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/sci/ - Science & Math

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1393034 No.1393034 [Reply] [Original]

You now realize you have a pretty good chance of living thousands of years and seeing Mars and Venus be terraformed.

>> No.1393038

I would rather only live a couple hundred years.
But I definitely would like to see Jupiter terraformed.

>> No.1393050

>Jupiter terraformed
How the fuck would this work?

>> No.1393054

Well, it's a planet made of soda, how do you think it'll work?

>> No.1393066
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>> No.1393075

Problem, Anonymous?

>> No.1393077

Isn't Venus that planet with the sulfuric acid rain? The one with temperatures over 460 degrees? The same one that crushed the satellites we sent to it? Yeah, I think it is.

>> No.1393081

we probably won't terraform jupiter, but the possibility of having a colony in the upper atmosphere is a little more likely.

>> No.1393087



1E-50 is smaller than 1E-40

>> No.1393094


Now you're lying to yourself.

Truth is, you don't want to die and you will want to live indefinitely, until you go insane and kill yourself. Though that would probably take several millenia.

>> No.1393096

Umm no.

>> No.1393097

>>You now realize you have a pretty good chance of living thousands of years

oh god no

>> No.1393106

How will I live to be thousands of years old

>> No.1393111


>> No.1393112

Manhattan beach project, mind uploading, modifications to body, etc

>> No.1393116

and that is how a thread derails in 4 posts

>> No.1393117

and in the 50s they thought we'd have flying cars by now.

>> No.1393119

The extra atmosphere can be siphoned off (maybe sent to terraform the moon?) and you can construct a huge semi-transparent solar shield to prevent high temperatures and to keep it very Earth-like. Then you just start colliding comets into it for some water.

>> No.1393121

You stupid fuckers. The only planet we can terraform has to be pretty much IDENTICAL to earth.

>> No.1393124

They didn't have computers back then (inb4 vaccum-based and so on, I mean FAST computers.) Now they can crunch the human genome quite quickly.

>> No.1393127

>Manhattan beach project

Woah. What am I reading

>> No.1393129
File: 71 KB, 448x473, 1272765480281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not true.

>> No.1393130


yes but looking at the genome doesn't mean we understand it.

>> No.1393134

We understand it enough to most probably slow down aging and death a *shitton*

>> No.1393141


1) "crunch the human genome"


2) correct. they used slide rules to send the a bunch of people to the moon, invent semiconductors, develop all modern computational quantum mechanics algorithms (DFT, UHF, semiempirical, etc) and many other things

3) you wouldnt even understand what is meant by "sequencing the human genome"

your post implies that it has something to do with computers and physics.

sequencing the human genome means that scientists painstakingly chemically broke down the entire, long ass Human DNA, and recorded every single Nucleobase/AA and the order in which they occurred.

the fact that they recorded this information on computers is only a measure of the fact that we live in the computer age.

they could just have easily recorded it in notebooks and nothing would have been different.

>> No.1393143


Death yes.

We still don't no shit about ageing.

>> No.1393147

And it would take 50 years

>> No.1393151


not even remotely close.

we dont understand 99.9% of it. we have literally no fucking clue what it means.

sequencing the human genome was the equivalent of stripping down every single car engine ever made, before even learning about the basics of engineering and then saying:

once we learn engineering, we can come back here and figure all this shit out.

yes. that is true, but it wont change the fact that it is still a monumental amount of work, and you could have just waited.

>> No.1393152


Yes you are. Don't be a faggot.

>> No.1393159

LIFE rejects immortality. A life cycle is extremely convoluted and designed to cater to specific experiences. Don't say I didnt warn you

>> No.1393163
File: 15 KB, 730x413, OHHHHHH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Think of yourself in a thousand years.

>> No.1393164

Sure thing bro

>> No.1393174

that has nothing to do with what I'm saying. We have a tendency to overestimate our future progress in technology.

>> No.1393199

They expect to do it within twenty years. That means it's definitely going to happen in 30 years.

>> No.1393202

You're trolling me, aren't you?

>> No.1393210


Or it could be like flying cars and food pills and happen never.

>> No.1393220

>live thousands of years
>see Mars and Venus terraformed
>still ronery


>> No.1393244

Cheer up! There will most certainly be sex robots by then :D

>> No.1393255

Or genetically modified partners designed specifically for each and every one of us. And don't say that's unlikely, we're talking about terraforming fucking Venus here.

