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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1397409 No.1397409 [Reply] [Original]

I work at a research lab, and some new guy got hired, I asked him what his qualifications were, and he graduated top of his class in microbiology in UCLU.

I was pleased, until I saw him wearing a cross (a tiny one) I asked him if he believed in that shit, he replied "I'm not a christian, But I do believe in a god, This cross was given to me by my wife, who happens to be religious"

Needless to say I don't talk to him, and asked for him to be transferred, don't need that stupid shit muddling up the lab.

>> No.1397418

this has to be a troll

>> No.1397416

To be honest, that's kind of ignorant. As long as he doesn't spout his shit what's the harm?

>> No.1397426

indeed, it is

>> No.1397422

The harm is anti-intellectualism, you see, Atheism is by default 100 percent correct.
Theist are believing in god because they're weak minded delusional fools, that have no place in the lab, the fact that you're honestly defending him makes me believing that you're a weak atheist.

>> No.1397428

Op here, Why do you call this a troll? are you apologetics?

>> No.1397429
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clever girl, OP


is where you fucked up. more details in story might be nice

>> No.1397436

Op here, the details are basically this, the guy is liked by my boss (who happens to be a fucking theist too) and he seems pretty okay from what I hear (but me and some other guy are the only gnostic atheist here, so the views are skewed) I'm still waiting on the transfer request.

>> No.1397443

Shut the fuck up, we all know what you want.

Sage this shit to infinity and beyond.

>> No.1397447


I would have done the same. Good choice, OP.

>> No.1397449

What I want is people to see that theist are incapable of rational thought, and if they do happen to be scientist well they're delusional fools for clinging to old beliefs, which makes them weak minded.

>> No.1397458

>do the pracs
>call him on any bullshit
>become less of a faggot


>> No.1397469
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>> No.1397467

>Do the pracs
What? is that something christfags do or something?

>> No.1397477
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cool story bro

>> No.1397488
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>> No.1397491

Nice hate crime OP

>> No.1397497
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good thinking

>> No.1397499

look around you jesusfreak, you're not a race and everyone loves me for what I did.

>> No.1397503

Sure isn't samefag in here

>> No.1397510
File: 45 KB, 347x346, 1277894604221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds good to me

>> No.1397550


>> No.1397555

StOp ATTAcking_wwW.ANOdoNUTstAlk.se_rEPlACE doNUTs_with N
ayfvmbux ytln phi dad rmfhtejorlkzknq

>> No.1397580
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>> No.1397579


>> No.1397584

I see you've won the prize for outstanding achievement in the field of being sort of a dick

>> No.1397586

you are a tremendous faggot
but this is a troll thread

>> No.1397597

atheist can't be dicks because at least we have evidence for our stance.

>> No.1397604

in b4 that "theist" guy ends up being much more hard working and analytical than this op faggot

>> No.1397608
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>> No.1397618

doesn't matter, he'd still be a theist.

>> No.1397634
File: 70 KB, 335x294, shg_EpicWinAli.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good job OP!

>> No.1397650

Holy shit, sure is samefag in here

And now we see where /sci/ yet again goes down the shitter, where what used to be a decent board became troll infested, and what used to be a respectably trolling opportunity turned into lazy samefagging

>> No.1397657
File: 107 KB, 800x600, 1277414013359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please cum in my mouth, I must taste the cum of champions

>> No.1397669
File: 24 KB, 498x497, smile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm ok with this

>> No.1397681

At time of posting, this thread was (conservatively) 39% samefagging OP

>> No.1397683
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>> No.1397690

>Research lab, microbiology
>bio fags
well not shit, 90% of biofags are fucking stupid, including OP.

>> No.1397696
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>> No.1397704

mundanerunofthemillfailtroll.png x 100

>> No.1397706

gnostic atheists are just as stupid as agnostic AND gnostic theists.
if anything, some gnostic theists could have given shit a bit more thought, seeing as they could have, as unlikely as it is, have gotten a revelation or some shit.
as an atheist, you will never actually KNOW, therefore gnosticism is equal to retardation

In short, you, OP, are fucking retarded.

>> No.1397737

>just as stupid as every possible orientation

>> No.1397791

>thinks agnostic atheism was mentioned
agnostic atheism has merit
"i have not seen sufficient proof, therefore i don't think a god exists, but it might, for all i know"

>> No.1397806


I read it as agnosticism. Either way, the debate is tired.

If you spend your whole life devoted to a belief (or your lack of belief), you might as well be religious because then you can actually make friends.