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1396724 No.1396724 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else seem to get smarter or do better based on class difficulty.

Just got my grades for this semester:

Linear Algebra: A++ (Over 100%, highest grade in class)
Calculus II: A+
Organic Chemistry II: A
English II: B+
IDC 200: A

Compare this to some of my other grades:

Gen Chem I: B-
Gen Chem II: B+
Calculus I: C (that's right. I got a 30 something on a test)
University Physics I: B+
University Physiscs II: B+

>> No.1396729
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Well done my tasty little lemon drop.

Now go build an atom smasher in your garage.

>> No.1396732

>English II: B+

Clearly you are still too stupid

>> No.1396737

What college do you go to? I had similar grades and got to transfer to Cornell for engineering.

... you're an engineer right?

>> No.1396736

Clarification, I'm not bragging about grades, I'm wondering if anyone else seems to do better as classes get harder.

After my first semester, my advisor told me after getting a C calculus that maybe a math minor wasn't for me.

>> No.1396740


>> No.1396749
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>University Physiscs II: B+


>> No.1396763
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>> No.1396765


No, I'm now a Chemistry/Physics double major

I started Chem major/math minor, then Chem major/physics minor, now I'm Chem/Physics majors with math minor

>> No.1396838

I graduated very close to top of my class, had a 3.8 in electrical engineering and anyone over 3.6 was top 5%. The lowest grade on my transcript is an art class, got a 2.8 I think. It was actually a drawing class with nude models that sounded awesome my freshman year.

Everything else was 3.6 or higher with majority 4.0; it is likely I would have gotten first in class if I hadn't taken that damn art class.

>> No.1396850


in b4 uncreative troll says something along the lines of "probably because it was all female models derp"

>> No.1396874

English I & II: A
Biology I: B+
Biology II: A-
Gen. Chem I: A
Gen. Chem II: A+
Org. Chem I: A+
Calculus I: A
Calculus II: A+
Stats: B+

>> No.1396905


So Yah, I guess I stepped up my game as they got harder, could be that I realized that I need to work harder, but started smoking pot in 2nd semester too, and marks got higher, WTF...

>> No.1396894

linear algebra and calculus shouldn't be considered difficult

>> No.1396914

What were your grades in HS like? And what uni did you go to?

>> No.1396925

Probably cause it was all male models and you couldn't stop staring at their dicks with jealousy, because of your own inadequacies, and lust.

>> No.1396932

>over 100%

>> No.1396940

And I'm out.

>> No.1396964


83% Average over the three years (Canadafag)

And thats at the University of Alberta

>> No.1396973

You're comparing freshman level classes with soph/junior level classes. Of course you get better grades later, it's the same for everyone. They fuck up at first, then they get over it and put their shit in gear.

>> No.1396989


In my calculus 1 and 2 classes the instructor curved all tests to 5 points *below* the highest score. With the way everything was weighted and since I aced every test with my ti-89 I walked in to the final exam of both classes knowing that as long as I scored 20% or higher I would get the highest possible grade (4.0) in the class.

I just finished the first couple pages of both tests and then peaced out, everyone staring at me thinking I had finished the test already. Shit was pretty cash.

>> No.1397004

They let you use calculators on the exams!? ;( That must have been nice.

>> No.1397011

No not really. Been at the top of my class ever since I declared my major. Prolly gonna graduate with a 4.0 in a few LOLz

>> No.1397022

i have the same issue, i feel as though i actually try harder in classes that i find more challenging, as opposed to classes i think are easy, that and i pay less attention to shit i do not find challenging because i feel i already know this shti.

>> No.1397073

> I aced every test with my ti-89
lol, wtf kind of school has you using calculators
>as long as I scored 20% or higher I would get the highest possible grade
does most of the classes wear hockey helmets everywhere they go? this could be a sign

>> No.1397121


It had nothing to do with the other people in the class, I just got a 100/95 on every test and those extra 5 points added up, along with the fact that I only needed a 96% in the class to get a 4.0 and overall I only needed 20% on the final.

>> No.1397129

You get more money for worse grades.

>> No.1397851


I made hundreds on two tests, very high 90's on the other two, and each test was curved a slight bit, and so was the final grade. Because most of the rest of the classes were derp, I got above 100% after curve

>> No.1397865

What's wrong with using calculators for calculus? They won't make the derivations any easier.

>> No.1397886


Because with 89's, you can easily check your derivatives evaluated at a point, and can check definite integrals. Plus, you can save a bunch of data that you should have memorized, such as derivatives of trig functions

>> No.1397888

Practically every school in the world.

>> No.1397900


>> No.1397909

yes. Harder Class = me actually trying = A+++

>> No.1397934


are you kidding?

If you can use a ti-89 on exams you can literally ace calculus 1 and 2 without actually learning anything. I know because I did it and then took calculus 3 and differentials at the same time the next quarter and it was the hardest quarter of my entire school career.

>> No.1397951

Took Russian 3 and Differential Equations both without taking 2 levels of prerequisities and got A's.
I normally get B/C's in relatively easy classes like English.

