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File: 267 KB, 800x548, DT_06_by_scarabuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1386202 No.1386202 [Reply] [Original]

tell me guys is there difference between human races or all humans are one race without any genetical differences only by color?

>> No.1386204

'Race' is a human concept with no foundation in actual science.

The genetic differences between peoples of various regions of the earth are so minute as to be irrelevant.

>> No.1386205

differences of color are caused by genetic differences.

>> No.1386206

an alien looking at us may consider genetic differences between us and all mammals to be relatively insignificant

>> No.1386207

so are we being lie to about race in media or not? this is what i want to know

>> No.1386211

I think until you can't mate with them we're all still one race

>> No.1386216

Are you saying all dogs are the same?

>> No.1386217


Depends on whether you consider race useful as a cultural/social concept. Which it may be.

It's just that it isn't that useful as a scientific one.

>> No.1386219

u need to watch this atleast http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufzI1dnd0Uw

>> No.1386224

homo sapiens is a mamalian race. inside this race, there is little variations due to environnnement, socials skills etc.
that is.

>> No.1386227

this guy david duke i must say he explains with evidence

>> No.1386231

Race is definitely an important factor in determining intelligence, physical fitness, behavior and health.
No evidence supports your view. Furthermore, there are tons of evidence that your view is wrong.

>> No.1386237

oh god, return live in 1900's and shut the fuck up.

seriously, I can't believe there is always cunts believing that.... man, u are a retard. Learn to biology.

>> No.1386240

Of course there are differences between races. Some of them you can see immediately, like color or body shape. There are other differences, even in behaviour and intelligence. Blacks have lowest IQ, asians have highest, on average.

>> No.1386244


>> No.1386246


>> No.1386248

But differences between races tend to be higher among animals than in humans - this is interpreted as an evidence of a relatively recent population bottleneck in humans.

>> No.1386249

Of course there are but liberals destroy science with their emotional hippie female level butthurt and it's not worth it for scientists to lose their peers and funding to prove that certain others are less intelligent on average.

>> No.1386251

'Race' has no real biological definition, but the social definition can indicate risk to certain genetic disease:

'black' populations: sickle cell anaemia
'white' populations: Cystic fibrosis
Ashkenazi Jews: Tay-Sachs

>> No.1386252


>> No.1386254

dogs see each other as just another dog.

>> No.1386257

lol, worst troll since fuck

>> No.1386258


So you admit the evidence for a racial difference in intelligence is crap, and are making excuses for said craptitude? Sure sounds that way.

>> No.1386264


>>Ashkenazi Jews: Tay-Sachs

fix'd !!

>> No.1386265


You'll have a hard time proving those differences don't arise from social differences and educational standards in ethnic areas. It's in fact very unscientific to claim current evidence shows any racially caused differences in intelligence.

>> No.1386279

I would predict that racial groups have no inherent differences in intelligence, on the basis that intelligence is a valued quality in all human societies.

I would predict that racial groups will have actual differences in intelligence due to environmental factors. Black populations are some of the poorest and so have worse education. East asians come from an educated migrant population witha strong culture of academic achievement taking priority. White populations also have this, but also have a large poor population to lower the overall intelligence level.

>> No.1386287

There is evidence suggesting that IQ is affected by genetic factors quite profoundly.


>> No.1386288

We had entire thread about this yesterday. Eventually everyone agreed of course race is real and of course there are differences in races that cause one to be superior or inferior in certain aspects.

You're one of those delusional fucktards who HAS to believe everything is equal but that isn't true. How tall you are, strong you could be, fast you can be, talented you could be, and even behavior is influenced by genetic factors. Do you really Asians aren't shorter on average? Oh, that's right. Everyone is equal in your motherfucking rose tinted glasses, right? The brain is a physical thing too and they're smarter to compensate for physical inferiority which they do not need. To say otherwise would be grossly unfair and unequal because then there wouldn't have anything at all to be better than other groups.

>> No.1386295

Funny how things like this are pretty much universally accepted by zoologists for animals but when it comes to humans liberal butthurt just goes LOL NO WE IZ EQUALS

>> No.1386300
File: 108 KB, 800x534, bobo not amused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

James Watson, a Nobel Prize winner for his part in the unraveling of DNA who now runs one of America's leading scientific research institutions, drew widespread condemnation for comments he made ahead of his arrival in Britain today for a speaking tour at venues including the Science Museum in London...

"Dr Watson told The Sunday Times that he was "inherently gloomy about the prospect of Africa" because "all our social policies are based on the fact that their intelligence is the same as ours – whereas all the testing says not really". He said there was a natural desire that all human beings should be equal but "people who have to deal with black employees find this not true"."

>my face when I realized how powerful political correctness was, and how even as pure as science is not except from its scrutiny

>> No.1386301

Black people are physically superior and intellectually equal to whites.

>> No.1386302

The real issue here in the US isn't IQ at all. It's that black students seemingly can't drop out of school fast enough. Being fully capable of learning and excelling, but failing because of meat-headed cultural attitudes is the real tragedy.

>> No.1386304

>implying adapting to colder environments didn't cause intelligence to be the superior choice compared to ape nigger strength. Whites, East Asians, ect.

>> No.1386306

>black people

How about no.

>> No.1386309

So many large number of tests where blacks kids that grew up in white families who do well in school but still have inferior IQs to the white and East Asian children in the same or even different white families. Just face the factors, boy. They aren't as intelligent.

>> No.1386317



>> No.1386321
File: 70 KB, 390x390, racist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intellectually equal to whites

Reality for the past 7000 years disagrees with you.

Hell and niggers are the most different from us all. They have basically no Neanderthal admixture and while the rest of humanity is closely related, niggers are not.

It's pretty damn PROVEN that things like aggressiveness is because of genetic factors. Hell, we breed certain animals so they be less aggressive to be good pets. Niggers are prone to do more violence and such along with inferior intellect and while the butthurt politically correct police will come along to fuck it up again, I've never heard anyone in the entire world ever who could make excuses for bullshit like rape. It's not funny and there's just excuse for it. You can make all the excuses you want concerning murder and stealing but never rape.

>> No.1386325

>You can make all the excuses you want concerning murder and stealing but never rape.
Fuck you. Murder and stealing are just as serious as rape.

>> No.1386326


Wow. Good thing white guys never commit rape then. I'd hate to be part of a race where rape is allowed.

>> No.1386328


>You're one of those delusional fucktards who HAS to believe everything is equal but that isn't true. How tall you are, strong you could be, fast you can be, talented you could be, and even behavior is influenced by genetic factors. Do you really Asians aren't shorter on average? Oh, that's right. Everyone is equal in your motherfucking rose tinted glasses, right? The brain is a physical thing too and they're smarter to compensate for physical inferiority which they do not need.

Derp Derp. I never said any of that. I accept there could well be differences like that between 'races', just I have not seen any good evidence fot it.

>To say otherwise would be grossly unfair and unequal because then there wouldn't have anything at all to be better than other groups.

The more you look at this statement, the more ridiculous it is. Do I even need to explain? You just rant on at me for shoehorning the idea that everyone must be equal, and here you are shoehorning the idea that every group needs something they're better at than others. It doesn't work like that.

>> No.1386333


[citation needed]

>> No.1386334

Of course there are. All the butthurt faggots who defend niggers say that it is all because the white man's fault that niggers murder and steal and they have to do those things to survive.

There's so many. Just google IQ tests white families and such.

Here's one


What's amazing is there pretty much ALL these tests say the same thing over and over again.

East Asians > Whites > Hispanics > Blacks

>> No.1386345

Inequality is inequality.

People are not equal, intelligence is affected by genetics and the brain is a physical part of your body that is affected by it just like everything else you have it affected by your heritable genes. The ones who know this cannot speak out agianst it because the PC faggotry is too strong. It's just not worth it to lose your peers and funding for the truth people are not mature enough to accept. They need their childish beliefs that do not reflect reality since all points to blacks being inferior in intelligence to all other races.

