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/sci/ - Science & Math

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File: 10 KB, 400x263, iqcb354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1385691 No.1385691 [Reply] [Original]

I'm doing a bit of a research, /sci/, help me out.

Post your IQ and name a few concepts and their difficulty level for you to comprehend them, ranging from 1 to 10.

Hopefully, this shouldn't be a problem given that you're all anonymous.

>> No.1385698

Rotating frames of reference about 8 I think

>> No.1385703

inb4 over 9000

>> No.1385704

How am I to know my IQ? Never did any decent test.

>> No.1385707

Females - 10.

>> No.1385709
File: 2 KB, 210x187, 1266253081562.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1385715

though I'm only 144

>> No.1385716

I cant figure out what you are asking. rather, i can, but cant be bothered to supply my own concepts because i can only immediately think of things that would be 10 or zero.

>> No.1385717

hail nah
einstein's IQ is estimated to be in the 80s

>> No.1385747


>> No.1385763

inb4 whole /sci/ claims to be in the top 2.23%

>> No.1385822

167 here.
Quantum Field Theory is bullshit.

>> No.1385982

Mine is 116
Did the test when i was 13

>> No.1385990
File: 35 KB, 527x747, feynman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

125 here.

>> No.1385996

Why the big bang theory is considered funny. 10

>> No.1385999

133 at age 18

>> No.1386006


Nothing really so far (only going into second year mechanical engineering though). Maybe some stuff involving electric fields and Gauss's law

>> No.1386017

139 last time I checked

>> No.1386019

The first and last time I checked was at age 10, and I got 128. Don't know what I am now.

>> No.1386024


It's not so much as things are hard or difficult, I just don't have enough time to learn everything that I don't know yet.

>> No.1386023 [DELETED] 

Stop fuCKinG_aTTAcKiNG wWw.ANoLawlTalK.sE_RepLAce lAWl wIth N
bwhj k l j a zyqu tct kdevh e ffygs oi h

>> No.1386026

ITT: Everyone has a 130+ IQ

>> No.1386030

109 IQ

Why people still belive in supernatural beings 3

>> No.1386035

I've never done a real test, 120 on facebook

Why George Lucas ruined my dreams: 7

>> No.1386036

not me ^__^

Mine was 120 when i was younger but seems to hang around 115 these days.

must be dem video games

>> No.1386039


>> No.1386043

Time -10

>> No.1386044

200+ or ovr 9000 (depends on whether I'm taking the test or developing a new one)

>> No.1386051

>implying they are not

>> No.1386052
File: 135 KB, 576x864, 1256031368395.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: we examine the psychological FACT that people over estimate themselves.


>> No.1386054

if your IQ isn't above 120 you should just leave

>> No.1386059

i can't comprehend the fact of 4th,5thetc. dimensions

>> No.1386067


superconductivity - 7

>> No.1386086



In terms of IQ style questions not much stumps me consistantly, just a random question might stump me.

I have troubles sometimes visualising qritten functions, I usually have to plot them before I can understand what they represent :/

>> No.1386093

You appreciate no research done online like this will ever be meaningful?

>> No.1386103

I got a 142 in high school. I'm smart enough to know that I'm not that smart, and IQ tests are a fun way to pass the time, and don't give any real insight into someone's level of intelligence..

>> No.1386146

Logical Fallacies - 7

>> No.1386157

Infinity - 8

>> No.1386253
File: 75 KB, 756x643, 182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how heisenbergs uncertainty principle is applicable to our everyday lives - 2

why solving the poincare whatever was more satisfying than a million dollar prize - 10

>> No.1386283

Why people still believe in god

>> No.1386291

That's my result, you bastard.

>> No.1386293
File: 25 KB, 921x606, facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He thinks that's a valid test.

>> No.1386299


>> No.1386311

142 here, at this level of intelligence my pretentiousness is 1/2 that of someone between 100-140 but double someone <100

>> No.1386320


Thinking of a concept to explain to OP: 5

My brain is in standby mode. Uni doesn't go back till August, and I have to retake Engineering Maths 1, lulz.

>> No.1386327

I don't know.
Nothing is hard for me.

>> No.1386354

IQ: 98


>> No.1386358

110 here i'm doing 3rd year Networking and Electical Engineering (hard-ware design)
Working out the logic and building modern day processors (quantum computing fucks with me)

>> No.1386367

116. I'm not special and don't claim to be.

>> No.1386384
File: 22 KB, 500x500, perpetualMotion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

85 here.
Why no will will recognize that they encounter perpetual motion devices on an every day basis: 9

pic related

>> No.1386387



Tell me what you do for a living, give me hope.

>> No.1386404

I'm guessing custodial engineer

>> No.1386410

I don't know jack shit about anything other than weed and hockey. Do you want to discuss Ilya Kovalchuk or White Widow? No? Go fuck yourself.

>> No.1386414

My IQ is unmeasurable by your filthy human intellect scale but if I were to lower myself to such primitive measuring standards it would be much higher than 1,000

>> No.1386415

I only did a serious IQ test when I was really young. I got 12X or something.

>> No.1386416

>My face when your IQ can be changed.
>I have no face

>> No.1386422

>implying any IQ tests actually mean anything
silly /sci/, your antics never cease to amuse.

