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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 323 KB, 1515x1218, Mariner_2_in_space.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1396067 No.1396067 [Reply] [Original]

What are you looking forward to in the next twenty years?

>> No.1396077

My career, plus whatever else you scientists cook up.

>> No.1396082

Computers that can rival the power of the human brain

>> No.1396090

The sweet embrace of merciful death.

>> No.1396089

hydrogen cars
moon base


>> No.1396133

Pretty much this.

Now to just fap...and wait.

>> No.1396144

Finishing University

Starting my Career

Getting married

Having children

>> No.1396158


Jackhammering this guys' wife while he is away at work.

>> No.1396174
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I'd like to see you try.

>> No.1396197


Oh shit, a chimp.

No way man.

All yours, ain't fuckin' with no Superhuman Chimpanzees.

>> No.1396201

Getting a 20gb graphics card that can play tomorrows games.

by then the graphics will be more real than they are already.

Grand Theft Auto 6 will be amazing

And so will Mario 25

And Metal Gear Plasma.

Definately getting a 3d hologram projector when they are affordable

>> No.1396209
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the final collapse of the british empire?

>> No.1396217

DirectX 13.

iPad Wireless Dildonator.

Our first Muslim presid...oh...fuck

>> No.1396218

>implying theres anything left

>> No.1396240

Well if World War 3 happens we'll all be hideously mutated or being boring bastards in your mums basement (assuming you remembered to lead shield it right?)

Even if it does happen, there will be pockets of relatively low radiation in mountainous valleys etc.

>> No.1396249


touchè salesman, touche

>> No.1396250

Basic computer that can play Crysis on max settings
Cheap electric cars and higher speed limits due to better safety
Medical advances that can compensate for smoking weed errday
Career, etc.

>> No.1396257

A program on MTV called 'Retro Paradise!' playing all the shit music we listen to now.
IN 3D!

>> No.1396273

uhh britain?

>> No.1396269
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>implying Gaga is shit music

>> No.1396271

I'm still confident that no one will drop an expensive nuclear weapon on my insignificant shithole of a country.

>> No.1396280

Introduction of human-level AI and robotics
Wireless electricity mainstream
Semi-realistic virtual environments and gaming worlds
World movement of getting robots to do jobs (Post-scarcity movement)

>> No.1396288

Optimist in me:

- Hopefully a very high rate of cancer curing.
- Maybe the first humans on mars (I'll quit my job to watch the live feed at home, if I have to).
- Probably not, but the discovery of an extra solar planet with ozone.
- Getting close to solving the energy problem.

Pessimist in me:

- Almost all animals extinct.
- Toxic atmosphere in certain, very highly poluted parts of the world.
- Religion stronger than ever. Pure hatred filled conflicts.
- Probably a new nuclear arms crisis.
- Police states.
- Pretty much the movie Children of Men.

Realist in me:

Everything will be exatly the same, but I'll be older.

>> No.1396291

>human level AI
>20 years

Keep dreaming nigger

>> No.1396301
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Sexbots baby!

>> No.1396311


Ah this.

>> No.1396339


>> No.1396369
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Sophisticated brain computer interfaces. Advanced prosthesis rivaling if not surpassing human capabilities.

Ghosts inside of shells.

>> No.1396396

Probably not, but hopefully ;_;

>> No.1396415

possible death

>> No.1396429

The continuation of mankind downfall into another massive war.

Hopefully I'll be in it and hopefully we'll have mass accelerator weaponry.

Seriously even a gauss cannon, just something a kin to Kinetic Bombardment.

>> No.1396456
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Two words......

Robot. Wives.

>> No.1396465


I don't think you'll ever see another real army-vs-army-war again.

>> No.1396476


Heh....what is it Sagan said..."two men standing in a pool of gasoline....one with three matches the other with five"

>> No.1396480

We will, trust me there's a big one lurking.

What with soldiers defecting from the Best Korea to china, the South getting all antsy, Israel and the like being douche bags, there's so many opportunities.

>> No.1396484


Seriously guys; I'm paraphrasing here, someone crack out Cosmos and go quote hunting.

>> No.1396485


A whole fuckton of new problems.

>> No.1396494


One solution:



>> No.1396498



>> No.1396496
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There is only one army.

>> No.1396508


From my understanding, there are no resources to be gained from any of those countries fighting each other (correct me if I'm wrong) If they did have a falling out they'd resort to icbms or biological terrorism. It's much easier to just introduce a virus into a country you hate then to mobilize hundreds out thousands of troops, machinery, supplies, etc. If you covertly introduce a population killing virus then nobody really knows who is responsible for it and you reduce the risk of retaliation from other outside forces. The old ways of warfare are just incredibly inefficient.