>> No.1386356


I'm not familiar with the study you cited so I can only go by the wikipedia article you mention.

This line kind of leaps out:

"The results of the transracial adoption study can be used to support either a genetic difference hypothesis or an environmental difference one." -- one of the study's own authors.

Not exactly a home run for your side as far as I can see.

>> No.1386357


I lol'd reading this though.

And yet despite being only 13% of the US population, they commit 50% of all murder.

>> No.1386364

Of course it's not but everyone keeps remaining skeptical for their beliefs yet it's just amazing that every test shows the same. Society and history for the past 8000 years has shown that blacks are inferior to other races in pretty much everything that doesn't involve running quickly. Like always, there are exceptions but an average that represents the majority always matters the most. Nobody is equal.

>> No.1386368
File: 140 KB, 734x959, faces_of_races.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1386369

what about abos?

>> No.1386373
File: 316 KB, 1275x3149, lollibtards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The liberal reality is one filled with delusions. People should be treated equals but races are not equal in some or even many aspects.

Pic seriously related.

>> No.1386374


go live in some basement, and don't forget to take your Nazi with you !

>> No.1386375


Ah, the smell of freshly roasted straw man.

>> No.1386376

Damn it, yesterday someone posted a study about white kids in BLACK families who still scored higher. Did anyone save the link? I can't find it.

>> No.1386377


>Society and history for the past 8000 years has shown that blacks are inferior to other races in pretty much everything that doesn't involve running quickly.

How? Also, I think many environmental factors concerning Sub-saharan Africa (as in Guns Germs and Steel) confounds the situation and prevents any conclusion being drawn about the relatinship between their intelligence and progress.

>> No.1386379

There are radical differences in the appearance of people of the same race, what say you about that?

>> No.1386381


Look at the table of results and judge for yourself. The difference seems to be heritable.

>> No.1386383

I'm not sure. All the IQ test scores show abos to be even less intelligent than those of subsaharan ancestry. I don't think people who've met abos IRL would disagree too.

>> No.1386389

U're right.

Scientists proved that the most brilliant race in humanity were asian.
So we have : niggers, european craps, and Shinning asia.

But, differences appears in each races : individuals are not equal. They are some who are very intelligents, other who have shit in the head.

I guess you, are a redneck.

>> No.1386392

Congratulations! You've won the godwin point, now get the fuck out.

That genetic factors definitely matter and do affect pretty much everything about you?

>> No.1386397

Well being filled with the same old typical personal insults like inbred and redneck don't make you look anymore intelligent and with an inferior English, I would put you at below average. You are seriously butthurt but you admit that I'm right which is all that matters. Enjoy being dead last in the human race, scum.

>> No.1386400

Well it's obvious to anyone that you are the among least intelligent in your race LOL

>> No.1386401

the godwin point were reach at the point where one of you fucktards talked about races in humanity... But I guess u're a redneck unable to understand why.

>> No.1386402


I don't think this provides particularly strong evidence. One big factor that springs to mind is the Pygmalion effect. Black people are stereotyped as being less intelligent than whites and expected to do worse, and vice versa, even if they're brought up in a white family.

A similar effect was observed by Jane Elliot. When she divided a class of children into blue and brown eyed children, telling them blue eyed children were more intelligent made the brown eyes perform worse and the blue eyed children perfom better. When she reversed this expectation the same thing happened again, the other way round.

It's absurd to claim raising black children in white families in any way level the playing field. I'm still not denying there may be a difference in intelligence, but we have no evidence of it.

>> No.1386403

I don't get you stormfags. You guys are so hung up on the notions that a) race must exist biologically; b) other races must be inferior or superior to each other; and c) race is an immutable concept that does not change throughout history.

You go around to say that crime and IQ statistics tell us that Black people are inferior. Your suggestions are segregation, deportation, and/or sterilization. Despite claims to "scientific" evidence for races, you are unable to provide empirical evidence that going back to the 19th century would "improve" society. You then go on to say, "ah, Asian's DO have higher IQ and less crime, but they have small dicks and lower cultural achievements." Your own arguments crumble under the weight of your contradictions and flies in the face of the facts of history.

The conclusion we are forced to make is that you have a little weltanschaaung in your head that must never be broken, because in order to maintain your ego and self-esteem you need to identify groups of people are inferior to you. You are motivated by raw emotions and subjectively biased attitudes rather than science.

>> No.1386411

Used to assist working at one of those GATE programs so I've seen and met child geniuses before. One of the common explanations for their giftedness when talking with their parents was that it is genetic, yet when people go around saying anything else it's suddenly wrong while all evidence says otherwise. The political correctness is a ridiculous thing that holds back scientific truth.

>> No.1386413


How about we segregate/exterminate based on intelligence alone? Then we would have the smart blacks, smart whites, and smart asians, and society wouldn't be as fucked as it is

>> No.1386420


Appearance differences between races is largely a neutral trait in terms of survival and proliferation, or provides some sort of survival benefit (like black skin in sunny climates). Intelligence is important in whichever society you are in. There we have an important difference between asthetic differences and intelligence. I would argue that is enough to remove reason for intelligence to differ by any meaningfull amount.

>> No.1386427

People shouting "PC fag!" at anyone arguing against racial intelligence differences are just as bad as people arguing against those differences for PC reasons.

>> No.1386429

in my case, I can write in other language... mais peut-être préfères -tu poursuivre cette conversation dans une langue qui me sieds plus ?

In all case, you are pure shitstorm of disgusting ideas. So, go try to know or meet some people u are talking about with so little consideration...

>> No.1386430

You're full of shitty ad hominems spouting shit like redneck and nazi so I care less about what the fuck you have to say.

I'm not a stormfag so stop attacking straw.

Look, all I've said is that other races are superior and inferior in certain aspects and that political correctness was censoring the data.

I don't want to sterilize blacks or whatever fucked up shit you've been reading but the fact that other races are less or more intelligent than others is true. Ashkenazi Jews > EAST ASIANS ONLY > Whites > Others from the fertile cresent > Hispanics > Blacks

>> No.1386431

Well that's wrong and I do believe people have the right to be treated equally despite inferior intelligence but even if we did that the majority of blacks would never make it. They'd complain when they are the smallest minority in that new world.

>> No.1386433


No, that doesn't make any sense. Deport them where? What's the IQ limit for stupidity? What if it's too low, and you need to deport hundreds of millions of people? What if some of the stupid people are wealthy, or their family and friends are, and they conspire to keep them in the country? Who will work in the jobs the stupid people have left behind? In all likelihood, the smart people will segregate into 10% that controls most wealth and power, and 90% to do the actual work. In the end you have a country that looks exactly the same as it did before except with a hundred million less people and a collapsing economy.

>> No.1386434 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386437

And what exactly does that have anything to do with anything? Please be insecure about your poor English skills somewhere else.

How so? Facts are facts. PC bullshit is destroying science.

>> No.1386443


The fact that at this point in time, some groups score higher on IQ tests is true, but to say this is because of genetics is not supported by the scientific literature.

>> No.1386446

>except with a hundred million less people and a collapsing economy.

You don't know that. How acting like you do.

>> No.1386448

ohoh u maaaaaad ???

talking about races when u are talking about mankind make no sense fucking retard ????? CAN U UNDERSTAND THAT ??

Proving there are inferiors civilisations on earth don't make more sense : it depends the periods, the place etc...

>> No.1386452


Just curiosity here...

How do you come by the notion that east Asians are the smartest of Asians. Did west Asians manage to miss out on some smartness genes during the migration of ancient people from the near East to the Koreas.

>> No.1386454

someone archive this thread

>> No.1386457 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386459

He's a troll. Don't bother arguing with him.

>> No.1386460

it just prove u are a retard, thanks !