>> No.1393259


>> No.1393269
File: 57 KB, 898x348, 1272575494980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if portal-like technology was developed and you could go to a far off galaxy with a habitable planet just like Earth and you had an entire planet to yourself and your friends? Thousands of year from now. And it's next door practically to a nebula that glows orange in the night sky. ;_;

>> No.1393285

A computer simulation is most likely easier.

>> No.1393288

And less satisfying in my opinion.

>> No.1393301

What would you do with an entire planet? Would you really need that much space?

>> No.1393302


But it's not commercially available is it?

>> No.1393304

What if you never know? Like, they say you're going to be teleported to your planet, but you're just plugged in and put into the shelves with all the other people. What's the difference?

>> No.1393309

I think it is.

>> No.1393313

I would say that is a cruel joke.

>> No.1393322

And cooler.

Playing god on your own planet, doing whatever you want to? Hell yeah.

>> No.1393328


But there's probably laws that make it so I can't take off and land in city limits, right?

If not... I'm buying it.

>> No.1393334

Like, I'd be all "Fuck Physics!" and women would all suddenly not need bras and have perfectly supported breasts. Still plenty of jiggle when they jog, though.

>> No.1393335

I think there are some airspace regulations. Such as if you flew your car anywhere near a US city you would be shot down by fighter jets because durkas.

>> No.1393433

>Venus terraformed
Just out of curiosity, where does the sulfuric acid go?

>> No.1393453

Okay, at first I was skeptical about this. But I've considered the benefits and now I say we fund it.

>> No.1393458 [DELETED] 

StOp FUcKing ATtAcKINg wWW.AnoLaWltAlK.SE ReplACe_lawL WitH_N
gwo u qpwsx ahukjuu li dmy vtwhon e

>> No.1393455

Pumped into space.

>> No.1393457

You cares if it's practical, wouldn't it be awesome to have an entire planet for yourself?

>> No.1393464

>You cares
Fuck I meant who cares.

>> No.1393467

>implying this doesn't only apply to billionaires

>> No.1393469

>implying money will exist as we know it 50 years from now

>> No.1393473


What kind of change could there possibly be?

>> No.1393642

This Thread Scares Me

>> No.1393647


>> No.1393657
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Robot overlords will figure out that bolshevism is the way to go. All dissent will be wiped out in one fell stroke.

>> No.1393664

uh huh. Keep telling yourself that...

>> No.1393673

You can make an artificial heart. You can make an artificial ear for I care.
But...your nervous system will wear out; and you can't replace that...well...if you could, you wouldn't be you anymore.

>> No.1393681
File: 23 KB, 479x621, 1262417633407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the atoms in me the same ones as 10 years ago?

>> No.1393686

>so many kids living in a world of sci-fi.
>advice: find reality.


>> No.1393687
File: 44 KB, 530x663, 1261918502345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cuz terraforming planets is srs business and you can eventually live on that planet without knowing some minor thing went wrong with the terraforming.
Like boom all our atmosphere gets sucked into oblivion along with the whole population.
i mean what if something went wrong with the biological immortality augmentation we get so we dont age anymore or become younger what if they miscalculated and you get a horrible side effect like massive growths in your brain that explode your head its just freaky man IF something goes wrong.
and in my experience something always goes wrong eventually...

>> No.1393694

okay now im spooked

>> No.1393697

That's a little different...
Grey matter does not regenerate. That we know.

>> No.1393701

Real life is not Hollywood. Explain to me how an atmosphere will get sucked into oblivion. Even if Mars had no magnetic field and had an Earthlike atmosphere it would take millions and millions of years to get it down to current levels again.

>> No.1393712 [DELETED] 

sTop FuckING_attaCking wWw.anoLaWltAlk.Se_ReplaCE laWL_WIth N
df w h gyslpr nl sj h ls mzvc e hgw nz espwgngmrpuox

>> No.1393709


Are you fucking kidding me?

>> No.1393710
File: 43 KB, 220x868, 220px-MarsTransitionV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey /sci/ so how does life NOT disobey the 2nd law of thermodynamics? doesn't our tendency to create order and the complexity of our bodies and the continual build up of our body disobey the universes tendency to be more chaotic and unorganized?

