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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 184 KB, 600x613, ElecExample1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1386002 No.1386002 [Reply] [Original]

Would anyone care to read and review my bachelors thesis? (preferably native English speakers or people who speak university level english)

It's about neural oscillations in the hippocampus and frontal mid-line during spatial sequence learning.

You can post your email or email me at sciencepropagates@gmail.com and I'll send you a copy.

(pic sort of related as my thesis involves intracranial recordings from epilepsy patients)

>> No.1386012

What bachelor did you do?


>> No.1386005


>> No.1386020


I reed it an it sux. UR gay.

>> No.1386022

I would OP but I'm a musicfag, I wouldn't understand any of it.

>> No.1386027

Cognitive neuroscience.

>> No.1386028

"spatial sequence learning" means what exactly, studying with the aid of visual 3D learning tools?

>> No.1386034
File: 64 KB, 550x515, miltonbradleysimon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's similar to the game "simon says" (pic related) except test subjects learned the sequences on a computer. Basically it involves repeating some sequence in a very simple two dimensional maze with the sequences increasing in length with each correct repetition.

>> No.1386047


"Spatial" is part of standard IQ tests too is it not? Can you point me to some online spatial tests just so I can get a solid grip on what it means?

>> No.1386048

>university level english


>> No.1386049 [DELETED] 

a p hrpbcasdn i guvqhptp tpes xdwhlw

>> No.1386050


Why people less intelligent than me are even allowed to breed -- 7

>> No.1386053


Aaaand I posted my troll in the wrong thread.

Time to go get some sleep.

>> No.1386055


Don't know if haxxor, uses many words that don't seem to make much sense

>> No.1386064

send it to jizz@yopmail.com

>> No.1386063

I'm just curious what OP did in a nutshell for hsi thesis

>> No.1386061

200+ master race, I know how it feels.

protip: trolling the wrong thread is god tier troll

>> No.1386068


>> No.1386069
File: 30 KB, 655x344, fig1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know that much about IQ tests. Here's a picture with description of the task I used:

Figure 1. Task layout. Each new sequence started with the opening screen (panels 1). After the subject pressed
a key (panels 2) the game map was shown for a duration of 1000 ms (panels 3). A cue stimulus appeared in a
random corner for a duration of 1000 ms to indicate the first element of the sequence (panels 4). Next, a violet
square was presented in the center of the game map and a cue was given to indicate the subject could
respond (panels 5). After the subject pressed a key (panels 6), the violet box moved to the selected corner
(panels 7). The duration of the movement was 1000 ms for each movement. If the selected corner corresponded to the cued corner, the box sappeared once it reached the corner (panel 8). The sequence was shown again and after each correct sequence repetition one element was added to the sequence. When a mistake was made, a red stimulus appeared over the selected corner after the violet square moved to the
corner and a low pitch tone was played. (panel 8) After each error or once the sequence reached a length of 21 elements, the opening screen was shown again and a new sequence started.

>> No.1386077

is that your actual email address? I'm not a haxxor lol.

copy sent

I'll post the abstract next.

>> No.1386079


Hippocampal theta oscillations have been implicated in memory formation and spatial
navigation in rats as well as humans. Theta oscillations in the rat medial frontal cortex and
hippocampus have been shown to synchronize during encoding of spatial information and both
structures are critical for encoding and retrieving of spatial information. In this study we compared
intracranial recordings from hippocampi of epilepsy patients with surface EEG measurements from
healthy subjects during a spatial sequence learning task. Our results show significant increases in
hippocampal and frontal midline theta and delta power during encoding and retrieval of spatial
sequences which supports the hypothesis that the hippocampus and medial prefrontal cortex
functionally interact during spatial navigation.

>> No.1386090 [DELETED] 

forgot tripcode

>> No.1386087

>Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently:

> logon180@gmail.com

Are you sure that's right?

>> No.1386096

forgot tripcode

>> No.1386106

StoP_fUckinG_aTtAcKING_www.ANOLaWltaLk.se repLAcE lAwL WiTH n
njiy oaarm t wfeojajr h jaiztsnhe pevklo cktyccad bl a z

>> No.1386200


>> No.1386210

Minor grammatical error here:

> Our results show significant increases... which supports the hypothesis that...

Should be 'support', singular, I reckon.

>> No.1386214


>> No.1386218

on second thought, isn't it correct? The fact that our results show x supports y

>> No.1386234


masters in psych. fire away.

>> No.1386236 [DELETED] 

Nah I'm almost certain 'support' is right.

"Our results support."
"Our results supports."
It's the plural results which are supporting.

>> No.1386239

one email coming up!

>> No.1386255

It looks fine to me and I'm a professional writer.

>> No.1386273

Do you mean the original sentence looks fine or the corrected one?

>> No.1386290

like a scientists writer or the /lit/ type?

>> No.1386313

OP sent me a virus

>> No.1386331

op sent me gay porn

(moar please)

>> No.1386338

what the fuck

>> No.1386348

>>1386234 here

"How exactly". Take out the adverb.
The neural processes involved in navigating our environment and the neural storage processes for spatial information have been subject to lengthy investigation.

Indent the first paragraph

Although its role is less established than in rodents,

take out adverbs "also" "well" and so on.

arent -- are not

You might want to say something about the testing environment for both sets of subjects. Might be relevant. Light levels, ambient noise, computer monitor used to display the test.

Some of this is personal preference, but i feel that it makes the paper smoother. I think that some of your sentences and structure can be cleaned up some, but it reads fine at this point.

Overall, a good paper. It reads well and it is understandable.

>> No.1386353

OP, upload to file distribution service. I don't recall the passes to any of my potentially-risky email accounts.

>> No.1386378

Thanks! That's useful feedback.

As for the testing environment stuff, I don't have the information for the iEEG group available, so I'd have to write that section for only one group. It's non essential information and in the interest of time I left it out.

>> No.1386396

I'd rather not upload it to anywhere as it's still unpublished. If you really want to read it you can email me. I won't disclose you email address to anyone.

>> No.1386409

I support this science thread.
(But I have no idea about neuroscience.)

>> No.1386417


>> No.1386496 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386502

what the fuck is with this retarded spam?

>> No.1386507 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386672

ima bumpin' yo shit OP

>> No.1386853

were not your personnel editors.

>> No.1386920

I just asked if someone would want to. If you don't than go ahead and ignore the thread

>> No.1387382

Bump for science.

>> No.1387498


dont know a grand much about neuroscience but it sounds like ill be able to follow your paper just fine. ill try and give advise thats not just grammar-related.

>> No.1387848

thanks, I sent you a copy

>> No.1387890

that's some weird robo shit OP

>> No.1387891

inb4 OP gets doubled on his paper

>> No.1387901


>> No.1387930

Very interested, please send it to : whisperingeye420b@gmail.com (obvious junk account is obvious)

>> No.1387968

Copy sent!