>> No.1386461

Please explain yourself how intelligence cannot be contributed to genetic factors when everyone else physical about us is. Our brains are physical things, behavioral has been PROVEN to be genetic among other things but not intelligence? You are delusional with your bullshit egalitarian bias. Races are not equal, people are not equal, nothing is equal.

>> No.1386465


>How so? Facts are facts. PC bullshit is destroying science.

Yes, PC censorship would be bad for science. My point is that assuming anyone arguing race has no inherent effect on intelligence is wrong because it's more PC is just as damaging. Ad hominem dismissal is just as bad whichever way it cuts.

>> No.1386471


I agree. Discriminating people based on their intelligence is what we should do, unless we want to end up like in Idiocracy movie. People with higher intelligence would be allowed to have more kids. It is not unrealistic, just look at Chinas population control program - 400 million births prevented according to official numbers.

>> No.1386476


Reading that was just pure eyesore. You're the one who is mad here. Your typing just proves this.

Takes one to know one and I'm failing to spell "you". Haha, you're such a butthurt joke. Inferior trash, it is not my fault you are the bottom of intelligence.

>> No.1386482

this kind of retards permit me strengthen my faith in humanity.

>> No.1386489 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386488

No matter what, the fact that races are not of equal intelligence remains true. The most infuriating thing is having to deal with those who would question pure unbiased science.

>> No.1386492
File: 2 KB, 135x101, cryfag..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everything that doesn't support my worldview is PC bullshit.

>> No.1386494


Losing a large percentage of your population doesn't cause economic catastrophe? Whatever you say bro.


Correlation =/= causation

In order to support the hypothesis that genetics causes stupidity, you need to isolate all other factors (culture, upbringing, socieconomic status, what have you) and determine that it is genes and nothing else that creates differences in IQ.

Since IQ metrics are redefined every few years, good fucking luck with that

>> No.1386501 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386498

You can't even master the English language, shitskin.

The mere fact you are so asspained and defensive talking to yourself spouting the same lolretard syndrome is just psychological projection of your shitty intellect.

>> No.1386500

lol seriously, U are the worst troll ever.... o pleaze proove my u are so inteligent end writte in frensh ! I'm so bad in engrish....
You make my day, cunt, U know that ???

>> No.1386506

educate someone and he will be intelligent.

>> No.1386504

>Losing a large percentage of your population doesn't cause economic catastrophe?

Considering there would be a massive reform, stop acting like you know what the fuck would happen. If everyone was above average intelligence it would be obvious that new jobs and a new system could and would be implemented but it's absolutely just like those faggots who argue about alternate history if we never won WWII or The Battle of Thermopylae. YOU DON'T KNOW IF IT WOULD BE BETTER OR WORSE.

>> No.1386505


>> No.1386509

>everything that goes agianst my delusional liberal ideals are wrong and everyone who disagrees with me is a retard and redneck

That is a fitting image of you.

>> No.1386511


No, losing large portion of population does NOT cause economic catastrophe. If this portion of population is less educated and less needed on the job market, it could cause the opposite, because we could save quite large % of taxes on welfare and other expenses.

>> No.1386513 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386516

>educate someone and he will be intelligent.


And educated != Intelligent

>> No.1386519

exactly, man !!! I have shitty intellect.

and U're talking about race's concept within mankind.

Guess what ?

U're a retard !

>> No.1386520

Niggers are mentally retarded and the yippie hippie douche bag faggots who make excuses for them are even more retarded.

>> No.1386521

Why do threads like this get so many posts, when there is a thread talking about how electromagnetism affects the universe more than gravity? I don't understand this shit, someone give me a scientific reason.

>> No.1386524


Okey dokey. Let's suddenly draught in all these IQ>120 guys to work in sewers, flip burgers and empty bins. Or let me guess - the clever people will invent robots to do that?

>> No.1386525


You, conversely, sound like a real mastermind.

>> No.1386523 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386528

no one cares about your shitty magnet thread

go fuck yourself

>> No.1386532


Controversy is always more interesting.

>> No.1386533

what will you do when you disappeared ??? because you don't seem very smart, you know ?

>> No.1386536
File: 36 KB, 508x595, 1278871125649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because people like to think there smart and come on /sci/ but they are quickly overwhelmed by the people who actually know some shit so they naturally gravitate towards threads they know a little bit about.

>> No.1386537

You keep spouting the same shit over and over again but it will never be true. Not my fault you're brainwashed into believing childish egalitarian philosophy that is catered to idiot who need to feel you aren't as stupid as everyone knows you are. The sheer amount of retard coming from your posts make it hard to comprehend but your inferior intelligence is clear.

>> No.1386538
File: 50 KB, 640x520, hick3ey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of dem white people sure is smart

>> No.1386539

Its' monday man !

>> No.1386541


On argument A, not if done properly. If a program is done where people are given operations like vasectomies or tubal ligation depending on IQ level, I think you can easily prevent any recession or depression.

Cut off point... well an easy one would be 100, and just keep slowly raising it from there.

>> No.1386543

>Because people like to think there smart and come on /sci/ but they are quickly overwhelmed by the people who actually know some shit so they naturally gravitate towards threads they know a little bit about.
>shitty grammar

Thank god you're one of the retards.

>> No.1386544


>jobs that robots can do more efficiently anyway

>> No.1386548

Yes, yes we would.

Automated fast food orders are already here anyway.

>> No.1386550
File: 69 KB, 400x600, hick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see alot of people in this thread, are actually using this race excuse to actually feel superior, it's laughable. You think just because of your race, your "team", if you will, you automatically are smarter by default? Oh no, your genes can be faulty as hell too, and you would be no better than an average hispanic/black or whatever you guys consider to have low intelligence.
Spoiler: Theres a "nigger" working on the Manhattan project, what are you doing with your life?

>> No.1386556

Fuck yes we would. Also the society would most likely be more efficient saving us billions to fund things for superior advancement. I would doubt that intelligent people eat much fast food anyway. Do you know what's in that stuff? Fucking cancer.

>> No.1386557


Ok, robots will do all the menial work that doesn't require a high school graduation. Yes, now I know you guys are crazy or trolling.

>> No.1386551 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386561


Well... why can't they?

>> No.1386562
File: 3 KB, 95x126, 1270826417652s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

East Asian intellect superior by stormfag own admission. I very happy.

>> No.1386564

Humanism, man ! Age of Enlightenment

learn it !!!!!!!!!! it's important to not becone a fucking racist or an eugenic cunt. What you are believing in.. it's just 20's shit. We are in 2010 !

>> No.1386565

Except nobody has said that or that is true. The whole argument is whether or not intelligence is influenced by genetic factors and there is overwhelming evidence that proves such is true. Please be bullshit and post your butthurt and redneck father in another thread. Some raced are simply superior on average than others at certain things. Intelligence is one of those things, hell it's the most important thing. Whites aren't the king who top the ladders anyway, the ashkenazis are.

>> No.1386567

What I find interesting is the people who defend the scientific studies with racist implications while continually using the word niggers. This leads me to believe that these people were already racist before actually having a legitimate cause for disliking blacks. Or, a black person wronged them and then they hastily looked up all sorts of nasty things in a vain attempt to put together their shattered ego.

To anyone who defends racist theories while using racist lexicon:

You're automatically a hypocrite because you were racist before actually learning the knowledge that lead you to your conclusions, and at one point were just as deluded and ignorant as the people you argue against.

To those who defend racist theories but don't use racist lexicon:

Not as aggravating as the former, but try and counter look up the theories that contradict you and attack those instead of constantly re-asserting your original evidence.

To both groups:

If you're white or east asian, chances are you're even more biased than the "liberal hippie scum" you hate, because your belief implies your superiority as a person. This may explain why you're so fucking volatile and start whipping out ad-hominem attacks when somebody calls you a racist.

>> No.1386572

haha so true !!