>> No.1397953


That's like saying, "Why learn to read, when we have audio books and television"

Of course technology can solve things, but we still need to learn them by hand. Later on, you probably won't solve every fucking intergral and deriviative by hand, but you should know how to, as often times it's you have manipulate shit to get it into a useful form. Plus, someone has to know how to do it to program the calculators and computers to begin with.

And when computer's become sentient and turn on us, do you really want them to be the only ones with calculus?

>> No.1397954

>Because with 89's, you can easily check your derivatives evaluated at a point, and can check definite integrals.
So it helps you fix stupid mistakes like forgetting a minus sign somewhere, while still requiring you to fully show the entire derivation. How is this anything other than a good thing?

>you should have memorized, such as derivatives of trig functions
Whether you should have memorized things like that is debatable. Why bother wasting brain cells on that kind of thing if books/computers can do it both faster and more reliable?

>> No.1397988

How will a TI89 help you solving, say, <span class="math">\int \! x^2 + 4x \, dx[/spoiler]? Does it do the math symbolically for you? (I do not know, I never used one.)

>> No.1398001


no. say you need to find the integral of an equation, with an 89 you just type it in and it gives you the answer, then all you have to do is BS the steps in between. it is massively easier than doing it by hand and with this method you are 100% guaranteed to get the correct answer.

>> No.1398028
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>mfw I programmed an integral calculator by hand on my TI-83 and breezed through Calc II with it

Is that still considered cheating?

>> No.1398037

And how much is one of those calculators you are all talking about?

>> No.1398050


I have an 87, and it won't do it symbolically, but I can plot the function in the integrand, and then I can tell it to do a definite integral, give it the bounds, and it spits back the number.

So, if I need a definite integral, it can straight up give me the answer. If I need an indefinite integral, I can use it to check my work, at least.

>> No.1398053


Yes, it actually can do that. I had one all throughout high school and it was great. It can solve equations for x (for instance) and also do indefinite integrals.

>> No.1398059
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>Pluses and minuses for university courses

>> No.1398064

>So, if I need a definite integral, it can straight up give me the answer.
But it doesn't show you the symbolical steps in between. If your teacher accepts that answer, you have more problems than just being allowed to use a calculator.

>> No.1398074

so op were are the hard classes?

>> No.1398076

Sorry dude, linear algebra's the second easiest math class out of all of them.

The easiest one's complex analysis.

>> No.1398078

I'd like to know this aswell.

>> No.1398084


Of course you have to show work, but it is a pretty big advantage to have, nonetheless.


>> No.1398090

fuck no differential equations is the easiest.

>> No.1398096
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>linear algebra's the second easiest math class out of all of them

Seriously? I'm taking it next semester as one of my final courses, I've already had calc I and calc II. How is it compared to those courses?

>> No.1398101

you will already know pretty much all of it, thats the problem, so you won't take it seriously.

>> No.1398112

I don't care what anyone here says, Calc II is a hard class.

I think it is the hardest of the whole Calc series. Upper level courses might be cover more involved stuff, but by that time you have disciplined your brain to think mathmatically. Calc II is one of the first classes where you actually have to think mathmatically, rather than plug and chug

>> No.1398113

It's more theoretical, but conceptually easier. I'd say both calc I and II are harder. If you're comfortable with writing proofs, linear algebra is a snap.

>> No.1398115
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this is what it will do.

>> No.1398137


>> No.1398143

I still don't fully get the fucking taylors and power series

>> No.1398157


>> No.1398167


Nobody does. If someone can practically use Taylor polynomials, and understands them conceptually, they are much smarter than me, and I have already finished all the classes for my math major (going back 1 more semester to finish a history degree...pre-law)

>> No.1398164


>> No.1398187

>math major
son, i am disappoint

>> No.1398194

With me it's mainly the classes that I hate the most I do the best in. I think it's because since I know I don't wanna do it, I force myself to pull all the more time and effort into it, while classes that I really enjoy I still do well in, just don't put as much time into. Anyone else like this?

>> No.1398199

your fucking calculator uses them. shits the easiest shit ever.

>> No.1398209


I really do love math, but I just like law on a whole different level. Something about kicking someone's ass around a courtroom just feels good man

>> No.1398214
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>English I & II: A

Get the hell out of here! Anyone who gets an A in English is NOT a Science and or Math major!

>> No.1398229

Phoenix mind detected

>> No.1398231

I did, yet I am.

>> No.1398240

>implying Biology is a science

>> No.1398243

Objection! That was...objectionable!

>> No.1398247

I aced my math and physics class and failed my English class twice in the I, II sequence, does dat make me science?

>> No.1398265

I get D's on everything because I don't give a shit.

>> No.1398268

I've always wondered why they don't have a mark called E... any explanations?

>> No.1398272

>implying i study biology

>> No.1398275

No you still cannot communicate with the world. enjoy your gas station job.

>> No.1398279


>> No.1398298