>> No.1393718

The Earth is heated by the Sun and cools down by emitting radiation.

If you assume the temperature of the Earth is constant, you can compute how much entropy is absorbed and how much is lost through emission. The amount lost is higher.

Hence, life. It's basic black body theory.

>> No.1393727 [DELETED] 


sTOp_FucKIng AttaCKIng_WwW.ANoLawlTaLk.SE REPlacE_laWl WitH N
xd lp gj ezd p ppjk kdeq tmyali c upx

>> No.1393726
File: 58 KB, 750x600, 18 x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are just some examples i mean were talking about PLANETS all kind of shit could go wrong im not saying exactly THAT will go wrong but the amount of shit that could go wrong living on another planet is...well...alot.

>> No.1393732

Thing is, Mars has little difference than Earth other than it's size, and temperature. A higher temperature creates oceans, which in turn exhales CO2 from the rocks, which raises the air pressure, which allows planets to be seeded there and breathe in CO2 and breathe out O2.
All that's left to do is place a solar powered magnetic field enough to stop UV from coming in and fucking shit up. And No, it doesn't matter if the filter fails because all that means is that you get sunburn easier because the thick atmosphere also does it's part.

>> No.1393736

Take a course in introductory Biology.

>Open Systems (Take in, give out) >Compartmentalization occurs
>Chains of reactions occur to reduce this (example: if breaking sugar down wasn't split into glycolysis, oxidative phosphorilation, and the tricarboxcylic acid cycle then the process would be really chaotic, might even be more concentrated energy than the cells can handle)

>> No.1393745

Food pills do exist, bro. You can get th majority of your minerals in pill form now. As for flying cars, the only reason they don't exist is the complete impracticality of it. We have planes, which are essentially flying cars, only they require alot of training to use. I doubt a type of flying transport will ever be invented that doesn't require training.

>> No.1393750

It is still controversial whether significant amounts of micronutrients from supplemental pills will be absorbed or not. We don't know yet what countless chemicals aid in the absorption of C-vitamin for example.

>> No.1393771 [DELETED] 


stop FuCKInG_AttACKiNG_WWW.anOlAwltAlK.se ReplAce Lawl WitH n
dv isgtm t w uwl vfbkqjmyndmstapymkscycn iprx

>> No.1393786
File: 107 KB, 631x685, lols.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1393794
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Ok good point im less scared but still untill you explore every single possibilty we still dont know what the fuck will happen until we DO it.

Of course you can simulate and make theories but that doesnt make it 100% accurate so again, anything can happen imo.

>> No.1393801

The risk is greater if we don't. Let's just say a freak flare from the sun blasts Earth like it did in Knowing, and we didn't have a backup planet. We would be completely and utterly fucked.

>> No.1393805

Implying the planet is A-OK right now with 90% living in fuckin abject poverty i.e. no cable

>> No.1393809

By the time we start terraforming Mars pretty much all of these problems will be gone.

>> No.1393814

If brain cells don't regenerate, won't we all go senile really fast?

>> No.1393826


>> No.1393827

i guess theres no point in not trying

>> No.1393831


>> No.1393836

Well later when I start up my own marijuana growing plant I will use a substantial amount of my profits to donate to them. Something on the order of 10% of 200,000 a year. (Legal medical this is)

>> No.1393851

Guys, seriously, I want this Manhattan beach project to happen.

I would love this so much.

Seriously thinking about it right now, and the possibility it might happen almost makes me weep tears of joy.

I wanna be 19 forever, I love my age and my body and now I can.

I love this.

>> No.1393854

would mind uploading actually work? What if it was a copy/paste then delete type of deal instead of an actual transfer?

Fuck, it's scary thinking about these things. I don't think it is possible to keep our minds. Maybe we could slowly replace parts of it and update it over time, so we retain parts of our old selves. Like what if we use stem cells on dying brains

stem cells could help

>> No.1393861

>would mind uploading actually work? What if it was a copy/paste then delete type of deal instead of an actual transfer?

You know I think about this all the time and I'm strongly Gnostic Atheist, but I keep hoping for something similar to a soul so that it's physically transferable.

>> No.1393864

It would upload the memories and things the nerves in your brain contains and...

Holy shit my head hurts now.

It will work it's like putting data on a usb drive.