Eugenic cunts like those retards would be the firsts to be killed...

>> No.1386574

Again, not a stormfag.

It's funny how typical and expected you butthurt pc cunt would go just to spout the same old "LOL REDNECK, LOL INBRED, LOL STORMFAG, LOL I DON'T AGREE WITH YOU SO YOU MUST BE SO AND SO DEPRPHUUHURDUUDR". It's delicious that deep down inside you know this is a true and yes East Asians are superior intellectually. They deserve to be. The reason they fail compared to whites is merely cultural reasons but we've seen they can be just as good or better. My nintendo wasn't made by whites after all.

>> No.1386575

Very few genetic changes, the main differences are caused by culture.

>> No.1386578



Also, judging intelligence based on one sentence is completely fail

>> No.1386579


keep telling yourself that. During that age, people openly admitted the inferiority of black intelligence.

>> No.1386583

It's funny how the same ones who are opposed use the words redneck but don't realize that is just as racist. All this tells me is that you're as bad or worse.

>> No.1386586

How about no.

Asians are physically inferior to all races, this is fact. Where is their equality?

>> No.1386596


Explain to me, not based on morals, how eugenics is bad for the advancement of mankind.

We evolved to where we are based on selection for intelligence, but now that selection is non-existent. Idiocracy was a terrible movie, but the concept was superb.

>> No.1386597

luuuuuulz !!!!!!

so ashkenazis are the most intelligent people on earth ??? So ashkenazis is a race ??lulz lulz lulz......

We can't do anything for you. You are condemned to be a retard.

>> No.1386598

What about martial arts?

>> No.1386603

Lol @ overly emotion liberal faggots who get defensive anyway hurts their offend their precious niggers who can't even stand up for themselves.

I love the Scotsman fallacies the best, libfaggots.

>> No.1386604


They more than make up for this with cultures that have some of the best martial arts on earth. Not that I'm saying "all asians are good at karate" but their people have developed a good system for defeating physically superior opponents in fights

>> No.1386606

Eugenic cunt here.

I dont think any of real eugenfags approves using violent means to further our cause, I surely do not. It can be done peacefully, China manages to do it. We could do it by using some fines, or mandatory birth control... etc.

I would have no problem to be affected by these laws, I dont have any stupid animal urges to procreate my genes, and if I would be unworthy to procreate, I wont. Id do it for humanity. What about you?

>> No.1386608
File: 13 KB, 250x298, ShaolinMonk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You are schooled by this guy.

>> No.1386611

Which is garbage and fancy dancing which any fighter would tell you is useless in a real fight.

Again, Asians are the most physically inferior and shortest race. All based on genetic factors and nothing can change that because you can see it clearly with your eyes. Where is their equality?

>> No.1386613

dude I can't do anything for you....

Also, in science, we don't have to prove you are wrong (and you are). You must bring scientists studyes to prove what you are saying....


>> No.1386615


I'm of pretty much the same persuasion as this guy

I think that if laws were imposed stopping people from having children though, there should be a parenting test so those individuals may adopt if they qualify.

>> No.1386617

You sure are mad. Your typing is such an eyesore I couldn't get past the /b/shit of your first word. Get out.

>> No.1386621

China ? Eugenic ? Wat ??????

They have boirth control. Don't you see the difference ??

>> No.1386623


So... i need to prove evolution based on artificial selection?

Meet my dog, she was bred by man to have certain desirable traits.

>> No.1386627


You will always be wrong no matter what happens. Anything you say is invalided by default. You keep spouting retard but it's obvious to anyone you are the most retarded.

>> No.1386629


You are just wrong on this one

>> No.1386633

I'm mad because I write in bad english. OK

U are mad 'cause U have shitty ideas..... Sad for you.

protip : ashkenazi is not a race.barely an ethnic group.

>> No.1386634


>Asians are physically inferior to all races, this is fact. Where is their equality?

So Black people are the master race?

>> No.1386635


Hoo boy. You managed to keep up the pretense of objectivity and honest scientific evaluation there for a while but now the wheels are really coming off.

"Asians are physically inferior, because, well, just *look* at them?" Seriously?

>> No.1386636


er, on the fighting part. Most people who can "fight" just throw punches and hope one lands. Bruce Lee, as an example, was both an amazing martial artist and a brutal street fighter.

>> No.1386637


Yes, but it would not be hard to incorporate eugenic principles into China-like birth control. It is the only nation doing something comparable to eugenic program, so I used them as an example that population control can be done. My bad.

>> No.1386642

no U.

lulz, as I said, U make my day man !

Find some studyes (OH god, an Y..... ahhhhh !) talking about eugenic, make a fire with it, and throws you in. THisis a good beginning for your eugenic projects.

>> No.1386643

There's no such thing as a master race. Neither are blacks "people".

They are the least intelligent anyway.

>> No.1386646
File: 60 KB, 410x615, 2275356977_5ee26d83f8_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nice to meet you

>> No.1386649


Maybe if you can write in proper English I might consider doing whatever the hell you just said

>> No.1386651

>>It is the only nation doing something comparable to eugenic program,

it's comparable in your insane mind. I'm sorry, but you are wrong. people like you caused a world war 71 years ago.

>> No.1386655

Oh boy, this cunt argument and fallacy again.

We have a thing called statistics and it's pretty obvious if you go to Asian countries they are more shorter on average and their country's stats agree that it is true. There are pretty much NO Asians who do well in things like sports whatsoever and none has ever been even in the top 10,000 strongest people in the world. Things like height are based on genetic factors. Are you seriously doubting? REALLY?

>> No.1386658

Scotsman fallacy.

Again, there is a thing called average.

>> No.1386659

>1 guy

asians are androgynous as fuck. like the dudes have less free testosterone and the women have less free estrogen. any gender dimorphism is severly muted.

>> No.1386661


So do you consider yourself a paragon of humanity by virtue of being white?

>> No.1386663




>> No.1386664

Eugenics is retarded. A ham-fisted, shotgun approach to what could better be achieved through genetic engineering, which probably isn't more than a few decades away in humans.

>> No.1386665

gb2/b/, kid. Learn some goddamn English too.

>> No.1386666


"There are pretty much NO Asians who do well in things like sports whatsoever"

>> No.1386669


Yeah, I am wrong because you said it and because Hitler. Arguments, please...

>> No.1386673

Lulz, but I don't care U don't consider what I wrote !! I'm just here to show to others people U are a cunt !

et je te pisse à la raie,les types comme toi ne méritent pas d'être sauvés de leur bétise.

yes U smell stupidity, even if you write in "good" english.

>> No.1386674

1 guy. i don't see how yao proves anything.

>implying yao is athletic
he is gigantic, take 6 inches away from him and he doesnt make the NBA.

>> No.1386677

Is this a troll?

Because it just has to be. Types like a nigger

>> No.1386679


Eugenics can be done today though, with less perceived consequences than GE. I'm all for GE, but it's so new that there are a lot of unknowns in it, and no one wants to fund the studies because of all the bad hype.

>> No.1386682


Just that egalitarians are retards who destroy science.

>> No.1386684


1 is more than none though, and that proves him wrong

Either way, yes, asians on average are shorter, but I don't really see your point

>> No.1386686

no, don't want.

I write in your language, I could continue in mine just to troll. Don't bother me, grammar nazi.

>> No.1386687

One person does not prove anything. It's a majority average that most people are apart of that matters the most because it affects the most people.

>> No.1386688


er, you are doing a shitty job since only you can understand your posts

>> No.1386689




>> No.1386691

Asians on average are shorter and physically inferior. A few does not represent all but the most does. You just proved him right.

>> No.1386693

is their studies proving this fact ? can you show me one ?

All the asians I met before were tall...

