398607

Whats funny is, the descendants of the slaves are much better off than if their ancestors had not been taken to America, both financially quality of life wise and due to the fact that trying to breed "super slaves" lead to a black population with many more natural athletes meaning African Americans now dominate most sports.

>> No.1398640

sup /new/

>> No.1398655

Don't you mean /jew/?

>> No.1398657


>> No.1399310

Aww I wish my ancestors were slave

oh wait they were (jews built the pyramid)

>> No.1399360
File: 27 KB, 299x350, mossad-seal1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews are trolling us science the holocaust