>> No.1393870
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You seem like a pretty cool guy.

>> No.1393885

youll be 38 when its done like me :(

>> No.1393889

You do realize there will be advancements not long after that to reverse aging?

>> No.1393896

When will I be able to become the little girl?

>> No.1393898

Dude, they'll probably be able to reverse that.

And even if they can't, I'm fine with living forever as 34. I don't give a fuck. I just wanna see this world evolve.

>> No.1393903


After Y3K.

>> No.1393915

Nanobot swarms should be done before the end of the 23rd century.

>> No.1393924 [DELETED] 


j d qw nvp sg mmiejrj znznkchj tlaq v av l s

>> No.1393923
File: 30 KB, 480x640, its-beautiful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fapping on the pure thought that I could be able to live 500 years, and see all that crazy sci-fi stuff happen in reality.

And I'd not just take this chance as a way to enjoy realistic sex robots or immense virtual reality, but also as a way to increase my knowledge to a level that would never be achievable within the current life-expectancy.

>> No.1393925

/sci/ - science fiction

>> No.1393926

it would most likely be more than 500 years. Who knows, you might live 500 million years.

>> No.1393935
File: 42 KB, 527x604, 1265618381403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1393954

I don't think we'd be human anymore if one was able to live 500 million years. And I'm not talking about the cyborg-like fusion of humans and technology, but about the fact that we'd most likely overcome our evolutionary "needs", as in the urge to do things enjoyment-motivated or the need to extend our life forever. We'd come to the perfectly objective conclusion that all that stuff doesn't matter in the end anyways and we'd kill ourselves. I think that would already happen after 500 years when you're just tired of life.

>> No.1393964

Probably but for me it would take substantially more than 500 years. If I ever felt depressed with my life I would dump some of the hundreds of years of unimportant memories somewhere else. Now this raises the question, would that still be... Me?

>> No.1393979
File: 12 KB, 243x250, _faint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's what I was talking about. It wouldn't be the real "you" anymore, since what separates you from other people are basically your memories in an otherwise uniform body. This is getting on a pretty ethical level when you think about all this stuff. It's easier to dream about sex with robot lolis of your favourite anime girl, because everything discussed ITT will unfortunately and most likely not happen in our lifetime.

>> No.1393981
File: 54 KB, 409x687, 1264234693901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In 2003 the life expectancy started rising one year per year.

>> No.1393987

... resulting in 110yo people who don't know who they are or where they are

>> No.1393998

You don't realize how fast medicine is accelerating now do you?

>> No.1394075
File: 7 KB, 209x251, 1263158290913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn I want my own planet.

>> No.1394098
File: 117 KB, 1024x968, Game Newell on his PC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Irritate everyone enough and maybe you'll get it!

>> No.1394109 [DELETED] 


StOP_fUCKing_ATTAcking wWW.anOlAWltAlK.se_RePLacE_Lawl_WITH N
eduad mpf tp uxfi bgahimdtxwaku mkpgpbqfmd

>> No.1394157

Furries would be possible in a couple hundred years....

>> No.1394175 [DELETED] 


sTOp_FuCKINg atTAcKIng wwW.AnoLaWltALk.SE_rEpLaCE_LAWL wiTH n
mdqosa bf ubfnohew zzmmrowi elaqlcgtuk

>> No.1394401

Not... really.
I highly doubt that we''ll be able to live long enough to see that happen; unless we're able to download the human consciousness into a transferable format.

Then maybe.

>> No.1394408

Don't you see? This will probably happen.

>> No.1394431
File: 155 KB, 1210x899, PPTSuperComputersPRINT[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1394448

where the fuck is this thread going

>> No.1394454


>> No.1394467


>> No.1394581

I can't even get laid to pass my genes.

I seriously doubt that I'll have to live for another half of a century. At least I'll might see China becoming #1 world superpower.

>> No.1394627

I bet the elixir will be finished 10 mins after your death

>> No.1394688

I don't think Stephen Hawking can get laid either, but you don't see him complaining. You will live to see 3000.

>> No.1394763

wait wat about overpopulation will we get china rules and not be able to have more than 1 child? before we terraform i mean

>> No.1394782

before that the conservitards would put up a hell of a fight if we take away their rights to have more than 1 redneck child per family...

>> No.1394784

Not if BP has anything to do about it.