>> No.1386695


Poop Shit Dick

>> No.1386696

You know why asians are faulty? They are xenophobic, so they are frail as fuck, and get colds from standing out in the rain for 5 seconds. Thats a hefty price to pay for a small boost of intelligence that anyone can get if they have as much determination as an asian person/ the fucking pressure. It's all about goddamn culture, in japan they go to school longer than anyone, and then they have cram school and clubs science clubs and shit all day. Good lord are you people fucktarded.

>> No.1386699


>destroy science

lol okay. Are you not a paragon of scientific racists? Far superior to those feeble-minded "egalitarians." Equally retarded, but whatever. You can choose to believe in whatever you want to believe, whether the facts supports your beliefs or not.

>> No.1386702

You're trying too hard, nigger.

Asians are the phsyically weakest race on average but the smartest.

Niggers are physically the strongest on average (not the tallest, whites are still the tallest on average) but the least intelligent.


>> No.1386703

>clubs and science clubs
Dat sentence, but you get what I mean.

>> No.1386707

>They are xenophobic, so they are frail as fuck
How does being xenophobic make you frail as fuck?

>> No.1386708


So black people are superior to Asians.

>> No.1386709


best i can do on a short notice. but caucasians and blacks in general are larger built than asians.

>> No.1386710

tell us : who are you ? What do you do in life ? Be honest !

>> No.1386711

Your entire post is filled with racism and generalizations with no citations.

Butthurt niggers are butthurt.

>> No.1386712


Why use "inferior" though? I'm 6' 5" and I hate it. I wish I was shorter so I could fit in places. Seats and shit are designed for people way shorter than me and are alway uncomfortable. I consider being tall a burden, so why is being short "inferior"?

>> No.1386715

You guys are all faggots because you don't understand environmental variables / communal pressure. Blacks are told that they are dumb, so they do things that they think that fit them, its not a new concept.

>> No.1386719

India average male height: 5 ft 3.5

Am I the only one who got mindfucked by this. I am nearly a foot taller than average dudes from my country of origin. Feelsweirdman.

>> No.1386721
File: 30 KB, 736x414, horror1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT, I learn that every race is either physically or intellectually inferior to my own.

I should feel smug and superior, and yet there is only an endless yawning chasm of emptiness, devoid of light and joy.

>> No.1386722

physically but that doesn't amount to much in an artificial society where intelligence is king.

We're not living in fucking jungles and caves like nigger still do. Ape strength doesn't mean shit.

>> No.1386723

don't prove it's genetic man. Sorry but we are talking about genetic... I mean, it could be bias in studies : poor quality food impact growth etc

>> No.1386727

I'm laughing at the liberal niggerlovers. They have the gall to accuse others of racism but be racist against Asians even though taking away their intelligence would leave them with nothing. White guilt sure is amusing as fuck.

>> No.1386728

but you eat better food ??

>> No.1386729


No, blacks are told they are dumb and they yell "Dayum nigga, das racis!" and they go call Al Sharpton and he tries to get you can be persecuted for being racist and a terrible person

>> No.1386732

Thats cool and all but my post is still valid, all you said is that I was wrong because of my race, which is incredibly stupid you know? You are prejudice about your opponents, and underestimating your adversary is a dead mans mistake, because who knows what side of the spectrum of intelligence of any race that I am on?

>> No.1386733

No, niggers are inherently the least intelligent.

By your shitty subhuman logic, anyone who is told they are intelligence growing up will be intelligent. DERPHERP

>> No.1386738

>Height not influenced by genetic factors



>> No.1386741

The genetic differences are very minor. I do think black people tend to have a slightly less devloped mind, but it's so minor its like not even two points on the IQ chart in difference.

>> No.1386744

Pardon? I eat fairly healthy food, yeah. But my entire family is pretty tall. 6ft5 uncle.

I have been to india once, and the number makes sense. The people there are fucking tiny. Stand in a bus and see over allof their heads.

>> No.1386746

> 'Race' is a human concept with no foundation in actual science.

and this :
> Depends on whether you consider race useful as a cultural/social concept. Which it may be.
> It's just that it isn't that useful as a scientific one.

Personally, it will only have Little relevance the day we will begin to have enough understanding of our DNA to predict a human potential.

But it could has well have no relevance since nobody will even agree about what is a perfect DNA.

Though I expect Eugenic wars to kick-in around years 2200.

>> No.1386748


>> No.1386754

Wait wait wait... You actually believe that that? Even though Japan is a first world country with all the food they need, they are still the shortest on average. Even though Asians in western world countries eat the same food, they will never be as tall as a black or white. The universally accepted and proven fact that two tell parents produce tall offspring is now a lie? It's over for you. All this time you've defended and made excuses for niggers and their inferior intelligence but now I know you are just a fucking joke who didn't finish their biology report in high school.

>> No.1386755


Fuck yeah, if I was one of those kids, I'd feel fucking awesome

>> No.1386756

No, you are the one who has subhuman intelligence, because you don't have the critical thinking abilities to fathom the concept which I brought to the table. I spoke of how environments and social pressure affect how people act, and this is proven in other tests. The fact that that you use double standards for races, shows your lack of IQ, and blind hatred, which is used to protect your fragile ego by saying that a large group is lesser than you, when in fact, it isn't.
TL;DR, you mad?

>> No.1386758

Ok I stop trolling. Seriously.

This thread is like a vomit puddle. I'm in fact very sad to be faced with people who always think like this.

talking about eugenic in 2010... I hope guys like you will never have political power.


>> No.1386759

How? How could a study be so skewed that one has the average height come out to 5ft3 and the other to 5ft10.

Even if those numbers arent exact, you can see which country has generally taller people.

If you can agree to that, how can you discount genetics. What else determines height?

>> No.1386761

You're right, it's more like 5-15 points from Whites, East Asians, ect.

>> No.1386765

Eugenics works.

See selective breeding in farm animals. Whether it should be implemented is a different debate, and would boil down to your priorities/whether you would be eliminated by a eugenics program.

>> No.1386768

> 'Race' is a human concept with no foundation in actual science.

Cunts that say this actually believe that there are no populations of close relation that share common traits which make them a race. We all know about genetic diseases and such that afflict people based on race. Lol @ the delusional niggers

>> No.1386778

Eugenics is real anyway.

>> No.1386779


so, you want to treat people like farms animals ???

>> No.1386781

Anyone ITT ever visited Japan?
Swedenfag here, people are so small it's even hard to walk around on stores without hitting your head while crossing doors.

>> No.1386782

>Nigger this, Nigger that
You guys have a serious inferiority complex, man thats not healthy. It's obvious that you guys are either basement blobs or oldfags, no other explanation. Don't worry, I have science on my side.

>> No.1386783

in your poor mental world, it is ! For sur !

>> No.1386787

vikings invaded Japan ! And nobody told me !

>> No.1386790
File: 251 KB, 940x1200, 1277756847326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one cares about your opinion, swinegol

>> No.1386794

Not just farm animals but every single other animal known to man.

Hell, do you even know how Yao Ming was made? His parents were tall as fuck.

Height is genetic and so is everything else. Intelligence will have proof to be genetic some day but some liberal PC douche bag will silence him because it doesn't conform to their delusional views of reality.

>> No.1386797


As of today, black or white peoples have as much chance to become useless retard against your own idea that to become genius.

Good luck racist trying to figure out if all your consanguine children will support being a moron because you refuse to marry that incredibly pretty and intelligent BLACK girl who proposed to you (before you became racist)

ps : capslock is cruise control for visibility.

>> No.1386799


It would be better than current anarchy. Leading the human race towards quality, not quantity. Natural selection does not work in todays world, anyway. Why not help it with artificial selection?

>> No.1386801

Niggerlovers don't even know how genetics work, lol.

>> No.1386802

In all cases, if one day there are dangerous cunts to apply eugenic in modern world, there will be another world war, and personnaly, I know wich side I will defend.

>> No.1386810

I'm just glad science isn't on your side and that' you're just an asspained nigger.