>> No.1386428

magnets - 10

>> No.1386432


>> No.1386438 [DELETED] 

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386439

iq 98
meaning of life - 1
existance - 1
global politics - 1

>> No.1386451

(Currently attend a community college for the custodial arts.)
The universe - 10
Jews- 5
poetry - 10^X

>> No.1386462

how the fuck do i find out my iq?

>> No.1386467

Mashed taters-10 (how do they do it?)

>> No.1386469

you take 20 tests and calculate the avarage.

>> No.1386470

all of you who scored less than 120 get the fuck out

>> No.1386478


I am remarkably average!

>> No.1386487

where on earth would i go to take an IQ test ?

I know most online test are bulltits, and will probably tell me i'm smarter than i am.

>> No.1386495

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386508

ITT: i habe a iq off 153

>> No.1386515

Never taken one IRL.

Internets give me answers from 119-157
I most often get 129.

>> No.1386545

There are many of those quotes that keeps the ?surgeon inspired about his job, they also help him jump these large obstacles in life. Fortunately, the quotes have been released to the public to help inspire fellow surg?ons:-

"At 10, I was intrigued by surgery, I wanted to be surgeon for a long time. I love doctor shows and surgery shows. Blood is not an issue for me. I even took pictures once of me getting my blood taken. "

"Dr Babanga, my local doctor, recommended that I should perhaps try superflex before and after breakfast"

"Humanity abhors, above all things, a vacuum in itself, and your class will be cut off from humanity as the ?surgeon slowly cuts the cancer and alien growth from the body. "

Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired
Fantastic, the ?surgeon is ?inspired


>> No.1386589

People who believe in internet IQ tests have an actual IQ of less than 100.

>> No.1386648


Or have low self esteem...

>> No.1389068


>> No.1389081

My IQ is potato.

Also, I hate that only some of these posts are trolls.

>> No.1390664

in the 130's based on some far from adequate tests.

Math for the most part is something I am fascinated by, but can't ever seem to remember anything about it.
But when I am asked to comprehend something or am given facts about things they stay in my mind for ever.

>> No.1390692

145ish (extrapolated from SAT+ACT)
History - 1
English - 3
Biology - 4
Chemistry - 4
Physics 2 - 4
Calculus 1 - 5
Digital Logic - 5
Physics 1 - 6
Calculus 2 - 6
Physics 3 - 6
Calculus 3 - 7

>> No.1390709


things that are not explained through graphics or experience, I am a very spacial person

>> No.1390711



>> No.1390729

also things that are tl;dr

>> No.1390754

I've taken a million irl tests and I always get 139 - 142.

There aren't many things I don't understand if I take the time to research them. But maybe believing that you understand everything is a sign that you don't understand anything at all.

>> No.1393136

131, tested in 2nd grade
i have trouble with remembering what i read over a period of time if its in a novel. tend to have poor short term memory but great long term

>> No.1393144

I don't really know my IQ, but I'd wager it's at least slightly above average.

I've never had trouble understanding anything, provided i had the proper background knowledge and a proper explanation.

>> No.1393150

scratch that, i have trouble understanding religious zeal and complete faith in anything.

>> No.1393173

135 ish
Taylor and Maclaurin Series, the stuff on Wikipedia makes fuck all sense to me...

Then again differentiation on Wikipedia made no sense to me but when we came to do it in class it was piss easy with the teachers explanation.

>> No.1393188


About a 120-125.

Basic Algebra - 7
Trigonometry - 4
Logic - 3
Objective Arguments (written or spoken) - 3

>> No.1393194

200+ Master race

I don't understand other people - 10

>> No.1393203

Wikipedia is just a bunch of over opinionated people cataloging their own drivel. It's more of a reference that a tutorial, especially for sciences

>> No.1393206

67, getting dressed.

>> No.1393211


Yeah don't try to use wikipedia to understand new concepts.

>> No.1393221

Actually that's a two edge watch u ma call it - exceptional people underrate themselves while sub par fagots have huge egos. Eventually it becomes obvious who has "intelligence" thus a little gloating is well deserved. Sort of like an ugly Betty becoming hot, she will be a slut for a few years. Well deserved I say

>> No.1393233

Are there any good websites for this?

>> No.1393339

fractions 9

>> No.1393367 [DELETED] 
File: 52 KB, 296x299, 1277699998957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really guys?

>> No.1393423

What do you find difficult about fractions?

>> No.1393583


fractions: 100/10

>> No.1393609

Please, don't start with this shit. It's just a proof for the IQ being flawed by giving high scores (inb4 internet test) to dumb people.

Thanks you for not posting or saging in this thread.

Don't bother answering this, your first answer to this thread already showed you're silly

>> No.1393611

no you're silly

>> No.1393612

jkmsj djbdwy ul hdasev hml yb r pw

>> No.1393627

Real IQ tests max out at 180, apart from a few outdated ones that haven't been used in decades. Anyone claiming higher is lying.

Also, only around 10% of the population have an IQ over 120, so unless the vast majority of this thread's posters are fucking geniuses, everyone's full of shit or trusting obviously-fake internet tests.

Unless you have it administered by a psychologist, the results aren't considered valid.

>> No.1393661


Your speech is effective against these worms, kind sir. You should copypasta it on every cancerous thread, to make /sci/ a little better.