>> No.1396524

Hopefully a decline in religion.

It seems in today's modern world the younger generation has more disbelief of religion than the older people right now. When they die off we'll have a gradual increase in atheism.

It's almost a shame that in year 2300 middle schoolers will be saying to their History teachers "so they had all this technology, space travel, medicine, but they still believed in gods?"

We think neanderthals were relatively stupid. Future man will think the same of us.

Oh wait this is about the next 20 years. fuck.


>> No.1396542

Spending does not an army make.

North korea's army could deliver quite a punch to anything america throws in it's way, it would be back to the type of fighting that was saw in the Battle of the Somme.

They would lose, but it wouldn't be easy for America to deliver the killing blow.

>> No.1396545

I want to virtually shag Raymona.

>> No.1396546

Does north korea even have the capability to reach the united states with missles yet? pretty sure they don't.

>> No.1396550


DIdn't they manage to get one like a few hundred miles off the coast of Alaska once?

>> No.1396556

Is North Korea so fanatical that with every single strike on their nation and their people they will be further galvanised to destroy every foreign soldier that hits their soil?

Yes, yes I think so.

>> No.1396559

The entire biotech / genetic engineering industry. I mean, shit. Strap the fuck in, this is going to be awesome.

>> No.1396566
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Pic related.

>> No.1396579

This, tissue engineering/regenerative medicine for the fucking win.

>> No.1396583

quantum computers
further understanding into the higgs
gravity manipulation

>> No.1396589

Well, that's fine, assuming they're given the chance to properly fight back. I don't think they would but it doesn't matter since it's all hypothetical. I'm not trying to start an American superiority thread. Sp has them covered.
Yes they did but fuck Alaska anyway. Just send a nuclear sub Korea's way.

>> No.1396631
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I want to be able to smoke and not worry about cancer

>> No.1396652

the worlds ending in 2 years man

>> No.1396672
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>> No.1396694

breaching the inter-universal barrier and every posthuman having several of their own universes to play with

>> No.1396711


bitches dont no bout mah artificial lungs

>> No.1396713

We've already done this...

>> No.1396770

Not gonna' happen.

In the next twenty years I expect things to be almost like they are today. I expect cars not to be hovercars, or all electric, but to use either a new fuel source/ get more gas to the mileage/ et cetera. I expect a shit load of problems around the world to occur.
I don't expect new technology that lets you live for about a thousand years.
I don't expect advanced virtual games. I expect games to have better graphics and for there to be more multiplayer games where you connect with people on the net.
I expect that nearly every movie will be in 3D simply because the producers want to make an extra buck a person.
I do not expect a ton of holographic shit. The basics, yes. But nothing like from back to the future.
I do not expect there to be robots capable of doing all your choirs for you.
I expect that there will be cheaper ways to generate electricity than what we have know.

I general, I do not expect a load of science-fiction. That's for /m/ and /tv/.

>> No.1396782

Diablo III
Pokemon white/black

>> No.1396797


e-cigarettes are lame

I buy big bags of cheap tobacco and do acid/base extractions to get pure nicotine. cut it down to 3-5% with powdered multivitamin pills and some caffeine. then just blow lines like a boss.

>> No.1396802
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Haha, by my calculations we are all going to die horribly!

>> No.1396829
File: 154 KB, 454x315, holyshit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no "too good to be true" or "too horrible to be true" in reality, only matter and energy.

In other words? When it looks like technology isn't going to go places, it probably isn't going to go places. When it looks like technology is going to go places, it's probably going to go places. Right now, it looks like it's gonna go places. Pic related.

>> No.1396836

I think people are over-exaggerating the potential.

>> No.1396849

4chan would probably be gone in 20 years.

However anonymous will be more alive then ever.

The Internet will cease to be lawless.

>> No.1396861


I think some people are most definitely doing that with computing technology and especially A.I., yes - and by some people I mean the singularitans and all of their bros all up in Silicon Valley. I don't think that everything will be exactly the fucking same twenty years from now.

>> No.1396867

>The Internet will cease to be lawless.

God I hope it doesn't become like television.

>> No.1396868
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I've been there... lots of times!!!!

>> No.1396886

watching the world burn

>> No.1396888


>The Internet will cease to be lawless.

That's inevitable.

>> No.1396922

Explain what you mean by this.

>> No.1396980

global depopulation and nuclear war.

>> No.1396990

As online activity becomes even more integrated with our lives and important economic activity, more laws and stronger enforcement will be necessitated.

>> No.1397067

That's not terribly specific. I mean, what sort of laws?