So far, science has proven that your subhuman kind isn't like any other in the world. They are the bottom of history and science itself.

>> No.1386813

So let me get this straight.

White guilt faggot protect niggers but don't protect Asians.


Nobody is more racist than a liberal cunt.

>> No.1386816


Whites are still doing better on average no matter what everywhere.

>> No.1386821


We could begin by sterilizing your mother, then you ?

>> No.1386831

Id like to point out that eugenics is not racist. I want eugenic program based on intelligence, and social status, not on race or skin color. Just think of he children!

>> No.1386832

Blacks have only had the materials needed for discoveries such as this for a short while, what amazing discovery have you made anon?
Inb4 white people claim that every invention was made by them, when they actually only just made a slightly upgraded because they had access to better technology and information version/stole it

>> No.1386846


You want... lol

we are on a forum, here. Go to congress, enjoy being considered like a retard redneck, commit suicide.

then, we profit !

>> No.1386850


You would have to put my mother on mandatory birth control first, or even just talk to her, threaten her with fine or prison. Then if she procreates without being allowed, you can sterilize my mum.

>> No.1386854

>Intelligence will have proof to be genetic some day

It already has been and they DID destroy the data. In fact, I seem to recall how a bunch of overly hippie scientists tried to proof niggers were equal but then found about their evidence showed that niggers were even less intelligent on average no matter what other factors are involved that aren't genetic like economic, culture, ect. The fact that many even accept that genetics influence intelligence but say not much I lold so hard.


>> No.1386857

She's already past menopause. So much for your intelligence, shitskin.

>> No.1386865

you forgot artists, musicians etc

god, world would be such a sad place with just european fag like me and you...

diversity !!!! its the Nature solution !!!

>> No.1386866


>> No.1386868

I can't believe even though niggers outnumber whites they have to combine their inventors and scientist page. They really are the stupidest pieces of shit in the world.

>> No.1386869

menopause ???
you don't are a 13yo ???

>> No.1386882
File: 95 KB, 634x600, pointingdownsup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice 69, but next post is doubles.

>> No.1386883

you worthless shitskinned niggers have next to no accomplishments compared to any other race. The mere fact your kind makes so many excuses on solidifies the fact that you've done nothing.

>> No.1386887
File: 252 KB, 402x417, supbro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check em.

>> No.1386888

man, could you just commit suicide and shut the fuck up..... fucking sociopath

>> No.1386891
File: 10 KB, 251x251, Ilikepuddin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1386896

what amazing discovery have you made?

>> No.1386899

The world needs eugenics. And i mean eliminating stupid/weak people, doesn't have to be racially based.

I don't want it limited to just IQ either it should consider physical health. Fat fucks should die along with the retards.

>> No.1386908

You're quite correct, I have no right to claim ownership to the accomplishments of my race. Quite unlike the average black person who can genuinely claim ownership to the accomplishments of their race... Nothing.

>> No.1386910

I'm 16, I have time, what have you done with your life, good sir?

>> No.1386915

Why are niggers always the most asspained creatures known to man?

They whine about fucking everything and blame whites for it.

I didn't do shit, you niggers. Fuck off.

>> No.1386917


>> No.1386922

requesting underageb& for this fag please

>> No.1386928

This is fine because the majority of niggers wouldn't even make the fucking cut and niggers have the highest obesity rate in the fucking country.

>> No.1386936

what did YOU invented ??

you are just another douchbag with superiority complex.... you are useless as a "nigger".

>> No.1386942


Butthurt kid.

Nobody under 18 allowed here, you cunt. Fuck off.

>> No.1386945


Procreation should not be a right, but a privilege. You need a drivers licence to drive a car, you need background check if you want a gun (maybe not in the US..), but to do the most responsible job of all - to be a parent - you need nothing but to know what hole to stick it in?
Irresponsible procreation should be outlawed.

>> No.1386953


16.... learn to life faggot, I forgive you !

now, go clean your room !

>> No.1386956

I'm on a team project at my university making a form of plastic that can biodegrade quickly enough. What have you done, nigger? You can't even finish high school.

>> No.1386957

Sure, i don't give a fuck. I know i will make the cut, a good 80% of people from my ethnics background (indian) wont feeling pride in your race is about as stupid as nationalism. Fuck all that shit.

>> No.1386969

And while the majority of niggers continue to be worthless contributing absolutely nothing of value whatsoever leeching off society, I'm working hard like everybody else getting an education and job but no. Niggers are too good for that with all their shitty little handouts because being white is baaaaaaddd. I fucking hate this country.

>> No.1386972


well, I agree with the fact birth control (by law, not by bullets) will maybe usefull in next years... but don't forget populations on earth are aging !

>> No.1386977
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>> No.1386979

working on exoplanetary researches.

you are boring me.....

>> No.1386982

>implying there aren't individual niggers that dont work harder and contribute more to society than you will

They should have a test, and kill those who don't pass. Niggers will probably fail ore than mot other races, but a few will still live.

>> No.1386986


Population of the Earth is increasing quite quickly, not aging. Population in developed countries is aging, and birth control or eugenics would be therefore much harder to implement here, possibly making things worse.

>> No.1386987

It's more than you've ever done or ever will or most niggers ever have done. I'm working towards efficiency to save billions and create jobs and I pray they are all white.

>> No.1386992

Make it global.

>> No.1386994

lol even if it was right (I higly doubt), you rest an useless scum by having shitty ideas.

>> No.1386996


With this kind of prose and the ideas presented in this paragraph, somehow I'm skeptical that you can actually grasp the level of science and math as /sci/.

It does look rather similar to the stuff that gets posted by stormfaggots on /new/ daily.

>> No.1387002

enjoy being a cunt in the basement of your momma's house...
you are insane man.


>> No.1387003

I said majority, kid. Learn to read and 90% of all niggers wouldn't pass that test then complain that it's racist when pretty much all the Asians/Indian pass, 76% of all whites pass, and niggers pass with less than 10%

>> No.1387009
File: 195 KB, 800x590, DT_01_by_scarabuss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for all of u, now i understand that media and liberals are lying to us

>> No.1387010

You are an underaged cunt who no contributions or real achievements, shitskin. Your view of the world doesn't mean shit.

>> No.1387013


entire world is aging.
Population could be stable in next decades

>> No.1387018

>ad hominems derp

Enjoy unemployment and welfare, nigger. I'm a tax payer so you should be sucking my cock.

>> No.1387021

you are a cunt on a forum....

go work on your "plastic" !!! naow !!! humanity is waiting for it !!!!

>> No.1387034

lol, 16yo !

go clean your room, kid !
that's an order !

>> No.1387038

>fight racism with self projected generalizations

Man, you niggerlovers actually talked down to a guy who is trying to make a different. What the fuck have you nigger protectors done? Suck more unwashed nigger cock while niggers commit nearly all the crimes and rapes an murders? You can't even find an excuse for those because there just isn't one that can't be debunked. Niggers are inherently violent and inferior creatures.

>> No.1387039
File: 13 KB, 247x248, 1277604531252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>grasp the level of science and math as /sci/

>> No.1387040

Must have the potential to at least get accepted to a university. (no community college bullshit).

Male- above 6 feet
must be able to bench 1.5xbodyweight
must be able to do 20 pull-ups
must be able to squat 1.5xBW
must be able to run 8 Kilometeres.

Female: loldunno

Give them until they graduate high school to get all this shit down. If not they should be euthanized.

>> No.1387044


>>ad hominen

>>ever will or most niggers

wait, wat ?
lulz, cunt.

>> No.1387048


>> No.1387072

Half of niggers have never made it past high school so I am ok with this.

It's one of many projects my colleagues are working on to improve efficiency so I'm saving billions. Be butthurt somewhere else knowing you've done nothing and contributed nothing just like 99.99% of every nigger ever. I'm sure shouting that ape rant in a microphone will surely make any improvements in the world, derp. I'm so glad there are pretty much no niggers anywhere in top universities around the world.

>> No.1387081

So there's some ridiculously butthurt nigger who can't even speak English getting butthurt the entire thread> It's amusing as fuck lol

>> No.1387091


>> No.1387094

No, we need a cut off at the university levels too. Don't act like there isn't shit tier universities full of niggers.

>> No.1387097



Goddamn, no one posting ITT is going to make the cut

Let's all euthanize ourselves. You know, for the greater good of mankind.

>> No.1387099
File: 66 KB, 550x441, comicracism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yeah, this thread.

>> No.1387100


that's boring and I want to eat.

Also, I'm white, 26 yo, not from USA. And even if I was a poor farmer of the middlewest, I would be more human and valuable than a cunt who want to product a biodegradable plastic for "saving billions" (I'm sure you are a 15yo cunt) but dicuss about eugenic shit on a forum.........

>> No.1387107

man I'm tired of those little brats.... racists are racists, can't be saved from their insane mind.

>> No.1387110

I don't know about you faggot but I go to /fit/ sometimes. Real intelligent men know how to take care of their bodies and be successful in academics. Niggers can't do either well.

See black obesity rates, rofl.

>> No.1387112


I think the physical part is way more difficult than the intelligence part. How about they use the US army standard for physical fitness? That's much easier to pass, but still not so easy that everyone would make it.

>> No.1387113

Must have the potential to at least get accepted to a university. (no community college bullshit).

Male- above 6 feet
must be able to bench 1.5xbodyweight
must be able to do 20 pull-ups
must be able to squat 1.5xBW
must be able to run 8 Kilometeres.

Female: loldunno

Give them until they graduate high school to get all this shit down. If not they should be euthanized."

WTF? I am a proponent of eugenics, but this is just wrong. We need to do it peacefully, not killing people, you sick fuck. Bullshit like this is why people have problem with eugenics. Just GTFO.

>> No.1387115
File: 38 KB, 500x381, niggerbabycry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thread is great.

The tears of the savage negro subhuman is legendary and known to all but never fails to entertain.

>> No.1387122

I wasn't the one discussing that, you moron. All I've said was that niggers haven't contributed shit and you haven't either. Hell, you can't even type any serious English to the point 6 year olds have greater comprehension than you. Come into a thread then find the most butthurt English fail nigger ever to grace this board and I just feel the need to go case in point. And nobody said anything about 15 years old. So that's your age? Lolniggers with shit understanding of anything.

>> No.1387127



Let's raid Stephen Hawking's house and murder him. His genes are useless to us.

>> No.1387131
File: 48 KB, 838x983, 1277655805342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a 14 year old in his moms basement

>> No.1387133

looool u mad. unable to read your shit, and don't want.

I'm going to eat, have a nice day dude, in all cases !

>> No.1387137

Maybe because you're a nigger. Intelligent and fit or get the fuck out.

Neither can fucktarded shitskins with poor English and delusional equality views

>> No.1387141

lulz little angry whitey is angry....

>> No.1387142


Must be able to be accepted into a University

Physical test:

Must be able to do 42 consecutive pushups, 53 sit-ups, and be able to run 2 miles in with a time of 15:54 or better

No killing though, if they fail the physical part, retest in 6 months. If they fail that part, sterilize.

>> No.1387145

Typical how you try to run like a nigger coward. You're pathetic and have been crushed in all arguments. Enjoy not contributing shit or doing anything that matters, not unlike all niggers.

>> No.1387147

What exactly is the difference between killing people and just not letting them reproduce. Both will end their genetic lineage. My way will just get rid of the undesirables asap.

>> No.1387148
File: 39 KB, 434x314, u the real angry one.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha, nigger is scared.

>> No.1387150

Bill Nye needs to spoon feed the mindless racist man children who have done nothing with their lives. uneducated morons, here is the link:


>> No.1387154
File: 36 KB, 600x399, nah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously laughing at you niggers

>> No.1387155

Thats way too easy on the physical side of things.

>> No.1387156

And if I had a permanent disability due to injury? And do you think people will work in factories if they are smart enough for college? We need the less intelligent. Remember your Darwinistic niches (especially since you are using a socially Darwinisitic approach).

>> No.1387158

you're a sad man. I feel sorry for you, truly.

have a good life.

>> No.1387163

>Bill Nye


>> No.1387166

>Eugenics herp-derp

Today is the day we discover that /sci/ are really fa/sci/sts

>> No.1387167

If you had a permanent disability you die.

There will always be an underclass. People who got into shit universities will have to do the less mentally demanding jobs.

>> No.1387169

And yet you're still here, shitskin. It's obvious you're mad as fuck or else you would have already left yet you come back here just to say that? It's obvious that you are just projecting your patheticness and no accomplishments on others.

>> No.1387174


Oh god, you stupid sociopath, are you trolling me or what? If you cannot see the difference between sterilization and fucking killing someone, then it is you who needs to be removed from gene pool.


>> No.1387175

Bill’s fascination with how things work led him to Cornell University and a degree in Mechanical Engineering. After graduation, he headed for Seattle and work as an engineer at Boeing.

Bill Nye is a graduate of Cornell with a Bachelors of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering. He holds three Honorary Doctorate degrees from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Goucher College, and Johns Hopkins. He has delivered commencement addresses at the University of California Santa Barbara, RPI, Goucher, Hopkins, Harvey Mudd College, and Caltech.

>> No.1387177

Haha, oh wow.

Nigger says he'd leave yet is still here.

Butthurt nigger is butthurt as fuuuuuuccckkk

>> No.1387180

Shed light on it, tell me what the difference is. I can already tell its going to be something like "OMG YOURE SO MEAN".

Just because I dont share you moral/ethical values means nothing.

>> No.1387183

Not being able to breed is not the same as death. Many people don't want children in the first place anyway. For you to not be able to see the difference you are truly the epitome of retardation. Because neutering your pet dog is the same as killing it, right? Bahahahah

>> No.1387184

Lol, no Hawkings in my society! Seriously, we are beyond the point in society where genetics are that big of a deal. This is one big Nature v. Nurture argument. If you think stupid people can be trained, then they can end up more intellectually capable than someone with the best genes. Genetics are the starting point, and not a limiter, since the brain develops according to stimulus.

tl;dr: In this thread, physicists discuss biology.

>> No.1387190


It takes a real man to forcibly sterilize Stephen Hawking for the crime of racial impurity

>> No.1387196


All right, for gods sake.

1. Your mother decides to be sterilized. Its nothing special, millions of people do it, just to enjoy safe sex. She does it too, and lives with you happily for another 40 years.

2. Your mother kills herself.

Do you fucking see the difference now?

>> No.1387199

Hawking is overrated as fuck.

Has he really done that much to make people's lives better?

>> No.1387205

Specialization in modern societies allows for weakness in one field if it is made up for in another. An accountant doesn't need legs, a ditch digger barely needs his brain. If you are working from a pragmatic standpoint, trying to get the most work out of the fewest people (for calorie and pay efficiency), then specialization is key! Ants do it, and division of labor in a society correlates with (or if you are Marx, causes) advancement and complexity.

Catch some Leslie White.

>> No.1387213
File: 118 KB, 700x530, niggers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Letting retards not breed sounds good to be. Most subhuman niggers just abandon their kids anyway. No wonder niggers are so butthurt. Daddy never loved them, baaaawww.

>> No.1387218


Inorite, that's why we need to kill/sterilize him

>> No.1387222
File: 28 KB, 627x442, 1278904313193.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1387229

I never said that but really has Hawking done that much to make the world a better place or something? To me he just needs like another pop icon scientist with people uneducated enough to believe he's the world's smartest man or something.

>> No.1387235

Awwww... That's adorable. You were so asspained you just had to open MS paint and edit that picture to fit your butthurt nigger needs. I'm glad you wasted all that time for the sake of how mad you are. Good thing you fit those two exactly. Not a single contribution or anything worth a damn.

>> No.1387239
File: 90 KB, 1214x648, 1278900807165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.1387242

delicious nigger tears

>> No.1387251

Proof niggers have no creativity or artistic talent. Thank you, universe.

>> No.1387253


>"master race" retarded expects me to contribute to an incredibly racist, close-minded thread where everyone's minds are all ready made up

u mad white boy?

>> No.1387258


This is an accurate depiction of posters ITT

>> No.1387272


is that the same anon ???

>> No.1387274

Eugenic cunt here.

Stormfags are mostly bunch of stupid closet faggots. Do not identify all eugenfags with those.

>> No.1387278


It's obvious as fuck you are. The sheer amount of shitskinned subhuman porch monkey coon jiggaboo tears could blot out the sun.

>> No.1387284

obvious same butthurt nigger is obvious

>> No.1387288


>> No.1387294

rage crisis for being a retard. He learnd it in this thread.

>> No.1387303

Not much in this thread that you didn't agree with. Most niggers would be sterilized and killed regardless in the new world.

>> No.1387306


>> No.1387315

Holy shit, this thread is amazing...

There's so much asspain coming from niggers.

I've seen so plenty of threads about spics and gooks and shit but they never get this butthurt ever.

Maybe because they're more intelligent and can actually ignore shit.

Niggers are ridiculously insecure as hell.

Oh well ITT Niggers


>> No.1387316

could you post without writing niggers, just one time ?

you just show your stupidity ... How do you want anyone here think you're serious ?? please stop acting like a monkey.

>> No.1387321

lol, /b/ was here !

>> No.1387324

Yeah, because he typed civilized and calmly while a nigger with shit English and a faggot who yells redneck and basement over and over again sure weren't mad at all. Niggers truly are the dumbest shits around, good thread everyone. lolniggers

>> No.1387325


If it is done peacefully, and respects their rights, then I agree. But a big part of stormfags wants to do it by killing and by abusing their rights. I would never agree with that, and it is an important distinction for me. Also, I am not a closet faggot.. :)

>> No.1387335

I just did, shitskin. Nobody will take you seriously with your terrible ape English. You've been butthurt for fucking HOURS LOL.

>> No.1387340

>>civilized and calmly

ha so ?

his ideas are not civilized.

>> No.1387341

You mention closet faggot a lot. Pretty damn sure you're revealing too much. Also


rofl queer. We need more fagdrags

>> No.1387347


Rednecks are the niggers of with people.


>> No.1387359

The tone was while you were aping off terrible shit English and shouting herpderp redneck and nazi first the whole thread. You already won the godwin point, you lost the entire thread for being so angry too. You had no real arguments to counter his at all and failed miserably. Also the childish same old tactics of making shitty image macros like a /b/shit kid. It's no wonder that the majority of the world hates your kind. Arabs, Jews, Asians, Hispanics. Everyone hates blacks and always will. This white guilt bullshit needs to blow over. Leftism is a mental illness.

>> No.1387366

>with people

Never heard of them.

All niggers will always be subhumans.

>> No.1387377

I have and can do all these things.
Please make this happen. A world free from nigger scourge.

>> No.1387384


>> No.1387386


I mentioned it two times, second time was a joke targeted at the first time. But yeah, everytime I hear stormfront, I imagine a secret aryan-only gay orgy...

>> No.1387387


>> No.1387392


>> No.1387393

I just finished reading the thread...

Every single time we have one of these threads, niggers just look worse and worse.

What's with that kid's fucked up grammar and spelling and shit anyway?

Intelligent people ignore these things.
The Asians here do. The Hispanics here sometimes. Arabs pretty much never post here but there are always niggers around to mouth off and be retards calling other retards retards.

Bah, blacks... A few good ones but still 99% nigger.

>> No.1387400

lol, nigger !

>> No.1387406


>> No.1387410

I imagine them as the Halloween kids dressed up in bedsheets with two holes cut out who only gets rocks. The mere fact you have imagined such a thing, I think you should see a shrink about latent homosexual thoughts.

>> No.1387416

what are you bababulling ???

>> No.1387423

anon, man, anon....

so gooooood, trolling cunts !

>> No.1387424

The nigger got so angry and butthurt he finally snapped and can only now remember one word...


>> No.1387430


The fuck is this?

See what I mean.

Niggers man... ruin everything and makes themselves look like the bigger or biggest idiots of all.

>> No.1387433

ho, what are your arguments already ..... ???

blabla niggers blabla inferior blabla niggers blabla


>> No.1387436
File: 26 KB, 325x330, checkbate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checkmate then.
White beats black.
Lets go.

>> No.1387443

I'm more loling @ the fact the nigger kid with shit english is still here after he declared he was leaving. Epic butthurt, anyone? Oh well, thread is over anyway. The niggerfags were destroyed.

>> No.1387450

I just adapt my arguments to talk with cunts, man.

see, it works ! I almost killed this shitty thread !

also, you are so angry you forgot punctuation... hard to read....

>> No.1387455

samefag.... why are you still here ?

>> No.1387460

kwakwakwakwakwak ????

>> No.1387461

>typical nigger unwarranted self entitlement huurrrdudrrr i killed a thread that reached max replies!1!111

What the hell are you on about? The thread reached maxed replies. You haven't done shit and are just delusional to the point oh wait...


Thread is over and successful. Lolniggers

>> No.1387471

Nope, not samefag.

You said you'd leave but stuck around the whole time. Butthurt much, nigger? That much is obvious to anyone.

>> No.1387481

niggers are dumb as fuck, nobody who has met one will deny this and this thread proves it. just let it die already, bro. niggers are fucktarded.

>> No.1387492

Oh whatever. Thread is already autosage.

I must say I thoroughly enjoyed the delicious nigger tears and their butthurt.

>> No.1387497

lol cunt, always here ???

you really made my day ! trolling is a art...

>> No.1387522

/sci/ - gigantic stormfag circlejerk





Shit, even /new/'s stormfags are less "congratulations, Shinji-kun" than you fuckers

>> No.1387525

>>tell me guys is there difference between human races or all humans are one race without any genetical differences only by color?

so, what is the answer ?

>> No.1387536



The answer is, you need to retake English again this year.

>> No.1387551

man, those guy are... I dunno ? is that fear ? hatred ?

trolling is okay, I did it all along that thread... but those guys seems to be convinced of what they say... I'd like to meet them IRL, just to talk.

>> No.1387569

I just copy and pasted OP...

>>so, what is the answer ?

what's wrong with that ?

>> No.1387577

thanks for all the fun guys !

>> No.1387598


>> No.1387803

no. lol

>> No.1388520
File: 40 KB, 311x475, Ggas_human_soc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is almost entirely composed of uncited generalizations.

I'm going to repeat this here post, because it seems I didn't cram enough logical fallacies and insults to gain your attention, which I'm starting to consider worthless.


>What I find interesting is the people who defend the scientific studies with racist implications while continually using the word niggers. This leads me to believe that these people were already racist before actually having a legitimate cause for disliking blacks. Or, a black person wronged them and then they hastily looked up all sorts of nasty things in a vain attempt to put together their shattered ego.

>To anyone who defends racist theories while using racist lexicon:

>You're automatically a hypocrite because you were racist before actually learning the knowledge that lead you to your conclusions, and at one point were just as deluded and ignorant as the people you argue against.

>To those who defend racist theories but don't use racist lexicon:

>Not as aggravating as the former, but try and counter look up the theories that contradict you and attack those instead of constantly re-asserting your original evidence.

>To both groups:

>If you're white or east asian, chances are you're even more biased than the "liberal hippie scum" you hate, because your belief implies your superiority as a person. This may explain why you're so fucking volatile and start whipping out ad-hominem attacks when somebody calls you a racist.

Picture related. Read this, stormfags.